This Job Safety Analysis document summarizes the key safety steps for the execution of cooling water line fabrication at the Sulphur Recovery Unit. It identifies potential hazards at each stage of the job such as fire, falling materials, and electrical shock. Recommended control measures are provided to mitigate the hazards, including obtaining necessary permits, conducting toolbox talks, using proper PPE, following lifting procedures, and ensuring equipment is properly maintained and guarded. The document was reviewed by heads of the Operations and Project Departments to ensure safety compliance.
This Job Safety Analysis document summarizes the key safety steps for the execution of cooling water line fabrication at the Sulphur Recovery Unit. It identifies potential hazards at each stage of the job such as fire, falling materials, and electrical shock. Recommended control measures are provided to mitigate the hazards, including obtaining necessary permits, conducting toolbox talks, using proper PPE, following lifting procedures, and ensuring equipment is properly maintained and guarded. The document was reviewed by heads of the Operations and Project Departments to ensure safety compliance.
This Job Safety Analysis document summarizes the key safety steps for the execution of cooling water line fabrication at the Sulphur Recovery Unit. It identifies potential hazards at each stage of the job such as fire, falling materials, and electrical shock. Recommended control measures are provided to mitigate the hazards, including obtaining necessary permits, conducting toolbox talks, using proper PPE, following lifting procedures, and ensuring equipment is properly maintained and guarded. The document was reviewed by heads of the Operations and Project Departments to ensure safety compliance.
This Job Safety Analysis document summarizes the key safety steps for the execution of cooling water line fabrication at the Sulphur Recovery Unit. It identifies potential hazards at each stage of the job such as fire, falling materials, and electrical shock. Recommended control measures are provided to mitigate the hazards, including obtaining necessary permits, conducting toolbox talks, using proper PPE, following lifting procedures, and ensuring equipment is properly maintained and guarded. The document was reviewed by heads of the Operations and Project Departments to ensure safety compliance.
Job Title: Execution of Cooling water line JSA done by: fabrication at SRU (CWL) SN. Name Designation Department 1. Santosh Kumar Dubey RCM Exe. - L&T 2. Sandip Patil HSE Lead HSE - L&T 3. Rajnish Kumar Lead Piping Exe. - Worley Job to be Executed By : L&T HEIC 4. Kuldeep Singh HSE Advisor HSE - Worley Department Contractor 5. Pulkit Garg AM(PJ) Project - IOCL 6. Ajay Kumar SPNM OPR. - IOCL 7. Rajat Khandelwal AM (F&S) F&S - IOCL PROJECT M/s. L&T HEIC 8. 9. JSA Reviewed By (HOD’s Name & Designation) Name Designation HOD of Operation Department Subhradip Das DGM(PN) HOD of Project Department Diwakar Chaturvedi DGM(PJ) Sl. No. Activities Hazards Recommended Actions /Procedures & Control Compliance Checked By Measures Status Name of Officer (Complied/ Not with Sign. date complied) & time 1 Site Preparation Poor communication Work permit from the client, with all concurring between work parties. parties’ signatures approval must be obtained Lack of safety prior to start of work and display work permit at awareness site. Conduct the toolbox talk to discuss the hazards, risk and their precautions. Work clearance certificate must be obtained from M/s Worley 2 Sulphur Eye Irritation Follow PTW, JSA and Pre-Hot work checklist Fire Hazards Avoid skin & eye contact Skin contact Use personal protective equipments (coverall, safety shoes, safety helmet, safety goggles, hand gloves, Nose Mask) Frequently spray water in the hot work area 3. Mobilization of Slip/trip and fall. Ensure proper access path free from obstacle. Equipment / Unplanned material Ensure proper stacking of material on the vehicle. Material / Pipe at stacking, projecting Ensure stacked material to be secured by retched site by Truck / material beyond the belt. Trailer vehicle bed Not allowing material projection more than 1 Unauthorized operation meter from the end of the bed for trailer Overloading of vehicle Ensure competent & licensed operator/ driver for caused fall of material, site mobilization. damage to property, Vehicles should not be overloaded beyond its
Execution of Cooling water line fabrication at SRU (CWL) – JSA No. - 18
Page |1 JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS Injury to person rated capacity. 4. Rigging of the pipe Mechanical failure, Proper tag / guy rope to be used. lifting Failure of slings / D – Used lifting equipment must be certified by shackles. competent person & before starting physical Loss of load from failure inspection should be done by concerning of lifting tackles, supervisor or authorized personal. incorrect hook fittings, Monthly inspection of colour code shall provide slinging procedure for lifting tools tackles. Fall of material / Inspection prior to use shall be done. person. Lifting tackle-chains, slings, wire ropes, eyebolts (Personal Injury / Property and shackles-should be tested / examined daily. Damage) Only one man gives the signal to operator or lifting crew 5. Use of lifting Tools Failure of lifting tools & All the lifting gears to be 3rd party certified, & Tackles tackles (Competent Person) Fall of material or Should be marked with SWL and tag no & colour person coded as per client colour code Equipment shall be daily checked before use (Personal Injury / Property All damage lifting gears shall be destroyed or Damage) return to store immediately. No home-made tackles to be used. 6. Diesel Generator Abnormal Noise & Daily checking / noting down the Readings operation for Vibration Secure & check compliance with cooling system electrical supply Heating Fire & Explosion Use of PESO approved spark arrestors Do not stack fuels & flammable materials near DG Ensure fuel Tank with secured Cap Check if lead, spark, or glow plug are secured Clean & clear loose clothes and flammable materials Check of any fluid leakage Fire extinguisher placed near DG Electrical shock Cables are routed Properly Armoured cables are used for power supply Emergency stop button are in working condition Rubber mats should be provided for standing of operator Rotating parts Proper guards on rotating parts Do not operate while wearing loose clothes 7. Use portable Short circuit - Burn Use only inspected & validated portable power Electrical Injury tools. Appliances Only trade validated workmen deployed for this job. Use of insulated tools and provide earthing. Use of 30 mA ELCB in DB. MCB will be use in proper rating as per the machine rating. Use of PPE as per requirement. Execution of Cooling water line fabrication at SRU (CWL) – JSA No. - 18 Page |2 JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS No cable kept on the running marching area Do not use loose or broken cables Pinching/ Caught in Use all mandatory PPE’s between moving parts Proper guarding of moving parts - Body injury 8. Gas Cutting Exposure to hot Use IFR Suit operation particles / metal. Cover all body parts Burn injury Avoid expose of metal to body Fire, Personal Injury, Remove all combustible & waste material near Property Damage vicinity Keep water hose, Fire extinguisher. Use fire blanket to prevent spark & spatter reaching to lower level. Worker should have knowledge to operate the fire extinguisher & tackle in emergency. Emergency number will be display at all work locations. Provide Fire hose connected to nearest hydrant point at site Fall of cylinder, Store cylinder under shade, use trolley Property Damage Secure cylinders with chain
Flash Back and Use of flashback arrester on both sides (cylinder
Backfire. & Torch) Bursting of Pipe Blockages of the torch Cleaning the torch periodically nozzle – backfire Maintain proper distance with metal
9. Welding Activity Irritation of eyes &
Use Proper Eye protection/shield for welder & throat, suffocation Level 5 safety goggle to the helper of the welder Burns & gas cutter. Contact with hot Use of hand gloves surface Asphyxiation due to Provision of gate valve on hose pipe Argon accumulation Provision of Air blower O2 monitoring inside as well as outside Rotation of person at regular interval. 10. Grinding Activity Breaking of wheels. Use of trained person. Guards for grinding wheels. Cut Injury Use of grinding face shield, leather hand gloves, body apron, hand & leg sleeve and ear plug. Select proper rpm of wheel. Wheel RPM shall be more than spindle RPM. Inspection of Grinding machine & wheel before the activity Do not use expired wheels. Fire / Explosion Remove all combustible material near periphery. Burn Injury Regular Gas Monitoring
Execution of Cooling water line fabrication at SRU (CWL) – JSA No. - 18
Page |3 JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS Insulate All Live Valve & Flanges with Fire Blanket Insulate OWS Funnel/Chamber Use fire Blankets to avoid sparks to go out Provided Fire Extinguisher, Fire hoses with nozzle Provide Fire Watcher at Hot work Locations Electrical Shock - Check Proper electrical Cable & Plugs Damaged cords / Use standardized equipment (ELCB 30 mA) Sockets Keep cables away from wet ground and water Burn Injury logged area Dusty Environment, Use of grinding face shield & Dust Mask Dust particle, Effecting lungs 11 Confined Space Toxic Gas, Fume or Confined space permit shall be taken before vapours, Oxygen starts the work. Deficiency & Excess Trained, skilled persons shall be engaged to work Heat. at Confined space. Persons involved in confined space activity, they Must have confined space training card from IOCL F&S Check the air within a confined space using a multi gas detector suitable for checking Oxygen content and the presence of hazardous or combustible gasses by trained gas testers. Job Specific TBT shall be conducted prior to any operations. Proper use of mandatory PPEs shall be ensured Electrocution / Electrical lights with 24V must be used inside the Electrical hazard confined space. All electric connections should be through 30mA sensitive ELCB. Proper earthing of all electrical equipment shall be ensured. Proper cable management shall be ensured. Only authorized electrician shall operate electrical equipments Job specific training to be conducted for all Workmen Improper approach Only green tagged scaffolding shall be use. (Entry /exit) Ensure adequate access should be available for confined space work.Ensure access should be free from any obstruction. One trained Confined space entry attendant shall be deployed. Entry exit register shall be maintained for confined space work. One First aid box with all contents to be kept at Confined space entry. Drinking water bottle to be available.
Execution of Cooling water line fabrication at SRU (CWL) – JSA No. - 18
Page |4 JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS Ensure proper illumination inside the confined space Fire hazards Ensure no combustible materials should be Available inside the confined space. No gas cylinder shall be allowed inside the confined space. Fire Extinguishers (dry powder type) shall be provided at suitable locations in working area. Proper electrical connection through ELCB/ RCCB (30 mA) shall be ensured. Gas testing shall be done before start hot work. No joint cable shall be allowed at site. Ensure proper protective clothing (full body cover all), respiratory equipment, emergency stand-by equipment & fire precaution shall be taken before entry into permit required confined space Ensure log sheet is maintained and ID badge of entry personnel displayed outside 12. Hydro Testing Failures of Fasteners Use only Calibration & Inspected gauges Failure of fittings and Conduct Hydrotest after DPT gauges. Drain the water at designated pit Failure of Joints. Use of ISI approved hose pipe as per Pressure Manual releasing of Apply Whip check at hose joints pressure. (Hearing Only deploy trained manpower impairment) Proper supervision to be ensured Flying objects (like Barrication & signage to be displayed pressure gauge) 13. Housekeeping Materials obstruction Ensure the area kept clean Secure all the equipment after the work is completed Waste material should be disposed at designated place Work material must not block the road / emergency access way Santosh Rajnish Kuldeep Rajat Name Sandip Patil Pulkit Garg Ajay Kumar Kumar Dubey Kumar Singh Khandelwal Job Safety HSE RCM Lead HSE Lead Piping AM(PJ) SPNM AM (F&S) Analysis Designation Advisor (L&T-HEIC) (L&T – HEIC) (Worley) IOCL IOCL IOCL Performed By (Worley) Sign
HOD of Operation Reviewed By HOD of Project
Execution of Cooling water line fabrication at SRU (CWL) – JSA No. - 18
PDF Advances in Design Simulation and Manufacturing VI Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Design Simulation Manufacturing The Innovation Exchange DSMIE 2023 Volume 1 Manufacturing Engineering Vitalii Ivanov download