Leather Manual

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To the WhichPLM And in most of the ways that mattered, we were right. With PDM,
we helped apparel businesses to take back control of their core
But as our UK and international readers will know, fast fashion
– which has dominated the industry conversation for the best
product design and development processes, and to keep all their

Buyer’s Guide
part of a decade, becoming the model that many sought to
data in one place. When we introduced PLM, at a time when the emulate – is now experiencing a backlash. Why? Because the
world was only just beginning to move beyond fax machines, we compelling proposition the consumer saw – cool, cheap clothes,

opened up that level of data consolidation and control to the with a new collection every couple of weeks – came with big
entire enterprise, and also used the newly-commercialised Internet unspoken costs that are now being dragged into the spotlight.
to create new connections between brands and retailers and

This publication is technically the ninth in an annual series. So if their suppliers – who were usually situated on the other side of
To design, develop, source and sell cheap, on-trend clothes,
you’re new to WhichPLM, that should give you some idea of just the world.
brands and retailers had to either sacrifice their own margins, or
how long we’ve been researching, writing about, and analysing our find ways of optimising costs elsewhere in the lifecycle. And
single specialist area: technology for the retail, footwear, and apparel Looking back, I’ve always thought we did great work, and I was those savings came from the sort of obviously unpleasant sources
(RFA) industry. proud to have made fashion run quicker and smoother than ever that the apparel industry used to go to great lengths to hide:
before. And although PLM has obviously replaced PDM in the low-wage or even unpaid labour, mandatory overtime, significant
It’s only recently, though, that I took the decision to make these intervening years, companies of all shapes and sizes were able carbon footprint, large landfill contributions, and little or no
yearly reports free to everyone. Last year we tested the waters by to obtain real value from both generations of solution. transparency when it came to understanding the specific impact
publishing the kind of exclusive, data-rich publication that big analyst of these and other important metrics.
firms would charge thousands for, with no strings attached. To say But recently I’ve started to wonder if, in the processes of making
it was a success would be an understatement; our 2018 Buyer’s product development and offshore sourcing speedier, we I’m keen not to point the finger entirely at fast fashion, because
Guide was downloaded, read, and shared by thousands of senior shouldn’t share some responsibility for the negative consequences the same trend happened in other areas of the market as well.
executives and stakeholders from many of the world’s biggest the disposable, offshore model has created. Spurred on by the big names in affordable style, almost every
brands, as well as every major technology vendor in our industry. segment turned fashion into a commodity to a greater or lesser
Because, in the process of making fashion run faster, we degree. And as other industries have shown, for commoditisation
Crammed with even better content, I’m confident that this publication unknowingly opened the door for fast fashion. No doubt you’re to be an effective model, volume and velocity are key.
will reach an even wider audience, and I believe this gives me a very sick of hearing those words, but like it or not, that combination
precious platform – a way of reaching out to a cross-section of the of catwalk-fresh style, speed to market, and planned scarcity I want to also be clear about something else: offshoring was
industry that doesn’t very often all come to the same place. So I has completely redefined the market’s expectations for the way necessary for all but the most niche products. And the retail,
want to kick off our 2019 Buyer’s Guide by talking about something fashion should operate. Not that long ago, people shopped for footwear and apparel industry certainly didn’t create the
that should concern us all, because I know it’s been on my mind a styles that would stand the test of time, and quality that promised inequalities that exist between countries where shopping for
lot this year. a lifespan of years; today, they’ve been conditioned to want clothes is an easy luxury, and countries where making clothes
bargain prices, constant newness, and to feel comfortable with is the only work available, and wages are suppressed so much
I mentioned that WhichPLM has been around a long time, but I’ve the idea of throwing a comparatively cheap garment away and that abject poverty is institutional. I’ve spent a life in fashion –
been in the industry even longer – more than 45 years. Now, anyone just buying another one. from the cutting room to the boardroom – and as much as I love
who knows me knows how proud I am to have spent most of that and respect this industry, I recognise that it can’t drive social
time helping to bring new, digital technologies to the brands, retailers, The market conditions were, of course, ripe for that change to change on its own, despite being a good engine for progress.
and manufacturers who I believed needed them. happen. New media channels meant that more people were
exposed to a wider variety of styles and influences, and the rise From the same positive perspective, for every volume-based
Back in the 1980s, when computer aided design was a brand new of multi-channel meant that companies that could adapt catwalk retailer that’s now being raked over the coals for the negative
idea and a graphics card took up an enclosure the size of your styles quickly, price them affordably, then repeat the process impacts of their business model, there are ten or more smaller
dining table today, I and my colleagues were on the vanguard of a even faster the next time, had a captive market. And the ones brands trying a different angle. From small, scheduled “drops”
real change in the way our industry worked. We saw serious who managed that became the household names we all know of scarce, high-quality products, to so-called “radical
challenges with the way fashion was operating, and we believed today. transparency,” companies are successfully experimenting with
we’d found the solutions. either minimising their negative impact on the world, or opening

2 3
“After helping to make
their doors to let consumers decide for themselves. And even the These were not categories we arrived at randomly; they represent
biggest companies are experimenting with creating new performance what we see as the key areas of any apparel business that need
footwear from recycled ocean plastics, or even – as Adidas did just
before this publication came out – raising the idea of customers’
product development to be brought into the digital age to deliver the kind of agility and
accountability that the future will demand. We call this blend of An introduction to the new
buying a pair of shoes, being able to send them back for recycling, and offshore sourcing technologies the digital solution landscape, and we believe in it generation of digital solutions
shaping the future of fashion
and getting a new pair – all baked into the cost. I can’t second-guess so strongly that you’re going to find an entirely new section of
how the concept of subscription-based sneakers might take off, but speedier, should we this publication when you turn the page.
and retail.

I definitely can’t deny that businesses – from the big to the boutique
share some
– are trying something different.
I’m obviously incredibly grateful to be here, more than a decade

At the same time, an even hotter market for the resale of short-run
responsibility for the from when WhichPLM was founded, helping brands and retailers
to make the most of their investments in technology. But from
and luxury items has been enabled by services like StockX and the negative consequences 2019 onwards, I want to see WhichPLM making a difference in Comprehensive listings of all
major PLM vendors that cater to
long-running eBay – where more durable, timeless fashions can three ways:
enjoy longer lives, and where we can see a real shift towards a more the disposable, the retail, footwear, and apparel
sustainable mindset.
offshore model has • To our brand and retail readers’ lives, by improving their

day to day operations.
But in the end, something bigger had to give. And 2018/19 has been
a tipping point in the way the international community (regulators
created?” • To the profitability and operational stability of the retail,
footwear, and apparel industry as a whole, by providing the
and consumers) think about the real cost of their clothing.
information that businesses need to make the right
eCommerce success story ASOS has seen a huge slump in profits, And as I mentioned, that’s just one piece of regulation amongst Listings for key RFA PLM
technology choices. consultants, including key
and the biggest names in fast fashion here in the UK were hauled hundreds that are in effect or soon to come into force – covering
insights into trends in
• To the world, by working with technology vendors, not for
before Parliament to account for the environmental and ethical working standards, wages, material sourcing practices, fabric technology & implementation.
profit organisations, agents, and manufacturers to make
damage their businesses were causing. And this is coming hot on dyeing processes, and much more.
sure that technology is delivering mutual benefits and
the heels of the enforcement of the Modern Slavery Act, which

bringing as many players in the value chain as possible into
mandates that any UK company with more than £36 million (roughly
So where now? When we introduced PLM to the RFA industry,
the digital age.
$48 million) in annual turnover needs to issue a public statement
did we create a new monster that we now have no choice but to
as to whether slavery, by the modern definition, exists anywhere in
run away from?
their extended supply chains. And similar initiatives are gaining You will still find our core PLM market analysis later in this The final instalment of
steam elsewhere in the world, of course. publication (with up-to-the-minute market intelligence, and more WhichPLM’s exclusive, industry-
I don’t think so. In fact, I believe that the technologies we’ve detailed recommendations and guidance than ever for different defining PLM market analysis,
created actually have the potential to be the answer provided covering 2018/19.
types of readers) but I want to personally invite you to turn the
So whether we like to admit it or not, the retail, footwear, and apparel
they’re used in the right way, and are all integrated to a common page and dig into our vision for the future of total digital
industry is in the firing line – and in a lot of cases the brands and

data source, like PLM, to create a seamless view of the product connectivity. From today onwards, I want to help our industry to
retailers being exposed to the most public criticism simply don’t
journey – from initial idea to recycling and re-use. Because it’s create better, longer-lasting products, profitably, without either
have the equipment they need to defend themselves. Take the
only with a thorough understanding of the practicalities and costs vulnerable people or the planet footing the bill.
Modern Slavery Act, for instance; to fully comply with the Act,
– monetary, environmental, and ethical – of their complete product
businesses need to be able to confidently state that every Tier of Executive summaries with our
lifecycles that brands and retailers can start to take meaningful
their supply chains, from raw materials and components to assembly I hope you’ll join me. recommendations for
steps towards making a change. customers, vendors,
and distribution, is free of contraventions of ethical and environmental
consultants & partners.
standards. Now realise that at least half of these companies – likely
All of which is why we’re now widening the net of the technologies
many more – have yet to extend their use of PLM to even their first-
that WhichPLM covers. You may have already seen this change
tier suppliers, and it becomes obvious that, however good their
on our website, where we’ve added 18 new technology categories
intentions, these companies simply do not have the level of visibility
on top of our core focus on PLM – covering everything from trend
they need to actually answer the questions that government and
analysis to blockchain-driven transparency.
the open market are asking of them.

4 5
The new class
Meet The Next Generation Of
Digital Solutions.
Using multiple different technologies to run a business is not a new idea. Since the idea of more feature-complete, varied digital solutions started to
come to fruition, brands and retailers have, understandably, jumped at the
chance to replace two, three, or even four other solutions with one. And at
Over the course of the last decade, WhichPLM has been asked by some
the same time, technology decision-makers have begun to approach the
of the world’s biggest companies to assess their preparedness for replacing
PLM market with a view to finding both a centralised data source and a
an outdated PLM solution. Part of that process involved auditing their
backbone for enterprise integration.
technology ecosystems, and in many cases we found hundreds of solutions
and data sources – all running separately, with complex inputs and outputs,
and all spread across design, development, and sourcing. This is why our 2019 Buyer’s Guide retains its core focus on helping brand
and retail readers to choose the right PLM solution to meet their needs.
Vendor listings, Market Analysis, and key recommendations are all available
As you can probably imagine, operating that many different, disconnected
free of charge, and can be easily shared with the other stakeholders and
solutions at once (often with significant functional and data overlap) is not
technology end users to help them understand the transformative potential
an optimal situation. And to reinforce that idea, we learned that in every
of truly modern PLM.
one of these cases the sheer number of solutions, data repositories, and
ad-hoc processes had arisen out of necessity. Ideal solutions that could
solve many of these brands’ and retailers’ major problems at once simply
did not exist at the time the companies began working digitally – leaving
“New technologies are
them no choice but to implement and use technology on a piecemeal basis,
with little or no integration.
coming together to create
an ecosystem built with
This might be an extreme, but it is still not uncommon for a brand or retailer
that has been operating for more than a few years to have found flaws in purpose and by design -
some (or even all) of their many business systems. Alternatively, the solutions
themselves may have fallen into disuse due to a lack of functionality, or
rather than a steady
there being no clear (or cost-effective) way to get back on the upgrade path.
Or, of course, the company may have simply outgrown an old solution as
accretion of workarounds.”
its business has evolved, leading to more work being done by falling back
to manual methods, or finding ingenious workarounds that save time but
But it’s also why, after a decade of helping to introduce new technologies
promote an acceptance of the idea that critical information can exist outside
to the retail, footwear, and apparel industry, WhichPLM is returning to our
the most critical of business systems: PLM.
roots and adding other digital solutions to our Buyer’s Guide. In the following
pages you will find 18 different digital solutions categories – each containing
In these cases our recommendation was always the same: identify new
an explanation of how and why that kind of solution could help you deliver
processes and technologies (such as upgrading to a truly modern PLM
on your goal of digital transformation. So, without further ado, please turn
platform) that will help consolidate those redundant technologies, and
the page and discover the new generation of trusted digital vendors. From
implement and integrate them in a way that will eliminate manual work and
the experimental to the enterprise-ready, we believe this category paints a
add compounded value at more than one stage of the product lifecycle.
compelling picture of the all-digital future of the fashion and retail industry.

This advice helped give rise to a whole new generation of digital solutions.
As with our PLM and consultant listings, the advertisements included in
We see these as platforms and services that, rather than being point solutions
each digital solutions category are intended to help you, the reader, quickly
for solving a small problem, can serve as building blocks for more
identify the key players in what we consider to be the most important added-
comprehensive digital transformation. And most importantly, the vision
value technologies, and do not imply any endorsement on WhichPLM’s
they are coming together to create is of a digital ecosystem built with purpose
and by design – rather than being a steady accretion of workarounds.

6 7
CAD stands for Computer Aided Design, and depending on who you ask, disruption
which is a common term you’ll find is either unlikely or overdue. In most of the
everywhere from architecture to industrial Western world, Adobe Illustrator (sold either
engineering and discrete manufacturing. in isolation for around $20 per user per
These sectors, where the finished product month or as part of a suite of creative tools)
is made from stone, metal, or polycarbonate, has become the de facto vector drawing

“CAD tools are

were the first to move away from paper- tool for design teams, with a scattering of
based manual drafting to drawing different third party solutions and in-house tools used
perspectives of their products and to supplement its functionality.

used wherever
components digitally. The retail, footwear
and apparel industry eventually followed Illustrator’s success can, in part, be
suit, although some designers still chose attributed to its extensibility, interoperability,

to draw with pencils up until a few years and potential for integration. Like other
ago. Adobe tools, Illustrator can use both its own
.AI file format as well as a range of other
CAD is segmented into two different open standards - and both free and

drawing and
technologies: 2D CAD and 3D CAD, the commercial plug-ins can be developed to
latter of which has its own section overleaf. add new functionality in areas like pattern
design, knitting, weaving, and colour

In apparel, 2D CAD encompasses both the management.
technical and the creative; CAD packages
are used for everything from initial inspiration Almost every modern PLM solution offers
sketches right the way through to extremely an immediate integration to Illustrator, with

license are
exacting tasks where products and the best delivering single-sign-on (SSO),
components are drawn to an absolute scale which allows designers and creative teams
that is consistent across entire size ranges. to create styles within Illustrator using

CAD tools are also used in many other areas libraries housed in PLM, and then to publish
where freehand drawing, experimentation, those styles to PLM without ever leaving the
and artistic license are applied – including Illustrator environment.
artworking, illustration, and print and pattern
“The major
(Please note: pattern here refers to a
repetitive pattern of shapes and colours,
rather than the underlying pattern or block
that a garment technician or patternmaker
provider in the
will create when they transform an artistic 2D CAD market
design into a manufacturable product.)
is extremely
The major software provider in the 2D CAD
market is currently extremely entrenched, entrenched.”

8 9
Fiery DesignPro

Textile and Fashion Plug-ins

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10 11
Just like 2D CAD, the apparel industry was purposes, used to populate an eCommerce
a late convert to the benefits of designing catalogue, or deployed in place of a physical
and visualising its products in 3D, but the prototype for in-house or open market
last three years have seen an avalanche of testing purposes.
adoption, and today 3D is at or near the top
of most brands’ and retailers’ priority lists Although there is some crossover between
when it comes to implementing new these two categories of applications, in
technologies. practice most brands and retailers who have

“3D CAN PAY for

bought into the 3D revolution now run at
The reason for this rapid increase in interest least two different 3D solutions to cover
is straightforward: until recently, 3D different tasks or to cater to multiple product
simulation of fabric was incomplete and fell categories. As a result, while there are

itself far
short of the level of realism needed to leaders in very particular areas (such as
accurately portray the way materials draped, footwear) there is no single vendor
moved, and reflected light. This is no longer dominating the market for 3D as a whole.

more quickly
the case, and the best 3D solutions can now
deliver extremely exacting, realistic results,
giving designers and product teams a way “The last three
to not only create new styles in 3D, but to

than other
scientifically predict how those styles will years have seen
behave in the real world.
an avalanche of

The sudden influx of brands and retailers
led to an explosion of different 3D solutions, adoption...”
but the industry very quickly coalesced
around a much smaller concentration of

companies – most of which had actually Luckily, considering the fact that any multi-
led the initial charge for 3D in garments and category brand or retailer will likely need to
footwear almost a decade earlier – as well invest in several 3D solutions, the return on
as potential disruptors from other industries investment potential of 3D is clear and
where 3D is more firmly established. compelling. From greater costing accuracy,
improved bill of materials calculations, and
Although a high-fidelity 3D asset can have the elimination of one or more costly, time-
almost limitless uses, these tend to fall into consuming sample rounds from the average
two clear categories: what we call “technical product lifecycle, adopting 3D has the
3D” and what we call “aesthetic 3D”. The potential to pay for itself far more quickly
first of these is concerned with consistency than other enterprise technologies.
between 3D visualisation and the underlying
2D pattern, and covers areas like fitting, To make full use of multiple 3D solutions,
adjustment, material alteration and other brands and retailers will need to ensure that
design and development tasks that can be each platform is integrated to their complete
virtualised. Aesthetic 3D covers more digital ecosystem, using PLM as the central
subjective areas, where a 3D asset is used repository for material data, sizing
in augmented reality for range-building information, and so on.

12 13
Browzwear is springing into fashion with our
3D clothing design software VStitcher and
Lotta - April 2019 editions with the amazing
new features and tools introduced to
streamline your end-to-end fashion design

With our pioneering Colorways Workplace –

the only advanced, comprehensive solution Learn about how 3D printing will
for professional apparel designers – complete revolutionize the way we consume &
multiple colorways are easily created, edited
and completed within minutes. produce fashion. Danit Peleg leads
engaging & inspiring talks and
Our native Physical-based Rendering (PBR)
generates photorealistic material rendering in workshops both online and in-person.
3D, including metallics, velvet, glitter and so Get hands-on experience with 3D printers
much more.
and design & print your own 3D
Group/Lock/Hide tools group multiple printed textiles! Perfect for keeping your
elements such as trims, which can then be
moved together as one unit, or hides an
team up to date with the latest emergent
element’s type (e.g. pattern maker’s fashion technologies!
measurement lines), allowing a
multidisciplinary team to work on the
garment concurrently.

New 3D Styling tools allow ‘retouching’

garment drape, removing wrinkles and
achieving the optimal look for showcasing.

For more information and a free demo,

contact us at www.browzwear.com.

14 15
The Real
Value of 3D
in Fashion.
At PixelPool we believe in a Our new 3D cloud-based
sustainable and innovation platform helps your brand to
driven fashion industry. stay ahead of the game and
to be ready for the future. 
We empower the world’s most
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become more agile, enhance value chain is no longer a
their planning and ignite their Choice, it Is a Necessity.
sales opportunities. 
Discover the value of our
platform at: pixelpool.com/

Empowering the fashion industry

through innovative digital solutions

16 17
Perhaps the most debated technology in history, In the mass market, we have the much more used for the foreseeable future.
Artificial Intelligence can mean many different
things depending on the context the term is
used in. From science fiction to academia to a
prevalent “machine learning,” which is where
this area of technology has clear commercial
applications. Machine learning covers
None of this should take away, though, from the
fact that machine learning can be a totally
Product Decision Engine for Retail
Informed decision-making at every stage of the product creation and
recent goldrush, the A.I label has been stuck everything from computer vision (the neural transformational technology in the right hands.
on almost everything – from self-driving cars networks that drive scene recognition and facial Today, machine learning-based solutions have
and Terminator’s world-ending SkyNet, to simple recognition in photography) to smart, contextual delivered real results in areas as diverse as trend go-to-market process
relational databases that are anything but A.I. search engines for websites. Essentially any analysis, real-time price optimisation based on
Practically speaking, though, Artificial system that can be trained on a large initial data a huge number of variables and market
Intelligence is actually not a very useful label, set, like pictures, then fed ongoing data of the conditions, smart inventory allocation and
because it’s essentially an umbrella term under same type, and is allowed to use its own prior channel balancing, massive-scale eCommerce

Give us a call to discuss how you can beat your competition

which a raft of different technologies sit. output as input can be said to be machine user experience, and much, much more – all of
learning. which can be integrated into the enterprise-wide
At the bleeding edge, Google-owned company digital ecosystem.
DeepMind is working on what might be classed
as “true” narrow A.I, meaning a self-learning
system trained in a very particular area (such
as a strategic, combinatorically complex game
What this means in practice is that, as a brand
or retailer looking for a new era in business
intelligence, or a way of automating a non-trivial
process at a previously unimaginable scale,
We encourage readers interested in A.I to
download the freely available WhichPLM
Report: 7th Edition, which contains more than
like Go or Starcraft) and capable of outwitting you’re going to be sold A.I but you’re going to 40 pages of history, analysis, and
even the best human minds with novel be buying machine learning. Unfortunately, recommendations. This is an area to watch in
approaches. This is research-driven work rather though, the industry has now accepted A.I as 2020 and beyond.
than commercial software. the catch-all term, so it’s one we’re going to see

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Digital a digital ecosystem of best-in-class apparel supply chain solutions

18 19
Place ten people in a room and ask them they agree, the number is written into an
to define blockchain, and you’re likely to get indestructible book that’s shared between
five confused shrugs and five completely them all, in an ink that cannot be erased or
contradictory and conflicting answers. overwritten.
Aside from A.I., no single technology has
been more widely discussed and less widely Because of this process, the book the crowd
understood than blockchain - but this has collectively holds (the distributed ledger)
not stopped a few pioneers from creating contains an accurate, unbiased, and
compelling, albeit early-stage, applications incorruptible record of what was moved,
of blockchain principles to the retail, when, and where to – delivering total
footwear and apparel industry. accountability and transparency. And if one
member of the crowd were to disagree or
Although we are early members of the Retail disappear, the others would all hold multiple
Blockchain Consortium, WhichPLM has redundant backups of the consolidated

“WHat is
held off putting out any detailed research transaction log.
into blockchain because, until the last year
or so, almost everything being discussed In most blockchain applications, the

blockchain and
was theoretical. Now, though, the retail distributed ledger is made public, so that
industry has begun to take some more any transaction can be viewed by anyone
meaningful steps towards actual use cases, once it has received sufficient confirmations.
This is how cryptocurrency works, but with

why should you

and this is something we see picking up
pace in 2020 and beyond. the added incentive that the crowd
producing the ledger is also given a small
Before we highlight a couple of those amount of the asset being moved in

examples, though, what is blockchain and exchange for their work. Private blockchains,
why should you care? You might have heard however, provide the same degree of
blockchain technology being referred to as transparency and accountability for a
“distributed ledger” technology, or DLT, and specific audience – such as raw material
while this is accurate, it doesn’t really answer suppliers and the brands and retailers who
the question because a distributed ledger source from them.
isn’t something most people are familiar
with. This may be a very simplified view of
blockchain, but it should provide some idea
At WhichPLM, we have found that the of how the idea can be applied to the retail,
easiest way to think about blockchain is as footwear and apparel industry. Downstream
follows: picture a conveyor belt moving – from brand to consumer – a public
something along. What it’s moving doesn’t blockchain can provide cast-iron evidence
actually matter, but let’s imagine for now of a company’s commitment to ethical,
that it’s in a grocery store, and it’s moving environmentally sustainable production, or
a large but finite number of apples from one serve as an unhackable record of
end to another. A crowd of people is stood authenticity for the first and second-hand
around the conveyor belt at a set position. luxury markets, providing a weapon in the
Every time someone wants to take an apple fight against counterfeiting.
and keep it, or give it to someone else, that
crowd of people has to confer and agree WhichPLM will soon be covering the
the number of remaining apples and the applications (practical and potential) of
way they’re laid out before the belt can move blockchain technologies in the retail industry
any further – adding a new ‘block’ to the in more detail.
‘chain’ that cannot be rolled back. When

20 21
The Retail Blockchain Consortium (RBC) explores and
advances the usage of Distributed Ledger Technologies
(DLT) within the retail and B2B value chain.

Development of pilot projects (proof-of-concepts)
and Industry Wide Standards

Workshops and intensive educational and technical

accredited courses run by experts

Participation in members-only events and

committees on Blockchain applications within the
retail value chain

THE SUPPLY-CHAIN TRANSPARENCY AND Opportunity to lead working groups, focused on

ANTI-COUNTERFEIT SOLUTION your business challenges
Helping to drive CSR and improve the environment,
With a patented system supported by blockchain technology, 1TrueID helps through the relevant use of Blockchain
retailers, brands and manufacturers to enhance the customer's experience and trust.
Access to the latest academic retail and B2B
The blockchain solution authenticates every step in the process focused research on Blockchain from the world’s
from design-to-consumer including a products identity, leading universities
origin, and the story or traceability of materials to finished products
during and after the process of retailing, providing a unique experience and voice.



22 23
Bill of
In a fast moving world,
labour (BOL)
Two key components are needed to turn an idea portion of their overall product before soliciting the ILA (International Labour Authority) and that
efficiency is achievable.
into a physical product: materials, and human quotations – much less understand how are compliant with the Geneva Convention. In
or robotic labour. individual cutting, sewing, handling, and practice, this means that manufacturing is no
packaging operations contribute to that total longer a black hole of visibility, and it provides
The power to understand the aggregate cost of cost. This is in spite of the fact that a small brands and retailers with an accurate, unbiased
materials – and even to run hypothetical costing number of solutions that solve this precise starting point for negotiation.
scenarios where one or more fabrics, trims, or problem have existed for many years. The most
components are changed and the impact on common of these, General Sewing Data (or As compelling a value proposition as that seems,
the cost of the product is calculated - is part of GSD) is both a software solution and a road- though, synthetic costing and other Bill of Labour
almost every modern PLM solution. So, for the tested library of scientific measurements of the solutions are not yet fully mainstream – although
most part, designers and merchandisers can time and cost of different manual and we expect this to change very soon because of
have clear visibility into the financial implications mechanised manufacturing tasks – down to the two major drivers: constricting profit margins,
of their material choices. motions of the hand. and consumer appetites for ethical sourcing
and manufacturing. Where previously corporate
The same cannot be said for labour. In the mass These solutions are already relied on by some social responsibility was primarily a matter of
market, the manufacturing cost of a product is of the world’s biggest brands to perform what minimising risk, now regulations like the Modern
often left to the last minute and worked out via we call ‘synthetic costing’ of labour. Using GSD Slavery Act, coupled with the rise of ethical and
a process of negotiation between customer and or an alternative, a brand can accurately quantify eco-conscious mainstream consumers, have
factory, or customer and intermediary agent. the time and cost of the labour portion of their shifted the conversation towards a more
Only rarely do brands and retailers have the products, using standardised values that have proactive approach to truly knowing how – not
right technologies and processes in place to been certified by an independent body such as just where – products are made.
allow them to accurately predict the labour

Struggling with Bill of

Labour calculation?
GSD Enterprise is the solution. The
universal time and method standard We’ve got production
for accurate labour costing. systems that do just that.
Set factory standards | Increase productivity | Optimize labour cost SATRA systems are designed to manage labour,
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To optimise time and labour cost for your styles, contact us at www.gsdhq.com

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SATRA VisionStitch systems@satra.com
24 25
The science of colour is not easy to accurate reading of how closely a sample
understand, even though it underpins one swatch matches the original reference
of the major characteristics of a finished colour.
product: the way it looks.
From a software point of view, a small
When it comes to selecting the colour or number of PLM solutions have added
colours of a garment, designers and support for digital colour approvals, with
technical teams will specify a target colour links to the material library and colour
(typically carried over from a previous palettes already stored in-solution.
season, or selected from a colour provider’s Recently, independent digital colour

latest library) and then manufacturers will management platforms have emerged,
attempt to match it through a complex offering API-level integration to PLM and
dyeing and curing process that varies in other solutions, and promising a way to

how technically advanced it is depending bring the science of colour into the product
on the manufacturer’s expertise. lifecycle without requiring a brand to hire
dedicated colourists.

Those attempts become the numerous lab
dip rounds that a typical product undergoes,
with the commissioning brand usually

returning the sample swatch because it
does not look as expected.
promises to
bring the science
The difficulty with these multiple rounds of
colour approvals is that communication of colour into the
between the brand or retailer and their
supplier is typically based on a subjective product
evaluation of the accuracy of the colour
sample. Judging the colour by eye, product lifecycle.”
teams may reject a sample as being “too
red,” or conversely “not red enough” – a
comment which the supplier responsible It’s easy to see how this kind of objective
for dyeing will then need to interpret and evaluation can improve speed to market,
translate into a new colour mix that they since even a single round of lab dips and
hope will land closer to the original intent. approvals per product can shave weeks off
total cycle time. And similarly, a greater
Digital colour management, as the name level of colour accuracy that can carry over
suggests, is designed to remove the between PLM, 2D CAD, 3D CAD, and other
subjectivity and ambiguity from that solutions will be key to a comprehensive
process, using a combination of software digital transformation strategy.
and hardware.

Spectrophotometers are handheld devices

used to scientifically measure the spectral
curve of a coloured material, providing an

26 27
it’s time to

supply chains
The Open Apparel Registry is a free-to-use
tool mapping garment facilities worldwide
and assigning each a unique ID.
Search the site, or upload your facility list
to match & improve the quality of your data.

Compliance openapparel.org
For many years, social responsibility was
seen as a secondary concern for many
“The pressures
industries. Over time, though, each of them on fashion are
– from pharmaceuticals to food and
beverage – faced an awakening, when their more acute than
role in harming the environment,
perpetuating inequality, or exploiting in almost any
vulnerable people was made uncomfortably
than a thousand people, and brought even more multinational names
“Technology allows brands
other industry.” into the headlines in an extremely negative context.
clear. Inevitably, regulations followed public
outcry, and these industries began to exert Recently, the subject of ethical and environmental compliance has
and retailers to make
much greater control over their supply
chains to claw back lost revenue and brand accessories have tended to be designed in
become even hotter, as fast fashion retailers were hauled before
British parliament to make a moral case for selling low-quality,
confident statements about
loyalty, minimise risk, and reposition
themselves as environmentally and ethically
Western markets and manufactured
overseas in manufacturing hubs like China,
disposable products with a high human and climate cost, for a few how, where, and by whom
pounds. This has mirrored a much stronger commitment from
conscious companies in step with consumer India, Bangladesh, Vietnam and, recently,
a scattering of North African countries. In
consumers to engage only with brands they see as ethically sound, their products are made.”
expectations. and environmentally sustainable – and brands that can demonstrate
these places, wages are low, opportunities their credentials in both areas.
The fashion industry is currently going are scarce, and regulations governing
through this same process, but in many human rights are lax. This is where technology comes in. By using a corporate social
ways the pressures are more acute than responsibility (CSR) module in their PLM solution, or by integrating
they were for almost any other industry. The offshoring paradigm has been the guidelines and tools provided by not-for-profit initiatives into their
scrutinised by governments and consumers supplier management processes, brands and retailers can make
It’s no secret that fashion has relied on an for some time now, and everyone confident statements about how, where, and by whom their products
offshoring model almost exclusively for the remembers the “sweatshop” era, where are really made.
last few decades. It’s a matter of simple high-profile brands had their reputations
macroeconomics that societies willing to threatened when it emerged their products Now a key strategic objective for essentially all apparel and retail
pay the right price for clothes are not were being made by underpaid, underage companies, regulatory compliance and corporate social responsibility
societies where people are willing to work workers. These labour-related concerns are attracting significant interest and investment from technology
for wages that make those prices sustainable are still prevalent in fashion, though, coming vendors. Expect more solutions – and even more independent
for a company wishing to make any kind of to a head in the wake of the Rana Plaza bodies - to reach the market very soon.
margin. This is why clothing, footwear, and factory collapse in 2013, which killed more

28 29
Beyond PLM, there are two other solutions Crucially, DAM solutions provide a way for
that focus on consolidating and essentially any asset to be stored in a
communicating essential product data: centralised location, complete with full
Digital Asset Management, and Product metadata, and made available to any other
Information Management. solution – including PLM – in a brand or
retailer’s digital ecosystem, without the need
Although both acronyms have been around to alter or check out the original file.
in the industry longer than PLM has, there
is still confusion in the market as to what,
exactly, constitutes a DAM solution, and
“PIM solutions
how a PIM platform differs from PLM.
In brief, PIM solutions collect and centralise
information at the finished product level,

Does Your Data Add

rather than in design and development,
creating a detailed record of all essential
about a finished
data needed to take that product to market product. DAM
across different distribution channels.
solutions are
to Your Bottom Line?
Unlike PLM, which is primarily a design,
development, and sourcing tool (at least
until it is integrated at the enterprise level concerned with
and becomes a hub for other solutions) a
PIM platform is intended to help a retailer the management
populate their print catalogues, financial
of digital Turn data into a business asset that improves your products —
systems, marketing campaigns, and partner
and your profits — with Stibo Systems’ integrated master data
channels with accurate product information.
assets.” management (MDM) solutions. Easily synchronize, manage and share
DAM, on the other hand, is concerned with information to make better decisions and transform every aspect
the management of digital assets – whether
these are images, videos, documents, 3D
In some instances, PLM vendors will also of your products, from concept to customer.
offer some level of DAM or PIM functionality,
objects, or almost any other file format. As but typically these fall short of the full With an industry-leading MDM solution at the core of your business,
well as providing a platform for archiving capabilities provided by dedicated solutions.
these digital assets, a DAM engine will also you’ll drive creativity and innovation to bring winning products
And as brands and retailers pursue their
handle format conversions and compression digital transformation journeys further, the to market faster and improve your bottom line.
on the fly – serving up appropriate ability to store critical digital assets in a
resolutions of images, or 2D perspectives single location, available for use in the right
Learn more at stibosystems.com/whichPLM
on a 3D asset, to be used by marketing and file-size and the right format for almost any
creative teams. purpose, will become even more important.

30 31
Most of the time, technological progress in By the same token, digital printing opens
the retail, footwear, and apparel industry is the door to a new generation of fast fashion
steady and iterative. New versions of and personalisation – a clear antidote to the
existing solutions promise greater efficiency high-volume, low-cost, disposable model
and cost savings, or entirely new solutions that has brought the fashion industry into
propose a novel way of tackling a long- the regulatory spotlight in 2018/19. By
standing problem, or digitising one of the offering a way to produce finished materials
few remaining analogue links in the value in-house, at almost any volume, with inks
chain. True generational leaps are few and that can bind to any material substrate

“Shave weeks
far between. without an additional curing process, digital
printing has the potential to completely up-
At WhichPLM, we see digital printing as one end the way we produce and buy clothing.
of these rare jumps forward for the industry,

or even months
because it perfects and commercialises a
technology that has the potential to
completely transform the way we think about generational

off your cycle

product development, sourcing, and
manufacturing. leaps are few
To be clear, the potential for printing and far between,

patterns, colours, and artwork onto short
runs of materials for sampling purposes has but we believe
existed for some time. Until recently,
though, it has only been possible at a small digital printing
scale, and on a very limited number of
material substrates. In the last two years,
has the potential
the technology has advanced enough that
printing directly onto greige or plain fabrics,
to completely
natural materials and synthetics, or even transform the
thread, is now possible in large volumes – in
a matter of days rather than weeks. industry.”
This has applications that go far beyond If this all sounds hyperbolic, consider that
sample creation, although obviously the perhaps the world’s biggest retailer,
same digital printers can also be used to Amazon, has invested heavily in the latest
create samples in record time. In a market generation of digital printers for its private
where speed is everything, the ability to label brands – buying not just the machines
shave weeks or even months off the time themselves, but significant shares in one of
from initial idea to finished prototype – and the most prominent companies operating
to complete that process locally or even in the space.
in-house – will offer a huge advantage to
the brands and retailers who adopt digital Expect considerable activity in digital
printing into their workflows. printing in the very near future.

32 33
to Digital Thread Dyeing
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Meets the sports industry’s CLEAN, IN-HOUSE
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TS 1800 Digital Thread
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Profitable from the first print dyes thread in millions of
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correct color at the exact
length you need.

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source. develop. share.
Distinct from the materials management and Material platforms offer a truly digital alternative By replacing a traditionally manual process with
sourcing modules of PLM solutions (which to this process. In place of physical swatch a digital alternative, material platforms also have
operate on the assumption that brands are books, these solutions provide a single digital the potential to improve speed to market,
working with a small number of curated channel that brands and retailers can use to positively impact sustainability by eliminating
suppliers) we have now begun to see the source everything from simple cottons and material waste, and provide full transparency

real materials.
emergence of dedicated, solution-agnostic leathers to complex bonded materials and and accountability at a critical link in the supply
material platforms that serve as a channel performance fabrics. chain.
between a much broader range of material
suppliers and their potential brand and retail Every material is accompanied by an image and And while the benefits of digitalising this process
customers. an exhaustive set of metadata, including are obvious for brands and retailers, material
substrate information, testing certificates, platforms also have considerable value potential
One of a vanishing number of truly analogue minimum order quantities, price per yard, and for the material suppliers themselves.
links in the product lifecycle, material sourcing much more. This provides sourcing teams with Traditionally confined to selling their latest
is still typically done by hand. Creative teams much greater confidence in the cost and quality materials to either existing customers or the
choose from physical swatch books and place implications of their decisions. At the same time, wider market via agents, material platforms
orders for significant quantities of material at an an independent material platform can eliminate provide suppliers with a storefront to advertise
agreed price – all of which must then be manually time-consuming manual work by integrating the full scope of their offer.
entered into inventory, made effective use of, with PLM, and even with 3D solutions, provided
and uploaded into the material library housed a material carries the large number of data points
in PLM by hand. needed for accurate fabric simulation.

36 swatchbook.us | team@swatchbook.us 37
CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) picks
up where CAD ends, with the transformation
also offer PLM and other software, with
strong integrations and standardised file manufacturing
facilities ARE
of creative designs into technical, formats that can deliver a completely digital
manufacturable products. Both software workflow from initial inspiration to
and hardware fall under the CAM umbrella, manufacture.

with a small but successful niche of pattern
engineering and marker making solutions
joining long-established platforms used
“CAM has been
industry-wide for cut order planning and a captive

market for
CAM hardware normally refers to numerically
many years,
controlled spreading, plotting, and cutting
machines, which use the lay plan output of
patternmaking solutions to plot and optimise covering
the path of the knife that will cut pattern
software and
pieces from the chosen material. Tied to
the task of actually cutting material, CAM-
related software may also pass information
like annotations, the location of notches and
drill holes, and other variables to the cutting New innovations in CAM include the use of
machine operator. machine learning to provide scientific
estimates of material consumption and
CAM hardware can also be further yield, and the ongoing transformation of
specialised, with dedicated platforms for traditional manufacturing facilities into
denim, leather, and other material types. smart, connected factories – providing
brands and retailers with new levels of real-
This has been a captive market for many time insight into the production process.
years, with two major vendors controlling
much of the supply chain when it comes to
hardware. Unsurprisingly, these vendors

38 39
MAD 4.0

Innovation to Empower You to Keep

Up with What’s Now Trending.
Gerber Technology empowers their customers to move with the speed
and agility they need to meet market challenges by enabling on-demand
and made-to-measure production, digital printing, mass customization
and mass production through their unique end-to-end solution.

Gerber is delivering the latest innovation to their customers with a INTRODUCING FASHION’S
fully-integrated suite of cutting-edge hardware and software solutions
that increase creativity, productivity and efficiency. The fully-connected
suite of solutions, which features the latest versions of YuniquePLM®, PERSONALIZATION SOLUTION
AccuMark®, AccuMark 3D, AccuNest™ and AccuPlan™, seamlessly
passes data to Industry 4.0 enabled GERBERspreader™ and
GERBERcutter® systems maximizing productivity, quality, Fashion On Demand by Lectra automates the
sustainability and speed. supply chain, gives you the speed and agility to
produce customized clothing. Whether it’s
made-to-measure or customization,
unlock the true power of personalization.
End-to-End Is Just The Beginning.

40 41
Planning is an all-encompassing term that turn placeholders into products based on
refers to the process of choosing which category-specific sales from a previous
products to bring to market, in what season.
combination, and at what price. Under that
umbrella sit several different approaches For larger companies, going further means
to planning: financial, merchandise, adopting a dynamic approach to planning
placeholder, bottom-up, top-down, and a – factoring in a wider range of market

host of others. variables and insights to respond as rapidly
as possible to changes in their target
All of these, though, share the same goal: markets. More advanced planning tools

maximising the brand or retailer’s return on that cater to these companies will offer
investment by selling as many products as algorithm-driven planning and even
possible at full price, and minimising losses elements of machine learning that allow
from markdowns and stock-outs. brands and retailers to build complex
planning models and make confident Customer-Centric Assortments Made Easy
Until recently, some PLM vendors would predictions about likely market performance.
have argued that their solutions offered
comprehensive planning functionality, but One single solution to plan, design, assort
the conversation has now shifted. Instead, “PLM solutions
PLM providers typically develop their and deliver localized collections that are closely
offer core
aligned to ever-changing customer tastes.
planning modules enough to cater to their
customers’ core needs, and offer integration
to one or more dedicated, third-party
planning tools for users who need to go a
step further.
functionality, as Our end-to-end retail planning capabilities combine with best-in-class PLM
to help you manage the entire merchandise lifecycle:
well as
In practice, the core planning functionality • Increase sales through more customer-focused assortments that meet localized demand
offered in many PLM solutions is often
sufficient for small-to-medium businesses
integration to • Streamline the entire supply network, from concept to customer
that develop their ranges and assortments dedicated, third • Increase margins and sales at full price, minimizing the need
based on a relatively narrow set of
for markdowns
information and requirements. These party planning
companies may work backwards from a
collection-level or even SKU-level financial tools.”
target, they may build a range based on the
Click to read the latest interactive Aptos eBook
availability of materials, or they might start
with previous retail performance and later
to learn more: Thriving in the Era of the Empowered Shopper


42 43

As the retail, footwear, and apparel industry At a very high level, material scanners use an But scanning is not confined to materials, and
moves ever closer towards digital transformation, array of sensors to capture all the important many companies are pursuing body-scanning
it’s becoming more important than ever for characteristics of a piece of material, allowing (either the entire body, or a specific part) using
businesses to build strong links between the users to generate accurate, high-resolution either complex scanning hardware, or even a
digital and physical. textures that can populate a PLM material library composite of several images taken using an
and be imported seamlessly into a 3D CAD off-the-shelf smartphone. Early versions of
For things that exist digitally first (such as solution. These scanners also come with an these scanners have been used for decades to
products designed in 2D or 3D CAD, then turned associated technology suite that allows for create digital avatars that reflect key
into prototypes) the workflow is already well- intelligent tiling (creating repeating textures from demographics, and virtual mannequins that can
established. But there are an increasing number
of scenarios where the opposite needs to
small samples), recolouring, and other editing
to be performed on the material once it has been
be used for size grading and other purposes.
The Leading 3D Scan Data
happen: a physical thing has to be replicated imported. Whatever they are digitising, the output of these Technology Solution
digitally. This is the essence of digitalisation. scanners should be imported into PLM –
At the moment, the material scanning market is preferably via integration and a standardised,
The most obvious example – and the area where seeing significant investment and interest, and interoperable file format. We expect to see new
we have seen perhaps the most activity recently various companies are tackling the challenge partnerships established between scanning
– is material scanning. Like digital printing, this of creating an open, standardised file format providers, 3D solution developers, and PLM
is a technology that has existed for many years, that allows the full range of material information vendors in the very near future.
but has only recently reached a level of speed, to be captured and used in multiple different
usability, and performance that has translated applications.

into mass market adoption.



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Beyond basic supplier management and internet, to create a new era of cyber-
quality auditing processes, brands and physical interfaces in factories.
retailers have historically had very limited
insight into the manufacturing stage of their And it’s on top of that vast, growing network Shop Floor Control
product lifecycles while that manufacturing of connected machinery and sensors that
is in progress. Agents and factory managers a new generation of shop floor control Software Specialists &
have always collected detailed information solutions are being built – making
about their human resources and hardware intelligence that used to be reserved to Industrial Engineering
factory supervisors available to customers.
usage for performance analysis, monitoring,
and maintenance purposes, but that data
Consulting Services
has seldom been shared with their retail “See what’s
and brand customers. Instead, retailers
and brands have had to satisfy themselves being batched, Real time production
with having little genuine visibility and
accountability between the point their order cut, or sewn as it monitoring and data
is accepted and the time finished products
emerge from the factory (colloquially known
as the “shop floor”).
Equipped with this new level of visibility,
Business intelligence
While this has never been a desirable state brands and retailers will be able to better dashboards
of affairs, the lack of insight that a orchestrate their supply chains, increase
commissioning brand has into the progress the odds of on-time delivery, improve stock Cost control
of their production orders has become control, reduce risk, and respond quickly
especially problematic as the fashion and to changing market conditions by shifting
footwear industry has placed a greater and production flows in near-real-time. Incentive systems
greater emphasis on speed and
transparency. In today’s market, Crucially, the relative affordability of IoT
sensors and conversion kits for existing
Transparency of factory
coordination is everything, and businesses
that have managed to wring every last piece machinery means that this kind of insight payroll for CSR compliance
of efficiency out of their own internal will be available to small companies as well
as the larger organisations who have
processes are now looking to take control Statistical Quality Control
of manufacturing. previously been the only ones capable of
controlling their production processes by
To solve these and other problems, fashion dint of the sheer volume of their orders. Interface with any ERP
– like other sectors - is now exploring the
potential of Industry 4.0, Smart Of course, the new generation of Shop Floor
Manufacturing, and Industrial Internet of Control solutions will put a huge amount of
Things (IoT) technologies to shine a power in retail and brand teams’ hands
spotlight on production processes in real- when they are integrated with PLM. Rather
time. Depending on where you are in the than simply tracking production orders on
world, you may have been more likely to an optimistic calendar when they are
hear one of those labels than the others approved, and then checking them off when
(Smart Manufacturing is used in the USA, they’re loaded onto a boat, it should now
while Industry 4.0 is more popular in be possible to see every step of the sourcing,
Europe,) but in essence all of them are batching, cutting, sewing, and finishing
process as it happens.
Smart Manufacturing starts with the best
referring to the same thing: connecting
machinery, sensors, and other nodes to the Shop Floor System, from cutting to shipping.

46 47
Fashion is a visual industry. The people confusion further down the line. Perhaps
who work in fashion are, for the most part, most importantly, beyond snapping and
visually-geared people. So, while office sending a photograph, there is no method
workers in the apparel industry, like those of extending access to physical boards
in almost every other industry, are spending beyond the walls of a single headquarters,
more and more time working with desktop leaving satellite offices and suppliers
computers and mobile devices, many of working from second-hand insights for the
them still have a soft spot for physical purposes of collaboration and co-design.

“the best digital

storyboards that allow them to organise
collections, ranges, themes and ideas in a So, as part of the ongoing digitalisation
process of our industry, physical storyboards

tactile, visual way.
are being steadily replaced by digital
Traditionally, storyboards have been exactly alternatives. From bringing in and
what they sound like: large-format physical manipulating images and other elements

provide a
boards made of cork, cushioned fabric, or from almost any source, to conducting
a similar material. They often take up entire collaborative review sessions and tracking
walls in the offices of designers, buyers, comments, the best of these digital boards

foundation FOR
merchandisers, and other creative teams, neatly address every concern that plagues
and are home to material swatches, their physical counterparts. They also

magazine clippings, colour chips, and provide a foundation for design,
anything else it takes to bring a vision to life. development, and decision-making
processes that are fit for the digital future.
For many design teams, who today work

remotely with satellite offices and suppliers As with every solution in this section, digital
on the other side of the world, physical storyboards will benefit considerably from

storyboards are more than just a convenient being tightly integrated with PLM, allowing
place to consolidate inspiration, though; designers and developers to organise,
they represent the only chance they have discuss, and decide in an intuitive, visual
of making the essentials of their products environment before using their finished
feel tangible before a physical prototype is concepts to create styles directly in their
made. PLM solution.

Using physical storyboards, though, a lot Whether they’re packaged as part of an

of vital information can be easily lost or left extended PLM environment, or sold
undocumented. At best, this information is independently, digital storyboards offer real
only brought into PLM or other design and value for companies whose creative teams
development solutions days after the fact are spread across different locations, or
through time-consuming and error-prone businesses who co-create with their key
manual data entry. With no centralised data suppliers.
repository or change log, it’s all but
impossible to retrieve and reuse information,
and it only takes one person to accidentally
misplace a material swatch or misinterpret
a hand-scribbled note to cause serious

48 49

A central place for your ideas,

clippings, and creative concepts.
Capture any creative asset:
Photos, sketches, video, files,
and even social media feeds.
Launch product creation directly
from your ideas.

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internal teams and key suppliers
A new experience to collaborate,
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combine expertise and speed
group decision-making. Work visually, virtually. Gather
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Visit www.centricsoftware.com to be amazed.

©2019 Centric Software Inc. All rights reserved.

50 51
As this publication demonstrates, the sheer
range of digital solutions that cater to the “Training and PLM SOLUTION SMOOTHLY INTO
onboarding YOUR DESIGN TEAM?
retail, footwear, and apparel industry can
be intimidating. And although they might
be considered the “essentials” of a digital
ecosystem, PLM and CAD both remain
remain key
complex systems with huge reservoirs of stages of any W4D is a specialist provider of tailored Adobe courses, successfully assisting many
functionality that can be difficult for businesses, delivering useful tips and tricks to their design team, whilst at the same
inexperienced users to get to grips with. technology time ensuring files are kept small enough to not disturb the workflow.
As a result, training and onboarding remain implementation.”
key stages of any technology
implementation, despite admirable efforts
on the part of technology vendors to create
Nevertheless, user adoption remains critical
for any new technology – especially in the
intuitive, approachable user experiences.
case of digital transformation initiatives, AND INDESIGN COURSES FOR RETAIL,
where multiple different solutions are being
Until recently, in the case of PLM, that
consolidated or integrated at once. At the
training would have normally been handled
same time, technology vendors have found
by the vendor’s professional services team,
or by a carefully-chosen strategic partner
their services teams being increasingly Having delivered 1000’s courses to
who was familiar with the extensive
stretched by the industry’s move from small
quantities of large, long-running projects
suit each individuals needs.
customisation work that had been
towards instant-on SaaS deployments in
performed on the solution during
much larger volume.
W4D also deliver creative design services to the fashion and textile
sector. Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop training as well as specialist
But as the software itself has become more
To fill this void, independent implementation Adobe application support.
consultants and dedicated training
standardised and user-configurable
providers are now preparing to educate end
(culminating in the release of the industry’s
users and executives alike on not just
first true multi-tenant PLM solution this year)
individual digital solutions, but also the value
the time and cost involved in training and
and the practicalities of creating a complete
user testing has fallen. Indeed, in some
digital ecosystem.
instances, where a vendor has consciously
targeted the small-to-medium volume
market, where hands-on training with small
numbers of users is unsustainable, training
has been automated using pre-recorded
video or in-solution educational cards.

TEL: +44(0)870 977 0775 EMAIL: INFO@W4D.CO.UK

52 53
Success in the fashion industry relies on a fuel for their own creative fires. These
brand or retailer being able to gauge market
conditions, predict upcoming trends,
analyse the competition, and weave all
services might be long-established
international institutions with encyclopaedic
runway knowledge, or technology-driven
those different strands into products and startups with a rather different approach.
collections that will resonate with customers STYLESAGE.CO
when they reach the market weeks or Today, machine learning and other A.I
months later. technologies are playing an increasingly
important role in trend forecasting. A
Given its central importance to the business computer model, after all, can evaluate huge 100%
of fashion, trend forecasting is one of our data sets and real-time feeds in a way that
industry’s most complex and far-reaching no human trend analyst can, discovering Polyester
processes. From silhouettes to catwalk new opportunities that might otherwise have
colours, materials to textures, trend gone undetected.
forecasting needs to take account of every Floral
aspect of garment creation, as well as “Trend
factoring in indicators and variables from
across the worlds of sport, music, cinema, forecasting has Collared
and street style to translate shared concepts
always been a
into their own unique ideas.
Because of its sheer scope, trend blend of art and
forecasting has always been a blend of art
and science. Discovering an untapped science.” Short Sleeve
market might rely on detailed social
demographic analysis, while identifying a However a trend service sources their
way to capitalise on an unexpected new information, though, it is essential that they
trend (such as the sudden rise of so-called integrate with PLM, allowing design and
“ugly sneakers”) without sacrificing a development teams instant access to the
brand’s DNA requires real creativity. latest recommendations at the moment they
begin creating new styles. We expect to
As the pace of the retail industry has see more partnerships announced in this
increased, though, and competition has area very soon, including the kind of broad
become even more fierce, brands and licensing agreements that will allow PLM
retailers have become more comfortable vendors to pre-populate their deployments
with looking outside their own walls for trend with subscriptions to the most relevant trend
insights and advice. There is now a thriving services.
industry of trend services and bureaus who


provide companies with both macro-level
intelligence (allowing them to make market-
driven decisions) and extremely granular
insights and predictions that can serve as


54 55
The counterpoint to trend forecasting, Voice reach more than a million shoppers in and Optimize item specific design,
of the Customer (or VoC) analysis involves around its target demographic and either ranging, pricing and demand
canvasing for, interpreting, and using validate or challenge their new choices
customer feedback – either as a way of quickly and easily.
gauging the success of a product beyond
the sales level, or, with the help of the raft
of new digital solutions included in this
With user figures like these, VoC platform
providers also have another powerful tool
Enjoy 5-10% uplift in net
publication, as a tool for market-testing that they can offer to retailers and brands: margins
products that may not yet have reached the predictive market testing models. Using
prototype stage. Opinions on anything from historic sales data, demographic profiling
product performance to colour, price to of their existing customers and the product
specific outputs from a VoC platform, VoC
Seamlessly integrates with
PLM, planning and ERP
material, can be collected this way.
solutions can utilize machine learning to
Traditionally, this kind of feedback was build algorithms that predict actual market platforms
collected by brands via customer surveys, demand for any given new product – offering
either conducted in-store (to better near real-time demand forecasting before

100% automated,
understand the forces shaping buying orders are placed.
behaviour) or post-sale as part of ongoing
customer engagement and loyalty As with every other solution in this section 12 hour turnaround
programs. Larger surveys would typically of the publication, VoC platforms should be
be contracted out, or more segmented data key candidates for integration with PLM,
sets might be purchased from companies offering a pathway from initial design to Map consumer predictions
dedicated to tracking consumer behaviour. market testing in the early stages, or
providing a way to quickly and easily
to business outcomes using
In the last few years, VoC tools and incorporate customer feedback into the next advanced machine learning
approaches have changed considerably. design cycle.
Where once brands and retailers were
forced to rely on either extremely broad
data, or the limited information they were “Retailers once
able to glean from existing customers,
dedicated VoC platforms can now reach had to rely on
huge audiences at an incredibly granular
level. And while a brand might be able to very broad or
reach an audience of thousands with its
own engagement initiatives, a VoC platform limited data, but
could provide access to millions.
they can now
For example, a brand may be looking to test
a new collection (or even a new product
reach huge
category) with a specific demographic
before committing to production. Using a
audiences at a
VoC platform and a selection of 3D digital granular level.”
prototypes, that brand could potentially
→ 2.5m proprietary consumer panel, 30m+ reviews
→ Fully normalised, weighted and benchmarked
→ 12 years expertise in automated prediction
56 57
Beginning with the very first Customer Survey in 2010, our publications have
been considered essential reading for any brand, retailer or manufacturer
preparing for a PLM project – at least in part because they contained the
most comprehensive listings of key PLM vendors to be found anywhere.

We are thrilled to be able to publish these listings – often referred to as the

“PLM bible” by project teams undergoing the difficult task of shortlisting
and selecting a solution – to the widest possible audience, allowing everyone
to make the most informed choice possible. Each profile contained in this
section collects statistics, insights, and opinions exclusive to WhichPLM, For vendors that cater to two or more different industries (i.e. another compromising customers’ rights to secrecy.
and are designed to collectively serve as an introductory tool for any fashion vertical alongside their presence in fashion and retail), the figures that
organisation looking to better understand the regional and multinational appear in the following pages are confined to the sale, development The final accuracy of these customer lists, too, remains the responsibility
players that make up the PLM market in the financial year 2018/19. and support of core PLM for the retail, footwear and apparel industry of each individual vendor. Just as we have in previous years, the
only. Similarly, where a vendor markets a range of products to the WhichPLM team rebuffed attempts by suppliers to pass off non-PLM
To make this shortlisting exercise simpler, we started in 2015 to apply more customers, non-apparel or CPG crossover customers, and customers
apparel industry - as is the case with vendors of CAD/CAM, pattern
stringent inclusion criteria to ensure that the vendors who appear in these whose contracts were signed far outside the 2018/19 period as valid
making software, three-dimensional design, and other components
listings played a demonstrable regional or global role in the RFA PLM market. inclusions for these pages. We are happy to report, though, that this
of the extended product development environment - we have
The same criteria were carried through to our 6th and 7th Editions, and practice occurs less and less frequently with each passing year, and
disregarded income, resourcing and investment that falls outside the
remain in force for this publication. So while smaller vendors may appear the vast majority of vendors now accept our justifications for excluding
scope of this section’s PLM focus.
in the market itself (and may, indeed, be the right choice for a certain type particular customer names.
of customer) these listings are purposefully confined only to those vendors Readers of previous Annual Reviews will notice that this year’s publication
who are making sufficient impact to actually steer the industry in a meaningful continues the detailed format used in those print reports. In the following Where vendors chose instead to stand by their initial submissions,
sense. pages, we present overall customer figures, resource allocation by WhichPLM holds written confirmation from each of these suppliers that
region, and the ratio of internal to external users as supplemental to the customer lists displayed in their vendor profile are accurate, despite
On the surface it may appear as though this kind of first-stage filtering of our own misgivings.
the core customer data that has always been the backbone of our
the global pool of vendors serves to artificially reduce choice, but it’s important
vendor listings.
to remember that of the forty or more software vendors that claim to sell Although we do thank the overwhelming majority of vendors for their
PLM for fashion, only a fraction actually offer what WhichPLM and other Where “N/A” appears, it denotes that the vendor in question was unable honesty, nothing in the vendor profiles or advertisements that follow
analysts consider to be a modern PLM product, and only these merit inclusion or unwilling to provide the relevant information. In the majority of cases, should be considered as an endorsement of any particular PLM vendor.
in a WhichPLM publication. (Our definition of what constitutes modern RFA the division between public and private companies’ disclosure policies As always, we would caution all prospective customers to pay particular
PLM is set out in full in the glossary at the back of this publication.) was the cause, but in some instances information was withheld for attention to the suitability of any vendor who, for example, refused to
other reasons. For this reason, “N/A” should be read as “not publically divulge the size of their R&D team or the composition of their global
Some vendors, for example, continue to sell outdated PDM software with apparel resource pool.
disclosed”, since this information – whether financial or otherwise - may
a PLM sales pitch, while others who advertise PLM functionality actually
be divulged to private parties, and may have been shared with
better qualify as providers of extended PLM – particularly those in the area Even today, when low-cost, low-risk subscriptions are beocming the
WhichPLM under the proviso that it not be published.
of supply chain management and planning. preferred way to buy PLM, all prospective customers should be seeking
Elsewhere, our vendor profiles continue the tradition of asking each a viable and sustainable long-term partner. This means shortlisting
Other vendors whose software does meet the criteria we set out instead fell and selecting on the basis of financial stability, expertise, experience,
listed supplier to provide their own insight into what they feel has
short of our minimum RFA sector turnover requirements, voluntarily excused and demonstrable investment in their PLM product. A vendor who is
differentiated them from their core PLM competitors this year, and to
themselves from listing, or were revealed during WhichPLM advisory able to share these details and be candid about their performance and
explain what they see as the prominent emerging trends for the near
engagements to lack the apparel industry expertise or experience to merit roadmap – rather than focusing on today’s deals and remaining guarded
future. These insights have always been exclusive to WhichPLM readers,
inclusion on prospective customers’ selection lists. about the future – is clear about their willingness to engage in the kind
and provide a unique perspective on the roadmaps, ethos and future
direction of the market’s biggest players. of frank, open partnership that a truly successful PLM project demands.
Although any PLM vendor is welcome to submit its product and services
to a WhichPLM Supplier Evaluation – with more information, and a Readers are invited, after finishing this section, to turn to our consultancy
Where actual sales to new customers are concerned – our primary
growing number of published Evaluations, available on our website – this listings to continue building their picture of the apparel technology
metric for the Market Analysis section of this publication - we remind
section is restricted only to those vendors who we know to be making landscape, or to visit the WhichPLM website to see whether their
readers that despite our best efforts towards verification and
continued research, development and investment efforts, and who are newly shortlisted supplier(s) has submitted their solution for an impartial
completeness, these lists cannot be exhaustive. Many of the suppliers
invested in the apparel industry either entirely, or as a strong element of a WhichPLM Supplier Evaluation – something several vendors have
listed here have made sales that have not been disclosed to the public,
broader industry portfolio. now chosen to do more than once.
either through reasons of brand secrecy, or because those
By contrast, the Market Analysis contained later in this publication attempts implementations have not yet reached agreed milestones at which
they can be discussed in public forums. We have afforded suppliers NB: Adjacent to the vendor profiles that make
to cover the industry in a holistic sense, and the sales made by smaller or
more niche vendors have been factored into our analysis efforts this year. the opportunity to number but not name these customers, provided up the remaining pages of this section are full-
For a more complete look at the international PLM market as a whole, please their identities have been disclosed to the WhichPLM team under the page advertisements provided by the vendors.
turn to the Market Analysis portion of this publication, or visit the WhichPLM terms of a non-disclosure agreement. This allows us to adhere to our WhichPLM does not control and is not responsible
website to view more comprehensive vendor listings. goal of providing the most complete market intelligence without for the content of these advertisements.

58 59
Financial Year 2018/19


Licensing revenue: All maintenance revenue:

CottonOn, Furla, Golden ABC, WP Lavori, Yamamay

159 Implementation & services


R&D investment:

of PLM within the RFA industry, excluding customers cited
as new in 2018/19

(Excluding those cited as R&D-specific resources above.)


6,360 N/A


North America Latin America EMEA APAC

Tell us what you feel has changed and / or advanced in your Tell us what you believe are the most important trends
product offering this year to differentiate your company shaping the near-term future of the industry – either in
from others in the RFA PLM market. terms of technology or broader market forces.

Aptos PLM provides complete collection management in one solution: A number of trends are impacting the way companies design, plan and
digital design, collection development, 3D sampling, quality assurance execute their assortments:
and CSR, line planning and supplier collaboration. Latest advancements
include: • Fast and “ultra-fast” fashion far beyond the concept of season: it requires
visibility, orchestration and an agile approach to product development
• 3D sampling/prototyping through an integrated partner product: • Verticalization, with many brands opening their own retail networks:
everyone involved in the process can visualize the style in 3D, add They require tighter synergies between PLM and the retail planning
design notes and share comments until agreement on the final product realm in order to feed creativity with deeper market intelligence
is reached. Processes are more streamlined and sustainable, as no • Digital transformation: many companies have digitized their information
fabrics or manufacturing resources are engaged until the style is and are now looking to digitalize their processes, creating new
confirmed for production. efficiencies and value out of digitized data
• Completed integration with the Aptos family of solutions: Aptos PLM • Convergence with 3D and augmented reality to be applied in the
integrates seamlessly with Aptos Planning (merchandise planning & sampling/prototyping phase to reduce the amount of physical resources
assortment), Aptos SCM (supplier collaboration) and Aptos engaged at these stages and related costs
Merchandising (inventory management). Our experience with • Sustainability: attention to the environment has never been higher. To
integrating the end-to-end merchandise lifecycle - design, planning facilitate recycling, PLM systems’ next frontier is to evolve to manage
and execution - is getting ever more traction in the market. Fast Fashion the lifecycle of a product until the garment is returned for re-use.
companies, for example, have an increased need for PLM and Specifically, PLM systems should help monitor and quantify results of
Assortment Planning integration. Retailers can test selected products recycling and upcycling activities (e.g.: How many products are returned
on the market, capture customers’ reactions to new styles and decide after use? How much can we recycle? What is the impact on the
which products should be kept live. Ultimately, they can use this environment and the business?)
information to feed innovation and suppliers, enabling more effective
collaboration processes.

Financial Year 2018/19

Digital Transformation 4 ALL

Acushnet, Adeo, Adolfo Dominguez, Anta, APP Group, Belle, Bergans, Birkenstock, Bombas, Bueltel International Fashion Group, By Far Shoes, Camaïeu, Cape Union Mart, Christian

#1 PLM for
Art Gifts, Coalision (Lolë), Creative Co-op, Dobotex, Domestic Converters, DZ Group, Fond Of, Four Hands, Gloria, Golden Goose Deluxe Brand, Goorin Brothers, Grupo Lunelli,
Hazzys (Baoxiniao Group), Hirdaramani, Hopeshow, Hudson’s Bay Company, Hush, Inter-Sun AS, International Trading Fashion & Apparel Supply, IPE Visionnaire, KJUS, La Chapelle,
Lancy, Leyou / Great Family, Li Ning, Marcolin Eyewear (LVMH), Thélios Eyewear (LVMH), Loewe (LVMH), Macron, Mahco Outdoors, NafNaf, Naivee, New Era, Peak Performance,
Rebel Athletic, Ricami NBM, Rothy’s, Sacchetti Maglierie, Salvatore Ferragamo, Siplec / Leclerc, Swarovski, Tory Burch, Valcismon, Versace, vineyard vines, Volcom, VT Garment,
Wacoal UK, Yuanshang Fashion (Sedate)

Fashion retail consumer goods

Implementation, licensing &
maintenance revenue:
R&D investment:
of PLM within the RFA industry, excluding customers cited
as new in 2018/19 N/A $11-20 million

(Excluding those cited as R&D-specific resources above.)

66,000 129


North America Latin America EMEA APAC

Tell us what you feel has changed and / or advanced in your Tell us what you believe are the most important trends
product offering this year to differentiate your company shaping the near-term future of the industry – either in
from others in the RFA PLM market. terms of technology or broader market forces.

We are very pleased to announce the signing of our 300th PLM customer, Market pressures affecting fashion and apparel remain similar to last year’s
firmly planting us as the market leader with more innovation partners and trends but are more acute. The pace set by fast fashion puts the squeeze
industry best practices than ever. on supply chains, product development and the entire product lifecycle.
Sustainability and the circular economy are prominent concerns impacting
Innovative Fastest go-live time Highest Industry
Recently unveiled innovations include the visual and collaborative Centric
Visual Innovation Platform (CVIP) Digital Concept Board, a digital sandbox
consumer goods and will affect fashion more and more.
PLM leader in the industry adoption rate
for creative collaboration and what-if scenarios for design, merchandising PLM in fashion and apparel is hitting a tipping point. Many companies are
and production/sourcing teams, and also the CVIP Digital Buying Board, very comfortable with PLM as an execution tool and are starting to use PLM
which streamlines buying decisions for retail, wholesale and e-commerce to drive strategy and innovation. PLM is no longer optional but has become
by aligning product and category teams, merchants, internal buyers and a core foundation technology, even for emerging brands. This is especially
sales on a single, transformative platform. Centric released versions 6.5
and 6.6 of its flagship Centric 8 PLM solution, which focused on high-volume
sourcing for retailers and 3D innovation, and also launched the first artificial
true for digitally native companies.

The market is pushing to digitally transform areas of the product lifecycle

outside those traditionally covered by PLM. In response, Centric Software’s
300+ 30% 70%+
intelligence-based PLM feature, Centric AI Image Search.
Centric Visual Innovation Platform (Centric VIP) collection of digital touchscreen customers in 29 customers switched customers have given
Centric built a presence in new regions, including Brazil, India, Sri Lanka,
Turkey and South Korea for a truly global footprint. Meanwhile, Centric has
boards transforms collaborative experiences like design meetings and buying
sessions with a visual, digital, social media-like experience that drives group
countries use Centric to Centric PLM from public testimony
expanded into new markets for its modern and mobile PLM solutions; decision-making via individual contributions in real time. PLM to manage 850+ another system [95% have done so
multi-category retail, cosmetics and home décor. Centric’s strategic
partnership with Dassault Systèmes, announced in June 2018, creates Building a true 3D workflow by integrating 3D technology with PLM is crucial. brands privately]
new opportunities to accelerate the digital transformation of Centric Centric continues to innovate modules and mobile apps that enable
customers using the combined expertise of both companies. streamlined digital sampling, 3D modeling and 3D visualization.
Visit www.centricsoftware.com to be amazed

62 ©2019 Centric Software Inc. All rights reserved.

Financial Year 2018/19


Licensing revenue: All maintenance revenue:


$3-4 million $3-4 million

47 Implementation & services

R&D investment:


of PLM within the RFA industry, excluding customers cited
$3-4 million $0-2 million
as new in 2018/19

(Excluding those cited as R&D-specific resources above.)

3,276 3

636 3


North America Latin America EMEA APAC

Tell us what you feel has changed and / or advanced in your Tell us what you believe are the most important trends
product offering this year to differentiate your company shaping the near-term future of the industry – either in
from others in the RFA PLM market. terms of technology or broader market forces.

Part of Coats Digital, we offer expertise and solutions which support an There is a growing recognition that responding to increasingly savvy consumer
agile, transparent, efficient and integrated supply chain, from product demands for instant personalisation without a financial, social or environmental
development and sourcing (Visionng PLM), to time-cost benchmarking cost, will require end-to-end digitisation of the supply chain to drive streamlined

conventional PLM...
(GSD), automated cost benchmarking and negotiation (intello3C), processes and business insights, and that the biggest gains in speed and
optimisation of fabric buying (intellobuy) and utilisation (intellocut), and efficiency lie in upstream collaboration. While consumer and market insights
market leading planning solutions for garment manufacturers and fabric will continue to provide direction and focus, increasingly winning where it

win where it matters.

mills (Evolve/Align). Examples of advancements in Visionng PLM over the matters means digitising to support key internal processes and upstream
last year include: collaboration.

• Costings: Further enhancements to costing by option (e.g. colour What does this mean in practice for our industry? It means a digital ecosystem
and size), material costing and the extension of copy costing of intelligent, connected, best-in-class, solutions (increasingly leveraging AI
functionality to improve accuracy and UX. and Machine Learning), supplemented with specialist industry best practice
• Techpack, Fit and Seal: The addition of an image annotation tool and expertise, to drive transformative change and the seamless sharing of data
multiple enhancements to UX and workflow including fit log
in a truly collaborative, agile, transparent and efficient supply chain. From
comparison, creation of a revised size spec from the fit log and
the internationally recognised standard for time-cost benchmarking (GSD)
copying size specs between products.
to targeted product development and sourcing driven by critical path and
• Supplier Collaboration and Sample Management: Drag and drop,
‘what if’ planning of high-level demand (forecast and confirmed supplier collaboration (Visionng) and AI driven automated cost benchmarking
orders) and supplier capacity, has been further extended to include and negotiation (intello3C) , feeding suppliers with the information they need
sample finished goods and materials. As well as the ability to share to optimise fabric buying (intellobuy) and utilisation (intellocut), and support
scenarios and comments with T1/T2 suppliers, solution includes fast, accurate and efficient production planning for RFA manufacturers
further enhancement to tracking and automatic updates of Material, (Evolve) and fabric mills (Align). Transforming with intelligence...
Sample and Finished good order status.
• Languages: Latest additions to existing language packs include a digital ecosystem of best-in-class apparel supply chain solutions
Japanese and Vietnamese.

64 www.fastreact.com
Financial Year 2018/19


Licensing revenue: All maintenance revenue:

Aim Apparel, Fusalp, Happypunt

258 Implementation & services


R&D investment:

$6-10 million
of PLM within the RFA industry, excluding customers cited
as new in 2018/19

(Excluding those cited as R&D-specific resources above.)


26,550 69

North America Latin America EMEA APAC

Tell us what you feel has changed and / or advanced in your Tell us what you believe are the most important trends
product offering this year to differentiate your company shaping the near-term future of the industry – either in
from others in the RFA PLM market. terms of technology or broader market forces.

YuniquePLM® continues to focus on our ability to easily provide a cloud- As the need for on-demand and customized products grows, companies
based PLM solution to a client of any size. Last year we released well over need to be able to move with agility and speed in order to remain competitive.
150+ new features to YuniquePLM by providing continuous free updates This means that they must look to integrate more technological innovations
to our software every 6-8 weeks. This allows our cloud customers to provide into their workflow that will help reduce time to market without sacrificing the
feedback and allows us to quickly create new enhancements or add to quality of the final product. In order to meet the demands of today’s consumers,
existing functions. We have also heavily focused on user experience by brands, retailers and manufacturers must look to streamline their workflow
releasing a new, easy-to-use UI to the application, giving users more control through fully integrated processes that enable data to be passed seamlessly.
over their data and allowing them to maximize the information on the screen.
New customers are also able to learn how to use our PLM software through At Gerber, we continue to focus on our ability to integrate with a wide variety
interactive user guides built into the application. of tools and further enhance our own software and hardware integrations.
Not only do we provide our customers with the ability to save on redundant
Using our robust set of APIs, our software and machinery connect data entry but we also offer the ability to work with other software solutions, End-to-End Is Just The Beginning. Regardless of industry, speed is the
seamlessly to provide a truly integrated digital solution that only Gerber such as TrueFit. Our APIs allow our software applications to easily integrate
new normal. While trends are constantly changing, immediacy is always
can offer. YuniquePLM offers new enhancements that allow for more with other software applications and ERP systems that our customers work
seamless connection. The integration makes it easy for Pattern Makers in with on a daily basis. Gerber is also continuing to further look into innovations in demand. Those who leverage the latest technology, such as using
AccuMark® and AccuMark 3D to manage their data within a virtual or around Cloud, AI, and Machine Learning so that we can always provide our
YuniquePLM® to seamlessly connect data, will always be able to deliver
physical sample request directly in PLM. YuniquePLM now allows users customers with the best solutions on the market.
to view and make annotations directly on a 3D Sample within a browser what the market needs now. They will always be now trending – in the
without any additional add-ons.
moment but ahead of everybody else.


Financial Year 2018/19


Licensing revenue: All maintenance revenue:



56 Implementation & services

R&D investment:


of PLM within the RFA industry, excluding customers cited
as new in 2018/19




(Excluding those cited as R&D-specific resources above.)

6,617 N/A
N/A Infor CloudSuite™ PLM for Fashion is a cloud-native,
multi-tenant product lifecycle management solution:

N/A • An industry-leading user experience with role-

883 based homepages, social business collaboration,
and support for Mac, PC, tablet, and smartphone
North America Latin America EMEA APAC
• Runs on Infor OS technology to support your
digital initiatives
Tell us what you feel has changed and / or advanced in your Tell us what you believe are the most important trends
product offering this year to differentiate your company shaping the near-term future of the industry – either in • Deep, industry-specific, fashion capabilities from
from others in the RFA PLM market. terms of technology or broader market forces.
years of experience with apparel and footwear
Infor CloudSuite PLM for Fashion is architected for multi-tenant, cloud Three key drivers shaping the future of the industry are: retailers, brands, and manufacturers
computing on demand with a beautiful user interface, low total cost of
ownership (TCO), and rich functionality. Built upon major investments in • Digital - Everyone is talking about digital, yet the digital path for every
cloud technology, CloudSuite PLM for Fashion provides a smooth path to organization will be different. Infor has invested in Infor OS (operating
the future within a scalable, secure, and resilient infrastructure. Customers service) technology which provides the foundation to support digital
• Next-generation sourcing compliance capabilities
get quick and easy access to new functionality through a monthly update, and agility in the today’s dynamic environment. It provides the technology help protect your brand integrity and ensure
which eliminates the need for major upgrades thanks to the cloud-native, and tooling for extensibility, integration, workflow, data management,
single-version software. ethical conformity
image and document management, mobile, the Internet of Things,
The solution runs on Infor OS technology, which delivers a device custom application development and more.
independent, consistent HTML5 browser-based user experience, social • Cloud-native Software - In a world where speed and differentiation are
collaboration tools, and support for workflows, alerts, and embedded critical success factors, you need to focus on your core competencies
contextual information from other applications, as well as integration with and not on the maintenance and support of IT systems. Cloud is the
Infor/non-Infor applications. future and Infor has invested in developing cloud-native, multi-tenant
The cloud solution enables seamless collaboration with suppliers for
• Competition for Talent - There is competition for talent and providing
request management, supports sustainability, enables users to work
the right consumer-grade user experience and tools to attract, retain
anywhere and can be extended with mobile applications using the multi-
tenant framework. and make your talent productive is critical. This is why Infor has invested

Infor has a strong focus on the fashion and retail industries and been a
heavily in a user experience that is consistent, intuitive, runs on a Mac,
PC, tablet or Smartphone, offers role-based homepages, social
continuous innovator in PLM. Infor is a leader in cloud solutions and has collaboration and seamlessly integrates with, for example, Adobe
around 77 million cloud users across its product portfolio. Illustrator.

Whether you need 20 users or 2000+ PLM users, CloudSuite PLM for
Fashion scales to fit.
Copyright ©2019 Infor. www.infor.com. All rights reserved.

Financial Year 2018/19


NEW CUSTOMERS OF RFA PLM, INCLUDING: Licensing revenue: All maintenance revenue:
Alma Fashion, Brave Kid, Cawe, Cop Copine, Diesel, Etro,
F.lli Campagnolo, Forest, Giorgio (F**K), Marni, Pomelatto, $3-4 million $3-4 million
Staff International, Yezael

215 Implementation & services


$5-7 million
R&D investment:

$11-20 million
of PLM within the RFA industry, excluding customers cited
as new in 2018/19

(Excluding those cited as R&D-specific resources above.)


9,795 20


North America Latin America EMEA APAC

the ultimate
Tell us what you feel has changed and / or advanced in your
product offering this year to differentiate your company
Tell us what you believe are the most important trends
shaping the near-term future of the industry – either in consumer
from others in the RFA PLM market. terms of technology or broader market forces.

Powered by the cloud, Lectra’s offer harnesses the power of data to help Digitalization is transforming fashion – accelerating an already fast-paced
fashion companies better understand their businesses and customers – industry into hyper speed.
via an ever-evolving
fully integrating every aspect of product-related business processes into
one cohesive Industry 4.0-inspired platform. Incorporating PLM, DAM and Fashion companies today have to produce more collections in shorter ecosystem of PLM,
PIM functionalities, it also unlocks greater agility in their other existing timeframes, harnessing the power of data to ensure a flawless omni-channel
platforms such as ERP, CMS, PCM, WMS and e-commerce with experience that customers have come to expect. This calls for better and PIM, DAM and more.
complementary features that allow them to streamline processes, embrace more efficient collaboration between different teams, from design to storefront
that are constantly sharing and communicating valuable information in real
Join the empowered
collaboration and harness the power of their data. While these systems
may work well individually, Lectra’s offer brings them together into one time. While traditional PLMs have historically satisfied the product development fashion collective at
intuitive platform – turning collective data into actionable insights. So that process, today’s fashion landscape calls for more – a solution that
organizations can capitalize on consumer data, fast and flexible collection encompasses the entire ecosystem, not just part of it. You need a solution Lectra.com
management, predictive analytics, agile decision-making, collaboration that embraces Industry 4.0 principles to compete in today’s accelerated
and sharing in real-time, and an increased speed to market – all with an world – a better way to link the physical with the digital, the people with the
eye on the bottom line. process, and the passion with the purpose.

This offer introduces an omni-channel approach to operating the business,

and a bespoke way to enhance the synergy around designs, details, data
and decisions, and empowers teams to bring inspiration to life – their way.

Financial Year 2018/19 ™


Licensing revenue: All maintenance revenue:

California Manufacturing, Hybrid Apparel, Jantzen Brands,
Jerry Leigh, Joseph Ribkoff, Quality Worldwide, Rip Curl $11-20 million $11-20 million

153 Implementation & services


$11-20 million
R&D investment:

$11-20 million
of PLM within the RFA industry, excluding customers cited
as new in 2018/19

(Excluding those cited as R&D-specific resources above.)


36,720 72


North America Latin America EMEA APAC

Tell us what you feel has changed and / or advanced in your Tell us what you believe are the most important trends
product offering this year to differentiate your company shaping the near-term future of the industry – either in
from others in the RFA PLM market. terms of technology or broader market forces.

NGC continues to add new capabilities to our Andromeda Cloud The future of retail depends on predicting consumer purchase patterns and
Platform®. NGC solutions now cover the entire concept to customer responding to rapid shifts in demand. Artificial Intelligence is the critical
lifecycle, including our core PLM and supply chain management, quality element that enables a cognitive supply chain. AI relies on big data, so as
and compliance solutions, plus demand, inventory, supply and retail consumer purchasing trends become more granular and comprehensive,
planning. AI will allow retailers to become hyper-accurate when designing, producing
and distributing products to consumers. The retailers that can quickly design
With our Andromeda platform, users have access to all supply chain and deliver the products that consumers really want will thrive. The ones that
information from all the various systems in product development, sourcing, don’t will cease to exist.
manufacturing, quality control and distribution. Most fashion companies
must access multiple systems in order to get all the data they needed, then NGC is uniquely positioned to help our customers succeed in today’s hyper-
enter it into spreadsheets or share the data through static reports. Retailers competitive retail landscape. Our Andromeda Cloud Platform brings together
and fashion brands should have a single platform to access all actionable all the disciplines that are involved in the concept to customer lifecycle, from
information from all their disparate systems and quickly make decisions product development to planning and execution, all in a single platform that’s
that accelerate lead times and respond quickly to consumer demand. very flexible. No two retailers are exactly alike, so Andromeda can easily be
That’s exactly what Andromeda provides. Customers have the choice of adapted to their requirements. Andromeda provides a real opportunity for
using native Andromeda components as well as data from other legacy each brand to craft and configure differentiated solutions that meet the unique
solutions, all of which can be aggregated within the Andromeda platform. value proposition they offer to their customers.

Andromeda helps retailers and brands maximize revenue and profit.

Financial Year 2018/19


Licensing revenue: All maintenance revenue:

Blacksmith Manufacturing, Canadian Tire Corporation,
Fournier Group, Home Shopping Network, Hunter Fan

138 Implementation & services


R&D investment:

$11-20 million
of PLM within the RFA industry, excluding customers cited
as new in 2018/19

More than 185,000 loyal users trust PTC

(Excluding those cited as R&D-specific resources above.) FlexPLM to power their product lifecycles -
ENGAGED IN R&D from first sketch to supply chain
management. That makes us retail’s most
146,755 57
20 widely-used PLM platform by far.
We’re also total technology partners to the

42,054 planet’s biggest brands - with real

expertise, not just talk, in AI, AR, IoT,
North America Latin America EMEA APAC digital design, and lots more.

Tell us what you feel has changed and / or advanced in your Tell us what you believe are the most important trends
Still the PLM platform of choice
product offering this year to differentiate your company shaping the near-term future of the industry – either in
from others in the RFA PLM market. terms of technology or broader market forces. for 140 iconic retail companies,
In 2018 we introduced the Retail Innovation Platform: an end-to-end suite Retailers and brand owners are facing unprecedented pressures from both covering 500+ brands.
of integrated technologies designed to enable brands and retailers to down and upstream. Shoppers want a demanding mix of quality, speed,
respond quickly to market changes, maximize their creativity without losing style, and cross-channel service, while suppliers need secure, in-solution Low-cost upgrades unlocked the
control of costs, and to manage complex, multinational supply chains. access to up-to-the-second product data in order to meet sample and
shipping deadlines. Add the growing trends for personalization, transparency, latest innovations for 20+
At the heart of the Platform is FlexPLM, which is the retail industry’s most and durability instead of disposal, and your readers are dealing with a more
widely-used PLM solution, with the most total licenses sold, and a higher stressful environment than ever before.
customers this year alone.
average user count per customer than any other PLM provider for the Retail,
Footwear and Apparel industry. FlexPLM is trusted by the biggest Keeping up with the market in 2019, and making great products, is no longer
An army of retail specialists in
businesses that have multi-category products and brands and whose
complex business processes and supply chains are spread across multiple
possible without making smart, sustainable investments in people, processes,
and technology.
every major fashion hub.
different continents.
The retail industry now needs true digital transformation, which is precisely
Scalable software: for the most
The Retail Innovation platform is truly cutting-edge, with embedded artificial what our Retail Innovation Platform is designed to support. By replacing complex processes; for any
intelligence, vendor-agnostic 3D integration, a bespoke digital storyboard manual and paper-based processes like material development (as partners
solution, AR capabilities and full Internet of Things connectivity – all built in the new Material Exchange) and digital design and fitting (with support for number of product categories.
in. And with the new Thingworx Retail Connector, almost any enterprise all major 3D CAD and visualization solutions), PTC is offering solutions that
system can be linked to FlexPLM in an easy, intuitive way. will augment human capabilities today and empower creative and technical
teams to be more agile and effective tomorrow.
To make these innovations as accessible as possible, a new, low-cost
upgrade program has brought more than 20 long-term PTC customers up We believe brands and retailers need a PLM for now, and a PLM for what’s
to the latest version of FlexPLM – securing our status as preferred PLM next. With FlexPLM – and the broader Retail Innovation Platform - they get
partner to everyone from the finest luxury brands to the biggest household both.
names in retail.

Financial Year 2018/19



Aftral, Alpha Design Group, Boston Proper, Butler Boot, Dee Jay, Ferrioni, Flamingo Apparel
Licensing revenue: All maintenance revenue:
The Next Generation
$3-4 million $3-4 million
of PLM is Here
Textiles, Industrias Haber, J. McLaughlin, Janor Imports, JTAA Fashion Design, Kim & Co.,
Lac-Mac Limited, Logistik Unicorp, Mode Petit Bouffon, Textiles Budmark International

101 Implementation & services


$1-2 million
R&D investment:

$0-2 million
of PLM within the RFA industry, excluding customers cited
as new in 2018/19

(Excluding those cited as R&D-specific resources above.)




North America Latin America EMEA APAC

Tell us what you feel has changed and / or advanced in your Tell us what you believe are the most important trends
product offering this year to differentiate your company shaping the near-term future of the industry – either in
from others in the RFA PLM market. terms of technology or broader market forces.

Visual Next, known for market foresight and developing the latest innovations The future of the apparel industry continues to focus on technology in product
in apparel-specific technology has repositioned their PLM as a Platform design and client outreach in order to meet the needs of the new connected
to enable advanced flexibility and configurability as a key foundation for consumer.
their PIM solution.
Made to measure apparel is moving beyond luxury fashion, and entering the
The implementation of browser and device agnostic capabilities, coupled mainstream with brands of all price points choosing to offer better fitting
with powerful and flexible user-defined role-based dashboards, makes garments consumers are demanding.
Visual PLM easy to implement while offering highly configurable solutions
without the impediments of custom software. Visual PLM users typically Managing the complexity of customized products requires a flexible and
go live in under 6 months. adaptable PLM that is able to manage the components that make up this
unique vertical as it grows. Visual PLM will facilitate the growing demands
2019 advancements are focused on empowering Visual PLM users by for made to measure products by reducing the challenges of unlimited
bringing them into the world of IoT and real-time global collaboration permutations through the automation of potential product combinations.
including a complete update of Visual PLM in HTML5, an enhanced Adobe
Design integration, 3D Digital Body Scanning, embedded Artificial Visual’s 3D Body Scanning will facilitate the scan and capture of fit
Intelligence with image recognition, and a ColourMart integration for digital information, importing the fit data into PLM, ensuring the consistency of point
color analysis. of measure.

Visual PLM’s integration with Artificial Intelligence partners adds the Visual PLM’s roadmap is also focused on becoming an even more centralized,
power of image and pattern recognition to perform advanced searches consolidated and real-time repository of information; evolving PLM into a
across competitive landscapes in seconds using key attributes and business Product Information Management (PIM) tool available to integrate to multiple
intelligence for Merchandisers and Planners. platforms.

PLM as the single source of product information can power the entire enterprise
ecosystem, including partners, vendors, customers, marketplaces, distributors,
Email: sales@visualnext.com
and more, facilitating fashion’s growth within the ever expanding omnichannel
The goal of this Buyer’s Guide is to provide vendors and customers alike
with the information they need to make informed investments in PLM and
extended PLM technologies specifically designed for the retail, footwear
and apparel industry.

Although selecting the right solution represents a significant part of this

decision-making process, truly modern PLM and digital transformation
projects extend far beyond the software level. And the extent of the whole-
business change that an effective PLM project entails means that the services
of experienced, independent advisors are now as sought-after and scrutinised
as PLM platforms themselves.

Despite the rise of self-serve and user-configurable, cloud-based PLM, data

reveals that customers of all shapes and sizes still solicit the help of third
party advisors or consultants – with an especially strong correlation to
business size. To put it bluntly, the work of preparing for a successful PLM
project remains significant whether the solution itself is being installed on- Conversely, larger consultancy practices can – and more than likely marquee retailers and brands they have worked with to date – where
site or off, and whether or not training and on-boarding represent the same will – leverage international reach and a comparatively large pool of that information is publicly available.
barriers to adoption as they once did. As a result, advisors and selection strategic resources to provide more comprehensive management
and implementation partners remain key components of many brands’ and services than their smaller, more specialised counterparts. This may Prospective and existing customers of PLM are not, however, the only
retailers’ PLM project strategies – whether it’s conducting a thorough review prove to be less vital in the cloud-first market of the near future, but parties interested in the experience, expertise and international reach
of legacy technologies, planning ecosystem integrations, or conducting a today it remains important for customers to make the distinction between of consultancy practices and advisors. Although automated onboarding,
detailed, scientific ROI analysis. broad strategic services and the kind of detailed knowledge that only remote training, and user configuration are now essential in the Tier 5
a long-serving apparel industry specialist will have of the extended market segment, vendors’ internal resources – for pre-sales, sales,
As a result, we have invited a select few of the world’s leading apparel PLM product development landscape. technical demonstration, implementation and change management
consultancy practices and advisors to provide readers with some insight – continue to be stretched by potential projects, implementations, and
into their methods, the work they have undertaken to date, and their up-to- Whether they are seeking remote support to make the most of a upgrades in the upper tiers.
the-minute perspective on the industry’s ongoing digital transformation. subscription solution or beginning a lengthy period of introspection
This information is intended to help readers make an informed decision and on-site implementation, customers should exercise caution when Needless to say, these third parties also have limitations of their own,
about which advisory practice (if any) to work with at the different stages of it comes to locating a truly independent and impartial advisor. Many and vendors should be as cautious as customers when it comes to
their PLM project. consultancy practices obtain the bulk of their work from a single vendor satisfying themselves of the competence and availability of subject
in a partnership arrangement. matter experts within any advisory practice - no matter how large or
Depending on their history, available resources, and industry experience, experienced they may seem on the surface.
an advisor or consultancy practice may offer a host of different services. And although this does not necessarily imply that the business is tied
Some will help clients to select a solution from a thorough knowledge of the exclusively to that vendor (indeed, many practices have established Owing to the relatively small sample size and the difficulties inherent
market; some will assist their clients in implementing that solution and partnerships with more than one PLM vendor) it does increase the in comparing drastically different services on a like-by-like basis, this
ensuring buy-in from the executive to the user level. Some will conduct a likelihood of that advisor preferring to work with a particular solution - Buyer’s Guide does not contain any analysis or evaluation of the
complete evaluation of the client’s apparel-specific processes and technical particularly when unexpected growth has forced a vendor to effectively consultancy practices listed in this section. Instead, we encourage
environment; some will work within a scientific framework to consolidate the promote that partner to the status of preferred or primary implementer. prospective clients to undertake their own due diligence when working
client’s product development master data ahead of implementation. Some with any third party – whether they were selected directly, or nominated
will do all of these things and more, while others will attempt instead to bend Customers, therefore, should continue to ensure that any third party (either openly or covertly) by a vendor partner.
cross-industry boilerplate methods to fit the difficult and idiosyncratic world they opt to work with is experienced with their chosen vendor, solution,
of apparel. and method of deployment – to the same degree they are with any
other vendor on their roster.
NB: As with our PLM vendor profiles, the final
It is vital for prospective PLM customers to remember, then, that not all
consultants are equal. A new apparel practice from a business that has Although many of the fundamental principles remain the same – responsibility for the accuracy of all information
typically focused on entirely different verticals, for example, should not be customers are seeking the same industry experience, financial stability contained within this section remains the
compared to a proven advisor who has catered to the retail, footwear and and long-term partnership potential – between selecting a PLM vendor responsibility of the companies listed. Although
apparel industry for a number of years. and choosing the right advisor, there are a number of ways in which WhichPLM has made every effort to quantify
the two are distinct. and verify the information provided to us,
Those renowned international consultancy firms who have entered our nothing in these pages should be construed as
sector in recent years may now be better established, but work still remains To that end, each of the consultancy practices that appears in this
section was asked to provide a selection of key information: their status an endorsement or assessment of any
for them to build the kinds of methodologies, tools, and process frameworks
as vendor partners, multi-vendor services providers with a small pool consultancy practice or advisor, and WhichPLM
that more experienced, apparel-specific consultants should boast as
of expertise, or truly vendor agnostic; and insight into their tactical and has no responsibility or liability for the content
strategic strengths. We also asked each practice to enumerate the of advertisements that appear adjacent to these
RFA PLM experts they employ on a global basis, and to name the profiles.

78 79
Which PLM solutions / suppliers do you work with? If your
services are vendor-agnostic, please say so.

Advanced analytics – Harvesting insights to make better innovation,

design, development and sourcing decisions (e.g. machine learning/
Make it real.
Kalypso provides objective services designed to transform and predictive analytics, voice of the customer analytics, visualization)
4. Smart connected supply chain – Putting products on the grid to
optimize the end-to-end product development lifecycle for retail,
footwear and apparel (RFA) clients. Our PLM services include optimize and track their flow from source to consumer (e.g. IoT,
assessments, strategy, process, organization alignment, requirements
definition, selection, implementation planning and execution, as well as
RFID, beacons, blockchain)
managed services and hosting. These services can be delivered To accelerate ROI and time-to-benefit, we employ industry-specific
independently or with a strategic PLM solution partner. We work with methodologies, delivery accelerators, leading practice models and
any PLM vendor that best suits our clients’ needs. tools.

List your implementations of PLM within retail, footwear Tell us (in a maximum of 150 of your own words) what you see

and apparel to date (including the year of implementation), as the two most important emerging trends for retailers and
accompanied by the name of the solution they chose where brands (particularly fashion, footwear and accessories) in the
this is public information. coming year?
In today’s highly competitive environment where big players are disappearing
Kalypso does not publicly share client names. Our team has conducted and new, emerging businesses are taking market share, brands must find
over 120 PLM implementations across numerous industries, 30% with ways to discover, create, make and sell product - better, faster and cheaper.
global companies over $5B in revenue. In RFA, we have helped many
clients tackle core PLM challenges as well as integrate new digital 1. The value of DPC in reducing cycle time can be unlocked with the
technologies with PLM. Examples include: integration of 3D design tools and PLM. Our annual “Adoption of
Leading Product Development Practices in a Digital World” research PLM-3D-VOC-RFID
• Multi-year, multi-brand, global PLM transformation for a $70B+ home
reveals 50% are investing in 3D and PLM integration within the next
12 months. At our Bridgetown Innovation Studio in Portland, Oregon, INTEGRATIONS
improvement goods retailer we help clients bring this vision to life with a fully integrated DPC
• Multi-year, multi-brand digital product creation solution design, platform showcase.
development and implementation for global toy manufacturer 2. Enterprise information management (EIM) provides the data backbone
• Visualization platform integration across a core PLM application, 3D to serve consumers in new and exciting ways. Leaders are shifting
design tool and visualization platform for a multi-division, global from master data management (MDM) to EIM to build a data-driven,
apparel manufacturer decision-making culture focusing on data governance, support for
• Digital strategy and prototyping for the integration of a PLM application, e-commerce and other new business models.
3D design tool and voice of the customer analytics solution for a
specialty apparel retailer
 Tell us (in a maximum of 150 of your own words) what you see
• PLM transformation/implementation and managed services for a as the two most important emerging trends for supply chain
$3B+ apparel and hardlines catalog retailer 
 manufacturing (particularly fashion, footwear and accessories)
in the coming year?
What do you consider your practice’s strategic, tactical and
implementation strengths to be in the region of retail, footwear
and apparel lifecycle?
Brands are challenged to bring products to market at unprecedented
speeds in an era when the supply chain is more global and complex, and At Bridgetown Innovation Collaboration space for brands
We focus on the product side of the RFA business, working with clients
transparency is essential.
Studio, we're leading the and vendors
to discover, create and make innovative and differentiated products. This
exclusive focus on innovation in the digital value chain allows us to help
1. Smart connected supply chains open up new opportunities, unlock
additional value, improve sustainability and reduce time to market. transition to something
brands transform their capabilities throughout the product development
lifecycle, leveraging four sets of technologies:
The digitization of the supply chain requires interoperability, seamless
sharing of data, and integration of PLM and other leading technologies. better for apparel Showcase for equipment,
1. Foundational product technology – Deploying core applications to 2. Enterprise information management (EIM) optimizes the management and footwear. technology and integrated
facilitate product development and to store/share critical data [e.g.
PLM, product information management (PIM) and digital asset
of data to meet the needs of a growing, global supply chain. Leading
practices in data governance and data quality build a strong foundation digital product creation
management (DAM)]
Digital product creation (DPC) – Leveraging digital assets and tools
of supply chain data that can empower strategic operational decisions.
While most brands are not yet ready to compete in data-driven solutions
to create, make and sell product better, faster and cheaper (e.g. 3D business models, the industry disrupters will be data companies that
design tools, rendering and visualization, AR/VR, body scanning) create, make and sell apparel.
Comprehensive services to
Please provide the number of qualified domain experts you
deliver the digital value chain
have specifically focused on implementations in the RFA
sector, separated by region as follows: 250+

• North America: 250+, including resources based at our

Americas Innovation Center located in Monterrey, Mexico, and 40+
at our Bridgetown Innovation Studio, located in Portland,
• Latin America: We serve Latin America from our US/Mexico N/A
geographical centers.
• EMEA (Europe, Middle East, Africa): 40+, including resources
based in our European Innovation Center located in Bucharest,
Romania, and at our office in Hamburg, Germany.
• APAC (Asia Pacific): Less than 10. Our resources in APAC
primarily interface with the Asia-based sourcing operations of
our clients from North America and EMEA.
North America Latin America EMEA APAC
80 81

Which PLM solutions / suppliers do you work with? If your What do you consider your practice’s strategic, tactical and
services are vendor-agnostic, please say so. implementation strengths to be in the region of retail, footwear
and apparel lifecycle?
Vendor Agnostic. We work with Centric, Visual Next, Infor, PTC, Gerber Deep understanding of the methods and processes used within the RFA
and Lectra. sector. The knowledge and experience of our consultants both in the
RFA industry and in implementing software systems within it. Ability to
List your implementations of PLM within retail, footwear handle all aspects of an implementation including selection, business
and apparel to date (including the year of implementation), process re-engineering and definition, system configuration, onsite
accompanied by the name of the solution they chose where training and documentation, report writing and development and support
this is public information. services. As a team PDP is there from the initial concept right through to
Go Live and beyond a true partnership.
Ben Sherman – 2012/2013 – PTC

Kwintet – 2012 – Gerber

Tell us (in a maximum of 150 of your own words) what you see
Marsylka – 2014/2015 – Visual 2000 as the two most important emerging trends for retailers and
brands (particularly fashion, footwear and accessories) in the
Tally Weijl – 2014 – Centric coming year?
Build a Bear – 2013 – Centric Collaboration between the Retailer/Brand and the Supplier(s). Most
Voice/Gresvig Sports – 2012/2013 – Lawson companies still do not bring their external suppliers into PLM but this is
now starting to change and we have seen numerous clients bringing
Local Boyz – 2016 – Visual 2000 Supplier into their systems and in some case also bringing Customers into
PLM and for 2019 should see this become the norm rather than the
Closet Clothing – 2016 – Visual 2000 exception.
Mountain Equipment Co-op – 2016/2017 – Visual 2000
Internet of Things (IoT) – A lot is being done to enable the IoT and PLM is
Seasalt – 2015/2016 – Visual 2000 at the forefront of combining different technologies (Electronics, Computing,
Communication etc) with the ever changing landscape of Clothing, Footwear
Pentex – 2015 – Visual 2000 and Accessories.
Studio One – 2016 – Visual 2000 PRODUCT www.pdplimited.com
Trekmates – 2015/2016 – Visual 2000 Tell us (in a maximum of 150 of your own words) what you see
as the two most important emerging trends for supply chain DEVELOPMENT info@pdplimited.com
PARTNERS +44 (0)7515 741852
Boden – 2016 – Centric manufacturing (particularly fashion, footwear and accessories)
in the coming year?
Tom Tailor – 2016/2017 - Centric
Collaboration is still the most important function for the extended supply
Paragon Clothing – 2016/2017 – Visual 2000
chain. The growing trend of End to End solutions combining PLM and ERP
A&D Hope – 2016/2017 – Visual 2000 means that this is even more important in providing a seamless

ICW – 2017 – Visual 2000

communication and tracking system that enables all partners to participate
and visualise the complete supply chain. Led by Perry Bonney, Product Development
Focus International 2017/2018 – Visual Next Use of 3D Technologies to enable Virtual Sampling, true to life visualisation
Partners provides expert consulting services
New Look Core – 2017/2018 – Visual Next and integration to the Design, Merchandising and Garment Tech roles. on Product Lifecycle Management
New Look Wholesale – 2018/2019 – Visual Next systems from the leading vendors
Wacoal – 2018/2019 - Centric and assists the Retail, Footwear
*Plus 4 other clients in 2018/2019 who do not wish to be identified. and Apparel industries in
Over the last 9 years we have implemented in excess of 40 systems from implementing new software or
PTC, Lectra, Gerber, Lawson/Infor, Visual 2000/Visual Next, Freeborders
and Centric.
enhancing their existing
PLM environments.
Please provide the number of qualified domain experts you
have specifically focused on implementations in the RFA
sector, separated by region as follows: 1

North America Latin America EMEA APAC

82 83

Which PLM solutions / suppliers do you work with? If your

services are vendor-agnostic, please say so. The team reflects a balance between fashion and technology expertise.
Experienced, efficient, effective, engaging and thoroughly professional,
Infor Fashion PLM Ptex’s team embodies the customer-focused approach that
differentiates the company. Business consultants have either graduated
List your implementations of PLM within retail, footwear from fashion institutes, or they have worked in the industry prior to
and apparel to date (including the year of implementation), joining the company. With more than 15 years of implementation
accompanied by the name of the solution they chose where experience, the consultants are expert solution providers who business
this is public information. know-how to be able to anticipate common problems, proactively map
typical business requirements and deliver solutions.
Ptex Solutions have been involved in several Infor Fashion PLM (earlier
known as Freeborders PLM and Lawson Fashion PLM) Tell us (in a maximum of 150 of your own words) what you
implementations. This includes providing different services to our see as the two most important emerging trends for retailers
customer. The time period mentioned below is when we provided the
services to the customer. and brands (particularly fashion, footwear and accessories)
in the coming year?
ITC Limited (India - 2006)
Reliance Retail (India - 2007) Blockchain technology has started to transform the apparel supply
Gini & Jony (India - 2007) chain. It connects a physical product to its digital identity. This link offers
Aditya Birla Retail (Madura Fashion & Lifestyle Division) (India - 2008) opportunities for a more transparent end to end supply chain. It allows
Colorplus Fashions (India - 2009) to track and trace the supply chain in moving the product from supplier
Peacock (UK in 2009) to consumer. RFA Brands can assign a unique code to each product
Weissman (USA in 2010) and allow their customers to access the entire history of that product
Club 21 (Singapore in 2010) – from the country of origin to the final seller – and every step along the
TAL (Hong Kong in 2010) way. It could indicate if the product is sustainably and ethically
Big Strike (USA in 2012) manufactured. When the label says “Made in US or Europe.” The
Darice (USA in 2013) CPG industry (toys and gift articles). customer can track where the product was manufactured, who
CUK Clothing Limited (UK in 2013) manufactured it with which materials. These greater transparency in
Badger Sportswear (USA – 2014) supply chains will create new incentives for companies to change the
HH Brown (USA - 2015) way they do business and even how they view themselves as an
Future Retail Limited (India – 2015)
Indus League (India – 2016)
Tell us (in a maximum of 150 of your own words) what you
Ziera Shoes (New Zealand – 2016)
see as the two most important emerging trends for supply
The Apparel Group (USA – 2016) chain manufacturing (particularly fashion, footwear and
Dynamic Designs (USA – 2016) accessories) in the coming year?
Outpac Designs (Hong Kong - 2017)
Michaels Retail (USA - 2017) – Implemented for RFA and CPG industry Sustainability practices are led by the developed nations however this
(Toys and Gift Articles). cannot happen without the support from the suppliers and vendors from
Horseware (Ireland - 2017) developing nations. By manufacturers switching to sustainable
LTP Limited (Lithuania - 2017) manufacturing practices they can save money by reducing your water,
W.L. Gore (Germany - 2018) power and electricity use. Right system will allow manufacturers to track
Vida Shoes (USA - 2018) and analyse every step of your process, helping them to determine
Fristads (Sweden - 2019) where they can make the most effective changes.
* Plus 17 other customers that do not wish to be named. Customers especially Millennials like to buy products from brands and
retailers with pro-social messages, sustainable manufacturing methods
What do you consider your practice’s strategic, tactical and and ethical business standards. Blockchain offers the technology to
implementation strengths to be in the region of retail, make it easier for the manufacturers to be directly responsible
footwear and apparel lifecycle? throughout the production processes, to communicate this better to
their customers and for customers to easily trace the journey of the
Ptex Solutions has successfully implemented PLM for companies in a products throughout the production and distribution processes.
number of countries in North America, Europe, Asia and Australasia,
enabling retail, apparel and footwear companies to deliver superior
business results by harnessing the power of technology..

Please provide the number of qualified domain experts you

have specifically focused on implementations in the RFA
sector, separated by region as follows: N/A
We have a team of 40 Business and Technical Consultants. All of
them are based in India. However, they have travelled to many N/A
countries for Implementation. This includes US, UK, Europe, UAE,
China, Singapore, Hong Kong and New Zealand.

North America Latin America EMEA APAC

84 85
PLM Market analysis
2018/19. E
x tended digital solutions may take up a large par t of this
p u b l i c a t i o n , b u t t h e c e n t r e o f a ny d i g i t a l e c o sys t e m w i ll a l w ays
b e a s i n g l e, a c c u r a t e l o c a t i o n w h e r e a ll e s s e n t i a l i n f o r m a t i o n
p e r t a i n i n g t o t h e d e s i g n a n d d e ve l o p m e n t p o r t i o n s o f t h e p r o d u c t
life cyc le is s to re d. S o while we c e r t ainly b e lieve t ha t b ran ds , re t aile r s ,
a n d m a n u f a c t u r e r s a r e s p r e a d i n g t h e i r t e c h n o l o g y i nve s t m e n t s m o r e
b r o a d l y – b u y i n g i n t o t h e p o t e n t i a l o f t e c h n o l o g i e s l i ke 3 D, A I , d i g i t a l
print ing, and blockchain – t his will not come at t he cost of an invest ment
i n PL M . A l t h o u g h , a s t h i s s e c t i o n o f t h e p u b l i c a t i o n w ill d e m o n s t r a te,
t h e s c o p e a n d t h e n a t u r e o f t h a t i nve s t m e n t – t a ke n a t a g l o b a l l eve l ,
ove r t h e c o u r s e o f t h e f i s c a l ye a r 2 018/19 – h a s n ow r e a c h e d a n ew
l eve l o f s t a b i l i t y, m a t u r i t y, a n d c o m m o d i t i s a t i o n .

WhichPLM has now charted, commented This year, new sales are up, while overall
on, and analysed the PLM market for retail, monetary value is down – a trend that can
footwear, and apparel for around a decade. be largely attributed to the difference in
In that time we have seen the market evolve value between a PLM implementation for a
considerably: from costly, fully-customised small business and a large-scale
solutions that were in reach of only the deployment for a multinational company.
largest enterprises, to today’s world where
affordable, cloud-based, subscription The market analysis that spans the next few
deployments (and even truly multi-tenant pages will explain what we see as the
environments) have brought the benefits of primary forces behind this shift, as well as
PLM to businesses of essentially any size. providing the up-to-the-minute RFA PLM
sales data that has allowed us to reach our
Throughout that time, the RFA PLM market conclusions.
has continued to outpace expectations.
Although fluctuations in the different tiers Following on from the analysis itself,
of the market (the way these tiers are executive summaries are provided for the
believe we have perfected this approach; we comes from two sources: sales data provided It’s important to note that although this
segmented is described in more detail in four major segments of our readership: PLM
collect clear information, refine it according to by all leading PLM vendors exclusively to publication includes overviews of (and
the coming pages) have sometimes customers, PLM vendors, consultants and
clear criteria, apply transparent models to the WhichPLM, under strict non-disclosure promotions for) many leading digital solutions
confounded our expectations, on balance professional services companies, and
raw data, and present our findings in a detailed agreements; and our own insight into and that round out the technology ecosystem and
the industry has demonstrated clear growth developers of other digital solutions that are
but readable format. understanding of the global market. can add considerable value to a PLM
year-on-year, usually far exceeding the rapidly becoming key components of
implementation, the scope of the research,
expectations of other enterprise software brands’ and retailers’ technology
Put into practice, this well-established approach As always, WhichPLM is grateful to the vendors intelligence, and analysis in these pages is
segments. ecosystems.
allows us to paint what we believe to be the most that voluntarily provided this information (most constrained to the market for core, modern PLM
accurate, unbiased snapshot of the RFA PLM of whom can be found in the PLM Vendor solutions only.
For a long time, that growth was visible First, though, it’s important to understand
market each financial year. Although, as we will Listings that precede this section of the Buyer’s
across both the number of new name sales how we are able to obtain this data, how we
explain towards the end of this portion of the Guide) and to all technology vendors that share What we consider to be a modern PLM solution,
(our primary metric for measuring the analyse it, and why, for close to a decade,
publication, this may be the last year in which our desire to build a unique, transparent analysis and how this is distinct from other technologies
market) and the composite monetary value the WhichPLM name has been synonymous
we run this model, given the largely predictable of the market every year. We invariably need to that are sometimes mis-sold as being PLM, is
of those sales when software licensing, with a level of insight, understanding, and
results it now generates in what has become a challenge one or more vendors on the explained in the Glossary section that takes up
implementation and support services, and objectivity that you won’t find anywhere
very mature market. Over the coming pages, information they provide, and in most cases our the final pages of this publication. This is just
maintenance costs are taken into account. else.
though, we will set out the number, type, and revisions are accepted. On the whole, however, one example of where, in an industry rife with
As you might expect, though, given the way
Our approach geographical spread of RFA PLM sales in the we remain impressed that so many companies acronyms, our Glossary can be helpful in
the underlying technology and the way it’s
period 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019, model – especially private businesses who are under understanding the different terms that we and
sold and deployed have changed, those We pioneered our second-generation
the value of these sales by customer size, and no obligation to part with their sales and financial others use. If you encounter anything in these
two yardsticks for growth – new sales and approach to analysing the RFA PLM market
provide our analysis as to how and why the information – remain committed to ensuring that pages that you are not familiar with, please turn
total revenue – have begun to diverge over in 2013, building on a slightly different but
market has evolved in the last twelve months. the market operates under the eye of unbiased to the Glossary to see if a more detail definition
the last few years. no less exhaustive end user survey which
analysts who are equipped with accurate is available – and remember that WhichPLM
ran from 2010. Now, in its ninth year, we
The information used to conduct this analysis information. may define even common things differently to

86 87
What’s in a sale?
other analysts and vendors.

For comparison purposes, the complete back catalogue of WhichPLM

publications (including our 2018 Buyer’s Guide, and the Annual Editions
that preceded it) can be accessed free of charge from our website. To
ensure that reference can be made between publications, we have adhered The analysis contained in these pages has its roots in one key for what we consider to be valid purposes.
to a very similar reporting structure for our 5th Edition, 6th Edition, 7th metric: the number, size, and location of new-name RFA PLM sales
Edition, 2018 Buyer’s Guide, and this publication. Should you wish to achieved by the industry as a whole in the 2018/19 financial year. By way of example, since we introduced the CPG Crossover

chart any changes to the RFA PLM market that we have not made explicit On top of this information, we layer our own insights, and apply a category in the financial year 2017/18, we have allowed retailers

here, please feel free to obtain copies of our previous research – or contact clear mathematical model to derive what we believe to be an of:

us via our website if you require something more bespoke. accurate monetary size for the market in the same period.
• Toys and games

Finally, although WhichPLM is based in the United Kingdom, our website It’s important to note, though, that is a policy we have adopted to • Home and office furniture
and downloadable publications all adopt a truly international perspective date out of necessity, because it has been – and remains – the
• Outdoor furniture
and are read by vendors, customers, and analysts worldwide. For ease of only method of measurement that every RFA PLM vendor will
• Eyewear
comparison and in recognition of this international reach, we continue to consistently abide by. Although we have considered applying a
revenue-based analysis structure as either a first or second layer, • Watches
use the US Dollar (USD) as a common currency.
a group comprised of around one-third public companies and

“For many years, the RFA two-thirds private operations is unlikely to ever provide the level of
financial insight we would require to perform these calculations
And other non-RFA products to be included in our overall market
sizing and analysis.

PLM market has fairly and equitably.

On the other hand, we have excluded the following and more:

outperformed other In reality, this means that a lot of potential market value from
• Automotive tyres and accessories
upgrades and expansions is not factored into our conclusions –
enterprise software.” which would reflect a much larger overall value than they do today • Food and beverages
were those sources of revenue taken into account.
• Pet care
Our qualifications • White goods
RFA meets CPG
This Buyer’s Guide and the other downloadable publications that preceded • Beauty and cosmetics
Until our 2018 Buyer’s Guide, all our market analysis had been
it form only part of WhichPLM’s continuous industry analysis, speaking
strictly confined to the retail, footwear, and apparel market segment
events, and commentary. Across all these different facets of our business, Since these did not include any elements of seasonality or soft
– i.e. brands, retailers, and manufacturers who used their chosen
WhichPLM has come to occupy a uniquely privileged position that allows materials, and would therefore have very little crossover with
PLM solution specifically to produce garments, footwear,
us to speak from a perspective no other RFA PLM analyst of industry traditional RFA PLM design, development, or sourcing practices.
accessories, jewellery, and other fashion items, as well as some
publication can:
soft home furnishings.
As was the case in our 2018 Buyer’s Guide, very few CPG Crossover
• WhichPLM has been an independent source of information and advice
Last year, however, we updated our inclusion criteria to reflect the companies were named by vendors this year, and as such their
to prospective and existing customers of RFA PLM since 2008, and
fact that several vendors had begun to adapt their RFA-focused inclusion has had a very limited impact on the composition of the
our audience has grown in absolute terms each year since the company
PLM solutions to also cater to businesses in the so-called “Consumer market. There remains little doubt, though, that cross-vertical
was established.
Packaged Goods” or CPG category. With no fixed definition, expansion is still a major target for leading PLM vendors whose
• Our editorial and executive board has deep, international industry though, what constitutes a consumer packaged good varies from ambitions stretch beyond the RFA industry. And a similar trend,
knowledge and expertise – born out of hands-on experience of the vendor to vendor, which complicated our decision to expand our albeit operating in reverse, is taking place with customers who
design, development, selection, and implementation of apparel-specific definition of a new sale. have traditionally produced engineering-led products using non-
PLM solutions and other digital solutions. RFA PLM solutions, but who are now having to incorporate more
To help bring some clarity to this cross-vertical expansion, and to design-led elements, visual iteration, and even fashion and
• WhichPLM has benchmarked many of the market’s leading solutions make sure that our analysis remains as accurate as possible, we seasonality into their product line-ups.
and vendors, and we have made all of these evaluations freely available introduced a category of customer that we dubbed “CPG Crossover”
through our website. Readers looking for a detailed look at the
capabilities and business potential of a possible PLM partner will gain
in 2018. This publication carries that idea through, and throughout
this analysis we will use “new name sales” to refer to both PLM
“The potential market
a lot from reading these evaluations. customers that would typically have fallen under the RFA definition,
and customers whose business models incorporate what we saw
value from upgrades and
• Our team has worked alongside all the market’s primary vendors in
a range of different capacities, but these relationships do not colour
as essential criteria for CPG Crossover.
expansions could reveal
our analysis; our publications and services remain entirely unbiased. Where they feature some element of soft materials, or share a a much larger overall
similar product-driven workflow to the one widely used in the RFA
• Our publications are routinely cited as vital reading material for both
PLM implementations and large-scale digital transformation initiatives
industry, we now accept the following company types as valid for value than new name
inclusion in this analysis – provided the PLM vendor who is claiming
by the world’s biggest brands and retailers. them as a customer can demonstrate that they are using the solution sales alone.”

88 89
Customer Tiers Where a parent company or group operates multiple brands, we will
Since we first began analysing the RFA PLM market, we have taken assign the sale to the appropriate region for the brand, not the parent.
great care to segment each year’s new-name PLM sales into Tiers Tied to this, although some luxury groups have historically mandated
based on the size and turnover of their business. This process is that every house that operates under their umbrella adopt the same
fundamental to our analysis, since the monetary value of a PLM sale PLM, ERP, and other enterprise solutions, this practice appears to have
to a large, multinational organisation (across software licensing, run its course, and group-owned brands today have more latitude to
implementation services and maintenance) will be much larger than approach the market and make decisions on their own terms.
a sale to a single-territory, boutique brand – even though both of these Nevertheless, if a PLM vendor has claimed a group as a customer, we
would appear equivalent were we to only look at the quantity of sales. always insist on drilling down to the brand level and assigning the sale
As a result, please take a moment to read this section to understand to the location of the brand’s headquarters.
how we segment PLM customers, and how this segmentation factors
into our market analysis and sizing estimations.
“We predicted the market
For clarity’s sake, our customer Tiers for retailers and brands are
delineated as follows:
would grow by 5% this
Tier 0 = Also known as the “super tier”, customers who fall into this
year. It exceeded our
category demonstrate annual revenues in excess of $10 billion, and expectations and grew by
are typically multinational organisations.
close to 8% in 2018/19.”
Tier 1 = With revenues of between $1 billion and $9.99 billion, Tier 1
customers may share equal domestic renown to their larger counterparts,
but lack the sheer sales volume and international impact that would The RFA PLM market - a retrospective
elevate them to the super tier. Each year, our analysis team has set out their predictions for the
following twelve-month period, looking at how and where the RFA PLM
Tier 2 = Encompasses a wide variety of retailers and brands in what market is likely to grow or contract in the next twelve months, as well
is commonly referred to as the “mid-market”. These companies as providing an overall growth prediction for the market as a whole.
demonstrate revenue of between $500 million to $999 million.
While our overall predictions have typically been fairly accurate, and
Tier 3 = Takes in those smaller organisations that fall below the revenue have always pointed in the same direction as the eventual reality, history
• Overall, we predicted that the RFA PLM market would grow by 5% in year’s data reveals that this market segment did indeed shrink, but
threshold of Tier 2 – typically single-territory or boutique retailers and has demonstrated the difficulties inherent in trying to predict the
terms of new name sales this year. This prediction has been borne at a much faster pace than expected; sales to Tier 2 customers fell
brands with revenue from $100 million up to $499 million. behaviour of prospective PLM customers at the specific tier level. The
out, and the market has actually exceeded our expectations and by 30% year-on-year, suggesting that even we underestimated just
reasons for this vary year-on-year, but broadly speaking it is difficult
grown by close to 8%. how rapidly the market would shift towards the lower Tiers.
Tier 4 = This Tier encompasses businesses – typically emerging to make accurate predictions in a market where large-scale PLM
designers, extremely small brands, or retail startups – that fall below projects (which are typically funded by capital expenditure budgets) • At the extreme upper end of the market, we predicted that sales to • Although we expected that similar forces would apply to Tier 3, the
the Tier 3 bracket, turning over between $50 and $99 million per year. are often in the preparatory stage for more than a year before a final Tier 0 customers would rise dramatically, by more than 60%, in point of market saturation was, we reasoned, farther off. This
selection, while smaller-scale ones (which are usually paid for on a 2018/19. This prediction was based on insider knowledge that led prediction proved reasonably accurate, and while this market segment
Tier 5 = Introduced in our 2018 Buyer’s Guide as a way to provide recurring basis as operational expenditure) can go through preparation, us to conclude, with a good degree of confidence, that several of the did not grow as we’d initially expected, it also did not shrink in any
more granular insights into PLM adoption among small businesses, selection, and implementation in just a few months. world’s biggest retailers were preparing to adopt PLM this calendar serious way.
Tier 5 captures any company whose turnover is $49 million or less per
year. In reality, this market segment actually shrank, running
year. In both cases, the actual date at which a PLM project can be said to
completely counter to our expectations. It’s important to note, though, • Market performance in Tier 4, on the other hand, diverged dramatically
be “sold” is usually in flux; larger projects may be deferred until another from our prediction. Fuelled by an influx of small-to-medium
Customer Locations that while the percentage swing here is obviously wild, the difference
project of a similar size is completed, whereas smaller ones may simply businesses who we believed were on the cusp of becoming the larger
When a new-name PLM sale occurs, our analysts assign it a location between what we expected to see from Tier 0 and what was actually
be put on hold until a future season, since they can be resumed and brands of tomorrow, we expected to see growth of around 4% in
at the country level, as well as bundling it into the appropriate sales realised is a matter of single-digit sales numbers.
even trialled with minimal disruption. So while our predictions have 2018/19. In reality, this market segment shrank by 44%, with the bulk
and business region: the Americas, EMEA (Europe, the Middle East
always been based on clear, observable information, exclusive insight, • For Tier 1, our expectation was that growth would continue at around of the sales from the lower Tiers now belonging to the smaller
and Africa) and Asia-Pacific.
and some level of intuition, those expectations can be easily confounded 11% year-on-year. In reality, growth of 22% is evident in this market businesses that make up Tier 5.
by the nature of commercial decision-making. segment, with the additional, unexpected sales landing in this fiscal
This assignment is done at the brand headquarters level, which is
year rather than being signed after the time period covered by this • The largest market segment by volume, Tier 5 growth has far
important in two different scenarios. This year, these and other factors have affected how the reality of the
analysis. outstripped our expectations, growing by 70% year-on-year as sales
RFA PLM market in 2018/19 compares to the predictions we made for to Tier 4 businesses dwindled in comparison.
Where a retailer or brand operates multiple offices, all of which are
the market twelve months ago. We will briefly revisit those predictions • We were again correct in the direction of movement for Tier 2, although
now potentially using the chosen PLM solution, we assign the sale to
now, and set out some of what we see as the key reasons for the again our predictions proved conservative. We expected to see a On balance, while we are pleased to see that the industry as a whole grew
the headquarters on the company’s masthead unless we’re specifically
disparities between our expectations and what actually occurred: fall of around 17%, resulting from an essentially saturated market in line with our expectations, a confluence of different factors has affected
told to otherwise, or unless a regional subsidiary is actually the company
with few, if any, late-comers, and where PLM solutions have not yet the accuracy of the predictions we made at the Tier level.
named in the PLM agreement.
been in place long enough to warrant complete replacements. This

90 91
MARKET IN 2018/19
Continuing on from our comparison of prediction against actual Sales concentration by region - 2018/19
Customer Percentage of Percentage of
performance, this section of our market analysis presents exclusive sales Tier sales 2017/18 sales 2018/19
data alongside our expert interpretation of that data, creating a blended
Tier 0 5% 4%
picture of how, where, and why PLM is being sold in the RFA industry in
2018/19. Tier 1 7% 8%

Tier 2 13% 9%
In previous years, we have used Gartner polling and predictions for IT
Tier 3 10% 9%
spending to gauge the RFA PLM market against the wider software and
technology industry – usually finding that our market has exceeded Tier 4 30% 16%

expectations to some degree. This year, however, growth in RFA PLM Tier 5 35% 55%
sales appears to be in line with the multinational analyst firm’s latest
predictions; Gartner peg spending on enterprise software in 2019 as
This is a trend that WhichPLM has seen coming for many years. Originally,
being likely to grow 8.3% year-on-year, with core applications taking “the
our market analysis methods involved segmenting customers into just
lion’s share of dollars,” while RFA PLM sales grew by 7.8% between 2018
Tiers 0-3, but over time we realised that sales were pooling at the lowest
and 2019, galvanised by PLM’s status as an essential business system.
tier due to the combination of affordability and strong functionality that
most modern PLM solutions offered.
This is not the end of the similarities: according to Gartner, SaaS and cloud
software account for a good percentage of the growth in the broader IT
To shine a light on this concentration of customers, we segmented what
market, and the same forces are also responsible for the uptake of PLM
was then the lowest Tier (Tier 3) in two, and for a year that provided the
at both the small business and multinational ends of the market. This
right level of insight into the forces that were driving adoption in both the
conformity to the common model for technology spending is, in our eyes,
middle market and for smaller businesses. Quickly, though, even this
something of a dual-edged sword.
five-tier model was overwhelmed by the volume of sales in the lowest Tier,
and with our 2018 Buyer’s Guide we introduced Tier 5 as a way of obtaining United States 37.0% Sweden 2.5% Spain 1.0% Malta 0.5%
From one perspective, the fact that RFA PLM is no longer carving an
even more granular analysis of why the RFA PLM market had again shifted Italy 9.0% Netherlands 2.5% Austria 0.5% Philippines 0.5%
independent path, and bucking trends that hold true elsewhere, is a net
downwards. China 8.0% Bangladesh 1.5% Belgium 0.5% South Africa 0.5%
positive; our industry has clearly reached a level of maturity where it is
effectively self-sustaining, and where having a PLM platform is seen as Canada 7.0% Hong Kong 1.5% Brazil 0.5% South Korea 0.5%
As the table shows, Tiers 4 and 5 were split quite evenly in the 2017/18 United Kingdom 5.5% Norway 1.5% Bulgaria 0.5% Sri Lanka 0.5%
an essential part of doing business in a world of digital retail. For customers
financial year, and we were confident that the volume end of the market
this means that selecting PLM is a matter of choosing carefully between India 5.0% Turkey 1.5% Chile 0.5% Thailand 0.5%
would remain reasonably consistent for another year. As the evidence
an ever-tightening field of very close competitors. For vendors this means Germany 4.0% Australia 1.0% Japan 0.5% Trinidad & Tobago 0.5%
shows, however, we underestimated the appetite of the smallest businesses
a captive market for both first installations and replacements, and a level France 3.5% Mexico 1.0% Macedonia 0.5%
to get their hands on powerful technology that has typically been out of
of certainty that brands, retailers, and manufacturers will need PLM for
their reach, and this year a full 55% of all new PLM sales were made in Tier
some time to come.
Geographical breakdown of sales Surveying this landscape, it seems unlikely that we will see any significant
From another angle, though, vendors – depending on their current business The international market for RFA PLM remains an intensely competitive shake-ups at the macro level in the next three years.
At the time of writing, we have no plans to segment our model any further.
model and technology stack – may be rightfully wary of their place in what one, but by and large that competition is occurring in a predictable
While it may be possible to split this market tranche by drawing a line under
is rapidly becoming a relatively static, commodity market. Where once a geographical pattern, as the table below demonstrates. At the micro level, however, the market shifts more regularly and more
businesses with revenues of less than $25 million, the practical value of
PLM vendor could stand out from the crowd on the basis of core functionality, perceptibly, and country-by-country competition can still result in the
doing so is likely to be slight. For the purposes of our analysis, as well as
today most solutions have long since passed feature parity, and scalability, Evaluated over a three year period, the high-level distribution of PLM sales emergence of new ‘hot zones’ – as well as their disappearance once the
for PLM vendors’ sales strategies, the existing Tier 5 and a hypothetical
affordability, and usability are much more prominent selection criteria. As has not varied by more than 2% per region in either direction – even with immediate deals have been won. Listed overleaf are several regions where
Tier 6 would be so closely aligned as to be indistinguishable.
a result, unless a vendor is well-prepared to sell to small businesses in the several major PLM vendors making significant inroads into new and we believe sufficient change occurred in the 2018/19 financial year to
volume SaaS market with a low-cost, intuitive solution (whether that’s in emerging markets outside their home territories. warrant additional analysis.
To put it bluntly, the RFA PLM market has evolved to such a stage that,
isolation or as part of a hybrid model that targets both the upper and lower
however we or other analysts slice it, the bulk of the new names in any
extremes of the market), that vendor runs the risk of being shut out of much Like the financial stability we see when we compare the RFA PLM market
given period will be dominated by small and boutique businesses. Region 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19
of the industry’s future growth. to the broader enterprise software market, this level of geographical
Things are not as cut and dry as they seem, however, since the number stability also suggests an extremely mature market. In 2019, extremely
EMEA 35% 34% 34%
Because, as the following table demonstrates, an overwhelming 71% of entrenched players are choosing their targets carefully, while brands and
of new name sales can paint a deceptive picture of the market without
all new PLM sales in the 2018/19 financial year were made to businesses retailers are following in the footsteps of both national and international
being accompanied by a financial analysis. But before we look at how Asia 23% 22% 20%
with turnovers of less than $100 million – and of those sales, the vast peers, creating a feedback loop that has led to, in some cases, several
much the RFA PLM industry is worth, it’s important that we set out how
majority (55% of all sales this year) were to companies whose revenues cycles of PLM purchases and replacements. Americas 42% 44% 46%
that overall value is spread throughout the world.
are less than $49 million.

92 93
Share Of Total RFA PLM Sales By Country (%)

Country 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 Country 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19

Australia 0.5% 0.5% 1.0% Malta 0.0% 0.0% 0.5%

Austria 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% Mexico 0.0% 2.0% 1.0%

Bangladesh 4.0% 3.5% 1.5% Netherlands 3.0% 2.5% 2.5%

Belgium 0.5% 1.0% 0.5% Norway 2.0% 1.5% 1.5%

Brazil 0.0% 1.0% 0.5% Pakistan 0.0% 0.5% 0.0%

Bulgaria 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% Philippines 0.0% 0.0% 0.5%

Canada 3.0% 5.5% 7.0% Poland 1.0% 0.0% 0.0%

Chile 0.0% 0.0% 0.5% Portugal 0.0% 0.5% 0.0%

China 6.0% 6.0% 8.0% Russia 0.5% 1.0% 0.0%

Denmark 1.0% 0.5% 0.0% South Africa 0.5% 0.5% 0.5%

Finland 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% South Korea 0.0% 0.0% 0.5%

France 3.0% 3.5% 3.5% Spain 1.0% 1.0% 1.0%

Germany 3.0% 5.0% 4.0% Sri Lanka 0.0% 0.5% 0.5%

Greece 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% Sweden 4.0% 3.0% 2.5%

Hong Kong 2.0% 2.5% 1.5% Switzerland 1.0% 0.0% 0.0%

India 6.0% 7.0% 5.0% Thailand 0.5% 0.0% 0.5%

Israel 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% T & Tobago 0.0% 0.0% 0.5%

Italy 6.0% 3.0% 9.0% Turkey 3.0% 2.0% 1.5% Italy every major PLM vendor is either headquartered in the USA or has major
One of the luxury capitals of the world, the Italian RFA PLM market has operations there, this is not something we expect to change in the near
Japan 1.0% 1.5% 0.5% UK 8.0% 9.0% 5.5%
seen a major resurgence this year. In the 2016/17 financial year, sales in future.
Jordan 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% USA 37.5% 35.0% 37.0% Italy peaked at 6% of overall market share, but this fell to just 3% in 2017/18,
putting the country 8th in a ranking of territories by PLM adoption that Its northern neighbour Canada, however, has seen a significant rise in
Macedonia 0.0% 0.0% 0.5%
year. This year, a surge of interest from prestige brands, luxury groups, PLM sales this year. From just a 3% share in 2016/17, Canada has now
and retailers has pushed Italy into second place with 9% of sales – ahead seized 7% of the market, and a three-year analysis suggests that this trend
of previously dominant markets like India, China, and the Nordic bloc. may continue and the country may become the second-largest market in
South America businesses has fallen steeply, and, like many other countries, consumer
spending has coalesced around the upper and lower ends of the price 2019/20. This year Canada is fourth in overall sales volume, behind only
Once the ‘next big thing’ for a variety of industries (RFA PLM included)
the South American retail technology market has now all but disappeared, and quality spectrum, with the middle market being home to several Nordic Countries the USA, Italy, and China, and its percentage market share is just one

high-profile bankruptcies and administrations. In these conditions, PLM Once the third largest PLM market by sales volume, the Nordic bloc point shy of the performance that attracted such interest in the Nordic
and almost all the vendors who established tentative operations there
has become a secondary consideration for many businesses as they (comprised of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden) attracted countries at their peak.
have quietly shuttered them. After three years of zero new name sales,
we have now eliminated Argentina, Colombia, and Guatemala from our scrabble to survive, which is a direct contributor to a 3.5% drop in the considerable interest from PLM vendors who had established themselves

lists of contemporary markets. And while Chile has entered that list for UK’s share of PLM sales in 2018/19. in Europe and who now saw an opportunity to cater to the booming fashion

the first time in 2018/19, even combined with Mexico and Brazil, the only
other remaining Latin American countries, account for just 2% of new India and Bangladesh
scene in these countries. That market may have been smaller or more
competitive than these vendors expected, however, since the group is
“The international market
name PLM sales. This year has seen a noteworthy slump in both India and Bangladesh’s now in 6th place overall, with only half the share of global PLM sales in
2018/19 that it achieved at its peak in 2016/17. We do not believe this
for RFA PLM remains
shares of the PLM sales, which amounted to a combined 10.5% last year,
Although it is impossible to draw generic conclusions across multiple but which now total 6.5% when taken together. Contrary to the picture market is saturated, however, and the vendors that have committed
resources to it are likely to see breakthroughs in different market tiers over
intensely competitive, but
countries, it seems fair to say that a combination of economic and political this paints, however, WhichPLM believes that brands and retailers today
factors have so far worked against the exciting market that once seemed are more willing than ever to extend their use of PLM into the supply chain the coming years. by and large that
to be emerging across South America. This may change on a country- – and indeed the industrial powerhouse of China has seen a upswing in
by-country basis in the future, but for the time being we would be surprised its share of sales, suggesting that the reasons for the lower proportional USA & Canada competition is occuring in
North America is home to two major PLM markets this year. The USA
to see any RFA PLM vendor make the region a focus of their sales efforts. sales in India and Bangladesh lie within those specific countries.
continues to dominate the industry, with 37% of all RFA PLM sales occurring a predictable geographical
there in 2018/19 – a share that has now been consistent for the best part
United Kingdom
WhichPLM’s home nation has undergone an extremely difficult period
This fall in sales may be attributed to Western-owned brands and retailers
shifting their sourcing and manufacturing to alternative locations for of a decade. The reasons for this are the same they have always been: pattern that suggests an
politically – one that shows no sign of being solved at the time this either cost or compliance reasons, or it may be due to fewer opportunities the United States is home to an extremely healthy mixture of the world’s
biggest and most innovative companies, as well as a startup culture and
extremely mature
publication was written. And at the same time its retail industry has existing in the factory-owned private label market than many analysts
experienced a protracted slump. As a result, investment in retail – WhichPLM included – had originally envisioned. ethically-driven consumer base that together support new, home-grown
brands and help them ascend to the international stage. Given that almost
94 95
Market sizing
To understand the full size and scope of the RFA PLM market in the 2018/19 As in previous years, these minor adjustments were made prior to any
financial year, we now take the customer numbers, sizes, and locations modelling, and are therefore factored into the following calculations as
set out on previous pages, and apply a proprietary (but transparent) cost well as all other insights contained in this analysis.
calculation model to synthesise the overall monetary size of the market.
Before we do this, though, we have made some adjustments to the The following table sets out the method by which our analysis team have
underlying data to take account of the following factors: calculated the total size of the RFA PLM Market in 2018/19. Please note
that, as in previous years, per user license costs have been calculated
• Minor changes in the list of premier vendors that qualified for inclusion based on a traditional, perpetual licensing model for Tiers 0-3, and then
in this report, or who opted not to be included. as annualised subscriptions in Tiers 4 and 5. And by the same logic, the
• The unwillingness of a small number of vendors to provide what we annualised subscription costs used to model the size of Tiers 4 and 5 also
consider to be accurate sales figures. incorporate maintenance fees, which is why those entries in the table have
been purposefully left blank.

Total RFA Market Size for 2018/19

Tier 0 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 0 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Total
(12 sales) (22 sales) (25 sales) (27 sales) (46 sales) (160 sales)

2,000 (comprised of 600 (comprised of 300 (comprised of 75 (comprised of 30 (comprised of 20 15 (comprised of 5 License Costs $16.50 million $15.40 million $8.12 million $3.08 million $1.73 million $1.97 million $46.80 million
Average seats per
750 internal and 200 internal and 100 internal and 50 internal and 25 internal and 10 internal and 10
customer: Maintenance Costs $2.97 million $3.08 million $1.38 million $460,000 Zero Zero $7.89 million
1,250 external) 400 external) 200 external) external) external) external)
24,000 (comprised 13,200 (comprised 7,500 (comprised 2,025 (comprised 1,380 (comprised 2,400 (comprised
Service & Setup Costs $42.00 million $19.80 million $9.37 million $2.70 million $1.15 million $1.60 million $76.62 million
Total seats this year: 9,000 internal and 4,400 internal and 2,500 internal and 1,350 internal and 920 internal and 800 internal and
15,000 external) 8,800 external) 5,000 external) 675 external) 460 external) 1,600 external)
Composite Total $61.47 million $38.28 million $18.87 million $6.24 million $2.88 million $3.57 million $131.31 million
Typical per user license $1,000 internal, $2,500 internal, $2,250 internal, $2,000 internal, $1,500 internal, $960 internal,
cost: $500 external $500 external $500 external $500 external $750 external $750 external
As these tables demonstrate, the difference in the quantity of new-name them spends $100,000 in a year on further software licensing and
$16.50 million $15.40 million $8.12 million $3.08 million $1.73 million $1.97 million
Total license cost this ($9.00 million ($11.00 million ($5.62 million ($2.70 million ($1.38 million ($768,000 internal, sales between the extreme upper end and the extreme lower end of services, we uncover a reservoir of revenue beneath the surface that
year: internal, $7.50 internal, $4.40 internal, $2.50 internal, $338,000 internal, $345,000 $1.20 million the market is stark. Out of a total of 292 global sales, 160 were made could easily equal – or even exceed – the size of the visible market.
million external) million external) million external) external) external) external) to Tier 5 businesses and 46 to Tier 4, meaning that more than 200 sales This remains something that we, as analysts, cannot properly evaluate
in the 2018/19 financial year were to businesses with revenues of below because these expansions are not always made public, but anyone
First year
18% 20% 17% 15% 0% 0% $100 million. who is interested in understanding the full scope of the RFA PLM market
should be aware that a significant portion of it is generated in private.
Total maintenance this Factoring in software licensing across internal and external users,
$2.97 million $3.08 million $1.38 million $460,000 $0 $0
year: professional services, and ongoing maintenance (whether paid as a Contrasted against the number of new-name sales – which has grown
line item or amortised as part of a recurring subscription) we arrive at by 7.8% in the last twelve months – the monetary size of the RFA PLM
Typical number of
service days to a total size for new-name sales of $131.31 million. It’s important to bear market has fallen year-on-year by around 5%. This may sound gloomy,
2,000 man days 600 man days 300 man days 100 man days 25 days 10 days in mind, though, that this market size is confined to new sales, but it is worth qualifying this percentage figure by assigning it a dollar
implementation: implementation, and service-level maintenance only. Where further value, where we see that the bottom line has shrunk by just $7 million.
implementation phases are concerned, or where an existing PLM
Total service days this
24,000 13,200 7,500 2,700 1,150 1,600 customer goes on to buy more licenses or extend their use of the With these calculations and their results in mind, we now move on to
solution in other ways, additional revenue can be generated – from offering WhichPLM’s interpretation of the forces that have affected the
Typical service costs thousands of dollars at the Tier 4 and 5 level, up to hundreds of RFA PLM market this year, and the effect these may have on vendors,
$1,750 per day $1,500 per day $1,250 per day $1,000 per day $1,000 per day $1,000 per day
per day: thousands in the upper Tiers. customers, and professional services businesses in the near and
longer-term future.
Total service costs this As a rough estimate, WhichPLM calculates that there are currently
$42.00 million $19.80 million $9.37 million $2.70 million $1.15 million $1.60 million
around 1,600 customers of modern PLM. If we assume that each of

96 97
Although the RFA PLM industry has been clearly and inexorably moving
in this direction for several years, by far the most salient result from our
being a revenue stream in their own right. implementation and support services alone. Again, not necessarily.
“PLM solutions targeted
2018/19 market analysis is the concentration of sales in Tiers 4 and 5.
Although it is not the first time in our decade-long history of these
An easy assumption would be that a vendor who chose to specialise
in sales to Tier 5 businesses would be able to compensate for a lower
While each individual deal at the Tier 1 and Tier 0 level is worth a lot of
money, these opportunities only occur sporadically, and pursuing them
at small businesses
publications that the small-to-medium business market segment has
accounted for more than half of all PLM sales, it is the first time that a
individual deal value by signing new agreements in much greater
volume, but the raw data does not bear this out. Even taken together,
requires large-scale investments in infrastructure, support services, should be able to run
partnerships, and a pool of expert resources spread across pre-sales,
single tier has done so. all sales made in Tiers 4 and 5 this year (a combined total of 71% market sales, development, implementation, training, and so on. And while this with as little human
share) account for just $6.45 million in revenue – or just 5% of the total segment of the market is buoyant today, what happens when the ongoing
The reasons for this shift have been repeated time and again. A rapid market size. cycle of PLM replacements ends? As a vendor, does your business boast intervention as possible.”
shift to cloud deployments and a Software As A Service mindset. enough other, complementary revenue streams to sustain itself in the
This is where we expect to see true multi-tenancy make a big difference
Technology advancements inside and outside PLM that have made it Tier 0, on the other hand, remains an incredibly lucrative segment of downtime between big deals?
in 2019/20 and beyond. Vendors who make the considerable commitment
easier than ever to launch a new brand and sell directly to consumers the market despite the comparatively miniscule number of new sales.
to develop a multi-tenant PLM environment, with continuous deployment,
with minimal overheads. Modular, hyper-configurable PLM platforms On top of more than $16 million in software license fees, professional As we have said for several years, the future of the RFA PLM industry lies
constant development, and a single upgrade path for everyone, will be
and, this year, the launch of the industry’s first true multi-tenant services provided to Tier 0 customers in 2018/19 amounted to a value somewhere in the middle of these two extremes. We believe – as we have
perfectly positioned to acquire small business users in the required volume
environment. of $42 million, or almost 32% of the total monetary size of the industry. for a while now - that vendors must develop what we refer to as a hybrid
– with extremely minimal overheads. Indeed, the multi-tenancy business
business model, offering a solution and a package of professional services
model absolutely requires this kind of approach, since vendors face a
It stands to reason, then, that PLM vendors should be making every When we place the quantity of sales and the value of those sales side that can scale both up and down without threatening their profitability or
large upfront cost in acquiring data centres, and must then fill them to
effort to reorient their businesses and target this huge segment of the by side, pitting super-size businesses against small-to-medium ones, undermining their ability to reinvest in responding to the evolving needs
capacity to turn a profit.
market. Not necessarily. the division becomes even more obvious. From just 12 sales this year, of the market as rapidly as possible.
Tier 0 seized almost 47% of the monetary value of the market, whereas
For anyone with a history in the RFA PLM industry, this will sound like a
Tier 5 may have seized the lion’s share of new-name PLM sales this Tiers 4 and 5 combined account for just 5% of the industry’s total value At the upper end of the market, this means offering an absolutely bulletproof
completely different world. And rightly so; as an enterprise system, PLM
year, but examine the composition of those sales in more detail (as set from more than 200 sales. This means that a single Tier 0 sale can be technical environment that can accommodate thousands (or even tens of
has long been couched in the sales, implementation, and support structure
out in the Market Sizing section of this analysis) and it becomes clear worth more in composite dollars than around 150 sales to Tier 5 thousands) of in-house and supply chain users, and can support multiple
of that world, where lengthy, bespoke implementations and perpetual
just how different a sale to a Tier 5 company is than a sale to a Tier 0 companies. product categories and brands without extensive customisation. At this
licenses paid for upfront were common.
business. From a vendor perspective, Tier 5 sales will involve low user level, the world’s biggest companies are seeking a peerless technology
counts, a trickle of annual recurring revenue, a vastly reduced Now, looking at things from the opposite angle, it appears as though partner whose support (and potentially even a managed services offering)
But whether vendors choose to embrace it or not, this is a necessary
professional services margin, and ongoing maintenance charges that the sensible thing for any software vendor to do is to target the upper services, implementation partners, and other resources are second-to-
evolution. Consider the scenario facing a new retail or brand startup today,
are now rolled into a single, affordable software license rather than echelons of the market, where there are millions to be made in none.
and how it differs from that historical model. Without having to invest a
cent upfront, a brand today could obtain licenses for Adobe Illustrator,
Needless to say, this is a cutthroat world where a very small number of
lightweight ecommerce and accounting solutions, and a subscription-
companies will be equipped to play, and remaining competitive there will
based PLM platform for a combined cost of less than $400 per month.
require a vendor to invest heavily in acquiring the best talent the industry
has to offer, developing the most intuitive, agile, and scalable solution,
In this context, it is extremely unlikely that the distribution of PLM sales at
and meeting the rapidly evolving needs of the most demanding customers.
the Tier level is likely to change in 2020, 2021, or indeed any time in the
foreseeable future. Because rather than just being a matter of affordability
At the opposite end of the spectrum to the extremely labour-intensive
and accessibility, this market evolution indicates, in our opinion, that PLM
upper market is the small and boutique business market segment, where
is now seen as a commodity or a utility – something to be turned on and
affordability and automation will rule. Because of the low value of each
off, and something that customers expect to simply slot into their existing
individual sale at this level, vendors will need to cover their costs with
workflows and IT ecosystems.
volume - but achieving that volume will not be possible if a vendor still
needs to spend the same amount on sales, implementation, and onboard
While this puts the power in the customer’s hands, it also adds another
services as it does for a Tier 1 or Tier 0 sale.
laying of difficulty onto the task of analysing the full size of the market.
What begins as an agreement for a small number of users may quickly
To compete effectively in the small business market, every stage of the
(and quietly) be upgraded to hundreds, and then even downgraded when
PLM sale, implementation, and support cycle should be able to run with
temporary design staff are let go after a seasonal peak.
as little human intervention as possible. In practice this means customers
being able to spin up their own, hyper-configurable instances of PLM in
This evolution is also already showing itself in other ways, with the number
minutes or hours, and onboarding, training, and first-stage support all
of key PLM vendors dropping as the market consolidates and companies
being delivered via self-serve video, chatbots, and even in-solution tooltips
are either retired or acquired. And while some vendors have already forged
and guides.
ahead with the hybrid business models, others are running the risk of
becoming hyper-specialised and eventually obsolete.

98 99
For the best part of a decade, WhichPLM has tracked and analysed together. And if you have been a reader of several – or even all – of
the RFA PLM market. In that time we have followed its progress across these publications, then we thank you for joining in the journey.
the chasm from early adoption to mass market penetration, and we
have seen the customised, on-premise model fall by the wayside in Rather than provide a new set of predictions, then, this market analysis
favour of cloud-hosted deployments built around non-destructive should be considered the cap on a series. But this does not mean that
configuration. Running alongside that evolution, we have also watched WhichPLM will cease analysing the technology market for retail, footwear
as PLM has become more fully-featured – to the extent that effectively and apparel. Far from it. And while we are not quite ready to set out
any solution on the market today offers a complete set of the common how our approach to this kind of analysis will change from here, the
capabilities that most brands and retailers will need. presence of such a wide set of digital solutions in this publication should
provide some indication of the way we see the industry evolving from
In those ten years, our predictions and conclusions have been here.
challenged at the micro level, but the macro growth trends we predicted
have almost always been realised. For our final set of PLM-specific recommendations for customers,
vendors, consultants, and partners, please turn the page and pick the
In essence, the back catalogue of WhichPLM publications (including executive summary that suits you best.
this one) tell the story of a market achieving its potential, and our entire
analysis team is humbled to have been able to put such a record

WhichPLM readership
The WhichPLM website has become the de facto destination for brands, retailers, and manufacturers who want to make better-informed investments
in technology, and to understand the changes that are shaping the digital future of fashion and retail. As a global publication, we attract readers who
fall into these categories from all over the world – many of whom then go on to either replace or upgrade an existing solution, or to select their first
PLM solution.

This being the case, we have devoted a small part of our market analysis each year to comparing the composition of our online readership to the
actual sales realised in the same period. And while online readership is usually more accurate as a predictor of future performance (given the time
it takes to educate a project team, then select and implement a solution) this analysis has revealed some interesting insights in previous years.

In the financial year 2018/19, WhichPLM’s readership was segmented as follows:

• EMEA 35.5%
• APAC 26.5%
• Americas 38%

When compared to the same data set from our last publication (covering the fiscal year 2017/18) we see very little change, except for a 5% shortfall
in readers from Europe, Africa and the Middle East – which was shared equally between APAC and the Americas instead.

Placed alongside sales figures from this year, we see some correlation. The EMEA market accounts for almost exactly the same proportion of overall
PLM sales as it does WhichPLM readership, while customers in the Asia-Pacific region appear to be researching faster than they are buying – a trend
that suggests we may see a spike in sales in that region next year. This disparity is made up by an 8% difference in the rate at which North and Latin
American customers (although South America comprises only a small share of PLM sales today) are buying versus reading.

100 101
laying the groundwork for the next far in advance of solution selection and
generation of technologies. implementation.

To this end, we encourage you to Visit WhichPLM to discover our full suite of
download as many of our PLM educational resources, or contact a WhichPLM
Supplier Evaluations as you can board member for more tailored advice.
– all are available free of charge
Implementing and using PLM in 2019 may be easier than ever, but choosing Before drawing up a checklist of selection criteria
from the WhichPLM website, with several vendors
the right solution is still not a decision you should take lightly. Because that’s informed by today’s market pressures, take
some time to read (or re-read) the Digital Solutions having undergone multiple benchmarks – and to “Whether you
while most modern PLM platforms will be functionally complete in the
sense that they offer the essential components most brands and retailers
section of this publication and mark down which examine several key criteria alongside the core
design and development functionality you need.
realise it or not,
technologies you’re already thinking of adopting,
need today, they differ in how well they might align with your objectives and which you might consider using in the future.
Look particularly for a solution that offers a wide
your choice of
for longer-term digital transformation. As we have explained throughout that section,
almost all of those digital solutions will only be
variety of pre-built integrations and partnerships,
and one that supports vendor-agnostic
PLM will, sooner or
This leads us to a dichotomy in the way that you, what you need are high, and the risks of piloting able to realise their full potential when they share
as a brand or retailer, need to think about PLM. one that doesn’t are at a historic low. access to a common, centralised pool of product
integrations through open standards. Because later, come to
On the one hand, you, the buyer, now have the whether you realise it or not, by implementing
power to treat PLM as a utility – a service to turn At the same time, though, every PLM selection
information, meaning that PLM will be essential
to achieving the true value potential of a host of
PLM you are making a choice that will sooner or define the digital
on and off at short notice, and to pay only for the project is also part of a broader digital later come to define the digital future of your
components of it you use. And from that point of transformation strategy – whether or not it’s
other technologies that WhichPLM believes are
going to shape the future of our industry.
business. future of your
labelled as such. So while you, a prospective
view, running small pilot programmes, trialling
multiple solutions, or even changing from one PLM customer, are shopping with your current In short, PLM is both a solution to your pressing
WhichPLM’s team of expert advisors and analysts business.”
platform to another are all more accessible options challenges firmly in mind, the solution you choose are accustomed to working with brands and
problems and a roadmap to your future. Obviously
than they have ever been. Through this lens, – assuming it’s successfully adopted within your retailers in precisely this situation. We regularly
this makes buying and implementing PLM an
choosing the right PLM solution to fit your business – will also eventually become the beating consult with companies to help them understand
extremely compelling prospect (as almost 300
immediate requirements makes perfect sense, heart of your digital ecosystem. the full range of opportunities that PLM and other
customers this year can attest) but due care and
since the odds of finding a platform that does digital solutions present, and often work with them
consideration must be given when it comes to

102 103
D I G I T A L Advisory Services
S O L U T I O N S from WhichPLM
V E N D O R S Experts in PLM and emerging technologies.
The retail, footwear, and apparel industry is in the
midst of a digital transformation. To keep pace with
consumer demand, outdated processes and legacy
Why work with WhichPLM?
• We have been proponents of fashion technology since the late 1970s.
• Our leadership group was instrumental in launching the world’s first
fashion-specific PDM and PLM systems.
solutions need to be replaced by best practice and
• We have real-life, hands on, needlepoint experience of every process
cutting-edge technologies. in the global supply chain.
Brands, retailers, and manufacturers all recognise the • Our team has designed and developed integrations and APIs between
need to make careful choices when it comes to a range of different solutions over the course of several decades.
The RFA PLM industry is now in a consolidation phase, with the number of independent PLM vendors creating a foundation for future growth, but finding • We have been part of hundreds of fashion-specific PLM and E-PLM
steadily dropping, the remaining vendors rushing to differentiate themselves with added-value features, and implementing the right solutions isn’t always as projects.
and the distribution of new sales tilting heavily towards small-to-medium businesses who have relatively straightforward as it seems. Business cases have to
• Beyond PLM, we cast our net even wider, with internationally-
be made, extensive data cleansing and process
little experience with enterprise technology. recognised experts in material innovation, fashion design, global
re-engineering must take place, followed by
manufacturing, digital printing, and other supply chain in-house
shortlisting, selecting, implementation, and ongoing processes.
This situation presents two clear opportunities for you – irrespective of they already use PLM or not) about the potential of your solution as part
training and support.
whether you sell advanced, algorithm-driven planning software, or of a cohesive technology ecosystem. Unlike Tier 0 companies, which • We offer the only fashion-specific, accredited PLM training
revolutionary printing or dyeing hardware. may be on their second or third cycle of PLM replacement, customers Working with major brands in Europe, the United programme in the world.
States, and Asia, and across every stage of • We are the only consultancy that is continually evaluating the leading
in the small-to-medium business bracket are not saddled with the legacy
The first of these is to align yourself with one or more PLM vendors, and
technology adoption, the WhichPLM advisory team PLM and 3D vendors, making our findings freely available to all.
of expensive, bespoke integration. For this segment of the market,
has helped brands and retailers of all shapes and
to develop an integration between your product and theirs – either through business solutions and platforms should integrate as easily as they do • We are long-standing futurists, passionate about new technologies
sizes to seize the opportunities presented by PLM,
standardised web services and open file formats, or using whatever in their personal lives, and these brands and retailers will be willing to like the IoT, blockchain, AI, and 3D printing – with detailed
E-PLM, and other emerging technologies. publications covering three of these topics.
middleware or configurable connectors those vendors offer. As well as invest in new technologies that will slot seamlessly into their value chains.
being a potent promotional tool in its own right, this kind of partnership
will also provide you with a captive audience for your solution: a pool of To capitalise on both opportunities, communication will be essential.
brands, retailers, and manufacturers who have established a foundation Carefully consider the channels that will expose your solution to the right
With more than 40 years’ experience in fashion technology, WhichPLM are
recognised as apparel PLM and E-PLM experts, and our advisors are ready
for digital transformation and are prime candidates for taking the next audience of technology partners and prospective customers, and commit to help your business make the most of new technologies and succeed in
step. to producing engaging, educational content that will help both profiles your digital transformation.
understand the value of your solution – both in isolation and as part of
Full references are available upon request.
The second compelling opportunity that today’s market presents is to the extended digital ecosystem.
strike while the iron is hot, and to educate prospective customers (whether Contact advisory@whichplm.com
www.whichplm.com to arrange an introductory conversation.
104 105
V E N D O R S “If your business
as new competitors emerge,
drawn by the explosive potential
of this market segment.
is restricted to
We believe that, for PLM vendors,
specialisation is rapidly becoming
working only in
Reflecting the market itself, our advice for PLM vendors in 2018/19 remains multinational enterprise customers to spend a thing of the past – which should
come as no surprise in what has become a
the mid-market
very similar to the guidance we issued in 2017/18. significant amounts of money on pre-sales, sales,
and prospect consulting, only to find the project commodity market. So, whether you fall into one and above - or
is postponed to another year, or the deal is lost extreme or the other, our advice remains to
Last year, when only 35% of all PLM sales were
concentrated at the very lowest end of the market,
working only in the mid-market and above – or
even to just the top two tiers – then you have an to a competitor. And competition will not be kind develop a hybrid business model and build a even just the top
blended pipeline that will limit your exposure to
we said that “catering to both extremes of the
market will soon demand a blended business
extremely pressing choice to make. in this segment, as extremely entrenched
companies whose entire business models hinge the risks inherent at both the top and bottom ends two tiers - then
of the market.
model that allows you to profitably fulfil the If you are confident enough in your operational
stability and PLM-only cashflow, or you have other
on deals of this scale vie for just a 12% share of
the market (or 21% if Tier 2 is also included).
you have a
consultancy needs of big enterprise clients at the
same time as delivering remote deployment, revenue streams to rely on, then you may be able
We offer similar advice, albeit reversed, to vendors
This may seem like a difficult task, but it is not an
insurmountable one. WhichPLM has evaluated
pressing choice to
training, and support to tiny startups”. to continue to specialise in just the upper echelons
of the market. And make no mistake, as this year’s who are currently running extremely lean vendors who have already taken clear steps
towards a hybrid future, and true multi-tenancy
make about how
In the twelve months since that suggestion was market sizing shows, there is still a significant operations and hoping to grow their businesses
published, a further 20% of all PLM sales have amount of money to be made there – especially through sheer volume in Tiers 4 and 5 alone. As will very soon become a disruptive force in this
area. If you would like to better understand how
you build a
migrated down the Tier ladder – to the extent that in professional services. we have established in our Market Analysis, while
more than half the potential market today, in terms there are an incredible number of opportunities your solution and infrastructure stack up against blended pipeline
But be aware: while a single deal at this level might here, a typical Tier 5 deal is only worth in the the best the competitive landscape has to offer,
of new name sales, is restricted to brands and
retailers that turn over less than $50 million a year. be able to boost your balance books for the entire region of $23,000 across software and services. or are looking for validation of your hybrid business and a hybrid
model, consider submitting your solution for an

As this accelerating pace suggests, if you are a

year, this segment of the market operates
according to a very unpredictable cycle. It is not
This figure can easily be swallowed up by the
cost of customer acquisition – something that will objective WhichPLM evaluation. business model.”
vendor that has previously restricted itself to uncommon for vendors competing for only become more important and more expensive

106 107
The Volume Market
“Find a balance
From a software point of view,
automation and self-serve
between the
deployment and configuration volume market
are going to shape the future of

Reflecting the relatively static state of the RFA PLM market itself, our implementation. To keep pace, re-tool your RFA PLM in Tiers 4 and 5. In order and the upper
to compete in this market segment, it’s therefore
guidance for consultancy practices big and small remains relatively services (if necessary) to instead help brands
and retailers re-engineer their product lifecycles, going to be essential for you to become tiers.”
unchanged since last year. instrumental in the automation side of your
undergo far-reaching digital transformations, and A secondary opportunity might arise in helping
implement proven best practices that will allow vendors partners’ businesses.
In 2017/18 we suggested that all consultants – The Upper Tiers your vendor partners to design, maintain, and
although especially implementation partners – them to maximise their use of PLM over time and update the kind of tutorials, videos, wizards, and
In light of the stark difference in professional
needed to “rapidly remodel their businesses to Once considered the norm, heavy customisation beyond the walls of their headquarters. other materials that they will need to service the
services revenues at the end of the market and
service to very distinct markets simultaneously”. is now a thing of the past in PLM implementations. volume market without dramatically increasing
In practice, of course, the means that any PLM Tiers 0 and 1, it can be difficult to visualise any
This is a net positive for customers, who no longer their overheads. Or you may even wish to consider
consultant needs to know about a lot more than role for consultants here. After all, in a world of
In the twelve months since that advice was written, need to spend up to ten times their software training and accrediting smaller sub-practices or
just PLM. Whether it’s digital printing and short implementations and user configuration,
that need has only become more acute. licensing costs on implementation services. It is partners in emerging markets who can manage
Industrial IoT, or storyboard solutions and are third partner implementers still necessary?
a challenge for consultants like you, however, the influx of Tier 4 and 5 clients that are all but
blockchain, your services teams will need to We believe so, but for much shorter windows of
Although consultants are less affected by the because hands-on, bespoke implementation guaranteed to arise in those areas.
engage with large businesses, understand their time. Rather than embedding teams for months
slight market size slump we saw in this year’s projects are now a rarity.
supply chains, and potentially map a huge array or years on end, your business model should be
market analysis than software vendors are (since Across the board, though, our advice remains
of input and outputs – upstream and downstream oriented around helping smaller companies
professional services revenues have remained As this year’s Market Analysis shows, Tiers 0 and that you should look to achieve a balance between
– to assist them in constructing truly end-to-end prepare their data and audit their processes for
essentially intact), the broader shift towards a 1 still produce a tremendous amount of revenue the volume market and the upper tiers, where a
digital workflows. perhaps two or three weeks – and then supporting
higher volume of lower-value projects may still from professional services contracts, but today single engagement can still - even today –
their specific training and user adoption
necessitate a change in the way you do business. that money is being spent on more strategic encompass months or years’ work of strategic
requirements for a short while afterwards.
services, rather than on bringing in armies of advisory services.
consultants to manage a multi-phase

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Glossary. Internal user = We define an internal user as an active, individual license
situated within the confines of the parent company – either its own offices,
satellite locations, or international representatives.
contemporaneous, collaborative backbone for the people, products and
processes that together make up the lifeblood of their business. Although
the acronym itself originated in the aerospace and automotive industries,

WhichPLM has a history of introducing new ideas to the industry, and coining terms to better define and encapsulate existing ones. today there are many vendors who provide proven PLM solutions to the

The concept of Extended PLM (E-PLM) originated with us several years ago, and throughout our editorial, analytical, and advisory work, retail, footwear and apparel industry, either as their sole focus, or as one
License = A PLM solution is typically sold on a license basis, with each
we have helped to define (or re-define) many common industry acronyms and terms. vertical amongst many.
individual user that the customer predicts will need access to the solution
(whatever their role) charged an individual license fee at an agreed rate.
Throughout this Buyer’s Guide, readers will find those industry acronyms and common terms used or alluded to by both our in-house team
This applies to both internal users and external users. Pricing for both types Resourcing = Where we refer to a given vendor’s “resourcing”, or where
and by vendors and consultants who appear in our listings. While we have made every attempt to define these where they first occur, the
of user can be subject to volume pricing. The word “license” may also be (such as in this publication’s Vendor Profiles section) we have requested
nature of this Buyer’s Guide means that not every reader will approach its content in a linear fashion, cover to cover.
used to refer to the actual agreement between customer and vendor. statistics to support a vendor’s “resources by region”, we are referring to

In order to avoid confusion and provide absolute clarity for all common acronyms and phraseology, this glossary collects concrete individuals in the employ of the vendor who work in the area of PLM for

definitions from PLM experts of what we consider to be the most useful, contested, and popular PLM industry terms, arranged in retail, footwear and apparel. This does not typically include third party
Maintenance = While vendors’ own definitions of the term “maintenance”
alphabetical order. implementation or development partners, but these may fall under the
vary, WhichPLM defines it as the ongoing contract between customer and
umbrella of “resources” where an extremely close relationship has been
vendor that stipulates the provision of help desk support facilities, as well
established between the vendor and its partners over the course of many
2018/19 = Each WhichPLM publication represents a retrospective look at this Buyer’s Guide, considered valid for inclusion in PLM vendor’s customer as access to bug fixes and enhancements to the licensed solution provided
years. It is clearly desirable that these individuals have direct RFA industry
the financial year that has gone before it, this Guide included. Our 2018 lists, and are covered by our Market Analysis. And while this list is by no as GA (see above). This does not typically include the costs of the
experience in addition to deep product knowledge, but sadly this is not
Buyer’s Guide, released in summer 2018, examined trends, market analysis, means exhaustive, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, beauty and implementation itself or any hosting costs, since these are usually factored
always the case, and in order to draw a distinction between pure numbers
topics, events, end user feedback and more – all originating from or cosmetics, white goods, and other similar products are considered to be into what are referred to as “first year” costs, alongside licensing and more
and what we consider to be “real” apparel industry staff, we use the phrase
pertaining to the fiscal year 2017/18, while this Buyer’s Guide contains traditional CPG, and do not fall into the CPG Crossover category. These immediate services.
“expert resources”.
similar content, but from the financial year 2018/19. As a British company, products (and the brands and retailers that sell them) are not, therefore,
WhichPLM defines a fiscal year as beginning 1st April of the originating included in either our Market Analysis, or in vendor customer lists. New, signed customer or new-name sale = Readers will find this phrase
year, and ending 31st March of the following one - so when we refer to RFA = A common industry acronym, RFA stands for retail, footwear and
throughout our Vendor and Consultant Profiles, as well as our Market
“2018/19” in these pages, we mean the period from 1st April 2018 to 31st apparel, and is widely-used shorthand for the fashion, accessories, jewellery,
E-PLM = Shorthand for “extended PLM”, E-PLM is a catch-all term referring Analysis section. Where it is used, we are referring to a business that has,
March 2019 rather than both full calendar years. footwear, toys, and automotive and home furnishings upholstery / textiles
to any of a massive variety of product development related applications or in the period we define as 2018/19, signed a deal with – the case of the PLM
industries. Following on from last year’s Buyer’s Guide, both RFA and CPG
data repositories that should rightly be considered a part of the product Vendor Profiles - an apparel PLM vendor to acquire that vendor’s PLM
Crossover market segments are included in both our Market Analysis and
CAD = An acronym for Computer Aided Design, which collectively refers development environment for the purposes of integration and data integrity. solution ready for implementation across one or more brands, and with
PLM Vendor Listings.
to any software platform – including peripherals and hardware accessories Today, digital transformation initiatives centre around the creation of a any number of licensed users. Customers who adopted a different solution
– that enables a designer to work digitally rather than on paper, to agreed- unified technological environment comprising E-PLM, PLM and other from the same vendor without PLM – CAD, for instance – do not fall within
upon and replicable standards of measurement. enterprise solutions. Our usage of this acronym has decreased over time, this definition, and neither do customers of ERP, warehouse management ROI = Return on Investment refers to the main metric by which
however, and as you will notice as you read this publication, we now prefer and so on, unless they bought and adopted those solutions concurrently implementations of any enterprise system is typically judged: financial
to use the catch-all term “digital solutions” to refer to technologies that and in addition to PLM. For the reasons stipulated in its definition, PDM performance relative to the required investment. Despite some reductions
Cloud = A catch-all term for any application, deployment, or strategy that
support the goal of digital transformation outside the PLM purview of design, does not qualify as PLM for the purposes of this Buyer’s Guide, and in the total cost of ownership of PLM, the expenditure involved in licensing,
involves distributed processing or storage. Historically, these were split
development, and sourcing. customers of PDM (and CPM) are not included in overall figures or statistics implementing, and maintaining a modern solution remains significant. As
into Software as a Service (SaaS), Managed Services, and a host of other
for 2018/19, falling well outside the scope of this publication. a result, PLM projects should only be undertaken when a clear ROI business
labels, but while the differences between these approaches remain,
case has been assembled – an objective analysis of how soon and in what
WhichPLM considers the most important distinction today to be between ERP = Enterprise Resource Planning is often cited as being one of two
form the chosen solution can be expected to deliver a financial return
whether a solution is hosted on-site (i.e. on hardware owned and maintained large business systems that sit at the heart of a modern retail or brand PDM = An acronym that saw widespread use prior to the year 2000, when
greater than the cost of obtaining it.
by the customer) or off-site, in data centres owned and maintained by the environment – the other being PLM itself. ERP is more financially and Product Data Management solutions were considered to be the best
vendor. While this is not always the case, a cloud deployment is often tied logistically-oriented than PLM, and although this is not an exhaustive possible tools available to retailers, brands and manufacturers seeking to
to a subscription pricing model, rather than the traditional upfront license definition, the simplest method of delineating the two is to remember that modernise their product development environments. As the name suggests, Seat = Essentially interchangeable with “license”, seat refers to an active,
/ ongoing maintenance model. PLM handles all product development tasks, passing its information on to these systems were focused on the production, cataloguing and maintained individual software license – i.e. a human being occupying a
ERP at the point that a product becomes a reality and enters the ordering, communication of product data – typically in the form of a PDF “tech pack”. seat at a desk, performing a job role, and actively using the software in
shipping, allocation, and selling process. Although these solutions were later web-enabled, refined and enhanced question.
CPG & CPG Crossover = Short for Consumer Packaged Goods, CPG is
as the industry progressed, eventually more fully-featured, web-based
an extremely broad term that, along with Retail, Footwear and Apparel
solutions that handled a greater variety of processes emerged, and PLM UI / UX = These two acronyms are not – despite common misuse –
(RFA) captures almost every product category for retail goods, besides External user = We define an external user as an active, individual license
replaced PDM in virtually all of the territories WhichPLM covers. No major interchangeable. UI refers to the user interface of a given piece of software
food and beverage. Starting from last year, our Market Analysis contains situated outside the parent company – typically within the offices of one of
vendor focuses on selling PDM systems today, and the majority that – the actual design and interactivity components through which the user
customers that fall under the umbrella of CPG Crossover. Coined by its geographically distant supply chain partners. These users will likely have
previously did have established clear transitional programmes to move experiences raw functionality. UX, on the other hand, is a farther-reaching
WhichPLM, this category is designed to capture those PLM customers restricted access to the PLM solution, so the functionality of an external
their legacy PDM customers to their modern PLM platform. term, used to denote the broader experience of actually working with that
who fall somewhere in between the RFA market that WhichPLM has covered license should not be automatically considered equivalent to an internal
for close to a decade, and more traditional consumer products. Broadly license. Prospective customers should also note that vendors’ approaches software. UX will include UI, but will also factor in other aspects like speed,
speaking, crossover products will still incorporate soft materials and textiles to these licenses differ dramatically: some provide free-of-charge external PLM = An acronym used in place of its longhand version, Product Lifecycle social collaboration, click rates, the flow of information and more.
or employ similar processes to apparel. By way of example, toys, pet care user licenses; some assign a license fee; some choose not to distinguish Management. Considered to have superseded CPM in approximately
products in the soft category, home and office furnishings, eyewear, watches, between these and internal users; and still others offer a stripped-down 2003, PLM is a suite of tools (often collectively called a “platform”) that
and jewellery would be considered CPG Crossover product categories, “vendor portal” instead, and do not recognise the term “external user” at all. enables retailers, brands and manufacturers to optimise their product
and therefore brands and retailers who work in these categories are, as of development processes, consolidate their data, and create a centralised,

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WhichPLM Limited
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