August ICIRST 19 (Madurai, India) (1) 1
August ICIRST 19 (Madurai, India) (1) 1
August ICIRST 19 (Madurai, India) (1) 1
Madurai, India
30th -31st August, 2019
No part of this book can be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written
These proceedings collect the up-to-date, comprehensive and worldwide state-of-art knowledge on
cutting edge development of academia as well as industries. All accepted papers were subjected to
strict peer-reviewing by a panel of expert referees. The papers have been selected for these
proceedings because of their quality and the relevance to the conference. We hope these proceedings
will not only provide the readers a broad overview of the latest research results but also will provide
the readers a valuable summary and reference in these fields.
The conference is supported by many universities, research institutes and colleges. Many professors
played an important role in the successful holding of the conference, so we would like to take this
opportunity to express our sincere gratitude and highest respects to them. They have worked very
hard in reviewing papers and making valuable suggestions for the authors to improve their work.
We also would like to express our gratitude to the external reviewers, for providing extra help in the
review process, and to the authors for contributing their research result to the conference.
Since June 2019, the Organizing Committees have received more than 60 manuscript papers, and
the papers cover all the aspects in Electronics, Computer Science, Information Technology, Science
Engineering and Technology and Management. Finally, after review, about 20 papers were included
to the proceedings of ICIRST-2019.
We would like to extend our appreciation to all participants in the conference for their great
contribution to the success of ICIRST-2019 We would like to thank the keynote and individual
speakers and all participating authors for their hard work and time. We also sincerely appreciate the
work by the technical program committee and all reviewers, whose contributions made this
conference possible. We would like to extend our thanks to all the referees for their constructive
comments on all papers; especially, we would like to thank to organizing committee for their hard
Madurai, India
30th-31st August, 2019
Keynote Speaker
Organized by
It is indeed a matter of great pleasure to be a part of “International conference on Innovative Research in
Science and Technology (ICIRST-19),” and to interact with zealous scholars and tech-savvy engineers’
gathering at Madurai on August 30th -31st.
Today’s world is the outcome of quests for innovative technical and scientific inventions by the
intellectual efforts of modern humanities. Accelerating research in every field has guaranteed enhanced and
comfortable human life. However, at the same time, the environmental catastrophe should be accepted as the
annoying outcome of the uncontrolled industrial advances. Inspite of some exceptional and revolutionary
discoveries in engineering and technology, few challenges like global warming, carbon emanation and the
ecological deterioration are still in search of improved solutions.
Technological and scientific research and development seem to be the only resolution for the mankind
to deal with such challenges. It has become mandatory that the contemporary researchers and enthusiasts should
cooperatively discover solutions to these issues through abiding perseverance and determination. The theme of
ICIRST is indeed in line with the demand of next-gen innovative research and technologies, without the same
the solution of aforesaid challenges cannot match the expectations of the modern mankind.
The ideas and innovations in technologies need to be verified at universal level. International
conferences like ICIRST-19, provide supreme platform for peer investigators to discuss their innovative
concepts and offer the opportunity for joint efforts in order to obtain enhanced results.
I hope at ICIRST-19, students and researchers will acquire and exchange quality knowledge through
various sessions. My sincerest thanks to organizing committee and best wishes for the prolific and enthusiastic
International Conference on
Innovative Research in Science and
Organizing Committee
5. Effects of grain size on surface roughness of thin pure Cooper sheets in metal
micro forming
Mandeep Singh
Anamul Hossian 21-25
Pradeep Kumar Mishra
Dillip Mishra
19. Analysis and prediction of Chronic Kidney Disease using Machine Learning
Srinitya G 86-88
Daniel Madan Raja S
20. Empirical Analysis on Recycled PET Fiber Reinforced Concrete with Fly
Velmurugan S 89
Ashwathi R
International Conference on
Innovative Research in Science
and Technology
Madurai, India
30th-31st August 2019
Organized by
Organized by
This paper describes about the border alerting for fishermen using GPS and engine control unit. In day-to-day life, we hear
about the many problems confronted by the Indian fishermen, were captured by the neighboring countries because of crossing the
border. The target of this system is utilized to encourage the fishermen to explore inside our sea nation border Using GPS (Global
Positioning System) and GSM (Global system for mobile communication), GSM sends the message to the coastal guard office. If
the boat nearer to the restricted zone the alarm will turn on and the sound keep on increasing and also speed of the engine will get
reduced. If the fishermen fails to ignore the warning and they move to reaches the restricted zone automatically engine gets off and
send through the message.
GPS, GSM, Microcontroller (At mega- 328)
with the help of the electronic fuel injector. and its low cost
1. INTRODUCTION marine. By this method, we can alert the fishermen and also
Sri Lanka and India coast nations are remote by their sea monitor them thereby avoiding banned activities such as
borders. In Tamilnadu about 20,000 vessels make spinning smuggling, intruders, etc. This is very much useful to save
in the Bay of Bengal. The main aim is to give a well the fisherman’s lives. And the thread reduce due to the sea
equitable user friendly environment for Indian Fisherman to pirates.
handle risky situation with the help of engine control. This S. Kiruthika et al [2] the paper titled as” A Wireless
paper comes with a steady solution for this problem and mode of protected defence mechanism to mariners using
protects the Indian fisherman from dangerous situation and GSM technology “In our system using only GPS to receive
being crossing the marine boundary and save their life and the information from the satellite and stored border
improve the safety of fisherman. The system is designed by locations to detect whether the boat has crossed the border
using GPS and GSM. A GPS route device is a device that or not. If so the mariner is alerted and the message is
specifically discovers natural area by getting data from GPS transmitted to nearby coast office through RF signals at
satellites. This device can track the GPS data every single VHF (30-300MHz) range which covers wide area.
time at whatever point the fisher man's cross the Indian Naveen Kumar.M et al [3] the paper titled as” border
border. It is a significant depression issue and encourages alert and smart tracking system with alarm uses DGPS and
trouble in the both people and also their economic GSM and this system uses DGPS to track the location of the
expenditures. boat and to activate an alarm which consists of a Piezo-
buzzer, when the border is move toward or crossed. Also, in
2. LITERATURE SURVEY addition, the DGPS information is sent to control office, and
also the information is sent to the family at regular time
D.Jim Isaac et al [1] the paper titled as “Advanced intervals that are in expectation about their family member's
border alert system using GPS and with intelligent Engine safety.
control unit “In our system using GPS and GSM, where
GPS is used to find the location of the boat. If the boat 3. METHODOLOGY
nearer to the boundary primarily it warning the fishermen
with the alarm and emits the location of the boat to the The GPS device will repetitively give the signal which
nearest coast office via GSM communication. When it determines the latitude and longitude and indicates the
further nears the marine boundary an interferer is sent to the position of the fishermen and which gets read and displayed
Engine Control Unit which controls the speed of the engine in the LCD. The hardware which interfaces with
microcontroller, LCD display, GSM modem and GPS
Fig-1: Block diagram of the system
GSM network operate in a number of different carrier
frequency and its frequency up to 900MHz or 1800MHz.
GSM module is utilized for transmission of message
looking for help. The GSM makes use of narrowband Time
Division Multiple Access (TDMA) technique for
transmitting signals. It cannot be utilized as a part of seas as
towers cannot be placed in middle of the ocean so it place in
coastal control office. Thus the coastal continuously receive
the GPS information from the GPS Address. The main aim
of this GSM system is to ensure continuous monitoring of
each boat and information given to the coastal office. When
boat crosses border, the stored message adjacent to with as solid state relays .Relays are used where it is necessary to
compared position and message sent to the desired authority control a circuit by a low-power signal where several
person by using GSM module. circuits must be controlled by one signal. The first relays
B) GPS were used in long distance telegraph circuits as amplifiers
they repeated the signal coming from one circuit and re-
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based
transmitted it on another circuit.
navigation system that provides location and time
information in all weather conditions.. The GPS detects the F) BUZZER
latitude and longitude of the boat’s position and sends the If the boat nearer to the restricted area the alarm will
data to the microcontroller. This capability allows finding keep on increasing by means of pulse width modulation. It
out whether the boat has crossed the restricted area or not. ranges from (0-255).
This gives the current position of the boat to the ATMEGA
328 Microcontroller in the Engine Control Unit. It compares CONCLUSION
the current position and stored restricted position if the boat In the recent times the capture of Indian fishermen
is at a distance of Three kilometer from the restricted area across Sri Lanka border has been increased. It is difficult for
and then processor to generate an alarm keep on increasing the fishermen to discover the borders and lost into other
and also reduced the speed of the engine, The latitudes and country’ borders. Our objective is to give wireless support
longitudes received from the microcontroller is compared to those fishermen and aside from to go out after them if
with the stored restricted area values and reaches the they are found missing. This project is a low cost efficient
restricted area, the engine will get off. method of wireless tracking. It also gives sufficient
information to both ship and coastal guardians of anyone
a=sin² (Δφ/2)+cosφ1 ⋅cosφ2 ⋅sin²(Δλ/2 crossing the border.
c=2⋅atan2(√a,√(1−a) )
dist = sin(deg2rad(lat1)) * sin(deg2rad(lat2)) +
cos(deg2rad(lat1)) * cos(deg2rad(lat2)) * The process of directing the fishermen can be enhanced
cos(deg2rad(θ)); by placing the engine control unit system in the coastal
φ is latitude, λ is longitude, R is earth’s radius (mean office. They remotely control the engine to restart the boat
radius= 6,371km) for the safety of fishermen.
The ECU consists of an AT mega 238, random access
memory (RAM), read only memory (ROM), and an 1. Jim Isaac , the paper titled as “Advanced border alert
input/output interface. This unit is used to stop motor when system using GPS and with intelligent Engine control
it is reaches the restricted area. If it is nearer the restricted unit “International Journal of Electrical and
area, the motor speed reduced by using pulse width Computing Engineering (IJECE) Vol. 1, Issue. 4, June
modulation. The Electronic Control Unit (ECU) can control 2015
almost every operation in an engine together with explosion 2. S.Kiruthika, N.Rajasekaran the paper titled as” A
systems.. In electronic control unit operate at electronic fuel Wireless mode of protected defense mechanism to
injector with a solenoid valve to control the fuel supply in mariners using GSM technology” International Journal
the engine When the alarm is generated it is necessary to of Emerging Technology and Innovative Engineering
stop the engine from moving forward The fuel injector is Volume I, Issue 5, May 2015 (ISSN: 2394 – 6598)
fitted with a solenoid valve which is a electromagnetically 3. G.Sivagnanam , A.J.Midhun, N.Krishna, G.Maria
controlled mechanical valve. When the GPS position Samuel Reuben A.Anguraj5 “Coast guard alert and
matches the stored restricted value, the result of the value rescue system for international maritime line crossing
give to the fuel injector. So this in turn reduced the fuel of fisherman” “ at International Journal of Innovative
supply which stops the engine from moving forward. Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) ISSN:
D) POWER SUPPLY 2349-2163 Issue 2, Volume 2 (February 2015)
The power supply is provided DC motor and 4. NaveenKumar.M Ranjith.R The paper titled as”
microcontroller. The DC power supply with both positive Border alert and smart tracking system with alarm
and negative output voltages, a center-tapped transformer is using DGPS and GSM” International Journal of
used and Arduino operates at low power. Emerging Technology in Computer Science &
Electronics (IJETCSE) ISSN: 0976-1353 Volume 8
E) RELAY Issue 1 – APRIL 2014.
A relay is an electrically operated switch. Where many
relays are used to an electromagnet to mechanically operate
a switch, but other operating principles are also used, such
Bio composites are materials that are made up of natural fibres and a polymer as a matrix have been produces as an alternate
solution and material to synthetic fibres and environment concern that has risen due to the over production and usage of artificial
materials. Fibres are a class of hair-like materials that are continuous 'filaments' or are in discrete elongated pieces, similar to
pieces of threads. It is one of the key components of composite material. The use of composite materials is increasing steadily in
field engineering and various other fields rapidly. The accessibility of fibres and simplicity of assembling have enticed scientists
worldwide to attempt by regional standards accessible inexpensive fibre and to learning their achievability of fortification
determinations and to what degree they fulfil the obliged particulars of great strengthened polymer composite aimed at structural
requisition. This Investigation describes the mechanical behaviour of banana fibre reinforced composite upon alkalisation with
NaOH & KOH solutions with the references to the tensile loading and flexural strength testing on the fibre and comparing with the
reference of untreated banana fibre properties. All the tests have been fulfilled in line with ASTM standards. Banana fibre is a
ligno-cellulosic fibre which is obtained from the pseudo-stem of Banana plant (Musa sapientum) and is one of the best fibres with
good relative mechanical properties such as its high strength, smaller elongation, light weight, and it is bio- degradable and has no
negative effect on environment and thus can be categorized as eco-friendly fibre. Some of the advantages of using composites are
high tensile strength, Improved torsional stiffness and impact properties, Lower embedded energy, lesser noise production during
operation, lower vibration transmission than metals among others.
Banana fibre; alkalisation- NaOH & KOH; tensile strength; flexural strength; biodegradable; ASTM standards
important fibres as cotton and jute. The animal, or protein- allowed to cure for 24 hours Fig 5. The composite is taken
base, fibres include wool, mohair, and silk. An important out and inspected for imperfections and defects.
fibre in the mineral class is asbestos. Table 1 gives us the
properties of banana fibre. Epoxy resins are a family of
monomelic or oligomeric material that can be further
reacted to form thermoset polymers possessing a high
degree of chemical and solvent resistance, outstanding
adhesion to broad range of substrates, a low order of
shrinkage in cure, impact resistance, flexibility and good
electrical properties (J.L.Massingill Jr et al.,2007). The 50%
banana fibre and 50% epoxy resin composite Materials can
withstand the higher loads when compared to the other
combinations and used as an alternate material for
conventional fibre reinforced polymer composites (M.
Ramesh et al.,2014). The electrical properties as well as
mechanical properties of banana fibre reinforced polyester
composites were found to be dependent on the fibre content Fig 1 Banana mat soaking
as well as the fibre surface modification (L. A. Pothan et al.,
2007). The physical, mechanical, and thermal properties of
banana-fibre-reinforced thermoplastic PP composites at
various fibre volume percentages were invested and the
properties were at a maximum and the thermal stability was
also quite high (Sanjay K et al., 2010). Chemical
modification improves the storage modulus of banana fibre
reinforced polyester composites. Finally, it can be
concluded that composites with better modulus and low
damping ideal for use as a substitute for building material
can be developed from banana Fibre and polyester resins by
the judicious control of the interphase chemistry (Laly A.
Pothan et al., 2005).
2.1 Fabrication of NaOH treated specimen: Fig 2 Drying using Hot Air Oven
The specimens are fabricated by firstly soaking the
banana mat in 2% NaOH solution for increased bonding
2.2 Fabrication of KOH treated specimen:
capacity for about two hours. After that the mat is taken out
The specimens are fabricated by firstly soaking the
and is rinsed until traces of NaOH is removed completely
banana mat in 2% NaOH solution for increased bonding
using distilled water Fig 1. The rinsed mat is air dried
capacity for about two hours. After that the mat is taken out
overnight and heated in a Hot Air Oven for about 30
and is rinsed until traces of KOH is removed completely
minutes in 50 degrees Celsius Fig 2. After the fibre is
using distilled water Fig 1. The rinsed mat is air dried
completely dry, a dead weight is placed on top of the mats
overnight and heated in a Hot Air Oven for about 30
to remove any creases left behind during the drying process
minutes in 50 degrees Celsius Fig 2. After the fibre is
Fig 3. Before layering up, the mould is prepared with a
completely dry, a dead weight is placed on top of the mats
release agent to ensure that the part will not adhere to the
to remove any creases left behind during the drying process
mould. A mixture of epoxy resin and hardener is applied
Fig 3. Before layering up, the mould is prepared with a
over all the surface thoroughly. The mixture of epoxy resin
release agent to insure that the part will not adhere to the
and hardener is taken in a ratio 10:1. The fibre volume is
mould. A mixture of epoxy resin and hardener is applied
80%matrix + 20% fibre. Now the layers are stacked one
over all the surface thoroughly. A mixture of epoxy resin
after the other. New layers are stacked one above another
and hardener is taken in a ratio 10:1. The fibre volume is
and there by 3 layers are made as a whole Fig 4. Then a
80%matrix + 20% fibre. Now the layers are stacked one
polythene sheet is sprayed with a releasing agent and is
after the other. New layers are stacked one above another
placed over a laminate and a galvanized sheet and is placed
and there by 3 layers are made as a whole Fig 4. Then a
over the polythene sheet to get even surfaces without any
polythene sheet is sprayed with a releasing agent and is
wrinkles. Then the entire setup is placed in a compression
placed over a laminate and a galvanized sheet and is placed
moulding machine at 350 psi pressure is applied and is
over the polythene sheet to get even surfaces without any
wrinkles. Then the entire setup is placed in a compression mm × 15 mm × 70 mm. The specimen is held on Tinius
moulding machine at 350 psi pressure is applied and is Olsen's® model IT503 machine and the specimen is tested
allowed to cure for 24 hours Fig 5. The composite is taken at the speed rate of 1.2mm/min.
out and inspected for imperfections and defects.
In this study, mechanical properties were tested on the
three composites and from the results obtained, these
conclusions were drawn:
The fabrication of banana fibre reinforced
composites with same ratio of epoxy and fibre
volume (80%matrix+20% fibre) is possible by
hand lay-up process.
From the current experiments results, it has been
observed that alkalisation of the fibre laminates
gives better effect on the mechanical properties of
the composites like as tensile strength & flexural
On comparing the tensile strength of untreated
banana fibre laminate with NaOH and KOH
Fig 8 Tensile test graph treated laminates, better and higher tensile strength
is show by KOH treated laminates and it is clear
4.2 Flexural Test by the bar chart.
The table 3 refers to the Flexural properties of the Similarly comparing the Flexural strength of
banana fibres treated and untreated. From the table 3, untreated banana fibre laminate with NaOH &
ascertain that the properties of the banana fibre treated with KOH treated laminates, better properties are
KOH exhibit superior behaviour. The flexural strength that exhibited by KOH treated laminates.
the material withstood is 61.78 MPa and the Maximum load From the experiment the results conclude that
is 43 N. The tests have been performed in line with the alkalisation of the fibre with 2%of KOH solution
ASTM standards and the results reflect the same. for 4 hours shows better mechanical properties.
Electro-discharge machining (EDM) is a popular non-conventional machining process used to machine extreme hard
materials, making complex shapes in dies and moulds, machining sharp edges and corners that cannot be machined by other
processes. In addition, making prototype parts, drilling curved holes, milling can also be done by EDM. In this paper, Aluminum
alloy (Al 6061), stainless steel (SS-304) and Inconel 625 are studied and compared with other for distinguishing the output results
and to find the effect of peak current on them. The machinability of EDM in terms of material removal rate (MRR), electrode wear
rate (TWR/EWR) and surface roughness (Ra) are evaluated. A copper tool is used to conduct the experiment. Further, wire-EDM
is used to cut transverse section of work-pieces to again test and to show the smoothness of material. The energy dispersive analysis
of X-rays (EDAX) is a microanalysis tool for elemental analysis, and which is used in this study for the measurement of base metal
surfaces and machined surfaces. Thereafter, surface irregularities like surface cracks, globule of debris, poke marks are compared
with different materials. To measure the distinctness of the material, surface crack density (SCD) is calculated for each material
with different parameters and comparison is done. Finally, MRR, TWR, Ra and SCD with respect to peak current has been
Electro-discharge machining (EDM), Machinability analysis, energy dispersive analysis of X-rays (EDAX), surface crack
density (SCD), material removal rate (MRR), electrode wear rate (TWR/EWR)
has been portrayed [9]. In [10], Al-6061 has been tested Voltage Dielectric
The work-pieces are chosen for this experiment are, SS- After machining with W-EDM, the work-pieces are
304, Al 6061, Inconel 625. The dimensions of SS-304 are shown in Fig.6. Fig.7 presents the surface roughness tester
101x 41x 5 mm3, 100x41x5 mm3, 100x42x5 mm3.The to measure the roughness of the work-piece and the values
dimensions of Al 6061 are 61x52x3 mm3, 60x52x3 mm3, are presented in Table-4.
61x52x3 mm3.The dimensions of Inconel 625 are 51x51x5
mm3, 51x49x5 mm3, 51x51x5 mm3. Copper (99%) is
chosen as electrode with dia 16 mm and length of 110.8
mm. Initial weight of copper was 264.8 gram.
The work-piece have been taken as positive polarity
throughout the experiment is shown in Fig.5.
a) b)
Fig.8. a) MRR vs peak current, b) Surface roughness vs peak
(c) (d)
Fig.11. a) EDS of Inconel-625 base metal, b) EDS of
Inconel-625 on machined surface at 6A current, c) EDS
of Inconel-625 machined surface at 8A current, d) EDS
(a) (b) of Inconel-625 machined surface at 10A current.
(c) (d)
Fig.9. a) EDS of Al 6061 base metal, b) EDS of Al
6061 on machined surface at 6A current, c) EDS of Al
6061 on machined surface at 8A current, d) EDS of Al
6061 on machined surface at 10A current.
(a) (b)
Fig.12: SEM micrographs
(c) (d)
Fig.10. a) EDS of SS-304 base metal, b) EDS of SS-
304 on machined surface at 6A current, c) EDS of SS-
304 on machined surface at 8A current, d) EDS of SS-
304 machined surface at 10A current.
It is observed that, there is no surface crack in case of Al It is concluded that with increase in peak current,
6061.Width of surface crack is more in case of SS-304 and surface crack density increases for both SS-304 and Inconel
width of surface crack is less in case of Inconel 625 as 625 in Fig.14.
compared to SS-304 in Fig.12.
Table-6: calculation of SCD
B. SCD calculation
Sample Total Total SCDX10-3
It is the ratio of total crack length and the total image crack image area (µm/µm2)
area. To calculate the SCD, the SEM micrographs were first length(µm) (µm2)
converted into ―.pdf‖ format and then opened with PDF SS-304 (6A) 431.51 47158.9 9.15
Xchange Viewer software. The scale was set accordingly SS-304 (8A) 506.82 47286.13 10.7
and SCD was then calculated. Fig.13 shows the SCD of SS- SS-304 (10A) 790.29 47150.26 16.7
304 machined at 6A. All the measurements indicated are in Inconel-625 826.35 47317.25 17.4
μm. The total crack length for the image is (6A)
Inconel-625 889.55 46918.41 18.9
(10.85+29.45+47.93+42.2+55.07+117.84+36.74+59.64+ (8A)
31.79) = 431.51 μm. Inconel- 944.74 46918.41 20.1
This value when divided by the image area 625(10A)
(247.19x190.78) sq. μm gives the value of SCD = 9.15 X
10-3. Similarly, SCD of other samples were calculated and CONCLUSION
a graph was plotted to reveal the variation of SCD with
respect to peak current. This study presents the behavior of Al-6061, Inconel-
625 and SS-304 by EDM with copper as the tool. The
experiments were conducted to check the variations of
output parameters like MRR, TWR, Ra, and SCD with
respect to the peak current. The peak current was varied at
three levels i.e. at 6, 8 and 10 Amperes and all other
parameters were preserved constant. The following
conclusions were made: a) MRR, TWR, SCD, and Ra
during the process increases with rise in peak current, b)
crack length and crack width also increases with increase in
peak current, c) SEM micrograph reveals the globules of
debris, poke mark, surface cracks for all work surfaces, Al
6061 do not show any surface crack because it is ductile in
Fig.14. SCD vs peak current nature.
Hybrid Aluminum metal matrix composites have become leading materials due to their excellent engineering characteristics
and applications. In this experimental work, Al6061 based hybrid metal matrix composite is fabricated by stir casting process,
where the ‘SiCp’ and ‘Grp’ are used as reinforcements. Due to the abrasive nature of reinforcements, the hardness of fabricated
samples is increased, which was very much difficult to machine by traditional methods. Therefore, in this study an effective
machining process (EDM - Electric Discharge Machining) is used for machining the developed metal matrix composite. This paper
investigates the significant effect of EDM machining parameters like pulse-on time (T-on), pulse-off time (T-off), voltage (V) and
current (I) on a response variable (TWR- tool wear rate). For machining, the fabricated samples, three different electrodes
materials; Steel-304, Brass and Copper with a Ø12mm each were used. The design matrix is developed by Taguchi L 27 approach in
Minitab software. The ANOVA technique is used to check the signification of the model. The SEM (Scanning electron microscope)
and EDS (Energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer) were done to study the surface characteristics and elements analysis, respectively
of the machined electrodes.
Al-MMC (Aluminum metal matrix composite), EDM (Electric discharge machining), Stir casting, SEM (Scanning electron
microscope), EDS (Energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer)
requirements, the reinforcement phase is added into the machining the SEM was done at equal magnification level
matrix phase within various sizes and shapes (short, long, (as shown in Fig.4).
aligned, continue and discontinues) [2]. However, in this
study, the configuration of both SiCp and Grp are same,
they both reinforced via 200 mesh size with an average size
of 75µm. The SiCp and Grp are reinforced into Aluminum
6061 in the following composition, shown in Table.1.
The design matrix developed by Taguchi L27 (3^5) Table.4. EDM machine specifications
approach is shown in Table.3. The designed experiments S645 CMAX/Oscar Max
Model/Machine name
were performed on Oscar Max Die-Sinking EDM machine (Taiwan made)
(Taiwan made) shown in Fig.5. 1500 mm(L), 940 mm(W),
Work Tank
520 mm(H)
Table.3. Design matrix Work Table 1000 mm(L), 600 mm(W)
Table Travel (X)/(Y) 600mm/450mm
Servo Travel 400 mm
Distance Between Platen
300 mm-700 mm
and table
Max. Electrode Weight 250 Kg
Max. Workpiece Weight 2000 Kg
Max. Current 180 A
Max. MRR 1500 mm3/min
Weight 3600 Kg
D. The calculation for TWR (Tool Wear Rate).
To determine the TWR, we calculated the weight difference
of tool electrodes (before and after the machining) and over
the machining time. The Equation.1 is used to calculate the
( )
( ) (1)
Where, Tbm–Electrode weight before machining (gm),
Tam – Electrode Weight after machining (gm),
MT – Machining Time of each trail (sec).
( )
(TWR) = ( ) (2)
Table.5. Average tool wear rate and S/N ratio Table.5. ANOVA for TWR
Level On Off Current Voltage Tool
time time
1 72.9 73.07 74.53 78.32 78.28
2 74.53 74.65 75.1 73.26 60.6
3 77.79 77.5 75.59 73.63 86.34
Delta 4.89 4.42 1.07 5.06 25.74
Rank 3 4 5 2 1
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Steel-304 (-1) 55% composite processed by EDM”. International journal of
Brass (0) 25% engineering, science and technology, Vol-3, p.p-87-101.
Copper (1) 80% 7. Kompan chomsamuts and J.somkiat, 2012,
“Optimization parameters of tool life material using the
taguchi approach and response surface methodology”.
CONCLUSION International journal computer science, Vol-9, ISSN:
In this experimental work, EDM was conducted on the 8. R.K gangram bhandare and P.M sonawane, 2013,
Al-based hybrid MMC sample (fabricated by Stir casting “Prepration of aluminum metal matrix composite using
process), by using three different electrodes (Steel-304, stir casting method”. International journal of
Brass and Copper) of Ø12mm each. The final design matrix engineering and advanced technology, Vol-3, ISSN:
was developed by using the Design of experiment (Taguchi 2249-8958.
L27) technique in Minitab software. Here our focus was to 9. V.balaji, N.sateesh and M.M hussain, 2015,
investigate the signification/impact of selected parameters “Manufacturing of Aluminum metal matrix composite
and their levels/ranges where our response variable (TWR) (Al 7075-SiC) by stir casting technology”. Materials
is mostly affected. The desirability approach was employed today, p.p-3403-3408.
to calculate optimization. The mean S/N ratio graphs and 10. R.V barenji, H.H pourasl and V.M khojastehnezhed,
ANOVA was generated for analyzing the effect of process 2016, “Electric discharge machining of AISI D6 tool
parameters. From the analysis, the following conclusion steel prediction and modeling of the material removal
was conducted. rate and tool wear ratio”, PRE:6341.
(1) In this experimental study, it was examined that the 11. Umesh.K garg, M.P kaur and V.K garg, 2008, “Removal
Copper-based electrode has a high tool wear rate (80%) as of Nickel from aqueous solution by adsorption on
compared to other electrodes (Steel-304 and Brass). agriculture waste biomass using a response surface
(2) The „voltage‟ and „pulse-on time‟ both are the methodology approach”. Bioresources technology, p.p-
significant parameters which directly caused the high tool 1325-1331.
wear rate of all the three different material electrodes.
(3) The TWR is minimum at a high level of „pulse-off
time‟, and on the other side, the „current‟ has a constant
effect on TWR.
Size effect is a superior occurrence in micro forming process. Once the deformation process is scale down to micro scale, the
presences of geometry size and single grain size start to play a significance role on the material deformation behaviour. In this
work, size effect on surface roughness is inspected in the form of the coupled effect of workpiece geometry and grain size: the ratio
of material thickness (T) to average grain size (D) by the micro tensile test of pure copper foil. Tensile tests were carried out on the
foil with constant thickness and width, while to achieve different grain sizes, the foil were annealed for different time. The surface
roughness of all tensile tested copper samples is tested on the 3D laser-scanning microscope. The identified analysis provides a basis
for further vital exploration to understand the influence of size effects in metal micro forming.
Size effects, Copper samples, Tensile test, Micro-forming
Fig.2. (a) Vacuum tube annealing furnace,
(b) Grinder and polish machine
Fig.1. (a) Diagram of micro tensile samples 4. 3D LASER SCANNING MICROSCOPE
(b) Real copper specimen
An electric stage, and a large area of the strained foil
The most difficult job was to get a high diamond finish surface can be observed by using different lens to enlarging
on copper samples for determining the average grain size. the pictures automatically. To measure the average grain
The normal size Alpha aluminium powder (0.5 and 0.3 size after polishing, the average grain intercept method
microns) used to polish the copper samples. To achieve a (AGI) is used. In AGI technique, randomly positioned line
good shine in soft cooper material the Alpha aluminium segments are drawn on the micrograph and then counting
powder was constantly rubbed on samples after grinding. the number of times each line segment intersects a grain
boundary and quantify the grain size in a given material
Table.1. Sample preparation procedure for [12].
microstructural analysis
Procedure Surface Solution
Grinding 9 μm Largo Water
(2 min) cloth
Polishing 3 μm Mol Alpha or Gamma
(1 min) cloth aluminium powder
(0.5 microns)
Polishing OP-chem Alpha aluminium
(20 sec) powder (0.3 microns)
Fig.4. (a) METEX universal testing machine
(b) True stress-strain curves
Fig.6. 3D Surface texture of (a) T/D = 0.78,
(b) T/D = 1.04,
(c) T/D = 2.38
Ra (μm)
0 1 2 3
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confirm the effect of T/D ratios, the surface roughness on the fracture behavior of sheet metal in micro-scale
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copper foils. From this study, it is found that in deformed 4738-4746.
samples the surface roughness is expressively increased 14. W.L. Chan, M.W. Fu, B. Yang, Experimental studies of
with the decline in T/D ratio. In other words, we can say the size effect affected microscale plastic deformation in
that the surface roughness increases with the increase of micro upsetting process, 2012.
grain size. The reported results from this study also help to 15. D. Anand, D.R. Kumar, Effect of Thickness and Grain
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material. This investigation provide vital evidence to the Materials Science 6 (2014) 154-160
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Nanoparticles (NPs) are advantageous in treating bacterial infections. Scientists found that Selenium Nanoparticles (SeNPs),
owing to their unique structure and properties, may be more effective than antibiotics as they have a larger surface area and
therefore can be more in contact with the external environment. The antibacterial effect of selenium may be due to the fact that at
a particular concentration nano-selenium interacts with the bacterial cell surface and penetrates into the cell, thus causing damage.
Some studies in recent years have suggested the use of combination of antibiotics+SeNPs, the synergistic effect of which often
surpasses their individual’s inhibitory activity. In our work we performed synergetic effect of SeNPs and 3 commercial antibiotics.
We found that the Nanoparticles enhanced the reaction rates of antibiotics in a synergistic mode as well as in its own way on
different kinds of pathogens
sugar fermentation was observed by gas bubble formation 20
in durhams tubes in all the pathogens, giving +ve result. 10
While indole test the Bacillus, E.coli formation of dark red 0
Pseud Staph
colour layer indicates +ve results and light pink colour layer s Salmo
omon E.coli ylococ
indicates –ve results in Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus, as
Salmonella. The Methyl Red test indicates bright red colour s
in all the pathogens, giving +ve results. While Voges- Pencillin 10 10 10 7 10
Proskauer test the Bacillus and Staphylococcus showing Streptomycin 30 25 30 25 26
pink colour layer that indicates +ve results, while Tetracyclin 0 0 30 30 30
Pseudomonas, E.coli, Salmonella indicates –ve results.
While Hydrogen sulphide test all pathogens are showing – Figure:1 Diameter of Inhibition Zone of various
ve results. While Citrate utilization tests Pseudomonas, antibiotics
40 SeNP
30 1
Pseudo Bacillus Staphyl Salmon Antib
E.coli 2
monas subtilis ococcus ella iotics
50µl 25 40 30 35 30
100µl 31 46 40 35 35 pseudomonas
150µl 39 50 43 40 50
Figure:4 Synergistic effect of SeNPs+Antibiotics
showing Zone of Inhibition of all pathogens.
The combination of SeNPs with different antibiotics was
E.coli investigated against five pathogenic bacteria using the disc
diffusion method. The diameter of the inhibition zone in
SeNP mm around the different antibiotic disks with SeNPs was
s determined as shown in (Table:2). The highest increased
fold area was found for Tetracycline in presence of SeNPs
150µl against Pseudomonas (83%). The highest fold area
was observed against Bacillus subtilius (167%), followed
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American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering,
Recent researchers of civil engineering mainly focus in the field on replacement of concrete by the help of light weight
materials in order to achieve the light weight concrete structures with improved strength and durability simultaneously. In the
design part of conventional Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) beams as per IS 456-2000, the concrete is used to take care of
compression alone not tension. The tensile stresses developed on the beam are purely carried out by reinforcement. Hence the
fibres which are subjected to only tensile stresses require some infill material to hold the reinforcement along with the beam but
not for the purpose of load carrying since the centre of gravity (CG) of the tensile force is acting at the centre of main
reinforcement. In this experimental work an attempt is made to partially replace the concrete present in the tension fibres of
normal Reinforced Cement Concrete beams with the help of brick masonry and the bending behavior of such light weight
materials Infilled Composite concrete Beams (ICB) is studied by comparing the performance of normal RCC beams. From the test
results it is noted that the ICB beams having the maximum deflection of 16.67 mm under the moment of 2.3 kNm which is 2.3 %
lesser than the normal RCC beam. By comparing the rate analysis it is noted that the total amount of ICB beams are 11% lesser
than the normal RCC beams.
Key words:
Tensile stress, light weight concrete structures, Infilled Composite concrete Beam, Reinforced Cement Concrete beams,
tension fibres, Centre of Gravity
Based on the results from the previous research work
conducted by many researchers [4] it is to be noted that the
strength of an infilled beam was about 80% of the
conventional reinforced concrete beams. And it was
observed that 30% saving in the materials in the economical
aspect. The main objective of this project work is to study
the behaviour of brick light weight material infilled
composite concrete (ICB beams) beam experimentally by
comparing the flexural behaviour of infill beam with normal
Reinforced Concrete beams (RCC beams).
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS Figure 1 Standard consistency of cement
a) CEMENT Observation:
300 gm of cement is taken. Initially a trial percentage of Cement Used = OPC 53
water (p) is added with cement to make cement paste. This Weight of sample taken = 300gm
paste is filled in the mould of Vicat apparatus. The surface % of water added = 0.85 % of p
is made smooth and level. The plunger in the Vicat Standard Consistency = 33 %
apparatus is released on the cement paste sample and the The final setting time of cement = 540 min
scale reading is noted down. As explained in the Table 1
calculation is done and it is found that the standard Table 1 Standard Consistency of cement
consistency of the cement is 33%. By using this standard Sl Weight W1 Weight Water
consistency percentage the Initial and Final setting time of No (Kg) W2 (Kg) absorption
cement has been calculated from the same Vicat apparatus. in %
1 3.680 4.005 8.83
From IS 10262-2009, the mix design of M40 grade
concrete has been done and the mix ratio calculated as
1:1.8:1.6 using 0.4 water cement ratio. The beam is
designed as a singly reinforced beam as per IS 456-2000.
Figure 2a Sieve Analysis of FA The detailing of the beam is shown in Figure 4.
Effective depth (d)
= Total depth -clear cover –dia of stirrups –half the
Particle size distribution of FA dia. of main bar
= 150-25-8-(10/2)
Percentage passing
= 112 mm
Depth below NA (from the centre of main bar)
d-xu = 112-40
= 72 mm
IS Sieve size
Figure 2b Sieve Analysis of FA
Five bricks are taken for testing and the bricks are put in
an oven at a temperature of 1050C for drying.) Bricks are
weighed in a digital weighing machine and it is record as
W1. The bricks are kept in water for 24 hours as shown in
the Figure 3. Then they are taken out of water and wiped
with a damp cloth for 3 minutes.
This project proposes a modified bridge type flux-coupling non-superconducting fault current limiter (BSFC-NSFCL) for
suppressing the fault current. A flux-coupling reactor and a bidirectional bridge switch are combined to perform the functions of
steady-state line current sharing and fault current suppression. The proposed system is addressing a new and modern optimization
tool such as cat swarm optimization (CSO) algorithm. It is generated by observing the behaviors of cats, and composed of two sub-
models, i.e., tracing mode and seeking mode, which model upon the behaviors of cats. The modified CSO based BSFC-NSFCL
mainly utilizes the magnetic flux cancellation effect to make the limiter behave as a short circuit on the circuit during normal
operation. Hence, there is almost no impact on the power system when the limiter is used. When a fault event occurs, the bridge
switch turns off immediately, and then the magnetic flux cancellation effect disappears. Thus, the impedance of primary coil inserts
into the circuit to restrict the fault current phenomena. Once the fault is removed, the bridge switch turns on again, and the BSFC-
NSFCL recovers to the normal operation.
In today circumstances ,rapid development of power
network cause the fault current of the system increased The operation principle of the BSFC-NSFCL can be
greatly. The levels of fault current in many places have divided into two states, depicted as follows.
often exceeded the withstand capacity of existing power
system equipment. As implication to this matter; security, 1) Normal state:
stability ,and reliability of power system will be negatively During this state, the line current separately flows
affected. Thus, limiting the fault current of the power through the primary and secondary windings of the flux-
system to a safe level can greatly reduce the risk of failure coupling reactor. The circuit diagram of this state is
to the power system equipment due to high fault current demonstrated as Figs. 3(a) and 3(b), respectively. During
flowing through the system. Because of that, there is no this state, the IGBT turns on, and the diode strings D1 and
surprise to fault current limiting technology has become a D4 and D2 and D3 conduct, alternatively. Therefore, the
hotspot of fault protection research since this technology bridge switch allows the secondary current to flow through
can limit the fault curren to alow level. In power system the secondary winding of the flux-coupling reactor bi-
design view, limiting the fault current to alow level can directionally. Since the primary and secondary coils of the
reduce the design capacity of some electrical equipment in BSFC-NSFCL are wound in an opposite and concentric
the power system. This will lead to the reduction to the arrangement, it is magnetically coupled in this state, and the
investment cost for high capacity circuitbreakers and fluxes resulted from the primary and secondary coils
construction of new transmission line. Consequently, from counteract each other. Thus, the voltage across the flux-
both technical and economical points of view, fault current coupling reactor is nearly zero. The turns of the flux-
limiting technology for reducing short circuit current is coupling reactor’s primary side is less than its secondary
needed. side so that it can ensure that less line current flows through
the bridge switch. The turn’s ratio Np/Ns is 1/n, where Np
2. FAULT CURRENT LIMITER and Ns are the number of turns in the flux-coupling
reactor’s primary and secondary coils, respectively. This
design purpose is mainly to achieve the current sharing
function so that the power loss of the bridge switch can be
Where iLp,rms and iLs,rms are the rms values of the
reduced. Moreover, if the bridge switch fails, the flux-
flux-coupling reactor’s primary and secondary steady-state
coupling reactor will still remain in the circuit and acts as a
currents, respectively, iLs,peak is the maximum value of the
reactor. As long as the impedance of the flux-coupling
flux-couplingreactor’s secondary steady-state current, RP
reactor’s primary coil is designed to be capable to limit the
and RS are given.
fault current to the expected value and to make the load
2) Fault state
When a fault event occurs at the downstream of the
BSFC-NSFCL, the current detection and control circuit
detects the fault current and then turns off the bridge switch.
The secondary side of the flux-coupling reactor is open-
circuited, and the fault current will totally flow through the
primary side of the flux-coupling reactor. Since the primary
inductance of the flux-coupling reactor can restrain the fault
current to the expected fault current value. After the fault is
cleared, the BSFC-NSFCL will fast recover to the normal
state and be ready for the next short-circuit fault occurrence.
Despite spending most of their time in resting, cats have
high alertness and curiosity about their surroundings and
moving objects in their environment. This behavior helps
cats in finding preys and hunting them down. Compared to
the time dedicated to their resting, they spend too little time
on chasing preys to conserve their energy.
Inspired by this hunting pattern, Chu and Tsai (2007)
developed CSO with two modes: “seeking mode” for when
cats are resting and “tracing mode” for when they are
chasing their prey. In CSO, a population of cats are created
and randomly distributed in the M-dimensional solution 4. SEEKING MODE (RESTING)
space, with each cat representing a solution. This population
is divided into two subgroups. The cats in the first subgroup During this mode the cat is resting while keeping an eye
are resting and keeping an eye on their surroundings (i.e., on its environment. In case of sensing a prey or danger, the
seeking mode), while the cats in the second subgroup start cat decides its next move. If the cat decides to move, it does
moving around and chasing their preys (i.e., tracing mode). that slowly and cautiously. Just like while resting, in the
The mixture of these two modes helps CSO to move toward seeking mode the cat observes into the M-dimensional
the global solution in the M-dimensional solution space. solution space in order to decide its next move. In this
Since the cats spend too little time in the tracing mode, the situation, the cat is aware of its own situation, its
number of the cats in the tracing subgroup should be small. environment, and the choices it can make for its movement.
This number is defined by using the mixture ratio (MR) These are represented in the CSO algorithm by using four
which has a small value. After sorting the cats into these parameters: seeking memory pool (SMP), seeking range of
two modes, new positions and fitness functions will be the selected dimension (SRD), counts of dimension to
available, from which the cat with the best solution will be change (CDC), and self-position consideration (SPC). SMP
saved in the memory. These steps are repeated until the is the number of the copies made of each cat in the seeking
stopping criteria are satisfied. process. SRD is the maximum difference between the new
and old values in the dimension selected for mutation. CDC
tells how many dimensions will be mutated. All these
parameters define the seeking process of the algorithm. SPC
is the Boolean variable which indicates the current position
of the cat as a candidate position for movement. SPC cannot
affect the value of SMP
in which
Xc - current position;
Xcn - new position; and
R - a random number, which varies between 0 and 1.
Pi probability of current candidate cati;
FSi fitness value of the cati; Figure 5.9 3L-L fault voltage and current
FSmax maximum value of fitness function;
FSmin minimum value of fitness function; and The fault current limitation is analyzed on both load side
FSb = FSmax for minimization problems and and source side and with and without BSFC-NSFCL block.
FSb = FSmin for maximization problems. The current waveforms in the source side with fault on two
cases are with and without BSFC-NSFCL is represents in
5. TRACING MODE (MOVEMENT) the following figures 4.7 and 4.8 respectively.
The tracing mode simulates the cat chasing a prey. After
finding a prey while resting (seeking mode), the cat decides
its movement speed and direction based on the prey’s
position and speed. In CSO, the velocity of cat k in
dimension d is given by
in which
Xk,d,new new position of cat k in dimension d; and
Xk,d,old current position of cat k in dimension d.
6. SIMULINK RESULTS Figure 5.10 Source side current with Fault & without
The Gate pulse generated for the IGBTs in the BSFC- Figure 5.11 Source side voltage & current with Fault
NSFCL is shown in the following figure. The Plot &BSFC-NSFCL block
represents that the L-G fault is injected between the time
intervals 0.002 to 0.004s. T. The injected 3L-L fault current The above waveforms demonstrates the importance of
and voltage are measured with the help V-I measurement BSFC-NSFCL on the power system very clearly. The
block and the corresponding waveforms are shown in the source current and voltage are still stable during the fault
following figure 4.6 occurrence time period [0.002 to 0.004s]. By this way the
BSFC-NSFCL supports the source side stability at critical
The voltage and current waveforms on the load side 3. Kalsi.S, Applications of High Temperature
with fault on two cases ie. with and without BSFC-NSFCL Superconductors to Electric Power Equipment, New
is represents in the following figures 4.9 and 4.10 York: Wiley-IEEE Press, 2011, pp. 173–217.
respectively. 4. Nazari-Heris.M, Nourmohamadi.H, Abapour .M and
Sabahi .M “Multilevel nonsuperconducting fault current
limiter: analysis and practical feasibility,” IEEE Trans.
Power Electorn., vol. 32, no. 8, pp. 6059–6068, Aug.
5. Quaia.S and Tosato.F, “Reducing voltage sags through
fault current limitation,” IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol.
16, no. 1, pp. 12–17, Jan. 2001.
6. Radmanesh,.H Fathi, S,H and GharehpetianG.B,
“Bridge-type solid-state fault current limiter based on
AC/DC reactor,” IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 31, no. 1,
pp. 200–209, Feb. 2016.
Summarization of scientific papers is a unique way of text summarization which allows us to use abstracts as human created
labels for our dataset as they are written by the authors. This enables us to train our models using the collected data. In this work,
we overview different approaches to text summarization and compare their results with different evaluation metrics. We
demonstrate the downsides of ROUGE, the most commonly used summarization metric and introduce our own metric called
CAROUGE, which gives more accurate scores for abstractive summaries. We also present our new dataset of 2000 scientific papers
collected from arXiv. All experiments, described in this paper are performed on the data from our dataset, except for the final
stage of our project where we involve 5 human judges to do a manual summarization of several papers from the dataset.
Scientific text summarization, ROUGE, seq2seq, NLP, word embeddings
4. body of the paper not much information about neural networks usage in
For our problem a set of 2000 papers from one scientific text summarization [14].
category is enough [15]. For example, DUC (Document Generative adversarial networks (GAN) are another
Understanding Conference) dataset which is among the promising approach for text summarization. Until recent
most commonly used datasets in the field of text years they were considered in applicable to the discrete
summarization has 30 sets with approximately 10 problems of natural language processing (NLP). The latest
documents each. papers introduce novel approaches to overcoming these
issues by combining GANs with reinforcement learning.
Cleaning the text Applying generative adversarial networks to the problems
We collected our data as PDF files and parsed them to of NLP is considered to be a complicated task because
extract the raw text. This produced a huge amount of GANs are only defined for continuous data, and all NLP is
uninterruptable UTF-8 characters from mathematical based on discrete values like words, characters, or bytes.
expressions after removing those extra characters. We However, in their latest paper Fedus, Goodfellow, and Dai
wanted to remove everything that is not known English [3] overcome this problem by using reinforcement learning
word, but that would filter out words like "GAN", to train the generator while the discriminator is still trained
"backprop" etc. as most standard corpora of words such as via maximum likelihood and stochastic gradient descent,
nltk.corpus, doesn’t include specialized scientific and use it to fill the gaps in the text. This is an amazing
terminology. So, we filtered the words using manually result that can become an inspiration for others to develop
created rules based on features like word length and GAN-based solutions for the problems of text
frequency of vowels[18]. This leaves some noise behind, summarization [16]. Nevertheless, summarization is way
but it will not affect our models. more complex than the problem of filling the gaps, and
therefore, to our knowledge, there are no successful
4. MODELS FOR TEXT SUMMARIZATION examples of applying adversarial networks to problems
similar to ours. We ourselves have tried this new approach,
Three main classes of models that are used for text
but failed to produce good results.
summarization tasks include statistical frequency
computation models (TFIDF etc.), graph methods 5. EVALUATION METRICS
(TextRank, LexRank etc.) and machine learning approach.
Evaluating a summary is a difficult task because there is
A. Statistical methods no such thing as a single summary that would be ideal for a
These methods are based on the assumption that the given document. In most cases even human evaluators
importance of a word or sentence in a text depends on the cannot decide which of the given summaries is better [2].
total number of times it appears in the document. This Unlike other NLP problems, such as translation or parsing,
means that this classical approach ignores context and when it comes to text summarization, we cannot clearly
lexical features of the text. Furthermore, they are able to define what makes a summary good or bad. Therefore, we
perform only extractive summarization. must make assumptions about the space of good summaries.
1. Assume that a good summary would be close to some
B. Graph models ideal summary manually created by humans.
We can build a graph of each document where words or 2. Assume that the goodness of summary can be
sentences are nodes and the edges are the connections measured as the amount of important information it
between each pair of nodes. The weights on these edges contains (this assumption can be inferred from the
represent the similarity between words or sentences in the definition of text summarization).
whole text [17]. While proving to have better results than In the following sections we describe one commonly
simple frequency-based methods, graph models are still used summarization metric that is based on the first
bounded by the absence of lexical understanding and ability assumption and propose our own metric that is based on
to perform extractive summary only. second one (we will show that the proposed metric can be
formulated in a different way to work with the first
C. Machine learning approach assumption).
In the last years, lots of attention was focused on
learning how to apply neural networks to NLP tasks, A. ROUGE
including text summarization. Using encoder-decoder The most widely used score for evaluating text
models it is now possible to produce abstract summaries. In summarizations is ROUGE (Recall-Oriented Understudy
[10] the off-the-shelf attentional encoder-decoder RNN that for Gisting Evaluation) introduced by Chin-Yew Linin
was originally developed for machine translation was 2004[7].
applied to summarization and out-performed state-of-the-art
systems on two different English corpora. However, there is
The objective of this paper is to investigate the molecular interaction between corrosion inhibitors and oxygenates molecules
through dielectric relaxation studies. It makes one to understand the fuel additives its structure. Fuel additives is a chemical
substance, added to fuel ,in concentration typically of less than 1% to impart or enchance needed properties or to overwhelm
objectionable properties. They include octane enhancers, antiknock compounds and oxygenates, as well as corrosion inhibitors,
detergents, and dyes. It alters the rate at which fuel burns, reduce harmful emissions, prevent premature detonation, stop
corrosion, and prevent the formation of deposits in the fuel system and combustion chambers. In view of this, amine and alcohol
mixtures most important one. because of amine can be used as a antioxidants,corrosion inhibitors and also be used to control the
deposits in engine. Antioxidants are the molecule that inhibits the oxidation of other molecule and used as fuel additives when
creating fuel blends. Alcohol can be used as oxygenates. They are used to reduce the carbon monoxide emissions creating when
burning fuel.Therefore it is seemed important to examine the molecular interaction studies on those additives. Dielectric relaxation
studies are of great help in the assignment of the molecular structure or configurations, particularly those of organic compounds
and also helps to detect the formation and composition of complexes in them. The molecular complex formation can be investigated
by studying the dielectric relaxation parameter values such as static permittivity (ε 0), Permittivity at optical frequency (ε∞),
dielectric constant at microwave frequency (ε'),dielectric loss (ε") at microwave frequency, density () and the coefficient of
viscosity () for the system,1-butanol in (benzene + tert.butylamine) and 1-propanol in (benzene + tert.butylamine) taken for the
investigation at three different temperatures 303K, 313K and 323K are reported. Using these parameters values of most probable
relaxation time (0), relaxation time corresponding to group rotation (1) which is otherwise known as intramolecular relaxation
time, relaxation time due to overall rotation of the molecule (2) and distribution of relaxation time () are obtained using Higasi
model and the values are also reported. The hetero interaction through hydrogen bonding between the molecules of corrosion
inhibitors and oxygenates have been identified by the dielectric relaxation process.
Multifunctional fuel additive, hetero interaction, oxygenates, corrosion inhibitor
uncertainties in static permittivity, refractive index and wave ratio obtained by using a short circuited movable
density were 0.0005, 0.0002 and 0.0001 g/cc plunger. The uncertainties in the measurement of ε' and ε"
respectively. All measurements were made at 3031K, are 1% and 5% respectively. The relaxation time for various
3131K, and 3231K using a water circulating thermostat solutions was also obtained in term of two Debye relaxation
arrangement. For density measurement, a 10ml specific mechanisms with the help of the following equation for
gravity bottle was employed. Its volume at the given dilute solution of weight fractionw2
temperature was determined using pure water. Density a"
measurements of each sample were made at the required the (a a )
losses due to evaporation of the sample were 1 A B2
2(1 )
a a' 0
minimized. The viscosities of the mixtures were measured 2 0 "
by using Ostwald‟s viscometer. ε' and ε" were measured by a C
This trend exists in both the systems taken for investigation intramolecular interactions. Value of 1 decreases with rise
at all the studied temperatures. This implies the of temperature. This may be due to the hindrance offered
enchancement of the cluster size. Mixing of two liquids due to the thermal agitations. In the mixtures containing 1-
results in the formation of bigger molecular size which propanol, 1 value is greater than in mixtures containing 1-
enhances the relaxation time (0).The hetero interaction butanol. Variation of 1 with X2 for different systems at
between alcohol and amine molecules is such as to form three temperatures are given in figures from 2-3. Value of
linear multimer. This shows the existence of strong hetero 2 reflects the overall size of the molecules. 2 value shows a
interaction through H-bonding between dissimilar non-linear variation with the concentration of alcohol. In all
molecules. In all systems value of 0 decreases with rise of the mixtures the maximum value of 2 occurs at equimolar
temperatures. It indicates that, decrease of 0 with increase concentration of alcohol. This shows that at these
of temperature may be explained as due to the reduced size concentrations, the aggregates have a large size.
of the clusters or due to viscous effect or by both. The
relaxation time due to group rotation (1) gives information
in both the systems indicates that the existence
Concentration of n-Propanol
x 10-2
Temp. in (Benzene+ Tert. ε0 ε∞ ε' ε" g/cc
(K) Butylamine)
0 2.6960 2.1860 2.5063 0.1843 0.8411 1.5270
0.33 2.7770 2.1851 2.4763 0.1862 0.85 1.5470
303 0.50 2.9120 2.1798 2.4375 0.1871 0.8659 1.5880
0.67 2.8310 2.1706 2.4621 0.1876 0.8639 1.5770
1 2.7770 2.1624 2.4783 0.1854 0.8716 1.5850
0 2.6690 2.1768 2.5070 0.1821 0.8032 1.2090
0.33 2.7230 2.1753 2.4774 0.1853 0.8181 1.2420
313 0.50 2.8580 2.1665 2.4384 0.1862 0.8217 1.2530
0.67 2.7770 2.1603 2.4630 0.1865 0.824 1.2620
1 2.7500 2.1474 2.4820 0.1845 0.8295 1.2520
0 2.6420 2.1677 2.5078 0.1801 0.7872 1.0420
0.33 2.6960 2.1647 2.4789 0.1845 0.7967 1.0590
323 0.50 2.8310 2.1556 2.4391 0.1849 0.7996 1.0700
0.67 2.7500 2.1474 2.4641 0.1852 0.8017 1.0800
1 2.7230 2.1383 2.4840 0.1830 0.8024 1.0660
This project deals to remove the bacteria in our skin by using electron movement with the help of electrolyte solution. There
are different methods available for removing bacteria in our skin, especially for diabetes patient. The different methods are
electrode neutrotheraphy and electrolyte imbalance method. Compare to another method is efficient to remove the bacteria. The
advantages of this method are sublimation coating and protect our skin also.
Electrode, Electrolyte solution, Current controller
ELECTROLYTE: Transformer:
An electrolyte is a substance that produces an A transformer is a static electrical device that transfers
electrically conducting solution when dissolved in a polar electrical energy between two or more circuits through
solvent, such as water. The dissolved electrolyte separates electromagnetic induction. A varying current in one coil of
into cations and anions, which disperse uniformly through the transformer produces a varying magnetic field, which in
the solvent. Electrically, such a solution is neutral. If an turn induces a varying electromotive force (emf) or
electric potential is applied to such a solution, the cations of "voltage" in a second coil. Power can be transferred
the solution are drawn to the electrode that has an between the two coils through the magnetic field, without a
abundance of electrons, while the anions are drawn to the metallic connection between the two circuits. Faraday's law
electrode that has a deficit of electrons. The movement of of induction discovered in 1831 described this effect.
anions and cations in opposite directions within the solution Transformers are used to increase or decrease the
amounts to a current. This includes most soluble salts, alternating voltages in electric power applications.
acids, and bases. Some gases, such as hydrogen chloride, Since the invention of the first constant-potential
under conditions of high temperature or low pressure can transformer in 1885, transformers have become essential for
also function as electrolytes. Electrolyte solutions can also the transmission, distribution, and utilization of alternating
result from the dissolution of some biological (e.g., DNA, current electrical energy.[3] A wide range of transformer
polypeptides) and synthetic polymers (e.g., polystyrene designs is encountered in electronic and electric power
sulfonate), termed "polyelectrolytes", which contain applications. Transformers range in size from RF
charged functional groups. A substance that dissociates into transformers less than a cubic centimeter in volume to units
ions in solution acquires the capacity to conduct electricity. interconnecting the power grid weighing hundreds of tons.
Sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, and
phosphate are examples of electrolytes, informally known
as "lytes."
In medicine electrolyte replacement is needed when a
patient has prolonged vomiting or diarrhoea, and as a
response to strenuous athletic activity. Commercial
electrolyte solutions are available, particularly for sick
children (oral rehydration solutions) and athletes (sports
drinks). Electrolyte monitoring is important in the treatment
of anorexia and bulimia.
Fig. 5 transformer
Inside the system will take the 230V, 5A supply is
reduced to 24V,3A AC by using step down transformer
supply will pass through the current controller. In the
current controller will control the current and voltage by
using various. In the current controller will control the
2mA to 10mA. In the controlled current will flow through
the electrolyte solution dipped electrode. In the electrode
will ionize the solution. After ionization the electrolyte
solution was sprayed to damaged skin. In the solution
cleared the bacteria in damaged skin.
Economic development and anthropogenic activities directed towards satisfying humans ever increasing desires have led to
over exploitation of the natural resource base and generation of contaminants and hazardous waste. The construction of Multi-
storeyed building either for residential or for commercial purposes without proper care of environmental protection and energy
consumption is a negative approach to the objective planning of sustainable development. These Multi-storeyed buildings and their
energy consumption has created so much pressure on the environment.
Multi-Storey, Building, Impacts, Effects
Social factor: People staying in multi-storeyed to be exposed to hazardous levels of contamination. Chloro-
buildings always remain inside their flats. They hardly fluro carbon from air conditioning can create
know what is going around them and this often leads to breathlessness, eye sight problems and restlessness.
criminal activities. Also it is unsafe for children and older Other indoor pollutants in multi-storeyed buildings are
people as they face the trouble of failure of lifts due to as follows
frequent power cuts. Asbestos and other fibrous aerosols (Acoustic
Human factor: This is rather difficult to quantify and insulation, decoration, vinyl floor and cement
assess since the stresses caused by high density living and produce).
fast paced life cannot be measured. Formaldehyde (Particle board, panelling, plywood,
Indoor Air Quality: It is also an important factor to be carpets, ceiling tile and other construction material).
paid attention in a multi-storeyed building. Many times the Inhalable particulate matter (smoking, fire places)
air that we breathe indoors is more polluted than the air Diffusion from soil, ground water, brick, building
outside. CO and NO are produced by the various volatile material, concrete and tiles.
organics emitted from house hold cleaning products. Many
pollutants such as cigarette smoke or radon gas if emitted
outdoors have plenty of dilution air so that people tend not
Noise Pollution: Noise pollution is nothing but five days without water but only five minutes without air
generation of unwanted sound. These sounds are very and this proves the importance of air in our life. Dust and
common in apartment culture. In case of advanced level of sulphur dioxide are two major pollutants resulting from
living standards, people are using radio television, tape vehicular activities. Dust affects the people living in lower
recorders, mike etc, very frequently. The operation of these stories whereas sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide affect
instruments has little concern about the annoyance caused people living in upper stories. Sulphur dioxide enters in our
to neighbours not even the sick and ailing. Infrasound body along with the air we breathe. It attacks the lungs and
produced in manmade environment either by working other parts of the respiratory system. Carbon monoxide
machines, air conditioning operation may cause blood emission is also caused by vehicular activities. Hourly
vessels to contract, our skin to become pale and damage our atmospheric concentration of carbon monoxide often reflect
nervous system. Air conditioners are a constant source of at city driving pattern. As more number of people stay in a
least 40 to 50 % decibels which also creates noise pollution multi-storey building much vehicular activity will be there
and irritates the people in these buildings. and this causes pollution. Carbon monoxide and lead a
Water Pollution: As we approach the end of the product of petrol driven vehicle interferes with blood ability
century problems, both water quantity and water quality are to carry oxygen to the cells of the body. With the blood
returning to forefront. The traditional confidence in the stream carrying less oxygen, the brain function is affected
quality of drinking water has been seriously taken as we and the heart rate increases in an attempt to offset the
find potential carcinogens in ground water. The people of oxygen deficit. Oxides of nitrogen are also one of the major
multi-storeyed buildings have to face the problems of water air pollutants. Almost all nitrogen oxide emissions are in the
supply. Due to the construction of tall buildings, the form of Nitrogen oxide which has no known adverse health
population density has increased abruptly. Large amount of effect at concentration s found in the atmosphere. Nitrous
water should be supplied to those densely populated areas oxide can oxidize to Nitrogen dioxide which in turn may
which imparts extra burden on water treatment and react with hydrocarbons in the presence of sun light to from
distribution system. In order to supply huge amount of photochemical smog condition. The lack of horizontal
water to such areas, high discharge distribution pipe and dispersion and presence of direct sunlight provide suitable
high power meters and pumps are needed. Since the height environment for formation of smog. The multi-storey
of multi-storey buildings ranges to even 400 m, very big buildings reduce the horizontal dispersion which leads to
head is required to be maintained in the distribution pipes so the formation of smog in the presence of sunshine. Even
that water can reach at the top most floor. Sudden solid waste and sewerage of a densely populated area is also
drawdown in the ground water table is the result of such a source of air pollution.
activities which leads to damage of environment in many Solid waste Generation: Waste generation
ways. Due to Lowering of Ground water table, many plants encompasses those activated in which materials are
do not get sufficient water in their root zone. Cities are identified as no longer being of value and are either
facing acute water scarcity as more multi-storey buildings thrown away or gathered together for disposal . Most of the
come up. Due to high density living, lots of waste water is time, it has been seen that multi-storeyed buildings are
generated which comes from kitchen, bath and laundry erected after demolishing old structures. The demolition of
floor, drain waste and sanitary sewage. The disposal of such old structures itself results in a large quantity of solid
large quantities of sewage causes pollution of rivers. wastes. Digging of foundation also gives large amount of
Air Pollution: Pure air is vital for life on the earth. It is solid wastes. Further such wastes in the form of iron rods,
vital for man, animal, and vegetation alike. A normal wooden cuttings, brick bats ad so many other wastes. These
healthy person can live about five weeks without food and wastes are often classified as rubbish. The quantities
produced are difficult to estimate and variable in energy in steel industry. Further the energy intensive and
composition but it may include dirt, stones, concrete, bricks, pollutant mechanisms used in transporting these resources
and plaster, plumbing, heating and electrical parts. It has to the production places are few examples illustrating the
been observed that the characteristics of the population cost of development. Complete ecosystems contain a
influence the quantity and quality of solid wastes generated. sufficiently diverse set of living and non living components
For example the quantities of yard wastes generated on a to be entirely self-sustaining. Millions of trees are chopped
per capita basis are considerably greater in many of the down every year for erection of multi-storeyed buildings
wealthier neighbourhoods than in either parts of town, which spoil the whole ecosystem of that place. Some times
usually the residents of multi-storeyed building belong to for developing a plot indiscriminate filling up of banks and
post population, and they generate much more solid wastes ponds are done. Pond in itself is an ecosystem. Filling of
than others. ponds leads to drainage problem. As the construction work
At the collection sites of solid waste generated by the starts an inflation of labour class leads to further destruction
people residing in the multi-storey building become ideal of shrubs and grasses.
breeding places for disease causing organisms under warm The skyline of Indian towns is changing with a chain of
and moist conditions. The generation of these harmful Multi-storeyed buildings multiplying at a mind boggling
wastes and their transmission is not only health related speed, Sun setting can hardly be seen as squares of light
concern but also have aesthetic impact. start appearing in enormous structures all looking the same.
Ecological Disturbance: Right from the very first brick From Delhi to Cochin Indian cities have started to practise
of foundation is laid to the completion of the Multi-storey the Multi-storeyed culture. Even Kerala, where once only
building ecology is disturbed in many ways. Deforestation cottages existed through the coconut grooves is now going
and land levelling is the first step of construction. Cement , for Multi-storeyed apartments. Calcutta, the city of Palaces
steel, stone and wood are the major building materials used had gradually turned into concrete jungles with the erection
in every Multi-storey building, different kind of energy is of Multi-storey Buildings. In many cases, watery land and
increasingly exhausted in industries like cement steep hills, ponds are filled indiscriminately in gross violation of
forests and destroying the natural ecosystem for making municipal rules.
cement , coal, a scarce fossil fuel resource for generating
This paper aims to find mechanical properties of intra-ply jute/flax and sisal/flax epoxy composites. Laminas were fabricated
following the hand lay-up technique in intraply woven methods. Results are presented regarding the tensile, flexural behaviour of
fabricated laminates. The testing specimens were prepared from the composite laminate for the determination of Tensile strength,
Flexural strength according to the ASTM standard guidelines ASTM D638, ASTM D790, and ASTM D-256 respectively. The
experimental results reveal that the mechanical properties of intraply jute/flax and sisal/flax epoxy composite. A greater stress
uptake in the intraply jute/flax and flax/sisal composites was obtained by the interlocking structure between the fiber yarns.
Intralayer, Jute, Flax, Sisal, Epoxy, Hybrid Woven, Epoxy
fabric composites. Currently in India, 90 million tons of fly method for improving the mechanical properties is to add
ash is being generated annually, dumped in 65,000 acres of fillers or nano particles while fabricating natural fiber
ash ponds. This huge quantity produces challenging polymer composites. Mohan et al (13) determined,
problems, like health hazards and environmental issues. Fly increasing the Wt. % of MWCNT and also varying the
ash comprises of fine particles of silica, alumina, calcium stacking sequence of the fiber layers can enhance the
and magnesium oxides. Seung Goo Leo (10) et al improved mechanical properties of the natural fiber hybrid
and modified the flax fibers by ethylene plasma treatment composites. V. Jute(Fig.1) stem has very high volume of
and acetylation. Plasma treatment with ethylene results cellulose that can be procured within 4-6 months, and hence
about the higher thermal resistance and larger interfacial it also can save the forest and meet cellulose and wood
strength in flax/PHB biocomposies that the chemical requirement of the world. Sisal Fiber (Fig.2) is one of the
modification by acetic anhydride without the damage to flax most widely used natural fiber and is very easily cultivated.
fibers. Hybrid composite materials are widely used in the It is obtain from sisal plant. The plant, known formally as
field of engineering applications due to their strength-to- Agave sisal Ana.
weight ratio, low cost, and ease of manufacturing. Hybrid
composites are preferred to achieve a blend of properties
such as ductility, stiffness, and strength which cannot be
achieved by single fiber reinforced
composites. Hybridization allow designers to tailor the
composite properties to the exact needs of the structure for
various consideration. The purpose of hybridization is also
to obtain a new material obtaining the advantages of its
constituents, and overcoming some of their disadvantages.
2.2 Matrix:
The resin used in this work epoxy which is obtained
from Bharath Resins, Thirumullaivoyal. Epoxy-Br 111 and
Hardner-Hy951. The curing reaction for epoxy resin will
start immediately upon addition of suitable catalyst and
accelerator. The epoxy resin used in this work is normally
preaccelerated. Once die catalyst is added, the curing
Fig.8 Sisal/Flax Laminate
reaction starts immediately at the room temperature.
2.3 Manufacturing of Laminates:
First weight of four layers of respective (sisal,flax & 3.1 TENSILE TEST:
Jute) fiber cut to dimension 300 x 300 mm. According to The woven and interwoven hybrid composites were
the volume fraction (VF), the required volume of matrix is subjected to a tensile test, under untreated and treated
calculated. The ratio of epoxy resin (BR 111) and the conditions, to determine their tensile strength.
hardener (HY 951) are assigned as 10:1 respectively. Then Furthermore, the two fibers with difference properties
this resin and hardener are mixed in a beaker continuously created a complex load-sharing property, between the
for 5 minutes to make homogenous mixture. The pot life of longitudinal and transverse directions, when they were
the mixture is 20 and 30 minutes. Dam of size 300 x 300 weaved together. This resulted in a greater stress uptake by
mm is placed over a polythene sheet. Releasing agent the interwoven hybrid composites, which were observed to
(Silicone spray) is applied all over the sheet and on the break at higher failure strains, in comparison with the
edges of the dam. Matrix is applied over the sheet using individually woven composites. The proper stress transfer
paint brush. Then the first jute fiber layer is placed neatly from them matrix to the fibers contributed to a lower crack
without any slack over. Then the jute fiber is rolled by a propagation rate, which resulted in the higher ductility of
hand roller to ensure the uniform flow of the resin the interwoven hybrid composites. The tensile strength of
throughout the layer. interwoven jute/sisal(JS) and interwoven flax/sisal(FS).
Fig.6 Applying Epoxy on the fiber Fig.9 Tensile test & Flexural Test-Jute/Sial
Table.2 Tensile Strength Properties of Jute/Sisal and Table.3 Flexural Strength Properties of Jute/Sisal and
Flax/Sisal Inter woven type Hybrid Natural fiber: Flax/Sisal Inter woven type Hybrid Natural fiber:
Property Condition J/S F/S Property Condition J/S F/S
48* 55* 134* 96*
Untreated Untreated
Tensile 10# 14# Flexural 23# 118#
strength (Mpa) 71* 76* strength (Mpa) 139* 126*
Treated Treated
15# 18# 36# 54#
*Sisal-warp direction, #Jute & Flax Weft Direction.
*Sisal – warp direction, #Jute & Flax Weft Direction.
Flexural Strength(MPa)
Jute/Sisal* Jute*/Sisal Flax/Sisal* Flax*/Sisal
Fig 13 Untreated Inter woven Fiber
Tensile Strength(MPa)
Flexural Strength (MPa)
Jute/Sisal* Jute*/Sisal Flax/Sisal* Flax*/Sisal 0
Jute/Sisal* Jute*/Sisal Flax/Sisal* Flax*/Sisal
Fig 12 Treated Inter woven Fiber
Fig 14 Treated Inter woven Fiber
Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP) is vital one of valid purpose of numerous sorts of production. Every job comprises of a
sequence of processes to be practiced in a predetermined order, on particular machines, and amid a continuous period. An effective
amalgam algorithm based on (LO) and (FFO) is planned for tackling the smallest value of makespan in JSSP. The point is to
discover a distribution for every process and to characterize the succession of processes to reduce the makespan. In this proposed
few yardstick problems are utilized to discover the makespan in JSSP. From investigational results demonstrated that the hybrid
optimization accomplishes optimal value and minimum completion time compared to individual algorithms FF and LO.
JSSP, Makespan, hybrid, Firefly Optimization, Lion Optimization
To reduce the makespan time and maximal machine Fi min( N (t)) …………………. (1)
workload in JSSP process.
To develop the schedule of the proposed approach N(t) min(Ti1, j ,Ti, j1)Ti, j …………………. (2)
amalgam optimization algorithm is utilized.
Where, N (t) is the makespan time, T is the processing time,
i is the job order and j is the machine order.
5. PROPOSED HYBRID MODEL (FF-LOA) result, the hybrid optimization reaches the minimum
completion time. The optimal value gets in LA04 (10*5)
A amalgam optimization algorithm is planned for the benchmark problem.
problem of verdict the lowest makespan in the JSS
condition. The JSSP can redress and the performance will
develop to an amazing by completing the planned amalgam
Computational results of Job shop scheduling
demonstrated that the amalgam algorithm provides an
optimal solution when contrasted and the individual
outcomes. The accompanying fig1 demonstrates the
amalgam approach for the FF-LOA procedures.
High Utility Itemset Mining (HUIM) algorithm is implied uniquely to identify maximum utility for an itemset at a particular
time, yet it can’t be utilized to discover itemsets that produce high utility. Such high utility itemsets are discovered for the products
which may merchandise well for specific season but may not sell well for other time intervals. In this paper we have utilized the
LHUIMiner to locate the particular time interim at which the pattern has high utility . The PHUI Miner algorithm is used for
finding time interval where some products are sold with unusual profit. To remove the recurrent itemsets found within the same
time window we have proposed a new algorithm Closed High Utility Itemset mining algorithm. The Closed High Utility Itemset
Mining(CHUI) reduces the itemsets within specific time interval and reduces the processing time and memory usage.
Frequent Itemset Mining, High Utility Itemset, Peak High Utility Itemset, Closed High Utility Itemset
follows: closed high utility itemsets from the PHUI for each peak
u({c,e})= 35 window. If n peak itemsets are there within the timewindow
{c,e} occurs in transactions t1,t2,t4 [i, j] and m itemsets are there within the timewindow [k,l]
The utilities of items(b,d) other than c and e in then CHUIM is applied first to itemsets in time window[i,j]
t1=1*2+1*5=7 The utilities of items(a,b,d) other than c and then to itemsets in window[k,l]. If peak itemset has a
e in t2=4*5+1*2+1*5=27 superset within the same time window and the difference in
The utilities of items(d) other than c and e in t4=1*5=5 utility(profit) between them is above a threshold then the
rem({c,e}) = 38 +(7+27+5) superset is added to the list of closed high utility itemset. If
= 77 the difference is below a threshold then subset is added to
the list of closed high utility itemset. The CHUIM is applied
Extended Utility List(EUL) Structure: to all the peak windows and the closed high utility itemsets
It is used for storing the information about the itemset . in each peak window is obtained. The process is repeated
The database is scanned and EUL is constructed for each once again for the peak window until there is no change in
item in the dataset. The items are combined and EUL is the itemsets identified in the peak windows.
constructed for the newly formed itemset and the process is
repeated. The EUL can be utilized for identifying the PHUI
without scanning the database. The EUL of item a for the
util period(M3,M7)is given in Table 3.
Table 3 EUL(a)
Tid u(a,Tid) rem(a)
T2 20 20
T3 20 11
T5 25 13
T6 15 21
This study involves partially replacing seashells and coconut shells as coarse aggregates in varying proportions individually
and testing their properties like Compressive Strength and Tensile Strength. Various properties of the sea shells and coconut shells
were determined. The study involved preparation of 5 samples for each sea shell and coconut shell of varying proportion. The 28
day compressive strength and tensile strength were tested using the Compressive Strength test and Split Tensile test, and an
optimum percentage of replacement was determined. The 7 day compressive strength and split tensile strength were studied for the
optimum percentage replacement to determine the early strength developed. As a result of these tests, it was determined that 20%
replacement was the optimum replacement ratio for sea shells and 10% replacement was the optimum replacement ratio for
coconut shells. Graphs were plotted to compare the strength variations of both the shells and a detailed comparative analysis was
carried including cost analysis and analysis of variation in strengths.
Seashells, Coconut shells, Compressive Strength, Tensile Strength
materials like fly ash and blast furnace slag was suggested
1. INTRODUCTION for the cement. While sea shells, glass and ceramic material
Concrete has proved to be a versatile material in the were used as a replacement for fine aggregates and palm
construction of structures due to the possibility of moulding kernel shells, coconut shells and sea shells were used as a
it into virtually any shape and geometry. Utilizing this replacement for coarse aggregate.
formable nature of the material, concrete architecture has As a part of integrated solid waste management plan that
made rapid progress in the recent year. The basic includes recycle, reuse and recovery, the disposed solid
constituents of concrete are cement, water and aggregate waste representing unused resources, may be used as low
(and selected additives). Aggregates are usually described cost materials. Presently in India, about 960 MT of solid
as inert “filler” material of either fine (sand) or coarse wastes are being generated annually as by-products. It is
(stone) variety. Aggregate tends to represent a relatively reported that about 600 MT of wastes have been generated
high volume percentage of concrete. To minimize the cost in India from agricultural sources alone. The use of these
of the materials, alternatives have been used for the materials as the substitute material in concrete would reduce
conventional materials. Recent investigation of Indian sea the disposal problem now faced by thermal power plants
shells has indicated greater scope for their utilization as a and industrial plants, agricultural areas and at the same time
construction material. Greater utilization of seashells will achieving the required strength of concrete. Already many
lead to not only saving such construction material but also investigations have been going on the partial replacement of
assists in solving the problem of disposal of this waste coconut shells in place of coarse aggregate. In the present
product. In addition to sea shells, the concrete with ground investigation sea shells and coconut shells has been used
coconut shell was found to be more durable in terms of its individually as partial replacement of coarse aggregate.
resistance in water, acidic, alkaline and salty environment. Almost all over the world various measures aimed at
Coconut shell being a hard and not easily degradable reducing the use of primary aggregates and increasing reuse
material if it is crushed to size of sand can be a potential and recycling have been introduced. As a result, in
material to substitute sand. As modern engineering practices developing countries like India, the informal sector and
become more demanding, there is a corresponding need for secondary industries recycle 15–20% of solid wastes in
special types of materials with novel properties. For various building materials and components.
reducing the cost of concrete, greater use of pozzolanic
1.1 Coconut Shell By using the results obtained in the above mentioned
Coconut is the primary contributor to the nation's test, design mix for 0% is obtained as 1:1.57:2.58.As per
pollution problem as a solid waste in the form of shells, design mix, the concrete is prepared. The water cement ratio
which involves an annual production of approximately 3.18 was kept as 0.45.Cubes and cylinders were casted and cured
million tonnes. It also presents serious disposal problems and then the strength tests were conducted.
for a local environment, is an abundantly available
agricultural waste from local coconut industries. The 2.2 Compression Test
chemical composition of the coconut shell is similar to Compression test is carried out to find the compressive
wood. It contains 33.61% cellulose, 36.51% lignin, 29.27% strength of the concrete. The compression test is carried out
and ash at 0.61%. In developing countries, where abundant using a standard compression testing machine (CTM).
coconut shell waste is discharged, these wastes can be used Many standard codes recommend concrete sample cubes of
as potential material or replacement material in the size 150mm x 150mm x 150mm.The compressive strength
construction industry. of the cube is calculated and given by the following
Properties of Coconut Shell
Coconut shell has high strength and modulus properties.
High lignin content make the composites more weather Where,
resistant. It has low cellulose content due to which it P is the Failure load of the Cube (N)
absorbs less moisture as compare to other agricultural A is the loaded surface area of the cube (mm2)
waste. Coconut shells have good durability characteristics, The average value of the compressive strength of the
high toughness and abrasion resistant properties. Attempts three cubes is taken.
have been taken to utilize the coconut shells as coarse
aggregate and develop the new structural Light Weight 2.3 Split Tensile Test
Concrete (LWC). Tensile strength is the one of the important property of
concrete as it very much affects the effect of size of
1.2 Seashell cracking. The splitting tensile strength of the specimen can
A seashell also known simply as a shell is a hard, be calculated as follows:
protective outer layer created by an animal that lives in the
sea. The shells are empty because the animal has died and
the soft parts have been eaten by another animal or have Where,
decomposed. A seashell is usually the exoskeleton of an T is the splitting tensile strength (MPa)
invertebrate , and is typically composed of calcium P is the maximum applied load indicated by the testing
carbonate or chitin. Most shells that are found on beaches machine (N)
are the shells of marine mollusks. D is the Diameter of the specimen (mm)
L is the Length of the specimen (mm)
1.2.1 Properties of Seashells
It has high content of Calcium Carbonate so it 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
contributes to the strength properties in concrete. It makes
the concrete hard and a naturally available and non-bio The use of naturally occurring shells as partial
degradable material. replacement in course aggregates has been gaining
popularity over the years. Considering factors like low cost,
2. METHODOLOGY easy availability and an effective means of waste disposal,
the only point of contention was the strength factor of the
The following steps were carried out in the experiment. shells studied. This study shows that the strength increases
with increase in the proportion of sea shells up to certain
2.1 Initial Testing limit. Beyond that limit the strength decreases as the bond
formation becomes tougher owing to the slippery surface of
To arrive at mix design as per IS 10262 – 2009, the the sea shells. Its compatibility as a coarse aggregate in
following tests were carried out. Tests conducted on fine concrete increases and it reaches an optimum concentration
aggregates are Water Absorption Test (by IS 2386 Part III – and then decreases with increase in the proportion further.
1963), Sieve Analysis (by IS 2386 Part I – 1963) and The optimum proportion of sea shells was observed to
Specific Gravity Test (IS 2386 Part III – 1963). Tests be 20%. On the other hand, the strength in Coconut shells
conducted on coarse aggregate are Water Absorption Test concrete decreased. However it turned out to be an essential
and Specific Gravity test as per IS 2386. adoption when employed for low strength concrete
scenarios. Coconut Shell concrete is cost effective, light
weight and eco-friendly and suffices where high strength in the seashell concrete in comparison with the early strength
concrete is not required. developed in conventional concrete.
The optimum proportion of coconut shells was
observed to be 10%. Table 4.2 7 days average compressive test results for sea
shell concrete
Five cube specimens of size 150mm * 150 mm of grade
M25 were tested.
4.2 7 days Compressive Strength of Seashell Concrete 4.4 7 days compressive strength for coconut shell
Considering the 28 days compressive strength for Considering the 28 days compressive strength for
seashell concrete, we find that 20% sea shell replacement is coconut shell concrete, we find that 10% coconut shell
the optimum replacement ratio. Hence the 7 day strength is replacement is the optimum replacement ratio. Hence the 7
also checked for 20% replacement, to determine the early in day strength is also checked for 10% replacement, to
determine the early strength developed in the coconut shell
concrete in comparison with the early strength developed in 5.2 7 Days Tensile Strength for Seashell Concrete
conventional concrete. Considering the 28 days tensile strength for seashell
concrete, we find that 20% sea shell replacement is the
Table 4.4 7 day Average Compressive Test Results optimum replacement ratio. Hence the 7 days strength is
for Coconut Shell Concrete also checked for 20% replacement, to determine the early in
the seashell concrete in comparison with the early strength
developed in conventional concrete.
5.4 7 Days Tensile Strength for Coconut shell Concrete Table 5.4 7 days average tensile test results for coconut
Considering the 28 days tensile strength for coconut
shell concrete, we find that 10% coconut shell replacement
is the optimum replacement ratio. Hence the 7 days strength
is also checked for 10% replacement, to determine the early
strength in the seashell concrete in comparison with the
early strength developed in conventional concrete. 6. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS
A detailed comparative analysis was carried out
including cost analysis and analysis of variation in strengths
for both Seashell and Coconut shell concrete.
Table 6.1 Comparison of Properties of Concrete with coconut shell and sea shell
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Trans Tech Publications.
El-Nino refers to the cycle of warm and cold temperature of ocean currents,which is accompanied by high air pressure in the
Western Pacific and low air pressure in the Eastern Pacific.Floods due to the El-Nino effects are widespread and seems to be
inevitable in the 21st century. Such negative impacts increase day by day. Every year there are loss of habitats and destruction of
human establishments mainly due to the unadvised actions of man. The aim of this project is to provide a Flood Mitigation System
(FMS) which can be implemented to any class of the society. It can be used to protect individual establishments like
schools,hospitals and malls or colony of houses. The main principle is to effectively distribute the flood water via channels that are
closed during normal conditions. The area that has been studied to better understand the effects of floods is the
Chembarambakkam Lake.During the South Indian Floods 2015,this lake was one of the greatest victims. The area affected by the
overflowing of the lakes include the places that come under the town and the village panchayat. This method of mitigation protects
the man-made property during floods and also reduces the risk of flooding. When the water is effectively distributed, the possibility
of stagnant water is also eliminated which reduces the chance of flooding.
Flood Mitigation System (FMS), Barrier walls, Channel, Chembarambakkam, Geotextile, Hydraulic Piston
sedimentation. The delay in opening the sluice gates is the Table 1.1
major cause for the havoc caused during the 2015 floods.
The inflow and outflow data of the dam in
Chembarambakkam on December1,2015 as shown in Table
Table 1.0
3. WORKING PRINCIPLE water is equally distributed so that the channel itself has an
efficient discharge rate.
a. Overview
Floods are caused due to stagnation of water. This
maybe due to overflowing of a waterbody or if water cannot
find a way to another location during continuous rainfall.
The drainage system of our current environment is
ineffective to flood water as the flow channel contains
several suspended impurities. The walls of the drainage
system can also be eroded that may clod the system and
may cause flooding in the system itself. When water finds
its way during heavy rains to different places and if it is
effectively distributed then the risk of flooding is lowered.
The objective of this model is to provide a closed channel
with geotextile membranes that operate only during floods.
The top surface of this channel is covered by a barrier wall
which lifts itself during floods to let the flood water flow Fig 1.1
into the channel. The lifted barrier therefore acts as an
external layer for a compound wall if present and as a
temporary compound wall where there isn’t one. The flood
water is transported from one place to another through the
closed channel. The channel may or may not connect to a
tributary or a rivulet that will carry the water away from the
flood plains. During normal conditions the barrier walls can
be used as a pavement or a sidewalk.
b. Components
Geotextile Barrier walls: These are usually laid above
the open channel and are used as a pavement during normal
conditions. They are hinged at the levee level (nearer to the Fig 1.2
compound wall). They are supported by hydraulic pistons
that are installed on the bed of the channel. The standard Sharp edges at turns should be avoided. The channels
height of the barrier wall is 2 metres. The material used to surround the building. The slope should be laid in such a
construct the barrier walls can be made up of recycled way that two small channels say east and west should empty
plastic with a water proof coating. Places where a road has into a main channel at the North/South part of the building.
to be laid above the channel, the barrier walls can be It can also be determined by studying the contour of the
reinforced to withstand the variable loads. However, these installation area. It can be designed in such a way that there
reinforcements should be avoided as much as possible as will be only two main outlets from each surrounding
the load bearing material is yet to be finalised. The walls channel. Further connections to a single main channel
can be lifted up to a height of 90 degrees. Tilted versions of should be avoided to prevent overflowing of flood water in
the walls (such as 70 degrees) can also be used during the channel. Example: - The east wing of the channel can
floods caused by rainfall, as the rainwater slides on the deposit its flood water to the north wing channel and the
barrier and flows into the channel. The position of the west wing channel can deposit to the south wing channel.
barrier walls during normal and working conditions are Top view of this example is shown in Fig 1.3
shown in Fig 1.1.There are drain holes present inside of the
compound that helps to get rid of the rain water that falls
into the compound. The water is drained into the channel
via a one-way pipe that has a suction mechanism. This way
the water on either side of the walls is distributed.
Channels: The channels can be laid up to a depth of 3
meters, depending on the history of flooding in that
particular region. It needs a gentle slope to minimize run off
from the bed surface. The sides of the wall can be
enveloped using a geotextile membrane as shown in Fig 1.2.
The channels may or may not discharge into a tributary. The
connections have to be made in such a way that the flood Fig 1.3
Installations: The angle of the barrier wall is preferred The working model gives us a complete understanding
to be 90 degrees due to certain advantages such as, the of the real time application of the FMS. Fig 1.7, Fig 1.8 and
corners of the walls meet in an interlocking manner and this Fig 1.9 show the exact working of all the components of the
serves as a leak proof barrier wall. Caution must be FMS.
observed when the barrier walls are installed at an angle
less than 90 degrees as the walls should be able to withstand
the force of the downpour of the rain. The installations can
be made in the shape of any closed figure (without curves)
around any building/buildings. Irregular shapes are often
the case due to the presence of colonies. Fig 1.4, Fig 1.5 and
Fig 1.6 will give a clear understanding of the various
methods the barriers and channels can be installed. Any
closed shape can be considered for the possibility of the
installation. Curved fabrications of the barrier wall should
be avoided as it is very difficult to be laid down as a flat
sidewalk during normal conditions.
Lean manufacturing technology has been widely recognized for continuously improving productivity and also the quality of
the product. This paper deals with lean implementation in the grain processing industry. Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is one of
the key lean tools which can be used to identify opportunities for improvement in a production flow process. All the process
information related to the processing of grain is collected and a current state VSM is developed showing the current operating
status of the rice mill. Then the ‘5 whys’ method is employed and the root causes are determined using Fish bone diagram
(Ishikawa diagram). A total of five root causes are determined which form the major problems in the rice mill. These five causes
are then solved and a future value stream map is then developed showing the increase in overall efficiency of the process. This
study will serve as a guide for the implementation of future lean activities and the betterment of the rice mill when done on a large
Value Stream Mapping, Fishbone diagram, Cycle time
manufacturing system configurations. Faulkner and business that are problem solving, information management
Badurdeen (2014) presented a comprehensive methodology and physical transformation [6]. Lean manufacturing
to develop Sustainable Value Stream Mapping by applied tools and approaches such as Just-In-Time (JIT),
identifying suitable metrics and methods to visually present Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), Cellular
them. Manufacturing and 5S [8]. Moreover, lean accounting, as a
Although, there are many different studies reports the coordinated approach, along with lean thinking provides
successful process improvement methodologies used to administrators with reliable, accurate and timely
enhance organizations and companies processes throughout information for decision-making. Hence implementation
the past decade, lean manufacturing is considered to be one and control, of the lean system as new approach becomes
of the most well-known methodologies approach for for strategic management approach
improving organizational performance because the The goal of this paper is to apply one of the most
methodology is simple to apply and also easy to monitor. significant lean manufacturing techniques called Value
Lean manufacturing is focused on continuous eliminating Stream Mapping (VSM) to improve the production line of a
non-value added activities and maximizing value added color industry as a case of study
activities through reducing costs and increase the quality of
an organization processes. Normally, non-value added 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
activities add costs to the process without enhancing the Jafri MohdRohania, SeyedMojibZahraee (2015) have
value. Non-value added activities can called as waste in Value stream mapping (VSM) was first found in Monden’s
lean manufacturing. Non-value added activities or waste 1993 “Toyota Production System” book about circulation
refer to any activity that does not add value to the process kanbans with symbols that resemble VSM. Since then VSM
and to activities that a customer would be unwilling to pay has been used in many sectors. Lean value stream mapping
for [14]. Waste can be categorized into seven areas: waste (VSM) is a commonly used method that has been applied
due to overproduction, unnecessary waiting, unnecessary successfully in many domains. Despite its success VSM
transportation, over processing, excess inventory, does have shortcomings when it is used to analyse complex
unnecessary movement, and defects. By eliminating waste processes where the value produced varies for different
in process makes operations significantly improve in low stakeholders and is largely intangible. Traditional VSM also
cost more efficiency. Several lean manufacturing tools and lacks a practical way of modelling elements that are present
techniques were applied such as visual control, 5S, value in multiple steps of the value stream and a systematic
stream mapping, and Kaizen. One popular tool for lean approach to generating different type of improvement ideas.
manufacturing methodology is called Kaizen. Kaizen came Teemu Toivonen et al, (2016) Lean fundamental
from Japanese word that consists of “Kai” and “Zen”. “Kai” principles was implemented to construct VSM for
means change whereas “Zen” means good or for the better. identification and elimination of wastes by using team
General, Kaizen means continuous improvement by formation, product selection, conceptual design, and time-
involving every employee from the top to the assembly line frame formulation through takt time calculation. Based on
who is part of the process. The main purpose of this paper is the future VSM, final results showed that by implementing
to explore the impact of applying lean manufacturing in a some lean thinking techniques, Production Lead-time (PLT)
case study of the company’s sheet metal stamping process. decreased from 8.5 days to 6 days, and the value added time
The beginning of the research is to study the current decreased from 68 minutes to 37 minutes.
situation in the company’s sheet metal stamping process Jafri Mohd Rohani & Seyed Mojib Zahraee, (2015)
through individual interviews of employees and observing Manufacturing data were collected from a cover glass
problems in the study area. The next section determines the manufacturer in China during December 2015. The purpose
most frequently occurring waste and determines causes of this study is to evaluate the performance of the current
using Pareto and the cause and effect diagram. The next facility design using E-VSM method, and present several
section observes how the implementation of lean strategies to reduce the energy consumption and production
manufacturing could bring value to the case study costs. Furthermore, a case study of cover glass
company’s process. Lastly, the conclusion that consider of manufacturing facility is presented to show that the
lean manufacturing implementation in the company implementation of environmentally lean strategies resulted
performance is presented. in the reduction of both the production costs and emissions.
There are five steps to implement lean thinking in a Yuchu Huang & Masayoshi Tomizuka, (2017) Lean
company: 1) define value from the perspective of the principles were adapted for the process sector for
customer, 2) determine the value streams, 3) Achieve Flow, application at a large integrated steel mill. Value stream
4) Schedule production using Pull, and 5) seek perfection mapping was the main tool used to identify the
through continuous improvement. Value stream includes all opportunities for various lean techniques. We also describe
the specific activities (both value-added and non-value- a simulation model that was developed to contrast the
added) needed to bring a particular product by “before” and “after” scenarios in detail, in order to illustrate
implementing three important management skills of any
to managers potential benefits such as reduced production condition of each process. When measuring work time to
lead-time and lower work-in-process inventory. prepare standardized work, work units to be measured vary
Fawaz A.Abdulmalek et al, (2007)VSM process depending on operations. In standardized work, it is
symbols are used to discuss lean implementation process in necessary to measure both manual and auto or machine
the production industry. The existing status of the selected time.
manufacturing industry is prepared with the help of VSM Value stream mapping (VSM) is an effective tool for the
symbols and improvement areas are identified. Some practice of lean manufacturing. VSM approached the entire
modifications in current state map are suggested and with process flow in a three-step methods in which first
these modifications a future state map is prepared. producing a diagram showing the actual material and
Bhim Singh et al,(2010)VSM is different than information flows or Current State on how the actual
conventional recording techniques, as it captures the process operates. This is created while walking down the
information at individual stations about station cycle time, production line. Secondly, a Future State map is produced
up time or utilization of resources, set-up time or change to identify the root causes of waste and through process
over time, work in process inventory, man power improvements that could give great financial impact to the
requirement and the information flow from raw material to process, a lean process flow. These improvements are then
finish goods. It covers both value adding as well as non- carried out, the implementation Plan as part and partial
value-adding activities. details and action needed to gain the paper objectives in
Bhim Singh, Suresh K. Garg et al, (2010) Overall process kaizen (continuous improvement) and poka-yoke
Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is a hierarchy of metrics [19].
which focus on how effectively manufacturing equipment is VSM Implementation and Kaizen: A detailed study on
utilised. The results are stated in a generic form which the current state map for Wheel cylinder assembly unit is
allows comparison against benchmark defined for the made . A set of kaizen activities initiated and implemented
industry. Comparisons can also be made in between shifts, in effort to optimize the productivity of the assembly line.
products, machines, departments, lines and plants etc. The assembly process is monitored and during the
monitoring phase, continuous evaluation on any
3. STUDY OF CURRENT PROCESS discrepancies or imperfections on product are being
Understanding the process- This is the initial stage in the addressed immediately. Necessary counter measures are
improvement process. The basic concepts and process at made to ensure the effectiveness of the new Future state
each processing line should be carefully noted by visual VSM and line productivity stability is achieved.
observation for proper understanding of the process. The 4. OPERATION TIME FOR EACH PROCESS
following observations should be made for productivity
improvement- Working methods, Tools used, Process flow, S. Work
Number of workstations & their purpose, Sequence of No Process station Operator Cycle time
operation, Number of operations at each workstation. The 1 Soaking WS 1 O1 20
basic rice milling process is shown below. Heating
2 Bath WS 2 O1 8
3 Process WS 3 O2 20
4 &Whitener WS 4 O3 10
5 Separator WS 5 O4 5
6 Destoner WS 6 O5 5
7 Packing WS 7 O6 4
From the Current state VSM, the following observations
has been made for further improvements in the assembly
b. Drying Process:
In workstation 3, the DRYING PROCESS, the time
consumed for this process is very high as the work can be
done only during sunlight, The number of workers involved
in this process is also a large amount as they need to help in
speeding up the drying process and this results in high
wages being paid.
c. Packing:
In workstation 7 PACKING, the main cause is increased
packing and stitching time as it takes a lot of time for a
person to do the job and the excess of labour will lead to
unnecessary costs.
Workstation 7: Packing
The root cause here is the increased time consumption
as the worker needs to hold and pour the rice into the bag
and then tying it up with the help of a string or rope. This
difficulty is reduced by means of a packing machine setup
where the rice falls down from a hopper and a bag is placed
in the opening. Once the bag is filled a lever is pushed to
clamp the bag into place and it is held in that position which This future state value stream map consists of the
makes it easier to stitch the bag. The bag is then dropped by changes made to the current processes which has been
releasing the lever. This has resulted in reduced cycle time refelected reflecting on the output obtained and increased
from 4 seconds to 3 seconds and increased availability of efficiency. The OEE thus calculated has been used to draw
the machine. the future value stream map
VSM, the cycle time for the following workstations has assessement metric," International Journal of
been improved Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol. 29.
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CONCLUSION Advanced Materials Research,933.
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The goal of this paper was to develop both a current and Hakimi, S., & Shahpanah, A. (2014). Application of
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to determine and eliminate the wastes that did not add value Improve the Color Industry Productivity: Case Study.
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time and improve OEE so as to increase the overall 13. ] Zahraee, S. M., Shariatmadari, S., Ahmadi, H. B.,
efficiency of the industry. Based on the future value stream Hakimi, S., & Shahpanah, A. (2014). Application of
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like Kaizen, JIT and OEE we can reduce the downtime and Improve the Color Industry Productivity: Case Study.
the cycle time of the process to a considerable amount. Jurnal Teknologi.
More investigation can be done by conducting more in 14. Zahraee, S. M., Hashemi, A., Abdi, A. A., Shahpanah,
depth research of VSM integrated with computer simulation A., & Rohani, J. M.(2014). Lean Manufacturing
to verify the proposed VSM method.. Implementation Through Value Stream Mapping: A
Case Study. Jurnal Teknologi
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Health is Wealth: Today the world has taken a step forward where each individual is concerned about what he is consuming
on a daily basis and analyses the after effects of the food. Every individual is more concerned about his/her everyday food habits
and tries to adapt himself to what nature provides him. We are moving towards a technology oriented living where computers in
general and data science and analysis in particular plays a major role in every field. A recent survey from World Health
Organization (WHO) tells us that the growth of ageing population may increase by 50% in the forth coming decade. Here, in this
paper we mainly concentrate on kidney related issues, and try to predict the presence of chronic kidney disease based on certain
parameters available from UCI dataset using decision tree based approach.
health, chronic kidney disease, machine learning, decision tree
3. DATA DESCRIPTION at the leaf node in a decision tree. The results obtained on
the classification of CKD and NCKD is listed in Table: 2
and Fig: 2.
C4.5 algorithm builds a decision tree for every input
from the training dataset using the concept of information
entropy. The training dataset consists of already classified
In each node of the tree the algorithm classifies that
particular attribute of the data that effectively splits the
samples into subsets that deepen onto one class or the other.
The splitting criterion is the normalized information gain
(difference in entropy). The attribute that has the highest
normalized information gain is chosen to make the decision.
This process progresses recursively on the partitioned
subsets as well.
This algorithm to start up should have a few base cases.
All chosen samples in the list belongs to the same
class. In this case a leaf node is created stating that the
node belongs to the base class.
The node does not provide any information gain. In
this case a node is created higher up in the decision
tree meaning to choose that class.
Instance of previously-unseen class is encountered. In
this case also a node is created higher up in the
decision tree meaning to choose that class.
The general algorithm for building decision trees is:
Start the process
Table 1 Check each attribute for the above base cases
Find the normalized information gain of the attribute
The dataset for this experiment was taken from the UCI Create a decision node that splits on the normalized
source and it contains patient data with 24 attributes, most information gain
of them are clinical and the rest are physiological. Some of
Repeat on the sub-lists by splitting up on the
the attributes are numerical and some are nominal. The
normalization gain and add those nodes that satisfies
numerical values are indicated in the table by (n) (Table: 1)
the criteria as a child node
The implementation begins with the collection of raw
% classification % classification
data and pre-processing it. The data is then sampled and
classification TP TN
split into training data and testing data. Training data-set is
cleaned up and is trained by using the learning algorithm. CKD 99.25 0.75
The results obtained are optimized. The data is then NCKD 98.75 1.25
validated for the correctness of its classification. Lastly, the Table: 2
evaluation of the test data set is performed and classified
using the decision tree created for the training data set. The results obtained clearly indicate that the algorithm
Data from the test data set will be entered and for every proposed in this paper classifies the given data to a
input decision tree will be generated by calculating entropy convincing extent. With more parameters to be processed
and information gain values as per the rules of c4.5 and introducing a higher level of precision may show
algorithm explained in the section below. From the root to considerable improvement in the results of classification.
the leaf node the place at which the incoming node is to be
placed will be calculated and it depends upon the
homogeneity of the node. Prediction process usually occurs
The most widely preferred material in the construction enterprise around the world is concrete since the ancient
period because of its availability, durability and cost. In daily life, the maximum of the beverage containers used are
left non-disposable after the usage, which in turn causes environmental degradation. This paper manifests the
strengthening technique of concrete by adding recycled PET fibre to the concrete along with fly ash. Fibre Reinforced
concrete helps in arresting cracks and also in promoting the characteristics of concrete. The ultimate strength and
relative ductility of the structure built with PET fibre reinforced RC beams exhibit greater performance than that of
the structure built without fibre. The effects are determined in concrete when recycled Polyethylene terephthalate
(PET) aggregate is utilized in concrete. Fibres of length 5, 10cm and 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% volume fractions are used
compared to the quantity of concrete and 10% quantity of cement is substituted with class F-fly ash. M25 grade
concrete is adapted and the mix design is designed using IS 10262-2009. An analysis is made in obtaining the
properties of the concrete when PET fibre is added. The compressive strength test and split tensile strength test are
carried out on PET fibre reinforced concrete and the outcomes are examined with conventional concrete.
Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) aggregate, Ultimate strength, Relative ductility, fly ash, compressive strength,
tensile strength, Mix-Design