Government of India Ministry of Railways Railway Recruitment Board, Bhubaneswar

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Government Of India

Ministry of Railways
D-79/80, Rail Vihar, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, Pin - 751023

Website : Email: Phone no: 0674-2303015



1. Based on the performance of candidates in the Computer Based Test (CBT) conducted from 19-07-2019 to 21-
07-2019 for the paramedical categories notified against Centralized Employment Notification (CEN 02/2019),
candidates bearing the Roll Numbers listed below (in ascending order and not in merit order) have been
provisionally shortlisted for the Document Verification (DV) & Medical Examination.
2. This list of shortlisted candidates for DV also includes 50% additional candidates (subject to availability of
eligible candidates) for the posts over and above the notified vacancies published on the websites of RRBs.
3. The cut off marks for the regular candidates (as per vacancy) and additional candidates (50% over and above
vacancies) shortlisted for DV are also notified here with.
4. Document Verification (DV) will be held at the premises indicated in the e-call letter for DV. After
scheduling the candidates for DV, they will be sent an email and SMS to download their e-call letter .The
DV Schedule will also be published on RRB websites. E-Call letter with details of date, time and session
(FN/AN) alongwith the instructions for Document verification and Medical Examination can be
downloaded from the websites of RRBs.
5. Candidates may note that after completion of DV, they will be sent for Medical Examination at the
nominated Railway hospitals located in the jurisdiction of RRBs on the next day of DV. Accordingly,
candidates have to come prepared for DV and medical examination for two to four days.
6. The shortlisted candidates for DV should produce all the original documents along with two sets of Xerox
copies in A4 size as detailed in the CEN and e-call letter.
7. Candidature of all the shortlisted candidates for document verification is purely provisional and is liable to
be cancelled, at any stage of recruitment or thereafter, in case of any inconsistency/deficiency in the data
furnished by them in their online application or any malpractice on the part of candidates coming to the
notice of RRB at any stage of the recruitment process. It may be noted that merely calling a candidate for
document verification does not entitle him/her in any way to an appointment in the Railways.
8. While every care has been taken in preparing the list of candidates shortlisted for document verification, RRB
reserves the right to rectify any inadvertent error or typographical/printing mistakes. RRB regrets inability to
entertain any correspondence from unsuccessful candidates.
9. The Roll Numbers of the provisionally shortlisted candidates for document verification are arranged
horizontally in ascending order and not in order of merit for each category/post.
10. Regarding medical examination, candidates are advised that after completion of DV, medical examination
will be carried out by Railway Hospital/Health Unit. Candidates have to pay the prescribed medical fee of
Rs 24/- only. There are no other charges to be paid to the Hospitals/Health Unit for the medical
examination. In rare cases, where the investigations like CT scan, ultra sound tests, refractive eye surgery
etc. have to be carried out for which necessary facility is not available in the Railway Hospital/Health Unit,
then for such investigation, candidates may have to make the requisite payment to the concerned
11. Candidates may note that all the recruitment related activities by Railways is purely on merit basis only
and candidates are not required to make any payment to any authorities other than the prescribed
medical examination fee of Rs.24/-.
12. Important: Beware of the touts who may misguide the candidates with false promises of getting them
selected for the job on illegal consideration. The recruitment process in the RRB exams is fully
computerized and the selection is based purely on the merit of candidates.
13. Candidates are advised to regularly visit RRB’s official website for the updates.

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Category : 2 Staff Nurse Total. 5

152902127065076 152902128080009 152902128080079 152902128080193 152902129040037

Category : 6 Health and Malaria Inspector Grade III Total. 32

152906110020116 152906110020120 152906110020180 152906110020186 152906130020001

152906130020002 152906130020009 152906130020024 152906130020026 152906144020143
152906182020044 152906182020219 152906182020308 152906182020309 152906182020514
152906182020526 152906182020612 152906182020690 152906182020745 152906182020924
152906182025553 152906217020256 152906227020074 152906227020329 152906266020134
152906266025001 152906266025050 152906368020004 152906368020008 152906368020151
152906404020046 152906418020028 - - -

Category : 7 Lab Superintendent Total. 4

152907119050146 152907258050141 152907266050019 152907300050216 -

Category : 10 Physiotherapist Total. 2

152910129090048 152910276090079 - - -

Category : 11 Pharmacist Grade III Total. 5

152911127030022 152911128030003 152911128030243 152911130030079 152911133030162

Category : 12 Radiographer Total. 2

152912128070193 152912133070097 - - -

Category : 14 ECG Technician Total. 2

152914139080045 152914266080137 - - -

Total number of candidates shortlisted for DV & medical: 52 (fifty two).

Date: 08-09-2019 Chairman/RRB/Bhubaneswar

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