Building Green Cloud Services at Low Cost: Ntroduction
Building Green Cloud Services at Low Cost: Ntroduction
Building Green Cloud Services at Low Cost: Ntroduction
Josep Ll. Berral†‡ , Íñigo Goiri, Thu D. Nguyen, Ricard Gavaldà† , Jordi Torres†‡ , Ricardo Bianchini
Computer Architecture Department, † Department of Software Department of Computer Science
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona Supercomputing Center Rutgers University
Barcelona, Spain Piscataway, USA
{berral,torres}, {goiri,tdnguyen,ricardob}
Abstract—Interest in powering datacenters at least partially datacenters to take advantage of green energy produced on-
using on-site renewable sources, e.g. solar or wind, has been site [7]–[10]. Two key observations behind these works are:
growing. In fact, researchers have studied distributed services (1) services are often replicated on multiple geographically
comprising networks of such “green” datacenters, and load dis-
tribution approaches that “follow the renewables” to maximize distributed datacenters for high availability and low response
their use. However, prior works have not considered where time, and (2) diverse generation of green energy because of
to site such a network for efficient production of renewable differing local weather conditions. Thus, load distribution
energy, while minimizing both datacenter and renewable plant approaches that consider green energy production can allow
building costs. Moreover, researchers have not built real load the workload to “follow the renewables” to increase green
management systems for follow-the-renewables services. Thus,
in this paper, we propose a framework, optimization problem, energy usage. However, to the best of our knowledge, no
and solution approach for siting and provisioning green dat- previous work has considered where to site such a network
acenters for a follow-the-renewables HPC cloud service. We of datacenters globally for efficient production of green
illustrate the location selection tradeoffs by quantifying the energy, while minimizing both datacenter and renewable
minimum cost of achieving different amounts of renewable plant building costs. Moreover, prior works have not built
energy. Finally, we design and implement a system capable
of migrating virtual machines across the green datacenters real load management systems for follow-the-renewables
to follow the renewables. Among other interesting results, we cloud services. These are exactly the topics of this paper.
demonstrate that one can build green HPC cloud services at a Selecting sites. A service provider seeking to create a net-
relatively low additional cost compared to existing services.
work of green datacenters must consider the significant cost
Keywords-datacenter; renewable energy; green computing of building, provisioning, and operating these datacenters.
I. I NTRODUCTION This cost depends heavily on the locations of the datacenters.
For example, the production of green energy from sources
Motivation. It is well known that datacenters are massive such as solar and wind depends strongly on location.
consumers of electricity. This consumption leads to high
Thus, in this paper, we study the siting and provisioning
carbon emissions, since most of this electricity is produced
of a network of green datacenters to provide a given level of
using fossil fuels. Increasing awareness of these emissions
computing power (e.g., 50MW) for a follow-the-renewables
is driving demand for cleaner products and services. Thus,
high-performance computing (HPC) cloud service, where a
many companies are starting to build “green” datacenters,
desired fraction of the energy must be produced by on-site
i.e. datacenters with on-site renewable power plants. For
green power plants (the rest coming from the electrical grid).
example, Apple [1] and McGraw-Hill [2] have built 20MW
and 14MW solar arrays, respectively, for their datacenters. We first propose a framework for selecting locations and
A few small cloud providers [3]–[5] operate datacenters provisioning the datacenters and green power plants at these
powered completely by on-site solar and/or wind farms. As locations. The framework includes parameters representing
carbon taxes and cap-and-trade start to migrate from Europe all aspects of datacenter costs, workload migration to follow
and Asia to the US, even more companies are likely to build the renewables, and availability. (As we target batch HPC
green datacenters. For example, the UK government created workloads, the network latency to clients is not a relevant
a mandatory cap-and-trade scheme for businesses consuming issue.) The framework allows us to define the site selection
more than 6 GWh per year [6]; i.e. a company with even a and provisioning as a Mixed Integer Linear Programming
small 700-kW datacenter must participate. (MILP) problem. We also propose a heuristic-based ap-
Some research efforts have explored how to incorporate proach that turns the MILP optimization into a set of linear
sources of renewable (“green”) energy such as solar and problems to make it solvable for a large set of locations.
wind into datacenters. In particular, several studies have con- Based on our framework, optimization approach, and real
sidered load distribution between geographically distributed location data, we built a tool for selecting locations and
provisioning the datacenters. The tool is extensible so that to parameters that we seek to instantiate via optimization.
new parameters and constraints can be added. We use the Among the more interesting parameters are those related to
tool to explore the cost of different desired percentages of costs, green energy generation, and availability.
green energy, using different approaches for energy storage, Costs. The overall cost of a network of datacenters can be
using solar and/or wind sources, and the overhead of load broken down into capital (CAPEX) and operational (OPEX)
migration. Our results show that green cloud services can components. The CAPEX costs are those investments made
be built at relatively low cost, e.g. 13% when the provider upfront and depreciated over the lifetime of the datacenters.
desires 50% green energy, compared to existing services. CAPEX can be further divided into capital costs that are
Managing workloads. Finally, a follow-the-renewables independent of (CAP ind) and those that are dependent on
HPC cloud service needs to intelligently migrate virtual (CAP dep) the number of servers to be hosted.
machines (VMs) based on the availability of green energy The CAP ind(d) costs for a datacenter at a location d
at the datacenters. However, we are not aware of any real relate to bringing grid or “brown” electricity (costLineP ow)
VM management systems for follow-the-renewables cloud and external networking (costLineN et) to the datacenter.
services, since the prior work in this area has focused either (Although the amount of grid electricity and external band-
on simulations or modeling [8]–[12]. (Le et al. [7] built a width depends on the number of servers, the base cost
prototype request distribution system for an Internet service, of laying out any transmission line and/or optical fiber
not a VM management system.) To illustrate the feasibility dominates.) These costs can be estimated from the distance
of building such a system, we design and implement Green- between the location and (1) the closest transmission line or
Nebula, an extension of the OpenNebula within-datacenter power plant; and (2) the closest network backbone.
VM management system [13]. GreenNebula uses live VM The CAP dep(d) costs relate to land acquisition
migration and a distributed file system across the datacen- (landCost(d)), construction of the datacenter and green
ters. Using emulation, we demonstrate that GreenNebula can power plants (buildCost(d)), including the purchase and
migrate live VMs to follow renewables with low overheads. installation of the power delivery, backup, and cooling in-
Contributions: (1) We propose a framework, optimization frastructures, the purchase of extra batteries for storing green
problem, and solution approach for siting and provisioning energy (battCost(d)), purchasing servers (serverCost(d))
green datacenters for a follow-the-renewables HPC cloud and (internal) networking equipment (switchCost(d)) to
service; and (2) We design and implement a system for low- be hosted by the datacenters. (Besides using batteries, our
overhead live VM migration in such a service. framework considers storing green energy into the electrical
Other approaches for greening cloud services. While grid for later use; this approach is typically called “net
our work considers on-site green energy generation, we do metering”.) The land price varies according to location,
not argue that this is the best approach for all operators. whereas the other costs do not to a first approximation.
For example, Google prefers to invest in renewables by Most of these costs depend on the level of redundancy that
financing new plants and pumping the produced energy into will be built into each datacenter. The construction cost is
the electrical grid. Rather, we argue that on-site generation typically estimated as a function of the maximum power
will be the approach of choice for many operators, as to be consumed by the datacenter. This maximum power
suggested by [1]–[4], [14], regardless of whether this choice is that required by the maximum number of servers (and
is made for marketing positioning, public relations, or envi- networking gear) when running at 100% utilization times
ronmental reasons. Moreover, despite their decreasing-but- the maximum expected PUE of the datacenter. The PUE
still-high capital costs, exploiting solar and/or wind energy is computed by dividing the overall power consumption by
in datacenters may reduce energy costs [15], peak grid power the power consumption of the computational equipment. The
cost [16], or both [17], [18]. We expect that an increasing PUE is higher when temperature and/or humidity are high,
number of companies will benefit from on-site renewables. since cooling consumes more energy under those conditions.
The OPEX costs (OP) are those incurred during the
II. P LACEMENT FRAMEWORK operation of the datacenters, and include costs for external
We seek to efficiently select a set of locations, and network bandwidth use and the brown electricity required to
provision datacenters at these locations to support a given run the datacenters. (There is also a cost for water, which is
constant amount of compute power. Each datacenter will currently not considered but can be easily added.) The brown
have an on-site green power plant (either solar, wind, or electricity cost can be computed based on the IT equipment’s
both) so that together, a desired percentage of energy used energy consumption, the PUE, the amount of green energy
by the datacenters will come from green sources. generated on-site, and the brown electricity price. Both the
brown electricity price and the PUE vary with location.
A. Framework parameters Lower taxes and one-time incentives are another important
Table I lists the entire set of parameters in our framework. cost component. For example, some states in the US lower
They range from inputs given by the cloud service provider taxes on datacenters. This component depends on the nature
Symbol Meaning Default Unit Symbol Meaning Default Unit
minAvailability desired min availability for DC network 99.999 % totalCapacity desired min DC network compute power kW
minGreen desired min percentage of green energy %
α(d, t) solar energy production factor at d during t P U E(d, t), PUE at d during t
β(d, t) wind energy production factor at d during t maxP U E(d) max PUE at d
priceLand(d) land price at location d $/m2 costLineN et(d) cost to layout optical fiber 300K/km $
areaDC land needed per kW of DC capacity 0.557 m2 /kW costLineP ow(d) cost to layout power line 310K/km $
areaSolar land needed per kW solar energy production 9.41 m /kW priceEnergy(d) brown (grid) energy price at location d $/kWh
areaW ind land needed per kW wind energy production 18.21 m /kW creditN etM eter net metering revenue %
priceBuildDC(c) price of building a DC with c power capacity 12K-15K $/kW priceBW Server cost of ext network bandwidth per server 1 $/serv-month
priceBuildSolar price of building a solar power plant 5.25 $/kW priceBatt price of batteries 200 $/kWh
priceBuildW ind price of building a wind power plant 2.1 $/kW battEf f efficiency for charging batteries 75 %
priceServer price of a server 2000 $/serv serverP ower server power consumption 275 W/serv
priceSwitch price of a network switch 20000 $/switch switchP ower network switch power consumption 480 W/switch
nearP lantCap(d) size of the nearest power plant to location d kW serversSwitch number of servers per switch 32 serv/switch
at(d) is a DC placed at location d? bool solarCap(d) solar power generation capacity at location d kW
capacity(d) max power capacity for computing of DC at d kW windCap(d) wind power generation capacity at location d kW
battCap(d) size of batteries needed at location d kWh
compP ow(d, t) avg compute power demand for DC at d during t kW netLevel(d, t) green energy net metered at d at the end of t kWh
battLevel(d, t) battery level at d at the end of t kWh netChgP ow(d, t) avg power net metered into grid at d during t kW
battChgP ow(d, t) avg power used to charge batteries at d during t kW netDisP ow(d, t) avg net metered power from grid at d during t kW
battDisP ow(d, t) avg power drawn from batteries at d during t kW brownP ow(d, t) avg brown power needed at d during t kW
migrateP ow(d, t) compP ow(d, t − 1) − compP ow(d, t) if compP ow(d, t − 1) > compP ow(d, t), 0 otherwise kW
powDemand(d, t) (compP ow(d, t) + migrateP ow(d, t)) · P U E(d, t) kW
greenP ow(d, t) α(d, t) · solarCap(d) + β(d, t) · windCap(d) + battDisP ow(d, t) + netDisP ow(d, t) kW
powAvail(d, t) greenP ow(d, t) + brownP ow(d, t) − battChgP ow(d, t) − netChgP ow(d, t) kW
landCost(d) priceLand(d) · (capacity(d) · areaDC + solarCap(d) · areaSolar + windCap(d) · areaW ind) $
buildCost(d) capacity(d) · maxP U E(d) · priceBuildDC(capacity(d) · maxP U E(d)) $
+ solarCap(d) · priceBuildSolar + windCap(d) · priceBuildW ind $
numServers(d) capacity(d)/(serverP ower + switchP ower/serversSwitch) $
serverCost(d) numServers(d) · priceServer $
switchCost(d) (numServers(d)/serversSwitch) · priceSwitch $
networkCost(d) numServers(d) · priceBW Server $
battCost(d) battCap(d)
P · priceBatt $
brownCost(d) t · priceEnergy(d) · (brownP ow(d, t) + netDisP ow(d, t) − creditN etM eter · netChgP ow(d, t)) $
CAP ind(d) costLineP ow(d) + costLineN et(d) $
CAP dep(d) landCost(d) + buildCost(d) + serverCost(d) + switchCost(d) + battCost(d) $
OP (d) networkCost(d) + brownCost(d) $
of the savings and applies to other costs in different ways. respectively, would generate at location d in time t.
Although we do not consider this component further, it is Capacity factor refers to the percentage of the maximum
easy to add it to our framework. theoretical energy production (e.g., 24 hours of maximum
Finally, as we have already noted, network latency to sunlight every day for a solar power plant) that is actually
clients is not a relevant issue since we are targeting HPC produced. Capacity factors vary depending on location and
workloads. If network latency is an important consideration, weather. For example, Berlin (Germany), New York (US),
it can be added to our optimization framework as in [19]. Canberra (Australia), and Phoenix (US) have solar capacity
Similarly, the availability of a local IT workforce for main- factors of approximately 13.5%, 16.4%, 20.2%, and 22.9%,
tenance of the datacenter can be an important consideration and wind capacity factors of approximately 3.4%, 18.9%,
that we do not currently model; it can be incorporated as 8.4%, and 3.4%, respectively.1 In our framework, the solar
either a cost, or a placement constraint. and wind capacity factors are aggregations of α(d, t) and
β(d, t), respectively, over a time period (e.g., a year).
Green energy generation. Two key factors that affect Datacenter
the cost and benefit of building green power plants in- Pn−1 nnetwork n−i
availability. We model availability
as i=0 i · a · (1 − a)i , where n is the number of
clude efficiency and capacity factor. Efficiency refers to datacenters and a is the availability of each datacenter. This
the percentage of sunlight energy and wind energy that is model computes the probability that at least one datacenter
transformed into DC electricity by solar and wind energy will be available when the service is needed, and has been
plants, respectively. The efficiency of today’s most afford- used in multiple prior works, e.g. [19], [20]. The availability
able PV technology (multi-crystalline silicon) hovers around of each datacenter depends on its redundancy level. At
15%. The efficiency of today’s wind turbines is close to one extreme, Tier I datacenters have a single path for
50%. There are also losses as the generated DC power is power and cooling distribution. At the other extreme, Tier
converted to AC to supply the datacenter. In our framework, IV datacenters have two active power and cooling paths,
we combine the efficiency and conversion losses of power with redundant components in each path. Existing Tier I
generation in the functions α(d, t) and β(d, t), which are the
percentage of the installed capacity a solar and wind farm, 1 about.cfm
T otalCost =
at(d) · (CAP ind(d) + CAP dep(d) + OP (d)) (1)
to execute during migrations; such live migration is cur-
rently supported in many virtualized environments, including
OpenNebula, which is the basis for our GreenNebula im-
1.∀d, ∀t
P: capacity(d) ≥ migrateP ow(d, t) + computeP ow(d, t)
2.∀t : computeP ow(d, t) ≥ totalCapacity plementation (Section V). When load is migrated from one
datacenter to the next, we assume that it consumes energy
greenP ow(d,t)
3. PdP t ≥ minGreen
d t
powDemand(d,t) at both sites for the entire next epoch (migrateP ow(d, t)).
4.∀d : at(d) = 0 ⇒ capacity(d) = 0 That is, if 1MW of load is migrated from datacenter d1 to d2
5.∀d, ∀t : powDemand(d, t) ≤ powAvail(d, t)
6.∀d, ∀t : battLevel(d, t) = battLevel(d, t − 1)+ at the end of epoch t − 1, then we assume that the 1MW is
battEf f · battChgP ow(d, t) · t − battDisP ow(d, t) · t consumed at both d1 and d2 during epoch t. In Section IV-E,
7.∀d, ∀t : 0 ≤ battLevel(d, t) ≤ battCap(d)
8.∀d, ∀t : netLevel(d, t) = netLevel(d, t − 1) + netChgP ow(d, t) · t− we study the sensitivity of our results to this assumption.
netDisP ow(d, t) · t T otalCost should be minimized under the constraints
9.∀d, ∀t : netLevel(d, t) ≥ 0
10.∀d, ∀t : brownP ow(d, t) ≤ nearP lantCap(d) · F in Fig. 1. The constraints include power consumption and
11.Availability ≥ minAvailability generation capacity, minimum percentage of green energy,
Figure 1. Optimization problem. F is a percentage cap on the maximum battery capacity [18], green energy storage, brown power de-
power that the datacenter can draw from the nearest brown plant.
mand, and availability. The general formulation allows green
datacenters achieve an availability of 99.67%, whereas Tier energy to be stored in batteries (battLevel(d, t) and/or the
II achieves 99.74%, Tier III achieves 99.98%, and Tier IV grid via net metering (netLevel(d, t)). In some evaluation
achieves 99.995% [21]. studies below, we assume net metering and count the net
metered green energy toward the green energy requirement.
B. Formulating the optimization problem In scenarios where net metering is disallowed, we simply
The HPC cloud service provider seeks to select locations constrain netLevel(d, t) to always be 0. In scenarios without
from a set of potential locations (D) for a datacenter network batteries, we constrain battCap(d) to be 0.
with a given compute power (e.g., 25MW), and a desired While not shown for simplicity, all CAPEX costs are
percentage (e.g., 80%) of the energy coming from on-site assumed to be financed at a given interest rate. Further, we
green sources. The optimization goal is to minimize the assume that land costs are fully recoverable; that is, land can
overall cost of the datacenter network, while respecting the be sold at the end of the datacenter lifetime for at least the
power, percentage of green energy, and availability con- purchasing price. Thus, the only land cost is that of financing
straints. The inputs to the optimization are (1) the minimum the purchase, rather than the purchasing cost itself. Finally,
total power capacity for computing that must be supported the availability constraint we use is more complex than in
by the network at any given point in time, (2) the tier of the figure. Specifically, in a network with n datacenters and
the datacenters and the overall minimum availability, (3) S servers, we also ensure that the failure of n−1 datacenters
the minimum percentage of green energy, (4) the CAPEX will leave S/n servers available to handle the load.
and OPEX costs for each location, and (5) the sizes of the
power plants that can be used to supply the datacenters with C. Heuristic solver
brown energy (since this constrains the maximum datacenter
size that can be placed at a given location). The outputs are The above optimization problem can be formulated as a
the lowest cost found, the locations, and, at each location, MILP problem and solved using a MILP solver. However,
the datacenter power capacity, the green-energy generation some of the constraints make it time-consuming to solve,
capacity, and the battery storage capacity (if any). especially since we consider costs over an entire year to
Equation 1 in Fig. 1 defines the cost we seek to mini- account for the full range of weather conditions. Thus, we
mize (T otalCost), where at(d) is a boolean representing develop a heuristic-based optimization approach.
the placement of a datacenter at location d. Recall that Our approach has three parts: (1) filter out the locations
CAP ind(d) is the CAPEX cost of the datacenter at d that are unlikely to be in the solution to reduce the size
that is independent of datacenter size, CAP dep(d) is the of D, (2) transform the MILP problem into an LP problem
CAPEX cost that depends on size, and OP is the OPEX by specifying the siting (i.e., providing at(d) as an input)
cost. As the production of green energy varies over time, the and whether each datacenter should be small or large, and
optimization divides time into discrete slots and computes (3) use a procedure similar to simulated annealing (SA) to
the power drawn from different sources (powAvail) for each search for a good solution.
slot. It also computes the amount of energy stored and drawn To filter out locations, we calculate the cost of each
from batteries and/or the grid (via net metering) for each slot. location for some common configurations (e.g., solar-only, a
We pessimistically assume that load must be migrated combination of solar and wind). Then, we remove locations
between datacenters when following the renewables; in with high costs and subsets of locations that are similar
practice, it may be possible to direct arriving jobs to the right (e.g., same time zone, similar costs and PUEs). In our
datacenter, rather than migrating running jobs. Jobs continue evaluations with 1373 locations, we typically remove all
but 50-100 locations. We have also considered less filter-
ing, e.g. leaving 200 locations, but did not find significant
improvements in the solutions.
We then start the SA search by siting a small datacenter
at each of the unfiltered locations, and solve the resulting
LP problem for the provisioning of the datacenters and the
corresponding costs. Next, we generate neighboring solu-
tions for the search by: (1) removing a datacenter (i.e., set
at(d) to 0 for some d), (2) adding a datacenter, (3) changing
the size of a datacenter, and/or (4) merging two datacenters
into a larger one. We run the search until a threshold of
consecutive iterations do not improve the solution.
We parallelize our search by running multiple instances of
it with different neighbor generation approaches on multiple
cores. Each instance follows a different search path, and they
periodically synchronize to get the current best solution.
A. Instantiating the framework parameters specifications (including efficiency) for the 7.6MW E-126
wind turbine [24], TMY wind speeds and air pressures, and
Meteorological data. We obtained Typical Meteorological conversion losses. The wind capacity factor is the average
Year (TMY) information for 1373 unique locations world- of β(d, t) over the year.
wide from the US Department of Energy.2 A TMY is a Fig. 3 shows the cumulative solar and wind capacity
1-year dataset of hourly weather values selected to include factors at the locations in our dataset. The figure shows a
a representative range of weather phenomena for a location, small number of locations where the wind capacity factor
while still giving annual averages that are consistent with is much higher than that of solar. However, most of the
the long-term averages for the location. The TMY for each locations have significantly higher solar capacity factors.
location includes temperature, solar irradiation, air pressure,
PUEs. Given the temperature at location d during t, we
and wind speed. We use this set of 1373 locations (Fig. 2)
compute P U E(d, t) using the function shown in Fig. 4.
as the set D of possible locations for siting datacenters.
This function was generated using data collected from a
The top map in Fig. 2 plots the 1373 locations. Observe
micro-datacenter [18] equipped with a combination of an
from the middle and bottom maps in Fig. 2 that, while our
air-side economizer (“free cooling”) and a direct-expansion
set of locations is most dense for North America, Europe,
air conditioner. We compute the average PUE for a location
and parts of Asia, there is good coverage of most world
d based on its P U E(d, t) over the year. The average PUEs
areas with good wind and solar availability.
of our locations range from 1.06 to 1.13.
Solar and wind capacity factors. We compute the average Fig. 5 plots the PUEs against wind and solar capacity
solar power generated using α(d, t), which we derive using factors. Interestingly, this figure shows that locations with
TMY solar irradiation and temperature data, an efficiency of the highest wind capacity factors typically have low PUEs,
15%, and conversion losses [23]. The solar capacity factor whereas locations with the highest solar capacity factors
of a location d is then the average of its α(d, t), over typically have high PUEs. However, there are many places
all t, in a year. Similarly, we compute the average wind with “reasonable” solar capacity factors (i.e., 15-23%) that
power generated using β(d, t), which we derive using the also have low PUEs (between 1.06 and 1.08).
2 about. Datacenter construction costs. The cost of building a
cfm. We removed duplicates and locations with incomplete data. datacenter (priceBuildDC(c)), including purchasing and
60 Solar 1.4 1.14
Capacity factor (%)
50 Solar
1.3 1.12
30 1.2 1.10
1.1 1.08
0 1 1.06
0 20 40 60 80 100 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 10 20 30 40 50
Locations (%) Temperature (oC) Capacity factor (%)
Figure 3. Capacity factors for our 1373 locations in Figure 4. PUE as a function of external temperature. Figure 5. PUE as a function of solar and wind
increasing order. capacity factors.
installing its cooling and power delivery infrastructures, We instantiate the cost of grid energy (priceEnergy(d))
typically depends on its maximum power c [21]. Small by gathering average prices per kWh from governmental
datacenters (≤10MW) incur higher per Watt costs than large and electricity user community portals.7 The average grid
ones (>10MW). The specific cost per Watt depends on the electricity price for our locations is around $90/MWh.
target level of availability [21]. In all our studies below, we With the growth of residential self-generation, the num-
assume datacenters close to Tier III, costing $15 (small) and ber of countries introducing some net metering scheme is
$12 (large) per Watt, with a typical availability of 99.827%, increasing. However, there is still a wide range, with some
as suggested by [25]. This cost is financed and amortized countries not allowing net metering at all, and others that
over 12 years, the expected lifetime of the datacenters. pay the full retail price for net metered energy. Looking to
Solar and wind costs. We set the installed costs of solar the future, our base evaluations assume the full retail price
(priceBuildSolar) and wind (priceBuildW ind) farms to for all locations (i.e., creditN etM eter = 100%). However,
$5.25 [26] and $2.1 [27] per Watt, respectively. This cost is we also evaluate lower price points and their impact on the
financed over 12 years and amortized over 24 years, since datacenter costs.
solar panels and wind turbines have longer lifetimes (20-30 Battery efficiency and costs. We instantiate battery effi-
years) than the datacenter. ciency (battEf f ) as 75% and cost (priceBatt) as $200 per
Land costs. We obtained the price of land (priceLand(d)) kWh [30]. Batteries are replaced every 4 years [30], and this
for locations in the US using the methodology presented cost is financed and amortized over 4 years.
in [28], which gets its data from a real-estate portal3 and Network connection costs. We obtained a list of major IPv6
calculates an average price for each location. We use data backbone connection points where we can directly connect
about industrial land with more than 1K square-meters. datacenters.8 Then, we use a cost of $300K per km [29] to
For locations outside of the US, we obtained prices from compute the cost of laying out fiber (costLineN et(d)) from
multiple real-estate and financial Web sites and averaged the nearest backbone connection point to each datacenter.
the prices found for areas close to our locations. As the This cost is financed and amortized over 12 years.
land cost is fully recoverable, the only incurred cost is that We assume that the amount of network bandwidth re-
of financing, which we spread evenly over 12 years. quired by a datacenter grows linearly to the number of hosted
We instantiate the area required to build a DC (areaDC) servers. Our default amount is 1Mbps per server. A high
as 0.56 m2 per kW [21], and the areas required for solar bandwidth link to a backbone typically costs between $1
(areaSolar) and wind (areaW ind) farms as 9.41 and 18.21 and $2 per Mbps.9 Our default cost is $1 per Mbps.
m2 per kW, respectively. The latter values were computed Servers and internal networking costs. Our servers are
using information for existing wind4 and solar5 farms. As Dell PowerEdge R610 with 4 2.66GHz cores and 6GBytes of
a guideline, we chose the lowest values except for outliers RAM. They consume a maximum of 275W and an average
that seemed completely inconsistent with the rest. of 200W at 30% utilization (a common average utilization
Power plants, transmission lines, and grid energy costs. in Internet service datacenters [25]). The cost of each server
We gathered data on power plants with capacities of 100MW is around $2000. Our interconnect is the 40-port Cisco
or greater around the world from multiple Web sites.6 Then, Nexus 5020, which consumes 480W. Each switch connects
given the distance between a datacenter and the nearest to 32 servers and to each other hierarchically to reach all
brown power plant, we use a cost of $310K per km [29] servers. The cost of each switch is $20K. All IT equipment
for laying a power line to the datacenter (costLineP ow). is replaced every 4 years, and the costs are financed and
This cost is financed and amortized over 12 years. amortized over 4 years.
3 7 For example, for prices in US and http://www.
4 of onshore wind farms for prices in Europe.
5 of photovoltaic power stations 8
6 For example, of power stations 9
DC Cost Solar Cap. Wind Cap. Max Electricity Land Distance Distance
DC Type Location ($/month) Factor (%) Factor (%) PUE ($/MWh) ($/m2 ) Power (km) Network (km)
Brown Kiev, Ukraine 8.7 1.06 30 2200.0 22 7
Harare, Zimbabwe 16.5 22.4 1.07 98 14.7 400 390
Nairobi, Kenya 13.1 20.9 1.07 70 14.7 30 25
Mount Washington, NH, USA 11.9 55.6 1.06 126 947 345 71
Burke Lakefront, OH, USA 10.5 20.9 1.06 58 329 409 3
Land wind
Grissom Building wind
Location percentage (%)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Brown Cost (in million dollars)
Wind Figure 7. Costs of building a network of green datacenters with 50MW
0 computation capacity and 50% renewable energy.
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Cost (in million dollars)
Figure 6. CDF of the per-month cost of building a 25MW datacenter with Though more land is required for wind than solar, the land
50% green electricity at each of the 1373 locations. cost is fully recoverable (except for financing).
Note that our framework does not consider savings from
Costs, amortization, and financing. Note that each CAPEX governmental incentives for renewables, or costs associated
cost component has a specific amortization period. We also with carbon taxes or cap-and-trade. Both of these factors
assume that each CAPEX cost is financed across a financing would lower the cost of building green datacenters. Despite
period of 12 years. We use an annual interest rate of 3.25%.10 this pessimism, our results show that greener datacenters can
In general, most values used to instantiate our framework be built at relatively low additional costs at good locations.
parameters are from 2011 for consistency with [15]. This cost differential is even smaller when multiple locations
B. Total datacenter cost vs. location are required for availability (Section IV). The cloud provider
can accrue higher revenue from users who value green
We now put together all the gathered data to explore
energy to compensate for this cost difference.
costs vs. locations. Fig. 6 shows the distribution of the per-
month cost of building a single datacenter providing 25MW C. Case study
of computing power at the 1373 locations. “Brown” is a
datacenter with no green energy generation, while “Solar” Finally, we demonstrate our tool by using it to site
and “Wind” have a solar and a wind farm, respectively, that and provision a datacenter network providing 50MW of
generates 50% of the energy consumed by the datacenter computation capacity, with at least 50% of the yearly energy
over a year. These results assume that net metering is used consumption coming from on-site renewables. Fig. 7 shows
to store excess green energy for later use. We study 25MW the solution, including the locations and costs. This solution
datacenters because this is a typical size in many solutions assumes that it is possible to use net metering at all locations.
for a network of datacenters providing 50MW of computing The solution comprises two 25MW datacenters (∼91,000
power, a base case for our exploration of green cloud service servers) in the US, costing $19.6M/month. One datacenter
siting (Section IV). is placed in Mount Washington (Table II). A maximum PUE
These results show that at 80% of the locations, a brown of 1.06 means that the total datacenter size is 26.5MW. This
datacenter costs from $8.7M to $12.8M (per month), a location is fully powered by a 51MW wind farm and does
datacenter with wind costs from $9.1M to $16M, and a not draw energy from the grid beyond what it net meters.
datacenter with solar costs from $10.9M to $23.3M. Table II Thus, no brown energy is consumed at this location. The
lists the attributes of some locations that appear in datacenter second datacenter is placed in Indiana, where the maximum
siting solutions in Section IV. Because of their high capacity PUE is 1.07 and the wind capacity factor is 16.4%. This
factors, these are some of the cheapest locations for green datacenter has a small wind farm of 54kW and draws an
energy production. average of 26.5MW of brown power (almost all the total
Interestingly, “Wind” is significantly cheaper than “Solar”. power) from the grid.
This is because the price per kW for building a wind farm Note that the solution provisions exactly 50MW of com-
is less than half that of a solar farm (Table I). Further, net putation capacity. This means that no computation resources
metering mitigates the higher variability of wind energy. are ever idled (due to load migration to another datacenter)
because of insufficient green energy, even for a requirement
10 of 50% green energy. At both locations, the main cost
45 45 120
Wind Wind Wind
40 Solar 40 Solar Solar
Cost (in million dollars)
Figure 8. Per-month cost with net metering vs. the Figure 9. Per-month cost with batteries vs. the Figure 10. Per-month cost without storage vs. the
desired percentage of green energy. desired percentage of green energy. desired percentage of green energy.
components are the construction and IT equipment costs. In of wind. Thus, the best solution builds two wind plants
addition, locations in the US are often chosen because the totaling 51MW of peak production. In contrast, the solar-
US has areas with high capacity factors, cheap grid electric- only solution requires three datacenters located in Kiev,
ity, and extensive networking and power infrastructures. Nairobi, and Iowa, with solar plants totaling 168.5MW.
When we desire 100% green energy ($22.1M/month), the
D. Execution time network is about 28% more expensive than a network with
Using the heuristic solver described in Section II-C, our no green energy. In this case, the best solution comprises
tool takes tens of minutes (e.g., ∼20 minutes for a typical two datacenters located in Mount Washington and Burke
case) to produce a result when considering 50-100 potential Lakefront (Table II), with wind plants totaling 222.2MW
locations. When considering the entire set of 1373 locations, of peak production, and a solar plant at Burke Lakefront
the tool takes more than 2 weeks to produce reasonable providing 32.9MW of peak production. Interestingly, using
results (the execution time grows exponentially with the a combination of solar and wind, the solution still provisions
number of locations). Solving the actual MILP formulation exactly 50MW of computation power. Though it is difficult
for 50-100 potential locations is possible (in one to several to see this in the figure, the solar+wind solution is only slight
days of execution), when we have either a 0% or 100% cheaper than wind-only at 100% green energy.
green energy requirement. Our heuristic solver was able to
find equally good solutions in all of these extreme cases. B. Net metering return
In the results above, we assume that net metering has a
IV. G REEN DATACENTER P LACEMENT return of 100%, i.e. the revenue accrued by net metering
We now study the cost of building a green cloud service as 1kWh of energy is the same as the price of drawing 1kWh
a function of different parameters. Our technical report [31] of grid electricity. In other words, storage of green energy
also considers a stricter form of green energy enforcement. in the grid is free. However, power utilities may pay less
than the full retail price for each kWh stored in the grid.
A. Desired percentage of green energy
Interestingly, we find that the net metering return does
Fig. 8 shows the per-month cost of a network of datacen- not have a significant impact on the total network cost. For
ters providing 50MW of compute power, as a function of the example, the wind-only and solar+wind datacenter networks
desired percentage of green energy. Here, we assume that net cost roughly $22M/month with 100% green energy, regard-
metering is used for green energy storage. The “Wind and/or less of the net metering return. However, the ability to store
solar” (or simply solar+wind) curve represents the solution green energy is critical when we desire large percentages
in which we allow either or both technologies to be used. of green energy, even when the power utility does not pay
The leftmost point in the figure represents the 0% desired for the net metered energy. For example, when storage
green energy, i.e. the cheapest “Brown” network out of is not available, the wind-only cost increases by almost
our world-wide locations. Thus, the figure shows that it is $80M/month with 100% green energy, due to the high
possible to build a green datacenter network at relatively variability of wind energy. We discuss storage further next.
low cost. For example, a datacenter network with 50%
green energy ($19.6M/month) is only about 13% more C. Green energy storage
expensive than the cheapest network with no green energy Net metering is not available in many parts of the world.
($17.3M/month). We detailed the 50% green energy solution Fig. 9 shows the costs when we use batteries to store
in Section III-C. green energy, instead of net metering. Generally, the costs
In comparison, a solar-only green datacenter network is follow the trends shown for net metering, although storage
more expensive ($21.3M/month) for a 50% green energy with batteries is more expensive. As large battery capacity
requirement. The main reasons are: (1) solar’s higher cost is expensive, the green power plants have to be larger to
per installed Watt; (2) the higher capacity factors of the best compensate. At 100% green energy requirement, wind-only
wind locations; and (3) the use of net metering to store is almost as expensive as solar-only. The reason is that a
surplus green energy, which mitigates the high variability large amount of batteries has to be provisioned to deal with
160 160 120
Minimum capacity (50 MW) Minimum capacity (50 MW) Wind
140 Wind 140 Wind Solar
Capacity (MW)
100 100
80 80 60
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0 0
0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100
Green percentage (%) Green percentage (%) Migration (%)
Figure 11. Total compute capacity with net metering Figure 12. Total compute capacity without storage Figure 13. Per-month cost of a 100% green data-
vs. the desired percentage of green energy. vs. the desired percentage of green energy. center network without storage, as a function of the
migration requirements.
the high wind variability. The solar+wind solution uses both in the green datacenter networks. This shows that networks
solar and wind to offset variability in each of the sources, of green datacenters can be built without significant over-
and thus requires only about half as much battery capacity. provisioning of capacity for following the renewables, except
Although one can use batteries to replace net metering, a at very high percentages of required green energy.
serious problem is that the most popular technology in data-
center batteries (lead-acid) uses materials that are harmful to E. Migration impact
the environment. Thus, we now consider scenarios in which
no energy storage is available. Fig. 10 plots the cost in this The results above assume that, whenever load needs to
case. As mentioned above, the cost increases significantly be migrated from one datacenter to another, the migration
when a high percentage of green energy is desired and requires a full epoch (i.e., 1 hour). This is conservative, since
storage is unavailable. For example, the cheapest 100% we may be moving only a small amount of computation.
green datacenter network is now 3.75x more expensive than Fig. 13 studies the impact of the migration time (its asso-
when net metering is available ($82.8 vs. $22.1M/month). ciated energy consumption) on the total cost. In particular,
The reason is that more datacenters are needed to ensure that the figure plots the cost of a 100% green datacenter network
green energy is always available, e.g. the 100% wind-only with no storage vs. migration time of 0% to 100% of an
solution needs 13 datacenters. Also, the green energy plants epoch. We only show results for this case because, at a lower
need to be larger, to ensure that there is always sufficient percentage of green energy and/or when there is storage,
green energy being produced. The solution found for 100% there are very few migrations and so migration overheads
green energy with solar and/or wind includes 3 datacenters are insignificant.
totaling 150MW of compute power, 1.1GW of solar power, These results show that smaller migration energy over-
and 38GW of wind power. heads can reduce the cost of the best solution up to 12%.
Interestingly, wind-only becomes the most expensive at The reduction for wind-only is even greater (19%), because
100%. This is because wind energy is so variable that it of its large number of migrations across the 13 locations.
requires massive over-provisioning to ensure 100% green
energy when no storage is available. On the other hand, cost F. Summary
rises more rapidly for solar-only solutions at lower green
energy requirements, because substantially less solar energy We made several interesting observations from this study:
is produced early in the day and later in the afternoon. Thus, • With net metering, we can build a green cloud service
to avoid building more datacenters, solar-only solutions at a low additional cost compared to the best possible
over-provision the solar plants to supply sufficient energy brown service, e.g. 13% when we desire 50% green
during the periods of low production. All load is migrated energy use.
away from a datacenter at night time, when no solar energy • In most cases, wind is more cost-effective than solar for
is produced. This is why solar-only solutions site three powering a cloud service for two main reasons: wind
datacenters roughly evenly spread around the world in the is cheaper per kW of installed capacity, and energy
absence of storage. storage mitigates the greater variability of wind energy.
• There is only one scenario in which solar is more cost-
D. Datacenter idleness when following renewables effective than wind: when there is no storage, and we
There is often a perception that following the renewables want a high percentage of green energy. The reason
would leave a significant amount of idle compute capacity is that solar energy is less variable and, thus, more
in datacenters. Figs. 11 and 12 plot the total provisioned predictable.
compute capacity, as a function of the desired percentage • Despite the variability in renewable energy, we only
of green energy. Observe that except for the cases of 100% need a few datacenters (typically 2-3) in the presence
solar energy, 100% green energy without storage, and ≥50% of storage, even when we desire a high percentage of
solar-only energy and no storage, there is very little idleness green energy.
Location IT Capacity Solar Wind
OpenNebula OpenNebula
Scheduler Mexico City, Mexico 50.0MW 327.7MW 9.0kW
PM PM ... PM ... PM PM ... PM
Andersen, Guam 50.0MW 375.4MW 38.0MW
Harare, Kenya 50.0MW 396.7MW 20.8kW
Datacenter Datacenter