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Netflix Srs

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Netflix - srs

Software Engineering (Lovely Professional University)

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Specification for
NETFLIX-Streaming tv and movie

Lovely professional university.



 Introduction to netflix streaming site

 Purpose of netflix streaming

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 Key characteristic of netflix streaming sites

 Scope
 Reference

Overall description

 Product

Product Feature

 User class & characteristic

 General constrains

 Operating environment

External interface requirement

 User interface
 Software interface
 Service site system requirement
 User site sevice requirement
 Hardware interface
 Communication interface
 Performance requirement

Netflix stream search

Description and priority

 Stimulus/response sequenceS
 Functiona requirement

Non fuctional requiremet

 Performance
 Usability

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 Safety
 Reliability
 security


streaming Movies and tv in Netflix is multimedia that is received by an user while being delivered
by a provider. The word "to stream" refers to the process of delivering or obtaining media in this
manner; the term refers to the delivery method of the medium, rather than the medium itself, and is an
alternative to file downloading, a process in which the end-user obtains the entire file for the content
before watching or listening to it.we can also live stream the tv ny getting subscribe to those preffered
Actually movie means a large file with lot of data,A client end-user can use their media player to
begin to play the movie file before the entire file has been transmitted. Distinguishing delivery
method from the media distributed applies specifically totelecommunications networks, as most of the
delivery systems are either inherently streaming or inherently non-streaming . nowadays Internet
television(TV streaming) is a common form of streamed media. The term "streaming media" can
apply to media other than video and audio such as live closed captioning, ticker tape, and real-time
text, which are all considered "streaming text". The term "streaming" was first used in the early 1990s
as a better description for video on demand on IP networks; at the time such video was usually
referred to as "store and forward video", [1] which was misleading nomenclature.
As of 2016, streaming is generally e a user watches digital video content and/or listens to digital audio
on a computer screen and speakers over the Internet. With streaming content, the user does not have
to download the entire video or audio file before they start to watch/listen to it. There are challenges
with streaming content on the Internet. If the user does not have enough bandwidth in their Internet
connection, they may experience stops in the content and some users may not be able to stream
certain content due to not having compatible computer or software systems. Netflix, which
streams movies and TV shows.


 Saves on bandwith cost,often eliminating cost entirely and watch movies and online tv
through internet.
 Creating a common place for various languages movies
 Make a hassle free experirnce,where we can streame movies.


Netflix depends on the end-to-end available bandwidth.


We now detail the buffering phase and the steady state phase of the three streaming strategies used by

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Short ON-OFF cycles

We observe short ON-OFF cycles for Flash videos regardless of the browser used, and for HTML5
videos when Internet Explorer is used. we present a representative trace observed while streaming one
Flash video and one HTML5 video; the videos were streamed using Internet Explorer (IE) in the
Research network. For both the videos, we observe a buffering phase followed by a steady state
phase. During the steady state phase the download amount increments in short steps. We present the
evolution of the TCP receive window for the two streaming sessions in. This implies that Internet
Explorer throttles the download rate of the HTML5 video by periodically pulling data from the TCP

serve such explicit rate control by Internet Explorer when streaming the Flash video. This implies
that, for the Flash video, the YouTube servers throttle the rate of data transfer by periodically pushing
the video content. We observe this behavior for Flash videos regardless of the browser. We do not
present the supporting figures due to space constraints. We now detail the buffering phase and the
steady state phase when YouTube videos are streamed using the strategy of short ON-OFF cycles. We
use the videos in the YouFlash and YouHtml dataset for these measurements.

i) Buffering Phase-) we observe that for most of the videos in the YouFlash dataset,
YouTube sends approximately 40 seconds worth of playback data during the buffering
phase. The playback time is calculated by dividing the amount downloaded during the
buffering phase by the video encoding rate. We present the cumulative distribution (CDF)
of the playback time . The steep slope for the distribution of the playback time is because
of the strong correlation (correlation coefficient = 0.85) between the video encoding rate
and the amount downloaded during the buffering phase. For the Residence and the
Academic networks, we observe a smaller amount of buffering. The smaller amount
could be an artifact of our technique used to measure the amount downloaded during the
buffering phase; we consider the start time of the first OFF period as the end of the
buffering phase. This technique is sensitive to packet losses and we observed higher
packet retransmissions, median of 1.02% and 0.76% respectively, in the Residence
network and the Academic network.

II) Steady State Phase- We now show that YouTube servers periodically transfer 64 kB
blocks during the steady state phase to attain an accumulation ratio of 1.25 for Flash videos. In
Figure 4(a) we present the distribution of the block sizes observed while streaming videos in the
YouFlash dataset; we observe that 64 kB is the dominant block size in each network. The smaller
block sizes observed in the Residence and Academic networks are because of packet losses that
cause TCP retransmission timeouts. We observe block sizes larger than 64 kB when
retransmissions due to packet losses merge multiple short ON-OFF cycles to form a larger ON-
OFF cycle. In Figure 4(b) we observe an accumulation ratio of approximately 1.25 for the
majority of the streaming sessions in each network. For HTML5 on Internet Explorer, in Figure
5(a) we observe that 256 kB is the dominant block size in each network. As in the case of Flash
videos, packet losses cause the block sizes to increase or decrease when Internet Explorer is used
to stream HTML5 videos. In Figure 5(b) we present the distribution of the accumulation ratio
when Internet Explorer is used to stream HTML5 videos. In this figure, we observe a wide range
of accumulation ratios. We believe this wide range is an artifact of our technique, or the technique

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Product Perspective

 The program is a new self-contained product. It has come about due to the d e m a n d
f o r s u c h a p r o d u c t b e i n g i d e n t i f i e d i n a s e r i e s o f studies. From these studies we
saw that the main activity people used movies found online. These people would regularly spend
periods of time searching websites to try and find the movies they wanted to watch, either somewhere
to stream the video from or the files to download the video. Our system will aim to speed up this
process.and also the main problem is watching interesting programmes in tv.if we miss or we were
some whare else we need to watch tv through intrnet.

Product Features

The main feauture is to search the movies from the internet and
t o c o l l e c t a l l t h e c h a n n e l s b r o a d c a s t i n g s u n d e r o n e r o o f and
streaming on the internet. The user can specify which of the 2 or both to look for. The results
will be divided into the types that were specified using different tabs, and then the
results willbe orderabl e by different categories, such as name, size, site, etc. The
userwill have the option to filter out disarable movies or channels containing certain content
depending on user wants and tate. In addition the user will havethe option to filter out or only
certain movies or language can be selected by the user. They will have the facility
foru sers to store their favorite videos, so that they can come back to the video at another time as
offline in several sites nowadays.

User Classes and Characteristics

There will be two levels of user for our system. The first will be the general user that will be using
our software to find their Movies or streame television. They will only see the front end of the system.
The second level will be the system developers. They will be able to edit which sites the system will
search, depending on whether they think the site is safe, compatible with respective softwares,
thespeed at which the site can be searched, and how useful the site is to users,i.e. how many results
have come back from that site.

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General Constraints

 Server capacity is how many users can access or can be online at once. Moreis the number of users
more will be the network traffic and hence the serve c o m e s i n a d o w n s t a t e . P e r s o n a l
firewall and updating is a
toughtask,its h o u l d b e s u c h t h a t i t s h o u l d n o t b l o c k t h e n e t w o r k t r a
f f i c , m a k i n g t h e system slower. Firewall of the server should not collide with the firewall
of the user system.


User Interfaces

the user interface will consist of one main screen, allowing all thefunctionally to come from this one
screen. This allows the user to use the software with ease by not flicking through a number of
different screens. In addition to this the user can always see the videos they are looking for.
Themain screen will be laid out as in Appendix: B Diagram along with thedescription of the diagram.
We decided on this type of interface because we felt that it would be very simple for the user to
navigate. From our reports we found that the simpler the interface was, the more people liked it. With
all these features complied into one screen it will give the software more flexibility and allows for
easy and simple usage. This will appeal to both naïve computer users and experienced computer users
with a higher selling market.

Appendix diagram----- 2 3


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1.The first feature of the software is a menu bar. This software includes thebasic features used in
similar products such as new search, close, load etc.However with our software there are two extra
features. These being a filteroption which allows the user to set parental controls over the software.
This enables the user to be able to search for videos without getting explicit content. In addition to this
there is a favorite’s option. This feature gives theuser the option of being able to store links to their
favorite videos in thesoftware and be able to go back to these websites after restarting the
software.And user also allowed to select the region,language options which will ease their search

2 . This is the main engine behind the software. This is where the user enters the name of the
Movie or actors name to search and also the name of the tv channel need to be
streamed. Once the user has typed inthe name of their desired video they can either
press the enter key or thesearch button to run the query

3.there is a language option to select the language

3.This is where the actual search results will be displayed. Within these display fields the User will be
told the name of the video, the location of the video (which website the Video is on), the size of the 
video so the user candecide if they wish to download the Video or just to stream the video, the 
rating of the video with information on how safe The website is, and finallycomments on the video 
(what other user think of the video). 


The software will use hyperlinks to allow the user to open websites in their default web browserwhen
the user want to open any movie or any streaming channel.


*Unix/Linux operating system with 32-bit or 64-bit support

*SQL database. MySQL pre-compiled binaries recommended


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*Apache2 (mpm-prefork) with SSL support

*PHP5 with support for MySQL, OpenSSL, URL, etc.


In order to watch movies or live tv on netflix sites, user should make sure that his system has access
to the following system requirements:

* Flash Player 7.0+ plug-in.

*Windows with latest updates installed.

*Mac OS X 10.3 or higher.

*best browser +

*Broadband connection with high speed

Hardware interface

he external hardware interface used for accessing the video streaming  sites isthe personal 
computers of the users. The PCs may be laptops, notebooks,netbooks with internet connections as a
wireless connection, via modems, orbroadband

a) Communication interface

Communication standards that will be used through the software will be PHPor Other such
languages. These will be used to query the different servers that the Websitesuseand will
give us back

b) Performance requirement

*Query times will take no longer than 5 seconds to any website.

*Sending the hyperlink to the default browser will take less than 1 second.

*Loading the program will take less than 10 seconds.

*Any result with 0 seeds will not be displayed.

*Sorting results should take less than 0.1 seconds.

*A results page will display 100 results.

*Any result with a rating of less than 1 will not be displayed.

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 Description and priority

This feature will search amovie the user enters, through a databas
e o f netflix websites that are added by the development team as well as websites
that show links to videos hosted on other sites such as surfthechannel.com, alluc.org, etc. The
resultswill be displayed in a tab on the programs main window. This tab will be splithorizontally into
two sections, the top half for the video hosting sites and thebottom half for the video link sites.
This is another of the main features of the software and also has a higher priority for

 Stimulate responses sequences

User ticks streaming host tick box – system will now query the video hostingsites in its database
when a search is started. Hosting sites will include the actual videos on their servers, e.g.
YouTube. User ticks streaming links tickb o x – s y s t e m w i l l n o w q u e r y t h e v i d e o l i n k
s i t e s i n i t s d a t a b a s e w h e n a search is started. The link sites will include external
video links to differentvideo hosting sites, e.g. surfthechannel.com. User enters
search term and starts search – system sends queries to the video websites in its databasebased 
on the search term. Results for this query will then be sent to thevideo stream tab in the program. 
The hosting half of the tab displays thewebsite, full video name, length and date posted. The link half
of the tabdisplays the website and video name (e.g. combination of the show’s nameand the 
episode name). User sorts the search results by clicking once on thecolumn header – system sorts all
results by descending/ascending order.User filters websites they want to be shown in the results – 
system removesunselected websites from the results. User clicks on next page button –system 
displays the next set of results for the search.

 Functional requirement

*Streaming search will share the same search bar with the torrent search.

*Database of video hosting and video linking sites can be updated via the internet.

* There will be a tick box to allow the user to choose to include video host searching in
the search

*There will be a tick box to allow the user to choose to include video link searching in
the search.

*Query to video hosting sites will retrieve full video name, length,
d a t e posted and a link to the video itself.

*Query to video link sites will retrieve the show’s name, episode name anda link to the webpage

*If no results are found on a search it will display a message “No results where found
for these search.

*Results will be arranged in length/date/alphabetical order by clicking on the column


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*There will be page button for the user to navigate the result.



The system must be interactive and the delays involved must be less .So in every action-response of
the system, there are no immediate delays. In case of opening windows forms, of popping error
messages and saving the settings or sessions there is delay much below 2 seconds, In case of opening
databases, sorting questions and evaluation there are no delays and the operation is performed in less
than 2 seconds for opening ,sorting, computing, posting > 95% of the files. Also when connecting to
the server the delay is based editing on the distance of the 2 systems and the configuration between
them so there is high probability that there will be or not a successful connection in less than 20
seconds for sake of good communication.


Information transmission should be securely transmitted to server without any changes in information
It may leads to the hacking of accounts and illegal using of account


As the system provide the right tools for discussion, problem solving it must be made sure that the
system is reliable in its operations and for securing the sensitive details.

Software Quality Attributes


If the internet service gets disrupted while sending information to the server, the information can be
send again for verification.


The main security concern is for users account hence proper login mechanism should be used to avoid
hacking. The tablet id registration is way to spam check for increasing the security. Hence, security is
provided from unwanted use of recognition software.

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As the system is easy to handle and navigates in the most expected way with no delays. In that case
the system program reacts accordingly and transverses quickly between its states.

Use-case diag:

You are to create a use-case diagram for the Netflix service (www.netflix.ca). Netflix is an internet 
service for streaming movies and TV shows to personal computers and TVs. Anyone can browse the 
Netflix library (by title, actor, director, genre), but one must have a subscription to be able to stream
videos_ A user can activate (i.e create), suspend, or cancel their membership. An account is active 
as long as it has not been suspended (and not re-activated) or cancelled. The subscription fee is 
$7.99 per month, charged on the monthly anniversary of the day that the subscription was 
activated. If a user has an active subscription and accesses the Web site from within Canada, then 
the user can stream as many videos (from the Netflix library) as he or she wants, whenever he or 
she wants. A user can pause, rewind, fast-forward or stop a stream as often as they like.

Create a use-case diagram for this service. In addition, provide short 1-2 sentence description of 
each use case.

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Data flow daig:

A data flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through an
information system, modelling its process aspects. ADFD is often used as a preliminary step
to create an overview of the system without going into great detail, which can later be

Level 0:

Data Store

    Web site

Website       managements

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          Product information Details

Book vendor
New user

Login id

Enter login details

User home page

Registered user

Level 1:

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Data Base

Details show searched item


enter user name
password    verify user
page enter item Searc
h item



show history
query for 

history for   
enter user name, user                the query

  email id, phone number

New user
Verification paymen

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user id and


Level 2: -

Show last 
to digit of 
Card details Verify card  registered
number, cvv mobile 
Enter card password number

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Enter   otp

user Id, 
User id, password and  and 
Transaction id Id

Test cases

Signup/Create account

Test to pass: - Name should contain only alphabet, email id should be valid, mobile

number only contains number and must not be greater than 10 and password must
contain alphabet, number and a special character and must also match with the
confirm password.

Test to fail: - if name will contain other than alphabet, email id is not valid, mobile

number will contain anything other than number, password does not contain any
alphabet, number, special character.

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Test to pass: - user should enter a registered email id and password should match

with the saved password.

Test to Fail: -  if   user   will   enter   a   not   registered   email   id   or   password   will   be


Test to pass: - The movies, songs etc. shown to user are watched by
that particular user.

Test to fail: - The movies, songs etc. shown to user are not watched by the user.


Test to pass: - The history shown to a particular user is make by only that user.

Test To fail: - If history of some other user is show to particular user.

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