Phaco Nightmares
Phaco Nightmares
Phaco Nightmares
Any breach in the continuity of the posterior capsule is defined as a posterior
capsule tear. Intrasurgical posterior capsule tears are the most common and can
occur during any stage of cataract surgery. 1-3 The incidence of posterior capsule
complications is related to the type of cataract and conditions of the eye, increases
with the grade of difficulty of the case, and furthermore is influenced by the
surgeon’s level of experience. Timely recognition and a planned management,
depending upon the stage of surgery during which the posterior capsule tear has
occurred, is required to ensure an optimal visual outcome.
A higher incidence of posterior capsule tear with vitreous loss is associated with
cataract with pseudoexfoliation, diabetes mellitus and trauma. Missing the
diagnosis in a posterior polar cataract (Figure 1) can be catastrophic to the surgeon
and the patient. It is frequently
Extension of anterior capsule can occur as a complication in MICS also. During
capsulorhexis, anterior capsular tears can cause posterior capsule tear by extending
to the periphery. In a new method of managing this situation, a nick is made from
the opposite side of the rhexis using a cystitome or vannas and the capsulorhexis is
completed. The viscoelastic in the anterior chamber (AC) is then expressed out to
make the globe hypotonous, following which a gentle hydrodissection is done at
90° from the tear, while pressing the posterior lip of the incision to prevent any rise
in intraocular pressure (IOP). No attempt is made to press on the center of the
nucleus to complete the fluid wave. The fluid is usually sufficient to prolapse one
pole of the nucleus out of the capsular bag; else it is removed by embedding the
phacoemulsification probe, making sure not to exert any downward pressure and
then gently pulling the nucleus anteriorly. The whole nucleus is brought out into
the AC and no nuclear division techniques are tried in the bag. The entire nucleus
is prolapsed into the anterior chamber and emulsified.
• Posterior capsule tear with hyaloid face intact and nuclear material present
• Posterior capsule tear with hyaloid face ruptured without luxation of nuclear
material into vitreous
• Posterior capsule tear with hyaloid face ruptured and luxation of nuclear
material into vitreous.
Immediate precautions are to be taken not to do further hydrate the vitreous and
not to increase the size of the PCR. The conventional management consists of
prevention of mixture of cortical matter with vitreous, dry aspiration and anterior
vitrectomy, if required. In addition, during phacoemulsification, low flow rate,
high vacuum and low ultrasound are advocated if a posterior capsule tear occurs.
It is a method of removal of the residual nucleus by injecting viscoelastic
underneath the nucleus to support it and the nucleus is expressed along with the
Vitrectomy is continued in the anterior chamber and the pupillary plane. A rod can
be introduced into the anterior chamber to check the presence of any vitreous
traction and the same should be released. Complete removal of the vitreous from
the anterior chamber can be confirmed if one sees a circular, mobile pupil
(Figures 4A and B) and complete
FIGURES 4A and B: Clinical photographs showing the change in the anterior chamber after complete
removal of the vitreous from the anterior chamber. (A) Before vitrectomy, (B) After vitrectomy
air bubble in the anterior chamber. The usage of the fiber of an endoilluminator,
dimming the room lights and microscope lights, may be useful in cases of doubt, in
order to identify vitreous strands. Another useful measure is the use of purified
triamcinolone acetate suspension (Kenalog) to identify the vitreous described by
Peyman. 8 Kenalog particles remain trapped on and within the vitreous gel, making
it clearly visible.9
In cases with vitreous loss with PCR, it is recommended to suture the corneal
wound as a prophylaxis to prevent infection. One should remove any residual
vitreous in the incision site in the main and side port with vitrector or manually
with Vannas scissors. If necessary, one needs to insert a rod via the side port and
pass it over the surface of the iris, to release them.
Depending upon the state of the capsular bag and rhexis, IOL is implanted (Table
• Insertion and rotation of IOL should always be away from the area of
capsule tear
• The long axis of the IOL should cross the meridian of the posterior capsule
• Eyes with (< 6 mm) PCR with no vitreous loss, IOL can be placed in the
capsular bag
• In the presence of a posterior capsule tear(>6 mm) with adequate anterior
capsule rim, an IOL can be placed in the sulcus In deficient capsules, Glued
IOL is a promising technique without complications of sutured scleral
fixated or anterior chamber IOL
In the presence of a posterior capsule tear with good capsular bag, the IOL can be
placed in the bag. Small PCR with no vitreous loss and good capsular bag, foldable
IOL can be placed.
If the rent is large, if the capsular rim is available, then the IOL can be placed in
the sulcus. The rigid IOL can be placed in the sulcus in large PCR over the residual
anterior capsular rim with Mc Person forceps holding the optic. The “chopstick
technique” is another method of placing IOL in sulcus. In this new chopstick
forceps namely, ‘Agarwal- Katena forceps’ (Figures 5A and B) is used for IOL
FIGURES 5A AND B: (A) Photograph of an ‘Agarwal- Katena’ forceps. (B) Reverse opening
shown (Katena, USA)
This chopstick technique refers to the IOL being held between two flangs of the
forceps. The advantage is the smooth placement of the IOL in the sulcus without
excess manipulation. Moreover, the IOL implantation is more controlled (Figures
6A to D) with the forceps as compared to other methods. Small PCR with no
vitreous loss and good capsular bag, foldable IOL can be placed (Figures 7A and
B). In eyes with intraoperative miosis with PCR, IOL can be implanted with the
pupil expansion with “Agarwal’s modified Malyugin ring” method (Figures 8A
and B). In this method, 10 a 6-0 polyglactic suture is placed in the leading scroll of
the Malyugin ring and injected into the pupillary plane (Figures 9A and B). The
end of the suture stays at the main port incision. Once in place, the ring produced a
stable mydriasis of about 6.0 mm. Hereby, IOL can be implanted easily in the
sulcus with visualization and this prevents the inadvertent dropping of the iris
expander into the vitreous during intraoperative manipulation.
FIGURES 6A TO D: (A) The 6.5 mm PMMA rigid IOL being held between two flangs of the
forceps. (B) IOL is being introduced through the limbal incision. (C) IOL is positioned in the sulcus.
(D) IOL is well centered
Now recently Glued IOL 11-13 is easily performed in such cases with deficient
posterior capsules. Scleral fixated posterior chamber lenses and anterior chamber
IOLs 14,15 can also be implanted when the posterior capsule tear is large.
FIGURES 7 A AND B: (A) Foldable IOL is placed with ‘Agarwal-Katena’ forceps into the sulcus,
(B) IOL well centered on the capsular rim
FIGURES 8A AND B: (A) Intraoperative miosis with posterior capsular tear. (B) Agarwal’s
modification of the Malyugin ring iris expansion: A 6-0 polyglactic vicryl suture passed in the
leading scroll of the ring and injected. The end of the suture stays at the main port incision
Vitreous Traction
Incomplete vitrectomy can produce dynamic traction on the retina
leading to retinal breaks.
FIGURES .9 A AND B: Illustration depicting the Agarwal modification of the Malyugin ring for
cases with small pupil with a posterior capsular rupture. (A) 6/0 suture tied to the ring. (B)
Malyugin ring in place in the pupil. The suture can be pulled at if the ring begins to fall
into the vitreous
Retinal Detachment
Undetected long standing vitreous traction progresses to retinal break
and detachment.
Macular Edema
Manipulation of vitreous will increase not only the traction transmitted
to the retina but also the inflammation in the posterior segment and the
risk of macular edema.
Over-enthusiastic use of viscoelastic into the vitreous can lead to sterile
inflammation. Dropped minimal residual cortex can also present with
postoperative vitritis.
The occurrence of a posterior capsule tear during cataract surgery is one of the
most serious complications. It is important for a surgeon to diagnose the
occurrence of a posterior capsule tear at an early stage, to avoid further
enlargement of the tear and associated vitreous complications. The primary goal of
all the maneuvers is to remove the remaining nucleus, epinucleus, and as much as
cortex possible without causing vitreoretinal traction.
5. Osher RH, Cionni RJ. The torn posterior capsule: its intraoperative
behaviour, surgical management and long term consequences. J Cataract
Refract Surg. 1990;16(4):490–4.
9. Burk SE, Da Mata AP, Snyder ME, et al. Visualizing vitreous using Kenalog
suspension. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2003;29:645-51.
10. Agarwal A, Malyugin B, Kumar DA, et al. Modified Malyugin ring iris
expansion technique in small-pupil cataract surgerywith posterior capsule
defect. J Cataract Refract Surg.2008;34(5):724-6.
11. Agarwal A, Kumar DA, Jacob S, et al. Fibrin glue–assisted sutureless
posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation in eyes with deficient
posterior capsules. J Cataract Refract Surg.2008;34:1433–8.
13. Prakash G, Kumar DA, Jacob S, et al. Anterior segment optical coherence
tomography–aided diagnosis and primary posterior chamber intraocular lens
implantation with fibrin glue in traumatic phacocele with scleral perforation.
J Cataract Refract Surg. 2009;35(4):782-4.