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Effect of Different Percentages of Damping On Multistorey Buildings With Shear Wall

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Effect of Different Percentages of Damping on Multistorey Buildings with

Shear Wall

Article · November 2015


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Abhijeet Baikerikar
Visvesvaraya Technological University


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IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 3, Issue 09, 2015 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

Effect of Different Percentages of Damping on Multistorey Buildings with

Shear Wall
Abhijeet Baikerikar
Structural Engineer
Department of Civil Engineering
Belgaum, Karnataka, India
Abstract— One of the important measures to decrease the
C. Semi Active System:
seismic forces on the structure is by damping. The basic
principle of seismic modification is to modify the response It is the combination of both active and passive systems.
of the building to permit the dissipation of vibration energy.
The present study demonstrates the effect of different III. DAMPING DEVICES
percentages of damping on a multistorey building with shear Dampers (Energy Dissipation Devices) are mechanical
wall, we will get a clear idea how the damping affects on systems to dissipate a large portion of the earthquake input
base shear, storey displacements and storey drifts. For the energy.
present study we have analyzed the building on Etabs 9.7.0,
and the building is having a shear wall. The study has been A. Fluid Viscous Damper:
carried out for the Zone V and on soft soil and for different This form of damper dissipates energy by applying a
percentages of damping as specified in IS 1893-2002. resisting force over a finite displacement through the action
Key words: Damping, Dampers, Shear Wall, Percentage of of piston forced through a fluid filled chamber acting as a
Damping, Multistorey Building, Fluid Viscous Damper, completely viscous, shock absorber. Such type of damper is
Viscoelastic Damper, Friction Damper preferred as it has long life, has greater flexibility and also
can be installed in existing structures.
The steady decrease of the successive amplitudes of
vibration of a structure by the dissipation of vibration energy
is known as damping. The energy dissipation concept allows
seismic energy into the building and the capacity of the
structure to absorb this energy is made high through
appropriate devices. By adding suitable damping
mechanisms into the lateral load resisting systems, the
earthquake energy is dissipated as the structure sways back
and forth due to seismic loading and helps in lowering the
overall displacements of the structures. Therefore, to
achieve reduction in response, a practical solution is to Fig. 1: Typical Fluid Viscous Damper
supplement the damping of the structure with a mechanical
damping system external to the building structure. B. Viscoelastic Dampers:
In these systems energy is absorbed by utilizing the
II. DAMPING SYSTEMS controlled shearing of solids. The Viscoelastic materials are
usually bonded to steel and dissipate energy when sheared.
Damping systems are classified as follows Active System,
The materials also exhibit restoring force capabilities.
passive system and semi active system.
A. Active System:
In active control system, external source of power controls
the actuators that apply forces to the structure in one order.
These forces can be used to both add and dissipate energy in
the structure. In this system signals sent to the actuators are
function of the response of the system measured with
sensors. Active mass damper is one of the example of active
Fig. 2: Typical Viscoelastic Damper
C. Friction Dampers:
B. Passive System:
In these systems, the friction surfaces are clamped with
In this system outside source of energy is not required.
prestressing bolts. The main feature of this system is that
Often there is disrupt in the power supply to a structure after
almost perfect rectangular hysteretic behaviour is exhibited.
few seismic shocks due to earthquake ground motion. This
These systems are referred to as displacement dependent
system develops mechanical forces within themselves in
systems, since the amount of energy dissipated is
response to the motion of the structure. Tuned Mass
proportional to the displacement.
Dampers and Tuned Liquid Dampers are examples of
passive system.

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Effect of Different Percentages of Damping on Multistorey Buildings with Shear Wall
(IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 09/2015/059)

10 3590 17.89 0.366

15 3167 15.61 0.320
20 2743 13.40 0.273
25 2544 12.31 0.250
30 2343 11.14 0.227
Table 1: Results of Various Damping Percentages

Fig. 3: Typical Friction Damper


1) Type of building: Multi Storied Building.
2) Zone: V
3) Type of soil: Soft soils
4) Plan of the Building: 16mX16m.
5) Each Bay Size: 4m Fig. 5: Base Shear Vs Damping Percentage
6) Height of Buildings: 60m
7) Floor to floor height: 3mts.
8) Beams: 0.5mX0.5m
9) Columns: 0.6mX0.5m
10) Slab thickness: 0.15m.
11) Shear Wall thickness: 0.3m.
12) Live load: 3kN/m2.
13) Dead load of wall as UDL: 14kN/m
14) Materials: M40 and Fe415.
15) Damping: 0%, 2% 5%, 7%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%,
16) Seismic analysis: Response Spectrum Method as
per IS: 1893 (Part 1):2002. Fig. 6: Maximum Storey Displacements Vs Damping

Fig. 7: Maximum Storey Drift Vs Damping Percentage

Fig. 4: Plan of the Building  From the study it is clear that base shear is
maximum for 0% damping and least for 30%
V. RESULTS damping, which corresponds that by increasing
MAX. damping percentage seismic forces are greatly
Damping BASE MAX. STORY reduced.
DRIFT  Maximum damping that is 30% gives least storey
(%) (kN) (mm) displacements where as 0% gives maximum storey
0 14259 71.67 1.451 displacements.
2 6240 31.41 0.642  Minimum storey drift is also for 30% damping
5 4058 22.41 0.457 whereas maximum for 0% damping.
7 4024 19.95 0.411  By interpreting the results we can conclude that by
giving higher percentage of damping we can

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Effect of Different Percentages of Damping on Multistorey Buildings with Shear Wall
(IJSRD/Vol. 3/Issue 09/2015/059)

greatly reduce the base shear, lateral displacements

and lateral drifts.
 For economic reasons we can provide damping in
the range of 5% to 15% as it gives satisfactory
The more damping a building possesses, the sooner
it will stop vibrating--which of course is highly desirable
from the standpoint of earthquake performance. Today,
some of the more advanced techniques of earthquake
resistant design and construction employ added damping
devices like shock absorbers to increase artificially the
intrinsic damping of a building and so improve its
earthquake performance.

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