To Become Like Our Self-Emptying God

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Year 32 No.

67 Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity (C) — White June 16, 2019

To Become like Our Self- Emptying God

I n traditional cultures people
are defined by their place in the
tribe or the clan. One’s identity is
the image of God, a community of
persons, then we cannot become
fully human in isolation, but must
and other people. Now we
take pictures of ourselves. This
preoccupation with improving
determined by the role one plays always be in communion with my physical looks and increasing
in the larger community. Modern others. Only in actualizing our the number of “likes” for my latest
society has rebelled against this relational nature, giving ourselves FB post can dangerously lead to
culture of being dictated by one’s to others and allowing others to obliviousness to those around me,
community, championing instead nourish us, shall we discover our especially those in greater need.
individuality, an identity that is true humanity. Self-actualization, becoming
self-determined. As products With regard to the modern the best that I can be, is not an
of both the traditional and the ethos of overly stressing the end in itself, but serves a higher
modern, we grapple with the individual over the community, purpose —aiding others to
tension between our desire to we need to distinguish between become the best they can be.
shape ourselves and our need to individualism and individuality. Self-emptying vs. self-
belong to a community. Promoting individuality aggrandizement. The three distinct
To d ay we ce l e b rate t h e entails upholding the ultimate Persons in the one God reveals
Solemnity of the Holy Trinity. Our significance and uniqueness of to us our true nature—we are
God is a Triune God, a community every human person and allowing invited to relish our uniqueness,
of divine persons—Father, Son, each one to become the best he to develop all our potentials, to
and Holy Spirit—yet one in terms or she can be. nurture our individuality, but at the
of their common substance, their On the other hand, we need same time give ourselves totally to
divinity. Our God is not a monad to question the individualism others as they nourish us with the
(perfection closed in on itself ), that modern society fosters—this gift of themselves. Our disgust over
but three Divine Persons giving unaccountability to anyone, this corrupt politicians who use their
themselves fully to one another self-designed moral compass that positions of authority to amass
and receiving the gift of the declares, “As long as it feels good, wealth and power indicates our
other from all eternity. And this do it! As long as I am not hurting rejection of self-aggrandizement
effusive mutual self-giving has anyone, it can’t be wrong.” as the path to self-fulfilment. Does
overflowed, sharing their being Self-actualization vs. self- not our delight in the saints tell us
with all of creation. absorption. While we promote that the most beautiful persons
Individuality vs. individualism. the development of the are also the most selfless? Just like
What does a Triune God mean for potentials of every individual, the three Divine Persons in their
our understanding of our human we caution against an inordinate eternal dance of mutual gift and
nature? First, like God, we too are preoccupation with the self, which reception of one another.
not monads, but social beings. If the term “selfie” symbolizes. We
we believe that we are created in used to take pictures of landscapes — Fr. Manoling V. Francisco, SJ

Pastoral Catechesis for the Social Challenges Facing the Youth Today
Year of the Youth — Fr. James H. Kroeger, MM

Living in the contemporary world presents a variety of challenges for Filipino youth. As the young themselves
note, they have concerns regarding economic, political, and cultural realities. “Our national economy is said
to be growing at its potential.” Yet “many of us still experience difficulty in finding stable jobs to keep our
future secure; others even fall victim to human trafficking and other forms of exploitation…. We dream
of a more inclusive economy that provides equal opportunities to people regardless of age and gender.”
In reference to politics, “we seek honest and authentic leaders who stand for truth, justice and integrity.
We need credible leaders we can count on and trust to lead and make moral decisions for the good of our
country and its people. In the same way, we feel that we too can be leaders ourselves in various ways.”
The youth also noted the variety of cultures and ideologies vying for their attention. They seek to heed
Pope Francis’ invitation to build a “culture of encounter,” based on authentic dialogue, so as to move
towards a “more inclusive world.”
All — Glory to God in the before the mountains were
The Introductory Rites highest, and on earth peace to settled into place, before the
people of good will. We praise hills, I was brought forth; while
Entrance Antiphon you, we bless you, we adore as yet the earth and fields were
(Recited when there is no opening song) you, we glorify you, we give not made, nor the first clods of
you thanks for your great glory, the world.
Blest be God the Father, and Lord God, heavenly King, O God,
the Only Begotten Son of God, “When the Lord established
almighty Father. Lord Jesus the heavens I was there, when
and also the Holy Spirit, for he Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord
has shown us his merciful love. he marked out the vault
God, Lamb of God, Son of the over the face of the deep;
Greeting Father, you take away the sins when he made firm the skies
(The sign of the cross is made here) of the world, have mercy on us; above, when he fixed fast
you take away the sins of the the fountains of the earth;
P — The Lord be with you. world, receive our prayer; you when he set for the sea its
All — And with your spirit. are seated at the right hand of limit, so that the waters should
the Father, have mercy on us. For not transgress his command;
Introduction you alone are the Holy One, you
(The priest may address the assembly then was I beside him as his
using these or similar words) alone are the Lord, you alone are craftsman, and I was his delight
the Most High, Jesus Christ, with day by day, playing before him
P — As Christians, our lives the Holy Spirit, in the glory of all the while, playing on the
are marked by the sign of the God the Father. Amen. surface of his earth; and I found
Trinity. The Father has created delight in the human race.”
us in love. The Son came to the
— The word of the Lord.
world to make it possible for us P — Let us pray. (Pause)
to recover our exalted status as All — Thanks be to God.
God our Father, who by
children of God, which we lost sending into the world the Responsorial Psalm (Ps 8)
because of sin. The Holy Spirit Word of truth and the Spirit of
continues the work of the Son sanctification made known to R — O Lord, our God, how
in the Church and in history the human race your wondrous wonderful your name in all
until the Lord Jesus returns in mystery, grant us, we pray, the earth!
glory. Indeed, the mystery of that in professing the true
the Trinity is both the origin and faith, we may acknowledge
the final goal of our journey. the Trinity of eternal glory and
Today is the first Basic adore your Unity, powerful in
Ecclesial Community Sunday. majesty.
As one community of believers, Through our Lord Jesus
we are invited to live out our Christ, your Son, who lives and
faith in the Holy Trinity by our reigns with you in the unity of
communion with communities the Holy Spirit, one God, for
especially in the grassroots level. ever and ever.
All — Amen.
Penitential Act 1. When I behold your heavens,
P — Brethren (brothers and The Liturgy of the Word the work of your fingers,/ the
sisters), let us acknowledge moon and the stars which you
our sins, and so prepare First Reading [Prv 8:22-31](Sit) set in place—/what is man that
ourselves to celebrate the you should be mindful of him,/
sacred mysteries. (Pause) The book of Proverbs or the son of man that you
describes the wisdom of God should care for him? (R)
P — You were sent to heal the as intimately united with him in
contrite of heart: Lord, have mercy. 2. You have made him little less
his work of creation. Jesus, the
All — Lord, have mercy. than the angels,/ and crowned
Word-made-flesh, personifies him with glory and honor./ You
P — You came to call sinners: this wisdom. have given him rule over the
Christ, have mercy. A reading from the Book of works of your hands,/ putting
All — Christ, have mercy. all things under his feet. (R)
P — You are seated at the right 3. All sheep and oxen,/ yes,
hand of the Father to intercede THUS SAYS the wisdom of
and the beasts of the field,/ the
for us: Lord, have mercy. God: “The L ord possessed
birds of the air, the fishes of the
All — Lord, have mercy. me, the beginning of his ways,
sea,/ and whatever swims the
the forerunner of his prodigies
P — May almighty God have paths of the seas. (R)
of long ago; from of old I
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, was poured forth, at the first,
and bring us to everlasting life. Second Reading (Rom 5:1-5)
before the earth. When there
All — Amen. were no depths I was brought Paul describes the Trinitarian gift
Gloria forth, when there were no to Christians: peace with God in
fountains or springs of water; Jesus Christ through the Spirit.
A reading from the Letter heaven and earth, of all things C — For national and local
of Saint Paul to the Romans visible and invisible. leaders: may they be filled
I believe in one Lord Jesus with the Spirit’s gift of fortitude
Therefore, since we have been Christ, the Only Begotten Son and wisdom so that they can
of God, born of the Father stand up for justice, life and
justified by faith, we have
before all ages. God from God, peace. We pray: (R)
peace with God through our
Lord Jesus Christ, through Light from Light, true God
C — For the wayward, the sick,
whom we have gained access from true God, begotten, not
the depressed, the old, and
by faith to this grace in which made, consubstantial with the those who suffer from violence
we stand, and we boast in Father; through him all things and hatred: may they be filled
hope of the glory of God. were made. For us men and for with the comforting presence
Not only that, but we our salvation he came down of the Holy Spirit. We pray: (R)
even boast of our afflictions, from heaven,
knowing that affliction C — For fathers of the family:
(At the words that follow, up to and
produces endu­r ance, and may the virtues of kindness and
including became man, all bow)
endurance, proven character, fidelity increase in their hearts
and proven charac­ter, hope, and by the Holy Spirit was
and minds as they continue
and hope does not disappoint, incarnate of the Virgin Mary, to work for and support their
because the love of God has and became man. loved ones. We pray: (R)
been poured out into our For our sake he was crucified
hearts through the Holy Spirit under Pontius Pilate, he C — For all of us: may the
that has been given to us. suffered death and was buried, walls of division be broken
and rose again on the third so that one day we may sit
— The word of the Lord. together at the table of the
All — Thanks be to God. day in accordance with the
Scriptures. He ascended into Eucharist. We pray: (R)
Alleluia [cf. Rv 1:8] (Stand) heaven and is seated at the C — For Basic Ecclesial
All — Alleluia, alleluia. Glory right hand of the Father. He will Communities: may they strive
to the Father, the Son, and come again in glory to judge to work with greater harmony
the Holy Spirit: to God who is, the living and the dead and his and peace among members
who was, and who is to come. kingdom will have no end. of the Church admidst their
Alleluia, alleluia. I believe in the Holy Spirit, limitations and littleness. We
the Lord, the giver of life, who pray: (R)
Gospel (Jn 16:12-15)
proceeds from the Father and
C — For those who have gone
P — A reading from the holy the Son, who with the Father ahead of us: may they share
Gospel according to John and the Son is adored and Christ’s glory together with
All — Glory to you, O Lord. glorified, who has spoken your Holy Spirit. We pray: (R)
JESUS said to his disciples: “I through the prophets.
I b elieve in one, holy, (The urgent concerns of the community
have much more to tell you, may be made here.)
but you cannot bear it now. catholic, and apostolic Church.
But when he comes, the Spirit I confess one Baptism for the P — Father, you sent your
of truth, he will guide you to all forgiveness of sins and I look Word to bring us the truth
truth. He will not speak on his forward to the resurrection and your Spirit to make us
own, but he will speak what he of the dead and the life of the holy. Help us to worship you,
hears, and will declare to you world to come. Amen. one God in three Persons, by
the things that are coming. Prayer of the Faithful proclaiming and living our
He will glorify me, because he faith in you.
will take from what is mine and P — The Father, through the We ask this through Christ
declare it to you. Everything Holy Spirit, has given life to our Lord.
the humanity of Christ his Son, All — Amen.
that the Father has is mine;
and has made him a source
for this reason I told you that of life for us. Let us raise our
he will take from what is mine petitions to the triune God as The Liturgy of the Eucharist
and declare it to you.” we pray:
Presentation of the Gifts
— The Gospel of the Lord. R — Father, listen to your
All — Praise to you, Lord Jesus Church. (Stand)
Christ. P — Pray, brethren…
C — For the Church: may
Homily (Sit) our worship of the one true All — May the Lord accept the
God through Christ and in the sacrifice at your hands for the
Profession of Faith (Stand) Holy Spirit lead us to deeper praise and glory of his name,
All — I believe in one God, communion with one another. for our good and the good of
the Father almighty, maker of We pray: (R) all his holy Church.
Prayer over the Offerings

P — Sanctify by the invocation

of your name, we pray, O Lord
our God, this oblation of our
service, and by it make of us
an eternal offering to you.
Through Christ our Lord.
All — Amen.

Preface: The mystery of the

Most Holy Trinity

P — The Lord be with you.

All — And with your spirit.
P — Lift up your hearts.
All — We lift them up to the Lord.
P — Let us give thanks to the
Lord our God.
All — It is right and just.
P — It is truly right and just,
our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give
you thanks, Lord, holy Father,
almighty and eternal God.
For with your Only Begotten
Son and the Holy Spirit you are P — Deliver us, Lord… The Concluding Rites
one God, one Lord: not in the All — For the kingdom, the
unity of a single person, but power, and the glory are yours Solemn Blessing
in a Trinity of one substance. now and for ever.
For what you have revealed P — Bow for the blessing.(Pause)
Invitation to Peace
to us of your glory we believe May almighty God always
equally of your Son and of Invitation to Communion keep every adversity far from
the Holy Spirit, so that, in the (Kneel) you and in his kindness pour
confessing of the true and out upon you the gifts of his
eternal Godhead, you might P — Behold the Lamb of God, blessing.
be adored in what is proper behold him who takes away All — Amen.
to each Person, their unity in the sins of the world. Blessed
are those called to the supper P — May God keep your
substance, and their equality hearts attentive to his words,
in majesty. of the Lamb.
All — Lord, I am not worthy that they may be filled with
For this is praised by Angels everlasting gladness.
and Archangels, Cherubim, that you should enter under
my roof, but only say the word All — Amen.
too, and Seraphim, who never
cease to cry out each day, as and my soul shall be healed. P — And so, may you always
with one voice they acclaim: Communion Antiphon understand what is good
All — Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God (Gal 4:6) and right, and be found ever
of hosts. Heaven and earth are hastening along in the path
full of your glory. Hosanna in Since you are children of God, of God’s commands, made
the highest. Blessed is he who God has sent into your hearts coheirs with the citizens of
comes in the name of the Lord. the Spirit of his Son, the Spirit heaven.
Hosanna in the highest. (Kneel) who cries out: Abba, Father. All — Amen.
Acclamation (Stand) Prayer after Communion P — And may the blessing of
A l l — W h e n we e a t t h i s (Stand)
almighty God, the Father, and
Bread and drink this Cup, we the Son, (†) and the Holy Spirit,
P — Let us pray. (Pause)
proclaim your Death, O Lord, come down on you and remain
until you come again. May receiving this Sacra­
ment, O Lord our God, bring with you for ever.
All — Amen.
The Communion Rite us health of body and soul, as
we confess your eternal holy
The Lord’s Prayer Trinity and undivided Unity.
Through Christ our Lord. P — Go forth, the Mass is ended.
All — Our Father… All — Amen. All — Thanks be to God.

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