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Lab 1

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EE102 LAB 5



Name: Carlos Babu (S11147301)

Joseph Manengelea (S11126636)


The main purpose of this experiment is to introducing and learn how about how to use the basic
electronic instrument or lab equipment that will be used in this course and do some simple
circuit analysis using the circuit maker software.


Electronic instrumentation has been come an integral components of measurements in all areas
of science. The electronic instruments provides an excellent resource for understanding the
principal of current electronic technology. Lab instruments have terminals so that we can
connect them to circuits. For example, power supply, we see positive (red cable) and negative
(black cable) terminals. The main function of power supply is to convert types of electrical
power available to alternative current (AC) or direct current (DC).

The oscilloscope is purposely used to display and measure time-varying signal (waveform).

Oscilloscope Probe Compensation

You will find two oscilloscope probes in your drawer. Connect them to the BNC connectors
labelled CH1 and CH2. To check the probes compensation for CH1 and CH2, follow the steps
in the lab manual.

Signal Generators and Periodic Waveforms

Switch on the signal generator power. Connect a BNC-to-Clip lead Test Lead to the MAIN
output of the signal generator. Connect the CH-1 Oscilloscope probe to the signal generator
output clip leads as instructed by the instructor. Using the signal generator instruction manual

 All the equipment mounted on a typical electronics workbench such as power supply,
oscilloscope, signal generator, and Multi meter.

 3 x Randomly selected resistors

 BNC to BNC cables

 PC installed with circuit maker


This experiments is contains five (5) parts. Each parts has its different instruction.

Part 1 – Reading Resistor Values

The value of the resistor are mark in the body using colours, which represents digit, multiplier
and tolerance. The colour separated itself is the tolerance and followed by that is multiplier
and digit.

I. Identifying the tolerance, digit and multiplier of each resistor.

II. Check the colour code of number represent by the colour.
III. Calculate the value of the resistor.
IV. Repeat step 1-3 for other resistors.

Part 2 – Power Supply Basics

Using the digital power supply, generate DC voltage at increments of 2.5V from 0-30V, using
meter on the power supply.
At the increment, measure the voltage using the multi meter and note down the result in the
given table.

Part 3 – Calibrating the Oscilloscope

Part 4 – Using the Oscilloscope

Using the BNC (Bayonet Neil-Concelman) cable, connect the signal generator to the digital
oscilloscope. Generate the following waveforms with Vp-p =2V:

a) Sine 1 kHz.
b) Square wave 2 kHz.
c) Triangle wave 3 kHz.
Draw the graph of each frequency in the given grid.

Part 5 – Introduction to Circuit Maker

Open the circuit maker software on your computer. Browser on your computer. Browser
through the software window. Find the lists of components on the left side of the window. By
browsing or searching, place the components as shown below.
PART 1 – Reading Resistor Values

Calculated Value Measured Values % Error

Band 1: 8
Resistor 1 Band 2: 2 0.84mΩ ± 2.38
Band 3: 5%
Resistor: 0.82mΩ ± 5%
Band 1: 8
Resistor 2 Band 2: 4 8.23kΩ ± 2.68
Band 3: 5%
Resistor: 8.40kΩ ± 5%
Band 1: 3
Resistor 3 Band 2: 3 33.95kΩ ± 2.80
Band 3: 5%
Resistor: 33kΩ ± 5%

PART 2 – Power Supply Basics

Generated Voltage (V) Measured Voltage % Error

0.0 0.003 0
2.5 2.584 3.36
5.0 5.030 0.60
7.5 7.558 0.77
10.0 10.061 0.61
12.5 12.545 0.36
15.0 15.064 0.43
17.5 17.547 0.27
20.0 20.129 0.65
22.5 22.592 0.41
25.0 25.108 0.43
27.5 27.586 0.31
30.0 30.096 0.32
Graph of Generated DC voltage versus Percentage

Percentage Error




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Generated DC Voltage

The graph above indicates the generated value of DC voltage and the Percentage error. The
resultant of error was due to the measured voltage. When comparing the measured value with
generated values, it quite similar but slit different figure.

PART 3 – Calibrating the Oscilloscope

Part three is mainly the checking or Calibrating Oscilloscope. Always calibrate an oscilloscope
before you use it. Never assume the factory settings are correct without checking them. Connect
the probe adjust to the Channel 1 outlet on the oscilloscope using the cable. The alligator clip
will attach to the probe adjust, while the BNC end of the cable will attach to the Channel 1
To collaborate oscilloscope, you’ll use a signal’s whose voltage is known, then adjust the
device until it reads accurately.
An oscilloscope takes variation in signal voltage as a function of time and displays it on the
screen. Oscilloscope is very useful to analysing circuits.
PART 4 – Using the Oscilloscope

Below is results from oscilloscope which displays the different wave shape with different
generated frequency.
PART 5 – Introduction to Circuit Maker

The result are displayed in photo below.


Fig. 2.

In electronic circuit its resistance is used to limit current or for better understanding it limits
flow of electron. It is the element in the circuit that massive consume of power. Resistor is used
in every electronic and integrated circuit, therefore it is very important to know what the values
(Ohms) of a particular resistor before used. Thus by doing the first part of this practical,
indicates that generated values does no accurate compared to the measured value. Example
calculated value is 0.82MΩ ± 5% and measured value was 0.84mΩ. This due to the colour has
constant values but the resistors may varied. Therefore using electronic device such as
ohmmeter may accurate in measurement.

Switching power supply is an essential varies all electronic component or devices. There are
two types of power supply namely (DC/AC). The power supply used in part 2 of this practical
is the direct current voltage. There are generated voltage given and using (DC) voltage to
measure the voltage and compared it with the generated voltage. By comparing the values,
there is mostly the same voltage but slight different. This may due to wave frequency
interference could result of varied digits. It indicates how the flow of direct current in a circuit.

Calibration is comparison of a measurement device (an unknown) against an equal better

standard. Before using instruments, Calibrating oscilloscope will maintain the integrity of your
research. Oscilloscope need to read the measurement accurately. Therefore it must work
accordingly in order to output accurate results. So as recommended that making use always
calibrate the oscilloscope before used.

Part 4 of this practical is mainly using the signal generator to digital oscilloscope to generate
the following sine, square and triangular wave forms by inputting the frequency and changing
the waveforms accordingly. Each wave form has its different frequency which is given. For
instance sine at frequency 20Hz. There are three frequency for sine, square and triangular
waveforms. But the diagram was only displayed 1 frequency for each wave shape.

Circuit maker is a free electronic design automation software package. Part 5 is the introduction
to this software and required to draw a particular circuit diagram and measured to see how the
currents and voltages are varied for the types of circuit (Parallel and Serious circuit). When
measuring circuit 1 for each components, the voltage was flow to some parts and some not.
Where the high resistance, less current/voltage flow.

The experiment was successfully done and manage to obtain what was purposely for. When
doing this practical, there are new knowledge and understanding of how to use the basic
electronic equipment’s in the lab such that using of the oscilloscope and testing of probes or
measured the resistor. Also by looking at the system software (Circuit maker), it makes it much
easier to located or find what are the voltage or current in a particular components in a circuit
diagrams. We manage to locate the required components for the two circuit provide.

Malmstadt, H, Enke, C, Crouch, S, 1982 “Electronic Instrument: Fundamental and Practical”,

Analytical Chemistry, Vol 54, No.3.

Whitcomb, L, 2009, “Fundamental of Electrical Engineering,” Mc Grow Hill, New York.

Brennan, J, 2017, “How to Calculate Oscilloscope Probes,” Sciencing, (Website),


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