Water Case 2

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Version: ASSA ABLOY AC CLIQ Eau de Valence, ABLOY PROTEC² CLIQ ® 03 2017 ENG UK

Case Study/Reference: Eau de Valence, PROTEC2 CLIQ® from ABLOY

For a French water utility, CLIQ® makes it

easy to manage remote sites and workers
CLIQ® weather-resistant cylinders and padlocks can
secure almost any opening
“All the energy is in the key. There is no power supply to the lock, and therefore very little maintenance.”
Christophe Nublat, Head of Study & Works Division, Eau de Valence

Project Challenge Solution

Eau de Valence (www.eaudevalence.fr) Created in 2014, the munici- Eau de Valence chose “The electronic and mechanical
Type: Utility (water) pal water authority of Valence PROTEC2 CLIQ® key-based cylinders are managed by the
Location: Valence, Drôme, France provides safe drinking water access control with same key”
to 65,000 residents of this mechanical disc cylinders Christophe Nublat
CLIQ® devices installed: city in south-eastern France. and encrypted electronics Head of Study & Works Division
Eau de Valence
About 40 PROTEC2 CLIQ® programmable cylinders, padlocks Eau de Valence manages managed with a web based
and battery-powered keys 4 boreholes on the city software — a technology
ASSA ABLOY brand: ABLOY outskirts, a storage unit with already proven and trusted at Comprehensive audit trails
ASSA ABLOY partner: AC Pro a capacity of 1,780 m2 and critical infrastructure sites all for every cylinder, padlock
Year of installation: 2016 300 km of water pipes. over Europe. and key are available on
demand, so monitoring the
During an asset transfer from With CLIQ®, power to a cylin- frequency of contractor and
a previous operator, several der is supplied by a standard other keyholder visits is easy.
keys were misplaced. Eau de battery inside every CLIQ® It’s also simple to limit any
Valence’s main requirements key, so no wiring is required user’s access permissions to
for a new, upgraded locking — making it an ideal retro- precise time periods. Weekly
system were: fit solution at sites where mandatory key revalidation
mains electricity is difficult provides yet another layer of
· Secure access control · The convenience of issuing or impossible. With weath- security.
that could protect widely one single programmable er-proofed locks and pad-
dispersed water utility key per user locks, CLIQ® can lock almost Five Eau de Valence keys
sites from unauthorised any opening, making it much are equipped with CLIQ®
CLIQ ® WebManager intrusion, and the resulting · Locking technology that more adaptable than other Connect technology, so
Q® Connect
degradation of assets could handle the deploy- electronic access control supervisors can update
ment of mechanical and systems. access rights of workers on
· The ability to trace workers’ electronic locks in the same the move, via Bluetooth and
and contractors’ access his- system the CLIQ Connect app, if a
tory by generating lock-by- problem arises when they’re
lock audit trails on demand away from base.
from a central control panel
Images: © Courtesy of Eau de Valence and ASSA ABLOY ASSA ABLOY Access Control, School Street, Willenhall, WV13 3PW, United Kingdom

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