Working Paper: Aeronautical Communications Panel (Acp) Twentyseventh Meeting of Working Group F
Working Paper: Aeronautical Communications Panel (Acp) Twentyseventh Meeting of Working Group F
Working Paper: Aeronautical Communications Panel (Acp) Twentyseventh Meeting of Working Group F
WRC 15 Agenda Item 1.12 with possibly impact to aeronautical services is the
proposed extension of the range 9000 to 9200 MHz for Earth exploration satellite
Service (EESS), currently used e.g. for Precision Approach Radar (PAR), Airport
Surface Detection Equipment (ASDE), Airport Surface Movement Radar (ASMR)
sometimes combined with Airport Surface Radar (ASR) with Range up to 25 NM. It is
argued during the last ITU-R WP5B meeting, that the impact on the aeronautical
services has already been proven since the technical data is mainly identical to those
equipments dealt with at previous sharing studies performed during past allocation for
the EESS above 9200 MHz.
While it is true that some Radar types used by ARNS also operate above 9200 MHz,
others like PAR do not. Furthermore the equipment types considered in the past were
only un-modulated pulse Radars, having short pulses around 40 ns and PRF in excess
of 8000 Hz. In lieu of magnetron-based designs manufacturers offer now solid-state-
based Radars that utilize pulse-compression modulation. The compatibility of these
new Radar technologies with the aforementioned aeronautical systems have not yet
been analyzed. Therefore in addition to studying the compatibility of EESS with
aeronautical Radars in the band 9000 to 9200 MHz also the compatibility in the band
9200 to 9500 MHz band needs to be studied.
1 Introduction to X-Band RADAR used for ARNS:
WRC-15 Agenda Item 1.12 calls to consider an extension of the current worldwide allocation to the
Earth exploration-satellite (active) service in the frequency band 9 300-9 900 MHz by up to 600 MHz
within the frequency bands 8 700-9 300 MHz and/or 9 900-10 500 MHz.
In this context it should be emphasized, that for ARNS the following RADAR applications are in use
in the Band 900 to 9200 MHz:
PAR (Precision Approach Radar)
ASDE or ASMR (Airport Surface Detection Equipment, Airport Surface Movement Radar)
ASR combined with PAR or ASDE
All of these systems operate either using two scanning antennas, one for azimuth and elevation
guidance in case of a PAR, or rotating antennas for ASDE, ASMR and ASR. While originally only
single frequency design, for redundancy and to improve the probability of detection dual frequency
designs are now commonly used. Short pulses of about 40 ns in duration are transmitted with a PRF of
8000 Hz or higher, while the antenna rotates with about 60 RPM. Antenna gains are around 38 dBi
The Magnetrons used for the generation of the pulses have a transmitter output of up to 40 kW. The
occupied bandwidth and therefore receiver bandwidth is sufficiently large to allow for drift of the
Magnetron during operation, for the systems known to the author about 70 MHz. Radar with short-
pulses allow sharing of multiple Radar in the same aerodrome due to the Pulse Width, PRF, and RPM
commonly used.
Moreover, for PAR, ASDE and ASMR solid state transmitter are replacing magnetrons. Since about
ten years frequency agile PAR were introduced that employ 4 or more frequencies and now more
ASDE and ASMR are available.
The solid state technology allows pulse compression by means of modulation. Furthermore it became
common to transmit multiple pulses in succession (e.g. 3) which differ in length and frequency they
are transmitted on, thus requiring different frequencies for each pulse in order not to interfere with a
previously used frequency in the available frequency range 9000 to 9200 MHz or 9200 MHz to
9500 MHz. Attachment I provides a comparison of three different modern radio determination Radars
manufactured Terma. The principle of frequency hopping using pulse-compressed signals of different
duration are shown in Att. II 6.2 Radar Settings, which documents transmitter testing. However the,
receiver requirements and their interference susceptibility are yet unknown.
Technical details differ from design to design, from manufacturer to manufacturer confidential and are
mostly viewed as confidential. Manufacturers offer only basic information like transmitter output
power, antenna gain, beam- or pulse-width, but not the for sharing studies relevant information on the
receiver nor the post processing needed to evaluate the interference sensitivity to other signal types,
like the ones proposed by EESS. The pulse-compression used for signals, their duration, modulation
type or hopping sequence are not universally harmonized.
It has to be noted that without the information of technical and operational equipments of these Radar
types ITU will not include them in their studies and therefore no protection is provided.
At the time of preparation of this paper, neither technical nor operational details about the signals to be
transmitted by EESS are available. Therefore no evaluation of the electromagnetic compatibility with
the aforementioned aeronautical systems is possible.
2 Conclusion:
Without that manufacturer will provide the required technical and operational equipments no sharing
studies will be performed for this Radar types within ITU.
While it may not be impossible to allow sharing with the restrictions that e.g. operation of EESS is
limited to night times when airport in the area of transmission of the EESS are not in operation for
aerodrome control or APP and DEP services, it is advised not to agree to a sharing until actual
interference studies on the currently available RADAR designs have been performed.
Furthermore it is advised/cautioned that any future designs of RADAR for ARNS purposes require
similar measurements and may require further restriction for the EESS operator,
Prior accepting shall be subjected to a similar detailed interference susceptibility measurement before
allowing their use, and that additional restrictions can be imposed to EESS, allowing ARNS RADAR
to maintain improvement in operation as technical evolution allows.
3 Recommendation:
Based on the lack of information no positive statements for a sharing with EESS the present draft
ICAO position on WRC-15 agenda item 1.12.
To obtain an overview of the aeronautical use of the relevant frequency bands, a questionnaire to
civil and military ANSP should identify the RADAR systems currently in operation or planned to
be procured for operation
Manufacturers of the equipment identified in the questionnaire above should be questioned by
ANSP that procured the equipment, to provide a feedback on conducted interference
compatibility studies
EESS providers shall provide signal generators capable of generating the signals to be used for
EESS upon request to ANSP and manufacturer to allow interference compatibility tests.
ANSPs to inform their national representatives within ITU of the need to establish the allowable
interference values for the band 9000 to 9200 MHz and also for those equipment employing pulse
compressed signal in the band 9200 to 9500 MHz.
Urge states to provide any available relevant progress report to WG-F
Urge ANSP that already employ or plan to procure Radar utilizing pulse compression, to lean on
their manufacturer to provide the required technical and operational information, to allow sharing
studies within WRC, and in consequence ensure protection of ARNS equipment
The author would like to acknowledge the support of his colleague Felix Butsch in proofreading and
streamlining this paper.
Apendix I: Draft ICAO Position on WRC 15 Agenda Item 1.12 (May 2012)
• unless it has been demonstrated through agreed studies that there will be no
impact on aviation use.
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