The Golden Rules For Pilots
The Golden Rules For Pilots
The Golden Rules For Pilots
1. Introduction
On the 4th of November 2010 Qantas
flight QF32 experienced an uncon-
tained engine failure shortly after
takeoff from Singapore Changi
This type of incident is so rare and
unpredictable that it does not have
an allocated procedure attached to XKP12371
it. The crew of the A380 was able
to cope with this event by applying
a set of simple basic rules, which
are referred to as the Golden Rules
for Pilots.
Australian Transport Safety Bureau
Figure 1
(ATSB) Preliminary Report Released A380 in
3 December 2010 : Qantas livery
On 4 November 2010, at 0157 Universal Following a normal takeoff, the crew retracted the landing gear and flaps. The crew reported that,
Coordinated Time (UTC), an Airbus A380 while maintaining 250 kts in the climb and passing 7,000 ft above mean sea level, they heard two
aircraft, registered VH-OQA (OQA), being almost coincident ‘loud bangs’, followed shortly after by indications of a failure of the No 2 engine.
operated as Qantas flight 32, departed The crew advised Singapore Air Traffic Control of the situation and were provided with radar vectors
from runway 20 centre (20C) at Changi to a holding pattern. The crew undertook a series of actions before returning the aircraft to land at
Airport, Singapore for Sydney, New South Singapore. There were no reported injuries to the crew or passengers on the aircraft. A subsequent
Wales. On board the aircraft were five flight examination of the aircraft indicated that the No 2 engine had sustained an uncontained failure of the
crew, 24 cabin crew and 440 passengers Intermediate Pressure (IP) turbine disc. Sections of the liberated disc penetrated the left wing and the
(a total of 469 persons on board). left wing-to-fuselage fairing, resulting in structural and systems damage to the aircraft.
So, what are the Golden Rules? Tasksharing should be adapted to MONITORING role, which is why
When should they be used and why? the prevailing situation (i.e. task- Airbus will be changing its docu-
sharing for hand flying or with the mentation over the next year to fully
The following four Golden Rules Auto Pilot engaged, task sharing for reflect and highlight the importance
for Pilots are applicable to all nor- normal operation or for abnormal / of Pilot Monitoring (PM). Wherever
mal operations and any abnormal or emergency conditions) and tasks you see PNF, think PM!
emergency situations: should be accomplished in accord-
ance with the following priorities: Both pilots must remain focused on
q Fly, navigate and communicate
their task as PF or PM, not allow any-
q Use the appropriate level 3.1.1 Fly thing to distract them. This is what we
of automation at all times mean by appropriate tasksharing.
The Pilot Flying (PF) must focus
q Understand the FMA on flying the aircraft by controlling Both pilots must maintain their Situ-
at all times and / or monitoring the pitch attitude, ational Awareness and immediately
q Take action if things bank angle, airspeed, thrust, sideslip, resolve any uncertainty as a crew.
do not go as expected. heading etc. to capture and maintain
the desired vertical and lateral flight 3.1.2 Navigate
path. Navigate can be summarized by the
3.1 Fly, navigate and communicate The Pilot Not Flying (PNF) must as- following three statements of situ-
In this order and with appropriate sist the Pilot Flying (PF) by actively ational awareness:
tasksharing. monitoring all flight parameters
q Know where you are
Just as the crew of QF 32 stated, the and actively directing the attention
number one priority in any event of the PF to any excessive deviation. q Know where you should be
and at all times is to fly the aircraft; Actively monitoring is a key mes- q Know where the weather,
this is the first Golden Rule. sage, we want to emphasize the terrain and obstacles are.
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