Evaluation of Early Post Emergence and Post Emergence Herbicides On Weed Control and Productivity of Direct Seeded Puddled Rice in Kuttanad
Evaluation of Early Post Emergence and Post Emergence Herbicides On Weed Control and Productivity of Direct Seeded Puddled Rice in Kuttanad
Evaluation of Early Post Emergence and Post Emergence Herbicides On Weed Control and Productivity of Direct Seeded Puddled Rice in Kuttanad
Field experiments were conducted during kharif 2011 and rabi 2011 -12 at Rice Research Station,
Moncompu, Kerala to study the efficacy of herbicides for weed control in direct seeded rice.
The experiments were conducted in RBD with seven treatments comprising of two early post
emergence herbicides, two post emergence herbicides, weed free situation, hand weeding twice at
20 and 40 DAS and unweeded check in plots of 25 m2. The major weeds found in the experimental
field were; Echinochloa stagnina (Retz.) P. Beauv., Echinochloa glabrescens Munro ex Hook. f.,
Fimbristylis miliacea (L.)Vahl, Cyperus difformis L., Cyperus iria L., Schenoplectus pungens (Vahl)
Palla, Monochoria vaginalis (Burm. f.) C. Presl ex kunth, Ludwigia perennis L. and Sphenoclea
zeylanica Gaertner. Results of the study indicated that predominance of weed flora depended on
the season. Grassy weeds predominated during kharif season and sedges predominated during
rabi season. All the weed control treatments significantly reduced the density and dry weight
of weeds which resulted in significantly higher growth and yield of rice over unweeded control.
Results also indicated that early post emergence herbicides like pyrazosulfuron ethyl 10% WP
and bensulfuron methyl + pretilachlor (6.6 GR) were found effective in controlling sedges and
broad leaved weeds, while the post emergence herbicides, bispyribac sodium was found effective
against grassy weeds and broad leaved weeds and penoxsulam was found effective against
grassy weeds and sedges. During both seasons weed free situation recorded the highest grain
yield. Among the herbicide treatments, post emergence application of bispyribac sodium 10%
SC @ 30 g ai/ha and penoxsulam24 SC @ 25 g ai/ha and early post emergence application of
pyrazosulfuron ethyl 10 % WP @ 20 g ai/ha recorded higher yield which was on par with each
other with better weed control efficiency and low weed index.
Key words: Direct seeded rice, weed density, weed dry matter, weed control efficiency, weed index
Weeds are the prime biological constraint in direct does not ensure weed removal at critical stages of
seeded rice, because both weed and crop seeds crop-weed competition and bad weather conditions.
emerge at the same time and compete with each Thus herbicide usage seems indispensable and an
other from germination (Singh and Singh, 2010). economic alternative method for weed control in direct
Weeds compete with rice crop for space, water, light seeded rice (Azmi et al., 2005). The continuous use
and nutrients. In direct seeded rice, the critical period of single herbicide or herbicide having same mode
of weed competition has been reported to be 15-45 of action may lead to resistance problems in weeds.
days after sowing (DAS). Crop- weed competition Keeping these views in mind, field experiments
during the critical period causes considerable yield were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of early
losses. Weed control during the critical period of post emergence and post emergence herbicides
crop- weed competition is essential to reduce the in controlling the weeds in direct seeded rice under
weed competition and effective utilization of available puddled irrigated condition of Kuttanad.
resources for enhanced productivity of rice crop.
Chatterjee and Maity (1981) reported that, in India Materials and Methods
rice grain production suffers yearly loss of 15 million Field experiments were conducted during kharif
tonnes due to weed competition. Uncontrolled weeds 2011(June-October) and rabi 2011-12 (December
reduce the grain yield by 96% in dry direct seeded 2011-April 2012) at the experimental farm of Rice
rice and 61 % in wet direct seeded rice (Maity and Research Station, Moncompu, Alappuzha, Kerala
Chatterjee, 2008). Direct seeded rice could yield (geographically situated at 9º 5´ N latitude and 76º
equal to those of transplanted rice, when weed control 5´E longitude and at an altitude 1 m below MSL). The
was optimum and crop establishment was good soil of the experimental site was silty clay in texture
(Sipaseuth et al., 2000). Though manual weeding with pH 6.2 (wet), O.C 1.5 %, available P 18 kg/ha
effective and it was labour intensive and tedious. It and available K 135 kg/ha. The experiments were laid
*Corresponding author email : sheejakraj70@gmail.com out in randomized block design with seven treatments
viz., penoxsulam 24 SC (25 g ai/ha) at 15 to 20 DAS weight were subjected to square root transformation
(post emergence) (T1), pyrazosulfuron ethyl 10 WP (x+0.5) to normalize their distribution. Weed control
(20 g ai/ha) at 4 to7 DAS (early post emergence) efficiency (WCE) was computed using the dry weight
(T2), bispyribac sodium 10 SC (30 g ai/ha) at15 to 20 of weeds and weed index (WI) was computed using
DAS (post emergence) (T3), bensulfuron methyl + the grain yield of weed free check and yield of treated
pretilachlor (6.6 GR) (0.06 +0.60 kg ai/ha) at 8 to 10 plot. Plant height and tillers per square meter were
DAS (early post emergence) (T4), weed free situation recorded at flowering stage and yield attributing
(hand weeding at 15, 30, 45 and 60 DAS) (T5), hand characters like panicles per square meter, panicle
weeding at 20 & 40 DAS (T6) and unweeded control weight, fertile grains per panicle and 1000 grain
(T7). The total rainfall received during the cropping weight were recorded at harvest. Number of tillers
season was 1555.6 mm and 387 mm, respectively and panicles were recorded by placing a quadrate
during kharif 2011 and rabi 2011-12. (0.25 m x 0.25 m) at two spots in each plot. Plant
height and yield attributing characters were recorded
The pre-germinated seeds of medium duration
from 10 randomly selected hills. The grain yield was
rice variety ‘Uma’ were sown on 17 June 2011 and 8
recorded at 13 per cent moisture. The data were
December 2011. The seed rate adopted for sowing
analyzed separately for kharif 2011 and rabi 2011-12
was 100 kg/ha. The crop was fertilized with 90-45-45
using the ANOVA.
of N-P2O5-K2O kg/ha. One third dose of N and K and
half P was applied at 15 DAS, one third dose of N Results and Discussion
and K and half P at 35 DAS and remaining one third
Weed flora
N and K at 55 DAS. All other agronomic measures
were adopted as per the package of practice Weed density at 30 and 60 DAS indicated that
recommendations of Kerala. Herbicides were applied major weed flora in the experimental field were;
with the help of a hand operated knapsack sprayer Echinochloa stagnina (Retz.) P. Beauv. (Hippo
fitted with flat fan nozzle at a spray volume of 300 grass), Echinochloa glabrescens Munro ex Hook.
l/ha. Observations on weed density was recorded f. (Barnyard grass) among grasses, Fimbristylis
with the help of a quadrate (0.25 x 0.25 m) placed miliacea (L.) Vahl (Globe frigerush), Cyperus difformis
randomly at two representative sites in each plot at L. (Umbrella sedge), Cyperus iria L. (Rice flat sedge),
30 and 60 DAS. Weed samples were collected from Schenoplectus pungens (Vahl) Palla (Three square
the same area at 60 DAS for recording the total weed Bulrush) among sedges, Monochoria vaginalis
dry weight. Weed samples were sun dried before (Burm.f.) C. Presl. ex kunth (Pickerel weed), Ludwigia
oven drying at 65 º C until constant weight was perennis L. (Water primrose) and Sphenoclea
attained. The data on weed density and weed dry zeylanica Gaertner (Chickenspike) among broad
Table 1. Effect of weed control treatments on weed density, weed dry weight and weed control efficiency
(kharif season, 2011)
Hand weeding at 20 and 40 6.4 28.9 87.9 4.93 1.09 11.54 5.21
DAS (T6) (2.63) (5.42) (9.4) (2.33) (1.26) (3.47) (2.39)
114.9 29.8 99.9 144.70 24.5 67.56 258.07
Unweeded control (T7)
(10.74) (5.5) (10.02) (12.05) (5.0) (8.25) (16.08)
leaved weeds during both the seasons. Total weed (4.39 %), respectively during rabi season. It was also
density at 30 DAS comprised of grasses (46.98%), observed that as the crop advanced its age there
broad leaf weeds (40.84 %) and sedges 12.18%, was decline in the total density of weeds (Table 1
respectively during kharif season and sedges (81.58 and Table 2).
%), grassy weeds (14.03 %) and broad leaf weeds
Table 2. Effect of weed control treatments on weed density, weed dry weight and weed control efficiency
(rabi season, 2011)
Total weed Weed
Weed density at 30 DAS (No./m2) Weed density at 60 DAS (No./m2)
dry weight control
at 60 DAS efficiency
Grasses Sedges BLW Grasses Sedges BLW (g/m2) (%)
Penoxsulam 24 SC at 25
3.42 0 0 0.89 0 1.60 0.26
g ai/ha on 15 to 20 DAS 99.57
(1.98) (0.71) (0.71) (1.18) (0.71) (1.45) (0.87)
Pyrazosulfuron ethyl 10
2.22 0 0 2.22 0 0.89 0.52
WP at 20 g ai/ha on 4 to 7 99.13
(1.65) (0.71) (0.71) (1.65) (0.71) (1.89) (1.01)
DAS (T2)
Bispyribac sodium 10 SC
0 0 0.89 4.79 14.48 4.79 1.06
at 30 g ai/ha on 15 to 20 98.23
0.71) (0.71) (1.18) (2.30) (3.87) (2.30) (1.25)
DAS (T3)
Bensulfuron methyl +
pretilachlor (6.6GR) at 0.06 6.21 0 0 19.57 0 0.89 3.15
+0.60 kg ai/ha on 8 to 10 (2.59) (0.71) (0.71) (4.48) (0.71) (1.18) (1.91)
DAS (T4)
4.25 10.46 3.42 6.52 18.34 5.12 3.83
Weed free situation (T5) 93.60
(2.18) (3.31) (1.98) (2.65) (4.34) (2.37) (2.08)
Weed dry weight and weed control efficiency recorded the weed dry weight of 53.96 g/m2 in kharif
season. This was mainly attributable to its lesser
The weed dry weight was significantly influenced
efficacy in controlling grassy weeds particularly
by the weed control treatments. The lowest weed
Echinochloa. Similar findings were also observed
dry weight (3.83 g/m2) was recorded in weed free
by Subbaiah (2008) and Dixit and Varshney (2008).
situation in kharif season and penoxsulam in rabi
But in rabi season it recorded the weed dry weight
season (0.26 g/m2). This was owing to the fact that
of 0.52 g/m2 due to the presence of lesser number of
penoxsulam registered lower density of broad leaf
grassy weeds (Table 2). Among the tested herbicides,
weeds and sedges than weed free situation in rabi
the highest dry weight was recorded in treatment T4
season. Though the broadleaf weeds and sedges
(88.42 and 3.15 g/m2) during kharif and rabi season.
were effectively controlled by pyrazosulfuron ethyl, it
Table 3. Effect of weed control measures on growth and yield attributes of direct seeded rice
Plant height (cm) Tillers/m2 Panicles/m2 Panicle weight(g) 1000 grain weight (g)
Treatment Kharif rabi kharif rabi kharif rabi kharif rabi kharif rabi
2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011
Penoxsulam 24 SC at
25 g ai/ha on 15 to 20 85.6 72.37 291 359 284 359 3.2 2.3 23.70 22.73
DAS (T1)
Pyrazosulfuron ethyl 10
WP at 20 g ai/ha on 4 to 90.2 70.26 269 369 263 363 4.1 2.2 23.33 23.43
7 DAS (T2)
Bispyribac sodium 10
SC at 30 g ai/ha on 15 89.1 70.10 297 354 293 352 3.0 2.1 23.40 23.90
to 20 DAS (T3)
Bensulfuron methyl +
Pretilachlor (6.6 GR) at
85.4 68.63 223 345 215 341 3.1 2.0 22.77 22.97
0.06 +0.60 kg ai/ha on
8 to 10 DAS (T4)
Weed free situation (T5) 93.4 67.95 334 445 329 443 2.8 2.6 23.87 22.77
Hand weeding at 20
90.2 71.64 291 415 283 411 3.4 2.2 23.90 22.80
and 40 DAS (T6)
Unweeded control (T7) 74.4 65.29 181 179 178 179 2.2 1.8 21.50 20.63
This was due to its lesser efficacy in controlling Crop growth and yield attributes
Echinochloa causes the increase in weed dry weight
Weed control treatments brought out significant
(Table 1 and 2).
effect on growth and yield attributes as compared
Among the herbicide treatments, the maximum to weedy check (Table 3). There was no significant
weed control efficiency (97.18 %) was recorded in difference in plant height was observed among the
plots treated with bispyribac sodium 10 SC during treatments. The weed free situation recorded plants
kharif season followed by penoxsulam 24 SC (86.10 with maximum height in kharif season (93.43cm)
%)). This might be due to the better control of weeds and penoxsulam treated plots in rabi season (72.37)
resulting in minimum weed biomass production. But and tillers per meter square was found to be more
in rabi season the maximum weed control efficiency in weed free situation in both seasons. Among the
was recorded in penoxsulam treated plots (99.57 herbicide treatments, bispyribac sodium applied at
%) followed by pyrazosulfuron ethyl (99.13 %). This 30 g ai/ha at 15 to 20 DAS recorded maximum tillers
was owing to the fact that during rabi season sedges per square meter in kharif season and pyrazosulfuron
population more and penoxsulam and pyrazosulfuron ethyl applied at 20 g ai/ha on 4 to7 DAS in rabi
ethyl had a better control of sedges than bispyribac season. This was due to better growth of plants
sodium (Table 1 and 2). The lowest weed control on account of reduced crop-weed competition at
efficiency of 65.74 per cent was recorded in crop critical stages of crop growth resulting in increased
treated with bensulfuron methyl + pretilachlor (6.6 availability of nutrients, water, space and light. The
GR) in kharif season. This was due to its poor efficacy highest number of panicles per square meter was
of controlling grassy weeds particularly Echinochloa observed in weed free situation. Among the tested
resulting in increased weed biomass. But in rabi herbicides, higher number of panicles was observed
season, it recorded the weed control efficiency of in bispyribac sodium treated plots and it was on par
94.74 per cent due to the better control of sedges with penoxsulam and pyrazosulfuron ethyl during
and broad leaf weeds predominant during the season. kharif season. In rabi season, the highest number
was observed in pyrazosulfuron ethyl treated plots
followed by penoxsulam and bispyribac sodium. The per cent, 19.19 per cent, 18.28 per cent and 23.02 per
percentage reduction in panicles per square meter in cent, respectively. Difference in percentage reduction
T3, T1, T2 and T4 compared to T5 were in order of 10.94 in panicles in these treatments might be due to the
per cent, 13.68 per cent, 20.06 per cent, and 34.65 per difference in the effectiveness of herbicides to control
cent, respectively in kharif season. But in rabi season the different group of predominant weeds as evident
the percentage reduction was in the order of 20.54 from the data on weed density and weed dry weight.
Table 4. Effect of weed control treatments on grain yield and weed index (kharif and rabi season)
Results also indicated that among the herbicides, %) followed by hand weeding twice at 20 and 40
pyrazosulfuron ethyl treated plots recorded panicles DAS (4.02 %), penoxsulam (7.61 %) and bispyribac
with maximum filled grains in both the seasons. sodium (8.34 %). During both the seasons the highest
Significantly lower values of panicles per square weed index and lowest grain yield were observed in
meter, filled grains per panicle and panicle weight bensulfuron methyl + pretilachlor (6.6 GR) applied
were recorded under unweeded control. The result is at (0.06 +0.60 kg ai/ha) on 8 to 10 DAS. This might
in conformity with the finding of Gopinath and Kundu, be due to its lesser efficacy in controlling grassy
(2008) and Khaliq et al. (2011.) weeds particularly Echinochloa at critical stages of
Grain yield and weed index
crop growth causes greater competition for space
nutrients and light and resulted in lesser number
Weed control treatments significantly influenced of panicles per square meter (Table 3). Unweeded
the grain yield of direct seeded rice. Adoption of control recorded 69.71 per cent lesser yield in kharif
different weed management measures enhanced season and 67.40 per cent lesser yield in rabi season
the grain yield from 1801 kg/ha to 5946 kg/ha in due to very severe weed competition and improper
kharif season and from 1298 kg/ha to 3981 kg/ha utilization of nutrient, space and light. The result is
in rabi season . The increase ranged from 40.32 to in conformity with the findings of Mohan et al. (2010)
69.71 per cent and 62.62 per cent to 67.40 per cent, and Kachroo and Bayaza (2011).
respectively over unweeded control in kharif season It is concluded from the study that predominance
and rabi season (Table 4). of weed flora was influenced by the season of
Weed free situation registered the highest grain cultivation. During kharif season the weed flora
yield in both the seasons (Table 4). Among the was dominated by grasses and during rabi season
herbicides, bispyribac sodium10 SC applied at 30 g the weed flora was dominated by sedges. Post
ai/ha on 15 to 20 DAS registered the highest grain emergence application of bispyribac sodium10
yield (4898 kg/ha) which was on par with penoxsulam SC at 30 g ai/ha and penoxsulam 24 SC at 25 g
applied at 25 g ai/ha (4784 kg/ha) on 15 to 20 DAS ai/ha (15 to 20 DAS) and early post emergence
and pyrazosulfuron ethyl 10 WP applied at 20 g ai/ application of pyrazosulfuron 10 WP at 20 g ai/
ha (4226 kg/ha) on 4 to 7 DAS in kharif season. ha (4 to 7 DAS) were found effective for the broad
In rabi season pyrazosulfuron ethyl (3914 kg/ha) spectrum control of weeds in direct seeded rice under
recorded the highest grain yield which was on par puddled condition. Based on the overall rice yield
with penoxsulam (3678 kg/ha) and bispyribac sodium across herbicide treatments, bispyribac sodium 10
(3649 kg/ha). During kharif season the lowest weed SC at 30 g ai/ha, penoxsulam 24 SC at 25 g ai/ha
index was recorded in hand weeding twice at 20 and and pyrazosulfuron ethyl 10 WP at 20 g ai/ha were
40 DAS (14.73 %) followed by bispyribac sodium comparable during both the seasons. Hence these
(17.63 %), penoxsulam (19.54 %) and pyrazosulfuron chemicals can be recommended for weed control
ethyl (28.93 %). In rabi season the lowest weed and higher productivity in direct seeded rice under
index was recorded in pyrazosulfuron ethyl (1.69 puddled irrigated conditions of Kuttanad.