Unit-I Deflection of Determinate Structures

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CE6501-Structural Analysis I III year/ V sem Dept of Civil



1. Why is it necessary to compute deflections in structures?

Computation of deflection of structures is necessary for the following reasons:

a. If the deflection of a structure is more than the permissible, the structure will not look
aesthetic and will cause psychological upsetting of the occupants.

b. Exessive deflection may cause cracking in the materials attached to the structure. For
example, if the deflection of a floor beam is excessive, the floor finishes and partition
walls supported on the beam may get cracked and unserviceable.

2. What is meant by cambering technique in structures?

Cambering is a technique applied on site, in which a slight upward curve is made in the
structure/beam during construction, so that it will straighten out and attain the straight shape
during loading. This will considerably reduce the downward deflection that may occur at later

3. Name any four methods used for computation of deflections in structures.

1. Double integration method 2. Macaulay’s method

3. Conjugate beam method 4. Moment area method

5. Method of elastic weights 6. Virtual work method- Dummy unit load method

7. Strain energy method 8. Williot Mohr diagram method

4. State the difference between strain energy method and unit load method in the determination of
deflection of structures.

In strain energy method, an imaginary load P is applied at the point where the deflection is
desired to be determined. P is equated to zero in the final step and the deflection is obtained.

In unit load method, an unit load (instead of P) is applied at the point where the deflection is

5. What are the assumptions made in the unit load method?

` 1. The external & internal forces are in equilibrium.

2. Supports are rigid and no movement is possible.

3. The materials is strained well with in the elastic limit.

N.Sathishkumar 2015-2016

CE6501-Structural Analysis I III year/ V sem Dept of Civil

6. Give the equation that is used for the determination of deflection at a given point in beams and

Deflection at a point is given by,

δI = Mx mx


Where Mx = moment at a section X due to the applied loads

mx = moment at a section X due to a unit load applied at that point I and in the direction of
the Desired displacement EI = flexural rigidity
7. Distinguish between pin jointed and rigidly jointed structure.

Sl.no Pin jointed structure Rigidly jointed structure

1. The joints permit change of angle The members connected at a rigid joint will
Between connected member. maintain the angle between them even
under deformation due to loads.
2. The joints are incapable of transferring Members can transmit both forces and
any moment to the connected members moments between themselves through the
and vice-versa. joint.

3. The pins transmit forces between Provision of rigid joints normally increases
Connected member by developing shear. the redundancy of the structures.

8. What is meant by thermal stresses?

Thermal stresses are stresses developed in a structure/member due to change in

temperature. Normally, determine structures do not develop thermal stresses. They can
absorb changes in lengths and consequent displacements without developing stresses.

9. What is meant by lack of fit in a truss?

One or more members in a pin jointed statically indeterminate frame may be a little
shorter or longer than what is required. Such members will have to be forced in place during
the assembling. These are called members having Lack of fit. Internal forces can develop in a
redundant frame (without external loads) due to lack of fit.

N.Sathishkumar 2015-2016

CE6501-Structural Analysis I III year/ V sem Dept of Civil

10. Write down the two methods of determining displacements in pin jointed plane frames
by the unit load concept.

The methods of using unit loads to compute

displacements are, i) dummy unit load method.

ii) Using the principle of virtual work.

11. What is the effect of temperature on the members of a statically determinate plane truss.

In determinate structures temperature changes do not create any internal stresses. The
changes in lengths of members may result in displacement of joints. But these would not
result in internal stresses or changes in external reactions.

12. Distinguish between ‘deck type’ and ‘through type’ trusses.

A deck type is truss is one in which the road is at the top chord level of the trusses.
We would not see the trusses when we ride on the road way.

A through type truss is one in which the road is at the bottom chord level of the
trusses. When we travel on the road way, we would see the web members of the trusses on
our left and right. That gives us the impression that we are going` through’ the bridge.

13. Define static indeterminacy of a structure.

If the conditions of statics i.e., ΣH=0, ΣV=0 and ΣM=0 alone are not sufficient to
find either external reactions or internal forces in a structure, the structure is called a
statically indeterminate structure.
14. Differentiate the statically determinate structures and statically indeterminate structures?

Sl.No statically determinate structures statically indeterminate structures

1. Conditions of equilibrium are sufficient Conditions of equilibrium are insufficient to
2. Bending
to analyzemoment and shear force is Bending
the structure moment
analyze the and shear force is dependent
independent of material and cross of material and independent of cross sectional
3. sectional
No area. are caused due to area.
stresses Stresses are caused due to temperature change
temperature change and lack of fit. and lack of fit.

15. Define : Trussed Beam.

A beam strengthened by providing ties and struts is known as Trussed Beams.

N.Sathishkumar 2015-2016

CE6501-Structural Analysis I III year/ V sem Dept of Civil

16. Define: Unit load method.

The external load is removed and the unit load is applied at the point,
where the deflection or rotation is to found.

17. Give the procedure for unit load method.

1. Find the forces P1, P2, ……. in all the members due to external loads.

2. Remove the external loads and apply the unit vertical point load at the
joint if the vertical deflection is required and find the stress.

3. Apply the equation for vertical and horizontal deflection.

Example 1

Note: Internal forces do no work since these forces are always equal and opposite.

N.Sathishkumar 2015-2016

CE6501-Structural Analysis I III year/ V sem Dept of Civil

Example 2

The physical quantity work is defined as the product of force times a conjugate displacement,
i.e., a displacement in the same direction as the force we are considering. We are familiar with
real work, i.e., the product of a real force and a real displacement, i.e., a force and a displacement
that both actually occur. The situation is illustrated in Part 1 of the following figure:

N.Sathishkumar 2015-2016

CE6501-Structural Analysis I III year/ V sem Dept of Civil

We can extend the concept of real work to a definition of virtual work, which is the product of a
real force and a conjugate displacement, either real or virtual. In Part 2 of the example shown
above, we assume that the cantilever column loaded with force P undergoes a virtual rotation of
magnitude at its base. We compute the virtual work corresponding to this virtual displacement
by summing the products of real forces times conjugate virtual displacements.

For this calculation, we must introduce unknown sectional forces at those locations where we
have cut the structure to create the virtual displacement. In the example shown above, therefore,
we have introduced bending moment at the base, Mb. For completeness, we would also have to
introduce a shear force V and an axial force N at the base of the column, but, as we shall see,
there is no component of virtual displacement conjugate to these forces. They have therefore not
been shown in the example.

We calculate the virtual displacements of the structure corresponding to all known and unknown
forces. For a rotation at the base, horizontal translation of the tip of the cantilever is · L. We

N.Sathishkumar 2015-2016

CE6501-Structural Analysis I III year/ V sem Dept of Civil

then multiply force times displacement and sum these products to obtain the following
expression for virtual work corresponding to the assumed virtual displacement:

U = P · L · – Mb · 

We treat the virtual work done by force Mb as negative since the direction of Mb as drawn is
opposite to the direction of the virtual rotation .

The principle of virtual work states that a system of real forces is in equilibrium if and only if the
virtual work performed by these forces is zero for all virtual displacements that are compatible
with geometrical boundary conditions.

For the example given in the previous subsection, this implies that the virtual work of the simple
cantilever, U, must be zero for the system to be in equilibrium:

U = P · L · – Mb · = 0

Since is nonzero, it follows that Mb = P · L, which is precisely the familiar expression for
bending moment at the base of a cantilever loaded with force P at its tip.

A more general mathematical statement of the principle of virtual work is as follows:

Let Qi be a set of real loads acting on a given structure

Let Ri be the corresponding real support reactions
Let Mi, Vi, and Ni be the sectional forces (bending moment, shear, and axial force) introduced at
the locations where the structure has been cut to allow it to undergo a virtual displacement.

Let Qi, Ri, Mi, Vi, and Ni be virtual displacements compatible with the geometrical
boundary conditions and conjugate to the forces defined previously.

Then the structure is in equilibrium if and and only if:

(Qi · Qi) + (Ri · Ri) + (Mi · Mi) + (Vi · Vi) + (Ni · Ni) = 0

N.Sathishkumar 2015-2016

CE6501-Structural Analysis I III year/ V sem Dept of Civil

Virtual Work

Virtual work is defined as the following line integral


C is the path or curve traversed by the object, keeping all constraints satisfied;

is the force vector;

is the infinitesimal virtual displacement vector.

Virtual work is therefore a special case of mechanical work. For the work to be called virtual,
the motion undergone by the system must be compatible with the system's constraints, hence the
use of a virtual displacement.

One of the key ideas of Lagrangian mechanics is that the virtual work done by the constraint
forces should be zero. This is a reasonable assumption, for otherwise a physical system might
gain or lose energy simply by being constrained (imagine a bead on a stationary hoop moving
faster and faster for no apparent reason)!

N.Sathishkumar 2015-2016

CE6501-Structural Analysis I III year/ V sem Dept of Civil

The idea of virtual work also plays a key role in interpreting D'Alembert's principle:

Equilibrium of forces (“staic” treatment)

virtual work produced by inertia force

virtual work rpoduced by net applied force.


Requirements on :

- compatible with the kinematic constraints, but otherwise arbitrary

- instantaneous

- increasingly small

N.Sathishkumar 2015-2016

CE6501-Structural Analysis I III year/ V sem Dept of Civil

For a single body Bi :

For a system of n bodies B:

“Lagrange form of d’Alembert’s Principle”

This formalism is convenient, as the constraint (non-working) loads disappear. (forces, torques)

→ where iis the vector of independent degrees-of-freedom.

Example (i)

The motivation for introducing virtual work can be appreciated by the following simple example
from statics of particles. Suppose a particle is in equilibrium under a set of forces Fxi, Fyi, Fzi i =

Multiplying the three equations with the respective arbitrary constants δ x, δy, δz :

N.Sathishkumar 2015-2016

CE6501-Structural Analysis I III year/ V sem Dept of Civil


When the arbitrary constants δx, δy, δz are thought of as virtual displacements of the particle, then
the left-hand-sides of (b) represent the virtual work. The total virtual work is:


Since the preceding equality is valid for arbitrary virtual displacements, it leads back to the
equilibrium equations in (a). The equation (c) is called the principle of virtual work for a particle.
Its use is equivalent to the use of many equilibrium equations.

Applying to a deformable body in equilibrium that undergoes compatible displacements and

deformations, we can find the total virtual work by including both internal and external forces
acting on the particles. If the material particles experience compatible displacements and
deformations, the work done by internal stresses cancel out, and the net virtual work done
reduces to the work done by the applied external forces. The total virtual work in the body may
also be found by the volume integral of the product of stresses and virtual strains :

Thus, the principle of virtual work for a deformable body is:

This relation is equivalent to the set of equilibrium equations written for the particles in the
deformable body. It is valid irrespective of material behaviour, and hence leads to powerful
applications in structural analysis and finite element analysis.

N.Sathishkumar 2015-2016

CE6501-Structural Analysis I III year/ V sem Dept of Civil

Now consider a block on a surface

Applying formula (c) gives:

leads to

Observe virtual work formalism leads directly to Newton’s equation of motion in the
kinematically allowable direction.

Example (ii)

Two bodies connected by a rotary joint.

N.Sathishkumar 2015-2016

CE6501-Structural Analysis I III year/ V sem Dept of Civil

Virtual wotk produced by these constranit loads:

drop out of the expression!

By assuming the contributions to virtual work produced by all forces in and an all system
elements, the constraint loads disappear.

For multi-body system, the derivation of the equatios of motion now becomes much more

Degree of freedom or Kinematic Indeterminacy

Members of structure deform due to external loads. The minimum number of parameters
required to uniquely describe the deformed shape of structure is called “Degree of
Freedom”. Displacements and rotations at various points in structure

N.Sathishkumar 2015-2016

CE6501-Structural Analysis I III year/ V sem Dept of Civil

are the parameters considered in describing the deformed shape of a structure. In framed
structure the deformation at joints is first computed and then shape of deformed structure.
Deformation at intermediate points on the structure is expressed in terms of end
deformations. At supports the deformations corresponding to a reaction is zero. For example
hinged support of a two dimensional system permits only rotation and translation along x
and y directions are zero. Degree of freedom of a structure is expressed as a number equal to
number of free displacements at all joints. For a two dimensional structure each rigid joint
has three displacements as shown in

In case of three dimensional structure each rigid joint has six displacement.

• Expression for degrees of freedom

1. 2D Frames: NDOF = 3NJ – NR NR 3
2. 3D Frames: NDOF = 6NJ – NR NR 6
3. 2D Trusses: NDOF= 2NJ – NR NR 3
4. 3D Trusses: NDOF = 3NJ – NR NR 6

Where, NDOF is the number of degrees of freedom

In 2D analysis of frames some times axial deformation is ignored. Then NAC=No. of axial
condition is deducted from NDOF

Conditions of Equilibrium and Static Indeterminacy

A body is said to be under static equilibrium, when it continues to be under rest after
application of loads. During motion, the equilibrium condition is called dynamic equilibrium. In
two dimensional system, a body is in equilibrium when it satisfies following equation.

Fx=0 ; Fy=0 ; Mo=0 ---1.1

To use the equation 1.1, the force components along x and y axes are considered. In three
dimensional system equilibrium equations of equilibrium are

Fx=0 ; Fy=0 ; Fz=0;

Mx=0 ; My=0 ; Mz=0; ----1.2

To use the equations of equilibrium (1.1 or 1.2), a free body diagram of the structure as a
whole or of any part of the structure is drawn. Known forces and unknown reactions with
assumed direction is shown on the sketch while drawing free body diagram. Unknown forces are
computed using either equation 1.1 or 1.2

N.Sathishkumar 2015-2016

CE6501-Structural Analysis I III year/ V sem Dept of Civil

Before analyzing a structure, the analyst must ascertain whether the reactions can be
computed using equations of equilibrium alone. If all unknown reactions can be uniquely
determined from the simultaneous solution of the equations of static equilibrium, the reactions of
the structure are referred to as statically determinate. If they cannot be determined using
equations of equilibrium alone then such structures are called statically indeterminate
structures. If the number of unknown reactions are less than the number of equations of
equilibrium then the structure is statically unstable.

The degree of indeterminacy is always defined as the difference between the number of
unknown forces and the number of equilibrium equations available to solve for the unknowns.
These extra forces are called redundants. Indeterminacy with respect external forces and
reactions are called externally indeterminate and that with respect to internal forces are called
internally indeterminate.

A general procedure for determining the degree of indeterminacy of two-dimensional

structures are given below:

NUK= Number of unknown forces

NEQ= Number of equations available
IND= Degree of indeterminacy

Indeterminacy of Planar Frames

For entire structure to be in equilibrium, each member and each joint must be in equilibrium
(Fig. 1.9)



IND= NUK – NEQ = (6NM+NR)-(3NM+3NJ)

IND= 3NM+NR-3NJ ----- 1.3

N.Sathishkumar 2015-2016

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III year/V Sem Dept of Civil
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III year/V Sem Dept of Civil
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CE6501-Structural Analysis Iwww.Vidyarthiplus.com
III year/V Sem Dept of Civil
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N.Sathishkumar www.Vidyarthiplus.com 2015-2016

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