MAPEH 9 1st Quarter CM

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School of Mount St. Mary, Inc.

Guillerma Village, Sta Rita, San Miguel, Bulacan 3011

S.Y. 2021 – 2022 / First Quarter


WEEK STANDARD Online Offline


1. MUSIC CONTENT 1. Listens

OF THE STANDARD perceptively to
MEDIEVAL selected vocal and
PERIOD 1. Demonstrates instrumental
(700-1400) understanding of music of
characteristic Medieval,
A1.1-D1.4 A1.1 features of the Renaissance and A1.1 A1.1 A1.1 A1.1 Activity A1.1 A1.1
1st Week Historical Medieval, Baroque music; Acquisition Written Test *Collaboration through google 1.1 Living with Respect
and cultural Renaissance and (Q and A) *Outline workplace link: MAPEH 9
background Baroque period
2. Explains the *Board Race https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
music performance the Go9
practice (setting, MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
PERFORMANCE composition, role DAyNzQw presentation
STANDARD of 1.4 Worksheet
composers/perfor 1.5 Google
1. Performs mers, and Worksplace
selected songs from audience) during
Medieval, Medieval,
B1.2 renaissance and Renaissance and B1.2 B1.2 B1.2 B1.2 Activity B1.2 B1.2
Gregorian baroque periods Baroque periods Transfer Written Work *Group Activity through google 1.1 Living with Excellence
Chants (Identification) *Sing a Song workplace link: MAPEH 9
a) Chants; 3. Relates *Collaboration https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
b) Madrigals; Medieval, the Go9
c) excerpts from Renaissance and MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
oratorio; Baroque music to DAyNzQw presentation
d) chorales; its historical and 1.4 Worksheet
e) Troubadour. cultural 1.5 Google
background Worksplace
C1.3 dramatization; C1.3 C1.3 C1.3 C1.3 Activity C1.3 C1.3
Troubadour Transfer Written Work *Group Activity through google 1.1 Living with Respect
Music 4. Sings Medieval (Written *Sing a Song workplace link: MAPEH 9
chant, troubadour Output) *Collaboration https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
song, madrigal, the Go9
chorale and MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
selections from DAyNzQw presentation
oratorio with 1.4 Worksheet
correct pitch, 1.5 Google
rhythm, Worksplace
expression and
D1.4 style; D1.4 D1.4 D1.4 D1.4 Activity D1.4 D1.4
Composer - Make Written Work *Music-Task through google 1.1 Living with Excellence
Adam de la 5. Describes Meaning (Matching Card workplace link: MAPEH 9
Halle musical elements Type) *Group https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
of given Discussion the Go9
Medieval, *Journal MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
Renaissance and DAyNzQw presentation
Baroque music; 1.4 Worksheet
1.5 Google
6. Explores other Worksplace
arts and media
2.RENAISS that portray
ANCE Medieval,
PERIOD Renaissance and
(1400-1600) Baroque
A2.1-D2.4 A2.1 A2.1 A2.1 A2.1 A2.1 Activity A2.1 A2.1
5th Week Historical 7. Improvises Acquisition Written Work *Collaboration through google 1.1 Living with Respect
and cultural appropriate (Q and A) *Outline workplace link: MAPEH 9
background accompaniment to *Pass the Object https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
given Medieval the Go9
and Renaissance MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
songs; DAyNzQw presentation
1.4 Worksheet
8. Creates and or 1.5 Google
performs songs in Worksplace
Gregorian and
B2.2 troubadour styles; B2.2 B2.2 B2.2 B2.2 Activity B2.2 B2.2
Mass Acquisition Written Work *Group Activity through google 1.1 Living with Respect
9. Plays simple (Multiple *Sing the Kyrie workplace link: MAPEH 9
melodies of a Choice) *Last Man https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
chorale and Standing the Go9
provide MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
accompaniment. DAyNzQw presentation
1.4 Worksheet
1.5 Google

C2.3 C2.3 C2.3 C2.3 C2.3 Activity C2.3 C2.3

Madrigal Make Written Work *Give Me through google 1.1 Living with Excellence
Meaning (Letter Example workplace link: MAPEH 9
Arrangement) *Pcture https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
Analysis the Go9
*Brainstorming MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
DAyNzQw presentation
1.4 Worksheet
1.5 Google

D2.4 D2.4 D2.4 D2.4 D2.4 Activity D2.4 D2.4

Composers - Transfer Written Work *Lights, through google 1.1 Living with Responsibility
Giovanni da (Identification) Camera, Action! workplace link: MAPEH 9
Palestrina *Group https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
and Thomas Discussion the Go9
Morley and MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
other Great DAyNzQw presentation
Musicians 1.4 Worksheet
1.5 Google
3. MUSIC Worksplace

A3.1-C3.3 A3.1 A3.1 A3.1 A3.1 A3.1 Activity A3.1 A3.1

7th Week Historical Acquisition Written Work *Collaboration through google 1.1 Living with Respect
and cultural (Q and A) *Outline workplace link: MAPEH 9
background *Quiz Bee https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on the Go9
MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
DAyNzQw presentation
1.4 Worksheet
1.5 Google
Concerto B3.2 B3.2 B3.2 B3.2 Activity B3.2 B3.2
Grosso , Transfer Written Work *Group Activity through google 1.1 Living with Excellence
Fugue, (Enumeration) *Do It! workplace link: MAPEH 9
Oratorio and https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
Chorale the Go9
MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
DAyNzQw presentation
1.4 Worksheet
1.5 Google

C3.3 C3.3 C3.3 C3.3 C3.3 Activity C3.3 C3.3

Composers: Acquisition Written Work *Baroque through google 1.1 Living with Compassion
Johann (Identification) Composers 2019 workplace link: MAPEH 9
Sebastian *Board Race https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
Bach and *Journal the Go9
George MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
Friedrich DAyNzQw presentation
Handel 1.4 Worksheet
1.5 Google


1 CONTENT 1. Analyzes art

AND 1. Art elements and principles in the
CLASSICAL processes by production of
ART synthesizing and work following
TRADITIO applying prior the style of a
NS knowledge and western and
skills classical art
A1-D1.2 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 Activity A1 A1
2nd Week Ancient Art 2. The arts as 2. Identifies Acquisition Written Work *Rock Art through google 1.1 Living with Respect
integral to the distinct (Identification) *Group Activity workplace link: MAPEH 9
development of characteristics of *Reflection https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
organizations, arts during the the Go9
spiritual belief, different art MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
historical events, periods DAyNzQw presentation
scientific 1.4 Worksheet
discoveries, natural 3. Identifies 1.5 Google
disasters/ representative Worksplace
occurrences, and artists from
other external various art
A1.1 phenomena periods A1.1 A1.1 A1.1 A1.1 Activity A1.1 A1.1
Prehistoric Transfer Written Work *Prehistoric Art through google 1.1 Living with Responsibility
Art PERFORMANCE 4. Reflects on and (Enumeration) *Group Activity workplace link: MAPEH 9
STANDARD derives the mood, * Scaffold https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
idea, or message the Go9
1. Performs / from selected MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
participates artwork DAyNzQw presentation
competently in a 1.4 Worksheet
presentation of a 5. Determines the 1.5 Google
creative impression use or function of Worksplace
(verbal/nonverbal) artworks by
B1 of a particular evaluating their B1 B1 B1 B1 Activity B1 B1
Classical Art artistic period utilization and Make Written Work *Mosaic Broken through google 1.1 Living with Respect
combination of Meaning (Jumbled Tile Project / workplace link: MAPEH 9
2. Recognizes the art elements and Letters) Hieroglyphics https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
difference and principles Painting the Go9
uniqueness of the *Group MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
art styles of the 6. Uses artworks discussion DAyNzQw presentation
different periods to derive the 1.4 Worksheet
(techniques, traditions/history 1.5 Google
process, elements, of an art period Worksplace
and principles of
art) 7. Compares the
B1.1 characteristics of B1.1 B1.1 B1.1 B1.1 Activity B1.1 B1.1
Egyptian Art artworks Make a Written Work *Describe Me through google 1.1 Living with Compassion
produced in the Meaning (Multiple *Picture workplace link: MAPEH 9
different art Choice) Analysis https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
periods *Journal the Go9
MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
8. Ceates DAyNzQw presentation
artworks guided 1.4 Worksheet
by techniques and 1.5 Google
styles of Western Worksplace
Classical art
C1 traditions C1 C1 C1 C1. Activity C1 C1
Greek Art Acquisition Written Work *Graphic through google 1.1 Living with Respect
9. Describes the (Identification) Organizer workplace link: MAPEH 9
influence of *Group Activity https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
iconic artists *Categories the Go9
belonging to MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
Western Classical DAyNzQw presentation
art on the 1.4 Worksheet
evolution of art 1.5 Google
forms Worksplace

C1.2 10. Applies C1.2 C1.2 C1.2 C1.2 Activity C1.2 C1.2
Roman Art different media Acquisition Written Work *Group Activity through google 1.1 Living with Excellence
techniques and (Identification) *Brainstorming workplace link: MAPEH 9
processes to Chart https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
communicate the Go9
ideas, MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
experiences, and DAyNzQw presentation
stories showing 1.4 Worksheet
the characteristics 1.5 Google
of Western Worksplace
Classical art
D1 traditions D1 D1 D1 D1 Activity D1 D1
Medieval Art Acquisition Written Work *Make-up Art through google 1.1 Living with Respect
11. Evaluates (Written *Speak, Clue, workplace link: MAPEH 9
works of art in Output) Act! https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
terms of artistic the Go9
concepts and MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
ideas using DAyNzQw presentation
criteria from the 1.4 Worksheet
Western Classical 1.5 Google
art traditions Worksplace

D1.2 12. Shows the D1.2 D1.2 D1.2 D1.2 Activity D1.2 D1.2
Byzantine, influences of the Acquisirion Written Work *Pictionary through google 1.1 Living with Responsibility
Romanesque Western Classical (Enumeration) *Task Card workplace link: MAPEH 9
, Gothic art traditions to * Journals https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
Philippine art the Go9
form MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
DAyNzQw presentation
13. Mounts an 1.4 Worksheet
exhibit using 1.5 Google
completed Worksplace
Western Classical
art tradition
E1-G1 E1 E1 E1 E1 E1 Activity E1 E1
6th Week Principles of Make Written Work *Collage through google 1.1 Living with Respect
Art Meaning (Draw and Principles of Art workplace link: MAPEH 9
Define) *Categories https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on the Go9
MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
DAyNzQw presentation
1.4 Worksheet
1.5 Google
F1 Process Worksplace

F1.1 F1.1 F1.1 F1.1 F1.1 Activity F1.1 F1.1

Painting Transfer Written Work *Draw/Paint through google 1.1 Living with Compassion
and/ or (Multiple *Group workplace link: MAPEH 9
Drawing, choice) Discussion https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
Sculpture the Go9
and MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
Assemblage DAyNzQw presentation
1.4 Worksheet
1.5 Google

G1 G1 G1 G1 G1 Activity G1 G1
Mounting an Transfer Written Work *Exhibit/ through google 1.1 Living with Global
exhibit: (Drawing/ As Art Critic workplace link: MAPEH 9 Citizenship
 Concept Painting) *Comparison https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
 Content / Table the Go9
Labels *Drawing/Painti MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
Physical ng DAyNzQw presentation
layout *Picture 1.4 Worksheet
Analysis 1.5 Google
*Draw and Worksplace
*Influence Me

A1-G1 1 Lifestyle CONTENT A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 Activity A1 A1

3rd Week and Weight STANDARD Undertakes Transfer Performance *Physical through google 1.1 Living with Responsibility
Management physical activity Task Activity workplace link: MAPEH 9
(physical Demonstrates and physical (Perform The *P.E Quiz Bee https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
activity and understanding of fitness Physical *Self the Go9
eating lifestyle and weight assessments Activity) Assessment MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
habits) management to DAyNzQw presentation
promote 1.4 Worksheet
community fitness 1.5 Google
2 Sports
Officiating PERFORMANCE B1 B1 B1 B1 B1. Activity B1 B1
STANDARD Assesses eating Make Written Work *Food Pyramid through google 1.1 Living with Excellence
habits based on Meaning (Written *Group Activity workplace link: MAPEH 9
1. Maintains an the Philippine output) *AssesingAct. https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
active lifestyle to Food the Go9
influence the Pyramid/My MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
physical activity Food Plate DAyNzQw presentation
participation of the 1.4 Worksheet
community 1.5 Google
2. Practices healthy
eating habits that C1 C1 C1 C1 Activity C1 C1
support an active C1 Transfer Performance *Lifestyle through google 1.1 Living with Responsibility
lifestyle Determines risk Task Diseases workplace link: MAPEH 9
factors(obesity, (Role Play) *Board Race https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
physical *Evaluating the Go9
inactivity, poor MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
nutrition, DAyNzQw presentation
smoking) for 1.4 Worksheet
major non 1.5 Google
communicable Worksplace
diseases lifestyle-
related (e.g.
diabetes, heart
disease, stroke,
D1 D1 D1 D1 Activity D1 D1
D1 Transfer Performance *Volleyball through google 1.1 Living with Compassion
Officiates pratice Task Game workplace link: MAPEH 9
and competitive (Game *P.E Quiz Bowl https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
games Competition) *Scaffold the Go9
MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
DAyNzQw presentation
1.4 Worksheet
1.5 Google

E1 E1 E1 E1 Activity E1 E1
E1 Transfer 6 Performance *Recalling through google 1.1 Living with Service
Monitors Task *Pass the Object workplace link: MAPEH 9
periodicallyone’s Individual *Reflection https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
progress towards Assessment the Go9
the fitness goals MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
DAyNzQw presentation
1.4 Worksheet
1.5 Google
F1 F1 F1 F1 Activity F1 F1
F1 Transfer Performance *Collaboration through google 1.1 Living with Responsibility
Performs Task *Perform the workplace link: MAPEH 9
appropriate first (Individual First Aid https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
aid for injuries Assessment) the Go9
and emergency MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
situations in DAyNzQw presentation
physical activity 1.4 Worksheet
and sports 1.5 Google
settings (e.g. Worksplace
heat exhaustion)
G1 G1 G1 G1 Activity G1 G1
G1 Make Written Work *One Word, through google 1.1 Living with Global
Recognizes the Meaning (Written Thousand workplace link: MAPEH 9 Citizenship
needs of others in Output) Meaning https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
real life and in *Last Man the Go9
meaningful ways Standing MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
DAyNzQw presentation
1.4 Worksheet
1.5 Google


A1.1-B1.2 A1.1 A1.1 A1.1 A1.1 A1.1 Activity A1.1 A1.1
4th Week A1.1 Demonstrates Describes the Acquisition Written Work *Picture through google 1.1 Living with Responsibility
Characteristi understanding of characteristics of (Identification) Analysis workplace link: MAPEH 9
cs of a good basic first aid a good first aider *Think Pair https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
first aider principles Share the Go9
*Picture MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
Analysis DAyNzQw presentation
PERFORMANCE 1.4 Worksheet
STANDARD 1.5 Google
Demonstrates first
B1.2 aid procedures with B1.2 B1.2 B1.2 B1.2 B1.2 Activity B1.2 B1.2
First aid for accuracy Demonstrates Transfer Written Work *First Aid through google 1.1 Living with Service
common proper first aid (Enumeration) Activity workplace link: MAPEH 9
unintentional procedures for *Group Activity https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
injuries common * Evaluating the Go9
unintentional *Journal MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
injuries DAyNzQw presentation
 musculoskelet 1.4 Worksheet
al injuries 1.5 Google
 heat Worksplace
 control of
 poisoning
 choking
 fracture, etc.
C1.3-D1.4 C1.3 C1.3 C1.3 C1.3 C1.3 C1.3 Activity C1.3 C1.3
8th Week Bandaging Demonstrates Transfer Performance *Bandaging the through google 1.1 Living with Service
techniques appropriate Task Injuries workplace link: MAPEH 9
bandaging (Individual *Group Activity https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
techniques for Assessment) * Reflection the Go9
unintentional MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
injuries DAyNzQw presentation
1.4 Worksheet
1.5 Google

D1.4 D1.4 D1.4 D1.4 D1.4 D1.4 Activity D1.4 D1.4

Dressing, Demonstrates Transfer Performance *Emergency through google 1.1 Living with Responsibility
carrying and proper techniques Tast Procedure workplace link: MAPEH 9
transporting in carrying and (Group *Group Activity https://classroo 1.2 MAPEH on
the victim transporting the Assessment) *Reflection the Go9
victim of MTMwNDczM 1.3 PowerPoint
unintentional DAyNzQw presentation
injurie 1.4 Worksheet
1.5 Google

Performance Task with Rubric

Music: Sing and Re-enact
Arts: Exhibit of Photographs
PE: Fitness/ Physical Activities Plan
Health: Environmental Protection Plan

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:


Teacher Assistant Principal Principal

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