Labmed34 0304 PDF
Labmed34 0304 PDF
Labmed34 0304 PDF
왘 The introduction of evacuated tubes electrolyte measurements, they added Prior to the issuance of the patent,
[F1] Copy of the original patent for the BD Vacutainer™ Blood Collection System.3 (Reprinted with permission.)
Today, evacuated tubes are available
in glass or plastic, although a trend to-
ward plastic is occurring due to recent
safety legislation.10 Most often, the plas-
tic material is polyethylene terephthalate
(PET). Glass and PET are viable materi-
als for the tubes because they are clear,
they can hold a vacuum for an extended
Although there are evacuated glass
blood collection tubes without additives
used to yield serum, all other evacuated
tubes contain at least some type of addi-
tive. Many of these additives are the same
as those used in transfer tubes before
evacuated tubes were introduced. The
additives range from those that promote
faster clotting of the blood, to those that
enable anticoagulation, and to those that
preserve or stabilize certain analytes or
cells. The inclusion of additives at the
proper concentration in evacuated tubes
greatly enhances the accuracy and consis-
tency of test results and facilitates faster
turnaround times in the laboratory.
Additives may exist as either dry or
liquid (“wet”) in evacuated tubes depend- 307
ing on whether the tube is glass or PET,
and depending on the stability of the so-
lution. The NCCLS and ISO define the
concentrations of these additives
dispensed into tubes per milliliter of
blood. Although the additives themselves
may be stable in plastic evacuated tubes, [F2] Historical time line of evacuated tubes21
be stored under recommended conditions. 4. Code of Federal Regulations. Food, Drug and
Cosmetic Act. Pub. L. No. 75-717, 52 Stat. 1040
Humidity (1038), as amended 21 U.S.C. §§ 301 et seq.
Temperature The impact of storage under different 1976.
To understand the impact of tempera- humidity conditions could potentially im- 5. International Standards Organization (ISO):
Single-use containers for venous blood specimen
ture on draw volume, the ideal gas law is pact only plastic evacuated tubes, due to collection. 6710, 1996.
again applied. According to the equation, the greater permeability of these materials 6. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory
if tubes are stored at low temperature, the to water vapor relative to glass. Condi- Standards (NCCLS): Evacuated tubes and
additives for blood specimen collection. H1-A4,
pressure of the gas inside the tube will tions of very high humidity could lead to December 1996;16(13).
decrease. This would lead to an increase the migration of water vapor inside a tube
grate inside the tube resulting in greater As previously mentioned, the CTAD 10. Federal Register - Occupational Exposure to
Bloodborne Pathogens; Needlestick and Other
rates of draw loss over time. Additionally, additive is photosensitive. Normally, this Sharps Injuries; Final Rule. 66:5317-5325.
PET is less resistant to high temperatures additive has a slightly yellow appearance 11. Kasai M, Yamazaki S, Miyake S. “Blood
than glass. When plastic tubes are that becomes clear when no longer viable. collecting tube”, U.S. Patent No. 4,985,026,
January 1991.
exposed to very high temperatures These tubes are generally packaged in small
12. Hatakeyama T. “Vacuum blood collecting
(≥60°C), the plastic softens, and under quantities to minimize exposure to light. production appts. – has tubular container storage
worst-case conditions, may deform. feeder, pinhole checker, blood coagulant sprayer
dryer, and separating agent injector”. U.S. Patent
For plastic tubes that contain a liquid Summary No. 5,129,213, July 1992.
additive, the water-vapor permeability of Blood collection and analysis are useful 13. Antignani A, Cheng E, Evans J, Grippi, et al.
the tube will increase with temperature. diagnostic tools in the practice of laboratory “Method of using additive formulation and
This enables water to escape at a faster medicine. The advent of evacuated blood method for making tube with an additive
formulation”, U.S. Patent No. 6,187,553, February
rate, potentially altering the blood-to- collection tubes significantly improved accu- 2001.
additive ratio. racy and precision, safety, ease-of-use, 14. Wayman DJ. Plastic blood tubes improve safety.
Also, it should be noted that the sta- and speed of the diagnostic process. We Plastics News, 1994;June 6:52.
bility of certain other tube additives, for have shown the progression of technology 15. International Council for Standards in
Hematology. Recommendations of the ICSH for
example, biochemicals or even gel, could and regulatory events that have brought EDTA anticoagulation of blood for blood cell
be negatively impacted by increased tem- evacuated tubes to their current status. counting and sizing. Am J Pathol. 1993;100:371-
perature in evacuated tubes. As discussed We have discussed factors that influ- 372.
16. National Committee for Clinical Laboratory
above, gel is a heterogeneous compound ence evacuated tube performance. Tube Standards (NCCLS): Collection, Transport, and
that could possibly sustain some degrada- material, additive stability, and environ- Processing of Blood Specimens for Coagulation
tion when exposed to high temperatures. mental conditions impact the expiration Testing and General Performance of Coagulation
Assays. H21-A3, December 1998.
dates of certain tubes. It is important to
17. Adcock, DM, Kressin DC, Marlar RA. Effect of
Altitude store evacuated blood collection tubes 3.2% vs 3.8% sodium citrate concentration on
In situations where blood is drawn at under the conditions recommended by routine coagulation testing. Am J Clin Path.
high altitudes (≥5,000 feet), the draw vol- the manufacturer to assure an accurate
18. Narayanen S. Inhibition of in vitro platelet
ume again may potentially be affected. draw volume and clinical results over the aggregation and release and fibrinolysis. Ann Clin
Because the ambient pressure at high alti- shelf life of the product. Lab Sci. 1989;19:260-265.
310 tude is lower than at sea level, the pres- 19. Lin F-C, Cohen R, Losada R, et al. Cellular
sure of the residual gas inside the tube sedimentation and barrier formation under
1. Becton Dickinson and Company. Joseph Kleiner centrifugal force in blood collection tubes. Lab
will reach this reduced ambient pressure and the origins of the Vacutainer™. The Echo. Med. 2001;32:588-594.
during filling earlier than if the tube were Becton Dickinson and Company, Franklin Lakes, 20. Pradhan S, Narayanan S, Lin FC. “Blood
drawn at sea level. Hence, the draw vol- NJ: 1991 (Spring);11:3-5, 1991(September);11:5- partitioning composition”. U.S. Patent No.
7; 1996(December);16:1 4,994,393, February 1991.
ume will be correspondingly lower. Some
2. Bush VJ, Leonard L and Szamosi DI. 21. FDA Web Site. Available at: http://www.accessdata.
manufacturers may compensate for this Advancements in blood collection devices. Lab
effect by providing tubes that have been Med. 1998;29:616-622. Accessed on February 18, 2003.