Efficacy of Monitoring and Evaluation Fu PDF
Efficacy of Monitoring and Evaluation Fu PDF
Efficacy of Monitoring and Evaluation Fu PDF
Email address:
guandaruman@yahoo.co.uk (C. G. Kamau), mohamedhumam@yahoo.co.uk (H. B. Mohamed)
Abstract: This paper sets out to review literature on the efficacy of monitoring and evaluation in achieving project success in
Kenya. Several studies have been carried out with an aim of determining the critical success factors (CSFs) which contribute to
project success. The analysis of these studies shows a particular pattern of events. Some CSFs appears consistently in a number
of studies. One such factor is the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) function. The researcher used literature review approach to
analyze the factors related to M&E influencing project success. All the factors identified were grouped into four main categories
which are: Strength of M&E team, monitoring approach adopted, political influence and project lifecycle stage. The study further
identified management support as a mediating factor between M&E and the Project Success. A good M&E without management
support is likely not to succeed.
Keywords: Monitoring and Evaluation, Project Success, Conceptual Framework, Management Support, Kenya
1.2. Problem Statement achieving project success in Kenya. The findings of the study
attempted to provide a solution to the stated problem.
The success of projects plays a key role in achieving
organization growth and development. Most project managers
appreciate that monitoring and evaluation of projects is 2. Literature Review
important if the project objectives and success is to be 2.1. Monitoring and Evaluation in Project Management
achieved. Project monitoring and evaluation exercise adds
value to the overall efficiency of project planning, PMBOK (2001) explains that monitoring and control of
management and implementation by offering corrective action project work is “the process of tracking, reviewing, and
to the variances from the expected standard. “Project regulating the progress to meet the performance objectives
managers are required to undertake more rigorous monitoring defined in the project management plan”. It further explains
and evaluation of the projects and develop frameworks and that monitoring includes status reporting, progress
guidelines for measuring impact” (Kahilu, 2010). By so doing measurement, and forecasting. Performance reports provide
they will achieve greater value creation for the organization information on the project’s performance with regard to scope,
through project success. schedule, cost, resources, quality, and risk, which can be used
Studies carried out in Kenya shows that quite a number of as inputs to other processes.
projects have been successful. For example, The Youth Monitoring and evaluating of projects can be of great
Enterprise Development Fund; whose objective was to importance to various players including project sponsors as it
increase economic opportunities for the youth as a way of would ensure similar projects are replicated elsewhere as
enabling them to participate in nation building (Kimando, witnessed in various projects undertaken by the financial
2012); the self reliant agriculture (SRA) projects which were sector which revolve around a few areas (Marangu, 2012).
meant to help the villagers become self reliant by growing Through the review of literature, the researcher singled out
their own food. This program was viewed as successful since three major aspects in relation to monitoring and evaluation in
it realized its goals through training local population of project management. The three aspects include strength of the
Mnyenzeni on how to raise their own food. Most of the monitoring team, approaches to M&E and stages in project
villagers had access to land where they could plant gardens lifecycle. These three aspects are explained in the subsequent
and raise animals but the land was not used efficiently (Ward, paragraphs 2-3-2-1 Strength of the monitoring team
2010). On the other hand, several projects in Kenya have been Naidoo (2011) noted that if the M&E function is located in a
informally cited as failed projects; meaning that they did not section or associated with significant power in terms of
achieve the desired success. Examples of such projects decision-making, it is more likely to be taken seriously. He
include the Kibera slum upgrading project, the Lake Turkana further explained that M&E units want to be seen as adding
fish processing plant project, The Anglo-leasing ICT related value, and must for their own perpetuation be able to justify
projects, Modambogo Health Center in rain water harvesting their efforts hence M&E managers need success factors to
Mwatate, and Tumaini Women Self Help group project in bolster their credibility. This means that the monitoring team
Kisumu among others. Some of the studies show that one of needs to be enhanced and strengthened in order for it to have
the drawbacks of monitoring and evaluation in Kenya is more power which will increase its effectives. In addition to
failure by the management to implement the power of M&E teams other factors also play a role in
recommendations offered by the M&E team (Ochieng et’ al, strengthening monitoring teams which includes: frequency of
2012). In Africa including Kenya, project management is also scope monitoring to identify changes, Number of persons
complicated by some factors such as lack of skills in project monitoring project schedule, Extent of monitoring to detect
management, political and community or societal demands. cost over runs, (Ling et’ al, 2009).
A significant share of the failed projects was government Magondu (2013) also noted that financial availability is the
funded or donor funded projects. These projects usually main resource in any functional organization as far as other
undergo the necessary monitoring and evaluation processes resources such as human are concerned. To set up a
which are often a requirement of the law. The paradox is, monitoring department, finances are required. He further
despite a consensus among scholars that proper monitoring elucidates that staff capacity both in numbers and skills are
and evaluation leads to project success, there are still cases of also very instrumental in any effective implementation and
project failure in Kenya. Further projects fail despite heavy sustainability of monitoring and evaluation. Without relevant
presence of monitoring and evaluation activities. This skills it’s hard to master the rule of any game. Therefore, the
therefore raises serious issues as to whether the monitoring staffs need to be equipped with the relevant skills for
and evaluation employed is effective enough to achieve performance and success.
project success. The monitoring team perhaps may be lacking Project structural capacity and in particular data systems
the necessary capacity or strength to carry out their work and information systems are also necessary for monitoring and
effectively, or they may be approaching their work using evaluation exercise (Hassan, 2013). An effective monitoring
incorrect methodologies. The project monitoring team may and evaluation is a major contributor to project success and
also be lacking the necessary management support. This thesis hence the use of technology to compliment the efforts of the
examined the efficacy of monitoring and evaluation in M&E team will strengthen it; which will in turn lead to value
84 Charles G. Kamau and Humam Bin Mohamed: Efficacy of Monitoring and Evaluation Function in Achieving
Project Success in Kenya: A Conceptual Framework
addition by the team. found out that balanced score card approach fitted very well
Managing Stakeholders, teamwork among members and with monitoring and measuring the performance of
monitoring the progress of the project work are some of the e-government in Jordan, and also in evaluating their success in
key processes used to manage the project work (Georgieva & IT project investments.
Allan, 2008). A good monitoring team is the one that has good Logical framework (Log frame) is one of the most common
stakeholders’ representation. Likewise an M&E team which approaches used in project management for both planning and
embraces teamwork is a sign of strength and an ingredient for monitoring of projects. Log frame matrix is a tool that is
better project performance. applicable for all organizations both government and
Gwadoya, (2012) found that there was a shared need for nongovernmental that are engaged in development activities
proper understanding of Monitoring & Evaluation practices in (Middleton, 2005; Martinez, 2011). Hummelbrunner, R. (2010)
donor funded projects. This is an indication that there was lack further confirms the continued use of Log frame despite
of shared understanding of Monitoring & Evaluation practices several criticisms. He asserts that Log Frame’s Approach has
in donor funded projects among the various teams. With not been fundamentally weakened by critics. Even though
proper enhancement and capacitating of the monitoring teams, many donors acknowledge its limits and weaknesses, they still
there would be more team work and hence more productivity. maintain its use as a planning and monitoring tool. Myrick
In summary the literature reviewed identified various issues (2013) expresses that a pragmatic approach to M&E is ideal
which when applied appropriately would strengthen the however in the real world practitioners may be limited by
monitoring team. These issues include: Financial availability, constraints that will prevent their continued use of either a log
number of monitoring staff, monitoring staff skills, frequency frame or some overly pragmatic approach to M&E. He further
of monitoring, Stakeholders representation, Information explains that whatever the approach used, at least the basic
systems (Use of technology), Power of M & E Team and principles for M&E which are measureable objective,
teamwork. performance indicator, target and periodic reporting should be
used in a reporting tool. The advantages of a Log frame
2.2. Monitoring and Evaluation Approaches include simplicity and efficiency in data collection, recording
Effectiveness of project monitoring and evaluation is also and reporting.
dependent on the approach of M&E. There are various M&E Other approaches include stochastic methods, Fuzzy logic
approaches that have been singled out through literature model, and miscellaneous methods. Of all the methods, the
review. The M&E approaches that have been identified from Earned Value Analysis (EVA) has remarkable advantages in
the literature are explained in the following paragraphs. accuracy, flexibility, and adaptability for project complexity.
Stem et al (2005) established that some of the monitoring This may have contributed to Malaysian government deciding
and evaluation approaches that may be applied by project to implement EVA to enhance the level of project management
managers and monitoring teams include: basic research; for the whole country (Abdul-Rahman, Wang, & Muhammad,
accounting and certification; status assessment; and 2011).
effectiveness measurement. Alotaibi (2011) in his study A précis of literature regarding approaches to M&E in
discovered that Saudi Arabia lacked an appropriate project management includes: basic research, accounting and
construction contractor performance evaluation framework, certification, status assessment, effectiveness measurement,
and the identification and exploration criteria and sub-criteria Objectives evaluation – value for money, Balanced Scorecard
for a selection framework. Lack of evaluation framework has and Earned Value Analysis.
a negative effect on the project success. 2.3. Project Lifecycle Stages
Mladenovic et’ al (2013) also established a two layers
approach for the assessment of Private-Public Partnership PMBOK (2001) describes project life cycle as the project
projects. The first stage was based on evaluation of project phases and their relationship to each other and to the project,
ultimate objectives from the standpoint of each stakeholder, i.e. and includes an overview of organizational structure that can
profitability for private sector, effectiveness and value for influence the project and the way the project is managed. The
money for public sector, and level of service for users. four stages are as illustrated in figure 1 below and they include:
The Balanced Scorecard is another approach that can be Starting the project (initiation), Organizing and preparing
employed in evaluating projects. Balanced score card (planning), Carrying out the project work (execution), and
evaluates projects on the basis of four perspectives which are, Closing the project. PMBOK (2001) further advocates for
the financial perspective, customer perspective, Internal constant monitoring and evaluation across all the four stages
Business Process, and Learning &Growth. Alhyari et’ al (2013) of the project lifecycle.
Science Journal of Business and Management 2015; 3(3): 82-94 85
Fig 1 above clearly shows that each stage of project life completion and hence project success (Ara and Al-Mudimigh,
cycle requires different effort from the management. In the 2011). The selection of project team includes the monitoring
same way each stage in the project life cycle requires different and evaluation team.
level of effort in terms of monitoring and evaluation. Study carried on international development projects in line
Kyriakopoulos (2011) elucidates that it is important to carry with project life cycle framework confirmed the common
out frequent monitoring and perform focused reviews perception of the development community that the
involving all the stakeholders in keeping the project on tract. implementation phase is when projects exhibit most problems.
Reviewing progress and controlling the use of resources It was not surprising that after the implementation phase, the
should be carried out on a regular basis. He stresses the closing phase is less successful than the early stages of the
importance of overall monitoring throughout the project project life cycle (Khang and Moe, 2008).
initiation, implementation, staff education, and technical
maintenance. 2.4. Political influence on M&E
The components of the Project Management Methodology Kenya has a strong political culture which is ethnic based.
includes: project management processes such as initiating, Ethnic favoritism is one of the political strategies where the
planning, executing and monitoring project progress; a politicians manipulate the allocation of public expenditure
selection of tools and techniques to communicate delivery to with an aim of gaining mileage from the supporters. Since
the satisfaction of all stakeholders; consolidated and Kenya gained independence, there is a strong evidence of
integrated set of appropriate best practices and values of ethnic favoritism: districts that share the ethnicity of the
project management and; a list of references of terminology as politician receive substantial expenditure on projects such as
a common denominator and language for us in the project roads where they get up to four times the length of paved roads
environment (Chin, 2012). built (Burgess et’ al, 2013). Strong political support, together
Many managers make the mistake of not involving with a commitment to the smallholder sector for example, is at
members of their project teams in early planning and the heart of support of the dairy industry. Influential
conceptual meetings, perhaps under the assumption that the politicians have been enlisted as one of the key players in the
team members should only concern themselves with their success and failure of the daily industry in Kenya (Atieno,
specific jobs (Pinto and Slevin, 1988). All project teams 2014).
including M&E should be involved in all the stages of the Muriithi & Crawford (2003) identified several issues
project lifecycle in order to achieve better success. related to approaches to project management in Africa,
Müller and Turner’s (2007) study was inconclusive in including the need to cope with political and community
respect to project success in relation to project life cycle stage. demands on project resources. Politics both in the organization
This implies that more research may be necessary to have a and in the country is motivated by the scarcity of resources
closer look at project success and in relation to project life and the interests of the leaders. Generally in Africa a number
cycle stage. This is one of the gaps that this study seeks to of decisions are politically motivated.
address more so in relation to project monitoring and Pinto (2000) advises that successful project management is
evaluation. directly linked to the ability of project managers and other key
Research shows that project management plays a key role players to understand the importance of organizational politics
and hence a proper emphasis must be placed in selecting the and how to make them work for project success. Most of the
project team that ensures proper decision making at various people view politics with distaste; nevertheless effective
stages of project life cycle, and results in timely project managers are often those who are willing and able to employ
86 Charles G. Kamau and Humam Bin Mohamed: Efficacy of Monitoring and Evaluation Function in Achieving
Project Success in Kenya: A Conceptual Framework
appropriate political tactics to further their project goals. management confirms the completion of promised
All aspects of the project are reviewed during the project deliverables. Performance during monitoring is compared
appraisal stage in order that the decision on whether or not to against the original plans created during the first days of a
proceed can be made. One of the criteria that should be used in project and measurements must be against revised and
developing countries is the political impacts on the project relevant baseline plans (Attarzadeh & Ow, 2008). It is the role
(Cusworth and Franks, 2013). During monitoring and of management to facilitate monitoring and evaluation of the
evaluation phase, political influence should also be reviewed projects.
so as to determine whether the project will continue or not. Management’s competence, commitment to the project,
Politicians use the sacred cow model as one of the entry communication and cooperation with the project teams has a
points in attempt to control projects. The Sacred Cow Model significant contribution towards the success of a construction
involves a situation where a project is identified and suggested project. These factors were found to be of significance in as
by a senior and powerful individual in an organization. These assessed in Malaysian construction industry (Yong &
models are used by government funded projects in developing Mustaffa, 2012). Management commitment is a key aspect
countries partly because these governments earn political when it comes to the implementation of monitoring and
support from citizens based on the number and size of projects evaluation since they are key decision makers in an
they undertake (Asaka et’al, 2012). The governors who are the organization (Magondu, 2013).
CEOs of the county governments are elected by the citizens. Atencio (2012) suggested that charismatic leadership and
There is therefore likelihood that most of them may use sacred people-oriented/relations-oriented leadership have negative
cows model in identification of some major projects. connotations associated with them. Charismatic leaders are
Monitoring and evaluation of projects that have been selected viewed as not having follow-through.
in this manner may also face political influence which may People-oriented/relations-oriented leadership is viewed as
ether positively or negatively affect the project success. biased and ineffective do to the subjectivity of the decisions
made, and actions taken that are heavily influenced by
2.5. Role of Management in M&E and Project Success favorable relationships. This implies that the leadership style
Management and leadership as well as project teams, is also adopted by the management has an effect on the performance
emphasized in the literature as having a significant effect on of project teams.
the project success. Management and leadership also play a Jetu & Riedl, (2013) pointed out that, personally focused
key role in supporting monitoring and evaluation of projects. cultural values, such as openness to change, rather than
Yang et’ al (2011) carried out an analysis that suggested that socially focused cultural values, such as self-transcendence
increases in levels of leadership may enhance relationships have the most significant influence on project team
among team members. The study also indicated that teamwork performance. They further found cultural values to have a
had a statistically significant influence on project strong relationship with two out of three dimensions of Project
performance. Team Success, namely, project team learning and
Yang et’al (2009) analyzed the various factors which are development, as well as project team working spirit, when
critical to the success of a project most which were centered compared to project team leadership.
around managing stakeholders, Assessing attributes (power, Community participation right from the onset of the project
urgency, and proximity) of stakeholders, Compromising is critical as it ensures that the community owns up the project
conflicts among stakeholders effectively, Formulating a clear which is viewed as one of the factors that could ensure project
statement of project missions, Predicting stakeholders’ success (Marangu, 2012). It is the role of management to
reactions for implementing the strategies, Analyzing the ensure that there is community participation and in fact
change of stakeholders’ influence & relationships during the participation of all the stakeholders in the project
project process and Assessing stakeholders’ behavior. Yang’s implementation and in monitoring so as to guarantee project
critical success factors were mainly focused around the success.
stakeholder’s management. It’s the role of management to Muriithi & Crawford (2003) identified several issues
look into the affairs of stakeholders. However stakeholder related to approaches to project management in Africa. These
management is not the only responsibility of management as issues include: the need to cope with political and community
regards project success. demands on project resources, recognition that economic
Research also shows that some of the best project rationality and efficiency, assumed as a basis for many project
management practices include: Managing Communications, management tools and techniques does not reflect local
Managing Stakeholders, Motivating, and Knowledge Transfer. realities; and that use of such tools and techniques will not
Planning, testing and monitoring the progress of the project enhance project success if they run counter to cultural and
work are some of the key processes used to manage the project work values.
work (Georgieva & Allan, 2008). In summary management has a role in enhancing project
Under normal circumstances the project managers success through supporting monitoring and evaluation team.
implement any project as guided by government rules and Such support may be achieved through factors such as
regulations, organizations requirements, stakeholder’s Communication, Commitment, Leadership Style, Managing
preferences and client location. It is important that politics, Managing societal demands and Motivation.
Science Journal of Business and Management 2015; 3(3): 82-94 87
Management of projects in Africa faces some challenges such monitoring and evaluation as a key project success factor
as political interference and strong societal demands. (Hassan, 2013; Magondu, 2013; Marangu, 2012; Muriithi &
Crawford, 2003). Therefore another knowledge gap that was
2.6. Research Gaps addressed by this study in an attempt to add to the body of
There have been a number of valuable studies of Project knowledge is to give the research a Kenyan perspective.
success, majority of which seems to agree that monitoring and
evaluation is a major contributor to project success (Prabhakar, 3. Discussion of Variables
2008; Papke-Shields et’ al, 2010; Hwang and Lim, 2013; Ika
et’ al, 2012; Chin, 2012; Ika et’ al, 2010). 3.1. Project Success
Though the studies carried out mainly dealt with critical PMBOK (2001) explains that project success is measured
success factors, monitoring and evaluation being one of them, by product and project quality, timeliness, budget compliance,
few of the studies have focused on monitoring and evaluation and degree of customer satisfaction. Ling et’al (2009) also
in isolation and in a greater detail. Several other studies assessed Scope management, Time management, Cost
reviewed also focused on monitoring and evaluation for management, Quality management, Risk management,
example (Peterson and Fischer, 2009: Naidoo, 2011; Mwala, Human resource management, Procurement management, and
2012; Marangu, 2012; Ling et’ al, 2009) but none have Integration management in relation to project success where
addressed to the specific link between monitoring and he established the there were significant associations. These
evaluation in relation to project success. This is the first gap factors were closer to Papke-Shields’ (2010) factors.
that this study seeks to address. Time dimension of assessing project success is the most
Several studies in the literature reviewed brought out three common aspect brought out in the literature review. Pretorius
main aspects of monitoring and evaluation in project et’ al (2012) found out that project management organizations
management. The first of these aspects is strength of M&E with mature time management practices produce more
team (Naidoo, 2011; Ling et’ al, 2009; Magondu, 2013; successful projects than project management organizations
Hassan, 2013; Georgieva & Allan, 2008; Gwadoya, 2012), the with less mature time management practices. Project time is
second aspect being M&E approaches (Stem et al, 2005; the absolute time that is calculated as the number of
Alotaibi, 2011; Mladenovic et’ al, 2013; Alhyari et’ al, 2013; days/weeks from start on site to practical completion of the
Abdul-Rahman, Wang, & Muhammad, 2011), and the third project. Speed of project implementation is the relative time
being project lifecycle stages (Kyriakopoulos, 2011; Chin, (Chan, 2001). Peterson & Fisher (2009) established that
2012; Pinto and Slevin, 1988; Müller and Turner, 2007; construction firms are usually interested in monitoring project
Khang and Moe, 2008). The researcher did not come across a time variance and verifying contractor progress payments
research which combined all the three aspects identified that is requests. Kariungi (2014) expressed that energy sector
strength of M&E team, M&E approach and project life cycle projects were completed on time due to factors such as
stage. This is the second gap that this research addressed. The efficient procurement procedures, favorable climatic factors,
study will look into the effect of M&E team, M&E approach timely availability of funds and proper utilization of project
and project life cycle stage on project success. The research planning tools.
will also look at M&E within the framework of the project Completion of the project within the budget is another
lifecycle. dimension that is used to measure project success. Costs can
In Africa and developing countries, including Kenya, be computed in form of unit cost, percentage of net variation
political influence plays a major role in project management, over final cost and so on (Chan, 2001). The project monitoring
more so in the public sector (Atieno, 2017; Muriithi & and evaluation team may control the costs using PERT and
Crawford, 2003; Pinto, 2000). One of the models that is CPM techniques. Projects often face cost overruns during the
employed by the politicians in controlling projects is the implementation phase; hence a proactive approach is essential
sacred cow model where the politician or a powerful person in for monitoring project costs and detection of potential
the organization dictates on the projects to be implemented problems (Cheng et’al, 2012). Related to cost aspect of
(Asaka et’al, 2012). Political influence is to be expected in measuring project success, is technical performance. Baker et’
project management and this includes monitoring and al (2008) identified technical performance as one of the
evaluation aspect. The researcher did not come across studies project success factors among others such as schedule
that have covered the effect of political influence on performance and cost performance. Quality achievement by
monitoring and evaluation and how it affects the project projects is also another dimension of assessing project success.
success. This is yet another gap that this study sought to The quality of projects and project information has a
address. significant influence project success (Raymond & Bergeron,
The review of literature suggests that there are researches 2008). Closely related to the quality and technical requirement
that have been carried out mostly from USA, Malaysia, Iran, dimensions is the scope. Project completion within scope is
India, Nigeria, United Kingdom, and the like. Not much of the considered as one of the success factor. The project charter or
studies have been carried out on the monitoring and evaluation statement of work requires the implementers to develop a
in relation to project success from a Kenya’s perspective. The scope of work that was achievable in a specified period and
few that have been carried out have not focused into
88 Charles G. Kamau and Humam Bin Mohamed: Efficacy of Monitoring and Evaluation Function in Achieving
Project Success in Kenya: A Conceptual Framework
that contained achievable objectives and milestones (Bredillet, 3.3. M&E Approach
Another important dimension in project success includes Another factor which has been conceptualized as having
customer satisfaction (Dvir, 2005). A project that in the final influence on project success and related to M&E is the
analysis leads to customer satisfaction would be said to be approach used in monitoring and evaluating projects. In
successful. Evaluating the performance of project is beneficial monitoring the project specifications, the monitoring team
to both the stakeholders by enabling them to appraise the may check the progress of activities against the plan. They
services received and to project manager by helping them to should review performance regularly and at the stipulated
improve their services (Besner & Hobbs, 2008). Project review points, and confirm the validity and relevance of the
success relates to the end product's goals in terms of remainder of the plan. They may also be required to
performance and fulfilling the technical requirements, as well recommend adjustments to the plan if necessary in light of
as customer satisfaction. Successful projects also contributes performance, changing circumstances, and new information,
to company's success in long term in terms of gaining a but remain on track and within the original terms of reference.
competitive advantages; enhancing company's reputation; The monitoring team should make sure that they use
increasing the market share; and reaching specified revenue transparent, pre-agreed measurements when judging
and profits (Al-Tmeemy, 2011). Project manager whose performance (Chapman, 2014).
personality profile was close to the ideal Project Manager’s Aritua et’ al (2007) developed a model that recognizes that
profile for a particular project type were more successful in multi-projects are executed as a means of attaining some
impact on the customers, benefit to the organization and business objective and/or hybrid business and project
overall success (Malach et’ al, 2009). This ultimately means objective as a means to enhance main business operations or
that the project managers who understand the projects will be service provision. Project success framework is a universal
in a better position to satisfy the clients of the project and the tool for achieving goals and objectives. Project success
stakeholders. framework is also a context-specific tool for achieving
In a nutshell project success can be assessed on the basis of objectives and Project success is a tool for achieving
completion within scheduled time, completion within organizations strategic objectives (Cuellar, .2013). M&E team
reasonable cost and within budget, quality achievement, may be a very important tool in ensuring that projects are
meeting of technical requirement, project achieving user being implemented within the confines of achieving business
satisfaction and finally achievement of organizational objectives. In order to achieve this value for the organization,
objectives. the M&E team should employ an approach or a combination
of approaches which suits the organization and/or the projects
3.2. Strength of Monitoring Team being monitored and evaluated.
Several researchers have identified a number of M&E
Providing support and strengthening of M&E team is a sign approaches that can be used in evaluating projects. Most of
of good governance. Providing support and strengthening of these approaches have a primary goal of ensuring that the
M&E team will also play a key role in ensuring that the M&E project is in the right track in achieving the desired success for
team adds value to the organizations operations (Naidoo, value creation. These approaches include basic research,
2011). A motivated team usually achieves high performance accounting and certification, status assessment, effectiveness
(Zaccaro et’ al, 2002). This implies that the more a team is measurement, Objectives evaluation – value for money,
strengthened, the better the performance and value addition to Balanced Scorecard and Earned Value Analysis (Stem et al,
the organization. This also applies to the monitoring and 2005; Abdul-Rahman, Wang, & Muhammad, 2011; Alotaibi,
evaluation teams in project management. Interestingly 2011; Mladenovic et’ al, 2013; Alhyari et’ al, 2013).
Pretorius et’ al (2012) observed that there was no significant
association between the maturity of quality management 3.4. Project Lifecycle Stage
practices in project management organizations and the results
of the projects that they produce. Nevertheless it is the view of PMBOK (2001) and indeed several other researchers have
the researcher that managers should indeed aspire to achieve simplified project lifecycle into four main stages which are
quality in all the aspects and processes, including quality project initiation, planning stage, execution stage and closing
monitoring team, so as to achieve project success. out. Each stage of project life cycle requires different effort
The literature reviewed identifies the various aspects which from the management. Likewise each stage in the project life
are used in assessing the strength of monitoring team which is cycle requires different level of effort in terms of monitoring
perceived to be one of the factors influencing project success. and evaluation effort.
These aspects include: Financial availability, number of Most of the literature reviewed asserts that during initiation
monitoring staff, monitoring staff skills, frequency of stage, management effort in terms of monitoring and
monitoring, stakeholders representation, Information systems evaluation is minimal since the project is in the early stages.
(Use of technology), Power of M & E Team and teamwork During the planning stage monitoring and evaluation effort of
among the members (Naidoo, 2011; Ling et’ al, 2009; the project is higher than the initiating stage since the project
Magondu, 2013; Hassan, 2013; Georgieva & Allan, 2008; is gaining some momentum. During execution stage the
Gwadoya, 2012) management effort in most aspects including monitoring and
Science Journal of Business and Management 2015; 3(3): 82-94 89
evaluation is at its maximum. The execution stage is the most 3.6. Management Support
risky stage where the probability of not achieving project
success is at its peak due to numerous project activities. It is According to PMBOK, Project Management performs
during this stage that the project M&E team should be most those processes that organize, manage, and lead the project
active in monitoring and providing timely feedback. Finally team. The project team is comprised of the people with
during closing down the monitoring and evaluation just like assigned roles and responsibilities for completing the project.
other management activities is less intensified as compared to The type and number of project team members can change
the execution stage. Most of the monitoring activities during frequently as the project progresses. “Project management
this stage involves reporting on the project outcome and organizations with mature human resource management
preparing for future projects (Kyriakopoulos, 2011; Chin, practices produce more successful projects than project
2012; Pinto and Slevin, 1988; Müller and Turner, 2007; management organizations with less mature human resource
Khang and Moe, 2008). management practices” (Pretorius et’ al, 2012). Andersen
(2006) in his research observed that managerial ability to
3.5. Political Influence on M&E deliver a project was found to be strongly related to the
application of strong project management based on planning
The political scene in Kenya is characterized by and cost control methodologies. Project impact can benefit
individualism and ethnicity (Okello, 2010). Economic and from rich project communications, a factor which is less based
social inequalities are also a major concern in the Kenya’s on project management methodologies and more dependent
political scene (Muhula, 2009). When political institutions are upon the application of “softer” skills (Andersen, 2006).
weak then politicians can exploit fractionalization for their There seems to be a consensus among the literature
own benefit (Burgess et’ al, 2013). The Kenyan constitution reviewed that management support plays a major role in
(2010) attempted to deal with some of these issues by achievement of project success. Literature reviewed points out
introducing devolution, a system where the national resources several measures that can be used in assessing the
are shared equitably across 47 regional governments called management support to the project teams, including M&E
county governments. This means that many projects which team. These measures include Communication, management
were carried out at national level will be implemented at the Commitment, Leadership Style, managing politics, managing
county level. The concern is that, the politics of ethnicity, societal demands and Motivation (Muriithi & Crawford, 2003;
individualism and economic inequalities may also be Marangu, 2012; Jetu & Riedl, 2013; Atencio, 2012; Yong &
devolving to the county governments and this may affect the Mustaffa, 2012; Attarzadeh & Ow, 2008; Georgieva & Allan,
project success in the specific county. 2008; Yang et’ al, 2011).
Burgess et’ al, (2013) explains that, though many of Management support is a mediating variable in the
Africa’s ills have been blamed on ethnic favoritism among relationship between monitoring and evaluation and the
other factors, it has been surprisingly difficult to find concrete project success. According to Pequegnat et’ al (1995) a
evidence of this behavior, mostly due to lack of data. This mediating variable is the intervening variable that must
study will add to the existing data by collecting evidence on change in order to see change in the dependent variable. On
how political influence affects project monitoring and project the other hand the moderating variable tends to interact in
success in Kenya. The political influence will be assessed on some fashion to alter the relationship between the dependent
the basis of ethnicity, politicians individualism (number of and the independent variable. Normally the mediating variable
sacred cow projects), and economic inequalities as perceived changes while the moderating variable does not. In some
by the target respondents. This implies that this variable will instances it is the one targeted for change in the intervention.
be analyzed using qualitative techniques.
As provided for in the Kenya’s constitution (2010), there
are two categories of politicians in the county governments. 4. Conceptual Framework
These two categories are the members of county assembly, On the basis of the review of literature as explained in the
who are elected to represent smaller units called wards in the immediate previous sections, the conceptual framework is a
county government and the governor, who is elected to head combination of the various findings in literature which have
the county government. These two categories of politicians been grouped and arranged to a framework which will guide
are elected by the same people and may have different this research in an attempt to provide a solution to the research
influences over the projects implemented. The analysis of this problem. The conceptual framework is illustrated in Fig 2
variable will take into consideration the two cadres of below.
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