3b India Checklist of Megachilidae

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ISSN (Online) : 2581-8686 Rec. zool. Surv. India: Vol.

123(i2S)/95-108, 2023
ISSN (Print) : 0375-1511 DOI: 10.26515/rzsi/v123/i2S/2023/172504

New distributional record of Anthidiine bee (Apoidea:

Megachilidae) from Ladakh, India and a checklist of the family
Megachilidae Latreille, 1802 (Hymenoptera: Insecta) of India

P M Osman Javid1, Rifat H. Raina2, P.C Pathania3 and Sajad H. Paray1*

Department of Zoology, School of Biosciences and Biotechnology
BGSB University, Rajouri, J&K, India
Desert Regional Centre, Zoological Survey of India, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India
The High Altitude Regional Centre, Zoological Survey of India, Saproon, Solan, India

The checklist of the Bee family Megachilidae, from India, is presented. Megachilidae is one of the hyper-diverse bee
family that includes leafcutter, resin and mason bees. In India, it is the largest bee family with a total of 179 species under
23 genera & 36 subgenera under 2 subfamilies in 3 tribes. This checklist is compiled based on the previously published
literature and new survey cum collection data carried out from 2020 to 2022. Here, one species has been recorded as
new to Ladakh namely Anthidium florentinum (Fabricius, 1775) from Zanskar, Ladakh.
Keywords: Checklist, Megachilidae, India, Distribution, Bees

Introduction of the ecosystems. There has been a unique pollen-collecting

adaptation in which the scopa of the pollen-collecting hairs
Bees belonging to the family Megachilidae are commonly
of a female is located on the ventral surface of the metasoma
called leaf cutter, wood borers, mason bees and cuckoo
in the family Megachilidae rather than mostly or exclusively
bees. They can be found in widely diverse habitats on all the
on the hind legs as in other bee families.
continents except Antarctica ranging from lowland tropical
rainforests to deserts to alpine environments (Litman et al, Bees of the tribe Anthidiini (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae)
2011). Solitary bees are of much economic value because of can be distinguished from other megachilids in Asia by the
their role in the pollination of natural, urban and agricultural short stigma and usually the presence of conspicuous yellow
vegetation. (Berenbaum et al, 2006, Gonzalez et al, 2012). or red integumental markings (Michener 2007; Kumar et al.
At present, about 4000 species under 70 subgenera are 2017). Anthidiine bees occur almost, worldwide, except in
described worldwide (Michener, 2007: Ascher & Pickering, Antarctica and Australia (except for one introduced species),
2020) whereas, more than 150 species of the genus Megachile in many different habitats. Anthidiini bees are commonly
belonging to a dozen subgenera are recognized as valid known as ‘resin and carder bees’, reflecting the materials
from Southeast Asia (Ascher & Pickering, 2020). In India from which they built their nests Soil particles or plant resins
it is the largest family with a total of 179 species belonging (Michener, 2007). The tribe Anthidiini currently consists
to 23 genera & 36 subgenera in 3 tribes under 2 subfamilies of 894 known species belonging to 40 genera worldwide
namely: Lithurginae & Megachilinae. Family Megachilidae (Ascher and Pickering 2021). The known Indian fauna
constitutes about 40% alone of the bee fauna of India (Gupta, includes 46 species (Kasparek, 2017; Kumar et al, 2017;
1993). These bees being important pollinators of many wild Ascher and Pickering, 2021).
plant species, also play an important role in the maintenance

*Author for correspondence : sajadzoo@gmail.com

Article Received on: 30.03.2023 Accepted on: 15.06.2023
New distributional record of Anthidiine bee (Apoidea: Megachilidae) from Ladakh, India and a checklist of the family Megachilidae
Latreille, 1802 (Hymenoptera: Insecta) of India

Materials and Methods Identification

This work is based on the data collected from the published For morphological identification, specimens have been
literature and some additional new distributional data is identified under stereo zoom trinocular microscope up
given based on the collection data obtained from 2020-2022 to Species-level by using dichotomous keys designed by
from Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh. These collections Bingham, 1897: Michener, 2000, 2007: Gupta, 1992 & from
were done in the plains like in Orchid gardens, agricultural the relevant literature.
fields and at the higher reaches of the Himalayas. Bee
specimens have been collected with a sweep insect net, and
killed in a glass killing bottle, by using ethyl acetate, with an Results
air-tight cap. The freshly killed specimens have been pinned Family Megachilidae Latreille, 1802
and stretched as per the standard procedure for bees. Pinned Subfamily Megachilinae
specimens belonging to the family Megachilidae had been Tribe Anthidini
separated, labelled and stored in an insect cabinet for their
Anthidium (Anthidium) florentinum Fabricius, 1775
taxonomic studies.
(Figure 1)
Apis florentina Fabricius, 1775: 384,

Figure 1. Anthidium florentinum : A, habitus, dorsal view; B, head, frontal view; C, mesosoma, dorsal view; D, metasoma,
dorsal view; and E, tergites showing lateral spines.

96 Vol 123(1S) | iS 2023 | www.recordsofzsi.com

P M Osman Javid, Rifat H. Raina, P.C Pathania and Sajad H. Paray

Diagnosis : Male.(Figure 1A). Mandible tri-dentate, yellow, 8 Lithurge (Lithurge) nigroabdominalis (Gupta, 1993)
with dark brown teeth; clypeus yellow; yellow maculation on Distribution: Haryana (Himachal Pradesh)
paraocular region almost reaching middle of the eye (Figure
9 Lithurge (Lithurge) ovoabdominalis (Gupta, 1993)
1B); vertex with lateral yellow maculation. Tegula with yellow
spot anteriorly;boomerang-shaped maculation on scutum Distribution: Haryana (Himachal Pradesh)
anterolaterally (Figure 1C); wings subhyaline; arolia absent. 10 Lithurge (Lithurge) apiformis ( Gupta, 1993)
Hind femur with ventral tooth near the base. Maculation Distribution: Haryana (Himachal Pradesh)
on all terga interrupted medially, with the interruptions 11 Lithurge (Lithurge) indicus ( Gupta, 1993)
gradually decreasing towards T6; lateral margins on T2–T4
Distribution: Haryana (Himachal Pradesh)
slightly protuberant, with sparse tufts of white pubescence
(Figure 1D); lateral spine of T5 yellow and T6 brown; T7 12 Lithurge (Lithurge) veeravaliensis (Gupta, 1993)
spiniform with three acute apical spines (Figure 1E); S6 with Distribution: Haryana (Himachal Pradesh)
median apical margin truncately produced.
2 Subfamily Megachilinae
Material examined : 2 , India, Ladakh, Zanskar, 33.2759°
N, 76.5355° E, 18 .VIII .2022, sweep net, coll. P M Osman. Tribe Anthidiini
Genus Eoanthidium Popov, 1950
Distribution: India, Nainital (Uttarakhand)
Subgenus Eoanthidium Popov, 1950
Additional material examined: Zanskar, Padam (Ladakh),
(New record) 1. Eoanthidium (Eoanthidium) adentatum (Gupta& simlot
A checklist of the species belonging to the family
Distribution: Alwar, Kota, Deeg (Rajashtan)
Megachilidae occurring in India is provided here.
2 Eoanthidium (Hemidiellum) punjabensis (Gupta&
Family Megachilidae Latreille, 1802 Sharma 1993)
Subfamily Lithurginae Michener, 1983 Distribution: Pathankot (Punjab)
Genus Lithurge Latreille, 1825
Subgenus Lithurge Latreille, 1825 Genus Dianthidium Cockerell, 1900
Subgenus Icteranthidium, Michener, 1984
1 Lithurge (Lithurge) atratus (Smith, 1853)
1. Dianthidium (Icteranthidium) sinapinum (Cockerell,
Distribution: Mussoorie, Dehradun (Uttarakhand)
2 Lithurge (Lithurge) dentipes (Smith, 1853) Distribution: Nagaur (Rajasthan)
Distribution: Gongtok (Sikkim), Kaziranga (Assam) 2. Dianthidium (Icteranthidium) saltatore (Nurse, 1901)
3 Lithurge (Lithurge) taprobanae (Cameron, 1902) Distribution: Deesa (Gujarat), Nagaur (Rajasthan)

Distribution: Solan (Himachal Pradesh), Dehradun 3. Dianthidium (Icteranthidium) tshangiricum orientale

(Uttarakhand), Ludhian (Punjab) (Mavromoustakis, 1951)

4 Lithurge (Lithurge) rufipes (Smith, 1853) Distribution: Nagaur (Rajasthan)

Distribution: Lonavala (Maharashtra) 4. Dianthidium favoclypeatum (Gupta, 1993)

5 Lithurge (Lithurge) tiwarii (Gupta & Tiwari, 1987) Distribution: Pathankot (Punjab), Dehradun
Distribution: Pondicherry
6 Lithurge (Lithurge) rubricatus (Smith, 1853) Genus Bathanthidium, Mavromoustakis, 1953
Distribution: Tiruchirapalli, Madurai (Tamil Nadu) 1. Bathanthidium (Manthidium) binghami (Friese, 1901)
7 Lithurge (Lithurge) albofacialis (Gupta, 1993) Distribution: Buxa Tiger Reserve (West Bengal)
Distribution: Haryana (Himachal Pradesh)

Zoological Survey of India 97

New distributional record of Anthidiine bee (Apoidea: Megachilidae) from Ladakh, India and a checklist of the family Megachilidae
Latreille, 1802 (Hymenoptera: Insecta) of India

Genus Trachusa Panzer, 1804 8. Anthidium alticola (Tkalcu, 1967)

Subgenus Trichanthidium Pasteels, 1969 Distribution: Kolkata (West Bengal)
1. Trachusa (Trichanthidium) himalayensis (Gupta, 1993) 9. Anthidium ordinatum (Smith, 1879)
Distribution: Dehradun (Uttarakhand) Distribution: Sikkim, Pathankote (Punjab), Rajasthan
West Bengal
Subgenus Orientotrachusa Gupta, 1993
10. Anthidium saltator (Nurse, 1902)
2. Trachusa (Orientotrachusa) orientale (Bingham, 1897)
Distribution: Gulmarg, Baramulla (Kashmir),
Distribution: Pune (Maharashtra), Solan (Himachal
Mussoorie (Uttarakhand)
Pradesh), Alwar (Rajasthan)
11. Anthidium longstaffi (Mavromoustakis, 1948)
3. Trachusa (Orientotrachusa) flavomaculatum (Cameron,
1897) Distribution: Gulmarg, Baramulla (Kashmir),
Dehradun, Mussoorie (Uttarakhand)
Distribution: Kota (Rajasthan), Bingham 1897, records
from Poona (Maharashtra)
Genus Anthidiellum Cockerell, 1904
4. Trachusa (Orientotrachusa) serratocaudata (Gupta,
Sharma & Simlote 1993) Subgenus Pycnanthidium

Distribution: Deesa (Gujarat), Nagaur ( Rajasthan) 1. Anthidiellum (Pycnanthidium) carinatum (Wu, 1962)
Distribution: Dharmanagar (Tripura), Hainan, Yunnan
(China), (Wu 1962)
Genus Anthidium Fabricius, 1805
Subgenus Anthidium Fabricius, 1805
Genus Parevaspis Ritsema, 1874
Genus Anthidum Fabricius, 1805
Subgenus Parevaspis Ritesma, 1874
1. Anthidium (Anthidium) florentinum (Fabricius, 1775)
1. Parevaspis (Parevaspis) carbonaria (Smith, 1854)
Distribution: Nainital (Uttarakhand), Zanskar, Padam
(Ladakh), (New record) Distribution: Alwar, Sikar (Rajasthan), Pathankot
Subgenus Proanthidium Friese, 1898
2. Anthidium (Proanthidium) qingtaoi (Niu and Zhu, 2020)
Tribe Osmiini
Distribution: Chumathang (Ladakh), China (Xizang)
(Niu et al 2020) Genus Heriades Spinola, 1908

3. Anthidium (Proanthidium) conciliatum (Nurse, 1903) Subgenus Michenerella Krombein, 1950

Distribution: Gulmarg, Baramulla (Kashmir), Manali 1. Heriades (Michenerella) longifaciatus (Gupta & Tewari,
(Himachal Pradesh) 1987)

4. Anthidium (proanthidium) kashmirensis Distribution: Kullu (Himachal Pradesh), Dehradun,

(Mavromoustakis, 1937) Mussoorie (Uttarakhand)

Distribution: Gulmarg, Baramulla, Kupwara (Kashmir) 2. Heriades (Michenerella) tenuis (Nurse, 1904)

5. Anthidium (Proanthidium) sikkimense (Mavromoustakis, Distribution: Deesa (Gujarat), Kullu (Himachal

1937) Pradesh)

Distribution: Gangtok (Sikkim) 3. Heriades (Michenerella) binghami (Cameron, 1897)

6. Anthidium (Proanthidium) nursei (Cockerell, 1992) Distribution: Deesa (Gujarat)

Distribution: Dehradun (Uttarakhand), Gulmarg 4. Heriades (Michenerella) rufoflagellatus (Gupta & Simlote,
(Kashmir) Kullu (Himachal Pradesh) 1993)

7. Anthidium (Proanthidium) himalayense (Gupta & Distribution: Manali, Kangra (Himachal Pradesh)
Simlote, 1995)
Distribution: Mussoorie (Uttarakhand), Gulmarg
(Kashmir), Kargil, Leh (Ladakh)

98 Vol 123(1S) | iS 2023 | www.recordsofzsi.com

P M Osman Javid, Rifat H. Raina, P.C Pathania and Sajad H. Paray

Genus orientoheriades Gupta, 1987 16. Orientoheriades pulchripes (Cameron, 1987)

1. Orientoheriades indicus (Gupta, Sharma & Simlote, Distribution: Mussoorie (Uttarakhand)
1993) 17. Orientoheriades bidentatus (Gupta & Simlote, 1993)
Distribution: Kullu (Himachal Pradesh) Distribution: Kullu (Himachal Pradesh)
2. Orientoheriades nursei (Gupta & Sharma, 1993)
Distribution: Nagwani, Kullu (Himachal Pradesh) Genus Pseudoheriades Peters, 1970
3. Orientoheriades patella (Nurse, 1902) 1. Pseudoheriades rajasthaniensis (Gupta, Sharma &
Distribution: Kulla, Manali, Mandi (Himachal Pradesh), Simlote, 1993)
Nurse 1901, collected from Shimla (Himachal Pradesh) Distribution: Udaipur (Rajasthan)
4. Orientoheriades nigrous (Gupta & Sharma , 1993) 2. Pseudoheriades himalayensis ( Gupta, Sharma & simlote,
Distribution Kullu (Himachal Pradesh) 1993)
5. Orientoheriades solanensis (Gupta, Simlote & Sharma , Distribution: Kullu (Himachal Pradesh)
Distribution: Solan (Himachal Pradesh) Genus Noteriades Cockerell, 1931
6. Orientoheriades micheneri (Gupta, 1993) 1. Noteriades infasciatus ( Simlote & Gupta, 1993)
Distribution: Kansas (Uttarakhand) Distribution: Sundernagar (Himachal Pradesh)
7. Orientoheriades orientalis (Gupta, 1987) collected by Simlote 1992
Distribution: Kullu, Manali, Kangra (Himachal 2. Noteriades himalayensis (Simlote & Gupta, 1993)
Pradesh) Distribution Kullu, Manali (Himachal Pradesh)
8. Orientoheriades erectus (Gupta, 1987) 3. Noteriades tergofasciatus (Simlote & Gupta, 1993)
Distribution: Kullu, Manali (Himachal Pradesh) Distribution: Kullu (Himachal Pradesh)
9. Orientoheriades himalayensis (Gupta, 1993) 4. Noteriades striolatus (Cameron, 1906)
Distribution: Kullu (Himachal Pradesh) Distribution: Sundernagar (Himachal Pradesh)
10. Orientoheriades haryanensis (Gupta, Sharma & simlote,
Genus Spinasternella Gupta & Sharma, 1993
Distribution: Sonipat (Haryana)
1. Spinasternella mevatus (Gupta & Sharma , 1993)
11. Orientoheriades auroscopatus (Gupta, sharma & simlote
Distribution: Mevat (Haryana) Alwar (Rajasthan)
2. Spinasternella pentatuberculata (Gupta & Sharma , 1993)
Distribution: Kullu, Manali, (Himachal Pradesh)
Distribution: Alwar (Rajasthan) Mandi (Himachal
12. Orientoheriades fasciatus (Gupta, Sharma & simlote
3. Spinasternella rufomandibulata (Gupta & Sharma , 1993)
Distribution: Manali, Kullu (Himachal Pradesh)
Distribution: Tolawas, Alwar (Rajasthan)
13. Orientoheriades hexadenticulatus (Gupta, Sharma &
simlote, 1993)
Distribution: Kullu, Manali (Himachal Pradesh) Genus Hoplitis Klug, 1807

14. Orientoheriades rufomarginatus (Gupta, Sharma & Subgenus Liosmia Thomson, 1872
simlote, 1993) 1. Hoplitis( Liosmia) freygessneri (Fries, 1899)
Distribution: Kullu, Manali (Himachal Pradesh) Distribution: Pathankot , Batala (Punjab)
15. Orientoheriades lobatus (Gupta, & sharma, 1993) Subgenus Tridentosmia Schmied, 1886
Distribution: Manali (Himachal Pradesh) 2. Hoplitis (Tridentosmia) karakalensis (Popov, 1936)
Distribution: Pathankot (Punjab)

Zoological Survey of India 99

New distributional record of Anthidiine bee (Apoidea: Megachilidae) from Ladakh, India and a checklist of the family Megachilidae
Latreille, 1802 (Hymenoptera: Insecta) of India

3. Hoplitis (Tridentosmia) moricei (Friese, 1899) 9. Osmia (Chalcosmia) sita (Nurse, 1904)
Distribution: Manali (Himachal Pradesh) Distribution: Manali (Himachal Pradesh)
Subgenus Caerulosmia Zanden, 1988
Genus Anthocopa Lepeletier & Serville, 1825 10. Osmia (Caerulosmia) sponsa (Nurse, 1904)
Subgenus: Anthocopa Lepeletier & Serville, 1825 Distribution: Manali (Himachal Pradesh) Pusa (Bihar)
1. Anthocopa (Anthocopa) rubricrus (Friese, 1899) 11. Osmia gulmargenesis (Nurse, 1903)
Distribution: Deesa (Gujarat), Ludhiana (Punjab) Distribution: Gulmarg, Srinagar (Kashmir)
2. Anthocopa (Anthocopa) saundersi (Vachal, 1891) 12. Osmia balucha (Nurse, 1 904)
Distribution: Pathankot (Punjab) Distribution: Pathankot (Punjab) Manali, Mandi
3. Anthocopa cathena (Cameron, 1908) (Himachal Pradesh)
Distribution: Deesa (Gujarat) 13. Osmia nursei (Friese, 1911)
4. Anthocopa indostana (Cameron, 1908) Distribution: Alwar, Nagaur (Rajasthan)
Distribution: Deesa (Gujarat) 14. Osmia lignaria (Say, 1837)
Distribution: Anantnag (Kashmir)
Genus Osmia Panzer, 1806
Subgenus Chalcosmia Schmied, 1886 Genus Robertsonella Titus, 1904
1. Osmia (Chalcosmia) adae (Bingham, 1897) 1. Robertsonella Himachali (Gupta, 1991)
Distribution: Kullu, Manali (Himachal Pradesh), Distribution: Kullu (Himachal Pradesh), Pathankot
Srinagar, Gulmarg (Kashmir) (Punjab)
2. Osmia (Chalcosmia) caerulescens caerulescens (Linneaus,
1758) Tribe Megachilini
Distribution: Gulmarg, Baramulla, Kupwara (Kashmir), Genus Creightonella Cockerell, 1908
Manali (Himachal Pradesh), Pusa (Bihar) 1. Creightonella albifrons (Smith, 1853)
3. Osmia cyanea (Giraud, 1866) Distribution: Alwar (Rajasthan), Bingham 1897,
Distribution: Gulmarg, Baramulla, Kupwara (Kashmir), reported from Northwest province & Bombay
Manali (Himachal Pradesh), Pusa (Bihar)
4. Osmia purpurea (Cresson, 1864) Genus Eumegachile Friese, 1899
Subgenus Sayapis Titus, 1905
Distribution: Gulmarg, Baramulla, Kupwara (Kashmir),
Manali (Himachal Pradesh), Pusa (Bihar) 1. Eumegachile (Sayapsis) subfuscus (Cameron, 1908)

5. Osmia rustica (Cresson, 1864) Distribution: Alwar, Deeg, Kota (Rajasthan), Mandi
(Himachal Pradesh), Cameron, 1908 reported from
Distribution: Gulmarg, Baramulla, Kupwara (Kashmir),
Deesa (Gujarat)
Manali (Himachal Pradesh), Pusa (Bihar)
2. Eumegachile (Sayapsis) inepta (Cameron, 1906)
6. Osmia caerulescens (Dalla torre, 1897)
Distribution: Mandi, Dharamshala (Himachal Pradesh)
Distribution: Gulmarg, Baramulla, Kupwara (Kashmir),
Manali (Himachal Pradesh), Pusa (Bihar) 3. Eumegachile (Sayapsis) tetradenta (Gupta, 1988)

7. Osmia kashmirenesis (Nurse, 1903) Distribution: Pathankot (Punjab)

Distribution: Gulmarg, Baramulla (Kashmir), Manali 4. Eumegachile (Sayapsis) rajasthaniensis (Gupta, 1988)
(Himachal Pradesh) Pusa (Bihar) Distribution: Deeg, Alwar (Rajasthan)
8. Osmia dutti (Cockerell, 1922) Subgenus Eumegachile Friese, 1899
Distribution: Gulmarg, Baramulla, Kupwara (Kashmir), 5. Eumegachie (Eumegachie) tricincta (Bingham, 1897)
Manali (Himachal Pradesh), Pusa (Bihar) Distribution: Kullu, Mandi, Solan (Himachal Pradesh)

100 Vol 123(1S) | iS 2023 | www.recordsofzsi.com

P M Osman Javid, Rifat H. Raina, P.C Pathania and Sajad H. Paray

Genus Chalicodoma Lepeletier, 1841 Distribution: Sonipat (Haryana), Mandi (Himachal

Subgenus Callomegachile Michener, 1962 Pradesh), Deesa, (Gujarat), Alwar, Sikar (Rajasthan)
1. Chalicodoma (Callomegachile) disjuncta (Fabricius, 11. Chalicodoma (Pseudomegachilie) velutina (Smith, 1853)
1781) Distribution: Northern India Smith Bingham 1897
Distribution: Udaipur (Himachal Pradesh), Sikar reported from Tenasserium
(Rajasthan) Pathankot (Punjab) 12. Chalicodoma (Pseudomegachilie) Vigilans (Smith, 1879)
2. Chalicodoma (Callomegachile) cephalotes (Smith, 1853) Distribution: Kupwara (Kashmir)
Distribution: Alwar, Deeg, Kota (Rajasthan) Ludhiana, 13. Chalicodoma (Pseudomegachilie) flavipes (Spinola, 1838)
Pathankot (Punjab), Kullu, Mandi (Himachal Pradesh), Distribution: Manali, Kangra (Himachal Pradesh),
Bingham 1897, reported from Dehradun (Uttarakhand) Gulmarg (Kashmir)
3. Chalicodoma (Callomegachile) stirostoma (Cameron, 14. Chalicodoma elfrona (Cameron, 1908)
Distribution: Dessa (Gujarat)
Distribution: Alwar, Kota (Rajasthan), Kullu (Himachal
Pradesh), Cameron 1913, reported from Dehradun Genus Cressoniella Mitchell, 1980
(Uttarakhand) Subgenus Neomegachilie Mitchell, 1934
4. Chalicodoma (Callomegachile) umbripennis (Smith, 1. Cressoniella (Neomegachilie) conjuncta (Smith, 1879)
Distribution: Mandi (Himachal Pradesh), Gharo (West
Distribution: Alwar, Deeg, Kota (Rajasthan), Ludhiana, Bengal)
Pathankot (Punjab) Kullu, Mandi (Himachal Pradesh),
2. Cressoniella (Neomegachilie) lerma (Cameron, 1908)
Bingham 1897, reported from Nepal, Sikkim &
Tenasserim (Malaysia) Distribution: Alwar (Rajasthan), Deesa (Gujarat),
Pathankot (Punjab) Kullu, Kangra (Himachal Pradesh)
5. Chalicodoma (Callomegachile) quartine (Gribodo, 1884)
Cameron, 1908 Reported from Deesa (Gujarat)
Distribution: Alwar, Deeg, Kota (Rajasthan), Ludhiana,
Subgenus Orientocressoniella Gupta, 1993
Pathankot Kullu (Punjab), Mandi (Himachal Pradesh),
Bingham 1897, reported from upper Burma & 3. Cressoniella (Orientocressoniella) relata (Smith, 1879)
Tenasserim Distribution: Alwar, Kota (Rajasthan) Kullu, Kangra,
Subgenus Chelostomoda Michener, 1962 Manali (Himachal Pradesh), Bingham 1897, reported
from Burma & China
6. Chalicodoma (Chelostomoda) phaola (Cameron, 1907)
4. Cressoniella (Orientocressoniella) anthracina (Smith,
Distribution: Sikar, Kota (Rajasthan), Cameron 1907,
reported from Deesa (Gujarat)
Distribution: Alwar, Kota (Rajasthan) Kullu, Kangra,
7. Chalicodoma (Chelostomoda) nana (Bingham, 1897)
Manali (Himachal Pradesh) Bingham 1897 reported
Distribution: Kullu, Solan (Himachal Pradesh), from throughout the North West provinces and Bengal
Bingham 1897, reported from Tenasserim (Malaysia)
5. Cressoniella (Orientocressoniella) simlaensis (Cameron,
8. Chalicodoma (Chelostomoda) saphira (Cameron, 1907) 1906)
Distribution: Manali (Himachal Pradesh) Distribution: Kullu (Himachal Pradesh), Cameron1906,
Subgenus Pseudomegachilie Friese, 1899 reported from Shimla (Himachal Pradesh)
9. Chalicodoma (Pseudomegachilie) lanata (Fabricius, Subgenus Neocressoniella Gupta, 1993
1775) 6. Cressoniella (Neocressoniella) carbonaria (Smith, 1853)
Distribution: Alwar, Deega, Sikar (Rajasthan) Distribution: Alwar (Rajasthan) Kangra, Palampur
Chandigarh, Bingham 1897, reported throughout India (Himachal Pradesh) Deesa (Gujarat)
10. Chalicodoma (Pseudomegachilie) creusa (Bingham,

Zoological Survey of India 101

New distributional record of Anthidiine bee (Apoidea: Megachilidae) from Ladakh, India and a checklist of the family Megachilidae
Latreille, 1802 (Hymenoptera: Insecta) of India

7. Cressoniella (Neocressoniella) rufothoracica (Gupta & 10. Megachile (Eutricharaea) vera (Nurse, 1901)
Sharma, 1993) Distribution: Alwar, Sikar, Udaipur (Rajasthan), Kullu,
Distribution: Alwar , Umrain (Rajasthan), Rajgarh Manali, Kangra, (Himachal Pradesh)
(Madhya Pradesh), Narainpura (Ahmedabad) 11. Megachile (Eutricharaea) hera (Bingham, 1897)
8. Cressoniella (Neocressoniella) elizabethae (Bingham, Distribution: Alwar, Sikar Udaipur, (Rajasthan),
1897) Kullu, Manali, Kangra, (Himachal Pradesh) Baramula,
Distribution: Shimla (Himachal Pradesh), Batra Anantnag (Kashmir)
(Chattisgarh), Mussoorie (Uttarakhand) Bingham 1897 12. Megachile (Eutricharaea) chlorigaster (Cameron, 1897)
reported from Tenasserium (Malaysia)
Distribution:Alwar, Sikar (Rajasthan), Kullu, Manali,
9. Cressoniella (Neocressoniella) amputate (Smith, 1857) Kangra (Himachal Pradesh)
Distribution: Sikkim, Bingham 1897, reported from 13. Megachile (Eutricharaea) coelioxysides (Bingham, 1899)
Tenasserium (Malaysia)
Distribution: Alwar, (Rajasthan) Kullu, Manali , Kangra
(Himachal Pradesh), Leh, Kargil (Ladakh)
Genus Megachile Latreille, 1802 14. Megachile (Eutricharaea) gathela (Cameron, 1908)
Subgenus Aethomegachile Engel & Baker, 2006 Distribution: Alwar, Sikar (Rajasthan) Kullu, Manali,
1. Megachile (Aethomegachile) laticeps (Smith, 1853) Kangra, Shimla, (Himachal Pradesh), Sonipat (Haryana)
Distribution: Maharashtra, Alwar (Rajasthan) 15. Megachile (Eutricharaea) studiosa (Bingham, 1899)
2. Megachile (Aethomegachile) conjuncta (Smith, 1853) Distribution: Sikar, (Rajasthan) Naghar (Uttarakhand)
Distribution: Gangtok (Sikkim), Gupta 1999 reported it 16. Megachile (Eutricharaea) suavida (Cameron, 1908)
around North West India in the states of Rajasthan and Distribution: Deesa (Gujarat), Nagaur (Uttarakhand)
Gujarat, Jammu & Kashmir (Ascher & Pickering, 2020)
17. Megachilie binghami (Meade-waldo, 1912)
Subgenus Eurymella Pasteels, 1965
Distribution: Arunachal Pradesh, Dehradun
3. Megachile (Eurymella) rugicauda (Cameron, 1908) (Uttarakhand), West Bengal
Distribution: Sikar, Nagaur (Rajasthan), Deesa (Gujarat) 18. Megachilie stulta (Bingham, 1897)
4. Megachile (Eurymella) rufibasalis (Gupta, simlote & Distribution: Sikkim, Banglore (Karnataka)
Sharma, 1993)
19. Megachilie umbripennis (Smith, 1853)
Distribution: Pathankot (Punjab)
Distribution: Sikkim, Pathankot (Punjab)
5. Megachile (Eurymella) haryanensis (Gupta, Sharma &
20. Megachilie faceta (Bingham, 1897)
Simlote, 1993)
Distribution: Shillong (Meghalaya)
Distribution: Hissar (Haryana)
21. Megachilie rotundata (Fabricius, 1787)
6. Megachile (Eurymella) peniculatum (Gupta, 1993)
Distribution: Kullu, (Himachal Pradesh), Leh, Kargil
Distribution : Alwar (Rajasthan), Mussoorie
(Uttarakhand), Pathankot (Punjab)
22. Megachilie centuncularis (Linneaus, 1758)
Subgenus Callochile Michener, 1962
Distribution: Kullu, (Himachal Pradesh), Gulmarg,
8. Megachile (Callochile) bicolor Fabricius, 1781
Kupwara (Kashmir)
Distribution: Alwar, Sikar (Rajasthan), Deega, (Uttar
23. Megachilie albifornis (Smith, 1853)
Pradesh), Mandi, Kangra (Himachal Pradesh).
Distribution: Lonavala (Maharasthra), Banglore
Subgenus (Eutricharaea) Thomson, 1872
9. Megachile (Eutricharaea) femorata (Smith, 1853)
24. Megachilie anthracina (Smith, 1853)
Distribution: Alwar, Sikar (Rajasthan), Kullu, Manali,
Distribution: Ludhiana (Punjab), Dehradun, Mussoorie
Kangra (Himachal Pradesh)

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P M Osman Javid, Rifat H. Raina, P.C Pathania and Sajad H. Paray

25. Megachilie badia (Bingham, 1809) Distribution:Alwar (Rajasthan), Mandi, Kullu, Kangri
Distribution: Pathankot (Punjab), Dehradun (Himachal Pradesh)
(Uttarakhand) Subgenus Boreocoelioxys Mitchell, 1973
26. Megachilie bellula (Bingham, 1897) 3. Coelioxys (Boreocoelioxys) gudhaensis (Gupta & Sharma,
Distribution: Mussoorie (Uttarakhand), Kullu 1993)
(Himachal Pradesh) Distribution: Sikar (Rajasthan), Gudha (Haryana)
27. Megachilie behavanae (Bingham, 1897) Subgenus Xerocoelioxys Mitchell, 1973
Distribution: Sikkim, Ludhiana (Punjab) 4. Coelioxys (Xerocoelioxys) Taurus (Nurse, 1901)
28. Megachilie cephalotes (Smith, 1853) Distribution: Dantiwada, Deesa (Gujarat)
Distribution: Sikkim 5. Coelioxys (Xerocoelioxys) nigrodentatusm (Gupta &
29. Megachilie faceta (Bingham, 1987) Sharma, 1993)
Distribution: Shillong (Meghalaya) Distribution: Sikar, Alwar, Deeg (Rajasthan)
30. Megachilie vigilans (Smith 1878) Subgenus Tropicocoelioxys Gupta, 1991
Distribution: Gangtok (Sikkim) 6. Coelioxys (Tropicocoelioxys) perseus (Nurse, 1904)
31. Megachilie imitatrix (Smith, 1853) Distribution: Kota (Rajasthan) Nurse 1904 reported
from Mount Abu (Rajasthan)
Distribution: Dehradun (Uttarakhand)
7. Coelioxys (Tropicocoelioxys) veeravaliensis (Gupta, &
32. Megachilie implicator (Cameron, 1897)
Sharma, 1993)
Distribution: Mussoorie (Uttarakhand), Ludhiana
Distribution: Veraval (Gujarat)
8. Coelioxys (Tropicocoelioxys) genoconcavitus (Gupta,
33. Megachilie ladakhensis (Tkaleu, 1988)
Distribution : Leh, Kargil (Ladakh)
Distribution: Bangalore (Karnataka)
34. Megachilie nana (Bingham, 1897)
9. Coelioxys (Tropicocoelioxys) tenuliniata (Cameron, 1913)
Distribution: Mussoorie (Uttarakhand), Gangtok
Distribution: Mandi, Kullu (Himachal Pradesh)
Dehradun (Uttarakhand)
35. Megachilie obtusata (Cameron, 1909)
Subgenus Schizocoelioxys Mitchell, 1973
Distribution: Pathankot (Punjab), Sonipat (Haryana)
10. Coelioxys (Schizocoelioxys) decipiens (Spinola, 1838)
36. Megachilie velutina (Smith, 1853)
Distribution: Pathankot (Punjab)
Distribution: Gangtok (Sikkim), Ludhiana (Punjab),
11. Coelioxys (Schizocoelioxys) apicata (Smith, 1854)
Dehradun (Uttarakhand)
Distribution: Deesa, Palanpur, Sikar (Rajasthan)
12. Coelioxys (Schizocoelioxys) rajasthaniensis (Gupta, 1992)
Genus Hemicoeloxys Pastells, 1968
Distribution: Alwar (Rajasthan)
1. Hemicoeloxys (rufiventris) nursei (Cockerell, 1922)
13. Coelioxys (Schizocoelioxys) fuscopterous (Gupta &
Distribution: Deesa (Gujarat)
Sharma, 1993)
Genus Coelioxys Latreille, 1809 Distribution: Narainpur (Odisha)
Subgenus Orientocoelioxys Gupta, 1992 Subgenus Glyptocoelioxys Mitchell, 1973
1. Coelioxys (Orientocoelioxys) angulatus (Smith, 1870) 14. Coelioxys (Glyptocoelioxys) sulcispina (Cameron, 1913)
Distribution: Imphal (Manipur) Distribution: Kangra (Himachal Pradesh)
2. Coelioxys (Orientocoelioxys) quadrifasciatus (Gupta,

Zoological Survey of India 103

New distributional record of Anthidiine bee (Apoidea: Megachilidae) from Ladakh, India and a checklist of the family Megachilidae
Latreille, 1802 (Hymenoptera: Insecta) of India

15. Coelioxys (Glyptocoelioxys) cuneatus (Smith, 1875) 26. Coelioxys (Coelioxys) indicus (Gupta, 1990)
Distribution: Palampur (Himachal Pradesh) Distribution: Alwar (Himachal Pradesh), Pathankot
Subgenus Nigrocoelioxys Gupta, 1993 (Punjab), Deeg, Sikar (Rajasthan)
16. Coelioxys (Nigrocoelioxys) pasteeli (Gupta, 1992) 27. Coelioxys (Coelioxys) ducalis (Smith, 1854)
Distribution: Alwar, Deeg, Sikar (Rajasthan) Distribution: Dharamshala (Himachal Pradesh)
17. Coelioxys (Nigrocoelioxys) ruficaudis (Cameron, 1913) 28. Colelioxys guptai (Sachwarz, 1999)
Distribution: Mandi, Cameron 1913 reported from Distribution: Kullu (Himachal Pradesh), Dehradun
Shimla (Uttarakhand), Jalandhar (Punjab)
18. Coelioxys (Nigrocoelioxys) confuses (Smith, 1875)
Distribution: Manikaran (Himachal Pradesh) Discussion
19. Coelioxys (Nigrocoelioxys) latus (Cameron, 1908) The present study reveals one new distributional record as
Distribution: Mandi, Shimla (Himachal Pradesh) new to Ladakh namely, Anthidium florentinum Fabricius,
20. Coelioxys (Nigrocoelioxys) hissarensis (Gupta & Sharma, 1775 from Zanskar, Ladakh, India.
Based on the literature and collection surveys, a total
Distribution: Hissar (Haryana) of 179 species of the family Megachilidae belonging to 23
21. Coelioxys (Nigrocoelioxys) fuscipennis (Smith, 1854) genera and 36 subgenera under 2 subfamilies & 3 Tribes
Distribution: Kota (Rajasthan), Mandi, Kullu (Himachal have been enlisted in this paper.
Based on the biogeographic distribution in India,
22. Coelioxys (Nigrocoelioxys) sexmaculatus (Cameron, 102 species are found in the Himalayan region.
1897) Genus Megachilie, Osmia, Coelioxyus & Anthidium shows
Distribution: Udaipur (Rajasthan) , Deesa (Gujarat) widespread distribution both in the Himalayas and south
23. Coelioxys (Nigrocoelioxys) capitatus (Smith, 1845) India.
Distribution: Alwar, Deeg, Kota (Rajasthan)
In “Jammu & Kashmir” the family Megachilidae is reported
Subgenus Coelioxys Latreille, 1809 by 19 species and in Ladakh 5 species have been reported.
24. Coelioxys (Coelioxys) farinose (Smith, 1854) This data have been compiled from the previously published
Distribution: Pathankot, Ludhiana, Jalandhar (Punjab) literature and new survey cum collection from 2020 to 2022.
25. Coelioxys (Coelioxys) torrida (Smith, 1854)
Distribution: Kangra, Mandi (Himachal Pradesh)

104 Vol 123(1S) | iS 2023 | www.recordsofzsi.com

P M Osman Javid, Rifat H. Raina, P.C Pathania and Sajad H. Paray

Acknowledgements for their support in the laboratory work. Sajad H. Parey

is thankful to different funding agencies like NMHS,
The first author is highly thankful to Malik Masrat and Malik
Almora and SERB for providing research grants, under
Amir for their help and encouragement during the survey
which lab infrastructure was built and used for the present
cum collection tour in the Kashmir division. We are highly
thankful to Aquib Majeed, Zahid Hussain and Tabarak Ali

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