Chapter Review Questions
Chapter Review Questions
Chapter Review Questions
Need of Rectifier: To provide continuous voltage ( DC Voltage ) required to run almost all
electronic devices & circuits.
In this type the rectifier conducts current only during the + ve half cycles of the a.c. supply.
Simple Circuit:
Here – ve half cycles are suppressed i.e. during –ve half cycle no current passes through the
diode hence no voltage appears across the load.
Max. rectifier Efficiency= Max. d.c.output power/ a.c. input power =40.6% 1
Schematic Diagram:
In this type , the rectifier utilises both half cycles of a.c. input voltage to produce the d.c
During the positive half cycle of the supply, diodeD1 conducts , while diodeD2 is reverse
biased and the current flows through the load as shown .
Similarly ,during the negative half cycle of the supply, diodeD2 conducts , while diodeD1 is
reverse biased and the current flows through the load as shown . 2
During the positive half cycle of the supply, diodes D1 and D2 conduct in series while diodes D3 and D4
are reverse biased and the current flows through the load as shown below.
During the negative half cycle of the supply, diodes D3 and D4 conduct in series, but diodes D1
and D2 switch “OFF” as they are now reverse biased. The current flowing through the load is
the same direction as before.
Max. rectifier Efficiency= Max. d.c.output power/ a.c. input power=ἠ =81.2 %
3.1.2 Ripple: Ripple is the output of a rectifier that contains both dc & ac component.
Ripple Factor :The ratio of r.m.s value of ac component to the dc component in the rectifier
output is known as ripple factor.
PIV (Peak Inverse Voltage) : It is the maximum reverse voltage that a diode can withstand
without destroying the junction. 3
TUF(Transformer Utility Factor): Defined as the ratio of power delivered to the load to the ac
rating of the transformer secondary.
Rectifier Efficiency: The ration of dc power output to the applied input ac power is known as
rectifier efficiency.
Definition: A filter circuit is a device which removes the ac component (ripple) of rectifier output
but allows the dc component to reach the load.
Types of Filter:
i) Shunt Capacitor: It is also called Capacitor Filter. It offers low reactance to ac &a
very high reactance to the dc component.
Hence a capacitor does not allow the d.c to pass through it. 4
ii) Choke input filter :In this filter one inductor & one capacitor is used.
The inductive reactance is XL=2πfL , for d.c , f(frequency)=0 Then, XL=0, Hence inductor
allows the d.c to pass through it.
It offers high reactance to the ac component but offers almost zero reactance to the dc
component. That means it allows only dc component to flow through it.
Here pulsating output from rectifier is applied across 1st capacitor which offers zero reactance
to a.c& infinite reactance to d.c. Hence d.c component continues to reach across L(Choke Filter)
The filter choke then allows the d.c component easily by blocking a.c component if any.
Finally the 2nd capacitor across load bypasses the a.c component if any which the choke(L)
failed to block by making d.c component to reach across load.
1. Define rectifier.
2. Draw the circuit of centre tap FWR & Bridge FWR.
3. State PIV of a diode.
4. Define TUF.
5. State the full wave rectifier efficiency.
6. Compare HWR &FWR.
7. Need of filter in power supply.
8. State different types of filters .
9. Define ripple & ripple factor.
10. Define rectifier efficiency. 5