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Test Automation Software

n AutomationDesk
n Real-Time Testing and Real-Time Testing Observer Library
n Platform API Package and Failure Simulation Package
Test Automation Software / AutomationDesk

Powerful test authoring and automation tool

Graphical description of test routines
Signal-based test authoring
Advanced custom library concept
Automatic report generation
Offline test execution and development
Certified for ISO 26262 and IEC 61508
ASAM XIL-compliant access to simulation models and
failure insertion units

Application Areas
AutomationDesk is a powerful test authoring and automa- executed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, letting en-
tion tool for testing electronic control units (ECUs). Au- gineers increase test coverage and improve ECU software
tomationDesk users can create and edit test routines in quality while saving time and costs.
a graphical format without requiring programming skills. AutomationDesk lets you describe test routines graphically,
AutomationDesk’s interface libraries, compliant with the be it test-step-based test authoring based on library ele-
ASAM standards, allow for a seamless reuse of automated ments, or signal-based test authoring based on stimulus
tests across different development stages, such as MIL and signals and evaluation of captured signals.
SIL simulation with VEOS, dSPACE's platform for PC-based AutomationDesk’s library concept, including the Frame-
simulation, and HIL simulation with SCALEXIO or any third- work Builder and Test Builder, helps develop and maintain
party simulation platform that provides a XIL API-compliant templates for the test implementation – independent from
interface. the current tests.
AutomationDesk has been certified by TÜV SÜD for test-
Key Benefits ing safety-related systems according to ISO 26262 and IEC
AutomationDesk provides libraries containing a large number 61508. The TÜV SÜD certificate confirms AutomationDesk's
of predefined test steps, e.g., for easy access to the simula- suitability for developing and testing safety-related systems
tion model, a failure insertion unit (FIU), or calibration or in automotives, commercial vehicles, aerospace and many
diagnostics software. With AutomationDesk, tests can be other industries.

Functionality Overview
Functionality Description
Advanced Sequence Builder Graphical test development
Library-based test development via drag & drop
Access to simulation platforms and tools from within the automation sequences
Test project management and execution Structured project overview
Navigation in complex projects
Managing test projects, data, results and reports
Configuring test executions
Debugging graphical tests
Consistency checks before test execution

Test Automation Software / AutomationDesk

Functionality Description
Automation libraries ASAM XIL API library to access simulation platforms and failure insertion units of HIL simulators compliant
to the ASAM XIL standard
n to calibration tools like ControlDesk, ETAS INCA and Vector CANape via the ASAM MCD-3 MC
automation interface
Access to diagnostics tools like ControlDesk via ASAM MCD-3 D
Access to MATLAB®
Convenient access to tools in the dSPACE tool chain
n ControlDesk
n Real-Time Test Manager
n ModelDesk
n MotionDesk
Open architecture Open COM API enables remote execution of tests, e.g., by test management tools
Edit and execute Python code or call Python scripts in AutomationDesk
Introduce and maintain custom libraries to develop and maintain reusable, test-domain specific blocks
Robust implementation of interfaces to third-party tools via COM/DCOM supported by VirtualCom feature
XML import/export of automation artifacts in projects and libraries
Test documentation Automated generation of test reports in PDF or HTML
Report library to define the contents of the generated report
Framework Builder library Library that allows building up highly customizable templates as a test framework
Build up own templates (e.g., for test steps and tests) like in the Test Builder library
Templates feature implicit functions: e.g., for reporting and exception handling
Templates can be maintained with the AutomationDesk library mechanism
Evaluation library Powerful evaluation of measured signals
Automatic report generation, including plotted signals
Signal-based testing Graphical description of signals for stimuli and evaluation
Intuitive test authoring as on a piece of paper
XIL API MAPort support Platform-independent handling of simulation applications
Seamless use of simulation platforms from different vendors
Access to the simulation model for reading, writing, capturing, and stimulating variables
Stimulating time intervals of measured signals
XIL API EESPort support Hardware-independent function blocks for Failure Insertion Units (FIU)
Convenient blocks for the most common FIU test scenarios
Base library enables using the whole range of supported EESPort functions
Access to dSPACE FIU systems, independently from ControlDesk
Advanced user interface for the error configuration in XIL EESPort Library blocks with lists for pin
configurations, including validity checks
The stimulus duration in data file segments can be related to model variable states for signal-based tests
and XIL MAPort stimuli
MotionDesk library Library to automate MotionDesk
Easy implementation of tests where online animation is involved, e.g., tests for camera based ADAS systems
Variable mapping Mapping Editor
Clear allocation of variables, signals, parameters and variants
Import/export of ASAM XIL mapping XMLs
Create and manage mappings in AutomationDesk
Mapping Viewer
Overview window with information on current variable mapping
Filter and search functionalities allow for a quick localization of variables for the test description
User interface for an interactive configuration of automation blocks via drag & drop
Exchangeable mapping definitions compliant with
Watcher-based switching of error sets XIL EESPort software trigger blocks enable to switch error sets according to model variable states

Test Automation Software / AutomationDesk

Order Information

Product Order Number

AutomationDesk Basic AUD_BASIC
AutomationDesk – Automation Server AUS_BASIC

Relevant Software

Software Order Number

Required Operating system:
n –
Optional ControlDesk
n Please see the ControlDesk product information.
SYNECT Test Management
n Please see the SYNECT product information.
n Please see the VEOS product information.
Platform API Package
Failure Simulation Package
Real-Time Testing
Real-Time Testing Observer Library

Certified for Safety-Related Applications According to ISO 26262 and IEC 61508
AutomationDesk 5.0, like its predecessor AutomationDesk
4.1, has been certified by TÜV SÜD for testing safety-related
systems according to ISO 26262 and IEC 61508. The TÜV
SÜD certificate confirms AutomationDesk's suitability for de-
veloping and testing safety-related systems in automotives,
commercial vehicles, aerospace and many other industries.
It also confirms the high quality of the development process
and extensive quality assurance performed for Automa-
tionDesk 5.0.
AutomationDesk is the first hardware-in-the-loop test auto- dSPACE Process Consulting
mation software product to be awarded such a certificate. dSPACE Process Consulting offers comprehensive support
Together with the AutomationDesk Safety Manual, the for using dSPACE software tools in safety-critical projects.
certificate gives users a valuable support for validating and If you require a proof of suitability for your tools, dSPACE
qualifying safety-related systems according to ISO 26262 and can assist you with the necessary know-how. If you need
IEC 61508, and for using AutomationDesk 5.0 for develop- ISO 26262 certification for the software you are using, in-
ing and testing them. cluding customer-specific processes, you can rely on the
services of dSPACE Process Consulting. The services range
IEC 61508 and ISO 26262 from identifying the processes required for using one in-
IEC 61508 is the internationally recognized generic standard dividual tool to qualifying complete tool chains for highly
for the development of safety-related electronic systems. safety-critical projects.
ISO 26262, the standard for functional safety in passenger
vehicles, replaces IEC 61508 for the automotive industry. For more information, please see

Test Automation Software / AutomationDesk

Signal-Based Test Authoring

n Intuitive test authoring as on a piece of paper Wide variety of evaluation methods
Drag & drop to define which stimulation signals and
n “InsideRegion” evaluation functionality:
capture signals to evaluate allows time- and amplitude-tolerant evaluations
One block solution with implicit evaluation and
n Tests are executed in real time
descriptive reporting

Signal-based test authoring lets you describe tests intuitively Segment-wise stimuli or evaluation rules can be combined.
as if on a piece of paper. You can use a set of standard sig- Conditions for a transition between signal segments as real-
nals to define real-time stimulation and evaluation rules for time observers can be defined to check preconditions for
captured signals. Together with the ‘inside region’ evaluation following segments or as a dynamic wait function for syn-
function, which allows time- and amplitude-tolerant signal chronizing segments or for passed/failed evaluations.
evaluations, a powerful supplement to the given test-step-
based test authoring is available.

Test Automation Software / AutomationDesk

NEW: XIL Framework Support for Convenient and Safe Test Automation

The Mapping Editor: Assign variables of a simulation model (left) to an alias in an editable mapping table (right). Inconsistencies are

n New environment for defining test bench configura- n Initialization of XIL ports and XIL mappings in one step
tions, including validity checks and highlighting of in- n The configuration of tests with lists of only valid XIL
consistencies framework parameters makes incorrect entries impos-
Convenient definition and validation of test-bench-
n sible
specific configurations independently of test configura-

User Interface of AutomationDesk

Work-phase-related sets of
differently sized tool bars.

Start Page
Start page with links to
valuable information and
often-used commands.

Output Favorites
Colors and hyperlinks in the Define your view of important
6 Output Viewer improve rea- blocks in a separate view.
2018 dability of messages.
Test Automation Software / AutomationDesk

Test Automation Software Overview


AutomationDesk –
Versions Automation Server
Basic Version
Basic Version

support Platform API Package

Failure Simulation Package

Real-Time Testing
The modular packaging of dSPACE’s Test
Automation Software lets you select the
Real-Time Testing Observer Library packages you need for your automation tasks,
and add other modules later on if necessary.

AutomationDesk Basic (p. 2) Real-Time Testing (p. 20)

n Full version of AutomationDesk n Python-based real-time test automation
n 100% reproducible real-time tests executed synchro-
AutomationDesk – Automation Server (p. 19) nously with the simulation model
A tool variant of AutomationDesk (without a graphical user n Easy integration into user-defined test frameworks
interface) for executing implemented AutomationDesk tests: (AutomationDesk or others)
n Parameterization and execution of existing tests n Support of VEOS, dSPACE’s platform for PC-based of-
n For test management applications such as SYNECT Test fline simulation
Management, batch scripts in Python, and customized
operator UI applications Real-Time Testing Observer Library (p. 27)
n Real-time validation for supplementing classic test
Platform API Package (p. 30) methods
n XIL API MAPort support in .NET (successor of the HIL API): n Greater test depth for safety-critical applications
ASAM XIL API-compliant interface to all dSPACE simu- n Optimal integration and cross-platform use
lation platforms
Platform Management API: Interface for configuring
dSPACE platforms

Failure Simulation Package (p. 32)

n XIL API EESPort in .NET: Programming interface to all
dSPACE and third-party failure insertion units in com-
pliance with the ASAM XIL API EESPort standard
n ASAM XIL EESPort-compliant access via graphical user
interface in ControlDesk

Test Automation Software / AutomationDesk

Graphical Setup of Test Sequences

Test-Step-Based Test Authoring
AutomationDesk’s Sequence Builder provides a graphical, Python-based test development. Typically, graphical devel-
UML-compliant environment for developing automation opment is used to describe the control flow and to access
sequences. The Sequence Builder and its overview panel devices such as hardware or other software. Python scripts
even help you keep track of very large sequence structures. are used for implementing algorithms or for user-specific
AutomationDesk combines and integrates graphical and extensions.

Editor for
Developing and managing automation Python-based
sequences with AutomationDesk. test steps.

Reusing Automation Tasks

If a test sequence or single test steps need to be reused for
similar automation tasks in other projects or sequences, they
can be stored in custom libraries. Custom libraries gradually
grow to contain more and more reusable elements, so you
benefit from accumulated know-how in future projects.
This method speeds up the test development process and
increases efficiency. Different custom libraries can be shared
between various AutomationDesk installations via the file
system or via a version control system.

Create your own custom libraries for

tests and basic test steps.

Test Automation Software / AutomationDesk

Advanced Library Concept

The Test Builder is a ready-to-use library to comfortably set Ready-to-use test framework
up test frameworks. It offers a ready-to-use test frame- Test and test step templates
work with test and test step templates, including exception/ Implicit reporting
verdict handling and reporting. The Test Builder elements Standard HTML and PDF style sheets for detailed and
are implemented through the Framework Builder library. brief reports
Exception and verdict handling
Based on the Framework Builder
Customizable and transparent

Test Automation Software / AutomationDesk

Test Debugging and Data Comparison

Debugging Test Sequences Breakpoint
If an error occurs during test execution, AutomationDesk’s
Debugger makes it easy to find its source. You can insert
breakpoints into your test sequence and make the test ex- Current position of
ecution stop automatically at these points in debug mode. the Debugger
You can then go through the test case step by step, analyze
complex hierarchical test steps in depth or execute them as
a whole. The current variable values are always visible and Breakpoint

can be changed during the debugging process to ensure

that the tests run with correct variables. Step-by-step execu- The Debugger lets
tion supports fast, efficient error-finding because you can you go through your
investigate specific potential error sources. test sequence step
by step.

The toolbar of

Disabling Tests and Test Steps

AutomationDesk makes it considerably easier to verify test
sequences while they are being developed. You can disable
single test steps or sequences by commenting them out.
This is extremely helpful when identifying errors.

Disabling test steps.

Test Automation Software / AutomationDesk

Evaluating Data with the Evaluation Library

With AutomationDesk's Evaluation library, you can analyze
recorded data and compare it with reference data. This
helps you to find values that exceed or are below the de-
fined limits. For example, you can specify upper and lower
bounds to evaluate whether a specific signal is above or
below them, outside a gap, or inside a corridor. The signal,
the reference signal, the bounds, and the evaluation result
are plotted and reported automatically.

Many other kinds of signal manipulation are also possible:

Binary operations (addition, multiplication, less than, etc.)
Calculating gradients and integrals
Shifting, cropping, and resampling signals
„„ The recorded data can be compared with the reference data.
Calculating the minimum value, mean value, minimum
delta x, etc.

Test Automation Software / AutomationDesk

Test Project Management in AutomationDesk

Managing Project Data
AutomationDesk’s Project Manager is the ideal way to or-
ganize the sequences, data, and results of test projects.
Tests are reproducible so they can be executed repeatedly
to perform regression testing, for example. Tests can be ar-
ranged according to the functions under test, the ECUs in
a network, the development stages, and the users involved
in a project.

Project Manager in AutomationDesk.

Offline Test Execution & Development

AutomationDesk’s libraries can be set to offline mode, so
tests that use them are executable even if the required ex-
ternal software or hardware is not available. The test steps
then use default behavior to enable test execution. For ex-
ample, tests can be executed when no hardware-in-the-loop
simulator is connected to AutomationDesk. You can define
the return values for the default behavior yourself, or record
them in an online test execution run.
Libraries in AutomationDesk.

Automatic Report Generation

AutomationDesk can automatically generate report docu-
mentation based on the test results. You can select from
a library of report test steps (such as AddText, AddTable,
or AddPicture) to specify the report's contents. The report
begins with statistics on all the test results. You can produce
a detailed report, or a brief report that helps you judge the
current quality of an ECU at a glance. Additionally, there
are various options for controlling the level of detail and the
format of the reports. Reports are usually generated in HTML
or PDF format, but almost any kind of output format can be The Test Builder report provides a clear and structured
generated with user-defined XML style sheets. overview of all test cases.

Version Control of Projects and Custom Libraries Version control interface.

With the AutomationDesk version control interface, you can
integrate version control systems that have the Microsoft®
Source Code Control (SCC) interface, such as PTC® Integrity,
Apache Subversion (SVN)1), or IBM® Rational® ClearCase®, etc.

2018 1)
Requires an installation of the SCC API plug-in from PushOk Software.
Test Automation Software / AutomationDesk

Automated HIL Testing, Diagnostics & Calibration

from a Single Source
ASAM-compliant access for dSPACE and third-party
n Diagnostics and hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing are
tools brought together in AutomationDesk. You can use it to
n No need to update test sequences during tool ex- remote-control and automate the diagnostics functionality
change of ControlDesk, dSPACE’s universal experiment software.
Calibration and diagnostic functions based on
n This means you have a completely integrated tool chain
ControlDesk tool automation for HIL testing, ECU calibration, measurement tasks, and
n Powerful and easy to use diagnostics from a single source. Compatibility problems
n Convenient access to fault memory: e.g., Direct are a thing of the past.
Read DTCs, Direct Clear DTC, Direct Clear All DTCs

AutomationDesk can be used to automate

and remote-control ControlDesk’s ODX- AutomationDesk
Remote Remote
based diagnostic functionality, and to au- Calibration (COM) Diagnostics (COM) ControlDesk
tomate measurement and calibration tasks. Library Library

It accesses ControlDesk via the ASAM MCD-

ASAM MCD-3 MC ASAM MCD-3 D Tool Automation
3 automation interface or, far more conve-
MCD-3 Automation Interface
niently, via ControlDesk's tool automation
library. You can build test sequences graphi- ASAM MCD-2 MC ASAM MCD-2 D
cally in the familiar way in AutomationDesk, ECU ECU
Interface Diagnostics
using the Remote Diagnostics (COM) library Database Module Module Database

or the Remote Calibration (COM) library. Measurement and calibration Diagnostic protocol, e.g.
interfaces or protocols, Unified Diagnostic Services (UDS),
These are AutomationDesk libraries of test e.g., CCP, XCP, ... KWP2000 on CAN,
KWP2000 on K-Line
steps for automating access to ControlDesk’s

diagnostics, measurement, and calibration

functionalities. Application example: AutomationDesk and ControlDesk with MCD-3 automation
Successfully integrating ECU diagnostics into interface, the ECU Interface Module, and the ECU Diagnostics Module for ECU access
the hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing of via calibration and diagnostic interfaces during test automation.
ECU software is becoming more and more
important. AutomationDesk is a standard solution for measurement and calibration tools which comply with
automated HIL testing that can address a variety of soft- the ASAM MCD-3 MC standard, like ETAS INCA or Vector
ware tools. These include ControlDesk from dSPACE and CANape.
DTS from Softing (standard AutomationDesk), but also

All Tools from One Source

By using ControlDesk and AutomationDesk, you avoid the nostic tools from a single source, with no complications.
compatibility problems that often arise when tools from The smooth interaction between AutomationDesk and
different vendors have to be integrated. dSPACE offers ControlDesk gives you maximum convenience and func-
you HIL systems plus measurement, calibration, and diag- tionality for successful HIL testing.

It is also possible to access dSPACE hardware (requires the ControlDesk standard package, please see 2018
product information "ControlDesk").
Test Automation Software / AutomationDesk

Test Automation
Well-Planned Libraries for Reusability
To run HIL test systems efficiently in terms of time and cost, The objective is to create basic test steps, save them to
test automation has to be planned carefully. Usually thou- libraries and reuse them for other tests.
sands of relevant tests have to be defined and handled. This is achieved by generic, nonredundant basic test steps,
combined with a suitable library concept. These can be
reused – for example, for subsequent vehicle generations
– with only a few modifications.

Building a Good Library Concept for Test Automation

dSPACE Engineering Services has years of experience in The services include:
creating library concepts. „„Defining test processes
So when you build your library concept, you can call on our „„Implementing projects
Engineering Services to help you get started in test auto- „„Resident engineers
mation. The dSPACE engineers will help you set up a test „„Creating the test template
automation infrastructure, including the library concept. „„Creating the library concept
You will benefit from their knowledge of the hardware and „„Providing exemplary test implementations
software and from their accumulated project experience. „„Managing data and results
„„Integrating third-party software
„„Connecting the test software to existing tools

of tests
Successful test

Additional test
New HIL project -> re-organisation
-> adaption of tests Saturation

New ECU variant

-> test variants needed

Working without a library

concept, gives you quick
Start of test
results, but is not efficient
implementation enough in the long run.
and execution
The initial investments for
Development of
systematic test Time
a good library concept pays
automation concept for itself in terms of efficiency
and cost-savings.

Test Automation Software / AutomationDesk

Tool Interfaces
Support of the XIL API Standard
Independent of Specific Simulation Hardware Advantages for Users
The ASAM XIL API V2.0 standard is the next generation The Platform API Package for
of the ASAM HIL API standard. The XIL Model Access port AutomationDesk supports the
(MAPort) supports test bench access at all stages of the Version 2.0 of the XIL API stan-
function development process: MIL (model-in-the-loop), SIL dard. The dSPACE test automa-
(software-in-the-loop), PIL (processor-in-the-loop) and HIL tion software makes it easier to
(hardware-in-the-loop) simulation. The XIL Electrical Error use tests with any HIL simulator.
Simulation port (EESPort) in ASAM XIL controls electrical error This increases test reuse, help-
simulation hardware. It lets you set different types of errors. ing to protect investments and
reduce development costs and
The XIL API standardizes the interface between test hard- time. Moreover, you only have to
ware and software. It lets developers reuse test cases and buy one program and learn how
decouples test automation software from test hardware. to operate it – even if you want
You can: to access different simulators.
n Reuse automated tests on test systems from different
n Reduce training costs for employees
n Improve the transfer of know-how from one test bench
to another

XIL API Support in Platform API Package XIL API Support in Failure Simulation Package
The Platform API Package supports the MAPort implementa- n XIL API EESPort (Electrical Error Simulation Port) imple-
tion of the XIL API standard to access a simulation platform: mented in .NET, in compliance with the ASAM XIL API
n Configure the simulation platform EESPort standard
n Read and write to scalar and vectorized variables n Access to all dSPACE Failure Insertion Units in automa-
n Capture data by using complex trigger conditions tion scenarios from your own test scripts and applica-
n Stimulate variables of a real-time application via a sig- tions
nal description set, such as the Signal Editor Module in n FIU tracing, i.e., monitoring of error set switch de-
ControlDesk mands via real-time variable to allow cause-and-effect
analysis in FIU tests
n Watcher-based switching of error sets according to
model variable states

XIL API Vendor Switch XIL API Convenience Library

n Easy switching between vendor-specific XIL API imple- n Quick, convenient XIL-API-based operations – detailed
mentations XIL API background information not required
n Convenient exchange of object models from different n Easy handling of read/write/capture/signal generator
vendors actions
n Easy to use blocks for failure simulation control

Test Automation Software / AutomationDesk

Interfaces to dSPACE Tools

ControlDesk ModelDesk
Convenient, comprehensive access to all ControlDesk fea- ModelDesk tool automation as preparation for ADAS
tures for: tests
„„ Measurement and calibration Remote control of ModelDesk to handle parameters,
„„ Diagnostics roads, maneuvers and traffic
„„ Open project/experiment
Real-Time Testing „„ Activate parameter set
„„Real-Time Testing library for convenient script management Access to parameter handling
„„Easy integration into AutomationDesk tests „„ Modify parameters
„„ Download parameters
MotionDesk Access to road and maneuver handling
Remote-control MotionDesk
„„ „„ Activate and download roads
Support of camera-based ADAS tests
„„ „„ Activate and download maneuvers
„„ Modify road and maneuver parameters (surface
conditions, velocities)

Interfaces to Third-Party Tools

AutomationDesk can also integrate third-party tools, such ASAM interface
as CANscope, CANstress, CANoe, and CANalyzer from „„Access to calibration tools like ControlDesk, ETAS
Vector. Please contact dSPACE for details on supported INCA, and Vector CANape, via ASAM MCD-3 MC
third-party tools. dSPACE also has experience in connect- „„Access to diagnostics tools like ControlDesk via ASAM
ing AutomationDesk to third-party hardware-in-the-loop MCD-3 D
systems, provided the systems support the XIL API standard „„Access to simulation platforms via ASAM XIL MAPort
properly, and offers engineering support on request. „„Access to failure simulation systems via ASAM XIL
Implementation examples (e.g., VISA Access Library, Au- EESPort
tomationDesk CANoe Library) can be found in the Test
Automation Software Support Center. The entry gate is MATLAB Access to the MATLAB Command Window
Data exchange between AutomationDesk and MATLAB
Remote execution of MATLAB commands
Use of M files and MAT files

Test Automation Software / AutomationDesk

Integration of AutomationDesk in Typical Tool Chains

Connection to dSPACE SYNECT
SYNECT is a data management and collaboration software test results, etc.) it also handles data dependencies, versions
that focuses on model-based development and ECU testing. and variants, as well as links to the underlying requirements.
Designed to help you manage data throughout the entire SYNECT Test Management is a SYNECT module which gives
development process (models, signals, parameters, tests, you a convenient connection to AutomationDesk.

 Test specification and management

in SYNECT Test Management


Requirements SYNECT Test Management Steps

Execution Results

 Test implementation and execution

in AutomationDesk



Off-the-Shelf Integration with AutomationDesk Test Planning and Execution

You can use implemented test cases in AutomationDesk SYNECT Test Management easily integrates with test
projects or libraries as a source for test cases in SYNECT automation tools such as AutomationDesk from dSPACE
Test Management. and BTC EmbeddedTester®. It does this via adapters that
control the test automation tool.
Importing Requirements, Specifications, and Tests To carry out tests, you can set up execution plans contain-
You can import existing tests into SYNECT Test Management ing test cases and add tests to them. An execution plan is
to define your tests and collect source data from several a list of tests that have to be executed. It can be based on
tools: various criteria: For example, it can include all your tests for
n Test lists from Microsoft® Excel® one variant or for one ECU function.
n Test implementations from AutomationDesk,
BTC EmbeddedTester®, MATLAB®, or Python

Test Automation Software / AutomationDesk

Remote-Controlled Test Runs

COM Interface
AutomationDesk has a COM-based application program- Designing interactive user interfaces: You can create your
ming interface (API) for remote-controlling and automating own test UIs to reduce complexity, for example.
selected AutomationDesk functions. These are some of its Connecting other tools to AutomationDesk: For example,
typical use cases: parameterize your test data in Microsoft® Excel® and call
„„ Programming batch processes (with Python, Visual Basic, the AutomationDesk test sequences from Excel.
C++, etc.): You can program flexible control structures
which skip single test sequences if necessary or execute
test projects successively.

Example of a client application for test execution via

the COM interface.

XML Test Exchange Format

AutomationDesk supports the import and export of projects, Use Cases
folders, tests, and custom libraries as XML files. Using XML XML files open up numerous new application options, such as:
to import and export test descriptions means that tests can „„Reading and reviewing tests without AutomationDesk
be exchanged between different test tools. For example, to „„Converting tests into different file formats
be imported from a third-party tool or from a proprietary „„Migrating tests that were created with proprietary tools
test description, a test simply needs to be converted into into AutomationDesk
AutomationDesk's XML format. „„Generating tests from third-party tools, such as Microsoft®
Excel®, and integrating them into AutomationDesk


Third-party or
proprietary test
Converter/XSLT Excel-to-AutomationDesk
style sheet converter
Import XML

Test Automation Software / AutomationDesk

AutomationDesk – Automation Server

AutomationDesk – Automation Server is a server variant
without a graphical user interface. The Automation Server
is accessed and remote-controlled via the COM/DCOM in-
terface, so the same functions are available as for the full
version of AutomationDesk. This run-time version has the
advantage of reduced license costs, making it useful wher-
ever the comprehensive functions of the full version are
not required, for example, in automated test execution on
hardware-in-the-loop simulators.

AutomationDesk – Basic Version AutomationDesk – Automation Server

 Development environment for tests  Tool variant without graphical user interface
 Developing libraries  Planning, parameterizing and executing
 Test execution existing tests
 Note: To access dSPACE platforms,  Client applications: batch scripts, Excel,
you need the Platform API Package. operator UI, test management tools like
SYNECT Test Management, etc.

AutomationDesk –
Automation Server

Test Automation Software / Real-Time Testing

Real-Time Testing
Python-based real-time test automation

100% reproducible real-time tests executed synchro-
nously with simulation model
Several independent test scripts can be executed
No model modification necessary for real-time testing
Easy integration into user-defined test frameworks
(AutomationDesk or others)
Support of all dSPACE platforms1) including VEOS,
dSPACE’s platform for PC-based offline simulation

Key Benefits
Automated testing is usually performed by executing tests options with dSPACE Simulator. Reactive tests which respond
on a standard PC connected to the hardware-in-the-loop to changes in model variables within the same simulation step
(HIL) system. However, this method often cannot cope where can be implemented. Time measurements in tests are also
greater timing precision is required – for example, if ECU far more precise, as there are no latencies in communication.
interaction has to be captured and responded to within just Simulation step size is now the only limit to the maximum
milliseconds. Real-Time Testing with its Python scripts for real- time resolution of measurements. Real-time test scripts do not
time testing is the answer. The scripts run on the simulation only run on HIL systems but also on VEOS, dSPACE's platform
platform, e.g., a dSPACE HIL system. They run synchronously for PC-based offline simulation. Therefore you can reuse the
with the model, so all test actions are performed on a real- test scrips seamlessly throughout the entire development
time basis – 100% reproducibly. This opens up expanded test process – from virtual validation to HIL simulation.

Example Use Cases for Real-Time Testing

n Testing reactivity in a range of milliseconds
n Time-precise stimulation of several model signals including
a replay of measured data
n Time-precise observation of model changes
n Reliable determination of minimum and maximum values
of model variables
n Python-based restbus simulation MicroAutoBox HIL Simulator
n Exact replay of recorded bus communication
(for example, CAN data replay)
n Parallel execution of multiple, independent real-time tests

Real-time-capable Python interpreter Simulation Model Real-Time Scripts

for processor board and MicroAutoBox.
2018 1)
Except DS1104.
Test Automation Software / Real-Time Testing

Functionality Overview
Functionality Description
Real-time testing Real-time test management via scripting and dedicated graphical user interface
Real-Time Testing library in AutomationDesk for convenient script management
Model variables can be observed and changed in every simulation step
No model modification necessary for real-time testing
100% reproducible real-time tests in Python „„Tests are executed synchronously with simulation model
„„Real-time tests implemented in Python (user-extensible via libraries)
„„Concurrent execution of several independent test scripts
„„Dynamic test loading during model execution and test execution
„„Read and write access to model variables in every simulation step
Key features Easy integration into user-defined test frameworks (AutomationDesk or others)
Use of measured data such as MAT files located on host PC for real-time stimulation of model variables
NEW: Data streaming now also supports ASAM MDF files (Version 4.x), the established ASAM
measurement data format
Python objects can be easily exchanged between real-time tests and the PC Python script
Seamless support of all dSPACE platforms1)
NEW: Support of DS6001 Processor Board and simulation on a remote simulator with VEOS
Virtual ECU (V-ECU) support
Stimulation and monitoring of signals and variables in V-ECUs
Sending and monitoring of CAN and CAN-FD frames (based on RTI CAN MultiMessage Blockset or Bus
Except DS1104.

Order Information

Product Order Number

Real-Time Testing RTT

Relevant Software

Software Order Number

Optional VEOS Please see the VEOS product information.
AutomationDesk Basic AUD_BASIC
AutomationDesk – Automation Server AUS_BASIC
Platform API Package PLATFORM_API
Failure Simulation Package FAILURE_SIM
Real-Time Testing Observer Library RTT_OBSERVER_LIB

Test Automation Software / Real-Time Testing

Real-Time-Capable Python Interpreter

A real-time Python interpreter, running on the processor already running. The tests run synchronously and in parallel
board along with the model, allows the script to execute to the engine and vehicle dynamics models, for example
synchronously with the model. The interpreter can execute on a HIL system.
several real-time tests simultaneously and independently of
one another. The tests can interact with the simulation model
in real time via the memory on the processor board. You can
therefore observe and influence the ECUs connected to the
HIL simulator in each individual simulation step.
In the default configuration, the Python interpreter is acti-
vated on the platforms. You can formulate real-time tests
using standard Python scripts from the Real-Time Testing
libraries, e.g., for accessing model variables and executing
several test branches within one real-time test in parallel.
You can also create your own Python libraries and reuse
them in several tests. The tests you have created can be
loaded from the PC to the dSPACE simulation platform and
executed regardless of whether another real-time test is Managing real-time tests with the Real-Time Test Manager.

Real-Time Observer
A common test case is to detect an event generated by
the real-time model. An event is specified by a condition velocity
referencing one or more real-time model variables. As soon 80
as the event has been detected, a test action is triggered in 60
the same sample step. In this example, the real-time script 40
observes the speed of a simulated vehicle and reacts by 20
performing an emergency stop maneuver immediately when 0 t
t detect
the vehicle speed exceeds 80 km/h. This test case can be
easily implemented by a real-time Python script. The condi-
tion is observed continuously within a While loop. The yield 100
command pauses the test execution, which resumes in the 75
next simulation step. This means the script can easily be 50
time-controlled. When the speed exceeds 80 km/h, the While
0 t
loop is left, and the brake maneuver is initiated by setting t detect
the associated model parameter in the same simulation step.

Test Automation Software / Real-Time Testing

Implementing a real-time test in Python.

Implementing Real-Time Stimulus

In many test scenarios, recorded data for ECU stimulation example, if the real-time test requires data to be replayed
has to be replayed with correct timing. For this, Python exactly 50 ms after a specific CAN message is received, a
real-time scripts can perform precisely timed stimulus gen- simple replay command in the Python script triggers the
eration on predefined model variables. Another example is real-time-capable data transport from the PC to the real-time
a sine generator that can be implemented by means of the hardware so that the data is replayed in time. The automatic
standard sine functionality of Python’s math module (see load mechanism supports the replay of large data volumes,
scripting example below). such as test drive log files that are several hundred MB in
Recorded measurement data can also be replayed via an size. Several replay processes can run simultaneously, and
intelligent load mechanism, in which the Python real-time they can all be controlled independently of one another. In
script references a recorded file (MAT file or ASAM MDF file a multiprocessor system, it is even possible to stimulate on
(Version 4.x)) on the PC's hard disk. The script links data several subnodes time-synchronously.
vectors in the file to the target parameters in the model. For

Example of a real-time script that triggers a sine generation.

Test Automation Software / Real-Time Testing

Implementing CAN Restbus Simulation

To program CAN and CAN FD restbus simulation, Real- and executed on the real-time hardware as required and
Time Testing is conveniently integrated with the RTI CAN no longer need to be a static part of the simulation model.
MultiMessage Blockset and the Bus Manager. The blockset An example test scenario (see picture below) is the moni-
contains an option for preparing CAN access for Real-Time toring of an analog input signal. When a defined trigger
Testing, so real-time scripts are able to send and receive CAN threshold (e.g., 14.7 V) is exceeded, a predefined CAN mes-
messages with freely definable CAN IDs and contents. For sage is sent cyclically every 50 ms until the value goes below
bus simulations configured by the Bus Manager, the real-time the threshold again. Another application example is taking
access is always provided. This makes it very easy to test CAN communication that was recorded during a test drive
case-specific via restbus simulation. These dynamic restbus and replaying it in the laboratory with correct timing.
parts (like ECU-specific CAN test messages) can be loaded

Input_Voltage [V]


15 14.7 V


50 ms 50 ms

0 t

CAN-Msg #1 CAN-Msg #2 CAN-Msg #3 A real-time script continuously evaluates a model variable

t = 500 ms t = 550 ms t =600 ms
and reacts by sending cyclic CAN TX messages.

1. Import Real-Time Testing libraries (RTI CAN MultiMessage

Library, etc.).
2. Generate the variable object of the voltage to be monitored.
3. Select the CAN send controller.
4. Define the send message with the real-time test.
5. Help function for precise time measurement (for later
transmission of CAN messages at exact time intervals).
6. Real-time test sequence: Check the voltage once per simulation
step and react by sending a cyclic CAN message.

Implementation of a CAN test scenario.

Test Automation Software / Real-Time Testing

Implementing Real-Time Tests for Multiprocessor

Today, HIL integration tests are executed on multiprocessor by the Python test scripts during model run time, instead
(MP) systems where submodels for the engine, transmission, of being created statically in advance by the modeler. Local
restbus simulation, etc., are distributed across several proces- and remote variables can both be accessed during testing:
sor boards to ensure real-time capability. Real-Time Testing Specifying the unique MP variable path is enough. This en-
provides transparent variable access in the MP system so that sures that the real-time tests can be executed on different
real-time scripts can be implemented independently of the MP nodes without modifications. They are implemented
structure of the HIL model. The communication channels once and run everywhere.
needed between the processor boards are set up dynamically

VEOS and Virtual ECU Support

Real-Time Testing (RTT) supports VEOS, dSPACE's PC-based to VEOS' numerous functionalities, which among others
simulation platform, and can also be used in virtual ECUs include early function tests and increased test capabilities
(V-ECUs). With the help of RTT, VEOS users are able to compared to testing with real ECUs.
monitor and stimulate signals and variables in V-ECUs time-
synchronously. This feature comes as a useful supplement

Real-Time Testing is also available for VEOS, dSPACE's PC-based simulation platform.

Test Automation Software / Real-Time Testing

Real-Time Test Library in AutomationDesk

AutomationDesk includes a block library for convenient
handling of real-time test sequences. The library lets you
automate your management of Real-Time Testing (RTT) tasks
with the data objects and test steps of the AutomationDesk
Real-Time Testing library. This is the key to integrating Real-
Time Testing into your existing graphical test environment.

Real-Time Testing library in AutomationDesk.

Test Automation Software / RTT Observer Library

Real-Time Testing Observer Library

Monitor safety-critical requirements continuously in real time

Real-time validation for supplementing classic test
Greater test depth for safety-critical applications
Optimal integration and cross-platform use

Application Areas Key Benefits

Safety-critical applications are common in many kinds of By integrating the RTT Observer Library and BTC Embed-
fields, such as automotives, aerospace, medical engineer- dedSpecifier in the dSPACE tool chain, you can supplement
ing, and manufacturing. Even when complexity is high, any existing model-in-the-loop (MIL), software-in-the-loop
the functionality needs to be guaranteed and formally vali- (SIL) or hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) environment with ob-
dated as, for example, recommended by the ISO 26262 servers to continuously validate safety-critical requirements
standard for testing the functional safety of road vehicles. in real time. This combination of test methods increases the
By using the Real-Time Testing (RTT) Observer Library, you achievable test depth enormously, within the same amount
can use requirement observers that were created with BTC of time. The optimal integration into the dSPACE tool chain
EmbeddedSpecifier on dSPACE platforms to continuously for HIL and virtual validation lets you work comfortably in
monitor your requirements. a familiar environment.

Efficient Tool Chain

This solution for continuously monitoring safety-critical re- dSPACE platform – SCALEXIO, DS1006-based HIL
quirements uses a combination of various tools, which can simulators, or VEOS – the right platform for each test
vary from application to application. This involves any of phase.
the following tools (see also p. 29): ControlDesk – The universal, modular experiment and
instrumentation software. Requirement observer-specific
n Real-Time Testing Observer Library – Take requirement layouts and the ability to load, start, and stop observers
observers generated with BTC EmbeddedSpecifier® and lets you monitor the state of each requirement through-
execute them on dSPACE platforms. out the entire execution. If any requirement is violated,
BTC EmbeddedSpecifier – Transfer informal require-
n this is shown directly in the layout.
ments into a formal representation and then into require- AutomationDesk – The powerful tool for test author-
ment observers, even without expert know-how. This ing and automation. The monitored requirements are
formal, tool-supported method also increases the qua- checked in line with the defined test workflow. The test
lity of the requirements. reports also include the results from the observers, so
it is easy to trace the reasons for any requirement viola-
Test Automation Software / RTT Observer Library

Functionality Overview
Functionality Description
General Execution of requirement observers, generated by BTC EmbeddedSpecifier, on dSPACE platforms
Continuous validation of requirements during test scenarios
Requirement observers can be added to the running model execution as independent routines.
Recompilations of the model are not necessary.
Setup package (additionally provided with RTT Observer ControlDesk layout generator
Library license) AutomationDesk test template
BTC Observer Simulink® block
Product documentation
Demo files
Supported dSPACE platforms SCALEXIO, SCALEXIO MC/MP1)
DS1006, DS1006 MC/MP1)

Order Information

Product Order Number

Real-Time Testing Observer Library RTT_OBSERVER_LIB

Relevant Software and Hardware

Software Order Number

Included Setup package (see table "Functionality Overview")
„„ –
Required BTC EmbeddedSpecifier®
„„ Please see
Optional ControlDesk
„„ Please see the ControlDesk product information.
„„ See p. 4
„„ Please see the VEOS product information.

Hardware Order Number

Optional SCALEXIO1)-based real-time simulation system
„„ Please see the SCALEXIO product information.
DS10061)-based real-time simulation system
„„ Please see the DS1006 product information.

28 1)
Multicore and multi-processing support limited to observers that operate on core-local variables.
Test Automation Software / RTT Observer Library

Tool Chain Overview

Validating safety-critical requirements on a dSPACE platform permanently with generated, real-time-capable observers.

Example: Integration in ControlDesk

Full overview at a glance: Requirement observers can be started, stopped, loaded, and reset. Compliance with require-
ments (green), non-compliance (red), and not yet evaluated observers due to unmatched preconditions (grey) are visible

Test Automation Software / Platform API Package

Platform API Package

Application programming interfaces for connecting to dSPACE platforms

n Package containing automation libraries for accessing
dSPACE systems
High-level libraries for convenient platform manage-
ment and simulation model access
Access to dSPACE real-time platforms and dSPACE
Support of Python or any .NET-compliant language
Compliant to ASAM XIL API standard

Key Benefits
n The Platform API Package is a set of libraries to access and Create your own test scripts and test automation applica-
manage dSPACE real-time platforms and dSPACE VEOS. tions to access parameters and signals in your simulation
It provides a convenient way to download, start and stop n Automation interface to MATLAB®, e.g., for data processing
models and also grants high-level access to the model
variables for reading, writing, stimulating, capturing, etc.

XIL API support in .NET Platform Management API

Programming interface that complies with the ASAM
n Programming interface for downloading, starting and
XIL API standard for accessing the simulation model stopping a model running on a dSPACE real-time platform
n MAPort support including read, write, and capture access or dSPACE VEOS
plus stimulus support for most dSPACE platforms
n Port management: e.g., for loading applications and MATLABLIB2
setting the simulation state Remote-control MATLAB to use its powerful mathematical
n XIL framework variable support, including unit conver- function, e.g., for signal processing
sion, supports advanced variable mapping features.
This allows an improved decoupling of test scripts from
simulation models, hence a better reuse of test scripts.

Test Automation Software / Platform API Package

Order Information

Product Order Number

Platform API Package PLATFORM_API

Relevant Software

Software Order Number

Optional AutomationDesk Basic
AutomationDesk – Automation Server
Failure Simulation Package

Real-Time Testing
„„ RTT

Test Automation Software / Failure Simulation Package

Failure Simulation Package

Interface to dSPACE Failure Insertion Units

Automation libraries and graphical user interface for
dSPACE Failure Insertion Units (FIUs)
ASAM XIL API EESPort-compliant implementation
ControlDesk front end for interactive FIU handling
Easy-to-use AutomationDesk libraries
Flexible integration into user-defined test frameworks
based on Python, C# or any other .NET-compliant

Key Benefits
The Failure Simulation Package gives you quick and easy If you use dSPACE ControlDesk, the Failure Simulation Pack-
access to ASAM XIL-compliant failure simulation units. It age offers an ASAM XIL API EESPort-compliant graphical
provides API access according to the ASAM XIL API Electrical user interface component that is available when the Failure
Error Simulation port (EESPort) and uniform access to all Simulation Package is installed.
dSPACE failure simulation systems.
High-level libraries for convenient failure simulation access
are available in .NET and can be used in Python, C#, and
any other .NET-compliant programming language.

ASAM XIL-Compliant
With the Failure Simulation Package, the features of the
ASAM XIL standard are available in dSPACE products.

The Failure Simulation Package user interface in


Test Automation Software / Failure Simulation Package

Module Overview

Failure Simulation Package

GUI in ControlDesk AutomationDesk

Clients Python

Server XIL API EESPort

(Access to ASAM XIL-compliant FIU hardware)

Hardware dSPACE dSPACE

(dSPACE Simulator Full-Size Simulator Mid-Size


n Programming interface for accessing Failure Insertion Units
Uniform support of all dSPACE Failure Insertion Units
Automated configuration and switching of XIL API
error configurations
Monitoring of error set switch demands via real-time
variable allows cause-and-effect analysis in Failure Inser-
tion Unit tests
ASAM XIL API EESPort-compliant software trigger sup-
port enables fast and precisely timed switching of error
sets according to model variable states

Test Automation Software / Failure Simulation Package

XIL API EESPort GUI in ControlDesk

„„Successor to ControlDesk’s Failure Simulation Module The XIL API EESPort GUI not only provides for a convenient
„„Interactive graphical configuration of error configura- control of electrical failure insertion hardware, it also allows
tions and error sets compliant to ASAM AE XIL API for an interactive graphical configuration of error sets and
standard (EESPort) error configurations directly from ControlDesk, which acts as
„„Requires ControlDesk a XIL API EESPort client. Through compliance with the ASAM
„„NEW: Grouping and filtering with meaningful icons in XIL API standard, this solution offers uniform support for
ControlDesk's EESPort Configurations controlbar all dSPACE SCALEXIO and PHS Failure Insertion Units (FIU).
„„NEW: Lists of valid parameters and highlighting of
invalid configurations in ControlDesk

Definition of various error sets with the XIL API EESPort user interface in ControlDesk.

Test Automation Software / Failure Simulation Package

AutomationDesk Client
n Convenient and easy-to-use AutomationDesk library
blocks for FIU automation
n Uniform function blocks for any FIU that complies with
the ASAM XIL standard
n NEW: User interface for configuration in Automa-
tionDesk with lists of valid parameters and validation

Order Information

Product Order Number

Failure Simulation Package FAILURE_SIM

Relevant Software

Software Order Number

Optional AutomationDesk AUD_BASIC
ControlDesk Please see the ControlDesk product information.
Platform API Package PLATFORM_API


© Copyright 2018 by dSPACE GmbH.

All rights reserved. Written permission is required for reproduction of all or parts of this publication. The source must
be stated in any such reproduction. dSPACE is continually improving its products and reserves the right to alter
the specifications of the products at any time without notice. "ConfigurationDesk", "ControlDesk", "dSPACE",
"Embedded Success dSPACE", "Green Success", "MicroAutoBox", "MicroLabBox", "ProMINT", "SCALEXIO", "SYNECT",
"SystemDesk", "TargetLink", and "VEOS" are trademarks or registered trademarks of dSPACE GmbH in the United
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