Completion Productivity
Completion Productivity
Completion Productivity
The production of hydrocarbons from the reservoir, through the tubing, gathering
lines, and facilities, to the sales point makes up an integrated system. The
performance of each element in this system is a function of both its own design and
the performance of other elements. Computer simulation techniques, when properly
applied, are enormously valuable tools for analyzing production problems. However,
the application of simple analytical techniques often provides a better understanding
of the situation and may quickly identify the major problem areas. This may be all
that is required, saving both time and cost. If further analysis is needed, however, a
data base and focus have been developed which often reduce the cost and improve
the value of the simulation work.
Figure 1
Thus the injection pump rating is often directly related to the separator pressure,
especially prior to installation of artificial lift.
Figure 2
This becomes particularly important in offshore developments where facility and well
cost optimization can heavily influence the overall economics. Obviously, there are
external parameters that limit flexibility (such as the initial reservoir pressure,
formation breakdown pressure, bubble-point pressure, reservoir injectivity and
productivity, and the oil properties). However, there is a definite value in making a
cost-benefit analysis on the effects of various completion practices on operating
conditions, development costs, reservoir performance, and oil yields.
Since all producers must flow hydrocarbons through the reservoir at least to the
bottom of the well if not to surface, we define the bottomhole pressure under
producing conditions as the flowing bottomhole pressure (pwf). For a pumping well
this is the pump intake pressure.
The difference between the flowing bottomhole pressure and the average reservoir
pressure is termed the drawdown and determines the production rate. The
relationship between rate and drawdown will vary depending on the flowing
conditions and the type of fluid.
Productivity Index (PI)
From Darcy's semisteady state flow equation, the PI for a well producing 100% oil is
s = skin factor
Since PI relates to the total fluid produced, the magnitude of the PI can change as the water cut
changes. This can be important for sizing artificial lift and treating facilities to handle expected
fluid production after water breakthrough on a flood operation.
We should note from the above equations that the skin (S) is a parameter we can
alter by our completion practices. (We can also increase r w by drilling larger diameter
holes or increase the effective rw by fracturing the well.) Example 1 illustrates the
effect of damage and stimulation.
Effect of Skin on PI
Example of a PI calculation showing effects of
re = well drilled on 160 acre (64 ha) spacing, 1320 ft (402 m) radius
S = variable
Using Equation 2
or in the SI system
The straight line PI relationship should not be expected to hold when two-phase gas
and liquid flow exists in the reservoir. Gilbert (1954) recognized the PI variation with
drawdown and proposed the use of a bottomhole pressure versus producing rate plot
for well analysis. He termed this curve the inflow performance relationship, or IPR, of
a well ( Figure 1 ).
Figure 1
Several techniques have been proposed for determining the IPR for a well below the
bubble-point of the oil, where multiphase flow exists. Vogel (1966), using a computer
model of a solution gas drive reservoir, developed a generalized IPR reference curve.
Using this general curve, a specific IPR curve can be constructed for a well knowing
only the static pressure and a flowing bottomhole pressure at one producing rate. For
those who prefer to do all their work on a calculator, at or below the bubble point,
Vogel found that the IPR curve can be approximated by the expression
With a curved IPR it is obviously more difficult to predict the effects of damage and/or
the improvements to be expected from stimulation. However, Standing (1970)
published a modification to the Vogel curve accounting for changes in flow efficiency.
Fetkovich (1973) showed--both theoretically and from numerous oil well tests--that oil
well backpressure curves follow an IPR equation of a form commonly used for gas
The exponent n and intercept J' are usually determined from a multipoint or isochronal
The most common method of estimating gas well IPRs is the "backpressure" method
of Rawlins and Schellhardt (1936) where
The well is flowed for a fixed period at different rates. Using the bottomhole flowing pressure at
equal flow times, a plot of
versus log qg is prepared. The slope gives a value for 1/n ( Figure 2 , Plot for a
conventional well test example) and using this, C can be calculated. The exponent n
varies from 1.0 for laminar flow to 0.5 for fully turbulent conditions.
Figure 2
The absolute open flow potential (AOF) is defined as the rate corresponding to Pwf = 0. It will be a
function of flow time. Production engineers need to be aware of this and clarify the meaning of
quoted AOF values. Also remember that a value for AOF calculated using flowing tubing
pressures rather than flowing bottomhole pressures is distorted by tubing performance.
The slope will give a value for F, the non-Darcy or turbulence-dependent coefficient, and the
intercept will give a value for B, the Darcy coefficient. Dake (1978) provides formulas for
estimating B and F from core data or build-up analyses. More correctly, B and F should be
calculated from pseudopressures (m(p)) to be independent of variations in gas viscosity and
deviation factor, at which point they can be used to predict future performance accurately.
Theoretically, this method is still not absolutely correct, but in the majority of cases it is a perfectly
adequate description of the inflow performance. Stimulation of gas wells will affect not only their
skin factor (S) and therefore their Darcy coefficient (C or B) but also the non-Darcy coefficient (n
or F).
the skin factor, and the turbulence coefficient in high rate wells, especially
gas wells, are the only parameters we can normally affect by completion
efficiency and stimulation
test results alone may not adequately describe the long-term inflow
performance of a producer unless corrected for
- curving of the IPR in oil wells below the bubble-point and in gas wells
Tubing Performance
Most wells produce under conditions of two- or three-phase flow in the tubing and
flow line. Multiphase flow analysis is complex, and the pressure loss from the bottom
of the tubing to the top is a function of the fluid head, the friction, slippage between
phases, and the flow regime.
pressure (p)
temperature (T)
While some effects are readily apparent (e.g., pressure losses increase with increasing water cut)
, others are less obvious (e.g., increasing the GLR initially reduces the pressure loss, but
eventually the trend reverses because of friction at high velocities).
Figure 1
Usage of the gradient curves is illustrated in Figure 2 (Vertical flowing pressure
gradient curve).
Figure 2
The important thing to remember is to enter the curve at a point defined by the rate,
GLP and flowing tubing pressure, or BHP (THP equivalent to 1000 ft in Figure 3 ,
Effect of tubing size on productivity of gas-liftedoilwell), and then move along the
appropriate GLR line by an increment equivalent to the depth (i.e., from 1000 to
8000 ft for a 7000-ft deep well).
Figure 3
Do not just read the BHP conditions at a given depth — this merely corresponds to a
value of 0 THP. The other important considerations are that you use the correct water
cut and adjust the GOR to a GLR:
For any tubing size there is a minimum flow rate that is required for continuous
removal of the liquids from the well. This is the rollover point in the tubing
performance curves, which is not easily identified without a computer simulation,
although the rule of thumb is a velocity of about 5 ft/s (1.6 m/s). Below this rate the
well will be unstable. This phenomenon is referred to as liquid holdup, and is due to
slippage of the gas phase through the liquid. The larger the tubing diameter, the
higher will be the liquid holdup rate.
Matching Completion and Reservoir Performance
Having developed inflow (IPR) and tubing performance curves for a given system, the
final step in determining maximum system productivity is to combine them and
identify the intersection points. This is probably one of the most important production
engineering design functions; not only does the tubing size define the system flow
rate, but it dictates the sizing of all other downhole equipment. While this
requirement is obvious for flowing wells, gas-lift operations, and injection wells, it is
often forgotten when other artificial lift systems are used.
Obviously, tubing size is constrained by the size of the production casing. Therefore,
this type of analysis must be part of the planning for the well's development drilling
phase. It is also important to consider that the production system curve will most
likely change over time, and that we will need to optimize the tubing size over the life
of the well.
With a minor amount of effort, it became apparent that the major problem was
undersized tubing. Moreover, poor completion practices had resulted in severe skin
damage. After stimulation and installation of 3 1/2 in (73 mm) tubing this well could
triple its rate.
The operator wanted to be able to maximize short-term production rate from the
reservoir, while deferring the installation of a compressor for as long as possible.
Since 9 5/8 in. and 10 3/4 in. production casing had been installed, very large tubing
sizes could be considered. Note how the performance of the best wells (4, 14, 10) is
quite sensitive to tubing size (e.g., 7 5/8-in. tubing produces 33% more than 5-in.
tubing in well 10), while on the worst well (13) the 5-in. tubing would actually
produce slightly more than the 7 5/8-in. tubing because of reduced liquid holdup.
Here, the IPR curve is reversed, with increasing injection rates corresponding to
increasing bottomhole pressures. The tubing performance curves display the
bottomhole pressure and rate that correspond to various tubing diameters and a
constant 5000 psi injection pressure at the surface. A curve is also plotted for 5 1/2-
in. tubing and a 6000 psi injection pressure. The increase in injection pressure
appears to have a much greater effect than increasing tubing size.
Most artificial lift textbooks and manuals emphasize the importance of knowing and
designing for what the well can produce. This is just as important for rod pumping a
stripper well as for the design of a high-volume gas-lift system. In fact, in many rod
pumping installations more work is done in moving the sucker rods than in moving
the oil. This is not a problem, providing the well is achieving its target efficiency.
However, in many cases, the amount of fluid produced is curtailed by inadequately
sized pump, tubing, rods, or surface unit.
Figure 1
(Note that ESP and beam pump installations can be designed for the same Dp and
therefore the same production rate). Figure 1 also illustrates another important
consideration in designing a well — that is, that artificial lift can often be usefully
applied to wells capable of flow to enhance their offtake rate and accelerate income.
The type of artificial lift system selected will affect the tubing and casing size
required in a completion, and vice versa.
When an artificial lift technique is employed, the added operating costs may preclude
attaining the maximum production rate. Some maximum economic rate must be
Figure 1
invasion of drilling mud solids into the formation (especially into fractures);
drilling mud filtrate invasion into the formation;
partial penetration of the producing zone (i.e., not opening the total pay);
From the work of Abrams (1975), Darley (1965) , Tuttle and Bark-man (1974), and Nowak and
Kruegar (1951), et al., it can be concluded that solids entrained in the drilling or completion fluids
are the main cause of impairment. If = mean pore size (microns) of the formation, then the
effects of invading materials and the treatment for their removal can be characterized as follows:
Diameter of Invading
Effect Treatment
Bridging (e.g., drilling mud filter cake) Backflow
Carbonate rocks do not generally develop consistent pore-size relationships, but fortunately
pores are generally quite small (10-20 microns).
Roughly speaking, we may say that unfiltered water (with 2 micron particles) will
damage moderately permeable sandstone formations, (k = 30 to 400 md). Mud
filtrate (with 3 micron particles) will damage good permeability formations, (k = 80 to
900 md). Mud solids (with 9 micron particles) will damage very good formations (k >
725 md). Remember, it is easier to damage good reservoirs; therefore, filtering of
well servicing fluids is essential during completions and workovers.
Injection water must be well filtered. Drilling fluids must be designed for bridging on
the formation face to prevent solids invasion.
Drilling Damage
With modern drilling muds and perforating techniques, drilling damage is not as
serious a concern as it once was in most perforated well completions, because the
perforation tunnel will extend beyond the damaged zone. However, deep mud
damage can be a serious problem and is particularly common:
in high permeability reservoirs, especially in vugular or fractured carbonates, where the
fluid invades the flow channels. Since plugging is very difficult to remove, it is often
necessary to do a clean-up acidization or mini-fracturing treatment. In sandstone,
seepage losses can be prevented by properly sizing the mud solids to form a filter cake;
in low porosity and low permeability reservoirs, where an equal volume of
filtrate has to occupy a greater radius. This damage can be minimized with a
low permeability mud cake and nondamaging filtrate. Although it is usually
necessary to fracture these reservoirs in any event, the probability of damage
should be recognized in the prefracture condition and taken into account in
estimating potential fracture results;
in regions of slow drilling where mud filtrate losses are of necessity much
in lost circulation zones. In sandstone, severe lost circulation is usually the
result of inadvertently fracturing the formation. Since fracture pressures are a
function of pore pressure, this is a particularly severe problem in partially
pressure depleted reservoirs.
4. Post-drilling stimulation.
In addition to mud and mud filtrate invasion, the other major cause of drilling damage is the effect
of incompatible filtrates on water-sensitive clays, particularly when drilling with fresh water-base
muds. This is a major concern when the formation contains significant amounts of kaolinite, illite,
chlorite, smectite, or montmorillonite clays. Permeability reduction occurs as a result of dispersion
or swelling of the clays. Extensive research has been done on the subject of clay chemistry, but
suffice it to say that once such damage occurs, it is very difficult to remove. Therefore, it is
essential to take preventative action when selecting fluids that will contact a pay zone containing
water-sensitive clays. Low concentrations of potassium or calcium chloride (2%) in completion
fluids are very effective and better than higher concentrations of sodium chloride.
Perforation Damage
Although the perforation process itself always causes some degree of damage due to
the crushing of the surrounding rock by the high pressure jet, the major causes of
perforation damage are:
overbalanced perforating;
solids plugging;
inadequate cleanup;
inadequate shot density (<4 shots per ft);
partial completion.
Figure 2
Figure 2
and Figure 3 (Perforation mechanics showing cleanup of plugged perforations after overbalanced
perforation or after a well kill with mud)
Figure 3
and Figure 4
Figure 4
and Figure 5 (Perforation cleanup mechanics showing cleanup after underbalanced perforating)
Figure 5
review the mechanics of perforation cleanup and demonstrate both the inherent superiority of
underbalanced perforating and the problems involved with trying to clean up plugged
perforations. Once one or two perforations begin to flow, the drawdown on the others is reduced
to ps.
Figure 6 ,
Figure 6
In general, within practical limits, an increase in shot density alone cannot overcome
the combined effects of drilling damage and perforating damage. Deeply penetrating
perforations are necessary if the productivity is to approach that of an undamaged,
openhole completion.
Partial penetration of the pay zone (i.e., not perforating all the net pay) results in an
additional pressure drop near the wellbore, often referred to as a geometric skin. This
effect is often overlooked by production engineers, who attempt to acidize away the
"apparent damage." Analytical techniques are available for estimating this effect and
are discussed in reservoir engineering texts such as that of Dake (1978).
Fluids Damage
In addition to the damage caused by entrained solids and the effects of fluids on clay
chemistry, injected fluids can cause damage by incompatibility with the formation
fluids. These incompatibilities manifest themselves in:
Sand Fill
Sometimes poor productivity may result from fill covering the perforations or pay
interval. It is therefore advisable to make at least an annual check for sand fill, when
some other well operation is being undertaken (e.g. , wireline runs, pump changes,
workovers) . This is critical after a fracturing job or gravel pack, or in marginal sand
producers. Normally a wireline drift run to check the holdup depth is the cheapest
and easiest technique. In anticipation of this need, the completion designer should
provide easy wire-line access to the bottom of the tubing, consider the hydraulics
and mechanics of possible clean out operations (coiled tubing circulation), and leave
an adequate sump below the bottom perforation.
There are five key considerations for designing a drilling fluid that will not inhibit well
productivity at the time of initial completion:
Pore Pressure
Drilling Fluid Densities
At up to 1000 psi
0-0.025 psi/ft
Annular velocity 3000 ft/min
No oil or water influx can be tolerated
Annular velocities 800 to 1300 ft/min
0.025-0.35 psi/ft
Rule of thumb 200 ft3/min/1000 ft of hole
Good fluid loss control
Annular velocity 100 to 125 ft/min
Fluid loss can be a problem in permeable zones
Annular velocities are function of viscosity (100 ft/min)
0.45-0.5 psi/ft
Filter cake necessary to control fluid loss
Control drilled solids buildup to maintain correct density and drilling rate
Annular velocities are function of viscosity (100 ft/min)
0.5-1 psi/ft Fine drilled solids difficult to remove from mud without also removing
Overweighted mud causes slow penetration rate and lost circulation
because of fracturing
0.9-1.6 psi/ft
Use galena or iron compounds in place of barite
Table 1. Pressure gradients of typical drilling fluids
The openhole drilling time through the pay section should be as short as possible to
minimize invasion and shale deterioration. On the other hand, it is essential that a
high penetration rate does not result in poor hole conditions due to hole erosion by
the mud stream in the restricted annulus around the drill collars. Similarly, particular
attention needs to be paid to controlling pipe pulling rates during trips, because of
the potential for damage to the pay section from swab and surge pressures.
Abrams (1977) recommends that at least 5% of the mud solids volume should be
more than one-third the formation median pore size to ensure that mud solids do not
penetrate more than 1 in. (25 mm) into the formation. Silica, calcium carbonate, wax,
and asphalt solids are available in suitable graded ranges to maintain this level.
It is better practice to build a filter cake than to drill with losses, because of the
damaging effect of the drilling fluid and the well control risks. However, if it is
planned to drill without returns, the fluids lost to the formation should be filtered and
kept as clean as possible.
To minimize solids damage, we must look not only at maintaining a good filter cake
but also at keeping down the solids that can pass through the filter cake with the
filtrate. This is achieved by having the rig equipped with adequate mud cleaning
The use of non-damaging fluids should likewise figure into plans for the initial
completion and perforating operations. In some cases, it may be advantageous to
plan stimulation work as part of the initial completion.
In most wells, the initial completion method involves running and cementing casing,
perforating the casing, and installing the tubing. During perforation and tubing
installation, the formation pressure must be controlled by the completion fluid (i.e.,
overbalance conditions).
The problem with perforating while overbalanced is the potential for formation
damage and plugged perforations. There is also the risk of excessive lost circulation,
which could result in a "kick," with no pipe in the hole. The use of mud as a
perforating fluid reduces these latter risks but increases the chances of poor cleanup
and productivity damage.
Even with specially formulated, filtered perforating fluids, there is still a perforation
skin effect inherent in the perforation process itself. Typically, the crushed zone
surrounding a perforation may be only 10-60% of the formation permeability. Three
techniques that have been used to remove the damage resulting from this skin effect
are (1) perforating in acid or using an acid wash in carbonate formations, (2)
backflushing the perforations in sandstones, and (3) perforation washing.
Perforation washing is primarily used prior to gravel packing and is a very effective
method of removing damage. The idea is to pump clean fluid into one set of
perforations and out of another, creating a void behind the pipe which will
subsequently be filled with gravel.
· all perforations will see a high differential pressure and have an opportunity
to backflow
· through-tubing perforating
Overall, brine is usually the best choice as a completion fluid, if a clear fluid is to be
used. It should be filtered through a two-micron filter to avoid deposition of fines in
the pore throats and flow channels of the formation. In high permeability zones, it is
often necessary to add graded material to the brine to form a filter cake. This
material should be easily removable by backflow, and soluble in acid (CaCO 3 chips) or
oil (benzoic acid flakes). Formation brine is often a highly attractive completion fluid
provided solids, precipitates, and fine oil droplets are filtered out. Crude oil is also a
good completion fluid; however it is dangerous, messy, and environmentally unsafe.
In general, minimizing overbalance is a good practice.
· within the production targets, the best wells make the best stimulation
candidates, but only if they show evidence of skin damage that can actually
be removed
· inadequate or plugged perforations are often the main cause of damage, and
may need a hydraulic shock to ensure breakdown (alternatively, the zone
should be reperforated)
· accurate placement of fluids and fluid diverters is often the key to success
· the best candidates should have a low chance of stimulating beyond the
producing zone or into a water zone
In the final analysis the decision must be an economic one. Historically, about 90% of
treatments result in a productivity increase, with acid jobs giving a 10% to 50%
increase. Much greater increases can be realized on specific zones, but this is a
function of local circumstances, particularly the presence of a significant, removable
The specific stimulation treatment depends on the nature of the problem and the
formation type. There are four main types of treatment:
Special additives other than a corrosion inhibitor need real justification (e.g., an iron-
sequestering agent is needed only if the formation contains iron or if the tubing is
badly corroded). Any additives should be tested for compatibility with the reservoir
It is also important to properly design the pumping hydraulics so that matrix acidizing
treatments avoid fracturing the formation and fracturing treatments exceed the
pressure required to part rock.