Action Plan For Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan-II

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Action Plan for Krishi Kalyan Abhiyan-II

2nd October, 2018 to 25th December, 2018, 25 villages each in 117

Aspirational Districts

S.No. Specific Activity Target Department Divisions

1 Distribution of Soil Health
100 % DAC&FW INM
Cards to all saturation
2 Distribution of Mini kits Need based DAC&FW Crops
of Rabi Crops and as per
availability of
area specific
3 FMD Vaccination 100% DAHD&F Livestock
(Bovine); saturation Health

4 Vaccination for 100% DAHD&F Livestock

eradication of PPR in saturation Health
Sheep and Goat
5 Artificial Insemination 100 per village DAHD&F Cattle and Dairy
6 Training – 3 per village ICAR Extn./ ICAR
Diversification Minimum
participants 50
7 Organizing awareness Camp mode. DAC&FW Credit
campaign for PMFBY At least 1 per
8 Demonstration of Micro At KVK at least DAC&FW RFS/Extn./ICAR
Irrigation / Integrated 2 farmers from
Cropping System each village
9 Distribution of 10-20 per DAC&FW M&T
Agricultural Implement village
10 Development/ Up- To be DAC&FW Marketing
gradation of Gramin implemented in
Haats in Convergence consultation
with MGNREGA with M/o RD
minimum 1
11 Construction of 20 per village DAC&FW INM
NADEP Pits / Vermi from
12 Distribution of 5 per family DAC&FW MIDH/NBM
Horticulture/Bamboo upto 100
Plants families per

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