Infiltration and Attenuation Systems Product and Installation Guide

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May 2009/rev February 2010 WM424

Intelligent stormwater solutions by Wavin

Infiltration and Attenuation Systems

Product and Installation Guide

For residential, commercial, industrial and infrastructure applications


Infiltration and Attenuation

Introduction 4-5
Intesio - For Optimum Stormwater Management 4
AquaCell Systems 4
Garastor System 5
Overview 6-7
Overview of AquaCell Systems 6-7
Applications 8-11
AquaCell Plus for Deeper installations 8-9
AquaCell Core for Trafficked installations 10
AquaCell Lite for Landscaped
and Non-Trafficked Sites 11
AquaCell Systems 12-13
Principal Components 12
Ancillary Components 12
System Selector 13
Design and Installation 14-18
Design and Installation Guidance 14-15
Typical Soakaway Installation Method 16
Typical Storage Tank Installation Method 17
Silt Trap 18
Air Vent Design 18
Typical Connections 19-21
Typical Connections to AquaCell Units 19
Typical Air Vent Connections 20
Typical Connection Configurations 21
Typical Details 22-31
Soakaway - Non-Traffic Loading 22
Soakaway - Highway 23
On-Line Storage - Box Feed 24
On-Line Storage - Manifold Feed 25
On-Line Storage - Central Pipe Feed 26
On-Line Storage - Manifold Feed with Bypass 27
Off-Line Storage - Box Feed 28
Off-Line Storage - Manifold Feed 29
Off-Line Storage - Central Pipe Feed 30
Soakaway or Storage Tank - With Silt Trap 31
Garastor System 32-35
Introduction 32
Overview 33
Principal Components 34
Typical Installation Methods 35

Wavin operates a programme of continual product development, and therefore reserves the
right to modify or amend the specification of their products without notice. All information in this
publication is given in good faith, and believed to be correct at the time of going to press. However,
no responsibility can be accepted for any errors, omissions or incorrect assumptions. Users should
satisfy themselves that products are suitable for the purpose and application intended.
Page 3
Infiltration & Attenuation Systems – Introduction

Intesio – for optimum stormwater management

Continuing urban development, a changing climate and the
consequences of intensified rainfall: all are increasingly prominent
issues on the political and environmental agenda. In combination,
they represent a complex need for the most intelligent, effective

Intesio is Wavin’s specialist approach to responsible management

of stormwater, including its efficient capture, transportation,
cleansing, infiltration, attenuation and re-use. We’re ready to
contribute at any stage in a project, with one central goal: to help
achieve the optimum project outcome. Our in-depth expertise,
design insight and proven system technology is applied wherever
AquaCell Plus
required to ensure each installed scheme achieves maximum
efficiency of cost and integrated function, and full compliance with
the latest regulatory criteria.

Intesio AquaCell® systems:

The AquaCell systems are a fully tried and tested modular
technique for managing excessive rainfall by creating an
underground structure as either a temporary storage tank or a

• AquaCell Plus (light blue unit) inspectable, for use in deep

trafficked locations.
• AquaCell Core (blue unit) for trafficked locations.
• AquaCell Lite (green unit) for landscaped and non-trafficked
Box systems – select with care
Rising rainfall levels, and increased focus on SUDS compliance,
have led to a sharp increase in the use of modular box systems to AquaCell Core
create underground structures for infiltration or temporary storage
of stormwater.

However, not all currently available systems have the proven

performance characteristics necessary for the wide range of
complex underground geocellular applications (see pages 8, 9, 10
& 11).

With Intesio AquaCell systems, however, the required strength and

hydraulic capabilities have been verified by independent testing.

AquaCell Lite

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Infiltration & Attenuation Systems – Introduction

Garastor® System* The AquaCell Stormwater Management System

A polypropylene flow control chamber connected to a water Comprises individual infiltration modules assembled together
storage reservoir EITHER made up of AquaCell units or located in to form underground structures which can either be used for
a void beneath the garage of individual houses. stormwater storage or as an alternative to domestic soakaways.

* Depending on the application either AquaCell Core or AquaCell Heavy storms and major cloudbursts are becoming more frequent,
Lite may be used in conjunction with Garastor. For further details resulting in ever increasing volumes of stormwater flowing into
contact Wavin Technical Design. conventional drainage systems and water courses. When the
capacities of these systems are exceeded the consequences can
Note: Garastor can be used as a flow control device for any
be dramatic and damaging.
AquaCell storage system, no greater than one unit deep with a
discharge of up to 1.4 l/s via the 30mm release flow orifice. Stormwater must be controlled; either by limiting the outflow
and providing temporary storage or where the ground conditions
* Garastor is manufactured under licence (Patent Number
are suitable, providing soakaways for the stormwater to infiltrate
back into the surrounding ground. This has the added benefit of
recharging the local groundwater.

Both options can be achieved using either the AquaCell Plus,

Core or Lite systems depending on the application.

Garastor System AquaCell Lite soakaway

Large scale AquaCell Core storage tank

Garastor domestic storage using AquaCell Core tank

Domestic AquaCell Core soakaway

Garastor domestic storage using garage void
Page 5
Overview of AquaCell® Systems

AquaCell systems are a fully tried and tested modular technique Types of Connections
for managing excessive rainfall. Units are assembled to create
There are a number of ways to provide a controlled feed into the
an underground structure as either temporary storage tank or
AquaCell units to suit the required flow capacity.
These being:
There are 3 types of unit:
1. Manifold Configuration – this configuration utilizes standard
AquaCell Plus pipe and fittings (see page 21)
for extra deep installations and/or inspectability (pages 8-9) 2. Box Configuration – this configuration utilizes the AquaCell Core
units (see page 21)
AquaCell Core
3. Central Pipe Configuration – this configuration utilizes standard
for trafficked locations (page 10), and
perferated TwinWall pipe and fittings (see page 21)
AquaCell Lite
for landscaped and non-trafficked locations (page 11)

For quick, versatile assembly

The lightweight polypropylene, high void units are securely linked
together using special clips and shear connectors.

They can be assembled quickly on site into whatever

configuration suits each specific location.

AquaCell Core and Lite geocellular systems also allow ‘brick-

bonding’, which can give extra stability, without the need for
additional connector pieces.

Wrapped for infiltration or storage

The complete assembly is wrapped in either geotextile sheet or a

For pervious soils, the geotextile option allows infiltration of

stormwater into the surrounding ground.

For impervious ground (e.g. clay) or where infiltration is not

desirable, the geomembrane holds stormwater in temporary
storage until local drainage flows can accept it for normal

Benefiting community and environment

AquaCell systems contribute the following benefits:

• Significantly reduced flooding risk

• Controlled, reduced-volume release of stormwater into existing
sewer systems or watercourses
• Recharging of local groundwater (if infiltration/soakaway
• Aerobic purification to improve water run-off quality
• Sustainable, cost effective management of the water
Helping SUDS and planning approval
The proven qualities and performance of AquaCell systems
not only support the achievement of SUDS, they can also
help reinforce and enhance planning applications, and enable
development to proceed.

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Overview of AquaCell® Systems

Acceptance – British Board of Agrément AquaCell Core

The Intesio Infiltration and Attenuation systems, AquaCell Plus, – approved under BBA Agrément
Core and Lite have been awarded British Board of Agrément Certificate No.03/4018, Detail Sheet 1
approval under BBA Agrément Certificate No.03/4018.
AquaCell Lite
The certificate covers the design data, technical specification, – approved under BBA Agrément
installation and maintenance aspects for each unit as follows: Certificate No.03/4018, Detail Sheet 2

AquaCell Plus
– approved under BBA Agrément
Certificate No.03/4018, Detail Sheet 3

Construction Industry Research and Information

Association (CIRIA)
CIRIA publishes structural design information for
modular geocellular drainage tanks
CIRIA has produced Guidance Document C680 “Structural design
of modular geocellular drainage tanks”...

This document has been produced to ensure that engineers

have the required information to establish that a proposed
underground structure is capable of remaining structurally sound
and operational in trafficked situations over the lifetime of the

C680 asserts that engineers should satisfy themselves of

the suitability of the proposed construction, and not rely on
manufacturer’s recommendations. Intesio AquaCell has been fully
tested in accordance with the requirements of C680 and we can, if
required, provide structural calculations for our system within our
designs from an independent consultant.
Page 7
AquaCell Plus for Deeper Installations and/or for Inspectability

For any installation where extra depth and/or Extra deep installations
inspectability is required.
AquaCell Plus has been developed and engineered to add extra
design scope for AquaCell installations. The units can be used in
combination with AquaCell Core (and with Lite if there is at least
one layer of AquaCell Core in between the Plus and Lite Layer).

Extra lateral loading capacity allows installation at greater depths.

Integral inspection channels in each unit can combine to create

viewing channels for the full length of the installed structure.


• Vertical: 65 tonnes/m2
• Lateral: 8.55 tonnes/m2 Non-trafficked areas

• Maximum to base of units*:

5.08 metres
*in best soil conditions

Specific to AquaCell Plus:

• Distinctive LIGHT BLUE colour – for ease of inspectability

• Integral inspection tunnel
• Approvals: BBA No.03/4018 Detail Sheet 3

AquaCell Plus: solus – or in combination

AquaCell Plus may be used on its own – or in combination with
AquaCell Lite* and/or AquaCell Core.
Trafficked areas
*AquaCell Lite can only be used in conjunction with AquaCell Plus,
if there is at least one layer of AquaCell Core inbetween the Plus
and Lite layer.

AquaCell Plus
End cap for when an
inspection channel
is not required

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AquaCell Plus for Deeper Installations and/or for Inspectability

AquaCell Plus: for extra depth and/or inspectability. Inspectability scenarios

The extra lateral loading capacity of AquaCell Plus means it can
be used at a greater depth (maximum 5.08m). This may be on
its own – or in combination with AquaCell Core, which has a
maximum permitted depth of 4.25m (4.1m if trafficked).

AquaCell Plus: for inspectability

By aligning AquaCell Plus units end-toend, full length viewing
channels can be created – allowing for CCTV inspection if
required. These are created in the bottom layer of an AquaCell
tank installation.

AquaCell Plus units may be installed alongside other AquaCell

units, as in the examples shown.

Wavin recommends that a minimum of three inspection tunnels

are created – at the inlet point (at or near the tank centre line) and
at the two outer edges of the structure. An inspection chamber
AquaCell Core and AquaCell Plus
should be installed for each tunnel.

NOTE: For any AquaCell Plus units on the perimeter of a structure

that are NOT required for inspection access, the open ends of
the integral inspection tunnels should be fitted with the end caps

Inspection chambers
An inspection chamber should precede the inlet pipework for the
AquaCell structure:

For on-line installations:

– (down to 3m) Intesio Non-Entry Inspection Chamber [NIC] or
– (down to 5m) Intesio Tegra 600 Inspection Chamber or
– Traditional manhole*

*where inlet pipework is replaced by AquaCell units acting as flow Trafficked tank installation with inspection channels

A silt trap prior to the inspection chamber is also recommended.

For off-line installations:

– Traditional manhole with in-built flow control

For non-inlet inspection points, use Intesio Non-Entry Inspection

Chamber [NIC] or Intesio Tegra 600 Inspection Chamber only.

RECOMMENDATION: If installing Intesio Non-Entry Inspection

Chamber [NIC] or Intesio Tegra 600 Inspection Chamber,
regardless of depth, ensure the cover and frame includes a
350mm restrictor to prevent man entry.

Inspection and maintenance

CCTV inspection at every inspection point is recommended:

– after every major storm

– at regular intervals according to the specific maintenance plan
for the site

Silt traps prior to inlet pipework should be routinely inspected and

cleaned out to minimise debris reaching the tank. It is important to
prevent construction silt from entering the AquaCell structure.
Page 9
AquaCell Core for Trafficked Sites

AquaCell Core is ideal for areas subject to regular Typical applications

and heavy traffic loading, and particularly for larger
Specifiers, developers and contractors can now choose the right
product to suit each situation. The original AquaCell Core (blue
unit) has already proved its versatility and functional performance
advantages in large projects designed to satisfy demanding
criteria for sustainable drainage. Examples of projects utilising
AquaCell include:

• Large scale 7,000 unit soakaway under airport car park

• 2,000 unit storage tank in contaminated land, a former power
station site
• 1,400 unit storage tank to store run-off from expanding retail Industrial/commercial areas

In locations where traffic loading is NOT anticipated, AquaCell Lite
(green unit) should be selected (see page 11).

In addition to features and benefits applicable to BOTH systems

those specifically applicable to traffickable AquaCell Core (blue
unit) include:

• BBA approved and can meet technical requirements of NHBC

• Proven vertical loading capacity: 56 tonnes/m2
• Proven lateral loading capacity: 7.75 tonnes/m2
• For installations both up to and exceeding 1.5 metres deep
• Distinctive BLUE colour – easy to identify Residential developments

• Designed for all configurations and applications, including both

shallow and deeper installations – Ideal for all sizes of project
including major attenuation schemes


AquaCell Core

Car parks

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AquaCell Lite for Landscaped and Non-trafficked Sites

AquaCell Lite has been designed and developed for Typical applications
landscaped and other traffic-free areas where heavy
loading capability is not required.
This now enables specifiers, developers and contractors to
choose the right product to suit each situation.

AquaCell Lite (green unit) offers all the proven installation

versatility and functional performance advantages of AquaCell
Core (see page 10), but has been specifically engineered to
provide a cost-effective option for low-loaded locations.

In addition to features and benefits applicable to BOTH systems

those specifically applicable to AquaCell Lite (green unit) include:

• Proven vertical loading capacity: 17.5 tonnes/m2 Domestic gardens

• Proven lateral loading capacity: 4.0 tonnes/m2
• For installation depth (to base of units) of up to 1.5 metres
• Built-in ‘hand holes’ for easy carrying/handling
• Distinctive GREEN colour – easy to identify
• Specifically designed for restricted depth, low-loaded,
landscaped sites:
– Ideal for smaller projects

Note: NOT suitable for locations subject to high watertable.

Grassed and leisure areas


AquaCell Lite

Domestic back gardens
Page 11
AquaCell Systems – Principal Components

Principal Components

AquaCell Lite Unit AquaCell Core Unit AquaCell Plus Unit

6LB050 6LB100 6LB200
Note: All AquaCell units (Lite, Core and Plus) have identical dimensions: 1m (L) x 0.4m (H) x 0.5m (W)

Ancillary Components

(Used to hold
units together
6UR141 6TW141 6D099 6LB102
UltraRib S/S Adaptor TwinWall S/S Adaptor OsmaDrain S/S Reducer Shear Connector
(Fits into pre-formed socket (Fits into pre-formed socket to 160mm x 110mm (fits into (Used to hold units
to connect to 150mm connect to 150mm TwinWall) pre-formed socket to connect together vertically)
UltraRib) to 110mm OsmaDrain)

150mm Flange Adaptor
4D916 6D129
(Adaptor to be used at points
160mm OsmaDrain OsmaDrain S/S Adaptor –
other than pre-formed socket
P/E Adaptor Thinwall Clay Spigot
to connect to 150mm UltraRib)
(Fits into pre-formed socket (For use with 6D916 when
as an extension connection connecting to a BS EN 295 6LB106**
piece) Thinwall Clay Spigot) 225mm Flange Adaptor
(To connect to 225mm UltraRib) 6LB600
Silt Trap
* 6LB104 – Can only be used when
All ancillary components can be used with either the AquaCell constructing an air vent, on the top (Use Extension Kit if required)
surface of the unit, when installed with
Lite, Core or Plus units, except the 225mm Flange Adaptor AquaCell Lite (6LB050)
** 6LB106 – Not suitable for use with
(6LB106) which must only be used with AquaCell Plus or Core. AquaCell Lite (6LB050)

The 150mm Flange Adaptor (6LB104) should only be

used when constructing an air vent on the top surface of
an AquaCell Lite unit. The adaptor should not be used to 6SC205
Extension Kit
connect inlet pipes to the side of the AquaCell Lite unit.
Note : All components on this page are not shown to scale

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AquaCell Systems – System Selector

The following selector will help you to determine which AquaCell system, or combination of systems,
is the correct choice for a particular project.

Will the site be subject to traffic loading?


Does the site have a high water table?


Will both tank length and width be

more than 12m?


Will the tank be more than 1.5m deep?

Will the tank need to be installed
extra deep (ie deeper than 4.1m
Will the tank be more than 4.25m deep? in ideal soil conditions)?


Use: Use combination of: Use combination of: Use: Use combination of:
Lite up to 1.5m Lite up to 1.5m Lite up to 1.5m Core up to 4.1m Core up to 4.1m
Core up to 4.25m Core up to 4.25m Plus up to 4.78m
Plus up to 5.08m

Lite AquaCell Lite (6LB050) See pages 6 and 7

Core AquaCell Core (6LB100) See pages 8 and 9

Plus AquaCell Plus (6LB200) See pages 10 and 11

AquaCell Lite and AquaCell Plus
cannot be used directly together.
If the tanks need to be inspectable contact
Wavin Technical Design on 01249 766655.
Page 13
Design and Installation Guidance

Hydraulic and
Minimum cover depth
Structural Design
AquaCell AquaCell AquaCell
All AquaCell system units have
Location type Lite Core Plus
identical dimensions: 1m x
0.4m x 0.5m, with a nominal Landscaped/non-trafficked areas 0.3mb 0.5m 0.5m
void ratio of 95%. Hydraulic
Car parks, vehicle up to 2500 kga
calculations are accordingly
gross mass , with AquaCell system
the same for AquaCell Core, Lite
and Plus. – up to 3 AquaCell units wide in trench n/a 0.6m 0.6m

Structural design, however, – more than 3 AquaCell units wide n/a 0.75m 0.75m
requires careful consideration
Maximum depth to base of unit 1.5m 4.25mc 5.08m
of loading factors specific to
a For specific advice on cover depths for heavier loadings/HGV applications, contact Wavin
each location. Technical Design on 01249 766655.
b 0.3 is minimum depth for AquaCell Lite, although 0.5m cover is recommended to prevent accidental damage.
If construction plant is to be used on site, extra protection may be needed.
c Allowable maximum depth to base of bottom layer of units is dependent on soil type, angle of shearing resistance,
loadings, and groundwater level. In poor ground conditions a shallower depth may apply.

Installation and Cover AquaCell Systems: trafficking by motor vehicles/ • Deep-running drainage
Depths Installation Depths HGVs. In each case, the cover network
depths shown in the diagram • Other buried services running
After deciding which AquaCell Each AquaCell system has
include both absolute minimum above tank location
system is correct for the project been designed to have specific
and recommended minimum
location (using the Product loading capacities (see pages • Installation into banked/
cover depths.
Selector on page 13), see 8, 9, 10 & 11) that define the sloping ground
Table for the recommended depth parameters for which In some situations, installations • Upper layer of clay
maximum installation depths they are suitable. have to be located at much preventing infiltration
and minimum cover depths. deeper levels with significantly
Minimum depth of cover varies
greater cover depths. Reasons
The Mixing the units together according to whether or not the
may include:
diagram also shows the depth installation will be subject to
parameters for each system,
and so gives guidance on Landscaped installation Trafficked installation
combining two or more of the
AquaCell systems.

0.3-0.5m 0.6-0.75m
minimum minimum
cover cover
depth depth

4.25m 4.1m

Lite Core Plus

Mixing the units together

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Design and Installation Guidance

Geocellular Structures AquaCell Lite: Additional Installation Guidance

Important design considerations Because of the special physical properties of AquaCell Lite,
To guarantee the structural integrity of an engineered drainage certain precautions are recommended on site to prevent damage
system, any underground structure must be strong enough to the units through excess loading.
to support the loads to which it will be subjected without any
Manual assembly
unacceptable deflection.
Whilst assembling the tank, it may be necessary to walk on top of
The correct choice of geocellular box must have appropriate previously laid AquaCell units. Therefore care should be taken not
proven top (vertical) and side (lateral) load bearing capacity and to damage the edges of the units.
deflection characteristics to suit site conditions.
Construction traffic on site
The five key site considerations to be noted when designing a If construction plant (e.g. excavators or loaders) are likely to run
geocellular box system are: over the installation:

1 Depth of cover (See page 14) • MINIMUM protective cover should be 500mm well-compacted
granular material
2 Soil type
3 Surface finishing • Excavators MUST NOT weigh more than 14 tonnes, and
compaction plant must not exceed 2300 kg per metre width
4 Presence of groundwater
• HGVs MUST NOT run over installed AquaCell Lite units
5 Type of traffic/loading
When backfilling AquaCell Lite installations:

• Machines placing the material must be located OFF the units

• Only light compaction should be applied to the material
5 If Type 1 sub-base (or similar) material over AquaCell Lite units
requires compaction:

• First layer should be 300mm thick before any compaction

• NO vibratory mechanism should be used for compacting this
1 2 first layer

• MAXIMUM roller size: 2300 kg per metre width

Ancillaries and Adaptors
4 All ancillaries and adaptors (see page 12) can be used with either
the AquaCell Plus, Core or Lite units, except the 225mm Flange
Adaptor (6LB106) which must only be used with AquaCell Plus/
The combination of these 5 factors effectively means that the
required characteristics of a geocellular system to be installed
under a trafficked location (for example) will be very different The 150mm Flange Adaptor (6LB104) should only be used when
from that under a landscaped/low-loaded location. Two typical constructing an air vent on the top surface of an AquaCell Lite
examples are given below. unit. The adaptor should not be used to connect inlet pipes to the
side of the AquaCell Lite unit.
Car park with occasional non-trafficked location
lorry traffic and 0.6m cover and 0.3m cover depth.
depth. Typically requires Typically requires minimum
minimum vertical strength vertical strength of 17.5
of 40 tonnes/m2 tonnes/m2

These factors have already been taken into consideration within

the product selector on page 14 for the 3 AquaCell systems.
Page 15
Typical Soakaway Installation Method

AquaCell Plus/AquaCell Core/AquaCell Lite Units


Permeable geotextile*

Pre-formed socket


Coarse sand or non angular granular material base and surround


Example shows the use

Typical Installation Procdedure
of AquaCell Lite. However a
soakaway can also be installed 1. Excavate the trench to the required depth ensuring that the plan area is slightly greater than
as shown using AquaCell Plus that of the AquaCell units.
or Core as appropriate. 2. Lay 100mm bed of coarse sand or non angular granular material, level and compact.
* The geotextile should be selected 3. Lay the geotextile* over the base and up the sides of the trench.
according to specific site conditions.
Typically, however, a 300g material 4. Lay the AquaCell units parallel with each other. In multiple layer applications, wherever
will be suitable. Specialist advice
possible, continuous vertical joints should be avoided. AquaCell units can be laid in
should be sought if surrounding soil
characteristics exhibit a high degree a ‘brick bonded’ formation (i.e. to overlap the joints below). For single layer applications use
of fines/low infiltration capacity and/
the AquaCell Clips and for multi layers use the AquaCell Clips and the AquaCell Shear
or there is a high risk of damage
from ground contaminants. Connectors.
5. Fix the Adaptors to the AquaCell units as required and connect pipework.
6. In order to prevent silt from entering the tank, clogging inlet pipework and reducing storage
capacity, it is recommended that the Silt Trap (6LB600) is installed prior to the inlet
pipework - see page 18 for installation guidelines.
7. Wrap and overlap the geotextile covering the entire AquaCell structure.
8. Lay 100mm of coarse sand or non angular granular material between the trench walls and
the AquaCell structure and compact.
9. Lay 100mm of coarse sand or non angular granular material over the geotextile and
compact. Backfill with stone free as-dug material.
10. Rainwater from roof areas may discharge directly into the soakaway but rainwater from
carparks must discharge through a catchpit manhole or a petrol interceptor.

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Typical Storage Tank Installation Method

AquaCell Core/AquaCell Lite/AquaCell Plus Units


Suitable impermeable

Suitable protective
geotextile layer

Pre-formed socket


Coarse sand or non angular granular material base and surround


Example shows the use of

Typical Installation Procedure
AquaCell Core, however a
storage tank can also be 1. Excavate the trench to the required depth ensuring that the plan area is slightly greater
installed as shown using than that of the AquaCell units. 2. Lay 100mm bed of coarse sand, level and compact.
AquaCell Plus or Lite as 3. Lay the geotextile over the base and up the sides of the trench.
4. Lay the geomembrane on top of the geotextile over the base and up the sides of the
* For large scale, deep installations
a 1mm thick geomembrane is trench.
recommended and joints should be
sealed using proprietary welding 5. Lay the AquaCell units parallel with each other. In multiple layer applications, wherever
techniques. However, for shallow, possible, continuous vertical joints should be avoided. AquaCell units can be laid in a
domestic installations it may be
suitable to use a geomembrane ‘brick bonded’ formation (i.e. to overlap the joints below). For single layer applications
with taped joints. For further details use the AquaCell Clips and for multi layers use the AquaCell Clips and the AquaCell Shear
contact Wavin Technical Design.
Connectors (vertical rods).

6. Wrap the geomembrane around the AquaCell structure and seal to manufacturers

7. If side connections into the AquaCell units is required, (other than the preformed socket),
use the appropiate Flange Adaptor (6LB104 or 6LB105). Fix the flange adaptor to the unit
using self-tapping screws. Drill a hole through the Flange Adaptor and connect the

8. In order to prevent silt from entering the tank, clogging inlet pipework and reducing storage
capacity, it is recommended that the Silt Trap (6LB600) is installed prior to the inlet
pipework – see page 18 for installation guidelines.

9. Wrap and overlap the geotextile covering the entire AquaCell structure, to protect the

10. Lay 100mm of coarse sand between the trench walls and the AquaCell units and compact.

11. Lay 100mm bed of coarse sand over the geotextile and compact. Backfill with stone free
as-dug material.

NB: A storage tank must be vented, and it is recommended that one vent pipe, 110mm in
diameter is provided per 7,500 square metres of impermeable catchment area on a site,
see page 18 for design.
Page 17
Typical Installation: Silt Trap and Air Vent Termination

Silt Trap


Typical installation procedure
150mm side fill as dug 1. Place the Silt Trap (6LB600) on a
material with no particle
sizes larger than 40mm minimum of 100mm bed as per pipe
bedding specification. Ensure that the unit is
SHAFT 500mm as close to the AquaCell system as possible
1250mm and in a suitable position to allow pipework

2. Connect the relevant pipework in

100mm bed as per pipe
bedding specification accordance with standard pipe installation
450mm guidelines.

3. Surround the sides of the Silt Trap with

150mm of ‘as dug’ material, with no particle
160mm OsmaDrain
sizes larger than 40mm.
Inlet/Outlets or use the
appropriate adaptor
4. Fit relevant cover and frame.

Notes: When surrounded by a concrete plinth

(150mm x 150mm) the cover can be used in
situations with a loading of up to 30kN (3 tonnes)
i.e domestic driveways.

The silt trap can be extended (if required)

using the 500mm Extension Kit (see details on
page 34) in conjunction with a 500mm shaft of
TwinWall cut to suit.

Typical Air Vent Design

Balloon Grafting Ventilation Box

Flange 110mm OsmaDrain Pipe

Connector 150mm x 110mm Reducer
(6LB104) (6UR099)
Geomembrane sealed to

Aquacell Plus/Core/Lite Units

Note: It is recommended that one vent pipe,

110mm in diameter, is provided per 7,500 square
meters of impermeable catchment area on a site.
Please contact Wavin Technical Design for further

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Typical Connections to AquaCell Units

Note: It is recommended that all connections and air

vent installations in storage applications (using
geomembrane) are made using a Flange Adaptor.
Adhesive or double sided tape should be used
between the geomembrane and the flange plate to
ensure a watertight seal.

Connection for soakaway application using either the pre-formed

socket (as shown below) or standard adaptors into pre-formed socket*

Geotextile Wrap Jubilee clip

*Note: For pipework other than 160mm

OsmaDrain, these adaptors can be used to
connect to the following:

AquaCell Plus • 6TW141: TwinWall S/S Adaptor connects

AquaCell Core to 150mm TwinWall
AquaCell Lite
• 6D099: OsmaDrain Adaptor connects
to 110mm OsmaDrain
pipework to suit • 4D916: OsmaDrain PE Adaptor connects
to 160mm OsmaDrain
• 6UR141: UltraRib S/S Adaptor connects
Coarse Sand or Non-Angular Granular to 150mm UltraRib
Material Base and Surround
• 6D128: OsmaDrain S/S Adaptor
connects to 150mm thinwall clay. (needs
to be used in association with 4D916

Connection for storage application using Flange Adaptor at points

other than pre-formed socket, (for AquaCell Plus/Core only).

Geomembrane Wrap

Installation Procedure:
Flange Adaptor
(6LB104/6LB16) 1. Fix Flange Adaptor to the AquaCell unit
with self tapping screws.

AquaCell Plus/ 2. Drill or cut through the geomembrane

Core Only
and AquaCell unit using either a
Crown Drill Bit Cutter or similar.

3. Insert pipework into Flange Adaptor.

Coarse Sand or Non-Angular Granular 150mm

pipework to suit Note: AquaCell Lite is not suitable for side connection
Material Base and Surround
using a Flange Adaptor.
Page 19
Typical Air Vent Connections

Top Connection for Air Vent

Typical installation procedure:
Connect into the top of the AquaCell unit, using Flange Adaptor.
1. Fix Flange Adaptor to the AquaCell tank
with self-tapping screws.
Connect suitable pipework to form air vent 2. Drill through geomembrane and AquaCell
Flange Adaptor (6LB104) unit with a long 150mm Crown Drill Bit
Geomembrane wrap
3. Insert pipework into Flange Adaptor to
form air vent.

AquaCell Plus
AquaCell Core
AquaCell Lite

Coarse sand or non angular

granular material base and

Side Connection for Air Vent

Connect into the side of the AquaCell tank unit using standard OsmaDrain
Reducer (6D099).
Jubilee clip Suitable bend and
pipework to form air vent

Geomembrane wrap

AquaCell Plus
AquaCell Core
AquaCell Lite

Coarse sand or non angular

granular material base and

OsmaDrain S/S reducer (6D099)

Typical installation procedure:

1. Fix OsmaDrain Reducer to the AquaCell
tank with self-tapping screws.
2. Drill through geomembrane and AquaCell
unit with a long 150mm Crown Drill Bit
3. Insert pipework into OsmaDrain Reducer
to form air vent.

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Typical Connection Configurations

The connections shown here in schematic form, are the 3 options used to connect
AquaCell box
AquaCell box unit assemblies to control chambers. They provide a controlled feed
unit assembly
into and out of the AquaCell box unit assemblies, and are used for either infiltration or
attenuation schemes.
Cover and frame

Manifold Connection
(Using standard pipes and fittings)

150mm/225mm UltraRib


Precast concrete chamber

sections and cover slab

150mm concrete surround

Note: The configuration of pipes in a manifold arrangement will vary to suit site conditions and aniticip[ated stormwater intensity.
See pages 25, 27 and 29 for this option in context.

Cover and frame AquaCell box unit assembly

Box Connection
(Using AquaCell Core units for fast
water transfer)


Precast concrete chamber

sections and cover slab

150mm concrete surround

Note: See pages 24 and 28 for this option in context.

14mm - 20mm single AquaCell box unit assembly

size granular bedding /
backfill material
Cover and frame
Central Pipe Connection
(Using standard perforated TwinWall
pipe and fittings)


Precast concrete chamber

sections and cover slab

150mm concrete surround Perforated

TwinWall pipe

Note: See pages 26 and 30 for this option in context.

AquaCell box unit assembly
Page 21
Typical Details: Soakaway - Non-Traffic Loading

S = AquaCell units soakaway
(See note 2)

Ground level

Deep Soakaway
Non-traffic load area
Min depth* 1. Soakaways should
be sited at least 5m
away from the building
(Ref BS EN 752-4)

2. The exact size

and shape of the
AquaCell Plus soakaways are to
AquaCell Core be determined once
AquaCell Lite depth* all the necessary
calculations have
been produced.

* For information
regarding cover depths
and installation depths,
see page 14.

AquaCell Plus
Trench Soakaway
AquaCell Core
Non-traffic load area AquaCell Lite Ground level

Min depth*


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Typical Details: Soakaway - Highway

Footpath Finished road level

225mm UltraRib
For minimum depth of
cover contact Wavin
150mm UltraRib

To road gully 150mm

Concrete surround

Silt trap

AquaCell Plus and AquaCell Core only
Page 23
Typical Details: On-Line Storage - Box Feed

Typical vent detail

Cover and frame Open grating Cover and frame

Ventilation box

150mm concrete surround
Precast concrete
concrete chamber
chamber sections and
sections and A cover slab
cover slab

Flow control
Water Water
flow flow

Sump Sump

AquaCell unit assembly Coarse sand or non angular

granular material base and
Long Section surround 150mm concrete surround

Upstream control chamber AquaCell unit assembly Downstream control chamber

Water Water
flow flow


Cover and frame Flow control

Geomembrane wrap with outer

protective geotextile wrap AquaCell Core units

What Happens to the Water?

1. The water level in the upstream control chamber rises.
Cross Section A-A AquaCell Plus units 2. Then, during a storm event, the AquaCell box unit
used as the lower
layer storage assembly quickly fills with water via the box feed
3. After storm event, water flows back out of the AquaCell
box unit storage assembly, finding its own level, and into
the downstream control chamber.
4. The water then flows through the vortex flow control valve.

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Typical Details: On-Line Storage - Manifold Feed

Typical vent detail

Cover and frame Open grating Cover and frame

Ventilation box

150mm concrete surround
Precast concrete
concrete chamber
chamber sections and
sections and A cover slab
cover slab

Flow control
Water Water
flow flow

Sump Sump
AquaCell unit assembly Coarse sand or non angular
granular material base and
Long Section surround 150mm concrete surround

AquaCell unit assembly

Upstream control chamber Downstream control chamber

Water Water
flow flow


Cover and frame Flow control
3-pipe manifold

Geomembrane wrap with outer

protective geotextile wrap AquaCell Core units

What Happens to the Water?

1. The water level in the upstream control chamber rises.
Cross Section A-A AquaCell Plus units used
2. During a storm event, the AquaCell box unit storage as inspection access
assembly fills with water via the manifold feed connection.
3. After storm event, water flows back out of the AquaCell
box unit storage assembly, finding its own level, and into
the downstream control chamber.
4. The water then flows through the vortex flow control valve.
Page 25
Typical Details: On-Line Storage - Central Pipe Feed

Typical vent detail

Cover and frame Open grating Cover and frame

Ventilation box

150mm concrete surround
Precast concrete
concrete chamber
chamber A sections and
sections and cover slab
cover slab

Flow control
Water Water
flow flow

Sump A Sump

AquaCell unit assembly Wavin TwinWall half-perforated pipe

Long Section 150mm concrete surround

AquaCell unit assembly

Upstream control chamber Downstream control chamber

Water Water
flow flow


Plan Cover and frame Flow control

Water flow during storm event Water flow after storm event

Coarse sand or non angular granular 14mm - 20mm single size granular
material base and surround bedding/backfill material

Wrap the entire

AquaCell unit
with a geotextile
wrapping as

Cross Section A-A

Geomembrane to perimeter of constructon

What Happens to the Water?

1. The water level in the upstream control chamber rises.
2. AquaCell box unit storage assemblies fill with water via the central pipe connection and
percolation through the granular bedding material.
3. After storm event, water flows back out of the AquaCell box unit storage assemblies, finding
its own level, and into the downstream control chamber.
4. The water then flows through the vortex flow control valve.

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Typical Details: On-Line Storage - Manifold Feed with Bypass

Typical vent detail

Cover and frame Open grating Cover and frame

Ventilation box

Coarse sand or non angular granular

Precast material base and surround Precast
150mm concrete
concrete concrete
chamber chamber
Bypass pipe sections and
sections and
cover slab A cover slab

Flow control Water

Sump Sump
AquaCell unit assembly

Geomembrane wrap with outer

Long Section Manifold pipe arrangement protective geotextile wrap 150mm concrete surround

Bypass pipe

Upstream control Downstream control

chamber chamber

Water Water
flow flow

Plan Cover and frame Flow control

AquaCell unit Geomembrane wrap with outer protective geotextile wrap

Geomembrane wrap with outer
protective geotextile wrap Bypass pipe

What Happens to the Water?

1. When storm conditions are high, the water level in the
upstream control chamber rises.
2. The AquaCell tank unit assembly also fills with water to its
designated capacity.
3. The excess water is taken up by the bypass pipe and
guided to the downstream control chamber, to prevent Cross Section A-A
overloading of the AquaCell tank unit aasembly.
4. As the storm event subsides, the water in the AquaCell tank
unit assembly flows back out, finding its own level, and also
discharges into the downstream control chamber.
5.The water then flows through the vortex flow control valve.
Page 27
Typical Details: Off-Line Storage - Box Feed

Typical vent detail

Open grating Cover and frame

Ventilation box

Coarse sand or non angular granular 150mm concrete surround concrete
material base and surround chamber
sections and
cover slab
wall Flow
control Water

Long Section A

AquaCell unit assembly Geomembrane wrap with outer

protective geotextile wrap
Non-return flap valve

AquaCell unit assembly Cover and frame

Flow control



Precast concrete 150mm concrete
chamber sections surround
Geomembrane wrap with outer flow
protective geotextile wrap

What Happens to the Water?

1. Control chamber fills with water, up to the top of the
weir wall.
2. The water overflows the weir wall and enters the AquaCell
Cross Section A-A box unit storage assembly via the box connection.
3. AquaCell box unit storage assembly fills with water.
4. After storm event, water flows back out of the AquaCell
box unit storage assembly, finding its own level, and
through the non-return flap valve at the bottom of the
weir wall.
5. The water then flows through the vortex flow control valve.

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Typical Details: Off-Line Storage - Manifold Feed

Typical vent detail

Open grating Cover and frame

Ventilation box

Coarse sand or non angular granular 150mm concrete surround concrete
material base and surround chamber
sections and
cover slab
control Water

Long Section A
AquaCell unit assembly Geomembrane wrap with outer
protective geotextile wrap
Non-return flap valve

AquaCell unit assembly Cover and frame

Flow control



Plan Precast concrete 150mm concrete

chamber sections surround


Geomembrane wrap with outer

protective geotextile wrap

What Happens to the Water?

1. Control chamber fills with water, up to the top of the
weir wall.
2. The water overflows the weir wall and enters the AquaCell
box unit storage assembly via the manifold connection.
Cross Section A-A
3. AquaCell box unit storage assembly fills with water.
4. After storm event, water flows back out of the AquaCell
box unit storage assembly, finding its own level, and
through the non-return flap valve at the bottom of the
weir wall.
5. The water then flows through the vortex flow control valve.
Page 29
Typical Details: Off-Line Storage - Central Pipe Feed

Typical vent detail

Open grating Cover and frame

Ventilation box

Coarse sand or non angular granular
150mm concrete surround concrete
material base and surround
sections and
A cover slab

control Water

Long Section A Sump

Wavin TwinWall half-perforated pipe
AquaCell unit assembly

Wavin TwinWall half-perforated pipe 14mm - 20mm single size granular Non-return flap valve
bedding/backfill material
Flow control


Water flow during storm event Water flow after storm event flow
14mm - 20mm single size granular bedding/backfill material

Wrap the entire

AquaCell unit
with a geotextile
wrapping as

Cross Section A-A

Geomembrane to perimeter of constructon

What Happens to the Water?

1. Control chamber fills with water, up to the top of the weir wall.
2. The water overflows the weir wall and enters the AquaCell box unit storage assemblies via the
central pipe connection and percolation through the granular bedding material.
3. AquaCell box unit storage assembly fills with water.
4. After storm event, water flows back out of the AquaCell box unit storage assemblies, finding
its own level, and through the non-return flap valve at the bottom of the weir wall.
5. The water then flows through the vortex flow control valve

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Typical Details: Soakaway or Storage Tank - With Silt Trap

Ground level

For minimum depth of 160mm

cover contact Wavin OsmaDrain

160mm Silt trap 160mm

OsmaDrain OsmaDrain

AquaCell Plus
AquaCell Core
AquaCell Lite

(Choice depends on application and site conditions)

For bedding specification information refer to page 16-17.

The silt trap can be used in conjunction with a soakaway (as

shown) or a storage tank.
Page 31
Garastor® System – Introduction

Introduction to Garastor*
The development of sites results in a large proportion of area
being covered by impermeable surfaces such as roofs, car parks
and roads. Surface water run-off therefore increases up to 80%.
Building Regulations and guidance now requires a sustainable
approach to development, which minimises the effects of run-off
to that of a greenfield site (20%).

Developed in collaboration with Bryant Homes, Garastor

(polypropylene control chamber) represents a house by house,
rather than a development wide approach, to stormwater
management. Garastor controls the flow of water at source by
temporarily storing water under a soft landscaped area using the
AquaCell system or in the void space under the floor slab of a
residential garage. It eliminates the need for costly, spacehungry,
on-site communal water-storage structures or ponds which
enables better use of developable land.

During high intensity rainfall, water from the roof or hardstanding

areas is diverted via the Garastor control unit into the storage
void. As the storm subsides the rainwater can be slowly released
back into the main drainage system.

Note: Garastor can be used as a flow control device for any Garastor – polypropylene control chamber
AquaCell storage system, no greater than one unit deep with a
discharge of up to 1.4 l/s via the 30mm release flow orifice.

*Garastor is manufactured under licence (Patent Number


Internal view of Garastor

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Garastor® System – Overview

Garastor System KEY BENEFITS

The Garastor unit is a polypropylene chamber that connects to • No use of valuable, developable land
a water storage reservoir. There are two versions of the Garastor • Safer than open/above ground storage structures
available both of which are 500mm in diameter, the 6SC500 • Caters for 1 in 150 year storm
version is 1m deep for garage installations (with a 300mm storage • Spreads cost of water storage over the development period
depth capacity) and the 6SC501 is 1.25m deep for use with • Maintenance free, with no moving parts or filters
AquaCell* (with a 400mm storage depth capacity). When Garastor
• Run-off reverts to that of a greenfield site
is used in conjunction with an AquaCell tank the configuration of
units must be no deeper than 1 AquaCell unit.

If site conditions are such that a deeper Garastor unit is required

then the 500mm Extension Kit (6SC205 – consisting of a coupler
and two ring seals) can be used in conjunction with a shaft of
500mm Twinwall cut to suit, to extend the Garastor unit.

*Depending on the application either AquaCell Plus/Core or Lite

may be used in conjunction with Garastor. For further details
contact Wavin Technical Design.


Storm or surface water flows through two 110mm diameter

incoming pipes. If the flow is light to moderate, the water is simply
stored in the chamber before being slowly released through a
30mm orifice. However, if the inflow is heavy, excess water in
the chamber discharges through a 150mm diameter pipe into
the water storage area (either the undercroft of a garage or an
AquaCell tank). The water is temporarily stored until the water
level inside the chamber has dropped sufficiently, and the water
can flow out to the drainage system via the 110mm outflow pipe.

Inside the Garastor chamber there are specially designed weir

walls that ensure that the hydraulics of the unit work to the
optimum levels.

AquaCell Plus, Core or

Lite units
Page 33
Garastor® System – Principal Components

500mm diameter

D/S TwinWall Adaptor

(150mm TwinWall socket x 160mm
1m (6SC500)
BSEN 1401 socket for connection of
1.25m (6SC501) 150mm TwinWall pipe to 160mm BSEN
1401 pipe)
150mm TwinWall
(for connection to other
pipe materials, a small
section of 150mm
TwinWall is required,
alternatively use the
150mm Garastor
Connection Kit (6SC200
– consisting of a short D/S TwinWall Adaptor
section of 150mm (150mm TwinWall socket x 150mm
TwinWall pipe and two UltraRib socket for connection of
ring seals) 150mm TwinWall pipe to 150mm
UltraRib pipe)
6SC500 (for use with garage undercroft)
6SC501 (for use with AquaCell Core/AquaCell Lite)

Cover and Frame

6SC205 S/S TwinWall Adaptor S/S TwinWall Adaptor

Extension Kit (150mm TwinWall socket x 150mm (150mm TwinWall socket x 160mm
Coupler and sealing rings UltraRib spigot for connection of 150mm BSEN 1401 spigot for connection of
to joint a shaft of 500mm TwinWall pipe directly to 150mm 150mm TwinWall pipe directly into the
TwinWall pipe UltraRib socket) AquaCell pre-formed socket)

Note : All components on this page are not shown to scale

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Garastor® System – Typical Installation Methods

1. Place the Garastor Unit

Garastor installation using garage void
(6SC500 or 6SC501) on a
minimum of 100mm “as-dug” Rainwater
pipe (or air
or granular material. Ensure brick) for
that the unit is as close to the ventilation
Bitumastic paint
garage undercroft or AquaCell applied to walls
of void area and
structure as possible and in underside of the
a suitable position to allow garage floor

pipework connection.
Cover and frame
Note: It is important to ensure Wall to retain
storage area
that the chamber is placed in a
Garastor (6SC500) 1200g polythene
level position and that the invert damp proof
150mm outflow membrane
of the 150mm pipe connection pipework to 75mm thickness
is level with the base of the undercroft/void 50mm of smooth finished
sand concrete
concrete undercroft or the base
of the AquaCell units. Stored water Note: The depth of foundations for
110mm standard block and beam garage
110mm outflow inflow floors will need to be lowered by
2. Connect pipework in pipework to pipework approx. 300mm to accommodate
accordance with standard pipe drainage system to chamber the storage capacity required.

installation guidelines.

3. Surround the Garastor unit

with 150mm of similar material Garastor installation using AquaCell*

to that used for the bedding. Suitable impermeable

4. Fit relevant cover and frame
Cover and frame AquaCell Plus, Core or Lite
according to depth of unit: Up
to and including 1.2m deep
4D943, deeper than 1.2m

Note: When surrounded by

a concrete plinth (150mm x
150mm) the cover can be used
in situations with a loading
of upto 30Kn (3 tonnes) i.e.
domestic driveways.
Note: * Depending on the
4. Adequate ventilation must be
application either AquaCell Core
provided: or AquaCell Lite may be used in
conjunction with Garastor. For
- to the garage undercroft using (6SC501) further details contact Wavin
either air bricks or rainwater Technical Design.

downpipes connected directly

into the storage area.
Note: When using Garastor Also to prevent softening of the soils below the foundations or
- to the AquaCell structure
with the undercroft/void of a loss of fines leading to settlement, the void beneath the garage
using an air vent (NB. One
garage, it is the responsibility should be lined as follows:
air vent is required per 7,500
of the designer to ensure Underneath the concrete base of the void area there should be a
square metres of impermeable
that the enhancement to the 1200g polythene damp proof membrane.
area to be drained).
garage undercroft/void and
Bitumastic paint should be applied to the walls of the void area
drainage works comply with
and to the underside of the reinforced garage floor beams.
current prevailing Building
Page 35
Intelligent stormwater solutions by Wavin

Intesio – working to ensure

optimum stormwater management

The combination of urban development and intensified rainfall from climate

change can create serious problems. Stormwater situations are challenges
that may be unavoidable, but they can be very effectively overcome
when the right expertise is applied.

Intesio is Wavin’s specialist focus for the most efficient capture,

transportation, cleansing, infiltration, attenuation and re-use of stormwater
at source.

The Intesio Team has the essential experience and design insight
to help engineer the best possible solution, in its widest sense,
every time.

Our well-proven system technology is intelligently applied to

the individual needs of each location and situation. We make
thorough checks to ensure efficient performance and full
adherence to the latest statutory regulations.

By making Intesio part of your project approach, the

outcome is assured: the optimum balance of cost,
function and compliance.

Wavin operates a programme of continuous product development, and therefore reserves the right to modify or
amend the specification of their products without notice. All information in this publication is given in good faith, and
believed to be correct at the time of going to press. However, no responsibility can be accepted for any errors,
omissions or incorrect assumptions. Users should satisfy themselves that products are suitable for the purpose and
application intended.

Wavin Limited
Parsonage Way
SN15 5PN
Tel: 01249 766600 WM424 – May 2009/rev February 2010

CWD 3000

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