Lecture 7 Relay Coordination
Lecture 7 Relay Coordination
Lecture 7 Relay Coordination
……………………………power trainer with a difference
Engineers/Technologist Cadre)
RTC- Kainji
Current Grading system
Relay co-ordination
4. Operation based
time relation in some
1.Current graded
degree to the thermal
capability of the
Relay Co- equipment.
Note: A common aim of all these methods is to give correct discrimination or selectivity of operation. 4
Co-ordination Procedure
1. Whenever and wherever possible, use relays with the same characteristics in
series with each other.
2. Set the relay farthest from the source at the minimum current settings .
3. For succeeding relays approaching the source, increase the current setting or retain the same current
setting. (i.e hat is the primary current required to operate the relay in front is always equal to or less than
the primary current required to operate the relay behind it. )
4.Instantaneous units should be set so they do not trip for fault levels equal or lower to those at
busbars or elements protected by downstream instantaneous relays.
5. Time-delay units should be set to clear faults in a selective and reliable way, assuring the
proper coverage of the thermal limits of the elements protected
NOTE: M ax. fault at S/Stn. E < m in. fault current between D-E Amps
Since their selectivity is based solely on the magnitude of the current, there must be a substantial difference (preferably a ratio 9
of 3:1)
Challenges with Current Graded System
The magnitude of the fault current cannot be accurately determined since all the circuit parameters may not be
known exactly and accurately.
There may be variations in the fault level depending upon the source generation, thereby necessitating the
frequent change in the settings of the relay.
Thus discriminating by current grading alone is not a practical proposition for exact grading. As such current
grading alone is not used, but may be used to advantage along with a Time Graded System.
Due to the limitations of either current or time graded protection, time and current grading is employed.
Overcurrent relays with inverse time characteristics are used to achieve co-ordination.
In such relays the time of operation is inversely proportional to the fault current level and the actual
characteristics is a function of both time and current settings.
The most widely used is the IDMT characteristic where grading is possible over a wide range of currents and the
relay can be set to any value of definite minimum time required.
There are other inverse relay characteristics such as very inverse and extremely inverse, which are also sometimes
If the fault current reduces substantially as the fault position moves away from the source, very inverse or
extremely inverse type relays are used instead of IDMT relays.
Operating Time
At 30x setting operate time = 2s
Definite minimum time
Numeric IDMT relay operating algorithm:
t 0.02
T .M .
1 2x 10x 30x
..............................................power trainer with a difference M u ltip le o f C u rre n t S e ttin g 12
Time and Current Graded System
C u rre n t S e ttin g 1A
C u rre n t S e ttin g 1A C u rre n t S e ttin g 1 .5 A
T im e M u ltip lie r 1 .5
T im e M u ltip lie r 1 .0 T im e M u ltip lie r 1 .0
T im e M u ltip lie r 0 .1
15s 2 4 .5 s
4 .5 s
3s 3 .6 2 s
2s 2 .2 7 s
0 .3 s
0 .2 s
• When the relay is de-energized, operation may continue for a little longer until
Overshoot(0.05) any stored energy has been dissipated.
• This is predominant only in electromagnetic relays but not in static relays
• All devices such as relays, CT’s etc are subject to some degree of error.
Allowance for • Relay grading is carried out by assuming the accuracy of the measuring device or
Errors(0.15) by allowing a margin for errors
• Some safety margin is intentionally introduced to account for errors and delays in
breaker operating time.
Safety margin(0.1) • The setting for phase fault element (OCR) may be kept as high as 150 to 200% of
full load current or 130% depending on the station philosophy.
Over Current Protection Grading Margin – Between Relays
Op time of 0.5s
0.375s margin for EM relay, oil CB
0.24s margin for static relay, vacuum CB
Determination of Time dial setting
1. Calculate the multiple of pickup value for the secondary short circuit current corresponding to the instantaneous
setting of the relay where the process starts. If the instantaneous unit is overriden, the calculation is carried out with
the total secondary short circuit current at the relay location.
2. With the value calculated above, determine the operating time t1 of the relay for the given Time Dial.
3. Determine the operating time of the upstream relay with the expression
4. Calculate the multiple of pickup value of the upstream relay using the same short circuit current used in the first
relay (step 1).
5. Knowing , and having calculated the multiple of pickup value of the
upstream relay, select the above nearest time dial for that relay.
The process follows the same steps for the next upstream relay and is repeateduntil the settings of the farthest up
relay are calculated.
Operating time defined by IEC 60255 and IEEE C37.112 are
Over Current Protection Time Multiplier Setting
TMS = 1, T
TMS = Treq /T1 1 10
Current (Multiples of Is)
Coordination across Dy transformers
Calculate required operating current
Calculate required grading margin
Calculate required operating time
Select characteristic
Calculate required TMS
Draw characteristic, check grading over whole curve
Over Current Protection Time Multiplier Setting
200/5 100/5
= 1400 Amp
Is = 5 Amp; TMS = 0.05, SI
=X1400 Amp
Is = 5 Amp
System Study for IDMT Protection
165A 50A
X = 7% 95A 80A
33kV B u s 11kV B u s
Turns Ratio 3
• Istar = E-/2Xt = 3 E-n/2Xt
• Iline = If3
51 51
Inverse tim e element tim e element
S et above m ax. fault Instantaneous high-set
current at s/stn. B prim ary setting 7000A Plain Feeder
Transform er Feeder
..............................................power trainer with a difference 26
High Set Overcurrent Protection
Transform er Feeder
M ax fault 1000 M V A
M in fault 650 M V A
24M V A
Z = 22.5% 11kv
20km (0.3 + j0.43) O hm s/km
132kV Busbar .
ID M T e le m e n t
M in in fe e d : 3 p h m a x in fe e d
HSOC 3 p h fa u lt 1 6 0 1 A 917A @ 33kV
p h -p h fa u lt 1 3 8 7 A