Draft JSA Levelling & Grading

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Job Safety Analysis

Project Name 3 X 800 MW STPP PVUNL patraru Doc No PW/SOX/PTRU/SFY/JSA

Agency Name M/s Kanwar Enterprises (P) Ltd. Date 14.06.2018
Rev. No. 1 Rev Date 25.05.2019

Area of Work/
Package Name:- Leveling & Grading

Sr Steps of Describe each step of Describe each Preventive measure
protective Collective protective meas
No work the work to be done associated hazard T&Ps, Equipment, etc.

1:- carbolic acid to be used to 1:- Illumination in all work areas to be m

repel reptiles. 100 Lux.
1:- Snakes & Reptiles. 2 :- Work Permit to be taken 2:- Operation of Earth Moving Equipment
2:-Injuries due to hit by before starting the excavation done by operator having valid License,
Excavation Machinery. work. trained.
A:-Area Marking & Safety Shoes,
3:- Underground & Above 3:- Hazards & Safety measures 3:- work to be supervised all the time b
Surveying for Excavation. Leather & Cotton
Ground Utilities. to be imparted by Training & adequate experience & Training.
B:-Excavation by Gloves, Safety
4:-Cave -ins / Collapse of TBT. 4:-Hard barricading to be provided around e
Excavators & other Helmets,
excavation. 4:-Ensure compliance of all 5:- Provide all Electrical connection throu
machinery Reflective Jackets.
5:- Electric Hazards safety rules / site safety rules. ELCBs/ RCCBs and deploy only license
During use of electrical 5:- Warning / sign boards are to electric work.
Excavation equipment. be provided. 6:- Provide Double Earthing to all electrical
work 6:- Entry of unauthorized 7:- Proper slope/ Benching / Shoring to
( Manually persons to be restricted. prevent collapse of excavation.
1 labour and

Analysis Done By :- Reviewed By : Approved By :

Job Safety Analysis
Project Name 3 X 800 MW STPP PVUNL patraru Doc No PW/SOX/PTRU/SFY/JSA
Agency Name M/s Kanwar Enterprises (P) Ltd. Date 14.06.2018
Rev. No. 1 Rev Date 25.05.2019

Area of Work/
Package Name:- Leveling & Grading

Excavation Personal
Sr Steps
work of Describe each step of Describe each Preventive measure
protective Collective protective meas
No1 work
( Manually the work to be done associated hazard T&Ps, Equipment, etc.
labour and equipment's
1:-Traffic in and around work spot shall
controlled by concerned supervisor.
2:- Signal man to be placed and auto re
provided to restrict the movement of w
Safety Shoes,
Traffic Hazard/Struck by equipment.
C:-Removals / 1:-All Traffic rules to be Leather & Cotton
ride over/over 3:- Do not allow workers to sit under vehicl
Transportation of followed. Gloves, Safety
turning/toppling 4:-warning boards to indicate the hazard to
excavated soil Helmets,
off/collision 5:- Operator shall have valid driving lice
Reflective Jackets.
adequate Experience .
6:- Daily inspection by Operators.
7:- Inspection & Testing once in a month.
8:- Maintained Speed Limit 20 Km/ Hr.

1:-Operator shall have valid driving lice

Only Experience & Trained Reflective Jackets.
Struck by Grading adequate Experience .
2 Grading person is allowed to operate. Helmet, safety
Machineries. 2:- Every M/C must be accompanied by hel
Automatic reverse horn must be Shoes.
3:- Keep safe distance from Grading M/C.
provided to all machineries.

Analysis Done By :- Reviewed By : Approved By :

Job Safety Analysis
Project Name 3 X 800 MW STPP PVUNL patraru Doc No PW/SOX/PTRU/SFY/JSA
Agency Name M/s Kanwar Enterprises (P) Ltd. Date 14.06.2018
Rev. No. 1 Rev Date 25.05.2019

Area of Work/
Package Name:- Leveling & Grading

Sr Steps of Describe each step of Describe each Preventive measure
protective Collective protective meas
No work the work to be done associated hazard T&Ps, Equipment, etc.

Assess noise level and if found above

Roller must have automatic
Reflective Jackets. adequate hearing protection.
Compactin Struck by Roller . reverse horn.
Helmet, safety Job rotation of roller operator to reduce
3 g of Soil Vibration & Noise to Operation by person having
Shoes, Ear Plug / vibration.
by Roller Operator valid license, adequate
Ear Muff Proper maintenance of Roller and monthly i
experience & training etc.
Daily Inspection of roller by operator before

Safety Shoes,
Lather & Cotton
Gloves, Safety
Lungs Disease & Helmets,
4 Dust - Water sprinkling Ensure use of proper respirator protec
Breathing problems Reflective Jackets.
Hand Gloves &
Nose Mask, Dust

Analysis Done By :- Reviewed By : Approved By :

Job Safety Analysis
Project Name 3 X 800 MW STPP PVUNL patraru Doc No PW/SOX/PTRU/SFY/JSA
Agency Name M/s Kanwar Enterprises (P) Ltd. Date 14.06.2018
Rev. No. 1 Rev Date 25.05.2019

Area of Work/
Package Name:- Leveling & Grading

Sr Steps of Describe each step of Describe each Preventive measure
protective Collective protective meas
No work the work to be done associated hazard T&Ps, Equipment, etc.

1:-Traffic in and around work spot shall

controlled by concerned supervisor.
Disposal 2:- Signal man to be placed and auto re
& Back Safety Shoes, provided to restrict the movement of w
Traffic Hazard/Struck by
filling of Lather & Cotton equipment.
ride over/over 1:-All Traffic rules to be
5 soil Gloves, Safety 3:- Do not allow workers to sit under vehicl
turning/toppling followed.
( Transport Helmets, 4:-warning boards to indicate the hazard to
ation of Reflective Jackets. 5:- Operator shall have valid driving license
soil ) 6:- Daily inspection by Operators.
7:- Inspection & Testing once in a month.
8:- Maintained Speed Limit 20 Km/ Hr

* General Safety Rules as per Anx. I

Analysis Done By :- Reviewed By : Approved By :


ective measures

areas to be maintained above

g Equipment / Excavator only

alid License, experienced &

the time by person having

ided around excavation.
nection through 30 mA rating
only licensed electrician for

all electrical equipment.

/ Shoring to be provided to

Analysis Done By :- Reviewed By : Approved By :


ective measures

k spot shall be restricted and

and auto reverse horn to be
vement of workers near the

under vehicle.
he hazard to operators.
driving license, Training &

n a month.
Km/ Hr.

driving license, Training &

panied by helper / signal man.

ading M/C.

Analysis Done By :- Reviewed By : Approved By :


ective measures

ound above 85dBA provide

or to reduce his exposure to

and monthly inspection.

perator before start of work.

pirator protection system

Analysis Done By :- Reviewed By : Approved By :


ective measures

k spot shall be restricted and

and auto reverse horn to be
vement of workers near the

under vehicle.
he hazard to operators.
riving license.
n a month.
Km/ Hr

Analysis Done By :- Reviewed By : Approved By :

Annexure - I
Following Safety Practices to be Maintained for all works :-

1:- All work to be carried out in supervision of Trained & Experienced Person.

2:- WTP to be obtained for all works before starting.

3:- all Worker engaged to work shall have valid gate pass , safety inducted and
Medically fit
4:- Proper housekeeping to be maintained in all work area.
5:- Illumination of all areas to be maintained above 100 Lux.
6:- TBT to be carried Out before start of every work.
7:- All electrical connection through 30 mA Rating ELCB / RCCB.
8:- Electrical work to be performed under guidance / supervision of license
9:- Adequate fire fighting arrangement wherever required.
10 :-TPI for lifting tools & tackles is mandatory.
11 :- Lighting arrestor arrangement to be provided on the top of slip form.
12 :- All electrical equipment's must have double Earthling .
13 :- Hard barricading will be done around chimney at ground level to warn
passer by & prohibit unauthorized entry.
14 :- ladder shall be provided to access top deck to Middle deck or vice versa.
15 :- Inserts to be provided at every beam platform for providing life lines
during beam erection.

16 :- No Work permitted Directly Under 132 KV HT Lines without taking

shut down. Barricadding measures to be taken to prevent contact to HT Line
i.e. providing barrier, Barricadding etc.

Analysis Done By :- Reviewed By : Approved By :

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