3 Review of Dehradun Development Plan

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Review of Dehradun Development Plan -2005-2025

Submitted By: Preeti Sinha


Defining Master Plan/ Development Plan

"A Master Plan is the long term perspective plan for guiding the sustainable planned development of the
city. This document lays down the planning guidelines, policies, and development code and space
requirements for various socio-economic activities supporting the city population during the plan
period. It is also the basis for all infrastructure requirements." (Delhi Development Authority)

Master plan is a long term planning, generally for 20 years. It is also a comprehensive planning for
service area as per likely spread of city in next 20 years. It describes all works required in next 20 years in
phased manner. The designs and estimates are prepared approximately. It finalizes some of the main
parameters so that advance action can be taken. (MINISTRY OF HOUSING AND URBAN AFFAIRS)

Master Plan for Dehradun, 2005-2025 is consistent with the provisions of Mussouri- Dehradun
Development Act, 1984 which has been prepared by Dehradun Development Authority and approved by
the Government of Uttrakhand under Department of Housing.

Cancellation of Dehradun Master Plan 2005-2015

The HC of Uttarakhand has cancelled the Dehradun Master Plan 2005-2025 and imposed a penalty on
the officials in Jaunuary, 2018. During the preparation of the master plan, provisions of the existing Act
of Uttar Pradesh were ignored along with the Central Government notifications of 1988 and 2001 in
which the Dehradun valley had been declared an eco-sensitive zone. Considering this it was necessary to
take the approval of the Central Government before implementing any such project. However, the State
Government implemented the Dehradun master plan 2005-2025 without seeking approval of the
Central Government. (Hindustan Times, 2015)

Content of Dehradun Master Plan 2005-2015

• Introduction
• Review of Master Plan 2001
• Population
• Shelter
• Economic Base

• Community Facilities
• Traffic and Transportation
• Land use
• Zoning Regulations
• Plan Implementation and Monitoring;

From the content of the plan we can see that the master plan has not covered many of the components
of the Master Plan as proposed and supposed to be in plan as provided in the Urban Regional
Development Plans Formulation and Implementation (URDPFI) guidelines 2015.

Content of Development Plan as per URDPFI Guidelines 2015

• Existing Conditions and Development Issues

• Assessment of Deficiencies and Projected Requirements
• Vision and Mission
• Development Proposals
• Implementation Plan

Analysis of Existing Scenario and Projected Requirements

Development Issues
Background Population

Demographic Profile Economic base and employment

Land Profile Shelter

Economic Profile Transportation

Infrastructure Profile Social Infrastructure
Environmental Profile Physical Infrastructure
Shelter (both formal and informal) Land use requirement
Administrative profile
Maps & Plans
Gap analysis
Source: URDPFI Guidelines, 2015

Critically analyzing the Master Plan through Some Indicators


Vision • No clearly mentioned vision
statement in the document.
• The citizen were invited to
participate in the objection and
suggestion stage after the
preparation of the plan and there is
no evidence what they did with the
objection and suggestions received
from the public

Aims and Objectives The document has not stated

anywhere in the document what
the plan aims to achieve through
what sort of objectives.

Approach/ Concept
There is no scientific and systematic
approach in the plan preparation.
Assessment of Future Population and Work There is no mention of any work/
Requirements Force estimates studies during the plan preparation

Housing Need • The housing supply has not

been equitably worked out as there
is no provision of low cost
affordable housing schemes for
urban poor in the town.
• There is hardly any
provision of other shelter options
like night shelters in the plan.

Sanitation There is no waste water treatment

facilities mentioned in the

Power Supply The plan does not allocate specified

location of the future

infrastructures installation.

Solid waste management Here no provision for sustainable

solid waste management systems in
the Plan including recycling options.
Most of the solid waste is disposed
in deep pits.
Education, health, socio- The plan does not talk about the
cultural and recreational equitable distribution of the
facilities facilities but the facilities are
distributed in the settlements to
facilitate easy access.
Inclusivity Marginalized groups/ population
with special needs have been
identified but in reality there are no
such provisions like low cost
housing for urban poor.

Institutional Framework • Stakeholder Participation is

only at draft stage and
unaccounted participation at plan
preparation period.
• There is no such
mechanism like focus group
discussion; stratified sampling
methods etch which can ensure
that the public participation is
represented from all levels of the
society with respect to education,
economic background, ethnicity,
caste, religion, gender, age,

Critical Inferences:

The contents of the plan doesn’t match the contents as per mentioned in the URDPFI guidelines. The
Master Plan document is available only in Hindi Language, which limits its usability by experts coming
from other areas where Hindi is not their mother tongue. The planning document fails in many
indicators of a good master plan of a city. It also lacks the systematic and rational approaches of
planning. There is need for making the plan implementation and monitoring strong and systematic. The
housing for urban poor is a neglected sector as there is not any concrete policy measure like time bound
supply of affordable housing.

The unregulated development of housing sector is consuming a large chunk of ecologically sensitive
area without the permission due to which the master Plan has been scraped by HC in 2018.

There is existence of non-hierarchical commercial centres like Malls which are not accommodated in the
development controls and guidelines leading to unregulated growth and development in Dehradun. The
issue of industries in Dehradun has been a subject of extensive debate, controversy and concern over
the past decade but master plan fails to address it. Provision of creating new social infrastructure to
meet the needs of the urban poor is missing and also there is no provision for wastewater is treatment
and wastewater goes untreated in the water bodies. The master plan has no provision for controlling
the unregulated growth of the mixed use is making many areas of the city congested and eroding the
ambience of healthy social living conditions.

Delhi Development Authority. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Hindustan Times. (2015, June 15).

MINISTRY OF HOUSING AND URBAN AFFAIRS, G. O. (n.d.). National Capital Region Planning Board.
Retrieved from ncrpb.nic.in.

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