Algae Test

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Name: Allan Rasul N.


Course/Year: BSSE-4A

Quiz in Algae

Test I: Multiple Choice. Answer with the letters provided.

__A__1.) Algae are a diverse group of aquatic organisms that have the ability to conduct __________.
a.) Photosynthesis b.) Biosynthesis c.) Carbon Dioxide d.) Sunlight
__C__2.) Unlike plants, Algae lack ____________________.
a.) chlorophyll b.) Oxygen c.) true roots, stems, leaves d.) roots and leaves

__C__3.) Algae are found in aquatic habitats both __________ and ____________.
a.) acidic water and alkaline water b.) hot and cold-water c.) freshwater and saltwater
d.) mineral water and tap water

__A__4.) Osmotrophy is a _____________.

a.) The absorption of dissolved substances b.) involves engulfing bacteria or other such prey
c.) need to only acquire essential vitamins d.) producing nourishment from the light of the Sun

__D__5.) Because algae are nearly 50% oil, scientists are studying them as a source of ________.
a.) Gasoline b.) Kerosene c.) Diesel d.) Biofuels

__B__6.) One genus of Algae, __________ is a very rare cause of human infections that lives in soil and
can enter wounds especially those located on the feet.
a.) Leprosy b.) Prototheca c.) Hepatitis d.) tinea pedis

__A__7.) The study of algae is called a _________

a.) phycologist b.) biologist c.) Mycology d.) Cytology

__A__8.) A stigma is a ___________.

a.) light-sensing organelle b.) a thickened cell-membrane c.) primitive mouth
d.) storing energy

__D__9.) The Photosynthetic pigment, Chlorophyll C, Is a color of what?

a.) Red to Black b.) Blue to Green c.) All Green d.) Golden Yellow to Brown

__B__10.) Volvox is a multicellular alga (sometimes referred to as _________).

a.) pathogenic alga b.) colonial alga c.) plant-like alga d.) protozoan-like alga

__C__11.) Responsible for the “Red tides”.

a.) Desmids b.) Spirogyra c.) Dinoflagellates d.) Euglena

__B__12.) They have cell walls made of glass.

a.) Chlamydomonas b.) Diatoms c.) Volvox d.) Stentor

__C__13.) An alga that has a cytostome to ingest food.

a.) Paramecium b.) Diatoms c.) Euglena d.) Amoeba

__A__14.) Causing the Red Snow

a.) Chlamydomonas nivalis b.) Desmidiaceae c.) Zygnematales d.) Chlamydomonadaceae

__D__15.) All of the following are algae except:

a.) desmids b.) diatoms c.) dinoflagellates d.) sporozoan
Test II: Identification

alga 1.) Singular word of algae.

yellow-orange2.) Color pigment of carotenoids.

Conjugation 3.) A form of sexual reproduction in Spirogyra.

Pellicle 4.) A thickened cell membrane.

Osmotrophy 5.) The absorption of dissolved substances.

Phagotrophy 6.) Involves engulfing bacteria or other such prey.

Auxotrophs 7.) Need to only acquire essential vitamins such as the B12 complex or fatty acids.

Phycotoxin 8.) Algae in several other genera secrete ___________ that are poisonous to humans,
fish, and other animals.

Diatoms 9.) Because of their attractive appearance, they are quite interesting to observe

Dinoflagellates10.) Sometimes they produced light and for this reason, referred to as fire algae.

Desmids 11.) Are unicellular algae, some which resembles a microscopic banana.

Spirogyra 12.) Filamentous algae that consists of thin unbranched chains of cylindrical cells.

Volvox 13.) Consisting of as many as 60,000 interconnected, biflagellate cells, arranged to form
a hollow sphere.

Euglena 14.) An Alga that possesses features by both algae and protozoa.

Red algae 15.) Rhodophyta are also known as __________.

Test III: Enumeration

A.) Characteristic of Algae B.) Give 5 importance of algae in our world

Phylum and their Common name

1.) Bacillariophyta (diatoms) 1.) Produces oxygen
2.) Chlorophyta (green algae) 2.) Bioplastics
3.) Chrysophyta (golden algae) 3.) Biofuels
4.) Dinoflagellata (dinoflagellates) 4.) Cosmetics
5.) Euglenophyta (Euglena spp.) 5.) Food
6.) Phaeophyta (brown algae)
7.) Rhodophyta (red algae)

Test IV: Fill in the Blank

1.) Not all taxonomist agrees, however, that algae and protozoa should be combined in the same
2.) Algae are referred to as protist.
3.) Algae and Protozoa are classified in the Second-Kingdom (Protista) of the Five-Kingdom System of
4.) Another name called for stigma is eyespot.
5.) Deposits of diatoms are used to make diatomaceous earth, which is used in filtration systems,
insulation, and abrasives.
6.) Desmids, Spirogyra, Chlamydomonas, Volvox, and Euglena, all of them can be found in pond water.
7.) Euglena does not have cell wall, but possess a pellicle, which serves the same function as cell wall—
8.) Like diatoms, Dinoflagellates are important members of the phytoplankton, producing much of the
oxygen in our atmosphere and serving as important link in food chains.
9.) There exists certain algal species that need to obtain their nutrition solely from outside sources; that
is, they are heterotrophic.
10.) Xanthophylls pigment is also known by its color brownish.

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