RBI Releases Financial Literacy Material: Guide Diary 16 Posters
RBI Releases Financial Literacy Material: Guide Diary 16 Posters
RBI Releases Financial Literacy Material: Guide Diary 16 Posters
भारतीय रज़व बक
संचार वभाग, कि य कायालय, एस.बी.एस.माग, मुंबई‐400001
: www.rbi.org.in/hindi
DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATION, Central Office, S.B.S.Marg, Mumbai‐400001 Website : www.rbi.org.in
फोन/Phone: 91 22 2266 0502 फै स/Fax: 91 22 22660358
इ‐मेल email: helpdoc@rbi.org.in
Financial Literacy creates demand for financial products & services, thereby
accelerating the pace of financial inclusion as it enables the common man to understand the
needs and benefits of the products and services offered by the banks. Towards this
objective, RBI had issued revised guidelines on the Financial literacy Centres (FLC) on
June 6, 2012, advising banks that FLCs and all the rural branches of scheduled commercial
banks should scale up financial literacy efforts through conduct of outdoor Financial Literacy
Camps, at least once a month, to facilitate financial inclusion through provision of two
essentials i.e. ‘Financial Literacy’ and easy ‘Financial Access’.
To start with, the entire material has been prepared in Hindi and English. It will also
be translated in other Indian languages in due course of time. It is time for banks to conduct
Financial Literacy Camps in a mission mode, with the ultimate objective of making financial
inclusion a viable business model by capturing the untapped business opportunities. In order
to ensure consistency in the messages reaching the target audience of financially excluded
people during the Financial Literacy Camps, we have advised banks to use the Financial
Literacy Guide as a standard curriculum to impart basic conceptual understanding of
financial products and services. For any further details, we may be contacted by email.
Ajit Prasad
Press Release : 2012-2013/1287 Assistant General Manager
Related Notification
Jan 31, 2013 Financial Literacy Material