Parametric Modeling For Advanced Architecture: January 2011

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Parametric modeling for advanced architecture

Article · January 2011


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2 authors:

Milena Stavric Ognen Marina

Graz University of Technology Ss. Cyril and Methodius University


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Issue 1, Volume 5, 2011 9

Parametric Modeling for Advanced


M. Stavric1 and O. Marina2

Abstract—Computer simulation of evolutionary processes is released power of codes and algorithms that contemporary
already well established technique for the study of environmental, architect can use to breed new forms rather than to specifically
biological and economic dynamics. Use of algorithms for generation design them.
of virtual entities that will develop its functional and formal Digital modeling and visualization of architectural
properties within the non-linear process of adaptation of complex
buildings has become the benchmark in the work of architects
system is a foundation for new point of view in understanding
architecture and urban environment. This paper describes parametric and is unavoidable in architectural education [19][24]. From
approach in architectural design through elaboration of shift in the original 2-D programs used for drawing architectural
paradigms in architecture that has brought to the idea of use of designs, the software used for computer-aided design has now
parametric modeling with emphasis on two different groups of turned into intelligent 3-D software packages based on
parametric software and presents the possibilities of generative parametric modeling. These new possibilities have led to new
algorithms in modeling architectural form and development of cities
movements in architecture and defined the field of non-
and urban design.
standard architecture.
Keywords—geometry, parametric design, generative algorithms Judging by the latest trends, the development of digital
urbanism, architectural design. design did not end with simple parametric modeling; it has
taken a step ahead by using generative algorithms. Several
I. INTRODUCTION software packages offer graphical algorithm editors (e.g.
Coffee, Grasshopper), which are directly linked to 3-D
D ESCRIPTION and explanation of a natural phenomenon
within abstract mathematical framework has become very
successful with introduction of calculus in 17th century.
modeling tools and allow interactive parametric modeling.
These editors do not require any previous knowledge of
Physical phenomena of world around us have become programming or scripting, and yet they make it possible for
reproducible without direct reference to physical reality. It was designers to generate a broad range of non-standard designs
achieved with use of codes and equitation that represent the that can be changed interactively. This new parametrically
underlying order and regularities of represented phenomena. based approach in architectural design enables architect to
The use of code in architecture as a formal and design search for a completely new level in form generating process.
convention has a long tradition. The transformations of those It is possible with design of non-standard objects that can be
codes and constraints have determined development of dynamically transformed to achieve a strong interaction and
architecture throughout history. With introduction of integration of design process with fabrication of architectural
computation, codes in architecture could be understood as a elements, or in the scale of urban plans with development of
set of instructions determining certain attributes of the formal semantically enriched elements.
entity or instructing a process of manipulation of the same. This paper gives a brief overview of parametric design
The formalization of the design process and use of using two distinct types of parametric software packages and
computation has opened an endless range of generative power presents the possibilities of applying of generative algorithms
of algorithms. This has enabled architects of today to create in modeling architectural form and development of cities and
new environments with a system of codes that is coherent with urban design.
the nature of the phenomena and in the same time to be
creative. It is a moment of revelation in a sense of newly
Dominant typologies that have served to legitimized the
M. Stavic is a researcher at the Graz University of Technology, Faculty of production of architectural and urban form since 18th century
Architecture, Institut of Architecture and Media, Austria. Inffeldgasse 10/2, were either based on the idea of return of architecture to its
8010 Graz, Austria ( phone: +43-316-873-4738, e-mail:
natural origins – a model of primitive shelter as an imitation of
O. Marina is Assistant Professor at Faculty of Architecture, University “Ss.
Cyril and Methodius”- Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, blvd. Partizanski the order of Nature, or emerging as a result of Industrial era –
odredi 24, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia (phone: +389 2 3116367, e-mail: architecture as a process of production of functional parts [26]. In these concepts urban form is just an inert receptor of


Issue 1, Volume 5, 2011 10

externally imposed order and therefore its form is accumulation and interaction of different influences,
predetermined by fixed typologies [4]. conditions and restrictions, a process that is completely
The order in classical architecture has been determined by dependent on specific and historically contingent details.
formal tools or techne of composition connected with order Adjacent to this concept is the topological paradigm where
and distribution of matter. The form is predetermined by identity and position of each of the elements or parts of it
formal typology organized and transferred in reality through within the system are determined exclusively through its
canonical system of formal conventions and is encoded by relation with all other elements within the system. Since there
social conventions through which building obtains social is no centre to dictate the predetermined form of elements of
relevance within the built and social environment. The idea of the architectural and urban form, formal order is established
architecture and urban form as an inert receptor of only by locally defined relations between the elements. This
predetermined form originates in part from the dominant decentralized order generating process is distributed within,
concepts of representation. Formal elements of architectural and in the same time dependant on a population of elements.
form represented in Cartesian three-dimensional space are So, instead of thinking in terms of a form defining centre the
determined by fixed coordinates of their points within the system should be understand in terms of population of
system. With this, elements of architecture are nothing more elements. This multiplicity [6] of elements and local relations
than a copy of ideal, platonic forms liberated of any trace of that create the order of the system are the source of a
inherent order [5]. morphogenesis process. In a situation where a system of
Most of the paradigms were delegitimized with the fact that architectural forms is defined as a population of elements, we
the origin of the order of urban form was positioned outside always have to specify the process of creation first, in order to
the system instead to acknowledge the inherent order of the have the idea of the overall form of the system. This process is
system as fundamental for form generating process. inherently historic and it is based on the existence of
With process of revision of Modernism dominant concepts differences between the elements. Without the existence of
in architecture are based on phenomenology directly these productive differences that raise the process of
confronting with functionalism and universal positivistic adaptation and differences leveling within the system and the
models of Modernism [9]. With this shift in paradigms and diffusion of novel and creative solutions within the population
transcendence of concepts in architecture the interdependence of formal elements there would be no morphogenesis.
of the inherent nature of phenomena of architecture and the These are the new paradigms and new concepts that should
process of its creation has become a new challenge. The nature help us to construct a model of dynamic development of
of the architecture and urban form is inherently dynamic and architectural and urban form. Therefore, in the next chapter we
cannot be determined by fixed types regardless of the vastness will introduce some of the concepts and softwares that are
of the number of types. Therefore, the existing concepts in enabling the creation of form as a dynamic and parametrically
theory of architecture and urban form based on fixed determined non-linear process.
typologies do not provide solid ground for understanding the
process of creation of form and the phenomenon of urbanity in III. PARAMETRIC DESIGN
general. Solution of this situation can be reach only by radical During the past fifteen years digital media in architecture
change in the viewpoint: the architecture and urban form not to was used in different ways and influenced the whole field of
be conceived as a static system of predetermined ideal forms construction and design. At the beginning digital media was
but rather as a dynamic system of changes that will generate a applied only as a representational tool. With emerging digital
complex result. technology architecture has found a new tool for conceptual
The concepts of instability and de-centralization of identity design in digital media [22].
[7] will be used in architecture to exclude existence of an ideal On the one hand architectural design was inspired by the
form [4] and to determine that the shape is a unique result of various possibilities of digital technology itself. On the other
process of morphogenesis. As a result of this, the idea of form hand many topics from different fields influenced the design.
in architecture will shift from a fixed typology toward a Former “invisible” mathematical and geometrical algorithms,
historically convergent result of a form generating process in forms and structures are now visible and spatial
time, shaping unique and historic result that is coherent to the understandable for architects and, therefore, usable. Using new
nature of the phenomena that we recognize as architecture. technique architectural design has established computational
The emerging form will be a result of a process of concepts such as: topological space (topological architectures),
morphogenesis as a historically embedded process of creation isomorphic surfaces (isomorphic architectures), motion
and adaptation [11]. kinematics and dynamics (animate architectures), keyshape
With this shift in paradigms a theoretical ground for novel animation (metamorphic architectures), parametric design
design tools and methods in architecture has been established. (parametric architectures), genetic algorithms (evolutionary
Within this theoretical framework the creation of a form can be architectures) or fractal geometry (fractal architecture) as
understood as a process of individualization where every discussed in Kolarevic [14].
particular property of a distinctive element is a result of Generally in parametric design form is shaped by values of


Issue 1, Volume 5, 2011 11

parameters and equations are used to describe the relationships such technology is to reduce the drafting time and corrections
between the forms. Hence, interdependencies between forms to 2D drawings. We detected some limitations in such software
can be established and their behavior under transformation can tools. First, it is not possible to consider a wide range of
be defined (mathematically and geometrically). Since about different building materials to make one standard for all
1990 parametric design has influenced the development of manufactures of building materials and components with the
digital architectural design, where we can distinguish between: aim to provide an “intelligent” model. Second, these software
tools are originally designed for standard building elements,
- architectural CONCEPTUAL parametric design and whereas non-standard elements of contemporary digital
- architectural CONSTRUCTIVE parametric design. architecture cannot be implemented [15].
In contemporary architectural practice there are some
IV. CONCEPTUAL PARAMETRIC DESIGN successful examples of using parametric design and we will
In conceptual parametric design, it is the parameters of a discuss some of the projects.
particular design that are declared, not its shape. By assigning Nicholas Grimshaw & Partners used parametric design for
different values to the parameters different objects or the arched roof of the train shed at the international terminal at
configurations can be easily created. Rosenman and Gero, Waterloo Station in 1993. Each arch and its related cladding
Prousalidou [18] analyze parametric and generative are different as the roof width changes along the curved track.
representations of buildings, whether based on orthogonal or In this project only a single parametric model of one arch is
curvilinear geometry (DeCOi [3]). They are powerful owing to modelled and different parametric controlled variations define
their ability to capture a high degree of variation in a few the whole roof.
numerical values. Software like Maya or Rhinoceros (with Mel A bigger-scale project is the Hessing Cockpit Building
or Rhino Script) offers such script editors for parametric within the alliance of the Acoustic Barrier in Utrecht, Holland
design. Maya is software developed for film industry (Fig. 2).
(primarily for animation and capturing) but lately many
architects (Fig. 1) have used it for conceptual design.

Fig. 2 Oosterhuis/Boer, Hessing Cockpit Building, Utrecht 2005

Kas Oosterhuis and Sander Boer proposed one

parameterized universal detail for the whole structure, One
Building – One Detail [2]. Oosterhuis/Boer provided a digital
control model to the contractors, which allowed them to build
all constructive details on top of this control structure. All
Fig. 1 Mel scripting, student Martin Schnabel, Institute of
steps are described as an Autolisp routine. The Swiss Federal
Architecture and Media, Course DM2 Institute of Technology has realized three projects of complex
forms: Swissbau Pavilion, Inventioneering Architecture,
This design method requires knowledge of programming or Libeskind’s Futuropolis (Fig. 3) in timber by implementing
scripting and it is inherent of the mathematical algorithms parametric design as early as at the beginning of the design
whereby interactive design is not possible. process [21].


Constructive parametric design refers to data embedded
within a predetermined 3D object. This parametric concept is
realized in various CAD packages like Autodesk Revit, Soft
Plan, Nemetschek, ArchiCAD or Chief Architect. Instead of
drawing lines, arcs, etc. designers can insert pre-drawn
components, doors, windows, load elements, stairs or roofs
This results in 3D models instead of 2D drawings, which is
already standard in ship-building industry. The objective of Fig. 3 Libeskind’s Futuropolis


Issue 1, Volume 5, 2011 12

Frank O. Gehry went one step further using fully parametric design that may be described by means of mathematical
support for a whole building – from design to manufacturing. models and are contained in associated and generative
Frank Gehry and Associates formed 2002 Gehry Technologies modeling.
(GT) [9] to provide integrated, digitally driven constructions
A. Associated modeling
and methodologies for the building industries. Frank Gehry
starts projects by sketching and manipulating physical models. Associated modeling refers to a method where elements are
Using inverse engineering physical models are translated into connected in a fixed order, which produces a result creating a
Catia and projects are controlled and manufactured using basis for building a new order. Let us draw a curve and
computer-generated construction plans. At GT it is known quadrilaterals at its beginning and end whose dimensions will
what it will be, how it will be made and who will build it right depend on the curvature of the line at its initial and final
from the beginning of the project. Teams of architects, points. If we change the form and position of the curve, the
engineers, and consultants work together in the same Catia associated quadrilaterals will change their positions and sizes.
database. The accuracy of the information and the elimination This method of design extracts the required parameters from
of middlemen reduce everyone’s cost and risk, and make non- the designed structures and manipulates them using the right
standard objects buildable. Gehry Technology is serviceable algorithms.
for big project teams working with the same database. This B. Generative modeling
oversized technology is not useful in the case of standard Instead of drawing a structure, generative modeling uses
architectural practice. numbers as the input data. Designs are generated by means of
The whole projects were geometrically well elaborated and mathematical operations, dependencies and functions. Any
this enabled their realization within a digital chain process structure designed in this way contains a great number of
(from CAD to CAM). All three of them are very different in variables within its internal structure, which may be used as
design and building strategies but they show the advantages of the next step in the design process. This kind of modeling
using parametric design methods. allows maneuvering in the development and generation of the
design which is not possible when using standard 3-D
Generative programming is a style of computer For example, let us take the range of integers 1-10 and use a
programming that uses automated source code creation random number configurator to generate three different
through generic frames, classes, prototypes, templates, aspects, numbers representing the spatial coordinates of three distinct
and code generators to improve programmer productivity. It is points in space. The generated spatial points define a NURBS
often related to code-reuse topics such as component-based geometry. Every time the spatial coordinates of any of the
software engineering and product family engineering. In the input points x, y or z change, the generated surface
field of architecture such editors are tightly integrated with automatically changes its geometry and adapts to the new
modeling tools that require no knowledge of programming or variables.
scripting, but still allow designers to build form generators
from the simple to the awe-inspiring [12]. C. Generative algorithms in architectural design
In order to explain the concept of generative algorithms in Modeling which uses associated and generative modeling is
architecture, let us remind ourselves of the conventional called generative algorithm modeling. This process has the
method of digital design. Digital modeling involves the term algorithm in its name because objects are generated using
definition of spatial elements (solid or plane/surface), their algorithms in this type of design and their output for the
transformation and modification. Each change in the design further stages of design is also generated by means of
leads to modifications in the geometry, making it extremely algorithms. When it comes to architectural design,
complicated to intervene on every single element, which is Grasshopper is one of the most commonly used generative
directly interdependent with the other elements. With any such design editors [13][16]. This editor is connected to Rhino 3-D
changes it is necessary to adapt, scale and reorient each objects and offers a range of mathematical tools for generative
individual element, which is very time consuming. modeling such as operators, conditional statements, functions
Generally speaking, two basic principles may be singled out and trigonometric curves (Fig 4).
when it comes to this type of design process. The first
principle is associated modeling, i.e. the synthetic building of a
structure based on the hierarchical functioning of objects and
their interdependencies. The second is the generative principle,
where one solution is selected out of many 3-D spatial
configurations offered representing the optimal configuration.
The selection criterion for the optimal configuration may be
technical or aesthetic.
It is precisely these two basic principles of conceptual
Fig.4 Grasshopper mathematical operators


Issue 1, Volume 5, 2011 13

There are operators from the branch of analytic geometry These elements and their spatial relations and configuration
for vectors, points and planes. The list and data management is of the system in general are represented through system of
a very important segment as it allows extensive database cellular automata (Fig.5).
manipulation. In terms of advanced modeling options, it is
possible to use scripting in VB.NET, rhino. NET SDK (it
allows access to OpenNURBS geometry) and C#.
The operations and analysis of associated elements make it
possible to select from a number of options for NURBS
geometry and somewhat fewer options for mesh objects.
D. Parametric urbanism
Contemporary urbanism tends to embrace a dynamics of the
material and social process that are shaping contemporary Fig. 5 Cellular automata model
cities [8][23]. It is based on form finding process organized by
networks of interrelated systems. This novel paradigm and The condition of each of the cells will be determined as
result of interaction and accumulation of different locally
theoretical ground determines the city form as dynamic, non-
embedded rules rather than by an exterior, order imposing
linear and mostly parametric phenomena. However, the
centre. In this model use of cellular automata is additionally
ramification of these new paradigms and concepts and their
justified with spatial and representational similarity between
application in novel design and production tools for urbanism elements of urban form (buildings, lots, streets, squares and
have widely remained untheorised and have not been exercised others) and discrete cells as elements of the model [17].
in practice. Furthermore condition of each of the elements of urban form
The foundation for application of general theory of that is beyond its formal aspect (property rights, legal status
computing in urbanism is in the effort to formalize the and others) can be represented with binary determined
dynamics of development of urban form as a procedure, a condition of the system of cells (Fig.6).
sequence of logical steps. By shifting the focus from the matter
toward the organization of the system of urban form in general,
the essence of this process will be determined as a set of rules
regardles of materiality of the phenomenon. This abstraction of
the phenomena to a level of abstract organizational structure
enables us to think of it as a complex system based on simple, Fig. 6 Cellular automata model of development of architectural form
locally determined rules.
Parametric approach to urbanism addresses the ways in The complexity of the system comes from a locally driven
which associative design systems can control local dynamic set of simple rules that induce continuous adaptations and
information to effect and adjust larger urban life-processes by changes on local level, but with an impact on the overall
embedding intelligence into the formation, organization and condition of the system. It enables us to generate complex and
performance of urban spaces, uses, activities, interfaces, novel shapes and configurations as a result of a dynamic,
structures and infrastructures [25]. Built environment is the nonlinear and locally driven morphogenetic process (Fig. 7).
biggest and most complex creation of mankind. Its complexity
and vastness comes from a process of continous creation of
urban form not only as a physical objects but as a proces of
creation of spatial, social an cultural relations. Dependance of
form creation process on these configurational aspects of
urban form determines the importance of understanding the
same. By this proces of transformation of preexisting condition
and creation of new order within the physical reality and new
configurations of space social meaning and relevance is added
to an act of construction and form creation. With this
architecture becomes socially relevant and meaningful. With
this system of architectural form becomes the spatio temporal
manifestations of configurational order realised througs
physical elements.
With creation of a basic element of architectural form –
spatial cell the elementary configurationally relation between Fig. 7 Cellular automata model of development of urban form in
inside and outside is created. Through process of addition residential area in Skopje
more discreet elements are created that generates complex
configurations of physical and spatial structures.


Issue 1, Volume 5, 2011 14

These new structures are more than a sum of their parts and The advantage of using the NURBS geometry in
are not predetermined or preconceived by any means. They are comparison with the mesh geometry lies in the fact that
a result of a historically embedded process of creation, which significantly less data is used and the modification of the
is driven by locally conditioned simple rules and constrains. existent geometry is simpler as uv parameters are used. At Fig.
To breed new designs of the city form these rules need to be 9, NURBS surface is defined with the set of points and uv
manipulated and to contain principles of growth [1]. These value is extracted from the final form.
rules reflect a genetic code in that they orchestrate the
response of the parameters and elements of the system (lines,
surfaces, objects, cells or even a single attribute determined
entity) to the influence of diverse agents and conditions within
the system, creating an emergent order. The result is surprising
in the way that final shape is a result of a bottom-up emerging
order and is dependent on sequences of random, interrelated
and local interactions.
The digital tools used to model cities with parametric
approach and to generate different urban forms are widely
available as packages that use cellular automata, agent-based
models, associated or generative modeling and other systems
in digital urbanism. These are the tools that give us the Fig.9 Space coordinates and uv values of the points
potential to understand, update and improve the process of
creation of cities where non-standard methods coherent with This is possible because spatial coordinates are reduced to
the nature of the phenomena of city can be conceived to parameters located in the 0-1 domain- uv domain. Note: The z
confront the banality of repetitive, arbitrary and pre- coordinates of the points are scaled for the purpose of better
determined form production on the city scale. visualization of the terrain morphology.
The following case may serve as a quick explanation of how The next step involves generating the horizontal contours.
to use the generative algorithm method in urbanisms. These contours are obtained as the given surface intersects the
Task definition: Generate a surface based on the given planes running parallel to the xy plane. Depending on the
topological coordinates and determine the optimal conditions complexity and intricacy of details in the terrain generated in
for the location of the principal thoroughfare (the conditions the further stages, various horizontal distances between the
are technical: inclination and curvature by means of osculating contours are also defined by means of parameters. All the
circles). Based on the results define areas of different housing contours are generated as a 3rd-order spline curve (Fig.10).
quality (conditions: proximity to thoroughfare, terrain
topology). The urban structure was generated using the
graphical algorithm editor Grasshopper. The first step in the
modeling process involved generating the topological
coordinates (x,y,z) which were used to create a NURBS
geometry of the terrain (Fig. 8).

Fig.10 Parametric definition of intersection plane and results for

two intersection distances

The generated horizontal contours are used to determine the

optimal route location in relation to the position of the selected
coordinates. All coordinates are associated to Rhino geometry
and the proximity to the principal thoroughfare is analyzed,
Fig.8 Surface definition with u,v parametar
used to differentiate between different housing quality zones
(Fig. 11 and Fig. 12).


Issue 1, Volume 5, 2011 15

technologies, thus contributing to the formation of a new

aesthetics of digital architecture. On the one hand, technical
possibilities open up new horizons in architecture, while on the
other, they give rise to new issues related to the disciplines of
mathematics and geometry.

This work is supported by the Austrian Science Fond under
grand T440-N13 and COST Action TU0801.

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Milena Stavric,born in Belgrad (1969), BA in

Architecture and Urbanism, (1993), MSci in
Architecture and Urbanism (2000), PhD in
Architecture and Urbanism (2002) at Faculty of
Architecture, University in Belgrada, Serbia. 2006,
PhD nostification at the Graz University of
Technology, Austria
She holds position of Researcher at the Graz
University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture,
Institut of Architecture and Media, Austria. She is
lecturer at the Faculty of Applied Science
Johanneum, Graz, Austria and visiting professor at the Faculty of
Architecture and Civil Engineering in Banja Luka, Bosnia. She is involves in
several scientific researches: Austria Scientific Fond (WFW), “Non-standard
architecture using ornaments and plane elements”(2009-2012) and
„Geometric Processing in Architectural Education“(2010-2013). She had a
scholarship from BMWK (Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and
Research) for projects: “Comparative Analysis of Education of technical
Students in Field of Geometry at TU Graz and University of Belgrade”( 2003)
and Generation of Surfaces of Higher Orders in CAD-systems and its
Applications in Engineering Practice” (2004) - Mach Grand Grant.
Milena Stavric is active participant of COST TU0801 Action: Semantic
Enrichment of 3D City Models for Sustainable Development and she has
participated with her work at several scientific conferences (Bremen, Sydney,
Taipei, Montreal, München, Dresden, Zürich, Chaing Mai, Dresden, Vienna,

Ognen Marina, born in Skopje (1972). BA in

Architecture and Urbanism, (1997), MSci in
Architecture and Urbanism (2006), PhD in
Architecture and Urbanism (2010) at Faculty of
Architecture University “Ss. Cyril and
Methodius”-Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
He holds the position of Assistant Professor at
Faculty of Architecture, University “Ss. Cyril and
Methodius”-Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
Faculty Research Associate at College of
Architectural and Environmental Design at
Arizona State University, Arizona, USA, for a period of 2002-2003.
Dr. Ognen Marina is a memeber of AAM-EAAE (1997) and ENHR (2010)
and has participate with his work at several scientific conferences and
meetings ENHR2010 in Istanbul, IABSE 2010 in Venice, PBE 2010 in Brno,
WSEAS 2010 in Faro and others. He is active participant of COST TU0801
Action: Semantic Enrichment of 3D City Models for Sustainable
Development. His core interest is in development of dynamic models of
developemt of urban form, use of digital tools for better understanding the
urban phenomena and interdependance of process, form and materials in
architectural design.
Ognen Marina, besides its research work is active in architectural design and
competitions and has received many awards in the field of architectural
design. He has participated in architectural exhibitions at BIMAS (2000-
2008) Skopje, Belgrade and at the XXII UIA Conference of Architecture in


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