Electrical Load Forecasting in Power System
Electrical Load Forecasting in Power System
Electrical Load Forecasting in Power System
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Load forecasting is normally employ to operation of any utility. Forecasting in the countries that are
forecast and predict the rise in power demand of an area just developing is extremely complex due to the large
in other to prepare for electricity generation to meet the differences in the modes and the rate of energy required from
costumers demand as the population is growing. Electric one location and increase growth rate of load demand.
load Forecasting can be used in selling, planning and Electric load forecasting is extremely important for energy
buying of energy in power systems. It is very useful from suppliers, financial institutions, and other participants in
generation to distribution of electrical energy. electric energy generation, transmission and distribution
Forecasting in power system can be widely divided into (Feinberg and Dora ,2002). Electric load Forecasting is used
three classes: Short-term electric load forecasting is selling, planning and buying of electric energy in power
generally one hour to one week, medium electric system. It is very pertinent in the power industry and it has a
forecasting is normally from a week (7days) to a year, and major economic advantage as it helps the power generating
while long-term electric load forecasting which are may and Distribution Company to estimate the amount of power
be from a year and above. Accurate load forecasting can needed to be generated and supplied to a particular
help in developing a plan, particularly for developing geographical area since electric energy cannot be efficiently
countries in which energy demand in such countries is stored. It is a relevant tool in taking of decision and planning
irregular in nature as result of rapid growth rate and by the utility. It is also used in the total planning of the
increase in the rate of rural–urban drift. The different system.
methods of load forecasting were studied such as expert
system, fuzzy logic, regression methods and artificial Accurate load forecast can help in developing
neural network (ANN).Some benefits of electric load development plan, energy supply policy, and especially for
forecasting were discussed. developing nations in which the energy demand is irregular
in nature because of the increase in growth rate and rural–
Keywords:- Regression, Forecasting, Load, Demand, Power, urban migration.
Electric, Generation e.t.c.
Other merits of electric load forecasting are:
I. INTRODUCTION Good investment and network preparation
enhanced and heuristic running of risk
In developing the economy of a country today, there is decrease in expenditure
need to engage in electric load forecasting and accurate
prediction of electric future load demands will help decide Forecasting can be classified according to both the
and calculate approximately the amount of energy needed so predicted quantity (peak load, integral load, hourly load) and
as to get ready for power generation (Idowu ,2009). Demand the prediction time. Based on the prediction time, it can be
energy forecasting is a process of calculating the electric categorized into three classes. They are:
energy necessary by a particular area by using previous
records of energy usage in that location and some other Short term load forecasting: This is generally one hour to
relevant conditions such as temperature, weather forecast and a week. It helps to guesstimate the load flows and to make
population, etc. The issue in demand forecasting is to obtain solid decisions that can avert overloading. It is employing
what will be needed in future demand and by mainly in controlling, in power scheduling, input to load flow and
extrapolating past consumption and other factors which can also contingency analysis.
affect the amount of energy that is been used in an area at Midterm load forecasting which is normally from a week
that specific period (Adepoju et al ,2007). to one year; and also
Electric long term load forecasting is from one year and
The verity that electric power cannot be stored to be above. Long term electric load forecasting is used to
used at the later time with the available technology and verify the capacity of power system.
facility, this made it necessary to have the understanding of
the way electric load demand behaves in the future. Electric Some of the factors that influence forecasting include:
utility planning begins with energy forecasting because of weather data, time factor, socio-economic settings (festivities
necessitate for new utility stations. Precise models for electric and working days) and special periods such as Christmas or
load forecasting are indispensable to the planning and Ramadan, past demand load data, and the type of location
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