Design and Analysis of Flat Slab Floor S
Design and Analysis of Flat Slab Floor S
Design and Analysis of Flat Slab Floor S
A reinforced concrete flat slab, also called as beamless slab, is a slab supported directly
by columns without beams. A part of the slab bounded on each of the four sides by centre line
of column is called panel. The flat slab is often thickened closed to supporting columns to
provide adequate strength in shear and to reduce the amount of negative reinforcement in the
support regions. The thickened portion meets the floor slab or a drop panel, is enlarged so as to
increase primarily the perimeter of the critical section, for shear and hence, increasing the
capacity of the slab for resisting two-way shear and to reduce negative bending moment at the
support. Such enlarged or flared portion of and a capital. Slabs of constant thickness which do
not have drop panels or column capitals are referred to as flat plates. The strength of the flat
plate structure is often limited due to punching shear action around columns, and consequently
they are used for light loads and relatively small spans.
The flat slab system of construction is one in which the beam is used in the conventional
methods of construction done away with the directly rests on column and the load from the
slabs is directly transferred to the columns and then to the foundation. Drops or columns are
generally provided with column heads or capitals. Grid floor systems consisting of beams
spaced at regular intervals in perpendicular directions, monolithic with slab
A flat slab consists of a reinforced concrete slab that is directly supported by concrete
columns without the use of intermediate beams. C.A.P. Turner constructed flat slabs in U.S.A.
in 1906 mainly using intuitive and conceptual ideas, which was start of this type of
construction. Many slabs were load-tested between 1910- 20 in U.S.A. It was only in 1914 that
Nicholas proposed a method of analysis of flat slabs based on simple statics. This method is
used even today for the design of flat slabs and flat plates and is known as the direct design
method. Structural engineers commonly use the equivalent frame method with equivalent beams
such as the one proposed by Jacob S. Grossman in practical engineering for the analysis of flat
plate structures. Floor systems consisting of flat slabs are very popular in countries where cast-
in place construction is predominant form of construction because of many advantages in terms
of architectural flexibility, use of space, easier formwork, and shorter construction time. Flat
slabs are being used mainly in office buildings due to reduced formwork cost, fast excavation,
and easy installation.
Foundation trenches shall be dug out to the exact width of foundation and sides shall be
vertically executed earth shall not be placed within the meter of the trench.
Aggregate shall be of insert materials and should be lean hard sound durable, no
observant and capable of developing good bond with moisture
Steel reinforced bars shall be deformed steel. It should be free from corrosion loose and
scales, oil grease paints etc. During laying and compacting of concrete. The steel bars
should not be disturbed. Centering and sheltering shall be made with timber or steel
palte close and light of percentage leakage mortar i.e.; shall be (1:2:4) proportion by
volume of slabs, beams and lintels. The rate of reinforced cement concrete shall be for
the complete work excluding steel bars, including all tools and plants.
Filling the basement with excavation earth including all leads and lifts.
All bricks shall be standard application made of good bricks thoroughly burned
shall be of deep cherry red copper color having bursting strength of 75KN. Cement
mortar shall be used as 1:3 to 1:6 bricks work shall be measured in centimeters.
After getting an architectural plan of the building, the structural planning of the building
framing is done
Structural planning is first stage in any structural design. It involves the determination of
appropriate form of structure, material to be used, and the structural system, the layout of its
components and the method of analysis. As the success of an engineering project is measured
in terms of safety and economy, the emphasis today being more on economy. Structural
planning is the first step towards successful structural design.
i. Larger spacing of columns not only increases the span and the cost of the beam but it
increases the load on the column at each floor posing problem of stocky columns in
lower story’s of a multi-storied building.
i. The columns on property line need special treatment. Since column required certain
area beyond the column
ii. This encountered certain difficulties mainly in providing footing for such columns.
iii. In such cases the column is shifted in side along the side wall to make room for
accommodating the footing within the property line.
b. Orient the column so that the depth of column is contained in the major plane of
bending (or) is perpendicular to the major is of building
i. The above principle of governing orientation of columns given below can easily
understand (When a column is rigidly connected to beams at right angles) it is subjected to
moments in addition to the axial loads.
ii. In such cases the column should be so oriented that the depth of the column is
perpendicular to the major axis of bending. So as to gets larger moment of inertial and greater
moment resisting capacity.
iii. Since the bending moment will be very large in the plane of the frame (eg: XY plane)
the depth of the column has been provided has been provided in the plane of bending to the
moment resistance capacity the column and reduced Leff/D ratio and increase the stiffness of
the column.
Length of column = 3050mm
=25*3.05*0.23*0.4 =7.02KN
=8.25*4.72 =38.94KN
=25*0.23*0.44*2.29 =5.8KN
=25*0.23*0.44*2.06 =5.21KN
=19*2.29*3.05*0.152 =20.17KN
=19*2.06*3.05*0.152 =18.15KN
Total load on the ground floor column =factored load * No. of floors =142.94*5
Asc = 0.008Ac
714.7*10*10*10= 0.4*20*Ac+0.67*415*0.008Ac
Ac = 699.1mm2
Asc = 0.008Ac
Transverse reinforcement:
b) 6mm
=25*3.05*0.23*0.6 = 10.5KN
=9.75*1.22*2.06 = 24.51KN
=8.25*2.29*2.06 = 38.92KN
=25*0.23*0.44*2.29 = 5.79KN
= 25*0.23*0.44*2.9 = 8.17KN
=25*0.23*0.44*1.03 = 2.61KN
=19*0.23*3.05*2.9 = 38.65KN
1300.1*103= 0.4*20*Ac+0.67*415*0.008Ac
Ac = 127196mm2
Transverse reinforcement:
A. Beams shall normally be provided under the walls (or) below a heavy concentrated
i. Since beams are primarily to support slabs, its spacing shall be decided by the
maximum span of slabs.
ii. Slab requires the maximum volume of concrete to carry a given load. Therefore the
thickness of slab is required to be kept minimum.
iii. Since in our project the design is of flat slabs the beams are provided only on the
periphery of the building slab.
Note: The max practical thickness for commercial/official/public building is 300mm while
minimum is 125mm for fire resistance consideration.
Slabs are plate elements forming floor and roofs of building and carrying loads primarily by
flexure. Inclined slabs may be used as ramps for multi-storey car parks. A staircase can be
considered be an inclined slab. A slab may be supported by beams or walls and may used as the
flanges of a T-o L-beam. Moreover, a slab may be simply supported or continuous over one
more supports and is classified according to the manner of support:
Stairs are provided in a building to afford a means of communication between the various
floors, they are called staircase. Since they have to perform the very important function, the
slab over which the steps rest should be designed properly to provide maximum comfort, easy
and safety.
The most important aspect in providing staircase is its location. The location of
staircase should be such as to provide as easy access so that in case of causality, e.g.: fire break,
earth, wood etc. In residential & commercial buildings, it should be placed centrally so as to:
A well planned and design stair should provide an easy, quick and safe mode of
communication between the various floors. The general requirements of stairs are given below:
a. Location.
b. Effective span of staircase
c. Distribution of loading on stair
d. Width of stair case
e. Length of flight
f. Materials.
g. Landings
h. Step proportion
Fck =20N/mm2
Fy =415N/mm2
Rise =150mm
Since the landing slab is two way slab, the load on it may be taken as 9.785/2 =4.89
Flight BC:
Mu = (12.1*2.06)-4.89*1.07*1.53)-((9.625*0.99*0.99)/2)
d = 81.88mm
Ast =442.91mm2
Spacing = 255.1mm
Flight AB:
Rb*2.867 = (9.625*1.8*0.9)+(4.59*1.067*20.33)
Rb =9.61KN
Ra =12.85
12.85-9.625x =0
Ast =368mm2
A building is generally composed of super structure above the ground and a substructure
which forms the foundation below ground. The safe bearing capacity of soli must not be exceed
otherwise excessive settlement may occur, resulting in damage to the building and it service
facilities, such as water or gas mains. Foundation failure can also be effect the overall stability
of the structure so that it is liable to slide, to lift vertically or over turn.
Footing or foundation is defined as the part of substructure, which transmits the loads
form the super-structure to surrounding soil stratum safely. Foundations are classified as two
i. Shallow foundation
ii. Deep foundation
The depth of foundation is less than or equal to the width of the foundation then the foundation
is said to be shallow foundation. If the depth of the foundation is greater than width of the
foundation is said to be deep foundation.
a. Isolated under individual column. These may be square, rectangular or circular in plan.
b. Strip footing and wall footing.
c. Combine footing, supporting two or more loads these may be rectangular or trapezoidal
in plan or they may be isolated beam basis join by a beam. The latter case is referred to
as foot strapping.
d. Raft or mat foundation is a large continuous foundation supporting on the column of
structure. This is normally used when soil conditions are poor or differential settlement
is to be provided.
e. In pile foundation, pile caps are sued to tie a group of piles together these may support
isolated columns or group of several columns or group of several columns or loads
leaving columns.
Bearing capacity of soil:
Total load per unit are under the foundation must be less than the permissible bearing capacity
of the soil to prevent the excessive settlement.
It is important to have an engineering survey made of the soil under a propose structure
so that variation in the strata and the soil properties can be determined. Drill holes or trail pits
should be sunk in situation test such a penetration test performed and the samples of the soil
taken earth bearing pressure and if necessary calculating possible settlement of a structure.
In the design of foundations, the areas of the bases in contact with the ground should be
such that the safe bearing pressures will not be exceeded. Settlement takes place during the
working life of the structure. These loads are to be properly transmitted; footings must be
designed to prevent excessive settlement or rotation, to minimize differential settlement and to
provide adequate safety against sliding and overturning.
The type of footing depends upon the load carried by the column and the bearing
capacity of type supporting soli. For framed structures under study, isolated column footing are
normally referred in case of soil with very low bearing capacities. If such soil or black cotton
soil exits for greater depth pile foundation can be an appropriate choice. If columns are very
closely spaced and bearing capacity of soil is low, raft foundation can also be an alternative
solution. For a column on a boundary line, a combined footing or a strap footing may be
The type of footing depends upon the load carried by the column and the bearing
capacity of soil.
Design of footing 1:
Area =350m2
The ratio of length, breadth of footing shall be approximately same as width and depth of column
L =1.74b
B=1.34m L=1.98m
Factored moment:
Tranverse moment:
Y = (1.35-0.23)/2
Y = 0.56m
Spacing = 186.2mm
Transverse steel:
Ast =292mm2
Ʈc = 0.28N/mm2
Ʈv > Ʈc
Critical section occurs at a distance d/2 from the face of the column
d/2 = 200mm
= (714.7)-(0.8*0.63*265) =581.14KN
Clause 456-2000) when shear reinforcement is not provided the calculated shear stress at
the critical section shall not exceed:
The ratio of length, breadth of footing shall be approximately same as width and depth of column
L =2.61b
B=1.25m, L=3.27m
Factored moment:
Mu = Wx 2/2 = (315.27*1.352)/2
= 287.3KN/m
Traverse moment:
Y = (1.25-0.23)/2
Y = 0.51m
Spacing = 73.54mm
Transverse steel:
Ast =208.21mm2
Permissible stress in concrete
Ʈc = 0.37N/mm2
Ʈv > Ʈc
Critical section occurs at a distance d/2 from the face of the column
d/2 = 275mm
= (1300.5)-(1.15*0.78*315.27) = 1017.7KN
When shear reinforcement is not provided the calculated shear stress at the critical section shall not
A shear wall is wall which is designed to resist shear, the lateral force which causes the bulk of
damage in earthquakes. Many building codes mandate the use of shear walls to make homes
safer and more stable.
When a shear wall is built, it is constructed in the form of a line of heavily braced and
reinforced panels. In some regions, shear walls are known as braced wall lines for this very
In multi-story structures, shear walls are critical, because in addition to preventing the failure of
exterior walls, they also support the multiple floors of the building, ensuring that they do not
collapse as a result of lateral movement in an earthquake. When a building has a story without
shear wall, or with poorly placed shear walls, it is known as a soft storied building, referencing
the idea that the story without reinforcement will b soft an vulnerable in the crisis.
Because shear walls are structural in nature, they cannot be moved or cut open. This is an
important issue to consider when building a structure from the ground up, it’s a good idea to
think about how uses of the space might change, to ensure that a shear wall does not become a
nuisance later .
Shear wall is used not only to resist shear but also to resist flexure. Shear walls should have
enough mechanism for transferring the forces from outer frame to the shear wall. Shear is
generally provided around the centre of mass of the build into minimize the effect caused by the
It is a structure in which all the loads coming from slabs is taken by walls and distributed to the
soil through foundation. In this neither beams nor columns provided the structure is fully based
on walls. By this structure we can reduce the cost of steel and concrete due to no provision of
beams and columns. But in life of loads bearing structure is very less compared to framed
structure in other way it becomes difficult on the higher levels.
Framed structure:
It is a structure in which all the loads coming from the slab is taken by beam and column
distributed to the subsoil by means of RCC footing. In this type of beams, columns and footings
are provided .hence the structure the cist by decrease the thickness of walls does not takes any
loads from the lab. By framed structure we can construct at higher levels also. Now-a-days the
load bearing structure become absolute in the view of future construction and in cost
comparison there is no much difference between load bearing and framed structure.
The choice of type of slab for a particular floor depends on many factors. Economy of
construction is obviously an important consideration, but this is a qualitative argument until
specific cases are discussed, and is a geographical variable. The design loads, required spans,
serviceability requirements, and strength requirements are all important.
For beamless slabs, the choice between a flat slab and a flat plate is usually a matter of loading
and span. Flat plate strength is often governed by shear strength at the columns, and for service
live loads greater than perhaps 100 lb/ft2 (4.8 KN/m2) and spans greater than about 20 to 24 ft (7
to 8 m) the flat slab is often the better choice. If architectural or other requirements rule out
capitals or drop panels, the shear strength can be improved by using metal shear heads or some
other form of shear reinforcement, but the costs may be high.
Deflections and shear stresses may also be controlled by adding beams instead of column
capitals. If severe deflection limits are imposed, the two-way slab will be most suitable, as the
introduction of even moderately stiff beams will reduce deflections more than the largest
reasonable column capital is able to. Beams are also easily reinforced for shear forces.
The choice between two-way and beamless slabs for more normal situations is complex. In
terms of economy of material, especially of steel, the two- way slab is often best because of the
large effective depths of the beams. However, in terms of labor in building the floor, the flat
plate is much cheaper because of the very simple formwork and less complex arrangement of
steel. The flat slab is somewhat more expensive in labor than is the flat plates, but the forms for
the column capitals are often available as prefabricated units, which can help limit costs. The
real cost parameter is the ratio of costs of labor relative to material. Few two-way slabs are built
in areas of high labor costs unless there are definite structural reasons, and many are built where
steel is the most costly item. Hollow -tile slabs are still built in some places, but only where the
cost of both steel and cement is very high relative to labor.
Local customs among builders, designers, and users should not be overlooked when selecting
the slab type. There is a natural human tendency to want to repeat what one has previously done
successfully, and resistance to change can affect costs. However, old habits should not be
allowed to dominate sound engineering decisions.
If a flat plate or flat slab is otherwise suitable for a particular structure, it will be found that
there is the additional benefit of minimizing the story height. In areas of absolute height
restrictions, this may enable one to have an additional floor for approximately each 10 floors, as
compared with a two-way slab with the same clearstory heights. The savings in height lead to
other economies for a given number of floors, since mechanical features such as elevator shafts
and piping are shorter. There is less outside wall area, so wind loadings may be less severe and
the building weighs less, which may bring cost reductions in foundations and other structural
components. There are other cost savings when the ceiling finishes can be applied directly to the
lower surfaces of the slabs.
Beamless slabs will be at a disadvantage if they are used in structures that must resist large
horizontal loads by frame action rather than by shear walls or other lateral bracing. The transfer
of moments between columns and a slab sets up high local moments, shears, and twisting
moments that may be hard to reinforce for. In this situation, the two-way slab is the more
capable structure because of the relative ease with which its beams may be reinforced for these
forces. In addition, it will provide greater lateral stiffness because of both the presence of the
beams and the greater efficiency of the beam-column connections.
The possible choice of a precast one-way floor system, consisting of prestressed concrete
members placed side-by-side and spanning between the beams, girders, or walls and generally
covered by a cast-in-place concrete topping slab, should not be overlooked.
The structural action of a one-way slab may be visualized in terms of the deformed
shape of the loaded surface. Figure shows a rectangular slab, simply supported along its two
opposite long edges and free of any support along the two opposite short edges. If a
uniformly distributed load is applied to the surface, the deflected shape will be as shown by
the solid lines. Curvatures, and consequently bending moments, are the same in all strips s
spanning in the short direction between supported edges, whereas there is no curvature,
hence no bending moment, in the long strips l parallel to the supported edges. The surface is
For purposes of analysis and design, a unit strip of such a slab cut out at right angles to the
supporting beams, as in Figure, may be considered as a rectangular beam of unit width, with
a depth h equal to the thickness of the slab and a span la equal to the distance between
supported edges. This strip can then be analyzed by the methods that were used for
rectangular beams, the bending moment being computed for the strip of unit width. The load
per unit area on the slab becomes the load per unit length on the slab strip. Since all the load
on the slab must be transmitted to the two supporting beams, it follows that all the
reinforcement should be placed at right angles to these beams, with the exception of any
bars that may be placed in the other direction to control shrinkage and temperature cracking.
A one-way slab thus consists of a set of rectangular beams side by side.
This simplified analysis, which assumes Poisson’s ratio to be zero, is slightly conservative.
Actually, flexural compression in the concrete in the direction of la will result in lateral
expansion in the direction of lb unless the compressed concrete is restrained. In a one-way
slab, this lateral expansion is resisted by adjacent slab strips, which tend to expand also. The
result is a slight strengthening and stiffening in the span direction, but this effect is small
and can be disregarded.
The ratio of steel in a slab can be determined by dividing the sectional area of one bar by the
area of concrete between two successive bars, the latter area being the product of the depth
to the center of the bars and the distance between them, center to center. The ratio of steel
can also be determined by dividing the average area of steel per foot of width by the
effective area of concrete in a 1 ft strip. The average area of steel per foot of width is equal
to the area of one bar times the average number of bars in a 1 ft strip (12 divided by the
spacing in inches), and the effective area of concrete in a 1 ft (or 12 inch.) strip is equal to
12 times the effective depth d.
To illustrate the latter method of obtaining the steel ratio r, assume a 5 in. slab with an
effective depth of 4 in., with No. 4 bars spaced 4 1/2 in, center to center.
The spacing of bars that is necessary to furnish a given area of steel per foot of width is
obtained by dividing the number of bars required to furnish this area into 12. To furnish an
average area of 0.46 in2/ft, with 4 no. of bars, requires 0.46 /0.20 = 2.3 bars per foot; the
bars must be spaced not more than 12/2.3 = 5.2 in. center to center. The determination of
slab steel areas for various combinations of bars and spacing is facilitated by the following
Design moments and shears in one-way slabs can be found either by elastic analysis or
through the use of the same coefficients as used for beams. If the slab rests freely on its
supports, the span length may be taken equal to the clear span plus the depth of the slab but
need not exceed the distance between centers of supports. In general, center-to-center
distances should be used in continuous slab analysis, but a reduction is allowed in negative
moments to account for support width.
For slabs with clear spans not more than 10 ft that are built integrally with their supports,
analysis as a continuous slab on knife-edge supports with spans equal to the clear spans and
the width of the beams otherwise neglected. If moment and shear coefficients are used,
computations should be based on clear spans.
One-way slabs are normally designed with tensile steel ratios well below the maximum
permissible value to have tension failure. Typical steel ratios range from about 0.004 to
0.008. This is partially for reasons of economy, because the saving in steel associated with
increasing the effective depth more than compensates for the cost of the additional concrete,
and partially because very thin slabs with high steel ratios would be likely to permit large
deflections. Thus, flexural design may start with selecting a relatively low steel ratio, say
about 0.20ρb, setting Mu = φMn and solving for the required effective depth d, given that b =
12 in. for the unit strip.
Table : Minimum thickness h of non pre-stressed one-way slabs
Shear will seldom control the design of one-way slabs, particularly if low tensile steel ratios
are used. It will be found that the shear capacity of the concrete, φVc will almost without
exception be well above the required shear strength Vu at factored loads.
Practical Considerations
The total slab thickness h is usually rounded to the next higher 1/4 in. for slabs up to 6 in.
thickness, and to the next higher 1/2 in. for thicker slabs. The concrete protection below the
reinforcement should call for 2 inch. Below the bottom of the steel. In a typical slab, 1 in.
below the center of the steel may be assumed. The lateral spacing of the bars, except those
used only to control shrinkage and temperature cracks should not exceed 3 times the
thickness h or 18 in., whichever is less. Generally, bar size should be selected so that the
actual spacing is not less than about 1.5 times the slab thickness, to avoid excessive cost for
bar fabrication and handling. Also, to reduce cost, straight bars are usually used for slab
Concrete shrinks as the cement paste hardens. It is advisable to minimize such shrinkage by
using concretes with the smallest possible amounts of water and cement compatible with
other requirements, such as strength and workability, and by thorough moist-curing of
sufficient duration. However, no matter what precautions are taken, a certain amount of
shrinkage is usually unavoidable. If a slab of moderate dimensions rests freely on its
supports, it can contract to accommodate the shortening of its length produced by shrinkage.
Usually, however, slabs and other members are joined rigidly to other parts of the structure
and cannot contract freely. This results in tension stresses known as shrinkage stresses. A
decrease in temperature relative to that, at which the slab was poured, particularly in
outdoor structures such as bridges, may have an effect similar to shrinkage. That is, the slab
tends to contract and if restrained from doing so becomes subject to tensile stresses.
Since concrete is weak in tension, these temperature and shrinkage stresses are likely to
result in cracking. Cracks of this nature are not detrimental, provided their size is limited to
what are known as hairline cracks. This can be achieved by placing reinforcement in the
slab to counteract contraction and distribute the cracks uniformly. As the concrete tends to
shrink, such reinforcement resists the contraction and consequently becomes subject to
compression. The total shrinkage in a slab so reinforced is less than that in one without
reinforcement; in addition, whatever cracks do occur will be of smaller width and more
evenly distributed by virtue of the reinforcement.
In one-way slabs the reinforcement provided for resisting the bending moments has the
desired effect of reducing shrinkage and distributing cracks. However, as contraction takes
place equally in all directions, it is necessary to provide special reinforcement for shrinkage
and temperature.
Contraction in the direction perpendicular to the main reinforcement. This added steel is
known as temperature or shrinkage reinforcement, or distribution steel.
Reinforcement for shrinkage and temperature stresses normal to the principal reinforcement
should be provided in a structural slab in which the principal reinforcement extends in one
direction only. The minimum ratios of reinforcement area to gross concrete area but in no
case shall such reinforcing bars be placed farther apart than 5 times the slab thickness or
more than 18 in. In no case is the steel ratio to be less than 0.0014.
The steel required by the IS Code for shrinkage and temperature crack control also
represents the minimum permissible reinforcement in the span direction of one-way slabs;
the usual minimums for flexural steel do not apply.
2.3. Design of Two-way Slabs:
2.3.1. Introduction
The slabs are presented in two groups: one-way slabs and two-way slabs. The one-
way slabs are presented in Section 9.2. When a rectangular slab is supported on all the sides
and the length-to-breadth ratio is less than two, it is considered to be a two-way slab. The
slab spans in both the orthogonal directions. A circular slab is a two-way slab. In general, a
slab which is not falling in the category of one-way slab is considered to be a two-way slab.
1) Flat plates: These slabs do not have beams between the columns, drop panels or column
capitals. Usually, there are spandrel beams at the edges.
2) Flat slabs: These slabs do not have beams but have drop panels or column capitals.
3) Two-way slabs with beams: There are beams between the columns. If the beams are wide
and shallow, they are termed as band beams.
For long span construction, there are ribs in both the spanning directions of the slab. This
type of slabs is called waffle slabs.
The slabs can be cast-in-situ (cast-in-place). Else, the slabs can be precast at ground level
and lifted to the final height. The later type of slabs is called lift slabs. A slab in a framed
building can be a two-way slab depending upon its length-to-breadth (L / B) ratio. Two-way
slabs are also present as mat (raft) foundation.
The following sketches show the plan of various cases of two-way slabs. The spanning
directions in each case are shown by the double headed arrows.
The absence of beams in flat plates and flat slabs lead to the following advantages.
1) Formwork is simpler
2) Reduced obstruction to service conduits
3) More flexibility in interior layout and future refurbishment.
Two-way slabs can be post-tensioned. The main advantage of prestressing a slab is the
increased span-to-depth ratio.
The following photographs show post-tensioned flat plate and flat slab.
The analysis of two-way slabs is given in Section 31, IS: 456 - 2000, under “Flat Slabs”.
The analysis is applicable to flat plates, flat slabs and two-way slabs with deflecting beams.
For two-way slabs with beams, if the beams are sufficiently stiff, then the method (based on
moment coefficients) given in Annex D, IS: 456 – 2000, is applicable.
The direct design method of analyzing a two-way slab is not recommended for prestressed
slabs. The equivalent frame method is recommended by ACI 318-02. It is given in
Subsection 31.5, IS: 456 - 2000. This method is briefly covered in this section for flat
plates and flat slabs.
The slab system is represented by a series of two dimensional equivalent frames for each
spanning direction. An equivalent frame along a column line is a slice of the building bound
by the centre-lines of the bays adjacent to the column line.
The width of the equivalent frame is divided into a column strip and two middle strips. The
column strip (CS) is the central half of the equivalent frame. Each middle strip (MS)
consists of the remaining portions of two adjacent equivalent frames. The following figure
shows the division in to strips along one direction. The direction under investigation is
shown by the double headed arrow.
l2 = width of the equivalent frame. This is the tributary width for calculating the loads.
Figure: Elevation of an equivalent frame
The analysis is done for each typical equivalent frame. An equivalent frame is modeled by
slab-beam members and equivalent columns. The equivalent frame is analyzed for gravity
load and lateral load (if required), the negative and positive moments at the critical sections
of the slab-beam members are distributed along the transverse direction. This provides the
design moments per unit width of a slab.
If the analysis is restricted to gravity loads, each floor of the equivalent frame can be
analyzed separately with the columns assumed to be fixed at their remote ends, as shown in
the following figure. The pattern loading is applied to calculate the moments for the critical
load cases. This is discussed later.
The steps of analysis of a two-way slab are as follows.
– +
1) Determine the factored negative (Mu ) and positive moment (Mu ) demands at the critical
sections in a slab-beam member from the analysis of an equivalent frame. The values of Mu
are calculated at the faces of the columns. The values of Mu are calculated at the spans. The
following sketch shows a typical moment diagram in level of an equivalent frame due to
gravity loads
– –
2) Distribute Mu to the CS and the MS. These components are represented as Mu, and
– +
Mu, , respectively. Distribute Mu to the CS and the MS. These components are
+ +
represented as Mu, and Mu, respectively.
Figure: Distribution of moments to column strip and middle strips
3) If there is a beam in the column line in the spanning direction, distribute each of Mu, CS
and Mu, between the beam and rest of the CS.
– +
4) Add the moments Mu, and Mu, for the two portions of the MS (from adjacent
equivalent frames).
5) Calculate the design moments per unit width of the CS and MS.
Once the design moments per unit width of the CS and MS are known, the steps of design
for prestressing steel are same as that for one-way slab. The profile of the tendons is
selected similar to that for continuous beams. The flexural capacity of prestressed slab is
controlled by total amount of prestressing steel and pre-stress rather than by tendon
distribution. But the tendon distribution affects the load balancing. Some examples of
tendon distribution are shown.
Maximum spacing of tendons or groups of tendons should be limited to 8h or 1.5 m,
whichever is less. Here, h is the thickness of the slab. A minimum of two tendons shall be
provided in each direction through the critical section for punching shear around a column.
The critical section for punching shear is described in Section 9.4, Two-way Slabs (Part II).
Grouping of tendons is permitted in band beams.
The ducts for placing the individual strands are oval shaped to maintain the eccentricity,
reduce frictional losses and convenient placement of crossing ducts. The ducts are not
commonly grouted as the use of unbounded tendon is not detrimental in buildings. The
following photo shows the ducts for the prestressing tendons and the non-prestressed
reinforcement in a two-way slab.
The transverse beam need not be a visible beam, but a part of the slab in the transverse
direction, bounded by the edges of the column or column capital. In presence of beam or
column capital or in absence of beam, the cross-section of the modeled transverse beam is
taken as shown in the following sketches.
Figure: Cross-section of modeled transverse beam
The following figure shows the variation of the moment of inertia of the slab beam member.
Since the factored live load (wu, LL) may not occur uniformly in all the spans in a floor, a
distribution is considered to generate the maximum values of the negative (Mu ) and positive
moments (Mu ) at the critical sections. If the distribution of wu, LL is known, then the load is
applied accordingly. If the distribution is not known, then a pattern loading is considered
based on the value of wu, LL with respect to that of the factored dead load (wu, DL). Of course,
the load case with wu, LL on all the spans should be also analyzed.
The possible variation in Wu,LL in the different spans is neglected. Wu,LL is applied
2) For w >¾w
u LL u,DL
For maximum value of Mu in a span, ¾ wu,LL is applied on the span and the alternate spans.
For example, if the maximum value of Mu in Span BC of the frame below is to be
determined, then ¾ wu,LL is placed in Spans BC and DE. This distribution will also give the
+ –
maximum value of Mu in Span DE. For maximum value of Mu near the support, ¾ wu LL is
applied on the adjacent spans only. For example, if the maximum value of Mu near Support
Distribution of live load for maximum Mu in Spans BC and DE
Distribution of live load for maximum Mu near Support B
1) At interior support at the face of support (column or column capital, if any), but not
further than 0.175l1 from the center line of the column.
2) At exterior support at a distance from the face of column not greater than half the
projection of the column capital (if any).
Common practice of design and construction is to support the slabs by beams and support
the beams by columns. This may be called as beam-slab construction. The beams reduce the
available net clear ceiling height. Hence in warehouses, offices and public halls sometimes
beams are avoided and slabs are directly supported by columns. These types of construction
are aesthetically appealing also. These slabs which are directly supported by columns are
called Flat Slabs.
The column head is sometimes widened so as to reduce the punching shear in the slab. The
widened portions are called column heads. The column heads may be provided with any
angle from the consideration of architecture but for the design, concrete in the portion at 45º
on either side of vertical only is considered as effective for the design.
Moments in the slabs are more near the column. Hence the slab is thickened near the
columns by providing the drops as shown in Fig. Sometimes the drops are called as capital
of the column. Thus we have the following types of flat slabs:
The portion of flat slab that is bound on each of its four sides by centre lines of adjacent
columns is called a panel. The panel shown in Fig. has size L1 ´ L2. A panel may be divided
into column strips and middle strips. Column Strip means a design strip having a width of
0.25L1 or 0.25L2, whichever is less. The remaining middle portion which is bound by the
column strips is called middle strip. Fig. shows the division of flat slab panel into column
and middle strips in the direction y.
3.1.1. Drops
The drops when provided shall be rectangular in plan, and have a length in each direction
not less than one third of the panel in that direction. For exterior panels, the width of drops
at right angles to the non continuous edge and measured from the centre-line of the columns
shall be equal to one half of the width of drop for interior panels.
Where column heads are provided, that portion of the column head which lies within the
largest right circular cone or pyramid entirely within the outlines of the column and the
column head, shall be considered for design purpose as shown in Figs.
3.1.3. Thickness of Flat Slab
If drops are not provided or size of drops do not satisfy the specification, then the ratio shall
not exceed 0.9 times the value specified above i.e.,
It is also specified that in no case, the thickness of flat slab shall be less than 125 mm.
For this IS 456-2000 permits use of any one of the following two methods:
This method has the limitation that it can be used only if the following conditions are
(a) There shall be minimum of three continuous spans in each direction.
(b) The panels shall be rectangular and the ratio of the longer span to the shorter span
within a panel shall not be greater than 2.
(c) The successive span length in each direction shall not differ by more than one-third of
longer span.
(d) The design live load shall not exceed three times the design dead load.
(e) The end span must be shorter but not greater than the interior span.
(f) It shall be permissible to offset columns a maximum of 10 percent of the span in the
direction of the offset notwithstanding the provision in (b).
M0 = Total moment
W = Design load on the area L2 ´ Ln
Ln = Clear span extending from face to face of columns, capitals, brackets or walls but not
less than 0.65 L1
In taking the values of Ln, L1 and L2, the following clauses are to be carefully noted:
(a) Circular supports shall be treated as square supports having the same area i.e.,
squares of size 0.886D.
(b) When the span adjacent and parallel to an edge is being considered, the distance
from the edge to the centre-line of the panel shall be substituted for L2.
The total design moment M0 in a panel is to be distributed into –ve moment and +ve
moment as specified below:
Ac is the ratio of flexural stiffness at the exterior columns to the flexural stiffness of the
slab at a joint taken in the direction moments are being determined and is given by
Ac =∑Kc / ∑Ks
Kc = Sum of the flexural stiffness of the columns meeting at the joint; and
Ks = Flexural stiffness of the slab, expressed as moment per unit rotation.
The +ve and –ve moments found are to be distributed across the column strip in a panel as
shown in Table. The moment in the middle strip shall be the difference between panel and
the column strip moments.
Moments in Columns
Shear Force
The critical section for shear shall be at a distance d from the periphery of the column/capital
drop 2 panel. Hence if drops are provided there are two critical sections near columns. These
critical sections are shown in Figs. The shape of the critical section in plan is similar to the
support immediately below the slab as shown in Fig.
For columns sections with re-entrant angles, the critical section shall be taken as indicated in Fig
In case of columns near the free edge of a slab, the critical section shall be taken as shown in
IS 456–2000 recommends the analysis of flat slab and column structure as a rigid frame to get
design moment and shear forces with the following assumptions:
(a) Beam portion of frame is taken as equivalent to the moment of inertia of flat slab bounded
laterally by centre line of the panel on each side of the centre line of the column. In frames
adjacent and parallel to an edge beam portion shall be equal to flat slab bounded by the edge and
the centre line of the adjacent panel.
(b) Moment of inertia of the members of the frame may be taken as that of the gross section of
the concrete alone.
(c) Variation of moment of inertia along the axis of the slab on account of provision of drops
shall be taken into account. In the case of recessed or coffered slab which is made solid in the
region of the columns, the stiffening effect may be ignored provided the solid part of the slab
does not extend more than 0.15 leff into the span measured from the centre line of the columns.
The stiffening effect of flared columns heads may be ignored.
(d) Analysis of frame may be carried out with substitute frame method or any other accepted
method like moment distribution or matrix method.
Loading Pattern
When the live load does not exceed ¾th of dead load, the maximum moments may be assumed
to occur at all sections when full design live load is on the entire slab.
If live load exceeds ¾th dead load analysis is to be carried out for the following pattern of
loading also:
i. To get maximum moment near mid span – ¾th of live load on the panel and full live
load on alternate panel
ii. To get maximum moment in the slab near the support – ¾th of live load is on the
adjacent panel only
It is to be carefully noted that in no case design moment shall be taken to be less than those
occurring with full design live load on all panels.
The moments determined in the beam of frame (flat slab) may be reduced in such proportion that
the numerical sum of positive and average negative moments is not less than the value of total
Moment M0 = WLn /8
The distribution of slab moments into column strips and middle strips is to made in the same
manner as specified in direct design method.
The spacing of bars in a flat slab shall not exceed 2 times the slab thickness.
Area of Reinforcement
When the drop panels are used, the thickness of drop panel for determining area of
reinforcement shall be the lesser of the following:
(b) Thickness of slab plus one quarter the distance between edge of drop and edge of capital.
The minimum percentage of the reinforcement is same as that in solid slab i.e., 0.12 percent if
At least 50 percent of bottom bars should be from support to support. The rest may be bent up.
The minimum length of different reinforcement in flat slabs should be as shown in Fig. (Fig. 16
in IS 456– 2000). If adjacent spans are not equal, the extension of the –ve reinforcement beyond
each face shall be based on the longer span. All slab reinforcement should be anchored property
at discontinuous edges.
The Stresses in an element is obtained from the working loads and compared with
permissible stresses. The method follows linear stress-strain behavior of both the materials.
Modular ratio can be used to determine allowable stresses.
Material capabilities are under estimated to large extent. Factor of safety are used in
working stress method. The member is considered as working stress. Ultimate load carrying
capacity cannot be predicted accurately. The main drawback of this method is that it results
in an uneconomical section.
The stresses are obtained from design loads and compared with design strength. In this
method, it follows linear strain relationship but not linear stress relationship (one of the
major difference between the two methods of design). The ultimate stresses of materials
itself are used as allowable stresses. The material capabilities are not under estimated as
much as they are in working stress method. Partial safety factors are used in limit state
In ultimate load method, the working loads are increased by suitable factors to obtain
ultimate loads. These factors are called load factors. The structure is then designed to resist
the desired ultimate loads. This structure is then designed to resist the desired ultimate
loads. This method takes into account the non-linear stress-strain behavior of concrete.
The term safety factor has been used in the working stress method to denote the ratio
between the yield stress and the permissible stress. It had little meaning as far as the ratio
between collapse loads and working load was concerned. The team load factor has been
traditionally used to denote the ratio between the collapse or ultimate load to the working
load. The knowledge of load factor is more important than the knowledge of factor of
Despite the rapid growth of flat plate/slab construction, literature and tools available for
designers to design and engineer flat plate/slabs in India, has been limited in terms of both
Indian standards and Indian research papers. Indian engineers often have to resort to other
standards to design flat plate/slab. The following is a discussion of the process of designing
flat plate/slabs to meet Indian codes. Limitations in the Indian codes IS 456:2000 are
overcome by utilizing ACI- 318. Maintaining the Integrity of the Specifications
Structural engineers commonly use the equivalent frame method with equivalent beams
such as the one proposed by Jacob S. Grossman in practical engineering for the analysis of
flat plate structures.
Architectural demands for better illumination, lesser fire resistance of sharp corners present
in the form of beams & increase in the formwork cost, optimum use of space leads to the
new concept in the field of structural engineering as Reinforced concrete flat slabs.
FIG.: Plan showing staggered interior columns.
1) Framing system
2) Engineering analysis
3) Reinforcement design and detailing
Framing System:
Initial framing system formulation provides a detailed geometric description of the column
spacing and overhang. Even though the architect provides this part of the design, the
engineer should emphasize on the following:
2) Typical panel must be rectangular
3) The spans must be similar in length i.e. adjacent span in each direction must not
differ in length by one-third Engineering Analysis:
Flat plate/slab may be analyzed and designed by any method as long as they satisfy
the strength, stiffness and stability requirements of the IS 456:2000. A typical flat plate/slab
can be analyzed by direct design method or equivalent frame method as prescribed by the
code. However, if the flat plate/slab is a typical with unusual geometry, with irregular
column spacing, or with big opening then the designer may have to use finite element
method model analysis using computers. The design of flat plate/slabs irrespective of the
methodology used must first assume a minimum slab and drop thickness and a minimum
column dimension to ensure adequate stiffness of the system to control deflection. The IS
456:2000 code is not clear on these minimums. Once the slab thickness and column
dimensions with boundary conditions are selected, the structure is loaded for different load
cases and combinations prescribed by the code. The computed forces and moments in the
members should be used for reinforcement design. Critical reactions for the load
combinations are used for the design of the supporting columns and foundations.
Reinforcement Design and Detailing Reinforcement design is one of the critical parts of flat
plate/slab design; maximum forces from the analysis shall be used in the design of the
reinforcement. Reinforcement required for flexure by using minimum slab thickness per
table 1 typically will not require compression reinforcement. The tension steel area required
and detailing for appropriate strips can be Per IS 456:2000, both being similar. However
design for punching shears force (including additional shear due to unbalanced moment).
Where Ln is clear span in long direction
*Slabs with columns between, along exterior edge. The ratio of flexural stiffness of effective
beam to Flexural stiffness of width of slab bounded laterally by the centerline of adjacent
panel on either side of beam shall not be less than 0.8
** Minimum drop panel shall be at least one-sixth of the span in each direction and project
below the slab at least one-quarter of the slab thickness. In order for the full effective death
of the drop to be used for negative moment reinforcement, the maximum death of the drop
shall not be assumed more than one-fourth of the distance between the edge of the drop and
face of the column. Additionally, drop size can be made as large as possible to reduce
deflection. The absolute sum of the positive and negative moment in each direction is given
Every code suggests any of the two methods as Direct Design Method and Equivalent Frame
Method for analysis of flat slab. Design of Flat slab by Direct Design Method has some
restrictions that:
Hence Equivalent Frame Method is adopted. Using those calculated moments calculate
negative moments at both left & right support i.e. (M-u) & the maximum positive moments
in the middle of span i.e. (M + u). All the Negative & Positive moments are distributed in the
column strips & Middle strips respectively using equivalent codes.
Still moments in the slab remains unbalanced. These unbalanced slab moments at supports
are transmitted to respective columns. These moments are transferred by punching shear &
flexure in the column. The punching shear produces cracks at the critical section close to the
column faces as shown below,
In such slabs large bending moments and shears develop near the junctions with columns.
Therefore there is a need to spread the column at its top end or thicken the slab over column.
Fig 4 : Flat slab with drop and column without column head
The shear stress is calculated as given in IS code & ACI. If it is more than permissible the
shear reinforcement is provided.
Behavior of flat slab and flat plates are identical to those of two way slab. Bands of slab in
both directions along column lines are considered to act as beams. Such bands of slabs are
referred as column strips which pass through the columns and middle strips, occur in the
middle of two adjacent columns. The deflections are minimum at supports and maximum at
mid spans. The deflected flat slab at the center of panel shall have saucer shape. Where δx
and δy is the deflection at midspan in X and Y direction and lx and ly is the span length in X
and Y direction.
4.2.1. Objective
Scope of Work
The project works is concerned with the Analysis and Design of Flat slab with and without
staggered column and to prepare the worksheet for analysis and design of flat slabs. The
scope of work will be as below.
1) Analysis and design of flat slabs is to be carried out for staggered columns using
Equivalent Frame Method with IS 456-2000.
2) Preparation of excel worksheet analysis and design of flat slab with staggered
column as per IS 456-2000.
The term flat slab means a reinforced concrete slab with or without drops, supported
generally without beams, by columns with or without flared column heads (see Fig. 12). A
flat slab may be solid slab or may have recesses formed on the soffit so that the soffit
comprises a series of ribs in two directions. The recesses may be formed by removable or
permanent filler blocks.
1.4 m 1.4 m
3.8 m 2.8 m
1.4 m 1.4 m
5.6 m 6.6 m
The drops when provided shall be rectangular in plan, and have a length in each direction
not less than one- third of the panel length in that direction. For exterior panels, the width
of drops at right angles to the non- continuous edge and measured from the centre -line of
the columns shall be equal to one -half the width of drop for interior panels.
Hence provide a drop of size 2.2 x 2.2 m i.e. in column strip width.
Where column heads are provided, that portion of a column head which lies within the
largest right circular cone or pyramid that has a vertex angle of 90”and can be included
entirely within the outlines of the column and the column head, shall be considered for
design purposes.
Column head dimension along:
considerations of span ( L ) to effective depth ( d ) ratios given as below:
Cantilever 7; simply supported 20; Continuous 26. For slabs with drops, span to effective depth
ratios given above shall be applied directly; otherwise the span to effective depth ratios in
accordance with above shall be multiplied by 0.9. For this purpose, the longer span of the panel
shall be considered. The minimum thickness of slab shall be 125 mm
The unbalanced slab moments at various supports are transmitted to respective columns. This
unbalanced slab moment is shared by the column above & below in proportion to their
relative stiffness. These moments are transferred by punching shear & flexure in the column.
The punching shear produces cracks at the critical section close to the column faces as shown
Fig: Critical section for shear
Thickness of slab:
F.F = 1.5kn/m2
Design strip having width 0.25*11.2 = 2.8m but not greater than 0.25*15.9 = 3.97m on each
side of column centre line
Adopt size of drop as 3.84*5.36= 20.6m2
Column head:
De should be less than 0.2*L1 = 0.2*11.2 = 2.24 not greater than = 0.25* 15.9 = 3.97m
The absolute sum of the +ve and avg. –ve B.M in each direction shall be taken as:
Mo = WLn/8
Distribution of moments:
The negative design moment shall be located at the face of rectangular supports ,circular
supports being treated as square supports having the same area .
At an interior support, the column strip shall be designed to resist 75% of the total negative
moment in the panel at the support.
Column strip: Positive moment for each span, the column strip shall be designed to resist
60% of the total positive moment in the panel.
Middle strip:
Drop depth in field should be 1.75 times or 2 times the depth of slab thus
Provide a depth of = 1.75*depth of slab
d = 350mm
Spacing: The spacing if bars in flat slab shall not exceed two times the slab thickness, except
where the slab is of cellular or ribbed construction.
Ptt = 1.20%
Pt = 0.80%
Spacing = 3.14*144/ 1600*1000 = 165mm
Pt = 0.92%
Grade of concrete(N/mm²) 20
A structure should be strong enough to support the loads acting on it. Hence estimation of
the loads which sufficient accuracy is very essential in structural design. A structure may be
acted upon many types of loads. Dead loads are estimated based on unit weight of materials.
The live loads on floors and the wind loads are obtained. The effect of earthquake load is also
considered and the loads are calculated according to the standards of building codes.
b. Live load: They are either moving or movable loads without any acceleration or impact. The
floor slabs are designed to carry either UDL or concentrated load
d. Wind load: Wind load is primarily horizontally load caused by movement of air relative to
earth. The details of wind load is given by IS: 875 (part -3)
e. Seismic load: The seismic load is caused due to seismic waves caused by the moment of earth
surface or vibration of earth surface. The details of seismic load is given in IS: 1893 (2002).
Advantages of flat-slab reinforced concrete structures are widely known but there are also
known the disadvantages concerning their earthquake resistance. It is remarkable that both IS
Reinforced Concrete Code and Seismic Code do not forbid the use of such structural
systems however both Codes provide specific compliance criteria in order such structures to
be acceptable. The advantages of these systems are:
These structural systems seem to attract global interest due to their advantages mainly in
countries in which the seismicity is low. The application of flat-slab structures is
restrained due to the belief that such structures are susceptible to seismic actions,
Four different cases of 3D structural systems were examined. The categories include the
following structural systems:
c) flat-slab supported by columns and shear walls
d) flat-slab with parametric only beams supported by columns and shear walls.
The aforementioned systems were studied for all possible storey heights which can be
implemented namely one to nine storey buildings with or without basement, (underground
storey). The plan view of the four analyzed structural systems is given a side view of the
nine storey building with its basement is illustrated. The cross section of the columns is
decreased, in both dimensions, by 5cm from one storey to a sequentially higher storey.
Two load combinations were used:
a) The first which imposes ultimate limit states vertical loading i.e. 1.35g+13.50q,
b) The second one which imposes seismic loading provided by the Greek
Vertical elements – columns and shear walls – were modeled in all cases with linear
beam elements. The difference between the models is located on one hand in the use or
not of diaphragm action of slabs and on the other hand in the use of shell or linear
elements for the modeling of the slab. At the shell element the mass was considered to be
concentrated on slab and in the first case it was modeled using a thin mesh at openings
without considering a diaphragm action for the slab. In the second case the slab was
modeled using a thin mesh at openings considering the diaphragm action of the slab.
For the linear model the equivalent frame method was applied according to §9.1.7 of the
Greek Concrete Code. The effective width of the slab was calculated based on the
equation: lx = bo + 2·hs of the Greek Concrete Code and the mass was considered
concentrated at the nodes of the elements. It has to be noted the fact that the results of
analyses using linear elements were more favorable than those using shell elements to
model the slabs. In the present study, only the least favorable results were taken into
Analyses of structural systems have shown that fundamental period is not affected
significantly neither by the density of the slab mesh nor by the use of diaphragm action,
since the differentiation between the results is no more than 0.1%. So the type of thin
mesh was adopted along with the use of diaphragm action which provides satisfying
The Analyzed flat-slab structures were assessed by checking the compliance criteria of
both IS & RC Codes mentioned above. The checks lead to the acceptance or rejection of
the analyzed flat-slab structures for the design seismic action. In the variation of
coefficient θ as well as the total seismic actions -axial and shear loading for each case- are
given correspondingly.
Second order effects
Critical criterion for the acceptance or not of a structural system was found to be the
criterion of second order effects. Values of inter storey drift sensitivity coefficient θ,
according to analyses of all types of structural systems in question, are shown in Fig.
q = 3.5, but most importantly due to the absence of strong beams, the stresses of the
vertical structural elements and mainly those of the shear walls (which have a minimal
difference compared to vertical cantilevers) are found to be unusual high. This fact is
reflected to the foundation requirements and moreover it brings out the necessity of a
greater number (than usual) of shear walls to be utilized in the framework of the structure
in order to achieve a rational resistance of seismic actions.
b) The necessity for ductile systems to be led exclusively to a bending type of failure
suggests creates the need, in the specific case, that the punching shear resistance, wherever
it applies, must be at least over 40% of the corresponding flexural resistance in the same
position. This over strength can be assured by assuming a behavior factor q = 3.0/1.4 =
2.14, which only concerns design of slabs against punching shear. Design of slabs, as well
as design of vertical elements, against bending must be done using q=3.
c) In most cases for punching shear design critical loading is the combination of non
– seismic loads only. The seismic load combination is critical where vertical elements are
close to each other as well as in the case of slabs which are supported at the edge of shear
wall sections or at the corners C-shaped walls (e.g. walls used for staircases). It is notable
that the last two cases concern (are crucial) more the upper storey’s than the bottom
d) When two vertical elements are close to each other in plan, it is prudent to place
beams in between, as the punching shear stress is severe in this case and the resulting slab
thicknesses which are required in order to comply with criterion of VRd2 are not realistic.
2. Design of conventional RCC flat plate/slab in India, utilizing Indian codes, has many
shortcomings, which have to be addressed and revised soon. Until then Indian engineers
will continue to use Indian codes in combination with other standards to design and analyze
flat slabs/plates.
3. The positive mid-span moment is increasing and negative moment is decreasing when we
analyze the slab with Equivalent Frame Method. The negative moment’s section shall be
designed to resist the larger of the two interior negative design moments for the span
framing into common supports.
4. Negative & Positive moments at exterior support is increases for IS 456-2000 for
Equivalent Frame Method.
5. In the Exterior support, the total design moments (Mo) are distributed as 100% in column
strip and 0% in middle strip in both the case IS 456-2000 & the total design moments (Mo)
are distributed as 75% in column strip and 25% in middle strip.
6. In flat slab (with & without staggered column) in both cases the punching shear criteria is
satisfy except Interior columns as per IS 456
1. P.C. Varghese “Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design”, prentice hall of India limited,
New Delhi, EEE (2002).
2. Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, “IS 456:2000, Plain and Reinforced Concrete -
Code of Practice”, Fourth Revision, July (2000).
3. M.Anitha, B.Q.Rahman and JJ.Vijay, “Analysis and Design of Flat Slabs Using Various
Codes”, International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, April (2007).
7. Structural Design Guide to the ACI Building code, Third edition, Van Nostrand Reinhold
Company. New York. 1985.