Grade 10 Introduction To Applied and Pre-Calculus Mathematics (20S)
Grade 10 Introduction To Applied and Pre-Calculus Mathematics (20S)
Grade 10 Introduction To Applied and Pre-Calculus Mathematics (20S)
M a ni t o b a E d u c a t i o n
Manitoba Education Cataloguing in Publication Data
ISBN: 978-0-711-4894-1
Manitoba Education
School Programs Division
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Every effort has been made to acknowledge original sources and to comply
with copyright law. If cases are identified where this has not been done, please
notify Manitoba Education. Errors or omissions will be corrected in a future
edition. Sincere thanks to the authors, artists, and publishers who allowed
their original material to be used.
All images found in this document are copyright protected and should not
be extracted, accessed, or reproduced for any purpose other than for their
intended educational use in this document.
Acknowledgements v
Introduction 1
Course Content 3
What Will You Need? 4
Required Resources 4
Optional Resources 4
Resource Sheet 4
How Will You Know How You’re Doing? 5
Learning Activities 5
Assignments 6
Midterm and Final Exams 7
Practice Exams and Answer Keys 8
What If You Need Help? 8
Your Tutor/Marker 8
Your Learning Partner 8
How Much Time Will You Need? 9
Chart A: Semester 1 9
Chart B: Semester 2 10
Chart C: Full School Year (Not Semestered) 10
When Do You Send in Your Assignments? 11
What Are the Guide Graphics For? 11
Math Goals 12
Getting Started 13
Contents iii
Module 1: Graphs and Relations 1
Module 1 Introduction 3
Lesson 1: Graphing Independent and Dependent Variables 5
Lesson 2: Domain and Range in Linear Relations 25
Lesson 3: The Slope and Intercepts of a Linear Relation 41
Lesson 4: Calculating Slope 61
Lesson 5: The Equation of a Linear Relation 79
Module 1 Summary 97
Module 1 Learning Activity Answer Keys
Module 3: Measurement 1
Module 3 Introduction 3
Lesson 1: Linear Measurement 5
Lesson 2: Calipers and Micrometers 23
Lesson 3: Conversions 39
Lesson 4: Volume of Prisms and Pyramids 53
Lesson 5: Surface Area of Prisms and Pyramids 69
Lesson 6: Spheres, Cylinders, and Cones 85
Module 3 Summary 101
Module 3 Learning Activity Answer Keys
Module 6: Polynomials 1
Module 6 Introduction 3
Lesson 1: Multiplying Polynomials using Tiles 5
Lesson 2: Multiplying Polynomials 27
Lesson 3: Factoring Polynomials 51
Lesson 4: Factoring Trinomials 75
Lesson 5: Factoring a Difference of Squares 95
Module 6 Summary 105
Module 6 Learning Activity Answer Keys
Contents v
Module 7: Coordinate Geometry 1
Module 7 Introduction 3
Lesson 1: Distance and Midpoint between Two Points 5
Lesson 2: Forms of Linear Relations 25
Lesson 3: Writing Linear Equations 43
Lesson 4: Correlation of Data 59
Lesson 7 Summary 93
Lesson 7 Learning Activity Answer Keys
Appendix A: Glossary 1
Acknowledgements vii
G r a de 10 In t roduc t ion to
Applied and Pre-Calculus
Mathemat ics (20S)
Introduction to the course
Course Content
Introduction 3
What Will You Need?
Please note that you do not need a textbook to complete this course. All of the
content is included with this package.
Required Resources
Here is a list of things that you must have to complete this course:
QQ a scientific calculator
QQ a metric ruler (15 cm long is fine)
QQ an imperial ruler (6 inches long is fine)
QQ other measurement tools such as a protractor, metre or yard stick, tape
QQ graph paper
QQ a notebook or binder so you can keep your completed learning activities
together (Learning activities are activities that you complete and check
against the answers provided at the end of each module. You do not send
them in for assessment.)
Optional Resources
QQ Access to a computer with spreadsheet and graphing capabilities will be an
advantage, but not a requirement. Use of the Internet may be suggested as a
resource in some places, but if you do not have access to an online computer
you can still complete the related learning activities and assignments
without it.
QQ Access to a photocopier would be helpful because it would let you make
a copy of your assignments before you send them to your tutor/marker.
That way, if you and your tutor/marker want to discuss an assignment, you
would each have a copy to refer to.
Resource Sheet
When you write your exams you will be allowed to take a Resource Sheet
with you into the exam. This sheet will be one letter-sized page, 8½ ‘’ by 11”,
with both sides in your handwriting or typewritten. It is to be submitted with
your exam. The Resource Sheet is not worth any marks.
You will know how well you are learning by your successful completion of
the following course components:
Learning Activities
Each learning activity has two parts—Part A has BrainPower questions and
Part B has questions related to the content in the lesson.
Do not mail learning activities to your tutor/marker.
Part A: BrainPower
The BrainPower questions are provided as a warm-up activity for you before
trying the other questions. Each question should be completed quickly
and without the use of a calculator. You should be able to complete most of
them without writing out multiple steps on paper. Some of the questions
will directly relate to content you are learning in this course. Some of the
questions will be a review of content from previous courses that you will
need to be able to answer questions from this course.
Being able to do these questions in a few minutes will be helpful to you as
you continue with your studies in mathematics. If you are finding it is taking
you longer to do the questions, you can try one of the following:
QQ work with your learning partner to find more efficient strategies for
completing the questions
QQ ask your tutor/marker for help with the questions
Introduction 5
QQ search online for websites that help you practise the computations so you
can become more efficient at completing the questions
None of the assignment questions or exam questions will require you to do
the calculations quickly or without a calculator. However, it is for your benefit
to complete the questions as they will help you in the course. Also, being
able to successfully complete the BrainPower exercises will help build your
confidence in mathematics. BrainPower questions are like a warm-up you
would do before competing in a sporting event.
The assignments have space provided for you to write your answers on
the question sheets. You need to show all your steps as you work out your
solutions and make sure your answers are clear (include units, where
appropriate). There is no answer key for the assignments included at the end
of the module because your tutor/marker will correct these assignments and
then return them to you. These assignments make up 55 percent of your final
mark. You must complete each assignment in order to receive a final mark
in this course. You will mail these assignments to your tutor/maker along
with the appropriate cover page in accordance with the breakdown shown
on the cover sheets found at the end of this Introduction.
Introduction 7
Practice Exams and Answer Keys
To help you succeed in your midterm and final exams, you need to write the
practice exams that are found at <
These exams are very similar to the actual exams that you will be writing.
They also include an answer key, so that you can check your answers when
you have finished writing them. This will give you the confidence that you
need to do well on your exams. If you do not have access to the Internet,
contact the Independent Study Option at 1-800-465-9915 to get a copy of the
practice exams and their answer keys.
Here are two people who can help you be successful in your course.
Your Tutor/Marker
The first person who can help you is your tutor/marker. Tutor/markers are
experienced teachers who tutor ISO students and mark assignments and
exams. If you are having difficulty at any time during this course, be sure to
contact your tutor/marker by phone or email. They are there to help you. If
you are not sure how to contact your tutor/marker, phone the Independent
Study Option at 1-800-465-9915.
The first learning activity and assignment for this course will involve
contacting your tutor/marker.
Chart A: Semester 1
Here is a suggested timeline that you can follow if you start your course in
September and need to complete it by the end of January.
Introduction 9
Chart B: Semester 2
Here is a suggested timeline that you can follow if you start your course in
January and need to complete it by June.
Do not wait until the last minute to complete your work, since your tutor/
marker may not be available to mark it immediately. Make sure that you
leave enough time for your work to travel through the mail, as that might
take over a week. It may also take a few weeks for your tutor/marker to mark
everything and send the marks to your school.
If you need this course to graduate this school year, remember to schedule
and complete your final exam by June 1.
Graphics have been placed inside the margins of the course to identify a
specific task. Each graphic has a specific purpose to guide you. A description
of each graphic is described below:
Introduction 11
Applied Mathematics: Indicates mathematical
approaches that are related to applied math.
Math Goals
From the diagram, you can see that goals can be long-term or short-term, but
they are the pathway that takes you from where you were/are, closer to where
you want to go.
Now that you have contacted your tutor/marker and set some goals, take
some time right now to skim through the course material, locate your Cover
Sheets, and familiarize yourself with how the course is organized. And get
ready to learn!
Introduction 13
Module 1
Graphs and Relations
M o d u l e 1:
Gr aphs and R el at ions
This first module forms a foundation for the mathematical concepts you will
use in both pre-calculus and applied mathematics in the future, including
upcoming modules in this course. It, in turn, is based on ideas and skills
developed in previous math courses you have taken. This module will focus
on the relationships among data, graphs, and contexts, and use a variety of
ways to describe them. Specific attention will be given to linear relations,
and their slope, intercepts, domain, and range. You will use words, ordered
pairs, tables of values, graphs, and equations as means to describe the
characteristics of linear relations.
Assignments in Module 1
The following five assignments are to be sent to your tutor/marker when you
have completed this module.
Once you have completed all the hand-in assignments, you will need to send
them to your tutor/marker for marking to the address below. Note that the
Learning Activities in each lesson need not be sent in for marking. Don’t
forget to include the Module 1 Cover Sheet for identification and for keeping
track of your marks.
ISO Tutor/Marker
555 Main Street
Winkler, Manitoba
R6W 1C4
M o dul e 1: G r ap h s an d Re l at i o n s 3
Resource Sheet
When you write your midterm exam you will be allowed to take a Midterm
Exam Resource Sheet with you into the exam. This sheet will be one letter-
sized page, 8½ ‘’ by 11”, with both sides in your handwriting or typewritten. It
is to be submitted with your exam. The Midterm Exam Resource Sheet is not
worth any marks.
Many students have found making a Resource Sheet an excellent way to
review. It provides you with a summary of the important facts of each module
that is available when you need it. You are asked to complete a Resource
Sheet for each module to help with your studying and reviewing. The
lesson summaries are written for you to use as a guide, as are the module
summaries at the end of each module.
To prepare you for making such a sheet, a list of instructions is provided
below for you to complete as you work through Module 1. You might use your
Module 1 Resource Sheet for math terms, formulas, sample questions, or a list
of places where you often make mistakes. You might write out what you need
or you might refer to page numbers in the lessons to be carefully reviewed
when studying for the exams.
As you complete each module’s Resource Sheet, you will then be able to try to
summarize the sheets from Modules 1, 2, 3, and 4, to prepare your Midterm
Exam Resource Sheet. The midterm exam is based on the first four modules
of the course. Since the final exam is based on all eight modules of the course,
you will create a new Resource Sheet for your final exam.
Lesson Focus
Lesson Introduction
M o dul e 1: G r ap h s an d Re l at i o n s 5
Learning Activity 1.1
This learning activity is the only one that doesn’t include a BrainPower
section, although it still has two parts.
Part A: Contacting Your Tutor/Marker
Your first task in this course is to contact your tutor/marker by phone (you
will have received his/her phone number in the mail with the course), or
interview your learning partner.
Be ready to discuss the following topics and the reasons for your answers
with your tutor/marker or learning partner. If you like, make some notes
below before you call in order to help you feel prepared. Feel free to add any
other questions or comments that you may have.
1. I am taking this course by distance education because
4. Previous math experiences that influence the way I feel about math are
6. What I am hoping this course will help me accomplish and learn for the
M o dul e 1: G r ap h s an d Re l at i o n s 7
Learning Activity 1.1 (continued)
7. What I am doing/how I will organize things to help me succeed in this
During your phone conversation, jot down a sentence or two about what you
and your tutor talk about, in the spaces above. For example, if you are taking
this course because it doesn’t fit into your schedule at school or because you
travel a lot with your basketball team and this is more convenient, state that
in the space below question 1.
Use the answers to the questions from the conversation with your tutor/
marker as a starting point and fill in the following diagram. In the Math
History box, jot down point-form notes about your prior experience and
knowledge about math (questions 2, 3, and 4). In the Math Destination box,
jot down what completing this course will help you accomplish in the future
(questions 5 and 6).
In between the boxes, write down what you will need to do to move down the
pathway from your History to your Destination.
M o dul e 1: G r ap h s an d Re l at i o n s 9
Think about what you know about graphs and where you have used or seen
One way to display what you know about a topic is to create a word web. A
word web is a diagram that shows how the different parts or ideas related to
a topic are connected. It helps you to think about what you already know and
can do, and helps you identify any gaps in your knowledge.
If you are unfamiliar with word webs, they are created by starting with
a main concept or topic in the centre of your diagram, and then showing
related ideas in connected bubbles around it. They can be drawn by hand or
with a computer. To give you an idea of how a word web may be constructed,
here is an example of a word web about sports.
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
You should be able to complete the following eight questions in a few minutes
without the use of a calculator or pencil and paper. The first few times you do
these questions, your learning partner can help you figure out strategies to
solve them.
1. There are 22 yard markers on a Canadian football field. Each marker
represents five yards. How long is a Canadian football field?
3 4
2. If Evan eats of a pizza and Nick eats of a pizza, how many pizzas do
5 5
they have to order so that both can eat as much as they like?
3. Simplify the following fraction to lowest terms: .
4. You are working at the stadium where they don’t have an electronic till. The
customer is buying popcorn for $3.80. If the customer gives you a $5.00 bill,
how much change will you give them?
5. Rank the numbers from highest to lowest: 0.5, 0.05, 0.3, 0.09, and 0.25.
6. Solve for m: 2 – m = 14.
7. The distance to the mall from your house is 8 km. Your friend lives half as
far away from the mall. What is the distance from your friend’s house to the
8. Write the percent as a decimal: 62%.
M o dul e 1: G r ap h s an d Re l at i o n s 11
Learning Activity 1.2 (continued)
Part B: Word Web
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments, your midterm, and final exams. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and exams.
If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and
learn them.
Create a word web showing what you know about graphs. Use bubbles
to indicate new ideas or characteristics, and lines to show how they are
M o dul e 1: G r ap h s an d Re l at i o n s 13
When buying a media device, the cost generally depends on the size of the
storage space or memory capacity. Using the written description given above,
the relationship between cost and capacity in a handheld media device may
be represented as:
As the capacity goes up, the cost goes up.
Example 1
Determine which variable is dependent and which variable is independent,
and sketch a possible graph to describe the relationship between the number
of people at a party and the number of pizzas ordered.
The number of pizzas ordered depends on the number of people at the party.
Time (minutes)
Example 3
Create and explain a situation with a dependent and an independent variable
that would fit the following graph. Label the graph with your variables and
M o dul e 1: G r ap h s an d Re l at i o n s 15
One possible context could be that the number of litres of fuel in a car’s tank
(dependent) depends on how many hours of driving time (independent) have
elapsed since the tank was filled.
How Much Fuel Is Left
As You Drive Your Car
Fuel in
Ordered Pairs
An ordered pair (also called a coordinate pair) is a set of two numbers
named in a specific order, represented by (x, y). The first number, x,
represents the independent variable, graphed along the x-axis, and the second
number, y, represents the dependent variable, graphed along the y-axis. When
an ordered pair is graphed on a scatterplot, it represents a unique point on the
coordinate plane or grid.
Ordered pairs appear in multiple lessons, so you may want to include the
definition on your Resource Sheet.
Capacity (GB) 1 2 8 16 32
The capacity varies from 1 to 32 GB, so the values along the x-axis (domain)
could be from 0 to 40. There are 10 tick marks along the axis, so 4. Use
even increments of 4 or 5.
The cost ranges from $55 to $430 so you could use values of 0 to 450 along the
y-axis = 45. Using increments of 45 or 50 would give you a nice square
graph, with the data appropriately spread out over the graph area. Remember
to include labels, units, and a title.
To plot the data points on the scatterplot, start with one (capacity, cost) pair,
like (1, 55). The capacity is the independent variable and so is graphed along
the x-axis, while the cost is the dependent variable and is graphed along the
y-axis. The pairs are always stated as (x, y). Find where 1 would be along
the x-axis and slide up from there until you are at about 55 along the y-axis.
Make a mark where these two meet. Continue until you have plotted all the
(capacity, cost) pairs.
M o dul e 1: G r ap h s an d Re l at i o n s 17
Cost ($)
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 x
Capacity (GB)
Complete the following, and check your answers in the learning activity keys
found at the end of this module.
Part A: BrainPower
You should be able to complete the following eight questions in a few minutes
without the use of a calculator or pencil and paper. The first few times you do
these questions, your learning partner can help you figure out strategies to
solve them.
1. What is the range of the following numbers: 2, 6, 4, 8, 7, 13, 11?
2. You are going to the store to buy a drink with $2.05 in your pocket. If a
drink costs $1.75, will you be able to buy one?
3. Simplify the fraction .
4. Write the ratio as a fraction: 5:2.
5. Solve for a: 9 + a = 13.
6. Write the next two numbers in the pattern: 1, 2, 4, 8, ___ , ___ .
M o dul e 1: G r ap h s an d Re l at i o n s 19
Learning Activity 1.3 (continued)
7. You want to bring freezies to your last soccer game of the season. You want
to have enough so that each player gets two. If you have 18 people on your
team, how many freezies do you need?
8. You are helping your dad build a rectangular deck. If it is 2 m long and 3 m
wide, what is the area that it takes up in your yard?
Remember, these questions are similar to the ones that will be on your
assignments, your midterm, and final exams. So, if you were able to answer
them correctly, you are likely to do well on your assignments and exams.
If you did not answer them correctly, you need to go back to the lesson and
learn them.
1. State which variable is independent and which variable is dependent in each
of the following contexts:
a) Hours worked in a week with pay of $20 per hour
b) Final exam mark and average quiz marks for a Grade 10 Math class
c) Coffee temperature and the time since the cup was poured
d) Average monthly temperature in Manitoba during the months from
January to December
2. Are the situations in question 1 continuous? Explain.
3. Sketch a possible graph based on the contexts given in Question 1. Four
graph frames are provided below or you may create your own.
5. Construct a good graph of the following data. It may be done by hand on
graph paper or with technology.
A random sample of 11 people was drawn from the population of people
between the ages of 30 and 40 who were employed full time in Brandon.
The number of years of their schooling and annual income in thousands of
dollars was recorded for each of the 11 people. The data are given below:
Schooling (years) 10 7 12 11 16 12 18 8 12 14 16
Income ($1000) 32 20 45 43 65 42 75 28 40 60 65
M o dul e 1: G r ap h s an d Re l at i o n s 21
Learning Activity 1.3 (continued)
b) Graph the data with appropriate scales on the grid below and draw the
line of best fit.
Lesson Summary
Graphs can help you understand data and situations by creating a visual
representation of them. You have learned how to create a good scatterplot
graph and how to identify continuous data, dependent variables, and
independent variables. In the next lesson, you will build on these concepts
and look at what linear graphs are, what restrictions there are on the domain
and range of the graph, and find other ways to represent relationships
between variables.
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