David V. Agbay G.R. 199113 March 18, 2015 ANG Topic: Citizenship Petitioners: Renato David Respondents: Editha Agbay and People
David V. Agbay G.R. 199113 March 18, 2015 ANG Topic: Citizenship Petitioners: Renato David Respondents: Editha Agbay and People
David V. Agbay G.R. 199113 March 18, 2015 ANG Topic: Citizenship Petitioners: Renato David Respondents: Editha Agbay and People
AGBAY Whether or not petitioner may be indicted for falsification for representing himself
G.R. 199113 as a Filipino in his Public Land Application despite his subsequent re-acquisition of
March 18, 2015 Philippine citizenship under the provisions of R.A. 9225.
RESPONDENTS: EDITHA AGBAY and PEOPLE Considering that petitioner was naturalized as a Canadian citizen prior to
the effectivity of R.A. 9225, he belongs to the first category of natural-
FACTS: born Filipinos under the first paragraph of Section 3 who lost Philippine
Petitioner filed a Miscellaneous Lease Application (MLA) over the subject citizenship by naturalization in a foreign country.
land with the DENR. In the said application, petitioner indicated that he is As the new law allows dual citizenship, he was able to re-acquire his
a Filipino citizen. Philippine citizenship by taking the required oath of allegiance.
For the purpose of determining the citizenship of petitioner at the time of
Private respondent Editha Agbay opposed the application on the ground filing his MLA, it is not necessary to discuss the rulings in Frivaldo
that petitioner, a Canadian citizen, is disqualified to own land. She also and Altarejos on the retroactivity of such reacquisition because R.A. 9225
filed a criminal complaint for falsification of public documents under itself treats those of his category as having already lost Philippine
Article 172 of the RPC against the petitioner. citizenship, in contradistinction to those natural-born Filipinos who
became foreign citizens after R.A. 9225 came into force.
Meanwhile, petitioner re-acquired his Filipino citizenship under the In other words, Section 2 declaring the policy that considers Filipinos who
provisions of Republic Act No. 9225. became foreign citizens as not to have lost their Philippine citizenship,
should be read together with Section 3, the second paragraph of which
The CENRO rejected petitioner’s MLA, ruling that petitioner’s subsequent clarifies that such policy governs all cases after the new law’s effectivity.
re-acquisition of Philippine citizenship did not cure the defect in his MLA Petitioner made the untruthful statement in the MLA, a public document,
which was void ab initio. that he is a Filipino citizen at the time of the filing of said application,
when in fact he was then still a Canadian citizen.
Information for Falsification of Public Document was filed before the MTC Under CA 63, the governing law at the time he was naturalized as
and a warrant of arrest was issued against the petitioner. Canadian citizen, naturalization in a foreign country was among those
ways by which a natural-born citizen loses his Philippine citizenship.
Since the crime for which petitioner was charged was alleged and While he re-acquired Philippine citizenship under R.A. 9225 six months
admitted to have been committed before he had re- acquired his later, the falsification was already a consummated act, the said law
Philippine citizenship, the MTC concluded that petitioner was at that time having no retroactive effect insofar as his dual citizenship status is
still a Canadian citizen. concerned. The MTC therefore did not err in finding probable cause for
falsification of public document under Article 172, paragraph 1.
Petitioner elevated the case to the RTC via a petition for certiorari under
Rule 65, alleging grave abuse of discretion on the part of the MTC. The
petition was denied.