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Learner’s Material
Module 4

This instructional material was collaboratively

developed and reviewed by educators from public and
private schools, colleges, and/or universities. We encourage
teachers and other education stakeholders to email their
feedback, comments, and recommendations to the
Department of Education at action@deped.gov.ph.

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education
Republic of the Philippines
Mathematics – Grade 7
Learner’s Material
First Edition, 2013
ISBN: 978-971-9990-60-4

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Br. Armin A. Luistro FSC
Undersecretary: Yolanda S. Quijano, Ph.D.
Assistant Secretary: Elena R. Ruiz, Ph.D.

Development Team of the Learner’s Material

Consultant: Ian June L. Garces, Ph.D.

Authors: Elizabeth R. Aseron, Angelo D. Armas, Allan M. Canonigo,

Ms. Jasmin T. Dullete, Flordeliza F. Francisco, Ph.D., Ian June L. Garces,
Ph.D., Eugenia V. Guerra, Phoebe V. Guerra, Almira D. Lacsina, Rhett
Anthony C. Latonio, Lambert G. Quesada, Ma. Christy R. Reyes, Rechilda P.
Villame, Debbie Marie B. Verzosa, Ph.D., and Catherine P. Vistro-Yu, Ph.D.

Editor: Catherine P. Vistro-Yu, Ph.D.

Reviewers: Melvin M. Callanta, Sonia Javier, and Corazon Lomibao

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Table of Contents

Lesson 30: Basic Concepts and Terms in Geometry ……………. 184

Lesson 31: Angles …………………………………………………… 196
Lesson 32: Basic Constructions .…………………………………… 206
Lesson 33: Polygons ………………………………………………… 212
Lesson 34: Triangles ………………………………………………… 219
Lesson 35: Quadrilaterals …………………………………………... 224
Lesson 36: Circles …………………………………………………… 230

Lesson 30: Basic Concepts and Terms in Geometry

About the Lesson:

This lesson focuses on plane figures. Included in the discussion are the basic terms
used in geometry such as points, lines and planes. The focus of this section is the different
ways of describing and representing the basic objects used in the study of geometry.


In this lesson, the participants are expected to:

1. describe the undefined terms;
2. give examples of objects that maybe used to represent the undefined terms;
3. name the identified point(s), line(s) and plane(s) in a given figure;
4. formulate the definition of parallel lines, intersecting lines, concurrent lines, skew
lines, segment, ray, and congruent segments;
5. Perform the set operations on segments and rays.

Lesson Proper

A. Introduction to the Undefined Terms:

In any mathematical system, definitions are important. Elements and objects must be
defined precisely. However, there are some terms or objects that are the primitive building
blocks of the system and hence cannot be defined independently of other objects. In
geometry, these are point, line, plane, and space. There are also relationships like
between that are not formally defined but are merely described or illustrated.

In Euclidean Geometry, the geometric terms point, line, and plane are all undefined
terms and are purely mental concepts or ideas. However, we can use concrete objects
around us to represent these ideas. Thus, these undefined terms can only be described.

Term Figure Description Notation
A point suggests an exact location in space.
Point A It has no dimension. point A
We use a capital letter to name a point.
A line is a set of points arranged in a row.
It is extended endlessly in both directions. line m or
R V It is a one-dimensional figure. suur
m Two points determine a line. That is, two RV
Line distinct points are contained by exactly one
We use a lower case letter or any two points
on the line to name the line.
A plane is a set of points in an endless flat
P The following determine a plane: (a) three plane PQR
Plane non-collinear points; (b) two intersecting or
Q R lines; PQR
(c) two parallel lines; or (d) a line and a point
not on the line.
We use a lower case letter or three points on
the plane to name the plane.

Activity 1
Objects Representing the Undefined Terms

1. These are some of the objects around us that could represent a point or line or plane.
Place each object in its corresponding column in the table below.

intersection of a side wall

Corner of a
Blackboard and ceiling tip of a needle

Intersection of the front

Laser Electric wire wall, a side wall and surface of a table

Tip of a ballpen Wall Edge of a table Paper

Objects that could Objects that could Objects that could
represent a point represent a line represent a plane

II. Questions to Ponder:

1. Consider the stars in the night sky. Do they represent points?
2. Consider the moon in its fullest form. Would you consider a full moon as a
representation of a point?
3. A dot represents a point. How big area dot that represents a point and a dot that
represents a circular region?
4. A point has no dimension. A line has a dimension. How come that a line composed
of dimensionless points has a dimension?
5. A pencil is an object that represents a line. Does a pencil extend infinitely in both
directions? Is a pencil a line?

III. Exercises

1. List down 5 other objects that could represent

a. a point.
b. a line.
c. a plane.

2. Use the figure below, identify what is being asked.


F k G H
a. Name the point(s) in the interior region of the circle.

b. Name the point(s) in the interior region of the triangle.

c. Name the line(s) in the interior region of the triangle.

d. Give other name(s) for line p.

a. Name the plane that can be formed by the three points in the interior of the circle.

b. Name the plane formed by line p and point I.

c. Name the points outside the circular region.

d. Name the points outside the region bounded by the triangle.

e. Name the points of plane M.

f. Give other names for plane M.

B. Recall:
a. Two points determine a line.
b. Three points not on the same line determine a plane.
c. Two intersecting lines determine a plane.
d. Two parallel lines determine a plane.
e. A line and a point not on the line determine a plane.

Given: The points A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H are corners of a box shown below:




Answer the following:

1. How many lines are possible which can be formed by these points?
(Hint: There are more than 20.) Refer to statement (a) above.

2. What are the lines that contain the point A? (Hint: There are more than 3 lines.)

3. Identify the different planes which can be formed by these points. (Hint: There
are more than six. Refer to statement (d) above.
4. What are the planes that contain line DC?

5. What are the planes that intersect at line BF?

B. Other basic geometric terms on points and lines

The three undefined terms in Plane Geometry are point, line, and plane.

Relationships between the above objects are defined and described in the activities
that follow.

Geometric Terms Illustration

Collinear points are points on the same

Coplanar points/lines are points/lines on

the same plane.

The following activity sheet will help us develop the definitions of the other

Activity 2
Other Geometric Terms on Lines

Refer to the figure below:

Given: The points A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H are corners of a box as shown:





Intersecting Lines
Lines DH and DC intersect at point D. They are intersecting lines.
Lines CG and GF intersect at point G. They are also intersecting lines.

1. What other lines intersect with line DH?

2. What other lines intersect with line CG?
3. What lines intersect with EF?

Parallel Lines
Lines AB and DC are parallel.
Lines DH and CG are parallel.

4. What other lines are parallel to line AB?

5. What other lines are parallel to line CG?
6. What lines are parallel to line AD?

How would you describe parallel lines?

Concurrent Lines
Lines AD, AB, and AE are concurrent at point A.
Lines GH, GF, and GC are concurrent at point G.

7. Name if possible, other lines that are concurrent at point A.

8. Name if possible, other lines that are concurrent at point G.
9. What lines are concurrent at point F?

What do you think are concurrent lines? How would you distinguish concurrent lines
from intersecting lines?

Skew Lines
Lines DH and EF are two lines which are neither intersecting nor parallel. These two
lines do not lie on a plane and are called skew lines. Lines AE and GF are also
skew lines. The lines DH, CG, HE and GF are skew to AB.

10. What other lines are skew to DH?

11. What other lines are skew to EF?
12. What lines are skew to BF?

- Two lines are intersecting if they have a common point.
- Three or more lines are concurrent if they all intersect at only one point.
- Parallel lines are coplanar lines that do not meet.
- Skew lines are lines that do not lie on the same plane.

C. Subsets of Lines

The line segment and the ray are some of the subsets of a line. A segment has
two endpoints while a ray has only one endpoint and is extended endlessly in one direction.
The worksheets below will help you formulate the definitions of segments and rays.

Activity 3
Definition of a Line Segment


AD is a line segment. The points A, B, C, and D are on line segment AD. In notation, we
write AD ´ or simply AD. We can also name it as DA ´ or DA.


FH is a segment. The points F, G, and H are on line segment FH. The points E, I, and J are
´ . We can also name it as HF
not on line segment FH. In notation, we write FH ´ or HF.


The points E, F, G, and J are on line segment EQ or segment QE.

The points C, D,T, and U are not on line segment EQ.

Answer the following:

1. Name other points which are on line segment EQ.

2. Name other points which are not on line segment EQ.

Complete the following statements:

3. A line segment is part of a line that has __________.

4. Line segment EQ consists of the points ____________________.

The line segment. A line segment is part of a line that has two endpoints.
We define a line segment AB ´ as a subset of line AB ´ consisting of the
points A and B and all the points between them. If the line to which a line segment
belongs is given a scale so that it turns into the real line, then the length of the
segment can be determined by getting the distance between its endpoints.

Activity 4
Congruent Segments

Given the points on the number line:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1. Determine the length of the following:

a. AB = _______ e. AC= _________

b. DE = _______ f. DG = _________
c. BD= _______ g. BE = _________
d. DF = _______ h. CG = _________

2. The following segments are congruent: AB and DE; BD and DF; AC and DG, BE and

3. The following pairs of segments are not congruent: AB and CF; BD and AE; AC and
BF; BG and AD.

4. Using the figure below, which segments are congruent?


-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Define congruent segments: Congruent segments are segments ______________.

Remember: Activity
Segments are congruent if they have the same length.
Definition of a Ray


This is ray AB. We can also name it as ray AC.

In symbol, we write ⃗AC .

The points A, B, C are on ray AC.


This is ray ZY. We can also name it as ray ZX.

In symbol, we write ⃗ ´ .
ZX . We do NOT write it as XZ

The points X, Y, Z are on ray ZY.


This is ray DE. We can also name it as ray DF or ray DG.

The points D, E, F, G are on ray DE.


This is ray TS. We can also name it as ray TR or ray TQ.

The points Q, R, S, T are on ray TS.


This is ray ML.

1. How else can you name this ray? _________

2. What are the points on ray ML? ________________


The points Q, R, S, T, U are on ray QR.

The points N, O, P are not on ray QR.

3. How else can you name ray QR?


4. What are the points on ray DE?

5. What are the points not on ray DE?

6. How else can you name ray DE?


7. What are the points on ray QT?

8. What are the points on ray PQ?

9. What are the points on ray XU?

10. What are the points on ray SP?

In general, how do you describe the points on any ray AC?




points A, B, C are on ray AC.


However, referring to another ray

BC , the point A is not on ray

BC .

Ray ⃗ AB is a subset of the line AB. The points of ⃗ AB are the points We
on segment AB and all the points X such that B is between A and X. say:
AB is parallel to CD

AB is parallel to CD
if the lines ´
AB ´
and CD are

AB is parallel to
13 ´
´ is parallel to CD
D. Set operations involving line and its subsets

Since the lines, segments and rays are all sets of points, we can perform set
operations on these sets.

Activity 6
The Union/Intersection of Segments and Rays

Use the figure below to determine the part of the line being described by the union or
intersection of two segments, rays, or segment and ray:


Example: ⃗ DE ∪ ⃗CF is the set of all points on the ray DE and segment CF. Thus, all these
points determine ray ⃗
CD .

BC ∩ ⃗
ED is the set of all points common to ray ⃗
BC and ray ⃗
ED . The
common points are the points on the segment BE.

Answer the following:

1) ¿
´ ∪ BE=
AB ´ ¿¿

2) ¿

DF ∪ BD´ =¿ ¿

3) ¿
⃗ ´ ¿¿

4) ¿
⃗ ´ ¿¿
DE ∪ BD=

5) ¿

CA ∪ ⃗
CD=¿ ¿

6) ¿
´ ∩ AD
BF ´ =¿ ¿

7) ¿
⃗ ´ ¿¿
FD ∩ AB=

8) ¿

FE∩ ⃗
CD =¿ ¿

9) ¿

CA ∩ ⃗
CE=¿ ¿

10) ¿
´ ∩⃗
BC CE =¿ ¿

In this lesson, you learned about the basic terms in geometry which are point, line,
plane, segment, and ray. You also learned how to perform set operations on segments and

Lesson 31: Angles

Prerequisite Concepts: Basic terms and set operation on rays

About the Lesson:

This lesson is about angles and angle pairs, and the angles formed when two lines
are cut by a transversal.

In this lesson, you are expected to:
1. Define angle,angle pair, and the different types of angles
2. Classify anglesaccording to their measures
3. Solve problems involving angles.

Lesson Proper

We focus the discussion on performing set operations on rays. The worksheet below will
help us formulate a definition of an angle.

A. Definition of Angle

I. Activity
Activity 7
Definition of an Angle

The following are angles:

The following are not angles:

Which of these are angles?

How would you define an angle?

An angle is ___________________________________.

An angle is a union of two non-collinear rays with common endpoint. The
two non-collinear rays are the sides of the angle while the common endpoint is
the vertex.

II. Questions to ponder:

Is this an angle?

2. Why is this figure, taken as a whole, not an angle?

If no confusion will arise, an angle can be designated by its vertex. If more precision
is required three letters are used to identify an angle. The middle letter is the vertex, while
the other two letters are points one from each side (other than the vertex) of the angle. For

The angle on the left can be named angle A or angle BAC, or
angle CAB. The mathematical notation is ∠ A , or ∠BAC ,
or ∠ CAB .

An angle divides the plane containing it into two regions: the interior and the exterior
of the angle.

Exterior of
Interior of

B. Measuring and constructing angles

I. Activity

A protractor is an instrument used to measure angles. The unit of measure we use is

the degree, denoted by °. Angle measures are between 0º and 180º. The measure of
∠ A is denoted by m ∠ A , or simply ∠ A .

Activity 8
Measuring an Angle

a) Construct angles with the following measures: 90º, 60º, 30º, 120º

b) From the figure, determine the measure of each angle.

1. EHC = ________ 6. CHB = ________ 11. BHE = _______

2. CHF = ________ 7. DHG = ________ 12. CHI = _______

3. IHA = ________ 8. FHI = ________ 13. BHG = _______

4. BHD = ________ 9. EHF = ________ 14. CHD = _______

5. AHG = ________ 10. DHI = ________ 15. BHI = ________

Exercise 9
Estimating Angle Measures

A. In the drawings below, some of the indicated measures of angles are correct and some
are obviously wrong. Using estimation, state which measures are correct and which are
wrong. The measures are given in degrees. You are not expected to measure the angles.


The three different types of angles are acute, right and obtuse angles. An acute angle
measures more than 0º but less than 90º; a right angle measures exactly 90º while an
obtuse angle measures more than 90º but less than 180º. If two lines or segments intersect
so that they form a right angle, then they are perpendicular. In fact, two perpendicular lines
meet to form four right angles.

Note that we define angle as a union of two non-collinear rays with a common endpoint.
In trigonometry, an angle is sometimes defined as the rotation of a ray about its endpoint.
Here, there is a distinction between the initial position of the ray and its terminal position.
This leads to the designation of the initial side and the terminal side. The measure of an
angle is the amount of rotation. If the direction of the rotation is considered, negative angles
might arise. This also generates additional types of angles: the zero, straight, reflex and
perigon angles. A zero angle measures exactly 0º; a straight angle measures exactly 180º; a
reflex angle measures more than 180o but less than 360º and a perigon angle measures
exactly 360º.

II. Question to ponder:

If ∠ M is an acute angle, what are the possible

(3n -60)o values of n?
A. On Angle Pairs:

I. Definitions

Two angles are adjacent if they are coplanar, have common vertex and a
common side but have no common interior points.
Two angles are complementary if the sum of their measures is 900.
Two angles are supplementary if the sum of their measures is 1800.
Two angles form a linear pair if they are both adjacent and supplementary.
Vertical angles are the opposite angles formed when two lines intersect.
Vertical angles are congruent.

In the figure, ∠α and ∠β are vertical angles.

II. Activity

Exercise 10
Parts of an Angle


Use the given figure to identify the following:

1. The sides of YVW ____________

2. The sides of XVY ____________
3. The angle(s) adjacent to ZVW ____________
4. The angle(s) adjacent to  XVZ ____________
5. The angle(s) adjacent to YVZ ____________
6. The side common to  XVY and YVZ ____________

7. The side common to XVZ andZVW ____________
8. The side common to XVZ andZVY ____________
9. The side common to XVY and YVW ____________
10. The common vertex. ____________

III. Question to Ponder

Why are the angles  XVZand YVZ not considered to be adjacent angles?

Exercise 11

A. Determine the measures of the angles marked with letters. (Note: Figures are not drawn
to scale.)
1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

B. Determine whether the statement is true or false. If false, explain why.

7. 20o, 30o, 40o are complementary angles.
8. 100o, 50o, 30o are supplementary angles.

Note that only pairs of angles are complementary or supplementary to each other.
Hence, the angles measuring 20°, 30° and 40° are not complementary. Similarly, the angles
measuring 100°, 50°, and 30° are not supplementary.

B. Angles formed when two lines are cut by a transversal.

I. Discussion

Given the lines x and y in the figure below. The line z is a transversal of the two lines.
A transversal is a line that intersects two or more lines. The following angles are formed
when a transversal intersects the two lines:

The interior angles are the four angles formed between the lines x and y. In the
figure, these are ∠C , ∠ D , ∠ E , and ∠ F .

The exterior angles are the four angles formed that lie outside the lines x and y.
These are ∠ A , ∠ B , ∠ G , and ∠ H .

The alternate interior angles are two interior angles that lie on opposite sides of a
transversal. The angle pairs ∠ C and ∠ F are alternate interior angles. So are
∠ D and ∠ E .

The alternate exterior angles are two exterior angles that lie on opposite sides of
the transversal. In the figure, ∠ A and ∠ H are alternate exterior angles, as well as
∠ B and ∠ G .

The corresponding angles are two angles, one interior and the other exterior, on
the same side of the transversal. The pairs of corresponding angles are ∠ A and ∠ E ,
∠ B and ∠ F , ∠C and ∠ G , and ∠ D and ∠ H .



Activity 12
Angles Formed when Two Parallel Lines are Cut by a Transversal

Draw parallel lines g and h. Draw a transversal j so that it forms an 80o angle line with g as
shown. Also, draw a transversal k so that it forms a 50o angle with line h as shown.

Use your protractor to find the measures of the angles marked with letters.

j k

80O A B C

H I J 50O

¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
∠ A =¿ ¿ ∠ E=¿ ¿ ∠ B=¿ ¿ ∠ C=¿ ¿
¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
∠ D=¿ ¿ ∠ H=¿ ¿ ∠ G=¿ ¿ ∠ F=¿ ¿
¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
∠ I =¿ ¿ ∠ L=¿ ¿ ∠ J =¿ ¿ ∠ M =¿ ¿
¿ ¿
¿ ¿
∠ K =¿ ¿ ∠ N =¿ ¿

Compare the measures of all the:

a. corresponding angles
b. alternate interior angles
c. alternate exterior angles.

What do you observe?

Complete the statements below:

When two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then
a. The corresponding angles are ________________.
b. The alternate interior angles are _______________.
c. The alternate exterior angles are _____________.

II. Questions to ponder:

Use the figure below to answer the following questions:
1. If lines x and y are parallel and z is a transversal, what can you say about
a) any pair of angles that are boxed?
b) one boxed and one unboxed angle?

2. If ∠ A=(20−2m)° and ∠ D=(m−130)° , what is the value of m?

When two parallel lines are cut by a transversal as shown, the boxed angles are
congruent. Also, corresponding angles are congruent, alternate interior angles are
congruent and alternate exterior angles are congruent. Moreover, linear pairs are
supplementary, interior angles on the same side of the transversal are supplementary, and
exterior angles on the same side of the transversal are supplementary.

Exercise 13
Determine the measures of the angles marked with letters. Lines with arrowheads
are parallel. (Note: Figures are not drawn to scale.)

1. 2. 3.

j n

105o p 112o

4. 5. 6.

83o 70o
r s t
7. 8.
u 65o
v 92o

9. 10.


z y
a c

In this lesson, you learned about angles, constructing angles with a given measure,
measuring a given angle; types of angles and angle pairs.

Lesson 32: Basic Constructions

About the Lesson:

This lesson is about geometric constructions using only a compass and straightedge.

In this lesson, you are expected to:
1. Perform basic constructions in geometry involving segments, midpoints,
angles and angle bisectors
2. Sketch an equilateral triangle accurately.

Lesson Proper
Using only the compass and straightedge, we can perform the basic constructions in
geometry. We use a straightedge to construct a line, ray, or segment when two points are
given. The marks indicated in the ruler may not be used for measurement. We use a
compass to construct an arc (part of a circle) or a circle, given a center point and a radius

Construction 1. To construct a segment congruent to a given segment

Given: Line segment AB:

Construct: Line segment XY congruent to AB.

Use the straight edge to draw a line and indicate a point X on the line.
Fix compass opening to match the lengthMarkof AB.
on the line the point Y
with distance AB from X.

Construction 2. To construct an angle congruent to a given angle.

Given: ∠A

Construct: ∠ W congruent to ∠A .

Draw a circular arc (part of a circle) with center at A and cutting the sides of at points B and C, respectively.

Draw a ray with endpoint W.

Draw a similar arc using centerW and radius AB, intersecting the ray at X.
Set the compass opening to length BC.

Using X as center and BC as radius, draw an arc intersecting the firstDraw

arc atray to complete
point Y. congruent to .

Construction 3. To construct the bisector of a given angle.

The bisector of an angle is the ray through the vertex and interior of the
angle which divides the angle into two angles of equal measures.

Given: ∠A

Locate points B and C one on each side of ∠ A so that AB =AC .

This can be done by drawing an arc of a circle with center at A.

Construct: Ray ⃗
AX such that X is in the interior of ∠ BAC and
∠ BAX =∠ XAC

Then using B as center, construct an arc of the circle with the same radius r and intersecting the arc in the preceding step
Using C as center and any Ray ⃗ AX is the
radiusr which is more bisector of
than half of BC, draw an ∠ BAC .
arc of a circle in the
interior of ∠ A .

The midpoint of a line segment is the point on the line segment that divides it into
two equal parts. This means that the midpoint of the segment AB is the point C on
AB such that AC =CB . The perpendicular bisector of a line segment is the line
perpendicular to the line segment at its midpoint.

In the figure, C is the midpoint of AB.

Thus, AC =CB .
The line l is the perpendicular bisector of

You will learn and prove in your later geometry lessons that the perpendicular
bisector of a segment is exactly the set of all points equidistant (with the same
distance) from the two endpoints of the segment. This property is the principle
behind the construction we are about to do.

Construction 5. To construct the midpoint and perpendicular bisector of a segment.

Given: Segment AB

Construct: The midpoint C of AB and the perpendicular bisector of AB.

As stated above, the idea in the construction of the perpendicular bisector is

to locate two points which are equidistant from A and B. Since there is only
one line passing through any two given points, the perpendicular bisector can
be drawn from these two equidistant points.

Using center A and Using center B and radius Line PQ is the
radius r which is r, draw arcs crossing the perpendicular bisector of
more than half of two previously drawn AB and the intersection
AB, draw two arcs arcs at points P and Q. of PQ with AB is the
on both sides of AB. midpoint of AB.
Construction 6.To constructs the perpendicular to a given line through a given point
on the line.

Given: Line l and point P on l

Construct: Line through P perpendicular to l

The perpendicular bisector of XY is the perpendicular to that

Can you see why?

Using center P and any radius, locate two points, X and Y, on the circle which are on .

Construction 7. To construct the perpendicular to a given line through a given point

not on the line

Given: Line l and point P which is not on l .

Construct: Line through P perpendicular to l .

The technique used in Construction 6 will be utilized.


Using Pas center draw arcs of circle with big enough radius to cross the line . Mark on the two points (X and Y)crossed by
The perpendicular bisector of XY
passes through P and is the line we

Construction 8. To construct a line parallel to a given line and though a point not
on the given line

Given: Line l and point P not on l .

Construct: Line through P parallel to l .

From P, draw the perpendicularThrough

mto P, draw the perpendicular to m (Construction 6).
l .

Why is n parallel to l ?

II. Exercises

Draw ∆ABC such that AB = 6 cm, BC = 8 cm and AC = 7 cm long. Use a ruler

for this.

Do the following constructions using Δ ABC .

1. Bisect the side BC.
2. Bisect the interior B.

3. Construct the altitude from vertex C. (The perpendicular from C to
´ .)
4. Construct a line through B which is parallel to side AC.
5. Construct an equilateral triangle PQR so that PR and the altitude from
vertex C have equal lengths.
6. Congruent angle construction can be used to do the parallel line construction
(Construction 8) instead of perpendicular construction. How can this be
done? What result are we applying in the parallel line construction?

V. Summary
In this lesson, basic geometric constructions were discussed.

Lesson 33: Polygons

Time: 2 hours

Prerequisite Concepts: Basic geometric terms

About the Lesson:

This lesson is about polygons. Included in the discussion are its parts,
classifications, and properties involving the sum of the measures of the interior and exterior
angles of a given polygon.

In this lesson; you are expected to:
1. Define a polygon.
2. Illustrate the different parts of a polygon.
3. State the different classifications of a polygon.
4. Determine the sum of the measures of the interior and exterior angles of a
convex polygon.

I. Lesson Proper
We first define the term polygon. The worksheet below will help us formulate a
definition of a polygon.

Activity 15
Definition of a Polygon
The following are polygons:

The following are not polygons:

Which of these are polygons?

What is then a polygon?

A. Definition, Parts, and Classification of a Polygon

Use the internet to learn where the word “polygon” comes from.

The word “polygon” comes from the Greek words “poly”, which means “many” and
“gon” which means “angles.”

A polygon is a union of non-collinear segments, the sides, on a plane that meet at

their endpoints, the vertices, so that each endpoint (vertex) is contained by exactly two
segments (sides).

Go back to Activity 15 to verify the definition of a polygon.

Polygons are named by writing their consecutive

vertices in order, such as ABCDE or AEDCB or
CDEAB or CBAED for the figure on the right.

A polygon separates a plane into three sets of points: the polygon itself, points in the
interior (inside) of the polygon, and points in the exterior (outside) of the polygon.

Consider the following sets of polygons:

Set A

Set B

Can you state a difference between the polygons in Set A and in Set B?

Polygons in Set A are called convex, while the polygons in Set B are non-convex. A
polygon is said to be convex if the lines containing the sides of the polygon do not cross the
interior of the polygon.

There are two types of angles associated with a convex polygon: exterior angle and
interior angle. An exterior angle of a convex polygon is an angle that is both supplement
and adjacent to one of its interior angles.

In the convex polygon ABCDE, A, B, BCD,

D, and E are the interior angles, while MCD
is an exterior angle.

Consecutive vertices are vertices on the same side of the polygon.

Consecutive sides are sides that have a common vertex. A diagonal is a segment joining
non-consecutive vertices.

In the polygon ABCDE, some consecutive vertices

are A and B, B and C.
Some consecutive sides are AE and ED ; 35
AB and
Some diagonals are AC and AD .
The different types of polygons in terms of congruency of parts are equilateral,
equiangular and regular. A polygon is equilateral if all its sides are equal; equiangular if all
its angles are equal; and regular if it is both equilateral and equiangular.

Polygons are named according to the number of sides.

Name of Polygon Number of Sides Name of Polygon Number of sides
Triangle 3 Octagon 8
Quadrilateral 4 Nonagon 9
Pentagon 5 Decagon 10
Hexagon 6 Undecagon 11
Heptagon 7 Dodecagon 12

B. Questions to Ponder:

1. Can two segments form a polygon? If yes, draw the figure. If no, explain why.

2. What is the minimum number of non-collinear segments needed to satisfy the definition of
polygon above?

3. Why are the following figures not considered as polygons?

C. Properties of a Polygon

Activity 16
Number of Vertices and Interior Angles of a Polygon

Materials needed: match sticks, paste or glue, paper
Consider each piece of matchstick as the side of a polygon.

(Recall: A polygon is ___________________________.)


1) Using three pieces of matchsticks form a polygon. Paste it on a piece of paper.

a) How many sides does it have?
b) How many vertices does it have?
c) How many interior angles does it have?

2) Using four pieces of match sticks form a polygon. Paste it on a piece of paper.
a) How many sides does it have?
b) How many vertices does it have?
c) How many interior angles does it have?
3) Using five pieces of matchsticks form a polygon. Paste it on a piece of paper.
a) How many sides does it have?
b) How many vertices does it have?
c) How many interior angles does it have?

4) Using six pieces of matchsticks form a polygon. Paste it on a piece of paper.

a) How many sides does it have?
b) How many vertices does it have?
c) How many interior angles does it have?

Were you able to observe a pattern?

Complete the sentence below:

A polygon with n sides has ___ number of vertices and ______ number of interior

Activity 17
Types of Polygon

A polygon is ________________________________________.
A polygon is equilateral is _____________________________.
A polygon is equiangular if ____________________________.
A polygon is regular if ________________________________.

1. Determine if a figure can be constructed using the given condition. If yes, sketch a figure.
If no, explain why it cannot be constructed.

a. A triangle which is equilateral but not equiangular.
b. A triangle which is equiangular but not equilateral
c. A triangle which is regular
d. A quadrilateral which is equilateral but not equiangular.
e. A quadrilateral which is equiangular but not equilateral
f. A quadrilateral which is regular.

2. In general,
a. Do all equilateral polygons equiangular? If no, give a counterexample.
b. Do all equiangular polygons equilateral? If no, give a counterexample.
c. Do all regular polygons equilateral? If no, give a counterexample.
d. Do all regular polygons equiangular? If no, give a counterexample.
e. Do all equilateral triangles equiangular?
f. Do all equiangular triangles equilateral?
Activity 18
Sum of the Interior Angles of a Convex Polygon

Materials needed: pencil, paper, protractor

1. Draw a triangle. Using a protractor, determine the measure of its interior angles and
determine the sum of the interior angles.
2. Draw a quadrilateral. Then fix a vertex and draw diagonals from this vertex. Then
answer the following:
a. How many diagonals are drawn from the fixed vertex?
b. How many triangles are formed by this/these diagonal(s)?
c. Without actually measuring, can you determine the sum of the interior angles
of a quadrilateral?
3. Draw a pentagon. Then fix a vertex and draw diagonals from this vertex. Then
answer the following:
a. How many diagonals are drawn from the fixed vertex?
b. How many triangles are formed by this/these diagonal(s)?
c. Without actually measuring, can you determine the sum of the interior angles
of a pentagon?
4. Continue this with a hexagon and heptagon.

5. Search for a pattern and complete the table below:

No. of diagonals No. of triangles formed Sum of the

No. of sides from a fixed by the diagonals drawn interior
vertex from a fixed vertex angles


6. Complete this: The sum of the interior angles of a polygon with n sides is ______.

Activity 19
The Sum of the Exterior Angles of a Convex Polygon

1. Given DABC with the exterior angle on each vertex as shown:

Let the interior angles at A, B, C measure a, b, c respectively while

the exterior angles measure d, e, f.
Determine the following sum of angles:
a + d = _________
b + e = _________
c + f = _________
(a + d) + (b + e) + (c + f) = _________
(a + b+ c) + (d + e + f) = _________
a + b + c = _________
d + e + f = _________

2. Given the  ABCD and the exterior angle at each vertex as shown:
Determine the following sum:
a + e = ________
b + f = _________
c + g = _________
d + h = _________
(a + e) + (b + f) + (c + g) + (d + h) = _________
(a + b+ c + d) + (e + f + g + h) = _________
a + b + c + d = _________
e + f + g + h = _________

The sum of the exterior angles of a convex quadrilateral is ______________.

3. Do the same thing with convex pentagon, hexagon and heptagon. Then complete the

The sum of the exterior angles of a convex pentagon is ___________.

The sum of the exterior angles of a convex hexagon is ___________.
The sum of the exterior angles of a convex heptagon is ___________.

4. What conclusion can you formulate about the sum of the exterior angles of a convex

I. Exercise 20
1. For each regular polygon, determine the measure of an exterior angle.
a. quadrilateral b. hexagon c. nonagon

2. Determine the sum of the interior angles of the following convex polygons:
a. pentagon b. heptagon c. octagon

3. Each exterior angle of a regular polygon measures 20o. Determine the sum of its
interior angles.

In this lesson we learned about polygon, its parts and the different classifications of
a polygon. We also performed some activities that helped us determine the sum of the
interior and exterior angles of a convex polygon.

Lesson 34: Triangles

Prerequisite Concepts: Polygons

About the Lesson:

This lesson is about triangles, its classifications and properties.

In this lesson, you are expected to:
1. Define and illustrate the different terms associated with a triangle.
2. Classify triangles according to their angles and according to their sides. .
3. Derive relationships among sides and angles of a triangle.

II. Lesson Proper

A. Terms associated with a Triangle

Given ∆ABC, its parts are the three vertices A, B, C; the three sides AB , AC and
BC and the three interior angles A, B and C.

We discuss other terms associated with ∆ABC.

Exterior angle – an angle that is adjacent and supplement to one of the interior angles of a

Remote interior angles of an exterior angle – Given an exterior angle of a triangle, the
two remote interior angles of this exterior angle are the interior angles of the triangle
that are not adjacent to the given exterior angle.

Angle bisector – This is a segment, a ray or a line that bisects an interior angle.

Altitude – This is a segment from a vertex that is perpendicular to the line containing the
opposite side.

Median – This is a segment joining a vertex and the midpoint of the opposite side.

Perpendicular bisector of a side – Given a side of a triangle, a perpendicular bisector is a

segment or a line that is perpendicular to the given side and passes through the
midpoint of the given side.

Exercise 21
Parts of a Triangle

Given DABE with AC ^BE and BD = DE, identify the following parts of the triangle.

1. vertices ______________
2. sides ______________
3. interior angles ______________
4. exterior angles ______________
5. the remote interior angles of  AEI
41 ______________
6. the remote interior angles of EBG ______________
7. altitude ______________
8. median
B. The lengths of the sides of a triangle

Activity 22
Lengths of Sides of a Triangle

Materials Needed: coconut midribs or barbecue sticks, scissors, ruler

1. Cut pieces of midribs with the indicated measures. There are three pieces in each set.
2. With each set of midribs, try to form a triangle. Complete the table below:

Lengths of midribs (in cm) Do they form a triangle or not?

3, 3, 7
3, 3, 5
4, 6, 10
4, 6, 9
5, 5, 10
5, 5, 8
6, 7, 11
6, 7, 9
4, 7, 12
4, 7, 10

3. For each set of lengths, add the two shortest lengths. Then compare the sum with the
longest length.

What pattern did you observe?

C. Classification of Triangles

Triangles can be classified according to their interior angles or according to the

number of congruent sides.

According to the interior angles:

Acute triangle is a triangle with three acute interior angles.
Right triangle is a triangle with one right angle.
Obtuse triangle is a triangle with one obtuse angle.

According to the number of congruent sides:

Scalene triangle is a triangle with no two sides congruent.
Isosceles triangle is a triangle with two congruent sides.
Equilateral triangle is a triangle with three congruent sides.

In an isosceles triangle, the angles opposite the congruent sides are also congruent.
Meanwhile, in an equilateral triangle, all angles are congruent.

D. Some Properties of a Triangle

Activity 23
Pythagorean Triples

1. In a graphing paper, sketch the right triangles with the specified lengths (in cm) of
legs. Then measure the hypotenuse. Let x and y be the legs and let z be the
hypotenuse of the triangle.

2. Complete the first table.

Leg (x) Leg (y) Hypotenuse Leg (x) Leg (y) Hypotenuse (z)
3 4 10 24
6 8 8 15
9 12 20 21
5 12 15 20

3. Compute for x2 , y2 , and z2 , and x2 + y2 and complete the second table.

x2 y2 z2 x2 + y2 x2 y2 z2 x2 + y2

4. Compare the values of x2 + y2 with z2. What did you observe?

5. Formulate your conjecture about the lengths of the sides of a right triangle.

II. Exercise 24

A. True or False
1. A triangle can have exactly one acute angle.

2. A triangle can have two right angles.
3. A triangle can have two obtuse interior angles.
4. A right triangle can be an isosceles triangle.
5. An isosceles triangle can have an obtuse interior angle.
6. An acute triangle can be an isosceles triangle.
7. An obtuse triangle can be an scalene triangle.
8. An acute triangle can be an scalene triangle.
9. A right triangle can be an equilateral triangle.
10. An obtuse triangle can be an isosceles triangle.

B. Determine the measure of the angles marked with letters. Lines with arrowheads are

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

C. Construct the following:

1. Construct a triangle whose sides are 5 cm, 8 cm, and 10 cm long.

2. Construct ∆PQR such that PQ = 5 cm, QR = 8 cm, and mQ = 60º.
3. Construct ∆WXY such that WX = 8 cm, mW = 15º, and mX = 60º.

D. Construct 4 different scalene triangles.

1. In the first triangle, construct all the perpendicular bisectors of the sides.
2. In the second triangle, construct all the angle bisectors.
3. In the third triangle, construct all the altitudes.
4. In the fourth triangle, construct a line passing through a vertex and parallel to the
opposite side of the chosen vertex.

III. Question to ponder:

Try to construct a triangle whose sides are 4 cm, 6 cm and 11 cm.
What did you observe? Could you explain why?

IV. Discuss the following properties of a triangle:

1. The perpendicular bisectors of the sides of a triangle are concurrent at a point. This
point is called the circumcenter of the given triangle.
2. The medians of a triangle are concurrent at a point. This point is called the centroid of
the given triangle.
3. The interior angle bisectors of a triangle are concurrent at a point. This point is called
the incenter of the given triangle.
4. The altitudes of a triangle are concurrent at a point. This point is called the
orthocenter of the given triangle.

V. Summary
In this lesson, we learned about triangles, its parts and its properties. The
construction is used to illustrate some properties of a triangle involving the perpendicular
bisectors of its sides, medians, bisectors of its interior angles and its altitudes.

Lesson 35: Quadrilaterals

Prerequisite Concepts: Polygons

About the Lesson:

This lesson is about the quadrilateral, its classifications and properties.

In this lesson, you are expected to:
1. Classify quadrilaterals
2. State the different properties of parallelogram.

I. Lesson Proper

A. Learning about quadrilaterals

A quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides.

Some special quadrilaterals

Trapezoid is a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of opposite sides parallel to each other.
The parallel sides are called the bases, while the non-parallel sides are called the legs.

If the legs of a trapezoid are congruent (that is, equal in length), then the trapezoid is an
isosceles trapezoid. Consequently, the base angles are congruent, and the remaining two
angles are also congruent.

Parallelogram is a quadrilateral with two pairs of opposite sides parallel to each other.

Exercise 25. Angles in Quadrilateral

Find the angles marked with letters. (Note: Figures are not drawn to scales.)

1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.



Activity 26
Vertices of a Parallelogram

Using a graphing paper, plot the three given points. Then find the three possible points for
the fourth vertex so that the figure formed is a parallelogram. Sketch the figure.
Given vertices Possible fourth vertex
A (2, 3), B (2, -3), C (4, 2)
E (-8, 3), F (-2, 5), G (-4, 1)
H (-3, 7), I (-6, 5), J (-1, 4)
K (6, 3), L (7, 5), M (2, 6)
N (6, -3), O (2, -4), P (5, -7)

Activity 27

Materials: Pair of scissors, ruler, cardboards or papers

A. Prepare five models of parallelograms. (Or use the attached sketch of
Name the parallelogram as ABCD.

1. For the first parallelogram: cut the parallelogram into two so that you can
compare A and C; B and D. What do you observe?
Opposite angles of a parallelogram are _______________________.
2. For the second parallelogram: cut the angles and arrange any two consecutive
angles about a point. What do you observe about the sum of any two
consecutive angles of a parallelogram?
Consecutive angles of a parallelogram are ____________________.
3. For the third parallelogram: cut the figure along the diagonal AC. Compare the
two triangles formed. Can they be coincided with each other?
For the fourth parallelogram: cut the figure along the diagonal BD.
Compare the two triangles formed. Can they be coincided with each other?

In both parallelograms, what do you observe about the triangles formed by the

Diagonals of a parallelogram divide the parallelogram into ___________.

4. For the fifth parallelogram: cut the figure along the two diagonals. Then compare
the partitioned diagonals. How did one diagonal divide the other diagonal?

Diagonals of a parallelogram _________________________.

Models for Activity 27









Special Properties of Rectangle, Square, Rhombus

Materials: two sets of models of rectangles, squares, rhombus. Name each as ABCD.
(see attached sheet for the models)


1.) Cut the rectangle along the diagonal AC. What type/s of triangle(s) is/are formed?

2.) Cut the rhombus along the diagonal AC. What type/s of triangle(s) is/are formed?

3.) Cut the square along the diagonal AC. What type/s of triangle(s) is/are formed?

In which parallelogram does the diagonal divide the parallelogram into two congruent
right triangles?

4.) In each figure, draw diagonals AC and BD and let the intersection be point O. In each
figure, measure the lengths of the diagonals.

In which parallelogram are the diagonals congruent?

5.) In each figure, draw diagonals AC and BD and let the intersection be point O. Then
measure AOD, DOC, COB, BOA. What do you observe?

In which parallelogram are the diagonals perpendicular?

6.) From the results of # 4-5, complete the statements below:

Diagonals of a rhombus are _____________________.

Diagonals of a rectangle are _____________________.

Diagonals of a square are _______________________.

Models for Activity 28


49 C






Properties of a parallelogram:
Opposite angles of a parallelogram are congruent.
Consecutive angles of a parallelogram are supplementary.
Diagonals of a parallelogram divide the parallelogram into two congruent triangles.
Diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.

A diagonal of a rectangle divides the rectangle into two congruent right triangles.
A diagonal of a square divides the square into two congruent isosceles right triangles.
Diagonals of a rectangle are congruent.
Diagonals of a rhombus are perpendicular.
Diagonals of a square are both congruent and perpendicular.

In this lesson, we learned about quadrilaterals and the different types of
quadrilaterals. We also learned about parallelogram and its properties.
Lesson 36: Circles

Prerequisite Concepts: Distance, angle measures

About the Lesson:
Students have been introduced to circles as early as Grade 1, and they may easily
recognize circles from a drawing, even without knowing how points on the circle are

defined. This lesson extends students’ visual understanding of circles by introducing them
to its mathematical definition. Definitions of terms related to the circle also developed.

In this lesson; you are expected to:
1. Define a circle and its parts.
2. Apply the definition to solve problems.

Lesson Proper:
A. Circles
I. Activity
Draw a point somewhere in the middle of a sheet of paper. Now, using a ruler, mark 20
other points that are 5 cm from the first point. Compare your work with that of your
seatmates. What shape do you recognize?

You can probably recognize circles even when you were young. When you hear the word
circle, round shapes may come to your mind. Now, we will learn how circles are shaped this
way. In the activity above, you saw that points that points that are the same distance from a
fixed point yields a round shape.

Definitions: A circle is the set of all points that are the

same distance from a fixed point. This fixed point is
called the center of the circle. A segment drawn from any
point on the circle to the center is called a radius.

Note: A circle is named by its center. The circle at the right

is called Circle O.

II. Questions to Ponder

1. Why do all radii (plural of radius) of a circle have the
same length?
2. Which the following figures are circles?

3. Your grandfather told you that when he was young, he and his playmates buried some
old coins under the ground, thinking that these coins will be valuable after several years.
He also remembered that these coins were buried exactly 4 kilometers from Tree A (see
map) and 5 kilometers from Tree B. Where could the coins possibly be located?

B. Terms Related to Circles
I. Activity

On Circle O, segments AD, BF, CG, Find the measure of APB below.
and HE were constructed so that
their endpoints are points on the
circle. Measure each segment, and
determine which of these segments
is the longest.

The activity above introduced you to other parts of a circle.

A chord is a segment that connects any two points of a circle. AD, BF, CG, and HE are
chords of Circle O.
A diameter is a chord that passes through the center of a circle. BF is a diameter of Circle
O. It is the longest chord of a circle and it is twice the length of a circle’s radius.

A central angle is an angle whose vertex is on the circle’s center, and whose sides
intersect the circle at two points. APB is a central angle of Circle P.
An arc is a portion of a circle determined by a central angle. Arc AB is an arc of Circle P.

II. Points to Ponder

1. Determine whether each statement is true or false.

a. Two radii always have the same length.
b. Two chords always have the same length.
c. All chords are diameters.
d. All diameters are chords.
e. All chords intersect at one point.
f. A radius is not a chord.
g. All diameters intersect at one point.

2. On Circle O,
a. name each radius.
b. name each diameter.
c. name each chord.
d. name each central angle.
e. name the arcs subtended by the central
angles in (d).

3. Using a compass, draw a circle whose radius is 5

cm. Then draw the following objects. Write
“impossible” if the object cannot be drawn.
a. One chord measuring 2 cm.
b. One chord measuring 10 cm.
c. One chord measuring 12 cm.
d. Three radii measuring 5 cm.
e. One central angle measuring 90.
f. One central angle measuring 135.
g. One arc subtended by an angle that measures 35.
h. Three adjacent central angles, each measuring 10.


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