Agb 2 Heath
Agb 2 Heath
Agb 2 Heath
2.1. Background
Health is the level of functional and metabolic
efficiency of a living organism. The World Health
Organization (WHO-2006) defined human health
in its broader sense as “a state of complete
physical, mental, and social well-being and not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. (http:/
Health, or health and well-being, are also includes
a supportive environment, personal security,
freedom of choice, social relationships, adequate
employment and income, access to educational
resources, and cultural identity (Diaz et al., 2006;
Millennium Assessment 2005).
Over the last decade, health promotion practitioners have increasingly been asked to think
about the relationships between humans and the environment in terms of ecosystems (Brown,
1994) and to adopt an ‘ecological’ approach to health promotion (Kickbusch, 1989) with the
environment an integral part of human development (Hancock, 1993a).
disease-causing organisms. Cleaning processes (e.g., hand
washing) remove infectious microbes as well as dirt and soil,
and are thus often the means to achieve hygiene.
Sustainable sanitation considers the entire “sanitation value chain”, from the experience of
the user, excreta and wastewater collection methods, transportation or conveyance of waste,
treatment, and reuse or disposal. The term is widely used since about 2009. In 2007
the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance defined five sustainability criteria to compare the
sustainability of sanitation systems. In order to be sustainable, a sanitation system has to be
economically viable, socially acceptable, technically and institutionally appropriate, and it
should also protect the environment and the natural resource
Sustainable Development – the core concept for the Post-2015 Development Agenda –
provides an integrated response to the complex environmental, societal, economic and
governance challenges that directly and disproportionately affect children. With appropriate
focus, investment and innovation, the Post-2015 Development Agenda presents an
unprecedented opportunity to create a World Fit for All Children.
The relationship between children and sustainable development is symbiotic. Progress in
sustainable development underpins child rights and well-being, and conversely, child rights
and well-being underpin lasting and equitable development progress. Finding the balance
to achieve progress for all in today’s world and for future generations depends upon three
key propositions:
1. Sustainable development starts with safe, healthy and well-educated children;
2. Safe and sustainable societies are, in turn, essential for sensitive groups such as children,
women and elderly; and
3. Children’s voices, choices and participation are critical for the sustainable future we want.
Curative Interventions
(Physical & Mental State) Environmental Economical
Fig.-2.3. Flow chart showing relationship of health, hygiene and sanitation with sustainable development
2.4. Scope
The strong synergies between health and nutrition (World Bank 2013) are well-documented;
good health is not possible without good nutrition. Malnutrition remains one of the main
determinants of the global burden of disease, with 45% of child mortality attributable to under
nutrition (Black et. al. 2013).
The major challenges faced by the sanitation sector are the lack of proper sanitation for the majority,
ill effects owing to poor sanitation, water shortage and pollution, food insecurity and unplanned
urban growth. The population un-served by sanitation facility is about 40% of the world population.
Approximately 6000 children die every day from diarrheal diseases related to inadequate sanitation
and hygiene. About 1 billion people worldwide-mostly children - are infested with intestinal worms
and as a result suffer from nutritional deficiency and poor growth. Both these groups of diseases
are mostly transmitted through unhygienic conditions. Sewage discharges are a major component
of water pollution all over the world. Only a small portion of the polluted water is treated before it is
discharged into open water channels or bodies. Pollutants Components of SDG 6: Availibility
also leak into ground water from sewers, septic tanks, and Sustainable Management of
Water and Satition for All
soak pit toilets and cesspools. By 2030, more than half of
world population will face shortage of water. 6.1
The sanitation practices promoted today are either based 6.5 6.2
on hiding the human excreta in deep pits (drop-and- SYSTEM SDG 6 AND
store) or on flushing them away and diluting them in WATER AND
rivers, lakes and the sea (flush-and–discharge). Whereas
6.5 6.3
ecological sanitation is based on three fundamental WATER WATER
principles which are preventing pollution rather than MANAGE- QUALITY
attempting to control it after we pollute; sanitizing the urine WATER-USE
and faeces; and using the safe products for agricultural EFFIENCY
Spurred on by Agenda Goals, along with changing national realities, many low and middle-
income countries will need to invest heavily in sanitation in the next decade. The decisions
they make and the approaches they take today will have far-reaching consequences for
sustainability and for the well-being of their citizens.
Sanitation is an integral piece of the sustainable development puzzle. The right sanitation
systems can not only minimize health and environmental risks associated with open
defecation and poorly managed waste disposal, but also, in many cases, yield multiple
benefits in areas from health to food security, resilient livelihoods, business growth, energy,
and ecosystem services. The Initiative focus on “productive” sanitation approaches.
Promotion and demonstration of safe hygiene practices – i.e., hand-washing with soap,
food hygiene, menstrual hygiene management, safe stool disposal, and solid waste
management – at the household, community and institutional level needs to be carried out
collaboratively with the health, education, community development and business development
sectors . The success of these programs involves ensuring that schools and health facilities
enable the practice of safe hygiene behaviors and those health workers and educators are
trained on appropriate behavior change Communication. Developing educational and
communication materials for WASH, and strengthening school health club programs, are
also instrumental to reinforcing hygiene promotion in schools.
The concept of WASH, groups together water, sanitation, and hygiene because the impact of
deficiencies in each area overlap strongly. Addressing these deficiencies together can achieve a
strong positive impact on public health.
The UN’s Millennium Development Goals included improvement of WASH services in Target 7.C:
“Halve, by 2015, the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water
and basic sanitation. This has been replaced by the Sustainable Development Goals, where Target
6 aims to “ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”.
Access to WASH, in particular safe water, adequate sanitation, and proper hygiene education,
can reduce illness and death, and also affect poverty reduction and socio-economic development.
Lack of sanitation contributes to approximately 700,000 child deaths every year due to diarrhea.
Chronic diarrhea can have a negative effect on child development (both physical and cognitive) In
addition, lack of WASH facilities can prevent students from attending school, impose a burden on
women and diminish productivity.
Although access to sanitation has been improving over the past decades, the World Health
Organization (WHO) estimates that still “2.5 billion people – more than one third of the global
population – live without basic sanitation facilities”. In 2015, 750 million people lacked access to
safe, clean drinking water and approximately 2,300 people die every day from diarrhoea
Policies made in all sectors can have a profound effect on population health and health
equity. The health of people is not solely a health sector responsibility; it is also impacted by
issues such as transport,
agriculture, housing, trade and
foreign policy. To address the
multi-sectoral nature of health
determinants requires the political
will to engage the whole of
government in health. The health
sector should promote “Health for
All” policy across sectors that
systematically takes into account
the health implications on
decisions, seeks synergies and
avoids harmful health impacts in
order to improve population
health and health equity and address the social determinants of health.
In short;
l Today more than 1 billion people are chronically undernourished and food insecure.
illness and disease that in turn contribute to lower productivity and life expectancies.
l Poor nutrition undermines economic growth. According to UNICEF, billions of children
2.5. Project Ideas
Project – 1:
Bio-filtration/bio-remediation processes
to improve water quality for reuse
About 30% of the drinking quality of water is used everyday to flush the toilets, Grey water
(from kitchen, bath and wash) generated in a household if treated can be reused for flushing
toilets and gardening purposes using reed-bed (a channel filled with pebbles with aquatic
plants growing on it), it would be possible to improve the quality of water for reuse.
1) To assess the quality and quantity of water required for different household uses
2) To understand the influence of growing microbial and plant communities on the quality of
water passing through it
3) To understand the influence of residence time on the emergent water quality
1) Collect samples of Grey water (Kitchen, Bath, Wash)
and check for its quality (bacterial and physical)
2) Construct a reed bed in a plastic drum by filling it with
clean pebbles and planting wetland plants (plants
growing on the submerged edges of ponds)
3) Pass the grey water from the bottom to emerge from
the top
4) Monitor the water quality difference between the
incoming and outgoing water
5) Increase the residence time of grey water in the reed
bed and record its influence on emergent water quality
6) Determine the optimum size of a reedbed required by a
Expected outcome
1. Understanding the way in which wetlands purify water
2. Understanding designing and sizing of a reedbed to suit family needs
3. Appreciation of simple, economical ways of reusing & conserving water at household
Project – 2:
Study of plant and animal diversity in a pond as
an indicator of water quality
Aquatic biota are very sensitive to
water quality. As the water quality
deteriorates the plant and animal
communities also change. Studying
the presenceof flora and faunain
ponds of different water quality will
help in understanding the tolerance
of biota to pollution.
1. Understanding the influence of
water quality on the aquatic biota
2. To relate the presence or
absence of aquatic fauna and flora
to pollution levels
1. Identify ponds of different pollution status in your locality
2. Study the presence of macro fauna and flora, and identify them
3. Collect the water samples from the ponds and test their quality (physico-chemical and
biological including bacteriological)
4. Relate the water quality to the presence of the aquatic biota
Expected outcome
1. To appreciate the sensitivity of the aquatic biota to changing water quality
2. To understand the influence of pollution level on the aquatic ecosystem
3. To be able to use the presence or absence of the aquatic biota to predict water quality
Project – 3:
Personal hygiene – for not missing out on studies
To establish role between personal hygiene and
health in everyday life, particularly for students
1. Design and develop a questionnaire with key
questions related to personal hygiene (hand-
washing, bathing, using soap, cleanliness – hair,
nail, frequency of keeping oneself clean, and the
2. Record number of children absent for a definite
period (may be for a month)
3. Assess reasons behind the absence, and identify
number absent due to illness
4. Correlate type of illness with parameters of personal hygiene (a common factor among
5. Record number of classes, chapters in different subjects missed out by the absentees
6. Record level of personal hygiene followed by the others who has been present all through
the study period
7. Create awareness about personal hygiene measures to be taken and the manner in
which these are to be adopted
Expected Results
Establish the role of personal hygiene with the missed out studies, signifying importance
attached to personal hygiene on day-to-day basis.
Project- 4:
Improving quality of potable water
Assess quality of potable water in school / community and
make it fit for consumption (if not consumable) using suitable
mechanisms / process
1. Collect 100 ml of water sample in a dry and clean (free
from any kind of chemicals) bottle or container from the
2. Analyze the sample collected for physical (color, smell,
turbidity, etc.), chemical (pH, metals, etc.), and microbial
(algae, bacteria, etc.) properties, at school / college /
research institute / laboratory
3. Establish whether the sample water, based on properties analyzed, fit for consumption
4. If found unfit for consumption, use suitable mechanism / process, like bio-filtration (filtration
through specific type of plant and the likes)
5. After processing, reanalyze for properties
Expected Results
Establish the efficacy of the bio-filtration
Project – 5:
Perform studies to understand the cognitive development in kids due
to extended exposure to electronic media
1) To develop an understanding of changing lifestyle amongst children
2) To explore and understand the overall psychological problems of children.
3) To develop a comparative understanding of lifestyles of rural children and urban children
with respect to the impact of exposure to electronic media day to day activities
4) Finding out if there is any relationship between children who are engaged in excessive
exposure to Internet/cell phones with behaviours such as parent conflict/difficulty in making
friends/other social changes in behaviour
Changing lifestyles: lack of physical activities, excessive uncontrolled use of digital gadgets
and online social media, decreasing social communication, competitiveness, diversified
backgrounds and many such reasons attributing to growing stress, anxiety and other disorders
amongst children.
1) Base line surveys of children living in rural areas as well as urban areas
2) Surveys should act as an instrument to understand children’s engagement with Digital
Gadgets and Online Social Media/Apps eg. (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp)
and understanding their response, activity and behavioral patterns of the students etc.
3) Key information interviews/questionnaires – children, parents and teachers from both
rural and urban communities
Expected Results
1) Change in Rural & Urban lifestyle Map with respect to exposure to digital Media and its
2) Analysis of current trends in use of electronic media for a given set of demographic
3) Report on relationship between children who are engaged in excessive exposure to
Internet/cell phones with deviant social behaviours
Case Study-1
Aging is a critical societal concern in developed countries and many high class families in
developing countries like ours as well. Especially, the elderly living alone may face various
health problems in their daily lives. Social welfare organizations or people themselves hire
social caregivers to help the senior citizens who live alone; however, there often is a shortage
of professional caregivers due to steep increase in elderly population and insufficient budget.
You would like to address this problem by developing a cheap technology-driven solution to
monitor and help the elderly on a daily basis.
Case Study-2
Problem: Unobtrusive Fall Monitoring
Lots of elderly people fall unexpectedly at home due to their weakened muscles and motor
ability. Also, internal health problems like stroke could cause sudden falls. Fall is one of the
biggest threats to the elderly, especially for those who live alone, since they cannot get
immediate help from their family. You would like to design an accurate and robust sensor-
driven system to monitor if an elderly falls. Upon the detection of fall, your system will
automatically call an ambulance and notify a nearby hospital.
You have the following four objectives for the design of your system: (1) high coverage (the
whole apartment unit needs to be covered), (2) low cost (the cost of sensors should be less
than 15,000INR per house), and (3) low false negative rate (ideally, all falls need to be
detected while you can have a few false positives), (4) passive monitoring (the elderly does
not want to wear or hold any types of devices).
A key part of this system is to monitor the occurrence of falls. The requirements for its first
version are:1) to detect ‘catastrophic falls’ where the elderly person falls and unconscious or
immobile for more than 30 seconds, and 2) to cover a one-bedroom apartment unit (with 1
main door, 1 living room, 1 bedroom, 1 kitchen and 1 bathroom) where one elderly person
lives alone. You don’t have to consider scenarios where the elderly falls and gets up within
30 seconds or there are visitors at home who can provide in-situ help.
17. Safe use of anthropogenic waste in agriculture.
18. Impact of use of public transport on community health.
19. Improving occupational health.
20. Promoting city health through sensing technologies
21. Unobtrusive fall monitoring of the elderly.
Full immunization against preventable childhood diseases is the right of every child. With a
view to provide this right to every child, the Government of India launched the Universal
Immunization Program (UIP) in 1985, one of the largest health programs of its kind in the
Despite being operational for over 30 years, UIP has been able to fully immunize only 65%
children in the first year of their life and the increase in coverage has stagnated in the past 5
years to an average of 1% every year.
To strengthen and invigorate the program and achieve full immunization coverage for all children
at a rapid pace, the Government of India launched Mission Indradhanush in December 2014.
Mission Indradhanush will ensure that all children under the age of two years and pregnant
women are fully immunized with all available vaccines.
National Deworming Day
The National Deworming Day is an initiative of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government
of India to make every child in the country worm free. This is one of the largest public health
programs reaching large number of children during a short period.
More than 836 million children are at risk of parasitic worm infections worldwide. According to
World Health Organization 241 million children between the ages of 1 and 14 years are at risk of
parasitic intestinal worms in India, also known as Soil-Transmitted Helminths (STH).
About STH:
Helminths (worms) which are transmitted through soil contaminated with faecal matter are called
soil-transmitted helminths (Intestinal parasitic worms). Roundworm (Ascarislumbricoides), whipworm
(Trichuristrichiura) and hookworms (Necatoramericanus and Ancylostomaduodenale) are worms
that infect people.
STH transmission:
s Adult worms live in human intestines for food and survival and produce thousands of eggs each
s Eggs are passed in the faeces of infected person.
s Infected people who defecate outdoors spread worm eggs in the soil.
s Eggs contaminate the soil and spread infection in several ways: ?
s Ingested through vegetables that are not carefully cooked, washed or peeled;
s ingested from contaminated water sources;
s ingested by children who play in soil and then put their hands in their mouths without washing
s STH infectionscan lead to anemia, malnutrition, impaired mental and physical & cognitive
development, and reduced school participation.
STH Infections can be prevented by:
s Using sanitary toilets, not defecating outside
s Hand-washing, particularly before eating and after using toilets
s Wearing slippers and shoes
s Washing fruits and vegetables in safe and clean water
s Eating properly cooked food
Objective of National Deworming Day:
The objective of National Deworming Day is to deworm all preschool and school-age children
(enrolled and non-enrolled) between the ages of 1-19 years through the platform of schools and
AnganwadiCenters in order to improve their overall health, nutritional status, access to education
and quality of life.
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