C-3 Plastic Analysis and Design
C-3 Plastic Analysis and Design
C-3 Plastic Analysis and Design
Most structural materials undergo an elastic state before a plastic state is reached. This applies to
both material behavior of a cross section and the structure as a whole.
The plastic method of analysis is concerned with predicting the ultimate load carrying capacity
of steel structures. The plastic design method is a (ultimate) limit-state design procedure for the
derivation of ‘plastic moments’ for given design loads, followed by the selection of steel sections
matching these moments. Plastic theory can be applied to many types of structures made of
ductile materials such as structural mild steel. This chapter will be restricted to beams and frames
(a) The material has the capacity to undergo considerable plastic deformation without danger of
(b) Ductility of steel (that is, a long yield plateau) is important for the development of plastic
zones (plastic hinges).
(c) Rigid connections must be proportioned for full continuity and must be able to transmit the
calculated plastic moment.
(d) No instability (buckling) must occur prior to the formation of a sufficient number of plastic
hinges, to transform the structure into a mechanism.
(e) The ratio between the magnitudes of different loads remains constant from the formation of
the first plastic hinge to the attainment of the mechanism.
(f ) Frame deformations are small enough to be neglected in the analysis.
For this case, the small-angle theory (i.e. Sin θ = tan θ = θ, expressed in radians) is used.
The value for the collapse/plastic load P is the smallest when expressed in terms of Mp.
Or the plastic moment capacity Mp is the largest when expressed in terms of P.
Example-1: A fixed-end beam, of length L and plastic moment capacity Mp, is subject to a point
load P as shown in the figure below. Determine the collapse load P = Pw.
Solution: The first step is to guess the possible collapse mechanism. In this case, it is obvious
that the collapse mechanism is induced by the formation of three plastic hinges at A, B, and C
shown in Figure b.
From Figure b, the load displacement can be related approximately to the angles of plastic
rotation by
Example-2: Determine the collapse load factor P = Pw for the continuous beam shown in the
figure below. The plastic moment of the beam is Mp.
Solution: For left span AB, the plastic hinge occurs at mid-span and B as shown in the figure.
The virtual work equation is
Similarly, for right span BC with two plastic hinges shown in the figure below, the virtual work
Example-3: A fixed-end beam ABC is subjected to a UDL of 10α kN/m being applied along AB
as shown in the figure below. Mp = 100kNm for the beam. Determine the collapse load factor α
= αc.
Application to Portal Frames
A portal frame usually involves high degrees of indeterminacy. Therefore, there are always a
large number of partial and complete collapse mechanisms that can be combined to form new
collapse mechanisms. For complex frames, it requires substantial judgment and experience in
using this method to identify all possible partial and combined collapse mechanisms. For simple
portal frames, the following types of collapse mechanisms should be identified:
Beam mechanism,
Combined mechanism.
a) Beam mechanism—when vertical loads are applied to beams and horizontal loads to
columns to form partial collapse mechanisms
Solution: The portal frame has 3 degrees of indeterminacy. Therefore, a complete collapse
mechanism requires four plastic hinges.
i. Beam mechanism:
Example-5: A fixed-base portal frame is subject to two horizontal loads of 2P and 3P as shown in
the figure below. Find the collapse load P = Pw.
i. Beam mechanism:
Example-6: The pitched roof frame shown below has a uniform section with a full plastic
moment of 300 kNm. Find the load factor at collapse.