Nos Classification Level2

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UNIT 01 EPS – SP – 001 – L2 Health and safety in power system Mandatory 30
UNIT 02 EPS – SP – 002– L2 Communication Mandatory 20
UNIT 03 EPS – SP – 003 – L2 power system protection compliance Optional 30
UNIT 04 EPS – SP – 004 – L2 maintaining protection and control Optional 30
equipment and circuit
UNIT 05 EPS – SP – 005 – L2 Determine and set requirement for safe Optional 30
access to safe work location
UNIT 06 EPS – SP – 006 – L2 Diagnose fault in distribution and Optional 30
transmission substation equipment
UNIT 07 EPS – SP – 007 – L2 Conduct specified testing of distribution Optional 30
and transmission substation equipment
UNIT 08 EPS – SP – 008 – L2 Substation earthing system design and optional 30

003 EPS-SO-003-L2 Inspection of Distribution transformer Optional 20


006 EPS-SO-006-L2 Team Work Mandatory 30






At the end of the unit, the learner should be able to;

1) Work safely at all times, complying with health and safety and other relevant regulations
and guidelines
2) Dispose waste materials in accordance with safe working practice and approved
3) Receive and communicate information
4) Use relevant tools, instruments and techniques for the compliance checks
5) Assist in carrying out maintenance activities on protection and control equipment.
6) Identify some of the protection and control test equipment.
7) Assist in making accurate assessment of the safety requirement for the intended
8) Identify distribution and transmission substation components.
9) Know about continuity, polarity and battery condition test procedures.
Unit: 01 – Health and safety in power system protection

Unit reference number: EPS – SP – 001 – L2

QCF Level: Level 2

Credit value: 3

Guided Learning Hours: 30

Unit purpose:

Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements:

Unit: 01; Health and safety in Power system protection

Learning Criteria Evidence type Evidence

Outcome reference page
LO1 1.1 Explain safety rules and
Health and regulations as applied to
safety and other the power industry e.g.
relevant 100series
regulations and 1.2 Identify and describe the
guidelines use of SPC forms and tags
1.3 Implement safety rules in
1.4 Use appropriate Personal
Protective Equipment
1.5 Recognise and comply with
safe working space
1.6 Carryout storing of all tools
and instruments in a safe
place in line with standards
LO2 2.1 Identify and differentiate
Waste various type waste
materials in materials.
environment 2.2 Assemble waste
materials accordingly.
2.3 Perform disposal of
hazardous/ non-
hazardous waste
2.4 Keep work area in safe
and tidy condition.
Emergency 3.1 report emergency to
procedures appropriate personnel
3.2 Operate various type of
fire- fighting equipment
3.3 discuss emergency
3.4 Demonstrate first aid
Learner’ signature:

Assessor’s signature:

IQA Signature (If sampled):

EQA Signature (If sampled):

Unit: 02 – Communication

Unit reference number: EPS – SP – 002 – L2

QCF Level: Level 2

Credit value: 3

Guided Learning Hours: 30

Unit purpose:

Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements:

Unit: 02 – Communication

Learning Criteria Evidence type Evidence

Outcome reference page
LO1 1.1 Communicate relevant
communicate information to the right
information personnel
appropriately 1.2 Use the various
information flow system
in a work environment.
1.3 Communicate using
body and sign language.
1.4 Use information to
avoid challenges in a
work situation.

Communicate 2.1 Locate and use the
effectively various communication
with team equipment in the work
members environment.
2.2 Pass information
effectively to team
2.3 Discuss the importance
of communication with
team members
2.4 compile reports with
team members.
Learner’ signature:

Assessor’s signature:

IQA Signature (If sampled):

EQA Signature (If sampled):

Unit: 03 – power system protection compliance

Unit reference number: EPS – SP – 003 – L2

QCF Level: Level 2

Credit value: 3

Guided Learning Hours: 30

Unit purpose:

Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements:

Unit: 03 – power system protection compliance

Learning Criteria Evidence type Evidence

Outcome reference page
LO1 1.1 Discuss procedure and
Specification methods used to check
for the that tools and instrument
product or are within calibration
asset being date.
checked. 1.2 Describe the various
stages when the protective
equipment should be
checked and at what level.
1.3 Examine the hazard
associated with checking
power system protection
1.4 Select the personal
protective equipment and
clothing to be worn during
the compliance checking
Defect or 2.1 Identify the types of
variations defect that can be found
from the on protective equipment.
specifications 2.2 Demonstrate how to
and take carryout compliance
appropriate checks on protective
action. equipment’s
2.3 Assemble the relevant
tools and instrument to
carry out compliance
3.1 Examine position
accuracy, alignment and
freedom from damages
and foreign objects of the
protective equipment.
3.2 Carry out checks for
electrical continuity and

Learner’ signature:

Assessor’s signature:

IQA Signature (If sampled):

EQA Signature (If sampled):
Unit: 04 – maintaining protection and control equipment and circuit

Unit reference number: EPS – SP – 004 – L2

QCF Level: Level 2

Credit value: 3

Guided Learning Hours: 30

Unit purpose:

Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements:

Unit: 04 maintaining protection and control equipment and circuit

Learning Criteria Evidence type Evidence

Outcome reference page
LO1 1.1 Describe the types of
Maintenance protection and control
activities equipment
within limit of 1.2 Locate protection and ` `
knowledge control equipment in the
and personal circuit.
authority. 1.3 Explain procedures and
precautions to be adopted
to eliminate electrostatic
Maintenance 2.1 Determine the correct way
activities in of connecting instrument to
specified avoid faulty readings.
sequence and 2.2 Discuss methods of
in an agreed attaching marks/labels to
time scale. remove components or
cables to assist in
2.3 Remove equipment and
system from the circuit.
2.4 Repair, align and adjust
equipment to the right
2.5 Couple, reconnect and
return equipment and
system to service.

3.1 Operate analogue and

LO3 digital meters.
Types of test 3.2 Identify oscilloscope, logic
equipment probe and standard test
3.3 Operate current injection
device, signal
sources/generator and
signal tracer.

Learner’ signature:

Assessor’s signature:

IQA Signature (If sampled):

EQA Signature (If sampled):
Unit: 05 – Determine and set requirement for safe access to safe work location.

Unit reference number: EPS – SP – 005 – L2

QCF Level: Level 2

Credit value: 3

Guided Learning Hours: 30

Unit purpose:

Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements:

Unit: 05 – Determine and set requirement for safe access to safe work location

Learning Criteria Evidence type Evidence

Outcome reference page
LO1 1.1 Carry out assessment
Assessment of of equipment,
the safety machines and
requirement components to be
for the worked on
intended 1.2 Explain safe assess
access provision for the
personnel carrying
out the work
1.3 Carry out the control
of movement and
activities of other
people around the
work location.
Procedure and 2.1 Explain company code
guidelines. of practice and safety
2.2 Identify procedure
and guidelines for
communication 3.1 Writing (e.g. permit to
media. work, job specification
procedure and
3.2 Use the physical and
pictorial signs ( eg.
Barriers, locks and
banners )
Reporting lines 4.1 Carryout reports on
and procedure lines and procedure to
the following;
 People in vicinity
 Participants
 Team
Others that have
responsibility for the

Learner’ signature:

Assessor’s signature:

IQA Signature (If sampled):

EQA Signature (If sampled):

Unit: 06 – Diagnose fault in distribution and transmission substation equipment

Unit reference number: EPS – SP – 006 – L2

QCF Level: Level 2

Credit value: 3

Guided Learning Hours: 30

Unit purpose:

Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements:

Unit: 06 – Diagnose fault in distribution and transmission substation equipment

Learning Criteria Evidence type Evidence

Outcome reference page
LO1 1.1 Discuss the use of
Distribution distribution
and transformers, feeder
transmission pillar, dropout fuse,
substations lightning arrester, up
equipment. riser and cartridge fuse.
1.2 Explain the role
transmission power
transformer, CB, CT, VT,
bus bar, isolator and
relays in the circuit.

Substation 2.1 Sketch a single line
components diagram of a substation
2.2 Identify electrical
2.3 Read control circuits
2.4 Describe how substation
components are
Tools and 2.1 Use gas detection
equipment in equipment to detect
fault diagnostic presence of gas in
protocols transformer.
2.2 Use Protection test sets
(primary and secondary
injection) on CTs and VTs
2.3 Use multi meters to test
for current , voltage and
resistance .
2.4 Insulation resistance
Learner’ signature:

Assessor’s signature:

IQA Signature (If sampled):

EQA Signature (If sampled):

Unit: 07 Conduct specified testing of distribution and transmission substation equipment

Unit reference number: EPS – SP – 007 – L2

QCF Level: LEVEL 2

Credit value: 3

Guided Learning Hours: 30

Unit purpose:

Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements:

Unit: 07 Conduct specified testing of distribution and transmission substation equipment

Learning Criteria Evidence type Evidence

Outcome reference page
LO1 1.1 Select tools for
Tools for continuity,
carrying out insulation resistance
the required and phase rotation
test tests
1.2 Select tools for
polarity and battery
condition, gas
detection, ratio and
capacity tests.
1.3 Select portable,
manual and
automatic test
Test using the 2.1 Demonstrate test
correct procedure.
procedure and 2.2 Maintain safe work
within agreed environment for the
time scale. safety of people and
2.3 Process authority to
proceed on the task
2.4 Determine best
practice in the use of
methods, tools and
Learner’ signature:

Assessor’s signature:

IQA Signature (If sampled):

EQA Signature (If sampled):

Unit: 08 Substation system earthing design and implementation

Unit reference number: EPS – SP – 008 – L2

QCF Level: LEVEL 2

Credit value: 3

Guided Learning Hours: 30

Unit purpose:

Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements:

Unit: 8 Substation system earthing design and implementation

Learning Criteria Evidence type Evidence

Outcome reference
page number
LO1 1.1 Perform the safe isolation of
Design and equipment (where
implementation applicable).
procedure to 1.2 Maintain safe access and
carry out the working arrangement for the
required work. work area.
1.3 Dispose waste items in safe
and environmentally
acceptable manner, and leave
work area in safe condition.
Design and 2.1 Disconnect electrical supply
implementation (where applicable).
activities in a 2.2 Disconnect equipment from
specified the system (where
sequence applicable).
2.3 Reconnect equipment (where
2.4 Tight and fasten to the
required torque.
2.5 Excavate designated location
for earthing to the required
dimension and backfill.
2.6 Vertically position the earth
rod to required depth in the
earth pit according to design
Soil resistivity 3.1 Assist in carrying out earth
test in resistance test using Earth
accordance with Resistance Tester.
company 3.2 Assist in placing earthing
approved electrodes, cable locks,
methods and hammer and bare copper
procedures. conductor before carrying out
Soil resistivity test.

Learner’ signature:

Assessor’s signature:

IQA Signature (If sampled):

EQA Signature (If sampled):
Unit: 06 – Team work

Unit reference number: EPS-SO-006-L2

QCF Level: Level 2

Credit value: 3 credits

Guided Learning Hours: 30 hrs

Unit purpose: The unit is to enable the learner work within a team,
effectively, considering his/her roles.

The learner on level 2 who achieved this unit is able carry out
his responsibilities within a team, interact with the team
members for the achievement of the objective of any work

Unit assessment requirements/evidence requirements:

Unit assessment requirements The team in which the learner operates

evidence requirements Observation

Witness testimony

Personal statement or reflective account

Unit: 06 – Team work

Learning Criteria Evidence type Evidence

Outcome reference page
LO1 1.1 Describe the team
Work within a or crew
group 1.2 Understand the
group tasks
1.3 Identify your role in
the group
1.4 Relate with the
team members in
exercising your role
as appropriate
1.5 Comply with
Team work in 2.1 Identify the team
power system leader and follow his
operations instructions
2.2 Examine the
responsibilities of
each member of the
2.3 Apply the
techniques of inter-
relating your
responsibilities with
that of colleagues
2.4 Report own activity
in line with the team
Meeting and 3.1 Attend meetings and
briefing briefings of the
group or team
3.2 Record and take
note of issues that
concerns your role
3.3 Comply with what is
relevant to your role

Learner’ signature:

Assessor’s signature:

IQA Signature (If sampled):

EQA Signature (If sampled):

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