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Face Recognition Using Back Propagation Neural Network

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Face Recognition Using Back Propagation

Neural Network

Abstract- Face recognition has gained increasing interest in as the biometric identification as technique of
automatically identifying or verifying an individual by a
the recent decade. Over the years there have been several
physical characteristics or personal trait. Now the
techniques being developed to achieve high success rate. This
biometric identification system must be identify or verify
includes the identity of the person, the expression of the a human characteristic or trait quickly with little or no
person in the image, the orientation of the face in the image intervention from the user. So using the software, a
and etc and also utilizes the feature of the images of the computer is able to locate the human faces in the images
people taken with the varying poses and expressions i.e., and then match overall facial patterns to record stored in
depend upon the resolution. This face recognition system database.
begins with image pre processing and then output image is
trained using the back propagation algorithm. Back
propagation learns by training the inputs, calculating the error II. LITERATURE SURVEY
between the real output and target output, and propagates Anissa Bouzalmat et al [1] introduced the face recognition
back the error to the network to modify the weights until the system by using the neural network, in which it can
specify or classify the feature or as we can say that feature
desired output is obtained. After training the network, the
vector based using Fourier Gabor Filters, which is used as
recognition system is tested to ensure that the system is
an input of BPNN. It will extracting the features by using
recognize the pattern of each face image. Now the total feature vectors of whole face on that image, and also it
number of epochs requires reaching the degree of accuracy is will using a detection of skin human faces in images by
referred to as the convergence rate. The system will find the using an algorithm by introducing the Gabor filters with
database image has a maximum percentage on similarity of the 8 different orientations and 5 different resolutions to
the pattern of the image. Now generally the training process get maximum information, so it will specify the
continues of the face recognition till the M.S.E (i.e., Mean information in the form of features vector of whole face in
Squared Error) reaches/falls to a value of 0.000100. image and detecting the color of skin. So it is generally a
fast algorithm and easy to implement.

The technology of face recognition is going to be very Byung-Joo Oh [2] proposed work for face recognition by
important for our daily life. There would be lots of areas using the neural network classifier which is generally
such as remote identification services for security and also based on the PCA (Principle Component Analysis) an
in other areas can be used. Now it is generally aimed at also use of LDA (Linear Discriminant Analysis), by
the whole demonstrating facial recognition techniques which the feature can be classified from the face images
that should be like as alternative. There would be a using the PCA and LDA by Multiple layer Neural
computerized system which is generally equipped with Network (MLNN), and generally it can be done in the
respect to a digital camera generally can identify the face propose approach with respect to ORL database. The
of a person and at that moment. So this would be seems performance will be checked and it will be of
that, the face recognition are now generally readily PCA+MLNN which is more superior to the LDA+RBFN.
available in the market area, at the vast majority are And after that finally, the comparison between the
installed at large open accessed spaces. Now the focus of LDA+RBFN and PCA+MLNN and the resultant
this work is, thus, compared with the face database image technique will be more successfully as PCA+MLNN
for the general recognition analysis by using the back which will giving us a performance of 95.29% as
propagation neural network. Now in this face recognition, recognition rate.
there would be several successive years and a great Nawaf Hazim Barnouti et al [3] made a real time based
number of researchers attempted for facial recognition face recognition system, which is firstly detect the faces.
systems based on the images like edges, inter-feature Now after that, the viola jones as to detect face algorithm
spaces, and various neural network techniques, but will be used to make a detection of a cropped face image
significantly there will be directed and the alternative area from the image, after that feature will be extracted,
practical problem of vast databases where the position and which is generally used by the algorithm or method of
scale of the face was not known. So this would happened PCA

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