Draft JSA Levelling & Grading
Draft JSA Levelling & Grading
Draft JSA Levelling & Grading
Area of Work/
Package Name:- Leveling & Grading
Sr Steps of Describe each step of Describe each Preventive measure
protective Collective protective meas
No work the work to be done associated hazard T&Ps, Equipment, etc.
Area of Work/
Package Name:- Leveling & Grading
Excavation Personal
Sr Steps
work of Describe each step of Describe each Preventive measure
protective Collective protective meas
No1 work
( Manually the work to be done associated hazard T&Ps, Equipment, etc.
labour and equipment's
1:-Traffic in and around work spot shall
controlled by concerned supervisor.
2:- Signal man to be placed and auto re
provided to restrict the movement of w
Safety Shoes,
Traffic Hazard/Struck by equipment.
C:-Removals / 1:-All Traffic rules to be Leather & Cotton
ride over/over 3:- Do not allow workers to sit under vehicl
Transportation of followed. Gloves, Safety
turning/toppling 4:-warning boards to indicate the hazard to
excavated soil Helmets,
off/collision 5:- Operator shall have valid driving lice
Reflective Jackets.
adequate Experience .
6:- Daily inspection by Operators.
7:- Inspection & Testing once in a month.
8:- Maintained Speed Limit 20 Km/ Hr.
Area of Work/
Package Name:- Leveling & Grading
Sr Steps of Describe each step of Describe each Preventive measure
protective Collective protective meas
No work the work to be done associated hazard T&Ps, Equipment, etc.
Safety Shoes,
Lather & Cotton
Gloves, Safety
Lungs Disease & Helmets,
4 Dust - Water sprinkling Ensure use of proper respirator protec
Breathing problems Reflective Jackets.
Hand Gloves &
Nose Mask, Dust
Area of Work/
Package Name:- Leveling & Grading
Sr Steps of Describe each step of Describe each Preventive measure
protective Collective protective meas
No work the work to be done associated hazard T&Ps, Equipment, etc.
ective measures
ective measures
under vehicle.
he hazard to operators.
driving license, Training &
n a month.
Km/ Hr.
ective measures
ective measures
under vehicle.
he hazard to operators.
riving license.
n a month.
Km/ Hr
1:- All work to be carried out in supervision of Trained & Experienced Person.