Any material that contains a mark symbol or sign, either visible, partially visible or invisible that
may presently or ultimately convey a meaning or a message to someone.
It is any written statement by which a right is established or an obligation extinguished. (People
vs. Moreno, C.A., 38 O.G. 119)
Types of Standards
a. Collected/Procured Std. – Standard specimen executed in the regular course of man’s activity
or that which are executed on the day to day writing activity.
b. Requested/Dictated (Post litel motam std.) – a Standard document which are executed upon
request, they are prepare at one time.
Contemporary document = documents which are not more than five (5) years before or after.
Types of Handwritings
1. Cursive – Writing in which the letters are for the most part joined together.
2. Handlettering – refers to writing characterized by a disconnected style.
3. Natural Writing – a specimen of writing that is executed normally and without any attempt of
altering its usual writing habits.
4. Disguised – a specimen of writing executed deliberately with an attempt of changing its usual
writing habits in the hope of hiding one’s identity.
5. Guided/assisted – a specimen of writing executed while the writer’s hand is at steadied. Usually
employed by beginners in writing.
Classes of Signature
1. Formal or complete – used in signing very important document
2. Informal or cursory – used for routine document
3. Careless scribble – used for not so important document such as delivery of mail or receipt
of purchase equipment etc.
Forgery – is an act of falsifying or counterfeiting any treasure or bank notes, paper bills or any
documents which are payable to the bearer.
- is an act of simulating or tracing somebody’s signature without the latter’s consent for profit.
Types of characteristics:
1. Class Characteristics – characteristics or properties which are common or which can be found in
the specimen writing of other person. Gross characteristics.
2. Individual Characteristics – characteristics which are highly personal or peculiar. That which is
unlikely to occur in other’s handwriting.
Elements of Forms in Writing:
1. Arc – the rounded inner part of an upper curve, bend or crook,
2. Beard – is an introductory up and down strokes found in some capital letters. Also called as
double hitch.
3. Blunt – is a part of a stroke characterized by a abrupt beginning or end at which the pen does not
creates a diminishing strokes.
4. Buckle Knot is a horizontal or loop strokes used to complete letters A, H, F and D.
5. Central Part – is the body of the letter. Characterized by a small rounded or circular strokes.
6. Ductus-link, Ductus-broken- refers to the connection between letters, either joined or
7. Eyelet/ eyeloop – refers to small oblong strokes.
8. Hitch – an introductory backward strokes found in most capital letters and in some small letters.
9. Hiatus = an obvious gap between letters.
10. Humps – is the outer portion of an upper curve bend or crook, (see arc)
11. Knob – is a tiny pool of an ink at the beginning or ending strokes.
12. Loop – is an oblong strokes
13. Stem/shank/staff – is considered as the backbone of the letter characterized by a long downward
14. Initial/terminal Spur – a long running initial or terminal strokes.
15. Through – refers to any garland form of a letter strokes
16. Whirl – is the long upward strokes usually found opposite the stem
Embellishments – added strokes that serves as an ornamental or flourish to the design of the letters.
They considered unnecessary to the legibility of the writing.
Diacritics = strokes added to complete certain letters. They are necessary to the legibility of the
Writing Movement – refers to all factors relative to the motion of the pen.
Line Quality – is the visible records in the written strokes of the basic movements and manner of
holding instrument. It is derived from a combination of factors, including writing skill, speed, rhythm,
freedom of movement, shading and pen emphasis.
Types of movement:
1. Finger (used by beginners)
2. Hand (wrist serves as the point of pivotal & of limited freedom)
3. Forearm (most skillful type of movement)
4. Whole arm (used for ornamental or large writings)
5. Writing instrument
a. Ball point pen (John Loud) consisting of a ball bearing at the point of the pen.
b. Fountain pen (Lewis Watterman) consisting of pen nib point.
c. Fiber pen (originally designed by Hongkong)
Definition of Terms:
1. Typeface – is the printing surface of the type block in a conventional typewriter. In electric
typewriter it is the printing surface of the rotating head sphere.
2. Typeface defect – any form of peculiarity of the type printing caused by actual damage to
the typeface metal or which maybe an abnormality in its printing condition.
3. Characters – in connection to typewriting, it is used to include letters, symbols, numerals or
points of punctuation.
4. Pica typeface – type face impression ordinarily spaced ten (10) characters to the horizontal
5. Elite typeface – type face impression ordinarily spaced twelve (12) characters to the horizontal
6. Proportional spacing machine – a typewriter with a type letter spacing similar to the type spacing
of conventional printed in which all letters are allotted horizontal in conformity with their relative
7. Transitory Defects – is an identifying typewriter characteristics which can be eliminated
by simply cleaning the machine or replacing the ribbon.
8. Permanent Defects – any identifying typewriting characteristics of the type face which cannot
be corrected by simply cleaning the machine or replacing the ribbon.
9. Mal alignment or alignment defects – refers to defect in the printing condition of the type
character in which the letters are printed either at the top or bottom, left or right of inclined
from its proper position.