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USOO8621541 B2

(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,621,541 B2

Ullman et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Dec. 31, 2013
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Primary Examiner — Kieu Oanh T Bui
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Maintaining a file specifying a "donut' of dynamic, hierar
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(58) Field of Classification Search server programs, and other applications for use in routing
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See application file for complete search history. 30 Claims, 11 Drawing Sheets



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Eitz, "Combiners for Videotext Signals'. Broadcast Technology Mosaic and the Web, Advance Proceedings, vol. 1. (Oct. 17-20,
Reports, translation of vol. 28(6), XP002182048, Nordestedt, Ger 1994), 315.
many, (Nov. 1984), 273-289. Yu, Phillip S., et al., “Design and analysis of a look-ahead scheduling
Gillich, S., et al., “ATVEF Integration with DVB Using IP/MPE”. Scheme to Support pause-resume for video-on-demand applications'.
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<URL: www.atvef.com/library/atvef-dub-bindingR8.html>, (Dec.
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Fig. 1




Fig. 2
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Fig. 3
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Fig. 6
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US 8,621,541 B2
1. 2
ENHANCED VIDEO PROGRAMMING is further needed is a system and method for distributing
SYSTEMAND METHOD UTILIZING content with that mechanism combining television program
USER-PROFILEINFORMATION ming with Internet resources.

This application is a Continuation of U.S. application Ser. Systems consistent with the present invention combine
No. 09/409,305, filed on Sep. 29, 1999, which is incorporated broadcast television programming and/or video program
herein by reference in its entirety. ming which appears on a VHS or Beta tape, CD-ROM, DVD
The following United States patents are incorporated 10 or other medium, or particular content from the Internet, or
herein by reference in their entirety: U.S. Pat. No. 6.513,069, Video programming at a video server (hereinafter “video pro
entitled “ENHANCED VIDEO PROGRAMMING SYS gramming') with the massive Internet, creating a new and
TEMAND METHOD FOR PROVIDINGADISTRIBUTED powerful educational and entertainment medium. The system
allows consumers to receive more information in a more
COMMUNITY NETWORK"; and U.S. Pat. No. 7,120,871, 15 efficient manner than either television or the Internet alone.
entitled “ENHANCED VIDEO PROGRAMMING SYS Consumers not only can see a news report on television, but
TEMAND METHOD UTILIZING AWEB PAGE STAG they can also read pertinent information about the report, as
ING AREA well as explore related information about the story. The pro
gram becomes the introduction to a particular Subject, rather
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION than the entire Subject itself. The act of viewing a program has
now become a more engaging, enriching experience.
Today, the capabilities of computers to provide massive The system can also create a more intimate relationship
amounts of educational and entertainment information has between the viewer and the program. The user might be
exploded with the Internet. The Internet has the power to Solving problems or performing virtual experiments on the
transform Society through unprecedented levels of informa 25 Internet site that a teacher is discussing in an educational
tion flow between members. Currently, on-line systems offer television program. Similarly, the consumer might be solving
a variety of different services to users, including news feeds, problems that the fictional characters in a television program
electronic databases (either searchable by the user directly on must solve. In both cases, the consumer is an active partici
the on-line system, or downloadable to the user's own com pant in the process, rather than a passive observer.
puter), private message services, electronic newsletters, real 30 Instead of an undirected and unfocused exploration of
time games for play by several users at the same time, and job Internet sites, by Synching specific Internet pages to the video
placement services, to name a few. However, today, most signal, the system puts the Internet in context. The television
on-line communications occur merely through text. This cur program producers now can decide what additional informa
tion to offer their audience. This material can now be seen in
rently stands in great contrast to the audio/visual presentation 35 the context of the television program.
of the alternative electronic medium, television. However, it An additional advantage is that consumers don't have to
is expected that as multi-media's incessant growth continues, search through the literally hundreds of millions of pages on
audio/visual programs will proliferate and text will become the Internet to find appropriate material. The material has
less and less dominant in the on-line environment. Even already been filtered by the program producers and delivered
though these programs will be introduced, the Internet, will 40 to the consumer automatically.
remain essentially user unfriendly due to its very massive Another advantage of the system is that it changes the
ness, organization, and randomness. Simply stated, there is nature of advertising. Since additional information can be
no order or direction in the Internet. Specific pieces of infor given to consumers automatically, advertising can now be
mation are many times hard to find, and harder yet, is the more Substantive, allowing customers to make more informed
ability to put that piece of information into a meaningful 45 choices. Now, the act of purchasing a product seen on televi
COInteXt. sion can be streamlined—the consumer can be given the
Television, on the other hand, has been criticized for being choice of buying the product instantly using the two-way
a passive medium "chewing gum for the eyes,” as Fred capabilities of the system.
Allen once observed. Television has always been something In addition, users can take advantage of the two-way capa
you watched, not something you do. Many social critics 50 bilities of the Internet to respond to polls, to send e-mail or to
believe that the passivity television depends on has seeped link to additional sites. For example, a viewer watching a
into our entire culture, turning a nation of citizens into a television news program, through the system of the invention,
nation of viewers. While interactive television systems have can receive a stream of Web pages which provide additional,
increased the level of user interaction, and thus, provided specific information relating to the news content—whether
greater learning and entertainment opportunities, vast infor 55 background on the Presidential primaries or the latest change
in interest rates.
mation resources such as databases are inaccessible from
Such a medium. The video programming and corresponding Internet pages
can be viewed on personal computers equipped with a tele
What is needed is a means to close the gap between video vision card, but the open software-based approach enables
programming and the information Superhighway of the Inter 60 anyone with a television set and JAVA enabled PC to experi
net. What is needed is a wider, richer experience integrating ence the system of the invention.
audio/visual and textual database elements into an organized By marrying the appeal of video with the two-way data
unique interactive, educational, entertainment experience. transfer capabilities of the Internet, the system creates a pow
Currently, the Internet is a repository of information on vir erful new medium: Video producers and Internet site creators
tually any Subject. However, what is needed is a mechanism 65 can enhance their content to extend their brand identity and
for combining the user-friendly visual experience of televi differentiate their program offerings to the millions of people
sion with the vast information resources of the Internet. What who are spending more time navigating through the resources
US 8,621,541 B2
3 4
of the World Wide Web rather than watching television: different stream of URLs to each user, depending on a unique
advertisers can speak more directly to consumers by directly user profile, for example. Thus, the personalization feature of
sending Web pages to the consumer instead of only display this embodiment allows each user to receive information
ing Web addresses in their commercials; and consumers can uniquely relevant to their interests, demographics, history,
gain a new level of interest and interactivity over a video 5 etc. This embodiment makes the transmission of URLs to the
based medium. In addition to providing significant and imme user even less complex than other embodiments disclosed
diate benefits to broadcasters and advertisers, the system will herein.
also present educational programmers with a way to more Another embodiment permits dynamic reconfiguration of
effectively use Internet resources in the classroom. a network for transmitting content, such as that located using
Recently, several media companies have joined to create a 10
the URLs. The network referred to as a distributed commu
system for linking the Internet and television on the personal nity network, includes hubs that may logically reside on any
computer, called “Intercast.” In this system, content will be machine and provide control of routing packets containing
provided simultaneously with the TV video signal. This sys
tem, however, requires that stripped down Web pages be sent the content. By using hubs to assist in routing of packets, the
in the vertical blanking interval (VBI) of the video signal, 15 burden of routing control at a corresponding server is
using up to three scan lines limiting effective bandwidth to decreased, enhancing the reliability and efficiency of the net
approximately 28.8 kbps. This approach, however, requires workin transmitting content and permitting access to content.
specialized hardware to both insert the Web pages into the Thus, embodiments consistent with the present invention
VBI and extract these codes at each PC since it takes up to provide order and direction to the Internet by using television
three scan lines of the VBI. Thus, the complexity and cost of signals to place, orient and control Such information in a
the PC is increased. Because the Web pages are transmitted meaningful context. They also create a more intimate rela
with the video signal, the Intercast system is not a true “two tionship between the viewer and the program by enriching the
way system, but merely a one-way "piggyback system. In learning experience through the provision of more in-depth
addition, the Intercast is an analog video product, and thus, information.
cannot handle digital video data. 25 An article of manufacture consistent with the present
Systems consistent with the present invention, on the other invention is used for compiling and maintaining information
hand, are much more flexible, but less complex, systems. The for use in routing and transmitting content to a machine via a
systems support either analog or digital television broadcasts network. It includes a computer-readable medium includes
without broadcasters or end-users having to alter their exist fields for specifying an identification of the machine, an
ing systems, thus enabling broadcasters to reach a wide audi 30 address of the machine, and user-profile information for use
ence within a short time. in determining a type of content to transmit to the machine.
In one embodiment, the actual Web pages are not forced The user-profile information is specified in an hierarchical
into the very limited bandwidth of the vertical blanking inter Structure.
val (VBI). Instead, merely eight fields of line 21 of the VBI are A method consistent with the present invention includes
used to deliver the relevant Internet Web page addresses to the 35 compiling and maintaining information for use in routing and
PC. These addresses are called “uniform resource locators’ transmitting content to a machine via a network by specifying
(URLs). The system then directs the particular Web browser particular fields within a computer-readable medium. The
to retrieve the identified Web pages from the Internet. Upon method includes receiving information for use in generating a
receipt of the particular Web page(s), the system syncs the user profile and specifying in the medium, using the informa
Web page(s) to the video signal, and at the appropriate times, 40 tion, an identification of a machine, an address of the
presents the Web pages on one portion of the computer Screen machine, and user-profile information for use in determining
with the television video signal, shown in a window on a type of content to transmit to the machine. The user-profile
another portion of the screen, and thus, provides the Syner information is stored in an hierarchical attribute value pair
gistic Internet and television experience. One of the advan data structure.
tages of the system of the present invention is that no special 45
ized chip set need be produced and implemented into the BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
standard PC. Thus, complexity is kept to a minimum.
In another embodiment of the present invention, the VBI is FIG. 1 is a diagram of the system design, showing the
not used to transmit the URLs to the user. In this alternative receipt and decoding of video signals at the Subscriber loca
embodiment, member broadcasters enter the Internet through 50 tion using the method of the present invention.
a member account, and will be provided with a graphical user FIG. 2 is a diagram showing an alternative system embodi
interface for pre-scheduling Internet addresses, or URLs, for ment to achieve the integration of the Internet information
transmission to users at particular times of day. This interface with the video content by decoding the uniform resource
could also be used to transmit real time live transmissions of locators at a server site and then transmitting the URLs to the
URLs to users at the same time as a broadcast. The URLs are 55 subscriber stations via the Internet.
stored in a "Link File' for later transmission over the Internet FIG.3 is a flow diagram of the basic software design of the
to the user at the broadcasters entered time, which corre present invention.
sponds to the broadcast time of an associated program. The FIG. 4 is a diagram showing another preferred system
timing of URLs could be determined in advance or can be sent embodiment to achieve the direct transmission of URLs over
out live. This embodiment eliminates the need to place the 60 the Internet to the user at abroadcaster's entered time without
URLs in the VBI, and also allows the broadcaster to store encoding the URLs into the VBI.
more than one Link File for transmission to users in different FIG. 5 is a diagram of another preferred embodiment
time Zones, for example. Further, more than one broadcaster including a digital cable box.
could access the same master schedule if desired, and add or FIG. 6 is a diagram of another preferred embodiment
delete certain URLs to personalize the program for their local 65 including a digital T.V.
audiences. Also, personalization can be taken to the single FIG. 7 is a diagram of a user interface illustrating a playlist.
user, or Small group of users, by having the system send a FIG. 8 is a sample display provided to a student of a lesson.
US 8,621,541 B2
5 6
FIG. 9 is a diagram of the distributed ComServer embodi etc.), an Apple Computer, UNIX or any other type of standard
ment. computer workstation. The local PC 16 is preferably con
FIG. 10 is a diagram of logical structure of a donut for nected to either a cable and/or broadcast television connec
implementing user-profile information. tion or to a local VCR or other video source. At each sub
FIGS. 11A, 11B, and 11C are a flow chart of a process for 5 scriber site, the local personal computer 16 preferably
generating and implementing donuts specifying user-profile receives the cable transmission by cable connection on the
information. back of the personal computer 16. The video/audio program
can then be processed for display on the computer Screen
DETAILED DESCRIPTION using any conventional PC card capable of displaying NTSC
10 signals on a computer monitor, such as a WinTV card. In
Video Programming System and Method addition to the cable connection, however, in the present
invention there is also an Internet 20 connection created con
One system consistent with the present invention combines currently with the cable connection.
the rich visual capabilities of video with the vast resources of The Internet 20 connection can be via high-speed line, RF,
the Internet. As shown in FIG. 1, an embodiment of the 15 conventional modem or by way of two-way cable carrying the
invention is a computer based system for receiving a video video programming. The local PC 16 has Internet access via
program along with embedded uniform resource locators any of the current ASCII software mechanisms. In one
(URLs)—which direct the user's computer 16 to address embodiment, at each Subscriber home, an associated local
locations, or Web sites, on the Internet to retrieve related Web URL decoder 12 receives the cable video television program,
pages. These Web pages correspond to the 20 video presen as shown in FIG. 1. The local URL decoder 12 extracts the
tation. The particular video programming can be delivered in URLs, preferably embedded in the vertical blanking interval,
analog, digital or digitally compressed formats (e.g., with the use of any conventional VBI decoder device. The
MPEG2) via any transmission means, including satellite, URL decoder 12 may be either a stand-alone unit or a card
cable, wire, television broadcast or sent via the Web. which is implemented into the personal computer 16.
The video programming is preferably created at a central 25 In another embodiment shown in FIG. 2, the uniform
ized location, i.e., content creation 4 as shown in FIG. 1, for resource locators (URLs) are encoded into the video in the
distribution to subscribers in their homes, for example. Pro same manner as described above. Again, the URLs are pref
gram creation is accomplished according to any conventional erably encoded onto eight fields of line 21 of the VBI, but may
means known in the art. After a video program is created, also be sent independently of the video. In this embodiment,
uniform resource locators are embedded, in one embodiment, 30 the URL decoder 24 is located at the server site, as opposed to
into the vertical blank interval of the video programming by the subscriber location. When the decoder 24 receives the
the URL encoder 8, shown in FIG.1. In this embodiment, the video program signal, it strips out the URL codes online 21 of
URLs are encoded onto eight fields of line 21 of the VBI. Line the VBI and delivers these codes independently to an Internet
21 is the line associated with close captioning, among other server 28. The URL code is then subsequently delivered over
things. However, the URLs could also be embedded in other 35 the Internet 20 to the user PC 16. Simultaneously, the video is
fields of the VBI, in the horizontal portion of the video, as part broadcast over conventional broadcast or cable transmission
of the audio channel, in any subcarrier to the video, or if means 36 to the user's personal computer 16.
digital, in one of the data fields. Another embodiment of the system, shown in FIG.4, does
Although FIG. 1 shows the video with URLs over the same not depend on, or even use, the VBI. In this embodiment, the
transmission line, the URLS can be sent down independently 40 system will run an online service over the Internet 20. This
of the video program on a data channel. In this embodiment, service will be in the form of an Internet Web site 62 that
the URLs can be forwarded to the remote sites either prior to provides a user-interface to a database 78 and to one or more
initiation or during the program. Preferably, the URLs have associated data servers 90. The service will provide member
associated time stamps which indicate to the Subscriber sta accounts to TV broadcasters 66 who sign up to use the system
tions when, during the video program, to display the particu 45 of the invention in conjunction with their broadcasts. Each
larWeb pages addressed by the URLs. Alternatively, the user member broadcaster will enter the service at their computer
can select when to call the particular Web pages for display 70 through Web browser software 74 using their member
with the video program. account by entering various identification and password
The particular information in line 21 is not part of the visual information. Once within their account, the member will be
part of the program, and thus, is not perceptible to the human 50 provided with a graphical user interface for pre-scheduling
eye, thereby making it ideal to send data information to the URLs for transmission to users 118 over a direct Internet
users. While the bandwidth capacity of line 21 is limited, connection 94 at particular times of day. The same user inter
because the system transmits only the uniform resource loca face, or a variation on it, can be used by broadcasters for live
tors (URLs), and not full Web pages, there is more than transmission 82 of URLs to users at the same time as a
enough capacity. Furthermore, no additional hardware is nec 55 broadcast 86.
essary at the PC 16 to implement the elements of the present For example, one example of this interface might be a
invention. Thus, the present invention has the additional scheduling calendar (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly) in which
advantages of being very efficient and takes advantage of the broadcaster 66 may allocate time periods which coincide
conventional hardware. with their broadcasts 86, and during which they will send out
Once the video program is created, it can be transmitted to 60 URLs to their users to link to Web pages. For each time period
user sites over any transmission means, including broadcast, (for example, a particular hour long period during the day)
cable, satellite, or Internet, and may reside on video servers. determined by the broadcaster 66 to be a broadcast period (a
Furthermore, the video program, with or without embedded period during which they want to transmit URLs that corre
URLs, can be encoded on a VHS or Beta tape, DVD or other spond to a television show being broadcast from their TV
medium. 65 broadcast facility 110 to the external TV 114 of the user 118
Preferably, each receiver station comprises any Intel x86 at that time), the broadcaster 66 may then enter a series of
machine (preferably a 486 processor, pentium processor, URLs into an associated file (“Link File’) for transmission
US 8,621,541 B2
7 8
over the Internet 20 at that time. This Link File might have a the Web pages 102 and is preferred software, since it is
user interface such as a spreadsheet, table, or list, or it could platform independent, and thus, enables efficient and flexible
be simply a tab-delimited or paragraph-delimited text-file. As transfer of programs, images, etc., over the Internet 20. The
an example, each of the records in the Link File consists of a specialized interface software 106 (hereinafter, “client soft
data structure which could contain information Such as: ware”), attached as Appendix A, acts as an interface between
(<timecode>, <URL>, <label or title>, <additional infor the video programming and the Internet functions of the
mation>, <additional information>, . . . ) present invention. The client software 106 retrieves URLs
The above data structure is just one example. The records from the video program (embodiment of FIG. 1) or directly
in the Link File preferably specify the time, Internet address from the Internet connection (embodiments of FIGS. 2 and
(i.e. URL), label (Such as an associated name), and some 10 4), interprets these URLs and directs the JAVA enabled
optional additional information, for each Web page the broad browser 98 to retrieve the particular relevant Web pages 102.
caster 66 desires to launch during a show. and synchronizes the retrieved Web pages to the video content
When a broadcaster 66 modifies their calendar and/or the for display on the user's computer 16, as shown in FIGS. 3
Link File associated with any given time period(s) in their and 4 and explained in more detail below.
calendar, this information is saved into the database 78that is 15 In one method, the URLs are encoded and embedded into
attached to the site 62. Each broadcaster 66 may maintain the video signal by inserting them into the vertical blanking
multiple calendars in the database 78 if they broadcast in interval (VBI), as mentioned above.
different time Zones, for example. In another embodiment, the URLs are entered by member
The database 78 provides the Link File records for upcom TV broadcasters 66 along with specified times for transmit
ing time periods to a server 90, which may be one server or a ting the URLs to the user. At the appropriate times, the URLs
distributed network of server programs on multiple comput are sent directly over the Internet to the user's PC 16 via the
ers across the network, to be utilized for Scaling to large client software 106 over a direct point-to-point or multicast
national or global audiences. The server 90 provides the Link ing connection.
File records, including the URLs, to the user's personal com One method of the present invention has the capability to
puter 16, which is connected via a network. Examples of 25 detect identical URLs sent directly after one another which
possible networks include the public Internet 94, a direct causes the browser not to fetchURLs in these particular cases.
private network, or even a wireless network. As shown in FIG. 3, once the URL code is received at the
One feature of the above embodiment is that one or more computer, the client software 106 first interprets the URL and
broadcasters 66 may utilize the same schedule in the database determines in step 42 whether the particular URL has been
78 for their own broadcasts 86 or during the same broadcast. 30 received previously. If it has already been received, the next
For example, a network broadcaster may develop a master received URL is interpreted for determination of prior
schedule and various affiliate broadcasters may subscribe to receipt. If the particular URL has not been detected before,
that schedule or copy it (in the database) and add or delete the Software checks for misspelling in step 46 and any other
specific URLs in the schedule for their local audiences or errors, and if errors exist, corrects these particular errors.
unique programming. This scheme enables affiliates to insert 35 Once again, it is determined whether the URL has been pre
URLs for local advertisers or local subjects into a sequence of viously detected. If it has, the next URL is accessed in step 38.
more general URLs provided by their network broadcaster If the URL has not been detected, the specific URL is added
66. In other words, the affiliate can add links that ride on the to the URL list in step 54. The specific URL is then sent to the
network feed and then redistribute it to their local audiences. Web browser, preferably a JAVA enabled browser 98. Upon
This embodiment can also enable personalization in the 40 receipt of the URL, the browser 98, in step 58, will access the
form of unique series of URLs specific to each users unique Web site address 122 (FIG. 4) indicated by the URL and
profile, which is directly sent over the Internet 20 to each retrieve the cited Web page(s) 102 via the Internet.
user's specific client software 106. This can be achieved from Viewers can view the integrated presentation in the follow
the broadcaster 66 to each individual user 118, or to particular ing manner. As mentioned above, the video signal is pro
collections of users. To accomplish personalization, the Ser 45 cessed and displayed on a video window on the PC screen
vice may send a different stream of URLs to each user's client using a WinTV card, for example. The corresponding audio is
software program 106. The stream of URLs sent would forwarded to the audio card and sent to the PC speakers.
depend on a user profile stored in the database 78 or the client The actual retrieved Web pages 102, referenced by the
software program 106, a user profile which is built on demand URL, are optionally time stamped to be displayed on the
or over time for each user 118 based on criteria such as the 50 computer screen when predetermined related video contentis
location of the user, choices the user makes while using a displayed in the video window, thus, enlightening and
client software program 106, or choices the broadcaster 66 enhancing the video presentation by providing in-depth infor
makes during a broadcast 86, or automatic choices made by mation related to the video content thereto. Another section
an algorithm (such as a filter) residing on the service 62. on the screen is also preferably used to represent an opera
Personalization enables each user to receive URLs which are tional control panel. This control panel provides a list of the
uniquely relevant to their interests, demographics, history, or URLs that have been broadcast and correspondingly received
behavior in the system. by the computer 16. This control panel is updated to add a
URL code each time a new URL code is received by the PC
System Operation 16. This list gives the subscriber the flexibility to go back and
60 retrieve particularly informative or interesting Web pages that
Once the URLs have reached the personal computer 16, have already been displayed earlier in the program, or alter
system operation is similar for all of the embodiments dia natively, to print them out for future reference. Furthermore,
gramed in FIGS. 1, 2, and 4. the list could include URLs referring to Web pages not dis
In one embodiment, a JAVA enabled browser 98 as well as played with the broadcast program, but that provide further
specialized software 106 for performing part of the method of 65 information on a certain topic of interest to the viewer.
the present invention are installed on the computer 16. The An exemplary implementation of the present invention can
JAVA enabled browser 98 allows the computer 16 to retrieve best be understood with reference to an example. A viewer
US 8,621,541 B2
can begin watching a musical video featuring a new band, for 140. In one embodiment, the digital cable box 140 includes
example. As the video is received by the PC 16, URLs are two tuners, thus allowing both the Web Page and the Video
either being received with the video signal or are being program to be simultaneously viewed on the same screen. If
received directly via the Internet 20 or another data channel, Video and Webstream, however, are carried on one channel,
and are being interpreted by the client software 106. Upon then only one tuner is necessary.
direction and command, the JAVA enabled browser 98 The client software retrieves URLs from the received video
retrieves particular Web pages 102 from Internet 20 Web sites program, directly from the Internet connection 20 or via a
identified in the URLs. These Web pages 102 will then be separate data channel, interprets these URLs and directs the
displayed on the video screen at particular times. Thus, for Web enabled browser to retrieve the particular relevant Web
example, while the viewer is watching the music video, bio 10 pages, and synchronizes the retrieved Web pages to the video
graphical information on the band can also be displayed adja content for display on the television 18, as shown in FIG. 5. In
cently to the video window. Web pages 102 could also include this embodiment, the relevant Web pages are preferably
an upcoming concert Schedule, or even audio clips of the shown in one frame of the television 18 while the video
band's music may be downloaded from the Internet 20. As program is displayed in another frame. Alternatively, the web
another example, a user could be watching a program relating 15 page can replace the video program on the display.
to financial news. While the narrator is shown discussing high In this alternative embodiment, the digital cable set top box
tech Stocks, Web pages corresponding to detailed financial 140 receives the television program from the multichannel
performance information on high tech stocks, environment cable. The URLs can be encoded into the digital program
and characteristics can be displayed with the video on the channel using MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4, MPEG7 or any
computer screen. If the personalization features are included, other compression video scheme. Alternatively, the URLs can
Web pages associated with a particular user's stock can be be transmitted to the digital cable boxes 140 from an Internet
fetched and displayed on the computer screen with the video server 148. The digital cable box 140 decodes the URLs from
program. When the program narrator Switches to a discussion the digital video signal or directly transmitted over the Inter
on the weekly performance of the Dow Jones, Web pages net 20. The client software decodes the URLs and retrieves
presenting related financial performance information can be 25 the particular Web pages as described above. The Web pages
simultaneously displayed. Thus, it is evident that the present are then preferably synchronized with the particular video
invention profoundly enriches the viewing and learning expe frames and presented to the user.
rience. As with all the embodiments described above, instead of
It is understood that there can exist alternative embodi receiving the video program from a transmission means, the
ments for use with the present invention. For example, the 30 Video program can be addressed directly from a local video
user can view the interactive program using a television set source 144 if the video program, with or without embedded
114 or other display monitor in conjunction with the display URLs, is stored on a VHS, Beta, DVD or other medium. In
screen of the personal computer 16. In this embodiment, the this embodiment, the digital cable box 140 is connected to a
relevant Web pages are shown on the personal computer 16 VCR, DVD player or other appropriate device.
while the video program is displayed on the television moni 35 FIG. 6 discloses an embodiment where a digital TV 152 is
tor 114. In this alternative embodiment, a cable set top box the remote reception unit. In this embodiment, the digital TV
receives the television program from the multichannel cable. 152 performs the functions of the personal computer, shown
The personal computer 16 also receives the video program in FIGS. 1, 2 and 4, and the digital cable box 140 shown in
from the multi-channel cable and extracts the URLs, embed FIG. 5. In the embodiment shown in FIG. 6, a processor
ded in the vertical blanking interval of the video signal or 40 means and memory are incorporated into the digital TV 152.
directly transmitted 94 over the Internet 20. The client soft Further, the client software and Web browser software are
ware 106 extracts the URLs and retrieves the particular Web implemented into memory in the digital TV 152. All of the
pages as described above. The Web pages are then synchro functions described above with reference to the other embodi
nized with the particular video frames and presented to the ments are performed in a similar manner by the digital TV
user. It is understood that a hyperlink may exist on the Web 45 152 embodiment.
site that will allow the user to automatically load the client Although the digital cable box/TV 140, 18 and digital TV
software and call up the specific television channel referenced 152, shown in FIGS. 5 and 6, are incorporated into the
in the Web site. For example, someone browsing the Internet embodiment of FIG. 1, in substitution for the PC 16, they also
20 may come upon a major television network’s Web site. could be substituted for the PC 16 shown in FIGS. 2 and 4.
They scroll to an interesting story then click on an hyperlink 50 The user can view the video and web content on one screen
to turn on the software which tunes the TV window to the (in two windows), or with the video on one display screen and
network to enhance the information residing at the Web site. the Web content on a separate display monitor. Alternatively,
Furthermore, instead of receiving the video program from the user can access the video or web content separately. Thus,
a transmission means, the video program can be addressed the user can branch from video to web content and vice versa.
directly from the user site if the video program, with or 55 The present invention is well-suited to the education envi
without embedded URLs, is stored on a VHS, Beta, DVD or ronment. In this embodiment, students and teachers access
other medium. In this embodiment, the user PC 16 and/or one or more Web servers. The software components include
television 114 are connected to a VCR, DVD player or other instructor and student user Software, authoring software and
appropriate device. database assessment Software. In one such embodiment, an
FIGS. 5 and 6 show two alternative embodiments for use 60 instructor uses content creation Software on a personal com
with the present invention. For example, the user can view the puter to easily integrate into their curriculum current infor
interactive program using a television set 18 or other display mation published on the Web, through an easy to use interface
monitor in conjunction with a digital cable box 140, as shown 156 Such as that shown in FIG. 7. The instructor creates a
in FIG. 5. In this embodiment, the digital cable box 140 playlist (i.e. linkfile) 160, the playlist 160 comprising a listing
performs the functions of the personal computer 16 shown in 65 of Web pages, text notes and questions. The Web sites and
FIGS. 1, 2 and 4. In the embodiment shown in FIG. 5, the questions are set forth in a predetermined order and can be
client software is stored in memory in the digital cable box assigned times. Preferably, the URLs identifying the Web site
US 8,621,541 B2
11 12
and time stamps are sent automatically to the desktop of each question. In this embodiment, a plurality of potential audio
student in the virtual community, either during playback of a responses are made available at the student’s workstation
pre-recorded program or during a live event. according to any one of the methodologies set forth in U.S.
At each of the student workstations, the program is directed Pat. No. 5,537,141, entitled DISTANCE LEARNING SYS
by the playlist 160. In other words, the playlist 160 provides TEM, herein incorporated by reference. Alternatively, per
the structure for the program. At predetermined times as Sonalized video, audio and graphics segments can be deliv
dictated by the playlist 160, the browser will go fetch and ered and displayed to the student based on a student answer or
display a Web page in a frame on the computer screen. personal profile in the manner set forth in U.S. Pat. No.
Because program events can be set up in this manner at 5,724,091, entitled COMPRESSED DIGITAL DATA
predetermined times, the entire program and playlist can be 10 INTERACTIVE PROGRAMSYSTEM, herein incorporated
prerecorded and stored in a Web database for later access by by reference.
students. Responses to student answers can be more Substantive
A significant advantage of an embodiment for educational based on the memory feature of the system. The memory
applications is that the students and the instructor can be feature is an algorithm that selects an interactive response to
located anywhere, as long as they are all connected to the 15 the user based not only on the student’s current answer selec
Web. Because a server is essentially controlling the program, tion, but also his or her previous responses, as discussed in the
the instructor output comes from the server and the student aforementioned applications. The algorithm, preferably
workstations get automatically updated by the Web server. stored in memory at each student's workstation and under
This educational embodiment integrates Web content and processor control, merely selects an output interactive
other media with collaborative groupware functionality to response based on student responses. As another example, if
create an interactive environment for students and teachers. In a student gets three answers in sequence right, he or she
this embodiment, the student can receive a traditional video receives a more difficult question. If, however, the student
lesson through a frame in his or her Web browser, or from a misses one or more of the three questions, he or she receives
television. Simultaneously, the present invention provides an easier question.
separate frames, an example of which is shown in FIG. 8, in 25 In another embodiment of the present invention, a system is
the browser displaying: (1) Web pages 176 automatically described capable of handling the education requirements of
delivered to each student’s desktop with information or exer several Schools in an efficiently designed network. The sys
cises that complement the video presentation; (2) a chat dia tem shown in FIG.9 solves the problems inherent in attempt
logue frame 168 for conversing with the instructor and/or ing to service large numbers of users, the most obvious
other students online; and (3), an interactive playlist 164 of 30 obstacles being the issues of load and performance. In this
Web pages and questions comprising the lesson. embodiment shown in FIG. 9, communications servers 180
In the student interface of FIG.8, each student can perform distribute and route messages across a LAN, WAN and the
a virtual experiment during a physics lesson to learn about Internet. Referring to FIG. 9, in the center of the diagram is
gravity, for example. Further, the students are conversing with the Group Database server. Surrounding the database server
one another and the instructor in the chat dialogue frame 168. 35 are several Com Servers 180, each serving an area 192. Sur
They may also send Web pages to one another and provide rounding each Com Server 180 are squares representing user
answers to questions from the teacher via the chat dialogue stations 188. The Communication Servers 180 are organized
frame 168 of the student interface 176. With the chat feature, in node relationships with one another.
students may break into Subgroups for collaborative learning. Each node is responsible for serving an Area 192. An Area
Whenever a student in the group sends a message, the mes 40 192 is defined as a Virtual location serviced by a single Com
sage is sent to the Internet server 20 and every other student in munications Server 180 (or “ComServer”). An Area 192 may
the Subgroup receives and views the message in their Chat be a single School, an office, or may consist of several actual
dialogue frame 168. physical locations. The defining characteristic of an Area 192
The instructor, however, may retain control over the chat is that messages sent from one member of an Area 192 to
feature. For example, the instructor can terminate the chat 45 another need not be routed outside of the servicing Com
feature or web pushing to terminate unruly on-line conversa Server 180.
tions or the sending of Web pages by students. An Area member is analogous to the frequently used term
Unlike conventional distance learning systems, systems “user.” For example, a “user may be a student in the educa
consistent with the present invention are more powerful by tional embodiment described above with reference to FIGS. 7
allowing the instructor to freely and conveniently exercise 50 and 8.
almost any type of testing strategy. The instructor can test The Distributed Communication System of FIG. 9 shall
students using a combination of the Chat dialogue feature and permit the dynamic addition of Communication Servers 180
Web pages. For example, multiple choice questions and short within a group with little or no administrative tasks as well as
answer questions can appear in the Chat window 168. Essay the addition of groups within an overall communications
questions, requiring longer answers, become Web pages. As 55 network. A Communication Server group consists of several
mentioned above, students can perform virtual experiments defined Virtual Areas 192 (preferably, consisting of no more
on-line. Once the instructor's personal computer receives the 250 members each), each area 192 serviced by a single
student answers, student scoring can be presented to the Com Server 180. This system shall allow members of one
instructor in any format including tables, charts, diagrams, Area 192, or group to easily communicate with members of
bar graphs, etc. The instructor, thus, can analyze the results 60 another Area 192 or group without any configuration
and has the capability of providing real-time feedback to the changes.
students. Generally, service of very large numbers of users has
Students can also receive individualized feedback via required large expensive servers and networks. As the user
branched interactive audio, video and/or graphics responses. base increases, performance Suffers and hardware must be
For example, the workstation may branch to aparticular audio 65 upgraded to service the demand.
response, preferably prerecorded in the instructor's own The Distributed Communication System of the present
Voice, based on the student response to a multiple choice inventionallows the same, relatively inexpensive machines to
US 8,621,541 B2
13 14
serve an ever-increasing user base. The technique by which Browser programs typically include a file created by a web
this will be accomplished will be through the routing of server to locally store data and track web sites, identified by
messages from one server to another when necessary. URLs, accessed by the user through the browser program.
The method essentially follows the same core pattern as IP These files are referred to as cookie files, which contain a
routing and DNS lookups. If a message is for a member not range of URLs for which they are valid. When the browser
belonging to the current Area 192 or group, the message shall encounters the URLS again, it sends the corresponding cookie
be routed through the Distributed Communication System files to the web server identified by the URLs.
until its destination, or someone who knows the destination In the present invention, browsers may access a donut file
and can deliver the message, is found. or database structure storing donuts, and web servers may
The destination will be cached so Subsequent messages for 10 include files or other database structures for storing copies of
that member or group may be more efficiently delivered. the donut. The donut file for a particular user is typically
Referring again to FIG. 9, if a message is posted by mem stored only on the server but could be stored locally on the
ber “A” and is intended only for the members of group 1 the user's machine or on both the server and the user's machine.
message shall never leave Area 1 ComServer. However, if the The donut thus implements a dynamic store of shared profile
message is intended for members of Area 1 and the members 15 data that is exchanged between client and server, with the
of Area 2, the Area 1 Com server forwards the message to the flexibility to collect and process that data in three ways:
group database server 184. The message shall be broadcast to client-side evaluation, http-based server-side evaluation, and
the members of Area 1 and tagged in the database 184 as network-based server-side evaluation. The donut has an
belonging to Area 2. The message is then routed to Area 2 and advantage over a cookie file in that the donut file is database
broadcast to Area 2 members. With this technique any mem driven and typically stored on a server, preventing a user from
ber can potentially send a message to any other member. If the deleting or otherwise tampering with the donut file. Cookie
Area Com server 180 does not recognize the destination, the files, in comparison, are stored locally on a user's machine. In
message is forwarded up the line. Each Com server 180 does addition, by storing a donut file on a server, a user may log
not need to know about any other server 180. Messages are onto a network from any machine and still access the user's
routed until they delivered. If undeliverable, the original 25 donut file and receive content based upon the donut file.
sender is notified. A donut, more specifically, is an hierarchical attribute
New Areas 192 can be added on the fly. When a new Com value pair data structure including a collection of crumbs. A
server 188 is added to the network, it registers itself with the crumb is the Smallest unit of data corresponding to a meaning
database application. Henceforth, any message destined for value pair associated with a particular donut. For example, a
the new Area 192 can be routed properly without altering the 30 users age would be a crumb associated with the user's pri
other Area Servers 180. mary donut. The donut data structure includes names plus
This method and system works for global messages or for associated crumbs. At the top level of the hierarchy, a top
user to user messages. Furthermore, new Groups may also be donut is associated with a user, a chat room, a network Ser
dynamically added. Once added, each new Group Database vice, or other appropriate business entity or service. Each
Server 184 registers itself with the existing database servers 35 donut contains a set of crumbs and a set of Sub-donuts.
184. This distribution of load permits nearly unlimited expan A sub-donut is a donut associated with another donut rather
sion with existing software and hardware. Each server man than an external entity Such as, for example, a user. An
ages a finite number of members, cumulatively serving a example of a Sub-donut is a user's address. The user's address
growing community. references the user's primary donut and is stored in a Sub
Users need not be informed as to the particular ComServer 40 donut, and the Sub-donut contains crumbs for each piece of
180 they should connect to. Members are directed to a single information in the address. Donuts are stored with hierarchi
URL. The selection of the server for user connection is deter cal relationships, meaning that a donut can have associated
mined by load balancing software. In this manner, the net Sub-donuts and the Sub-donuts can also each have associated
work may appear to be a global network of Servers or simply sub-donuts. The donut thus may have many levels of sub
a local classroom. 45 donuts within its hierarchical structure.
The unique aspects of this architecture, using database Some donuts are owned by only one parent donut. Other
servers as routing gateways, using techniques resembling IP donuts are shared among several or many parent donuts.
routing and DNS lookup, enables this system to serve with These shared donuts profile a business entity, Such as an
minimum administration and configuration and with lower individual program, that is common to all; an example
end, cost-effective hardware. 50 includes members of the same chat room. This provides away
to identify a group of users for a chat service. Also, by sharing
Donut Structure and Use the donut a user need not enter a new profile for using differ
ent services; the services share and use the one donut.
Another embodiment consistent with the present invention FIG. 10 is a diagram of logical structure 200 of a donut for
specifies a "donut' of dynamic, hierarchical, shared user 55 implementing user-profile information. This structure may be
profile information. A donut may specify the following: user stored on a computer-readable medium, Such as a memory,
characteristics, viewing preferences, hobbies, and spending for access by an associated machine. The term "donut' is used
habits. The donut contains a user profile or acts as a key to a only as a label and refers to information residing on a server
data repository containing it, and it may be stored in a file and accessible by a client for use in pushing or assigning
type structure on a computer-readable medium Such as a 60 particular content to the client.
memory. The donut is accessed by browser programs, asso Structure 200 uses database tables for storing and main
ciated web server programs, and other applications for use in taining the user-profile information, which includes any type
routing content to the user's machine associated with the of information identifying a user or corresponding client
donut. The user machine may include a wide variety of machine. Structure 200 includes a user table 202, identifying
devices such as, for example, a personal computer, a televi 65 a particular network user, and each user would typically be
Sion, a cable box, a satellite box, video game console, and a identified by a separate table. Table 202 may also include
personal digital assistant. information identifying each user's name and an associated
US 8,621,541 B2
15 16
password and identification (ID). A directory table 204 main module, the user's machine may download it as a JAVA
tains a directory listing of the network users. Archive (JAR) file for local execution.
A separate donut table 206 maintains user-profile informa
tion for a particular user. Donut table 206 is associated with TABLE 1
the corresponding table 202 for that user and with the direc import actv.nub.* :
tory table 204. Donuttable 206 is also associated with a donut public class PilotYankees implements Processor {
hierarchy table 208, which identifies and maintains hierarchi public void process(Nub nub, Donut client, Donut action)
throws NubException
cal relationships for table 206. Each donut table 206 may {
include an associated crumb table 212 for use in identifying 10 if (client.check(“OWNS PILOT) &&
and maintaining particular attributes for the user-profile action.getValue(FAN
information. An associated attribute table 210 stores and OF).equals (“Yankees')) {
nub.change(“content, YankeePilot.Challenge);
maintains the information for those attributes.
The user profile may contain a wide variety of information
concerning user characteristics for use in determining content 15
to push to a user. As further explained below, the content may
include any type of information Such as Video, audio, graph The module in Table 1 can obtain crumb values from a
ics, text, and multimedia content. Examples of content to be donut service, branch on those values and other conditions,
selectively pushed to the user based upon the user-profile set existing crumb values, and create new crumbs as desired.
information include, but are not limited to, the following: Additionally, the module can interact directly with systems
advertisements; player profiles for sporting events; music or Such as a distributed community network for additional func
other audio information; icons representing particular ser tionality, including dynamic assignment to content and adver
vices; Surveys; and program Suggestions. Also, when a video tising push channels. An example of a distributed community
program provides different video streams for different cam network is disclosed in U.S. application of Craig D. Ullman,
era angles, such as a sporting event, the particular camera 25 Michael R. Abato, Jeffrey M. Harrington, and Carl R. Duda,
angle may be chosen based upon the user profile. In addition, entitled “ENHANCED VIDEO PROGRAMMING SYS
particular drama presentations provide different video TEMAND METHOD FOR PROVIDINGADISTRIBUTED
streams for various plot changes, and a video stream for a COMMUNITY NETWORK, and filed on Sep. 15, 1999.
particular plot to be displayed to a user may be chosen based The donut may be used with other types of networks as well.
upon the user profile. 30 A module processing a donut can execute in three modes:
The Surveys may involve selectively transmitting questions as an http servlet connected directly to a database for donut
to a user based upon the user's donut. The user's answers to persistence; as a service responding to requests coming
the questions may be used to further update the donut. As an through a distributed community network and unconnected to
example of Survey content, consider an automobile manufac a database for donut persistence; and on the client machine,
turer as an advertiser that has determined that the answers to 35 which has direct access to user input, but uses the donut
ten questions, asked in a specific order, are vital to determin persistence by proxy through a distributed community net
ing how the manufacturer is going to market to a particular work.
user. In this example, the server or network uses the donut to FIGS. 11A, 11B, and 11C are a flow chart of a process 220
maintain what questions have been answered and which have for generating and implementing donuts specifying user-pro
not been answered. The donut can be utilized to determine 40 file information. Process 220 may be implemented in soft
which of the ten possible questions should be pushed to the ware modules on a machine Such as a web server in the
user when the network determines, according to a particular exemplary network described above. In process 220, a user
schedule, that it is time for the manufacturer's survey to be attempts to log onto the network (step 222). In response, the
pushed to the user. server determines if a donut exists in the database for this user
This example further illustrates how individual advertising 45 (step 224). If a donut does not exist (step 226), the server
may be selected for particular users. The answers to the sur queries the user, receives a response to the query, and gener
veys may be used to provide a second level of information ates a donut for the user based upon the response, using
within an advertisement pushed to a particular user. The net exemplary database structure 200 (step 232). An example of
work may use demographic data in the user's donut, for a query is provided below. Otherwise, if a donut does exist for
example, to determine which advertisement and Survey to 50 the user (step 226), the server queries the user in order to
push to the user. The users answers to the questions in the update the donut (step 228) and implements the updates to the
Survey may be used to push additional advertisements to the donut, using exemplary database structure 200 (step 230).
user or additional content for the advertisement already The queries may involve the server transmitting a series of
pushed. Also, the network can tailor a Survey to a particular questions to the user and receiving from the user replies to the
user by selecting additional questions for the Survey, and an 55 question. The queries may also involve Survey questions as
order of presentation of the questions, based upon the user's described above. The server may require a response in order
answers. Accordingly, the network can dynamically modify for the user to receive content from the network.
and update a user's donut to further fine-tune the processing The server may optionally receive user-profile content for
of selecting particular content to push to the user based upon the user from another source. For example, a user profile may
the user's donut. 60 already exist for the user from another network-based system,
An execution environment for donuts may be implemented and the server may receive that profile. Upon optionally
with an easily programmed JAVA module, an example of receiving the other user-profile content. Such as a pre-existing
which is provided in Table 1 illustrating template-based code, user profile, the server selectively incorporates the content
generated by a graphical user interface (GUI). This module into the donut (step 234). The server may base the incorpo
may be implemented as an application program interface 65 ration of the pre-existing other user-profile content on par
(API) on a user's machine for accessing the user's donut file ticular criteria Such as the types of content required for the
on a server. If the user's machine does not contain Such a user profile and when the pre-existing user profile was
US 8,621,541 B2
17 18
updated. In addition, the server may incorporate all of the ers is selected for transmission to that user's machine. Tech
content or only selected portions of it. nology for providing multiple video streams of a program is
The server assigns the user to a team based upon the user's disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 5,861,881, which is incorporated
donut and saves an indication of the assignment in the user's herein by reference.
donut (step 236). A team specifies a chat room for this user for 5 The selected content may also include an executable object
a chat service; the donut information may be used with other or application (step 259). For example, the server may trans
network services as well. If the user already had a donut in the mit to the usera JAVAgame or other types of electronic games
system, the server may use a pre-existing room assignment as based upon the user's preferences. The executable objects
a default assignment, or assign the user to a new team, par may also be used to dynamically push customized code to the
ticularly if the user's donut has been substantially updated. 10
user's machine while another application executes. In addi
The server stores the user's donut in the database and option tion, selected executable objects may be used to facilitate
ally transmits a copy of the donut or particular portions of it electronic commerce transactions. In particular, identifica
for storage on the user's machine (step 238). The user's tion of particular products available for purchase may be
machine, if it receives the donut, locally stores the donut or transmitted to the user based upon the user's preferences, and
the updates to it. 15
After creating or updating a donut for the user, the server an executable object can be used to provide a common elec
selects content for transmission to the user based upon the tronic 'shopping cart” where the user can drag and drop
user-profile information stored in the user's donut (step 240). identification of products to purchase among multiple ven
The selected content may be based upon particular criteria dors. The electronic shopping cart saves an identification of
involving the user-profile information in the user's donut, and the products, and potentially other information, for use in
it may include a wide variety of types of information. The transmitting and executing a purchase request for the prod
content may include networked content, meaning any type of uctS.
information available via a Uniform Resource Identifier The selected content can include other types of content as
(URI) (step 254). AURI is a compact string of characters for well (step 260). Based upon the determination, the server
identifying an abstract or physical resource. More specifi 25 pushes the particular content to the user's machine (step 242).
cally, URIs provide a simple and extensible means for iden The server also monitors the user's activity in order to
tifying a resource, and a URI can be further classified as a dynamically update the user's donut (step 244). The user's
locator, a name, or both. The specification of URI syntax and activity may involve any type of information relating to the
semantics is derived from concepts introduced by the World users interaction with the network or program content pro
Wide Web global information initiative. URIs include, for 30 vided to the user. For example, the server may detect the
example, URLs and Uniform Resource Names (URNs). A following: the rate at which the user selects or "clicks on
URL is a subset of a URI that identifies resources via a URLs to request particular content; which URLs the user
representation of their primary access mechanism, such as selects; the amount of elapsed time the user has remained
their network “location.” rather than identifying the resource logged onto the network; the extent to which the user partici
by name or other attribute of that resource. The term URN 35 pates in chat room discussions; and any other Such informa
refers to a subset of URI that is required to remain globally tion.
unique and persistent even when the resource ceases to exist The server also determines whether to update the user's
or becomes unavailable. donut based upon the monitored user activity (step 246). This
The selected content may also include video content (step determination may be based upon particular criteria related to
255): audio content (step 256); or any type of multimedia 40 the user's activity. For example, the server may store particu
content (step 257). The multimedia content may include, for lar types of activity or thresholds for activity and compare
example, particular types of animations or slide shows them to the user's monitored activity, providing for an update
selected for transmission to the user's machine based upon when the user's activity matches the particular types of activ
the user's preferences or characteristics as identified in the ity or exceeds the thresholds. It may also be updated based
user's donut. The video and audio content may include, for 45 upon Survey questions. If the server has determined based on
example, particular video and audio advertisements poten the criteria that the user's donut is to be updated (step 248), it
tially of interest to the user and selected for transmission to dynamically updates the donut based on the user's activity,
the user's machine based upon the user's identified prefer saves the updates, and optionally sends the updates to the
ences. The video, audio, or multimedia content may include user's machine (step 250). Otherwise, if the criteria have not
content related to a chat room discussion among the user and 50 been met, the server does not update the donut.
other members of the user's chat room or team. It may also The server also detects whether the user has logged off the
include content related to a program being viewed by the user. network (step 252). If the user remains logged onto the net
For example, if the user views a sports program, the content work, the server continues to select and push content to the
may include statistics or videos of past sports programs user based upon the user's donut (steps 240, 242, 254-260),
between the same teams or players, depending on the user's 55 monitor the user's activity (step 244), and dynamically
identified preferences or interests as saved in the user's donut. update the user's donut (steps 246, 248, and 250).
The selected content may also include a particular video The following provides an example of use of a donut.
stream, as identified above (step 258). In particular, several During a program, the server sends a user, Bob Smith, a
Video streams captured from different camera angles may be question which states, “Do you own a Personal Digital Assis
available for a particular program. The server may select a 60 tant (PDA)? Bob returns a “Yes” answer. The corresponding
video stream for display to the user based upon the user's crumb includes the meaning value pair PDA=True, which is
stated preferences. For example, a user may have stated a then sent via the Internet to a distributed community network,
preference for watching the quarterback during a football as identified above. This crumb is captured from the distrib
game and, therefore, a video stream following the quarter uted community network and stored in the database as a
back is selected for transmission to the user's machine. 65 crumb in the sub-donut “Technology” under Bob Smith's
Another user may have expressed an interest in watching donut. A copy of the crumb is stored locally in the client
wide receivers, for example, and a video stream of the receiv browser on Bob Smith's machine.
US 8,621,541 B2
19 20
Later in the program, the host of the television program is TABLE 3-continued
reviewing the latest PDAs. The producer of the program
wants to send web content specific to all the users on-line <crumb desc='email value='lisa(afox.net f
<crumb desc=ccn' value='visa 5592 3800 016.5 1872 exp 02 f>
about PDAs. The producer pushes to all the users on-line a <donut desc='espn. Subs="hot-sax-mets'>
playlist item, as identified above, parameterized on whether a 5 <crumb desc=’sports' value='curling,wwf f>
user has a PDA. Bob Smith's browser receives the playlist <crumb desc="agegroup' value=5-10' f>
<crumb desc='education value='Springfield f>
item, which references his donut. The browser recalls the <donut
value pair PDA=True, and from the logic in the playlist item, <donut
determines that Bob should see in his browser a web page that 10 <htvuser name=''Lukas Doright'uid='duanne'pw='tomgirl'>
offers a discount on a PDA upgrade, rather than a web page <donut desc=lukasid=lukas'>
that offers the user the opportunity to buy a new PDA for the <crumb desc='email value='lukas(a)aol.com' f>
first time. <crumb desc=ccn' value=amex 5592 3800 016.5 1872 exp OO f>
In addition to this route of the crumb and the decision <donut desc='espn. Subs="hot-sax-mets'>
<crumb desc=’sports' value="baseball f>
making occurring on the client side, the same process can 15 <crumb desc="agegroup' value='18-24 f>
occur solely on the server side. <donut
Table 2 provides an Extensible Markup Language (XML) <htvusers
code listing for an exemplary donut. Table3 provides an XML <teamlist
code listing for an exemplary collection of donuts. In Tables
2 and 3 the indentation represents the hierarchical structure of 2O
the donuts. Using the foregoing embodiments, methods and processes,
the system of the present invention creates a synergistic expe
TABLE 2 rience combining the vast resources of the Internet with the
presentation capabilities of television.
<?xml version=“1.0 encoding=UTF-82>
<!DOCTYPE htvuser SYSTEM “donut.dtd - 25 The invention claimed is:
<htvuser name="Bart Simpson'uid=“bart'pw="dude!"> 1. A method of compiling and maintaining information for
<donut desc="bart' id="bart'>
<crumb desc="email value="barfafox.net” f> use in routing and transmitting content to a machine via a
<crumb dest=“ccn' value=“amex 5592 3800 016.5 1872 exp 01' f> network, the method comprising:
<donut desc=thebox'> receiving user activity information from the machine;
<crumb desc="style value="rock f> 30 updating a user profile based on the received user activity
<crumb desc="region value="NE />
<crumb desc="fanof value="Offspring, Limp Bizkit' f> information;
<crumb desc="sex value="yes' f> determining a uniform resource identifier for identifying
<donut audio or video content to transmit to the machine based
<donut on the updated user profile;
35 inheriting user profile attributes into the user profile from a
Client code can refer to: group of which the user is a member, and
bart.cc.n storing the user profile in a hierarchical attribute value-pair
bart.thebox.region data structure,
wherein the audio or video content is selected based on the
--> 40 user profile and on examination of at least one other user
2. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the content
comprises an executable object.
3. The method of claim 1, further comprising: specifying in
<2ml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-82> 45 the data structure information identifying preferences of the
<!DOCTYPE teamlist SYSTEM “donut.dtd & USC.
<teamlist 4. The method of claim 1, further comprising: dynamically
<donut desc=''team
id="hot-sax-mets changing the user profile in the hierarchical structure based
shared=''true' upon updated information.
members=lisa.sally,lukas'> 50 5. The method of claim 1, further comprising: querying the
<crumb desc=name
value="Hot Saxophonists Lusting after the Met's Shortstop’ f> user to obtain the user profile.
<crumb desc=''team-homepage' 6. The method of claim 1, further comprising: transmitting
value="http://home.springfield.net/~lisalmitt-lusters.html f> content to the machine for a particular service based upon the
<crumb desc=trivia-tries' value='22' > user profile.
<crumb desc=trivia-correct value='S' is 55 7. The method of claim 1, further comprising: dynamically
<crumb desc=trivia-prizes value='05" /> updating the user profile.
<htvuser name="Sally Brown'uid='sally pw='beethoven's 8. The method of claim 1, further comprising: specifying
<donut desc='sally id='sally> the user profile for use in selecting at least one of the follow
<crumb desc='email value='sally(a)shulz.net” f> ing to transmit to the machine: information available via a
<crumb desc='cnn value='mc 5592 3800 0165 1872 exp 012 f> 60 Uniform Resource Identifier, video content, audio content,
<donut desc='espn. Subs="hot-sax-mets'>
<crumb desc=’sports' value='''skiing f> multimedia content, a particular video stream, or an execut
<crumb desc="agegroup' value=2-5' f> able object.
<donut 9. The method of claim 1, further comprising: specifying
<htvusers the address of one or more devices selected from the group
<htvuser name="Lisa Simpson'uid='lisa pw=''trane - 65 consisting of a personal computer, a television, a cable box, a
<donut desc=lisa id=Iisa satellite box, video game console and a personal digital assis
US 8,621,541 B2
21 22
10. A method of accessing information for use in routing 18. The apparatus of claim 16, further comprising: storage
and transmitting content to a machine via a network, the means associated with a server having the network connec
method comprising: tion with the machine, the storage means being arranged to
accessing, via a network connection, a user profile com store the data structure.
prising at least one hierarchical attribute value-pair data 19. The apparatus of claim 16, further comprising: means
structure stored in a computer-readable medium on a for dynamically updating the user profile.
20. The apparatus of claim 16, further comprising: means
for selecting, based upon the user profile, at least one of the
transmitting, to the server, data comprising an identifica following for transmission to the machine: information avail
tion of the machine and information of the user profile 10 able via a Uniform Resource Identifier, video content, audio
comprising user activity information for determining a content, multimedia content, a particular video stream, or an
uniform resource identifier, wherein the data is stored on executable object.
the server in the at least one hierarchical attribute value 21. The apparatus of claim 16, wherein the content com
pair data structure; and prises an executable object.
inheriting user profile attributes into the user profile from a 15
22. An apparatus to compile and maintain information for
group of which the user is a member, use in routing and transmitting content to a machine via a
wherein the content is selected based on the user profile and network by specifying particular fields within a computer
on examination of at least one other user profile. readable medium, the apparatus comprising:
11. The method of claim 10, wherein the content comprises a receiver for receiving user activity information for updat
an executable object. ing a user profile; and
12. The method of claim 10, further comprising: storing the a computer-readable medium comprising information of
data structure in a memory associated with the machine. the user profile for determining a uniform resource iden
13. The method of claim 10, further comprising: storing the tifier for identifying content to transmit to the machine
data structure in a memory associated with the server having and an identification of the machine,
the network connection with the machine. 25
wherein the user profile comprises information in a hierar
14. The method of claim 10, further comprising: dynami chical attribute value-pair data structure and further
cally updating the user profile. comprises inherited user profile attributes from a group
15. The method of claim 10, further comprising: selecting, of which the user is a member, and
based upon the user profile, at least one of the following for wherein the contentis selected based on the user profile and
transmission to the machine: information available via a Uni 30
on examination of at least one other user profile.
form Resource Identifier, video content, audio content, mul 23. The apparatus of claim 22, wherein the content com
timedia content, a particular video stream, or an executable prises an executable object.
object. 24. The apparatus of claim 22, wherein the user profile
16. An apparatus to access information for use in routing further comprises information identifying preferences of the
and transmitting content to a machine via a network, com 35
25. The apparatus of claim 22, wherein the user profile is
networking means for establishing a network connection dynamically changed based upon updated information.
from a machine; 26. The apparatus of claim 22, wherein the user profile is
accessing means for accessing via the network connection obtained by querying the user.
a hierarchical attribute-value pair data structure stored in 40
27. The apparatus of claim 22, wherein the content is
a computer-readable medium; transmitted to the machine for a particular service based upon
inheritance means for inheriting user profile attributes into the user profile.
a user profile from a group of which a user is a member; 28. The apparatus of claim 22, wherein the user profile is
and dynamically updated.
transmitting means for transmitting information via the 45
29. The apparatus of claim 22, where the user profile is
network connection for specifying in the data structure used to select at least one of the following to transmit to the
machine: information available via a Uniform Resource Iden
an identification of the machine, and information of the
user profile comprising user activity information for tifier, Video content, audio content, multimedia content, a
determining a uniform resource indicator, particular video stream, or an executable object.
wherein the contentis selected based on the user profile and 50
30. The apparatus of claim 22, wherein the machine is
on examination of at least one other user profile. Selected from the group consisting of a personal computer, a
17. The apparatus of claim 16, further comprising: storage television, a cable box, a satellite box, video game console
means associated with the machine for storing the data struc and a personal digital assistant.
ture. ck ck k k k
PATENT NO. : 8,621,541 B2 Page 1 of 1
APPLICATIONNO. : 13/041133
DATED : December 31, 2013
INVENTOR(S) : Ullman et al.

It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby corrected as shown below:

On the Title Page, References Cited

On page 4, in column 1, under “Other Publications, line 53, delete “208 and insert-2008--, therefor
On page 4, in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 64, delete “Inc., and insert --Inc.--, therefor
On page 5, in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 8, delete “T.J. and insert --T. J.--, therefor
On page 5, in column 2, under “Other Publications, line 17, delete “htm and insert -html.--, therefor

Signed and Sealed this

Fifteenth Day of July, 2014
74-4-04- 2% 4 Michelle K. Lee
Deputy Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office

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