Guidelines For Planning Abbrovable In-Service Activities
Guidelines For Planning Abbrovable In-Service Activities
Guidelines For Planning Abbrovable In-Service Activities
These guidelines are provided to assist in planning approvable in-service education activities. Details of your plan
should be kept on file in your central office.
In-Service education is defined as a program of planned activities designed to increase the competencies needed by
all licensed personnel in the performance of their professional responsibilities. In this context, "competencies" are
defined as the knowledge, skills, and attitudes which enable personnel to carry out their tasks with maximum
Legal Basis
T.C.A., Section 49-6-3004.
(a) Each public school system shall maintain a term of not less than two hundred (200) days, divided as follows:
1. One hundred eighty (180) days for classroom instruction;
2. Ten (10) days for vacation with pay;
3. Five (5) days for in-service education;
4. One (1) day for teacher-parent conferences; and
5. Four (4) other days as designated by the local board of education upon the recommendation of the superintendent
of schools.
(b) Vacation days shall be in accordance with policies recommended by the local superintendent of schools and
adopted by the local board of education.
(c) 1. In-service days shall be used according to a plan recommended by the local superintendent of schools in
accordance with the provisions of this section and other applicable statutes, and adopted by the local board of
education. A copy of this plan shall be filed with the State Commissioner of Education on or before June 1 the
preceding school year and approved by him. The commissioner shall require that in-service training include the
teaching of the components of the Juvenile Offender Act, compiled in title 55, chapter 10, part 7 to all teachers and
principals in grades seven
(7) through twelve (12). The commissioner shall also encourage the use of two (2) of the inservice training days to
provide training to teachers, principals, and other school personnel, and, to the extent possible, school board
members, on issues of prevention and intervention strategies for students in the area of behavioral/emotional
2. The needs of probationary and apprentice teachers shall be given priority in the planning of inservice activities.
Apprentice teachers shall be assisted by supervising teachers in the development of competencies required by the
State Certification Commission and the local board of education.
3. The plan shall also give priority to staff development activities. Staff development activities shall include an
assessment of teacher and administrator evaluations made previously by the State Certification Commission and the
local school system. Career level III teachers and supervisors shall be assigned to aid those teachers seeking to
improve teaching competencies.
A recommended sequence for developing system-wide in-service education programs is to (1) assess needs,
(2) establish priorities, (3) develop objectives, (4) design in-service activities, and (5) evaluate. The systemwide
plan should reflect the assessed needs of all professional staff.
Local school systems are responsible for the evaluation of in-service programs and should keep on file brief
evaluations of all approved in-service programs.
To provide the resources needed for planned in-service activities, the local board of education is encouraged to
adopt an adequate budget for this purpose. The coordination of all available funds for covering costs that meet the
local in-service needs should be pursued.