Face Recognition Using Back Propagation Neural Network: Siddharth Rawat
Face Recognition Using Back Propagation Neural Network: Siddharth Rawat
Face Recognition Using Back Propagation Neural Network: Siddharth Rawat
Abstract- Face recognition has gained increasing interest in the recent decade. Over the years there have been several
techniques being developed to achieve high success rate. This includes the identity of the person, the expression of the
person in the image, the orientation of the face in the image and etc and also utilizes the feature of the images of the
people taken with the varying poses and expressions i.e., depend upon the resolution. This face recognition system begins
with image pre processing and then output image is trained using the back propagation algorithm. Back propagation
learns by training the inputs, calculating the error between the real
output and target output, and propagates back the error to the network to modify the weights until the desired output is
obtained. After training the network, the recognition system is tested to ensure that the system is recognize the pattern of
each face image. Now the total number of epochs requires reaching the degree of accuracy is referred to as the
convergence rate. The system will find the database image has a maximum percentage on similarity of the pattern of the
image. Now generally the training process continues of the face recognition till the M.S.E (i.e., Mean Squared Error)
reaches/falls to a value of 0.000100.
The technology of face recognition is going to be very important for our daily life. There would be lots of areas such
as remote identification services for security and also in other areas can be used. Now it is generally aimed at the
whole demonstrating facial recognition techniques that should be like as alternative. There would be a computerized
system which is generally equipped with respect to a digital camera generally can identify the face of a person and at
that moment. So this would be seems that, the face recognition are now generally readily available in the market
area, at the vast majority are installed at large open accessed spaces. Now the focus of this work is, thus, compared
with the face database image for the general recognition analysis by using the back propagation neural network.
Now in this face recognition, there would be several successive years and a great number of researchers attempted
for facial recognition systems based on the images like edges, inter-feature spaces, and various neural network
techniques, but significantly there will be directed and the alternative practical problem of vast databases where the
position and scale of the face was not known. So this would happened as the biometric identification as technique of
automatically identifying or verifying an individual by a physical characteristics or personal trait. Now the biometric
identification system must be identify or verify a human characteristic or trait quickly with little or no intervention
from the user. So using the software, a computer is able to locate the human faces in the images and then match
overall facial patterns to record stored in database.
which will acquire the process of dimensionality reduction and feature extraction. RBF will consider result of BPNN
output layer as input. Testing process will be done and the result of recognition rate will be going high, and
information of individuals will be stored in the database. So the BPNN is giving us a lot of acceptable results.
N.Revathy et al [4] used face recognition, it is finding the best suitable match of unknown image against database,
by using the BPNN for implementation. It will train the input pattern and adjust the weight with associated error, by
which input pattern receives input signal and propagates into each hidden neuron, which is computing the activation
to net output. It can implemented in the MATLAB by using the required toolbox i.e., Neural Network Toolbox. So
by this, we can generally transform different inputs and compared with unknown face with that given is in database
or not. This system performs an invariant to changes in background and illumination conditions also. So this will
also indicates the results in the form of Eigen faces. So this proposed system performs well in the lighting variations.
Rajath Kumar M.P. et al [5] the method and algorithm will be used of the PCA with the BPNN. Now the data set in
the form multivariate is generally reduced with the algorithm of PCA technique, which is implemented with the
BPNN. Generally, this whole experimentation with the ORL face database. So the process of face recognition is
done, then it will quiet seems to be faster execution will at process of accuracy suffers and vice-versa for BPNN.
Now generally describe solely implementation of PCA for the faster execution time, but the accuracy of recognition
exponentially suffers from increasing the number of subjects as linearly forms. After that Euclidean distance is also
computed and that has not been pre processed due to this accounts for uncontrolled lighting and other variations in
subject image.
Ravi Prakash [6] represented fast evolving technology which can detect unauthorized access on system and it is
implemented based on the robust face recognition systematic approach is proposed for the image decomposition by
using Haar Wavelet Transform and for the generalized feature extraction using the eigen values by PCA and also it
can classify by using the BPNN (Back Propagation Neural Network), so in this way it will generalize the effect of
comparison of face to show the effectiveness of this algorithm. It reduces time and recognizes the image from the
database. Haar wavelet transform has been applied over an image to decompose it into 2-level sub images bands and
applying the eigen values to these bands, and finally the BPNN is used for the image classification and recognition.
Figure 3.1 Representation of Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) as input layer, hidden layer and output layer
3.2.1 Weights
Now at randomly the adjustable weights will be lies between the values of -0.3 to 0.3 and is assigned for each node.
By this, it can randomly assigned value decides, when the network will reach its minima or negligible error i.e.,
Pre processing of
Train Test
Database Database
Face Recognized
Image to be Equivalent
tested Image
Back Propagation
Neural Network
Figure 5.1 Generic block diagram of face recognition system
bi = 1, if xi ≥t
0, if xi<t
Now where the,
xi = input grayscale pixel
bi = output binarization pixel
2. Now after that the images of ORL training database is read after the compilation of the programming code, then
the next step would be the reducing the MSE error which is going through the number of iterations which is
executed with respect to time, and it can be done for the destination folder of test database path for the comparison
and recognition process like as,
3. Now after the number of iterations to reaches down or reduced the MSE in the minima value of point as
0.000100, so it will show the next prompt of dialog box which can be of same destination folder of training or train
database path, but there is a test database folder which can be selected for the recognition of the facial images to the
original images which will be given as,
4. Now after that the destination folder of the testing images has been founded then there would be a prompt
message dialog box for entering the image number which is going to be compare with the training database for
checking the similarity with faces for recognition then we will enter the number in dialog box which is generally
seen like “Enter the test image name (a number between 1 to 10):” like,
5. So after that, the number which is same with respect to the training database and test database which is in the
form of ORL will be entered. So by this doing, it will gives the results in the form of two particular type of sub
windows in which the characterization, illumination, brightness, contrast, nature like (facial expression) of that
particular image will be executed and gives us the respective similar expressible image with that two particular sub
window which will be given as like, now when we given „1‟ to that prompt dialog box it will be gives the result in
the form of like this,
Now the study shows that the face recognition using back propagation neural network for the recognition of face
image has been designed. It will also give the better results for face recognition of images by choosing the algorithm
of back propagation neural network. By using the back propagation neural network algorithm selection technique it
will give better performance, which can be showed by the number of, face images of each individual in the train and
test database. It is a fast algorithm for recognize the human face images and easy to implement and also BPNN is
generally applied to perform recognition task. So it can achieve the good results by using the proposed algorithm of
Siddharth Rawat received his B.Tech degree in Instrumentation Engineering from Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna
Garhwal University, Srinagar Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India and done M.Tech. in Instrumentation and Control
Engineering from Graphic Era University Dehradun, Uttrakhand, India.
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