Som Gate 2008: 2 Marks

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  Mechanical SOM GATE Papers  SOM GATE 2008


1 Marks 2 Marks

1. A rod of length L and diameter D is subjected to a tensile load P. Which of the following is sufficient to calculate the resulting
change in diameter ?

(A) Young’s modulus

(B) Shear modulus

(C) Poisson’s ratio

(D) Both Young’s modulus and shear modulus

 Answer

Option (D) is correct

We can find out the change in length or longitudinal elongation using Youngs modulus, as shown below

ΔL =

Now to find the decrease in the diameter of the rod, we need to know the Poisson’s ratio (μ) defined as

Lateral or Diametral strain

μ = −
longitudinal strain

Hence we need both Youngs modulus and Poisson’s ratio

Since, according to the given option D is correct as by knowing Both Young’s modulus and shear modulus, we can find other
properties like Poisson’s ratio (μ) and Bulk modulus (K), using
9N K
E = 2N (1 + μ) = 3K(1 − 2μ) =
N +3K

2. A cantilever type gate hinged at Q is shown in the figure. P and R are the centers of gravity of the cantilever part and the
counterweight respectively. The mass of the cantilever part is 75 kg. The mass of the counter weight, for static balance, is

(A) 75 kg       (B) 150 kg

(C) 225 kg     (D) 300 kg

 Answer

3. The transverse shear stress acting in a beam of rectangular cross-section, subjected to a transverse shear load, is

(A) variable with maximum at the bottom of the beam

(B) variable with maximum at the top of the beam

(C) uniform

(D) variable with maximum on the neutral axis

 Answer

4. An axial residual compressive stress due to a manufacturing process is present on the outer surface of a rotating shaft
subjected to bending. Under a given bending load, the fatigue life of the shaft in the presence of the residual compressive stress

(A) decreased

(B) increased or decreased, depending on the external bending load

(C) neither decreased nor increased

(D) increased

 Answer

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Sadiq Mahmood
In common data question of thin cylinder, first of all there is error in typing question, density of water
given is 100 kg/m3 but it should 1000 kg/m3. And i think the axial stress should be 10 Mpa. because
longitudinal stress at each and every point along the length is same.. Suppose if cylinder is open ended
then longitudinal stress is zero at each and every point along the length irrespective of height. Kindly
verify it.
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Amit Rathore
Dear, the density is updated and the answer as i had explained can be either A or B according to
how we percieve it.
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