Rocket Cake
Rocket Cake
Rocket Cake
RocketCake is an editor for designing responsive websites with no HTML knowledge, no programming is necessary. Just
click together your website. A good place to start on how to use RocketCake is here:
· How to create a Responsive Website
· How to create a Contact Form
· How to use Master Pages
· How to use BreakPoints
Take a look at the 'Properties' window on the left. Here, you can quickly change the appearance of the page (or whatever
element currently is selected). You can enter a Title for your page here (this is the text which usually appears for example
in google if it displays your page as a search result) or the default colors for your links. Also, you can set a background
color, gradient, or image if you like.
Creating a responsive website
To start, add a Navigation Menu to the page. Select the Navigation Menu element in the toolset on the right, and click into
the page. This creates a menu element:
You can click it and directly type text into it in order to create some menu items. Do this, and create the menu items
named for example "Company" and "About". Also, you can change the background color, to make your website look
fancier, if you like. By default, the menu will have a width of 100%, spanning the full width of the page. This is quite useful,
because it will then adjust automatically to different screen sizes.
Try it out: See the horizontal slider on the bottom of the page? Move it to the left and back again: With it, you can preview
how the page will look like on devices with different screen widths.
Put the slider back to the right, and we adjust the layout of the menu a bit: First, we set the menu to have a maximum
width of 800. That way, the website will look nicer on huge resolutions.
While the menu is selected, in the property window on the left, search for "MaxWidth" entry, and change it "800", so it
won't get wider than 800 pixels:
Also, we want the menu to be centered in the container, so click on the "Center Text" button while the menu is still
Add a logo image to your page
Great! Next, we want an image directly below the menu. We could use the Image element for this, but because we want
add some text on top of the image later, we use a Container instead and simply use its background-image property. So:
· Select the Container element in the toolset on the right, and click into the page somewhere below the menu you
· Drag the white square of its lower border a bit down to make it bigger.
· Then, in the property window on the left, find the "BackgroundMode" entry, and set it to "Image".
A new entry "BackgroundImage" will appear, in which you can select some image file from your disk.
· As you did with the menu, search for "MaxWidth" entry, and change it "800".
· Also, click the 'Center Text' button while the contaienr is selected.
The result should look like this (depending on the image you selected):
Add a website body
Now we have a menu, a nice looking image as logo, but we still need to add some real content, like text describing your
website. In order to do this, we again add a Container:
· Select the Container element in the toolset on the right, and click into the page, somewhere below the image you
added last time.
· In order to make it look the same size as the menu we added on top, do the same as we did with the menu: While
the new Container is still selected, in the property window on the left, search for "MaxWidth" entry, and change it
"800", so it won't get wider than 800 pixels.
· Also, click the 'Center Text' button while the container is selected.
· Then, click into the middle of the container, and start typing some text. You can format the text anyhow you like:
Insert an image
To make the website text look fancier, you can add an image into the text easily:
· Select the Image element in the toolset, and click into the text, where the image should appear.
· Resize the image to fit your needs.
· Right-Click the image, and in the menu, select "Text Float -> Left", in order to make the text float around the image.
· When the image is selected, in the Property Window, search the entry "Margin", and change it from "0,0,0,0" to "10,
10, 10, 10". This will create a small margin of the text around the image, which then looks much nicer.
In the same way like how you added the image into the text, you can also add a Container directly into the text, for
creating for example a box for news, and similar.
Your website is already responsive. You can preview it in any browser our in RocketCake itself, and resize it there, and
see how it will adjust itself automatically.
Add hyperlinks
To add links between your pages or to other websites on the internet, you can create Hyperlinks. To do this, mark the part
of the text you want to be the hyperlink, right-click on it and select 'Insert Hyperlink...'.
Alternatively, you can also use the hyperlink icon in the toolbar of the editor. This also works for images and styled
A dialog will now open where you can enter the URL of the hyperlink. You can also choose 'Page in this project' as Link
type and then select another page in this website.
If you are creating a text link, there will also be a 'Style' section in that dialog. Here you can define and reuse global
named styles for your links, if you want more then one or some special styles. Defining different hover colors, disabling
underlined links and more is possible here.
· If you want to add some text ontop of the logo image, select the "Floating Text" element and click onto the image.
That's it.
· On small screens, the menu will automatically collapse to a smaller 'mobile' menu, which you can also change in the
editor, if you make the sceen size a bit smaller using the slider on the bottom. This behavior can be influenced in the
property window.
· For adjusting an element dynamically based on a smaller screen width, just right-click that element, and select "Edit
Breakpoints". This will open the breakpoint editor, where you can easily specify rules in order to resize, hide or adjust
elements based on the screen size.
The newly created page will have the name 'UntitledWebpage.html' or similar, so rename it to something which fits more,
for example 'contact.php'. Notice that the new name needs to end with '.php' instead of '.html', otherwise your contact form
won't work. You can change the name of the page in the 'Properties' window on the left, there should be an entry
'Filename' for this.
Now, design a contact form in that page. Use the webform element to create an area where your form will be. It is in the
toolset, after you clicked the button 'more':
And use the elements 'text edit field' and 'Web Form button' to create a form which looks about like this:
(note: I used "Text Align -> Right" on the text fields and the button to make them align nicely with the text labels, but you
can also use a table or similar to move your form to look nicely)
Notice that all these elements really need to be inside the 'Web Form' element, otherwise this won't work.
Now, we only need to set some of the properties of the created elements in order to make them work. Click the
background of the form, the 'Web Form' element, and change the 'Action' property of it in the property window to the name
of the contact page you created, to 'contact.php' in our example.
Also, ensure the 'Method' is set to 'POST' and the 'Encoding' is set to 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded':
Next, set the names of the text fields to something describing their content. For example 'email' and 'text:
Also, as you can see above, you might want to check the 'multiline' option for the bigger text, so that your visitors are able
to enter more than just one line of text.
For the 'Send' button, you can set the 'label' property to any text you want, but be sure that the 'ButtonType' is set to
Of course you can change the background color and border mode of it in order to make it look more like you want it to be,
in this example, we simply set the background and border to 'none'.
Double-Click the new PHP element or right-click it and choose 'Edit Code...', and paste the following code into the dialog:
$t ext = " " ;
f or each( $_POST as $name => $val ue)
$t ext . = " $name : $val ue\ n" ;
i f ( $t ext ! = " " )
echo ' Thanks f or cont act i ng us. ' ;
mai l ( " your emai l @exampl e. com" , " Cont act f or m r equest " , $t ext ) ;
This is some PHP code which simply sends the text per mail once the visitor clicks the 'send' button. Notice, in the end of
the code above, there is the text You need to replace this email adress with your email
adress, so that the email then is sent to you.
If you have any questions or comments on this, don't hesitate to visit the RocketCake forum.
Getting started
First, create some design layout page for your website. Name it for example 'masterpage.html' to be sure you don't
confuse it with a real page. As example, create a menu and some caption on it, like this:
This will now be the base for all pages, and we only will change the text content on every page. To let RocketCake know
which part of the website should change, add a 'Content Placeholder' on the page. You can find it in the menu item 'Insert
-> More -> Content Placeholder' or on the second page of the toolset on the right:
Add content
Now, we only need to add one or two pages with content to use this master page. Add a new, empty page to the project,
and fill it with some text and content:
The only thing missing is now to tell RocketCake to use the Master Page for this page. In the Properties window, go to
the 'Master Page' option, and check it. A new entry will appear where you will be able to select a page as master page.
Select the masterpage.html we created before:
And basically, that's it. If you now publish or preview the page, it should appear as part of the master page, exactly where
you placed the content placeholder:
You can create as many pages as you want which all can use the Master Page. In this way, you only have one page
containing the layout, which you only need to edit once.
What is a BreakPoint?
A breakpoint is simply a size of the screen which triggers certain elements on your website to change: They can appear,
go away, change their font size or similar. This is very useful for controlling exactly how the website looks on different
For example: When your website is viewed from a computer with a big screen, you show a lot of images. But those
images are not very informative and are only in the way when viewed from a device with a very small screen. So it would
be nice to hide those images when the screen is small. With a breakpoint, you can say for example: "If the screen is
smaller than 480 pixels, then don't show these images". That's it.
Using RocketCake, creating a Breakpoint is very easy. As example, we take a website, and make an image disappear if
the website is shown on a device with a screen width smaller than 320 pixels.We take an example website like this here:
It looks ok on a normal screen size. When the size is reduced to a smaller width, like here:
It would be nice to hide the image with the pens on it, to have more space. To do this, just right-click on the image with
the pens, and select "Edit Breakpoints".
Then the breakpoint editor will appear. Do the following:
If you now view the website with a screen width smaller than 320 pixels, the image will not be visible. You can also see
this in RocketCake. If you move the slider on the bottom of the page to a bigger size, the image will appear again:
You can have as many breakpoints per element as you like. You can change the font size, position, width, and other
properties using that.
If you want to use Breakpoints in your website, keep in mind that it works like this: Design the website with the biggest
supported resolution in mind. With the breakpoints, you can then make changes to your website for smaller screen sizes.
However, if you don't want to use Breakpoints at all, this is fine as well. If it works without, then this is even better.
RocketCake supports a lot of Components to create Websites:
· Containers
· Images
· Styled Buttons
· Named Anchor
· Image Slideshow
· Image Gallery
· Layout Container
· Flash
· Java
· WebForm
· HTML Code
· PHP Code
· JavaScript Code
· Table
· Floating Texts
· Quicktime Video
· Youtube Video
· HTML5 Audio
· IFrame
· Content Placeholder
The Container component is one of the most important components in RocketCake: it is used to organize the layout of the
website. It can be filled with text, images, and any element, even other elements. Like most other elements, its can adjust
its border, background and edges to fit your design.
By default, it has a width of 100%, but this can be changed if you like to. It doesn't have a specific height, this is always
set to 'auto', so that it adjusts itself to the height of its content, which is important for responsive websites. However, when
you drag the height in the editor, it will set its MinHeight to the value you dragged it to in the editor. So if your container
doesn't get smaller when you think it should to, simply set the MinHeight to a smaller value, or even 0, to disable this
If you click into the container, you can start typing, and writing text in there. You can also put images into a container,
and other containers, allowing to create complex layouts:
You can specify a container to have a background color/image/gradient, a border, and other properties.
Images display image files in the html document.
Creating an Image
By using the 'Image' entry of the Toolset or the menu command 'Insert -> Image', you can place images on the website.
Once you placed your image, a file selection dialog will appear and ask you to select an image file on your disk. You can
select any file of the format .jpg, .png, .gif and .bmp here.
In the 'Properties' window on the left, you can change the image file name which is shown, and other settings for its
appearance, as for all other items as well.
This component supports several background modes (Color, Image, Gradient), changeable by selecting the property
'BackgroundMode'. It also supports several border modes. The background will only be visible if the image file cannot be
loaded or the image is transparent.
Other supported properties are:
· Alternate Text: Shown by most browsers before the image can be loaded
· Tooltip: Text shown when the mouse cursor is above the image
You can create a hyperlink for the image, so that the user is able to click on the image and open a new page. Simply
select the image, right->click and select 'Insert Hyperlink'.
If you are using the image floating inside text, you can set it's text-float to make the text float around it more nicely: Just
right-click the image, and use the command "Text Float -> Left" or "Text Float -> Right". If the text then is floating "to
closely" around the image, change the "Margin" property of the image from the default '0,0,0,0' to something bigger, like
'10, 10, 10, 10'.
Styled Button
Styled Buttons are elements in RocketCake which can be used to create a nice looking button without the need to use a
graphics program to do this for you. Also, the buttons are usually created in the HTML without images if possible - using
CSS style sheets alone - reducing the needed download size and speed of your website greatly.
This component supports several background modes (Color, Image, Gradient), changeable by selecting the property
'BackgroundMode'. It also supports several border modes. The background will only be visible if the image file cannot be
loaded or the image is transparent.
Other supported properties are:
· BackgroundMode: How to fill the shape, either via Gradient, Color, Styled Button style or an Image file
· GradientStyle: If the fillmode is 'Gradient', you can select the style of the gradient here. Supports 'horizontally' and
· DarkeningFactor: When the BackgroundMode is 'Styled Button', it is possible to change the brightness of the color
here. Choose any value between 0 and 100, 0 for very bright.
· Transparency: A value between 0 for opaque and 100 for 100% transparent
· UseHoverStyles: If you want the shape have a different color when the mouse cursor moves over it (which is desirable
sometimes for hyperlinked shapes), simply select the 'UseHoverStyles' checkbox in the property window of that
shape and choose some colors. Hover styles will not be shown in the editor, simply click 'Publish -> Preview' to test
them out.
Named Anchor
Named Anchors are a kind of 'Bookmark' in the page which can be linked by hyperlinks.
If you create a hyperlink, you can then select a named anchor as target for the hyperlink, and the page will scroll to the
position of the named anchor when the link is clicked.
In the 'Properties' window on the left, you can change name of the named anchor.
The Image SlideShow component gives you the possibility to create an interactive image slide show to your Website.
Creating a Slideshow
By using the 'Image Slideshow' entry of the Toolset or the menu command 'Insert -> Image Slideshow', you can place the
slideshow on the website. Once you placed your image, you can select images for the slideshow in the property window.
You can select any file of the format .jpg, .png, .gif and .bmp here.
This component supports several background modes (Color, Image, Gradient), changeable by selecting the property
'BackgroundMode'. It also supports several border modes. The background will only be visible if the image files cannot be
loaded or the currently shown image is transparent.
Other supported properties are:
· TimeForAnImage: Time in milliseconds how long an image in the slideshow is shown before switching to the next
image. 1000 is one second.
· TimeForFading: Time in milliseconds how long an image in the slideshow will be faded out and the next is fading in.
The default is 250 which is a quarter of one second.
Interactive Slideshows
To make the slideshow interactive, you can create links for selecting the next or the previous image. Create a Hyperlink
(see Hyperlinks to see how to do this) and choose 'Invoke a special RocketCake action' as link type for this. A dialog will
then pop up where you can select the action 'switch to next image in slideshow' or 'switch to previous image in slideshow'
and the target slideshow element for that action.
Image Gallery
The Image Gallery component gives you the possibility to create a gallery of small images, which show a bigger version of
the image when you click on them.
This component supports several background modes (Color, Image, Gradient) for the images, changeable by selecting the
property 'BackgroundMode'. It also supports several border modes. The background will only be visible if the image files
cannot be loaded.
Other supported properties are:
Navigation Menu
The Navigation Menu component gives you the possibility to create a drop down menu with links on your website. It looks
like this:
Creating a Menu
By using the 'Navigation Menu' entry of the Toolset or the menu command 'Insert -> Navigation Menu', you can place the
menu on the website. Once you placed your menu, you can click the 'Edit text here' text and enter new menu entries
directly in the editor. It is possible to select a font, color and font size for each menu entry individually. If you want to
change the font for multiple menu entries at once, simply select one menu entry, hold down the 'Shift' key on your
keyboard and click other menu entries to select them as well. Then, you can choose a new font as usual.
Special Entries
The menu supports horizontal lines as menu entries. Simply set the text of a sub menu to "-" (=a minus symbol), and if
you click 'preview' to view your website in the browser, this menu entry will appear as a horizontal line.
This component supports several background modes (Color, Image, Gradient), changeable by selecting the property
'BackgroundMode'. It also supports several border modes. The background will only be visible if the image files cannot be
loaded or the currently shown image is transparent. If you want even different backgrounds, simply set the background
and border to trnasparent and invisible and place any other element behind the menu bar.
· Pane Background color: Color for the background of the dropdown menu pane.
· Pane Border color: Color for the border of the dropdown menu pane.
· Use CSS Shadow: Draws a shadow around the dropdwon menu pane. This looks very nice, but only is visible on
newer browsers which support this feature.
· Use Hover Styles: If checked, the main menu entries in the horizontal bar show hover colors when the mouse moves
over them.
· Hover Background Color: Background color of a main menu entry when the mouse is over it.
· Hover Text Color: Text color of a main menu entry when the mouse is over it.
· Hover Pane Background Color: Background color of a sub menu entry when the mouse is over it.
· Hover Pane Text Color: Text color of a sub menu entry when the mouse is over it.
The Flash component allows to include an Adobe Flash movie clip into the website.
This component supports several background modes (Color, Image, Gradient), changeable by selecting the property
'BackgroundMode'. It also supports several border modes.
The Java component allows to include Java applets into the website.
This component supports several background modes (Color, Image, Gradient), changeable by selecting the property
'BackgroundMode'. It also supports several border modes.
You can create contact, login, email and other forms with a webform.
A Webform is the container for WebForm elements such as Buttons, TextEditFields, CheckBoxes, and ComboBoxes. All
these elements must be inside a WebForm in order to work.
There is a tutorial describing how to use a Web Form in detail. To use the form, edit the properties of it:
· Action: This contains the action of the form to do. Usually, this contains the URL of the webpage, PHP script or CGI
which will receive the data in the form. You can also enter a mailto: action with an email adress, for example: When the submit button is clicked, this will then open the email client of the user
and try to send a mail, but it is not very reliable to work on all systems.
· Method: select Post or Get. This is the mode of transportation of the data sent. For huge data, Post is usually
· Encoding: usually this should be set to text/plain for sending text.
Add a text field and a button with the buttonType set to 'submit' to make the form work. You usually also have to write the
PHP, CGI or whatever backend for the server of your form to process the form data, that is sending it per mail or entering it
into a database.
The web form supports several background modes (Color, Image, Gradient), changeable by selecting the property
'BackgroundMode'. It also supports several border modes.
The HTML Code component allows to include HTML code directly into the website.
This is useful for example to include code you received from other pages to include on your website, for example to add a
Website statistics counter on it, or to embed some video like from YouTube or a 'like' button from Facebook on the site.
Additionally, you can add elements not directly supported by RocketCake on your site with it.
This component supports several background modes (Color, Image, Gradient), changeable by selecting the property
'BackgroundMode'. It also supports several border modes. These are only available when the checkbox
'CreateDivAroundCode' is checked.
By double-clicking the element or by selecting the button '...' on the 'Code' entry in the property window, you can directly
enter the HTML code.
PHP Code
The PHP Code component allows to include PHP code directly into the website.
This is useful for example to extend the website with more features, like guestbooks, blogs, and similar. Note: You need
to run your website on a web server which supports PHP in order to make this work. Also, you should ensure that the file
name extension of the web page which includes a PHP code element usually should end with '.php' instead of '.html', so
you might want to rename your page for that.
There is a detailed tutorial showing how to use the PHP code element.
This component supports several background modes (Color, Image, Gradient), changeable by selecting the property
'BackgroundMode'. It also supports several border modes. These are only available when the checkbox
'CreateDivAroundCode' is checked.
By double-clicking the element or by selecting the button '...' on the 'Code' entry in the property window, you can directly
enter the PHP code.
JavaScript Code
The JavaScript Code component allows to include JavaScript code directly into the website.
This is useful for example to extend the website with new dynamic features, like animations and dynamic notifications.
This component supports several background modes (Color, Image, Gradient), changeable by selecting the property
'BackgroundMode'. It also supports several border modes. These are only available when the checkbox
'CreateDivAroundCode' is checked.
By double-clicking the element or by selecting the button '...' on the 'Code' entry in the property window, you can directly
enter the PHP code.
You can create simple text based tables using the Table element.
A Table can contain multiple rows and columns, and it is possible to add or remove columns and rows dynamically in the
editor, using the menu Edit -> Table, when a table cell is selected.
Note that the table cells have different properties then the cell itself. When you select a table cell, only a few entries show
up in the property window, like TextVAlignment and the Background. To show and edit the properties of the whole table,
click on the border of the table to select it. Then there are several background modes (Color, Image, Gradient),
changeable by selecting the property 'BackgroundMode'. It also supports several border modes. The background will only
be visible if the image file cannot be loaded or the image is transparent.
Other supported properties are:
· CellPadding: The distance between the content of a table cell and its border.
· CellSpacing: The distance between each cell
Floating Text
The text component can be used to freely position text anywhere on the website or within containers.
As long as the text element is selected, you can see it's Properties in the 'Properties' window on the left. There, you can
change the background color, border and other settings for this text if you want.
This component supports several background modes (Color, Image, Gradient), changeable by selecting the property
'BackgroundMode'. It also supports several border modes.
Quicktime Video
The Quicktime Video element makes it possible to embed a video directly on your website. Usually it is used to play back
videos with the extension '.mov'.
Note: This will only work if the QuickTime plugin is installed on the computer of the user viewing the website.
This component supports several background modes (Color, Image, Gradient), changeable by selecting the property
'BackgroundMode'. It also supports several border modes.
Youtube Video
The Youtube Video element makes it possible to quickly embed a video from on your website.
This component supports several background modes (Color, Image, Gradient), changeable by selecting the property
'BackgroundMode'. It also supports several border modes.
· YoutubeVideo: The URL of the Youtube Video to be played on the website. Usually, it looks like something like this:
HTML5 Audio
Starting with HTML in version 5, it is now possible to include an audio playback control on websites without any plugins.
This element creates such a control on your website.
· This control is very new, so not all browsers do support this yet.
· You cannot play all audio file formats in all browsers. Some might for example support the .mp3 file format, while
other's don't.
· The control will look different depending on the operating system and browser of the user
This component supports several background modes (Color, Image, Gradient), changeable by selecting the property
'BackgroundMode'. It also supports several border modes.
The IFrame element allows to embed other websites directly into your website, you only need to specify the URL of that
This component supports several background modes (Color, Image, Gradient), changeable by selecting the property
'BackgroundMode'. It also supports several border modes.
Content Placeholder
The Content Placeholder element allows to define a place where other pages are embedded, when this page is used as
master page. See Master Pages for a detailed description.
Hyperlinks connect pages of your website with each other, and external websites and files with your site.
To add links between your pages or to other websites on the internet, mark the part of the text you want to be the
hyperlink, right-click on it and select 'Insert Hyperlink...'.
Alternatively, you can also use the green hyperlink icon in the toolbar of the editor. This also works for images and shapes
(be it transparent, web2.0 or gradient shapes).
A dialog will now open where you can enter the URL of the hyperlink.
Named Anchors
To link Named Anchors, bookmarks in a page, simply select the 'Page in this project' and choose the named anchor in a
page. It will be shown directly below the page if it exists.
If you are creating a text link, there will also be a 'Style' section in that dialog. Here you can define and reuse global
named styles for your links, if you want more then one or some special styles. Defining different hover colors, disabling
underlined links and more is possible here.
Special Actions
It is possible to trigger a special action for a hyperlink instead of linking a website with it. Choose 'Invoke a special
RocketCake action' as link type for this. A dialog will then pop up where you can select the action and the target item for
that action, for example to show the next image in a created SlideShow.
PHP and ASP pages
RocketCake not only is able to create static HTML websites, but also dynamic websites created by PHP or ASP. This
pages shows a short overview about how to do that, and it will focus on PHP, but it is basically the same with ASP
In order to use PHP, you need to know HTML as well as how to program PHP. It is a programming language after all. It
could be a good idea to read through some real PHP tutorials on the web (there are a lot of them), because explaining it
here is quite out of scope.
Getting started
Using PHP, ASP and JavaScript is quite simple in RocketCake, and there are several ways to do this. For PHP, simply
name your pages/files with a .php extension, not .html which is the default. To do this, change the 'FileName' property in
the property window of the page when selected in RocketCake to something ending with '.php', instead of '.html'.
By using either the 'PHP Code' element (Insert -> PHP code), you can enter php code anywhere on the page. Double
click it and enter for example this code to see if it works:
Additionally, you can use the menu 'View -> HTML Code of Page' to insert PHP code before and inside the header of the
Making it run
To test your PHP code, you need to run the page from a (local) webserver. Use the 'publish to local disk' feature of
RocketCake (Menu: Publish -> 'to local disk') to write out the final .php file and then copy it to a webserver to test it out. If
you only do the 'preview' instead, RocketCake will add a .html to your website and show it as it wasn't php.
Publishing the Website
Once you are finished with your website, you might want to publish it to an internet server, so that other people can read
For this, choose the menu command 'Publish -> Publish to local disk'. A dialog will appear to select a target directory.
When you press OK, all HTML and image files will be generated on your disk, in the directory you selected.
You now only need to upload these to your webserver or FTP server. For this you can use any FTP program. Ambiera
recommends the free FTP client 'Filezilla' ( or WinSCP (
RocketCake also has a built-in FTP client, which can upload all the files automatically for you. For this, choose the menu
command 'Publish -> Publish to the Internet'. A dialog will appear, asking you for the address and login data for the server:
As address, you can specify an FTP server, such as When pressing 'ok', RocketCake will try to
upload all the files to this server.
If you want to specify a folder on your webspace where the website should be uploaded to, simply append it to the
address like this: Assuming your ftp server adress is, and you want to upload it to a folder named
'myfolder', then the adress would be:
If your file server uses an port other than the default port 21 (this is usually not the case), you can specify another port by
adding it after the host name, like this, for example for port 42:
You can also enter username and password into the adress line, like this:
Note that in this case, leave the 'User name' and 'Password' field empty.
Online Help
There are several online websites which might help you with RocketCake
This Agreement is a legal document between you and Ambiera e.U / N.Gebhardt ("Ambiera"). Ambiera is willing to license
the software to you as and individual, the company or the legal entity that will be utilizing the software (referenced below
as "you" or "your") only on the condition that you accept all of the terms of this end user license agreement
("Agreement"). Read the terms and conditions of this agreement carefully before using the software. If you click the "OK"
or "I agree" Button, and by installing or using any part of the Software, you agree to the terms and conditions of this
agreement. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, click on the "No" or "Cancel" button, then you are not
licensed to use the software and use must uninstall or destroy all copies of it.
The software is the property of Ambiera and is protected by the copyright law. The software is licensed and not sold. The
software is owned by Ambiera. Ambiera retains all rights, including all copyrights and intellectual property rights in and to
the software, its documentation, title, logos, data files and all copies thereof. All rights not explicitly granted to you in this
license are reserved by the Ambiera.
Upon your acceptance of this software license agreement Ambiera grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited
license to install and use a copy of the software on your computer, up to the permitted number of computers. As between
you and Ambiera, files, applications, generated program code and flash files that are authored or created by you via your
utilization of the Software, in accordance with the terms of this software license agreement, are your property.
You may not transfer, sublicense, network, loan, lend, lease, distribute, rent, modify, translate, disassemble, decompile,
reverse engineer, translate the software into another computer language, otherwise reduce the software to human
perceivable form, create derivative works based upon the software other than as otherwise provided herein, or copy or use
the Software and/or the Software documentation in violation of this Agreement.
Disclaimer of Warranty
Furthermore, you acknowledge that you were able to test and use the demo version of the Software freely for a limited
amount of time before purchasing a full license. You are thus conscious of the exact functionality provided by the software
and will not claim any missing or wrongly advertised functionality by Ambiera.
Update Mechanism
This software may contain an automatic online update checking and registration feature through which the software
connects itself with Ambiera, on Ambiera's servers. The software may automatically connect and register itself with
Ambiera when there is an internet connection. This process may be done entirely in the background and no dialogs or
other data is displayed on your computer screen during this process. Only information concerning the identity of the user,
his computer and informations about the installed software and used software license is collected for this process.
If you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this license, Ambiera will terminate the License agreement and you
immediately have to delete all copies of the Software.
This license does not include support services, although Ambiera can decide to offer you prioritized support via email.
Repeated voluntary provision of support services by Ambiera does not constitute a claim for future provision of support
services for you.
Should individual terms of this agreement be or become inoperative, this will not affect the remaining terms of this
agreement. Ambiera and you will work in a spirit of partnership to find an arrangement that approximates the inoperative
terms as closely as possible.