Friction and Wear Investigations On Single Chain Joints: Originalarbeiten/Originals
Friction and Wear Investigations On Single Chain Joints: Originalarbeiten/Originals
Friction and Wear Investigations On Single Chain Joints: Originalarbeiten/Originals
Received: 17 December 2018 / Accepted: 21 January 2019 / Published online: 1 February 2019
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Deutschland, ein Teil von Springer Nature 2019
The tribological behavior of machine elements is mostly influenced by the contact surfaces and the lubricant, especially for
transient conditions and mixed or boundary friction. Both can be found in chain joint contacts. Chains of different types
and structural designs are commonly used in drive and convey applications as well as timing drives of combustion engines,
e. g. bush, roller and silent chains. The critical operating time is fundamentally limited by the wear inside the chain joints.
Especially for timing chains, only a small elongation of 0.5% is admissible. Optimization of component surfaces, which
includes reduction of friction and wear, is the primary goal of the German Research Foundation (DFG) Collaborative
Research Centers 926 “Microscale Morphology of Component Surfaces (MICOS)”. Potential of timing chain components
with modified surfaces are the focus of present research. Chain wear test rigs for investigation of entire chain drives require
a considerable number of modified parts, which is not suitable for systematic tests. Therefore, a chain joint tribometer was
developed and commissioned to close the gap between model tests on standard tribometers and investigations on whole
chain drives by focusing on a single chain joint. Realistic load conditions were applied to the tested chain segment using
a highly-dynamic engine (rotation) and linear actor (tension force) to investigate wear and friction on a single chain joint.
The measurement system allows for online wear and friction detection.
Die Bauteiloberfläche hat zusammen mit dem Schmierstoff den größten Einfluss auf das tribologische Verhalten von Ma-
schinenelementen. Dies ist vor allem dann relevant, wenn instationäre Belastungen und Mischreibung bzw. Grenzreibung
vorliegen. Beides ist in Kettengelenken, speziell bei Ketten, die im Steuertrieb von Verbrennungsmotoren eingesetzt wer-
den und dort hohen Belastungen ausgesetzt sind, der Fall. Zur Optimierung der Bauteiloberfläche hinsichtlich Reibungs-
und Verschleißreduzierung werden im Rahmen des Sonderforschungsbereich 926 „Bauteiloberflächen: Morphologie auf
der Mikroskala“ Versuche an Steuerketten mit modifizierter Oberfläche durchgeführt. Kettenverschleißprüfstände, die den
Betrieb ganzer Ketten erlauben, eigenen sich für systematische Untersuchungen von Kettenkomponenten mit modifizierten
Oberflächen aufgrund der Vielzahl an benötigten Bauteilproben nur bedingt. Um die Lücke zwischen Bauteilversuchen
auf Standard-Tribometern und Versuchen mit ganzen Ketten auf Verschleißprüfständen zu füllen, wurde ein Einzelgelenk-
prüfstand, das sogenannte Kettengelenktribometer, entwickelt und in Betrieb genommen. Mit diesem Prüfstandskonzept
können Reibungs- und Verschleißuntersuchungen an einzelnen Serienkettengelenken unter definierten Betriebsbedingungen
durchgeführt werden. Ein Serien-Kettengelenk wird dabei über spezielle Adapter aufgenommen und über einen Linearak-
tor dynamisch mit einer Normalkraft beaufschlagt. Die Schwenkbewegung wird durch Rotation des Bolzens mit Hilfe
eines hochdynamischen Motors nachgebildet. Über entsprechende Messtechnik kann während des Prüflaufes neben dem
Verschleißfortschritt auch die Reibung im Kettengelenk erfasst werden.
B. Sauer
A. Becker 1
Institute of Machine Elements, Gears &
D. Meffert Transmissions (MEGT), TUK, Gottlieb-Daimler-Str. Building 42, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
54 Forsch Ingenieurwes (2019) 83:53–63
1 Introduction
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56 Forsch Ingenieurwes (2019) 83:53–63
online wear measurement, which is installed in the chain results are summarized in load collectives for a proprietary
joint tribometer allows the detection of chain elongation wear calculation tool and also as input data for single chain
during the test run. Therefore an external measurement is joint test on the chain joint tribometer. The MBS model
not necessary. In chain wear test rigs, which realize in- was validated by optical chain track measurement, which
vestigations of entire chains, the number of tested chain were recorded during a pre-tensioned test run on the chain
joints is high. The chain length measurement device an- wear test rig [20, 48]. All motion sequences and process
alyzes a defined preloaded chain segment with a defined loads are calculated using an evaluation routine, which can
number of chain joints corresponding to the processes de- exemplarily export MBS-simulations of a motorcycle-chain
scribed in [44]. The overall elongation of the entire chain is drive to apply to the chain wear test rigs. The results of such
scaled from these results. The effort of investigating wear a simulation are shown in Fig. 4, where all movements in-
progress is very high, due to the disassembly of the chain cluding the negative swivel angle of the slack strand and
test configuration for measurements. Detailed analysis of its contact forces are evident. The tension force of a chain
single chain joints is done by tactile form measurement joint, which runs from the big sprocket into the load strand,
of chain pins and bushes. A high precision roundness and is constant, while the tension force during the swivel move-
form tester determines distribution, volume and outline of ment from the slack strand to the small sprocket decreases.
wear. By measuring chain components before and after the This is explained by the run-in and -out kinematics of chain
tests, the wear abrasion is determined automatically. Mor- drives. Both the swivel movements proceed with a small
phological and micro-structured analyses of the component tension load. Besides the detailed insights on chain drive
surface come to the fore of investigations on machine ele- movements, the MBS-simulation is used to generate load
ments [45]. Various measurement devices are available for collectives, which can be used for chain tests on the chain
a more detailed inspection of the surface morphology. For joint tribometer.
example, a confocal microscope characterizes topological
structures to analyze the surface of the chain components. 2.4 Chain Joint Tribometer
Detailed information about the wear measurement methods
can be found in ([20, 46, 47]. The chain joint tribometer was developed to test a single
chain joint under real application loads. Precisely defined
2.3 Multibody simulation load conditions can be applied. A single serial chain joint,
consisting of pin and bush, is installed into specific adapters
Concurrent to experimental wear investigations, MEGT cre- and impinged with the defined tensioning force by a linear
ated a multi-body simulation (MBS) model of the described actuator. The rotation and swivel movement of the test pin
chain wear rigs. The kinematics and load collectives of is propelled by a highly dynamic electric motor. The test
a real chain drive have to be fully determined to evaluate rig control system allows a nearly free definition of load
experimental friction and wear tests. This model images the collectives with swivel angles and tension load conditions.
real processes and physical parameters inside a chain drive, Besides stationary operations, also complex load collectives
which cannot (or only with high effort) be monitored during with different swivel angle and tension load levels are pos-
experimental investigations and are necessary for tribolog- sible, which reproduce real operations concerning to me-
ical analysis. These parameters are e. g. relative movement dian load, frictional power and number of load alternations.
of the chain parts, friction length in a chain joint or pro- This opportunity allows defining a load collective by using
gression of the normal force in tensional direction. The
Forsch Ingenieurwes (2019) 83:53–63 57
12 500
big sprocket
contact force / N
relative angle / °
9 400
6 300
3 200
0 100
-3 0
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35
simulation time / s
an MBS simulation model to transfer the dynamic behavior up processes are decreased. Both eddy current sensors are
inside a chain joint. stiffly connected to the chain joint installation adapter at the
Wear of pin and bush increases the free play inside the linear actuator and measure the distance to the surface of
chain joint. An online wear measurement using two eddy the drive shaft, as Fig. 5 demonstrates. Oblique positions or
current sensors determines the wear of pin and bush in as- tilting regarding installation are compensated in the analysis
sembled state. This instrumentation enables a closer look by using two sensors.
at the running-in wear and wear progression over a more The friction torque, which results from the combination
extended test period without having to measure the com- of swivel movement and tensioning force, is induced into
ponents on an external device. The wear progress can be a three axis force sensor. Regarding the kinematic condi-
measured more efficiently and influences of stop and start- tions and distance between force sensor and test chain joint
the logged reaction force is converted to the friction torque
inside to chain joint contact area.
To achieve nearly realistic driving conditions and the
identification of the effect of different lubricants on wear
and friction, a proprietary oil supply unit is used to deliver
a defined lubricant flow with temperatures up to 120 °C.
A stirring unit inside the lubricant reservoir keeps added
particles like synthetic carbon black in suspension. Several
available nozzles supply the test chain joint with lubricant
in any positions and with adjustable flow rates.
For statistical validation and minimization of test times,
the chain joint tribometer consists of three nearly identical
test cells, which are driven independently from each other.
One test cell, separated in Fig. 6, contains a more pow-
erful linear actuator for applying higher tensioning forces,
Fig. 5 Schematic representation of the chain joint tribometer e. g. for drive chains with a pitch larger than 8 mm. The
58 Forsch Ingenieurwes (2019) 83:53–63
chain joint tribometer rig is designed as modular as possi- tolerances (chain components, adapters, rig parts) the test
ble, whereby different chain structures and sizes are instal- joint position is adjusted to the ideal rotational axis of the
lable with specific adapters. Fig. 6 demonstrates two con- drive motor. A vertical and a horizontal adjustment helps
figuration setups for investigation on timing chains (b) and to level out precisely the eccentricity between the test joint
drive chains (c). Both configurations differ in the number of and the drive shaft axis. The configuration for timing chain
installed bearings and the dimensioning of drive shaft and tests with its described environment is shown in Fig. 7, the
adapters. The timing chain configuration is suitable for high range of test parameters is summarized in Table 1. Addi-
dynamics and a maximum tensioning force of 3 kN, while tional information about the chain joint tribometer can be
the drive chain configuration is designed for maximum ten- found in [49, 50].
sion forces up to 11 kN. For compensation of manufacturing
3 Results
Forsch Ingenieurwes (2019) 83:53–63 59
Methods Results 35
10 Hz, 50 N
chain length, 30
10 Hz, 250 N
inial measurements
contour of components, 50 Hz, 50 N
new chain
surface topography 50 Hz, 250 N
start / connuaon
test run 5
0 10 20 30 40 50
reacon force fricon force
Time / h
measurement coefficient of fricon
Fig. 9 Wear progress curves (averaged wear progress of three test
runs) of tests with various load collectives (CHD-pins, PAO +1 wt.-%
length measurement soot, 70 °C oil temperature)
no CHD
test end IC
Wear per chain joint / µm
worn contour
roundness measurement 0
of components
0 10 20 30 40 50
Time / h
worn surface
surface analysis
topography Fig. 10 Comparison of wear progress of case-hardened and inchro-
mized pins during a test period of 50 h. Averaged wear of three test
Fig. 8 Flow chart for the friction and wear investigations on the chain runs. (Swivel movement: sine wave, 25 Hz, ±10°; tension force: 50 N
joint tribometer constant; PAO +1 wt.-% soot, 70 °C oil temperature)
and an inchromized (IC) Cr60e pin were installed to a case- bon black with a primary particle size of 27 nm was added
hardened bush made of 10NiCr5-4. Table 2 summarizes the to the oil (1 wt.-%) to emulate the soot entry inside com-
relevant chain design parameters. To represent real lubrica- bustion engines. This additive mediates the particle size of
tion conditions with a low viscosity oil for modern com- gasoline- (30–40 nm) and diesel-carbon black (15–25 nm)
bustion engines all test chain joints are lubricated by a fully [31, 51]. More detailed information can be found in SAP -
synthetic poly-alpha-olefin (PAO) of 0W-20 class [32]. Car- POK [20].
60 Forsch Ingenieurwes (2019) 83:53–63
Lubrication start
Friction torque /Nmm
µ = 0,12
µ = 0,61
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time /s
Fig. 11 Friction torque measurement on the chain joint tribometer: Comparison between dry running and lubricated chain joint contact (CHD-pins,
PAO +1 wt.-% soot, 70 °C oil temperature, 70 °C test rig temperature)
10.8 to 55.6 mm/s. A constant tension force of 50 to 250 N chain joint pin axis to the drive shaft axis affect on the fric-
was applied to the chain joint during the whole test pe- tion measurement. Even a small position deviation between
riod. Fig. 9 exemplarily shows the averaged wear progress test joint and drive shaft has a massive influence on the de-
of three test runs for four load variations. Increasing load termined friction torque. In the first experiments, the friction
or contact velocity leads to an increase of the wear ratio. coefficient of the chain joint contact was investigated in cor-
The online wear measurement of the chain joint tribometer relation to the lubricant conditions. Before the experiments,
enables the identification of the run-in wear period and the all chain joint parts were cleaned using an ultrasonic bath,
state of steady wear, which can also be seen in Fig. 9. This installed and driven without any lubrication. The applied
measurement possibility is a huge advantage compared to load curve was defined as a triangular signal (±10° swivel
the chain wear test rigs by manually measuring an averaged angle, 4 Hz) with a constant tensioning force of 100 N. Af-
wear over defined periods. During initial test, heat genera- ter 30 s of dry running, a lubricant supply of 0.5 l/min was
tion due to friction in the chain joint and the bearings and applied to the chain joint. Fig. 11 shows the measured reac-
unequal length elongations distorted the wear measurement. tion torque during the test period. The addition of lubricant
A defined temperature conditioning of the test installation to the friction contact leads to a significant reduction of the
solved this issue in following investigations. friction torque. In correlation to the geometric relations of
Further investigations focused on the wear behaviour of
inchromized and case-hardened pins. The swivel movement
was applied using a sine-wave signal (25 Hz, amplitude of 30
±10°) and the tension force was kept constant at 50 N during Chain wear test rig - left chain
the whole test period of 50 h. Fig. 10 shows averaged wear Chain wear test rig - right chain
25 Chain joint tribometer
curves of three test runs for both pin materials. Both run-
in wear ratios nearly match. The CHD-pin reaches the state
of steady wear after a period of 2.5 h and wear increases 20
Wear per chain joint / µm
Forsch Ingenieurwes (2019) 83:53–63 61
Pin Bush after the experiment for both test rigs is shown in Fig. 13.
Chain wear test rig
Fig. 13 Results of roundness measurement of pin (left) and bush 4 Conclusion and Outlook
(right) of chain wear test rig (top) and chain joint tribometer (bottom)
after 100 h runtime
This article introduces two different test rig setups for fric-
tion and wear investigations on timing and driving chains
the test configuration, the friction coefficient is determined. of different sizes and structural shapes. A new proprietary
A coefficient of 0.61 for a dry run and 0.12 for lubricated and commissioned test rig for single chain joint analysis,
conditions was measured. These results are in agreement the chain joint tribometer, creates new tribological research
with results of SAPPOK et al. [47] and COENEN [24] on possibilities besides systematic tests on standard tribome-
a pin-disc tribometer, which correlate concerning material ters and serial component tests on chain wear rigs in real
pairing, lubrication and contact forces. Even though the configuration. First friction and wear investigation results
chain joint tribometer is able to realize investigations with of bush chains confirm the high potential of this test rig to
higher contact velocities, the (mixed-) friction conditions expand knowledge of the tribological system ‘chain joint’.
are comparable. Further experiments have to validate the In the future, the shown test rigs, methods and devices,
results. primarily the chain joint tribometer, are used to investigate
the optimization potential of pins and bushes with modified
3.4 Comparison of chain wear test rig and chain surface morphology (e. g. micro- and particle structuring or
joint tribometer coating). Furthermore, the influencing parameters for fric-
tion and wear are determined in detail. Therefore, real load
After the described tests, a wear investigation test was collectives (varying swivel angle and tension force) will be
implemented on the chain joint tribometer and compared adapted to the test rig. These collectives are generated using
to the results of wear investigations on the chain wear the described MBS-model of the chain wear test rigs and
rigs. Both chain wear rigs were driven with a drive speed then applied to the actors of the chain joint tribometer for
(big sprocket) of 500 rpm (mean relative velocity: 83 mm/s) highly dynamic investigations.
and 40 Nm tensioning torque (mean load: 261 N). The load
Acknowledgements All presented results were thankfully funded by
curve of the tribometer test was defined by using a simple the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foun-
sinus-swivel movement of ±10° and a frequency of 40 Hz dation)—Projectnumber 172116086—SFB 926, subproject CO2. The
(mean relative velocity: 45 mm/s). After each cycle, a de- authors would also like to thank the company Digital Surf for providing
fined pause time was implemented in order to represent the software MountainsMap.
the passing through the load and slack strand on the chain
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