Instructions For Products Excel File
Instructions For Products Excel File
Instructions For Products Excel File
1. Go to "Fill This Excel Tab/Workbook" - Copy and paste URL from column A in your browser
2. First line in blue is the Brand name. Copy brand name to Excel column B
3. Copy Product Title to column C
4. Copy price to column D (without $ sign)
5. Scroll down the product page and look for the ASIN code of the product. Enter it in to column E
6. Underneath the ASIN you will find the customer reviews, enter the number of review (in blue) into co
7. Look for Best Sellers Rank and enter the number into column H and enter the Main category (after t
8. Scroll down the page until you find shipping weight, copy shipping weight to column J
9. Open the following link in your web browser
10. Choose the Main Category you entered in column I
11. Enter into the Sales Rank dialog box the number you entered in column H. Press “Find Out Now”. C
12. Open the following link in your web browser
13. Enter the ASIN you entered in column E into the dialog box and enter “Search” button
14. Enter the price you entered in column D into Item price with Amazon Fulfillment Current (Second co
15. Copy Net Profit of product into column L
16. Copy Net Margin into column M
17. Look at product title (column C), what do you think are the product main keywords? Maximum of 4 w
18. Open in your browser the following link
19. Search for your main keywords (column N)
20. Look for the 2 products images which look very similar the product we analyzed. Open each image
n your browser
er it in to column E
f review (in blue) into column F and the total star rating (a score out of 5) into column G
he Main category (after the number) into column I
Press “Find Out Now”. Copy the number you got to column K
ch” button
ment Current (Second column). Scroll down and press “Calculate”.
zed. Open each image in a new tab and copy each URL to column O and column P
Link Brand name Title Price ($) ASIN Customer Reviews (Number)
Sellers Main Shipping SALES PER Net Main Alibaba Alibaba
Average Customer Reviews Score Rank Category Weight MONTH Net profit Margin Keyword URL 1 URL 2