Chapter 2 SWP P PDF
Chapter 2 SWP P PDF
Chapter 2 SWP P PDF
Soil-Water-Plant Relationships relate the properties of the soil that affect the movement,
retention and use of water. It can be divided & treated as:
Soil-Water relation
Soil-plant relation
Plant- Water relation
2.1 Soil suitability for agricultural practices
Soil:-A three-dimensional body occupying the upper part of the earth’s crust and having
properties differing from the underlying rock material as a result of interactions between
climate, living organism, parent material and relief and which is distinguished from other
soils in terms of differences in internal characteristics and/or in terms of the gradient
slope-complexity, micro topography, stoniness, and rockiness of the surface.
Soils are the storehouse of water, nutrients and air which are necessary for plant growth.
Therefore, plants grow on soils that provide them water and nutrients. The plants need
water, the soil stores the water needed by the plants, and the atmosphere provides the
energy needed by the plant to withdraw water from the soil.
The Soil suitability for agricultural practices may be affected by physical and chemical
soil characteristics.
2.1.1. Physical properties of soils
Effective soil depth
Water holding capacity
Non-capillary porosity
Soil structure
Soil consistence
Soil permeability and Hydraulic conductivity
2.1.2 Chemical properties of soils
Salinity (soluble salt content )
Amount of the Exchangeable sodium.
Soil reaction (PH)
In general, in any ecosystem, (a farm, forest.regional watershed etc soils have five key
Medium for plant growth
Regulator of water supplies
Recycler of raw materials
Habitat for soil organisms
Engineering medium
2.2. Soil-water relationships
2.2.1. Physical properties of soils
Soil is the natural material that covers the land surface of the earth. Soils have profiles,
constituting of specific kinds and combinations of horizons, as well as specific surfaces
and relief or landscape features. They are formed by a combination of natural processes
under the interrelated influences of climate, vegetation, relief (including hydrology),
parent material, and time. Soil is a three-phase system constituting solid, liquid and
gases. The minerals and organic matters in soil together constitute the solid phase. The
main component of solid phase is the soil particles, the size and shape of which give rise
to pore spaces of different shape and geometry. These pore spaces are filled with water
and air.
Water film
Air space
Soil particles
of sand, silt and clay present, the textural class of a soil is determined by using the
triangular diagram (Fig. 2.3).
Soil structure refers to the arrangement and organization of soil particles in the soil and
the tendency of individual soil particles to bind together into aggregates.
The overall quality of the soil structure may be evaluated in terms of its:
• Porosity,
• Aggregation,
• Cohesiveness,
• Permeability for water or air
A soil structure is important in plant growth as it influences the amount and nature of
porosity and regulates water, air and heat regimes in the soil besides affecting mechanical
properties. Hence, it has a pronounced effect on soil properties such as
• Erodibility,
• Porosity,
• Hydraulic conductivity,
• Infiltration, and
• Water holding capacity
iii. Volume and mass relationships
Let us consider the volume and mass relationships among the three constituents of soil
(solids, liquid and air), and define some basic parameters which have useful practical
importance in characterizing the physical condition of a soil.
Volume Mass
Relations Relations
Vw =volume of water
Va =volume of soil air
Density, porosity and soil water terms are defined with reference to Fig. 2.4.
Vt Vs Vw Va (2.1)
Mt Ms Mw Ma (2.2)
Most often bulk and particle densities are used to characterize densities of soil. They are
described as follows:
Bulk density ( b )
Mass per unit volume of soil comprising the solid and gaseous phase in exclusion of the
liquid phase is called bulk density. That means it describes the soil as it is in the natural
state including pore spaces. In other words, bulk density is the weight of oven dry soil per
unit total volume. It is sometimes referred to as apparent specific gravity. The mass of the
soil is then obtained by weighing the dried soil. The bulk density is then calculated from
the weight of the soil per unit volume of known core sampler which is expressed as
Ms Ms
b (2.3)
Vt Vs Va Vw
Particle density ( s )
It denotes the mass of soil solid per unit volume of soil solid and is expressed in gm/cm3.
It is defined as the mass (weight) per unit volume of soil particles (soil solids).
s (2.4)
Particle density does not change with tillage or cropping practices.
In most mineral soils the s is about 2.2 – 2.7 gm/cm3.
Total pore space and porosity
Total pore space (E) is the ratio of the volume of pores (voids) to the total volume of soil
and is expressed in %. It is the volume of soil occupied by air and water.
To determine porosity, soil samples are taken with core samplers and placed in a pan of
water until completely saturated. Then after saturation the cores are weighed. Then after,
the saturated samples are oven dried which again weighed. The difference in weight
between saturated and oven dry cores represents a volume of the pore space.
Vf Va Vw Vt V s Vs
E 1 (2.5)
Vt Vt Vt Vt
The ratio is then multiplied by 100 to obtain the porosity in percent. Total porosity can
also be calculated from the bulk density and particle density using the following
E 1 (2.6)
i. Gravimetric method
A soil sample is weighed, then dried in an oven at 105 0C and weighed again. The
difference in weight is a measure of the initial water content. Samples can be taken on a
mass or on a volume basis. In the first case, we take a disturbed quantity of soil, put it in
a plastic bag, and transport it to the laboratory, where it is weighed, dried, and re-weighed
after drying. We calculate the mass fraction of water with equation 2.7.
w (2.7)
. The volume fraction of water can be calculated as
Vw Vw
Vt Vs V f
The relationship between the mass wetness and volume wetness is given by
v w (2.10)
Hygroscopic Water: The water that an oven dry soil absorbs when exposed to air
saturated with vapour is called hygroscopic water. Water held tightly to the surface of
soil particles by adsorption forces. It occurs as a very thin film over the surface of soil
particles and is at a tension of 31 atmospheres.
It is unavailable to plants & exerted by cohesion & adhesion forces.
Capillary water: is the water remaining after rapid drainage by gravity. It is available to
plants & exerted by only cohesion forces. The soil water tension is about 0.10 – 0.33 atm.
The capillary water supplies the water needed by plants. Hence, it is also designated as
plant available water.
Gravitational water: is rapidally drained from the soil profile by the force of gravity.
When sufficient water is added to soil, water gradually fills the pore system expelling air
completely from soil. Water moving downwards through soil under gravity is termed as
gravitational water. The water tension at this stage is 0.33 atm or less.
Fig.2.6 Types of soil - water
Soil Moisture constants
The following soil moisture constants are of significance importance in agriculture and
are termed soil moisture constants.
1. Saturation Capacity:-When all micro and micro pore spaces are filled with
water, the soil is said to have reached its Saturation Capacity. At field capacity
water is held loosely and tensions are almost nill.
2. Field Capacity:-is the moisture content after the gravitational water has drained
down. At field capacity, the macro pores are field with air & capillary pores
(micro) pores filled with water. Field capacity is the upper limit of the available
soil moisture.
-Large pore spaces filled with air while the smaller ones with water.
-At FC Soil Moisture Tension (SMT) is b/n 1/10-1/3atm.
The volumetric moisture content at Fc is given by
fc pb m
3. Permanent Wilting Point:-is the the moisture content beyond which plants can
no longer extract enough moisture and remain witted unless water is added to the
soil. At PWP the plant starts wilting and if no water is given to the plant, and then
it will die.The SMT changes from 7 to 32atm.Hence,15atm is taken as SMT at
The volumetric moisture content at PWP is given by
v ( pwp ) pb m ( pwp )
Gravitational water
Field capacity
Capillary water
(Plant available
3. Soil moisture deficit (SMD)
Is the amount of water supplied by irrigation/Rainfall.
potential or specific free energy of the chemical species water (which is different from
the soil solution termed ‘soil water’).
The primary forces acting on soil water held within a rigid soil matrix under isothermal
conditions can be conveniently grouped as:
matric forces resulting from interactions of the solid phase with the liquid and
gaseous phases;
osmotic forces owing to differences in chemical composition of soil solution; and
body forces induced by gravitational and other (e.g., centrifugal) inertial force fields.
i. Matric forces
Matric forces consist of a group of forces such as adsorptive forces and capillary forces.
The primary mechanisms for these effects include:
capillarity caused by liquid–gas interfaces forming and interacting within the
irregular soil-pore geometry;
adhesion of water molecules to solid surfaces due to short-range London–van der
Waals forces and extension of these effects by cohesion through hydrogen bonds
formed in the liquid; and
ion hydration and water participating in diffuse double layers (particularly near
clay surfaces)
iii. Gravitational force
Every body on the earth’s surface is attracted toward the earth’s center by a gravitational
force equal to the weight of the body, that weight being the product of mass of the body
and the gravitational acceleration. To raise a body against this attraction, work must be
expended, and this work is stored by the raised body in the form of gravitational
potential energy. The amount of this energy depends on the body’s position in the
gravitational force field.
As long as the gravity is lesser in magnitude than the matric and osmotic suctions
(suction or tension is used to indicate the negative force) together, there is no downward
movement of water. When the soil gets wet after irrigation or rain, the combined matric
and osmotic suctions decrease greatly and become lower in magnitude than the gravity.
Consequently, there is a downward movement of water.
2.3.2. Soil water potential concept
The effect of a force on soil water may conveniently be described by potential energy of
soil water in a particular force field. The forces governing soil-water flow can be
described by the energy concept. According to this principle, water moves from points
with higher energy status to points with lower energy status. The energy status of water is
simply called 'water potential'. The relationship between the mechanical- force concept
and the energy-water-potential concept is best illustrated for a situation in which the
distance between two points approximates zero. The forces acting on a mass of water in
any particular direction are then defined as
m s
Fs = total of forces (N)
m = mass of water (kg)
s = distance between points (m)
= water potential on mass base (J/kg)
The negative sign (eq. 2.15) shows that the force works in the direction of decreasing
water potential.
The total soil water potential is the sum of potentials resulting from different force fields.
It may be defined as the amount of work done by a unit quantity of water to transport
reversibly and isothermally an infinitesimal quantity of water from a pool of pure water at
a specified elevation at atmospheric pressure to the point of soil water under
consideration. The total soil water potential can be written as:
t m O g (2.16)
t =total potential
m =matric potential
O =osmotic potential
g =gravitational potential
In soil physics, water potential can be expressed as energy on a mass basis ( ), on a
v w
volume basis ( ) or on a weight basis ( ). As an example, let us take the gravitational
potential, g, with the water-table as reference level. The definition of potential says that
the mechanical work required to raise a mass of water (m = wV) from the water-table to
a height z is equal to mgz or wVgz. Thus the gravitational potential on mass basis ( ),
v w
on volume basis ( ) or, on weight basis ( ) will be
g gz ( J / kg ) gravitational potential on mass basis
V gz
g gz ( Pa pressure ) gravitational potential on volume basis
V gz
g z (m height or in water column)
w Vg
In hydrology, one prefers to use the potential on a weight basis, and potentials are
referred to as 'heads'. In the following, we shall restrict ourselves to water potentials
based on weight. In analogy to Eq. 2.16, we can write
ht hm hO hg (2.17)
with the potentials now called 'heads' and the subscripts having the same meaning as in
Eq. 2.16
The matric head (hm) in unsaturated soil is negative, because work is needed to
withdraw water against the soil-matric forces. At the groundwater level,
atmospheric pressure exists and therefore h, = 0;
Changes in total water head in the soil may also be caused by changes in the
pressure of the air adjacent to it. In natural soils, however, such changes are fairly
exceptional, so we can assume that he, = 0;
In soil-water studies, we can very often neglect the influence of the osmotic head.
Taking h0 = 0, hg = z and denoting ht as H, we can also write
H = hm + z (2.18)
According to Equation 11.10, differences in head determine the direction and the
magnitude of soil-water flow. When the soil water is in equilibrium, 0 , and there
is no flow.