13 - Summary and Conclusions PDF
13 - Summary and Conclusions PDF
13 - Summary and Conclusions PDF
Another important reason is that of different resources involved for this purpose
and out come effects. Hence, the investigator finds the necessity of such study to
know critically the different aspect of in-service programmes and to evaluate for
significantly such evaluative study will also helps in educational planner to plan
properly for the near future. Another important factor is all the in-service branches
quit essential not only to develop amongst the primary school teachers but
also to the administrator and organizer . If we look into the wastage and
stagnation of the primary level it is clear that still there is such things happening
Karnataka State. All the DIETs conducts in-service training programme through
all the different branches of DIET. The present study intends to evaluate some
4. To study the administrative behaviour of the principals and the staff of DIET
Karnataka state.
branches of DIET.
following facts.
It was observed that very few studies have been conducted at Doctoral
The above sample is duly represented by both urban, semi urban and
rural DIETs,
branches of selected DIETs. It was noted that all the In-service branches of DIETs
conduct various in-service programmes throughout the year. Every DIET also
each of the department of DIET for the year 2001-2002 and 2002-2003.
in each of the six different branches of DIET were selected. It is also necessary to
know the views of the principal, staff and trainee teachers involved in in-service
programmes and also the resource persons. Hence following sub samples from
each DIET.
1. Totally 20 DIETs are established in Karnataka out of which sum DIETs are
established in rural areas and some in semi urban and urban areas.
2. Dharwad , Mysore and Kudige DIETs were doing well with the in-service
physical facilities. They have also equipped with good library and good
3. Rest of the other DIETs were yet to develop the necessary infrastructure
and physical facilities. The libraries were not well equipped with necessary
books and journals. So was the laboratory. Lack of equipments and other
4. All most all DIETs were having staff members, but not well qualified and
officers are being posted to the DIETs. They were not having full dedica
and educational problems in every DIET. In some DIETs it was found that
sufficient staff members were not posted in the branches like ET and WE.
5. Out of Seven branches of each DIET it was observed that, IFIC branch is
programmes were also conducted through PSTE branch. The DRU branch
which is most important in-service unit of the DIET is not well equipped
school staff central school staff were also participated in in-service programe.
7. Every DIET prepares year works plan through IFIC branch. The total
tions, target group and the financial assistance required for each
MLA, MLC of the area and DC and DDPI, Social Worker, Principal of a
B.Ed., college and HOD of M. Ed., Department of University. The year work
plan so prepared would be placed before the going body and get the
approval which would be sent to DSERT for final approval. The DSERT
8. It was also found that the in-service programmes conducted in all the
9. The DIET principal and the staff members expressed some problems
Based on the findings of the study, the investigator consulated the guide
and also the experts in this field and prepared the educational implications and
things to provide proper men and material resources. Hence, the infrastructure
the DIET guideline. It is unfortunate to know that most of the states in India
establish the DIET to get grants. But not to develop required infrastructure and
other facilities. Hence, there is a urgent need to develop the DIET in this respect.
Financial allotment for DIETs is also not done at proper times. So very
this regard is that government should be convinced about the role of DIETs in
utilising this amount properly. For this, better planning, organisation and
The suggestions of guide lines are not considered improving for filling the vacan
cies of certain key posts. It may be one of major reasons for the poor perfor
mance of DIETs in its entrusted activities. Government should take hectic mea-
sures for appointing the vacant posts in accordance with the guidelines. DIETs
can function well only by appointing appropriate and well qualified staff.
the DIETs were not satisfactory. The most appropriate institutional climate is the
open climate. But it exists only in a few DIETs. Steps should be taken to improve
climate of an institution may vary with the behaviour of the principal. It is the duty
‘we’ feeling among the staff. Principals of DIETs should modify their
Therefore, adequate in-service courses are to be provided for the principals and
In-service training, certain concrete steps should be immediately taken. The courses
should be well planned and should be need based. For this, at first proper survey
different courses aimed for different needs can be organised. This will help to
make the courses more professional oriented. Now the In-service courses of DIETs
are more theoretical. Avoid unnecessary verbal communication and give more
technology should be the integral part of the In-service training. By way of proper
field interaction, more primary teachers should be brought into DIETs. Then only
the required number of participants are available for each course. This will also
help DIETs to avoid the lapsing of money allotted for the In-service activities.
More resource persons from outside should be brought into the DIETs for
important places, during the course period Besides, a few days’ community living
camp should be made compulsory for the participants. Also, separate In-service
courses should be conducted for lower primary and upper primary teachers.
7. The position of DIET as the resource centre of the district was not
satisfactory. As a resource centre DIET has to carry out various functions related
to the education of the district. But in the present condition, DIETs used to
were not aware of the special educational functions to be carried out by them. So
immediate attention should be paid to make DIETs to realize these goals and
raise the status of DIETs in the districts. DIETs should pay more attention towards
handicapped children. As suggested in the revised NPE (1992), DIETs can also
undertaken by each DIET about the entrusted duties, how far it is achieved, what
are the problems existing in doing so and what steps should be taken to remove
these barriers to make DIET as a worth while institution. DIETs can utilise the help
of all the present social and educational organisations of the district to achieve
become aware of the importance of DIET in the district, and so they should come
forward by providing the local resources and support for the proper functioning of
DIETs. All kinds of educational data regarding the district should be at hand of
each DIET. DIETs academic support should be at the immediate disposal where
ever it is essential.
8. The present status of DIET teachers are not satisfactory. For this, as a first
step they should be regularised in their present post immediately. The deputation
posting which creates a lot of troubles to them should be avoided. The pay scale
should be immediately revised with effect from the establishment of the DIETS.
Then only the DIET teachers will be more work oriented and which in turn, will
help in increasing the job satisfaction of the teachers, certain staff welfare
9. The Guide lines suggestion for having functional autonomy should be made
practical at the earliest in the DIETs. For the effective functioning of a system, it
should have the freedom for framing programmes for its own development.
Under the present conditions, DIETs cannot fulfil all the envisaged goals due to
the lack of academic freedom. A system will work very effectively if and when
there exists a proper co-ordination among the different parts. This is actually lacking
in DIETs. No proper co-ordination of the programmes are there and even staff
themselves are not working together to achieve the common goal. A participatory
environment should be available in the DIET for its proper functioning. For
ensuring all these, it is very essential to give freedom for DIETs in planning the
the fund allotted accordingly to the need. Government can ensure proper
work efficiency of them. This will energies the DIETs. So by utilising this functional
freedom, DIETs can serve upto the expected levels in primary education of the
10. For ensuring the effective functioning of the DIETs, the programme should
reach to the remote areas of the districts. For this, if possible, steps can be taken
by the government to establish regional resource centres of the DIETs. This will
be a very fruitful measure to fulfil its functions very effectively. This can be
educational district of the state. DIETs can ask the co-operation of the Panchayat
Raj system for extending its resources for the proper functioning of DIETs. The
Block Resource Centres (BRC) and Village Education Committee (VEC) should
be strengthened and made more active.Through these, DIETs can sensitize and
mobiles the primary teachers about the training needs and to attract them to
DIETs for the regular improvement of their teaching skills through the continuous
In-service training.
11. As per the DIET Guide lines, periodical evaluation of the functioning of
DIETs should be conducted. DIET itself and certain other state level agencies
such as DSERT and DPEP can do this work very effectively. But the usual
practice is that the DIETs send an annual report of the previous years’ work. In
this report, they are much interested in showing the number of courses and
persons participated in the various courses. The work efficiency of the DIETs
giving the necessary advice and guidance for the proper functioning of DIET.
Teachers have always played a crucial role in preparing community and
societies towards exploring new horizons and achieving higher level of progress
and development. They are the prime agents of change. The significant of the
in India. Particularly during the last five decades the National Policy on Education
1986 clearly recognises this and stipulatesThe status of the teacher reflects the
socio cultural ethos of a society; it is said that no people raise above the level of
conditions which will help motivate and inspired teachers on constructive and
aspects of teachers. Over the year several innovative steps and contribution of
the state and national level organisations towards revamping teacher education
the task before the nation. It enjoins upon NCTE to achieve planned and
maintenance of norms and standards. NCTE as a statutory body, has taken upon
For a long time, it was felt that, Teacher education in this country has not
been fulfilling the aims and objectives of preparing teachers for the system. The
teachers who are already working should also be activated with infusion of
Accordingly the above institution started working with full enthusiasm. The
in-service teacher education which was most essential for such teachers who
need of such training. On the other hand society also requires new generations to
equip with modernity with scientific methods. Creativity and critical enquiry should
be integral part of the teacher education. Keeping these objectives in view the
DIETs are functioning with all modem techniques. To conclude one can say
of teaching experience).
2. The DSERT should also provide new AV aids like TV, OHP, Computers
and necessary softwares to each and every DIET, along with well trained
4. Each and every DIET should provide proper library and laboratory
should be the continuous process of every DIET after identifying the need
The present investigation is the pioneer one in the field of DIETs in Kamatak.
DIET and critical evaluation in-service programmes in DIETs. The findings of the
study had thrown light on the various areas in which the DIETs of Karnataka are
not efficient in their functioning. Naturally there is a wide scope for detailed
Resource Centre.