Consolidation of A 1D Column: Applied Pressure 100 Kpa Using A Step Function

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GEO-SLOPE International Ltd, Calgary, Alberta, Canada www.geo-slope.


Consolidation of a 1D column
1 Introduction
This example simulates a one-dimensional consolidation test. The sides are constrained as in an odometer
test. Analytical solutions are available for a case like this, making it possible to verify the SIGMA/W
formulation and implementation.

2 Feature highlights
GeoStudio feature highlights include:

 Using the fully coupled stress / pore-pressure formulation to simulate a consolidation test
 Using a step-boundary function to apply a surface load only for the first time step
 Using a watertable definition to establish the initial pore-pressure conditions

3 Configuration and set-up

Figure 1 configuration and set-up. Initially, the pore-pressure is hydrostatic with depth, with zero pressure
at the top surface. This makes the initial pressure at the base equal to 10 kPa (γw = 10 kN/m3).

Applied pressure = 100 kPa using a step function





Elevation - m







-0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Distance - m
Figure 1 One-dimensional consolidation setup

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GEO-SLOPE International Ltd, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

4 Material properties
The pore-pressures in this analysis will remain positive at all times, and therefore we can deal properties
only for satuated conditions. Volumetric water content and hydraulic conductivity functions have been
specified for the sake of completeness, but they do not enter into the calculations. Only the saturated
hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) is used.
The coefficient of volume compressibility mv is required, but is computed from the E modulus so it does
not need to be specified as part of the volumetric water content function.
When Poisson’s ratio ν is 0.334, mv = 1/E. With E = 2000 kPa, mv is equal to 5 x 10-4 / kPa.
Ksat is 1 x 10-6 m/sec.

5 Boundary function
In this analysis, we want to apply a surface load and then allow the resulting excess pore-pressure to
Since SIGMA/W is based on an incremental formulation, we cannot apply a surface load and keep it there
during the dissipation stage. The surface load has to be applied only during the first time step, and then it
has to be numerically removed for the remaining time steps. This can be accomplished with a step-
function such as shown in Figure 2.

Loading function
Normal Boundary Stress





0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (sec)

Figure 2 Surface load boundary function

The time step duration is 1 sec. SIGMA/W obtains the function values at time n and (n-1). In this case
they are 100 and zero. The difference is 1000 kPa, which is the surface load applied for the first
integration time step.
For all other time steps the applied load increment is zero. For example, the function value at t = 1 is 10
and at t = 2 is also 100, and therefore the applied load increment is zero as intended.

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GEO-SLOPE International Ltd, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

6 Pore-pressure response
Figure 3 shows the pore-pressure response to the applied 100 kPa and the subsequent dissipation. The
form and shape is exactly as what is typically in text books. The increase everywhere is 100 kPa except
right at the top, where there has been a little dissipation during the first second. At the bottom, the initial
pressure was 10 kPa and, after applying the load, the pore-pressure is 110 kPa.

PWP dissipation


Y (m)



0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Pore-Water Pressure (kPa)

Figure 3 Pore-pressure response and dissipation

Most textbooks on soil mechanics present graphical solutions to the consolidation equation in the form of
dimensionless charts such as Figure 4. The curves in this figure are known as isochrones. Time factors T,
can be computed as

Cv t k
T where Cv  sat
H 2
 w mv
Once T has been computed, the percentage of pore-pressure dissipation at the bottom of the problem, for
example, can be estimated.

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GEO-SLOPE International Ltd, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Figure 4 After Lambe & Whitman, Soil Mechanics, p. 408

Figure 5 shows the pore-pressure response at the bottom of the column for times between 250 and 3500
seconds. These results are compared in Figure 6 with estimates from the isochrones in Figure 4.
The chart values are somewhat higher at the same dissipation time as those computed by SIGMA/W.
However, the forms of the curves are in reasonable agreement. The shift between the curves is likely due
to the early pore-pressure dissipation near the top at the early times, which is not captured in the
analytical solution and associated charts. Once the pore-pressure starts to diminish at the base, the rate of
dissipation is nearly identical.
It is not possible to say which curve is more correct. It is likely that neither would exactly correspond to
laboratory measurements. The good agreement in the form and shape of the curves in Figure 6 are,
however, sufficient to indicate that SIGMA/W is correctly formulated and implemented within the bounds
of a numerical solution to the consolidation equation.

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GEO-SLOPE International Ltd, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

PWP at base

Pore-Water Pressure (kPa)








Time (sec)

Figure 5 Pore-pressures at the column base

Pore-pressure at base


Pore-pressure - kPa





0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Time - sec

Figure 6 Comparison of pore-pressures with time at the column base

7 Conclusion
This example illustrates that SIGMA/W can be used for saturated consolidation analyses and that it
produces reasonable results.

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